Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, December 18, 1883, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY GWINNETT HERALD, 1. vi |’r,al’ Lb•> • '. ■ l lit |v„,/' null ALL r I |us_4f OWLES ' 1 Ml m mb',nice ■■■"' wiii'ivinu-c. .M) m n iviitun JluiMorEvoryhodj \ r tisr»<t Medium I ■ , I J BANKS'. BL-ANiS I \ 1 1• v ,IU I’H!'™' ■ai E at t h e Mjjoi'OFt'ir*- LcKI i ANy ft, 111 1UI» «o* • LixUiii < lnim H»vc » li” pu Knocked Oii». I , ilit l>il boy I, ymli. 11- Inn tint- ill I. !a e n lll.lOM i'l ,j t \ i ill.! "1 lo I.: II ,-e [>(•«!•' * lii»- I . I st-cii molt' !h"t ’ S‘-< )i• > 1 IV. i your sign ■I. . [VAI '' t ll It ■ ■ .i> ' -■!<>'••■! > ®L|) . < *»•*>> m * ll B aj' .1 ' * let u*ny lan : he drove the r av\ a.v and came in uiu bin hand, Qn irLted, ‘Take one.’ that sign find put it 1 (hrunioa o‘ a new ;g-r. fn- ■people to lake gum, tl e wind i a sign nym on due Unis s, and I suppose dV -1 that has psssed ills , taken u pear, and business. Say, von 'e tha sign, did von eery man looked iv. tho a a gl-mef that wax full ! Hppr •• ijuit ;u - 1 lie , A , I ■ IJ»de him beg, aul the grocery maa v, “there is a rumor ber in a reformed !»i lan 01 1 maid that re>,.i\hiy says ha has, | \Tt h your, p i Do ythlng about it'?’ iit lur,g about it? I u i it. It was me t ftbuit the nioeiing bid the i,)y rlodg m Rl > imaginary op .tr./c ring, mul tripped iof ax helves. “You ycbum J T es ! we go down J i’ l the basement ‘ each other, evenings ■ I'isa boy r > 1,.,x ■ *n I i.ta |„„ I i-i ime I ■ ; 1 1.i■ • -r(• r called I' ; ” :t i' < win ioo'n ■ -Mvi: hh;,. I " ,Wu K ••'■ls warm - "T W »“b the gloves, B ' lir * s hed \>a wli a, it tlle boys were ■ linu| -enieii v.i )i b>.\ I -Klii [I , mu . if 1 11 'ft W.iS -it. ▼ ■ i 1 ■ us tin re was. He ■ ‘ • Urn ■ 1 : 1 x m the gvii. I .;•• ‘“n-kU e b"t | lt , rjicln't r h ■ »ny ot them ■ ‘ tuden that ever ■ ’ 111111 boxing was ' preaching in i hi ■ ls 111 - hardest hit - .1 ■ i-i ashed lie V ' oul^'l like to go J • - atdseethe he didn’t * lP ' ’’"me down, aid was go ,li , m mister said he considered box ing the healthiest exercise there wr.s, and it' our people would practice more whh boxing glares and dum beds, there would be less need of summer vacations. Me and my clmm boxsd i couple rounds, mid the minister told Ui where we made several mistakes and il,*ii jia got excited and wan ted tires minister to vm on the gin 1 ■ vee with him, but he said he was I | out of practice an 1 he did not know, hut it would cause aik in I tins church if it should get ou< that he had been boxing with some of the members, but pa told him that nobody would ever know it, and it would do them both go?d and so the minister took iff his j coa , ltd Ins suspenders hang down, rolled up his sleeves ami tney put on the gloves I tell yon it was fun us boys 4 for and I enjoyed i; better lhau a e,r --| cus. r’a is a pretty bard hitter, but Le h, sen’t got the, wind the : minister has Pa pranced around and kept his face guarded, cause •he didn’t want to have, to preact) with a b.ack eye, but pretty soon pa made a pass at the preacher and look him “biff” right, on The nose, nit he rallied a-d laid one on pa s stum mb. and mails pa grunt. Toe blow on il,e nose made the minis , ter perspire, and he was more ex cited lhau I oversaw 1 im when lie \v„s preaching, a n d lie danced aioun'.i t ,,f ai. <i, he „■, * ,v good , , cl ance ami then he landed oge on pa's eye, and the other under pas ear, and pa gave him cue on d,e eye. and they clintched, and the minister got pa s head under Lis ana aid was giving it t r pa red jus: as mn and tinea sisters of . the clnuch cmie down the cellar iu look at raw's canned iruit, and the min ist< ;• •/<>. pa's legs laugh it tunt flirt n Liiii against ma vmi Uiey both went into a clothes bas ket of wet clo her, and ina yelled i* Lee, sjro serfttohed pa on the side of ti e faee, and tha minis te. •f- .ned suddenly and one glove hit a deacons wife on the bangs and krock-d the hair off, and the minis er was excited and said ‘whoop! I m a bad man. This makes ma think of whyn i whs an the turf,’and the women yelled murder. Ma picked pa out of the clothes baskeq and held his head, anc| wipe 1 his bloody nose on a pillow cage, and pa w*s mid at the min ister for striking so hard, and ihe minister sa d be wouldn't have struck so hard only pa pasted him on the nose, and pa s id it was no such liing', and referred to my chum, who was referee, and the wo men all said it was a perfect, shame tq sea a minister descend to be come a slugger, ami I guess they are going to bring the minister up before the committee and bounce him. We all got on otir con's and went, up si ait s, and finally ma fur Ljshed some court plas er for the minister’s nose, and he wen h .me with two of the sisteis, though they iugisie I t ,at lie should weal soft gloyas so if begot oil a fcox yig tantrum on the way home he couldn’i hurt them. The minister felt real bid about hurting pa,and pa says tie will never a tend that church again, as he should teal all Tie time a* though the minister would be iia’i o to escape from the pulpit and knock him out in one round If tlie wo nan had kept out of the cellar nobody would »v cr have known anythin. about it, put is all over t Avii now Say, do you think it is right for a minister to bide bis ta’ents under a bushel, mr sh mid be tint on d ; w lieii inctube s of llisoliutch wagt him to ’’ “Ifv gun. 1d m f kin w, 1 ’ sod the groocryman. “But if I .vas a mi'.ieter, and co il l box, and any body went to pu ting on any scol lops over me, 1 wound, at !*wst 1 ihinic I would, from the ligh I h ive before me now, knock ins two eyes into one. Wh it’s the use of learning lo box. and then allow folks to boss you around. I have seen Mine min sters go aruqnd in a meek and iowiy manner, akieg slack from every deacon in church and being ma le to feel as thaugh lie was an objec of charity, who could whip lie whole congrega Lawrenceville, J-eorgia,, Tuesday Dscember 18 1883 non in a lair, stand up tight, and I sometimes think if such amiiiiwto wouid get on his tar and knock a few of his persecutors down a coup le of pair of stsirs, they would It ive morn respoci for him. But it is fashionable for ministers to Heciu to be dependent sort of people and I suppose it always will be— 'Veil, c mint go an 1 get a cmple of oysters to put ju pLs B .vts to take oat the black,"and the boy went oni and put, die sign “lake one ' on a pile of dressed chicken. 4PI-K4LTO me Vl OVi.t: OF UKUKIiU. From Ih* Woman's t lirixlinn I em iterance I niou. The Woman's National Chris tim lempviwice Damp wane* Un ion have set apart the 2Jrd of f>,»- cemlidr as a day of ihviksgiving and prayer to God for the rapid advancement of the temperance cause throughout our country and throughout the world. The prog isis has been so i arvelom of what was a few years ujo consid ered a forlorn hope, that Go 1 has surely been mit working upon the hear s and conscian,'esof men and women and slicing them up to do tv and the performance of Hi* will The morning ligh isl breakiu- The 'larkness disappears, I he sons of earth arc waking ro penitential tears. t.ach lireezc that svveepsthe ocean brings tidings from afar l if earth’s remotest nati.ms Prepared for Zion’s war. An I tl t a li'-Jit that is breaking is so lull of promise to the wretch ed and hop doss, to 'he eapt iva and sin li lrdeueil, to the i inoe mt and defense’ies* aqd ti) the suflYr ing and perishing, to appear al rniisi like the sec md Coming of tue Star of li# ldehem. Let God a people thru, every. where, take courage, and rejoicing with thankS'.nvio<j isg» lwLs.ru4. h«(ip along in the work. We call upon the Sta'ft es Geor gia tore! urn special thank* for the glorious victories gained and the benefits received. Our sister tiia'es are looking towards us with interest, and for example. Let ua with God's help set them a no ble one of spaedv and lasting ref ormation. The day >e apart is the anni veisary of the Woman'* Christ'iui reruperauce movement in our country. And as it falls upou Sunday the ministers throughout the S ate are requested to preach a gospel temperance sermon, on the morning of ihe iiUid cf Dacem her. And the people are request ed to have temperauce mass meet inga in Tie afternoon or at night at which collec'ious shall he taken as a “thunk offer ng” to the eaqae and d '.»,eq tq the Woman s Ohristian Temperance Uuio.n, io help them iu their w.irk. The funds thus collected will be mostly used io dis'ributiou of tem per*nee literature, for the purpose of arousiQg and keeping alive the interest upon the *ubjtc Many good people may b* willing to help us wjio are opposed to to tal abstinence ati^prohibition. We hope ihey may uelp us ; and we ask them most earnestly that if the original blessing of pure slim ulauts has been turned by misuse and adulteration into the most blighting nurse to the human race, and so recklessly destroying souls th it are so preoiuu* m the world to com* as to keep two Kingdoms —Heaven and Hell —at constant warftre for the possession of thorn then is it not ri; ht >o ask God’s deliverance front such an evil, and to do ail we cun to banish it irons our midst? If we are wrong in our work may God pardon it and bring it to nothing. 1' • " He bless an 1 direct end prosper. lo those who are opp sed to us we claim leniency for the sake ol our motive and the expec ed . ood . t T> To those vvbo' are in sympathy with o-s, we ask their prayers and their encouraging help. And. as the 2Hrd is a day set apart for this espec al purpose, we hope the ef forts will be made in our behalf throughout he entire Sts e. • We earnestly beg that “ieniper perance people’' especially will ex cr lives to make arrange men s for fhaocctsion. * Respectfully Mus W. C. Syu.etf. DEVOTED TO NEWS, IJTEIIATUHE AND LOCAL AEEAIKB S ate Pros. \\ .< _ 1 f Angus a i G.i. Miss M. H. Si’okks. Secretary, t lit i a. G.t Mns. M. A McCii.i.A. lYeiuurer At'a v* Ga . c»re Me l (’alia Ih' is. Nos n I,inr. ‘Wlm is your name ? asked the I n ted Slates A ; tome yof an i>l<l “squatter. ! who had been sum moned ltLfoie the court .as « wi ness. ; Which name, squire V ‘Your right name, of course. ‘1 ain't got none.' *0 hat you don't mean to say hat, you haven't, got a name.' ‘Oh‘ no sir.' * ‘This summons says says dial your name is Ananias Peters. Is thai so ?' ‘Rf ckin it is.' ‘Thought you didn have n riuht name f ‘I ain’t.' 'Look here sir. Don't ttitle with this court. Yoni prevarica tion will not be tolerated here Why did yen say that Ananias Pe ters was not your right nainef ‘Case it wasn’t riglit to nan e a boy Ananias, therefore it aiir t a right name, The Bible. I believe, soner-called Ananias a liar. ‘Which,’ interposed the Judge, ■makes It peculiarly app icable to .your case.' ‘Look a here, jedge, T don’t wuni to progic with you, ‘<-ise you've gqt the upper hand of me. but I don’t want you to hit me with tLe Bible. ' man aiu a bad enough tix when yer the law qi him, but when y*r fling the law a;,' the gospel both, he ain't get UO show.' ‘Where do you live’ asked the attornev. ‘A’ heme ' ! Dirt v,’u£re is your home?' ‘ln the neighborhood of whni 1 live.’ The judge turned away io con ceal a snide, and tha attorney* giving the squatter a look of ex treme severity, sod: ‘Do you know qqeve yon are, air ?■ •Yes. sir, I'm here.' ‘You won t be here much longer Unless y"U answer my questiouß.’ ■l’m answerin you v questions ; squire, un wilt, your rat kd liq.’ ‘Where were yon when Mr Ju sea, the defendant, cut timber from government land ? When did he do the cm tin ? ‘That’s what I want t) find out. I think it was snnetiine in Octo be • Wal, aametimes in October 1 was in mie place and sometimes in another.’ ‘Did you ever see him eu ting government timber ? T believe I did.' ‘When r,' •Darin the war when he was in the army ? ‘.None of your foolishness now. Didn’t you come ’V/'. g tiie road one day in, October and talk to the defendant while he was chopping down a tree V ‘No, sir.’ Remunl.sr that you are under oath, So you I'idn’t see liitn while lie was chopping down a tree? ‘Didn’t say that, ‘squire, for i did see him chopping the tree. •Did you stop and talk with him •Yes, sir.' ‘Thought you sib 1 \ i. din t stop an t talk with him ' Didn’t say it,.’ •You did.’ ‘Didn’t say it.' . HTfc! did you say ?’ ‘S i I / didti’i talk lo him •.> 1 ule he was choppln,’ fur wlenl come up arh -poke, he quit choppin. If thar’s anything else you wauter know, fire away.’ sknjsca, Cm. Drmbar ■') - Oo third of this in >nth Fraak San ders, who lives about six miles from Senec i, became enraged it his wife aud cut her • U-vou with a knife. She lived only about twenty four hours. He fli-d 'o eorgin, but was s -on captured .ud lodge lin W dhalla jail. Ho is know nas a bad an l desperate character. Jealousy is iep.it ed as the cause.—Constitution. Hon \k D 'l’iill lip,s i lugres-mn '’lnspirations from the Augusta diuii id 4 l>i»aiisle«l Ikrummer j A tMIJ young man in jumper and | ovendls stood in (lie engine loom > 1 one of the largest factories ot I this city the other morning, lie was tin- assistant engineer and his I chief was out. A brisk little drummer in full dude vis ments opened il.e doth and approached. •Aie -y ii die engineer 1 •Yes.' Have you a large engine here 1 ‘Yes.' You Smoke <! A’es. Have’h cigar ? Certain lv. (' se a great deal of oil. I sup- I pose?' ‘Yes. Ever drink ? Yes G it a few minutes to spare < 'ertaihly. ('ome across the street with m >. All right. Johnny, mind that erank and look after the engines. They went across the road, and wln-n they returned tli*> yout-g moi in the jumper and overalls had the conieuts i f a, small bot tle of wine stowed under his belt, and Ids p'odkt ts v ere full of choice ei gars i w'old like to introduce my oil hi re. Yes. Here are some samples. •Yis. How do you like them \\ ell. the chief engineer has come in, there be is You lmd bet ter tqlk ’vitb him. ,Y look of wild surprise, rage and scorn, played on that drummer’s face ine ins’ni t (lien Le turjied sully away and approached the pei'son n dica'nd. The *J!\> :smst ant wink'd at his chief, grinned like a iieMt ~M le.xpc Cd ti ecl gars to view. Don’t want any oil ; got in fom barrels yes'etd.iy. Well satisfied w tli the brand I'm using, flood day. • Bn*, the drummer answered not He was gone—Brooklyn Union. ’l'lie Olifest l*lne«‘ of'H ui-wliip A few miles bel ,\y Murray Ray, “rovince of Queoey, stands to day the oldest jilsce of worsluji in tin ‘wo Americas Here at the mouth of the mar of d ath first landed ■he Fient-Jj, Ssp’iembxr, 1554; about fifty years only after Coliuu bus discovered the new world! The river is wide like a sea. al though we are l/pius horn the Open ocean,- The scene is much like the Bap us Maples. Tho air is certainly vastly superior iu pun ty and sweetness. The snl is tawny sand, dotted with plateaus of birch, and piue and cc,ia. which s» nvto have lied up to the rugged i' cks that ii o gradually that iise gradually and graeefullv and gracefully back from the wa - ter. Here these trees coyer in the steepest and mom inaccessible jjacep, as if to escape the ax. for ah, it ft yiold here for half the yeai or more, anjJ the “habitant" must have his roarin'; woodftr*. Std), how secure this spot is with its oue'lit tle bit es a church set an a dot On lie map to wait tli firs' coming of the white man hi all hc Aybp.i North Trade, and strife, and pi ogres*-, and battle have gone by Hie other way. Bn ’he li tie wooden church, with the ’rev, hi o many ctntuiies on its bowed shoulders, stand the ein the gi i-js ril me, look ng cm th# grcai Lay, peace in , a heart, prom . >■ of n st Id* so this on its holy aha- —J ivpiiu Milller. Hj tliv Sea “What are the wi 1 waves say ing, Charlie ?" “bet ns npygy 'Oft, pray d in’t! That too old" • W hat do y ii think they're say ing. Bert ha ?’’ “i 7 ou won't be angry if I tell you 1 Why, cv* tsmlv no', darling.’’ •T think they re wailing because their wiiite caps are not trimmed wi h fur just like 'tie clod I ex ! poet to get for my Christinas, dear.” Charlie walks home with his far st eing /ittle wib *ud wonders why he eve. married. A number • f counties in the State how r lopted the new road 1 law. *11" Fink 4rr<‘Ml«‘«l in l.nnis v ill)'. Several days ago the "Constilu t on eonta iu> I an account of a light fingered female who had sue ecHsfiilly worked the Aasiiville jew { elds lor several diamond rings. »f ter which she came to Atlanta. I'he woman's sojourn in Atlanta was brief, and from Atlanta slm wen tto Charleston. From Char lesion she went io New Orleans and then to Louisuille, where she was arrested by Detective llliglq The woman g ves her name as.Mi Links, and was wit i her husband wiicn arrested. In die rmm wl ich tlie couple occupied the detectives found coni e lied ill the bed two small tn ys. one containing a dm no ml cios-, which the Imsbandof Mrs Links said lie bought, paying ♦1.400 for it- ’lie jewelers valued it lit between ijillOO and ♦I.OOO two gold watches which lie also claimed io have purchased, amt tome minor articles, consisting' < i rings and oriiamenis. A pawn ’ ticket on a broker in duscitv wsv found in her trunk, calling for on a diamond soli uire, wlucj was to be forwarded to Cli n lest m on rcceip of the amount .Mr. Links, who was the infirm i i v having a sore foot n eased. pio posed to make good the amount lost, and-the expense if searching for his wife, as the supposed eul prit. it they would leave hi r until he ias able n, go to Nashville anti adjust, matters, which lie thought 5 lie would be able to <1 > in about iwo weeks. This, of course was refused, lie then pr q>o,-ed to gve the diamond cross, watches and jewelry, ni.d all the money In had as security for his appearance. Thtv ( lied and nl"nGe I al ornate ly but without effect. The woman returned to Nnslir vide yes*#»Msy iwwiiwiL.V’t 1 -rr * takeu to the Maxwell house, when she remaiue 1 until sic- was iak c to jail. Her bond was fixed at $2,1)00 Mrs Links, alias MilYr, alii * Myer, is or Genuati extra (ion,tun speaks the language very correct ly, 1 n h r English is broken an, ii giaimiialicai, end her writing much more so She claims Chico go ; s her home, and telegraphed her father there to come to her r< lief. Nl.\«l I,AH ItOliKMtV Albany, N. Y. Dec., 12 —A cu rious sas.e of robbtuy is reported at Bath-ori the Hudson, opppsi i this city. Ai out 1 o’clock yestei day morning .Mis. Mary Ji. Whit ney, who Ims been livyig apart frym be-husband for the last sic months, was, startled liom her sleepily the consciousness that there was an intruder in her bed chamber. Over her stoo l her bus oand who, having affected an eti trrnce to Iter apartment, b ol used chloraform to produce deep sohi nolence. and forcibly rein ived two rings whicli she wore on her tin ger* from Iter gru-p. Then sin aroused herself to die sbuaion. and a sli >rt struggle ensued wi 1 t li« man. who at temp l «d to blind bea with cayenne pepper, which he thftw in Iter face Fortunati lv she avoided tb s by turning bet head from him. but wan so over powered by the effects of the ch]<> inform 'hat to resist the force he used to wrest the rings from her was tit av cling. Although dng ge l from her b»d in which sit was sleeping, she was able to make no outmC that was hoard hy the ntl. r intnams of the house tmlil after her asset ant had fled. So ift it she "a* discovered lying on tin floor. Ht.ill sufle.yiiig from the oflee'9 of i he excitement, the drng. And the strain on her physical p v, ets. The Ii Us hand is seeking a di Voi « from Mrs Whitney on the ground that she married him tin dor a fi*l«c name The rings, it is alledged, contain evidence favors ble to die wife, as do also two let ters which whitney stole from s bursau t rawer before he chloro formed his w : fo. The plans fur the Exposition building at Birmingham ltave been approved by the Hoard es Arrange inents and bid* advert seiog for. A Society for the P'evention of j Cruelty to Animals lint hewn or i ganised in Chattanooga. Trying Io Ktt> i oekroaeli. It is said to be difficult to tench a Spaniard to say cockroach A ntir says that is one of the hard est words ihe Spaniards have lo learn. To illustrate, lie called nj> on a young Spaniard, who is strug gling with the mysteries of die language, to pronounce the wi cl An exwrcssioij of smlnees (asset over the olive tinted eoniitcnar.ee or the Spaniard, as lie thought u moment, and ilien hesitatingly said, d mckaroclia.' •No; eoekl'oaell,' repaired the tutor. < ohio oeha. said the Spaniard •l i y jimw , <' oekr (i a c-h, cockroach.' 'Kokioi lm.' said the Spaniard. ‘Say cock.’ •Croku.' •\ ow roach. •Rocha ' Now ('ockro ch. ■( Yuksroeha. ‘Now 101 l w l,at it is.' , Smalla Inigga.' “Gli Clara,” lie wai«l, “how I haw lotigud for this happy limit', w hen we two should sup alone ! Haven’t you sl-n longed, Clara ’’ “Y< s. very much." darling, have you longed? Do you really think so n noli - " “Oh, yes, Henry. I do think ev erything of-—' “Yon do !" “Every tiling iu the world ot these “Those happy blissful moments? “No, these ova el's. I’hoy are the first I've lmd a <■! mice to hi e for a vem. “I cun': live without her,” lie said 'o his legal a Ivisor. “and I am sine tha’ dmvn .tH* " In ot sue has a liitlo feeling for me. Imu going to teat her.”— lie pulled out a pistol and said ; -I mn going to her with this .md shy. ‘Here, shoot me down: Idon't euro to live any more.' ” “You li id bettor no?,” said the emtiou i legal man; “she might pull the trigper.” “1 don’t care for that,” said *he heartbroken husband ; “I iboi’t cure f,r that; T have filled tin* weapon with blank cartridges.” ut:ilt:itti. nkavsi Key West, Fla., is to have a street railway. Mica has been disco vet od inCobb county Un., flock boro, N (' is building asl2 000 "ourt house. Florida is ntali/ing convicts on t irpantine farms. 9 A new silver mine has been open ed in Watt'mtg i county, N. C. Fala'kn FI ais to haven, s‘2oo, 000 llOt'd.* North (• dolina ha.-, sixty four cotton factories.. Tltere is a Mormon chuicli at Aberdeen, Ala. Lite suite 1 mill et trade of Fla is increasing. In Fast Mississippi Dei on cat tic are very copula’. I'eauut growing in I’Toidu is be ing warm advocate 1 The ruling price of oranges in Tampa, is >T 0 pc* thousand. The \sschsc I valuation of pro perly in Texas is *tr>2o,ooo.ooo. There arc nine neg o* sin »h new legislature of Virginia. The domestication of bull do cal ves is t(i be a tempted in Ask. Liberty’ si reel in Mille Igeville, Ga.. leads from tbepmven iaryo the ccinctery There is a mormon chinch (list of Aberdeen Miss., just over the Ala., line. B is uasei’te I t lu*r ii vi otht r sta le can make such a show in coal as Ala. There are ovet 50,000 miles of unbroken pine forest in Southeast Ga. There arc only forly seven conn ties in Ga in which it is lawful to sell lidnors lex is is suid to produce about one half the cotton raised tn the United States. Lewis Hawkins, colored, is edit ing a paper dovo.ed to the inter csta of the colored people in Home. Ga. : Vol. XIII. —No. 39 Cnrteisville bus nearly *NOU iq her city tn usury. A hotel is to be built on the old vb ck.ade ground a' Anderson villa l!u\ Mr. St rut on, of (Jreensbo iu, owns a prairie dog, which h« j keeps as a pet. Artesian water i« reporied as Laving bem fitted several horses | m Hawkiimville. I he Savant ah river iu now low or than it has ever been known be fore by (lie oldest inhabitants. If is sai.l that tens of solid gold ; were recently taken out of flit Ball mine in Georgia in one day man in Sumpter county,Tenn 1 him g thered GOO bushels of hick jury nuts which he proposes to | sell. V cottn/i conqness, gas works ami a Hin si railway are being con siruiMod at Bensacola. A land syndicate lias bought til),(10(1 acres of land in Clay conn ly. Me > i)>!>>. for $75,000. Twenty cotton mills in Ala are paying an averagi >f fifteen per i e t per aqiiuin m divi lendeniU. Ilie St James Motel ai Tallhas see in exchanging its in tiro crops of black servants for white ones Cookeville. Tenn., bids fair to become Hu oil region. Three sunk t here reci id ly have struck oil. I lie United States Court in Savannah is advert,iscing for good li most, and responsible men to act as jurors A glass factory will be establish ed in Lit Me Rock The building will cost stlo.ooo. exclusive of the real estate. Mrs. Thomas Allen fell into a well seventy feet, deep near Mon roe but oh‘aped serious injuries. rim s—of ft motion fora new trial in the iho!T?eounTy" ku klux eases has been set so Decem ber 15- Vessels are in great demand for die lumber business at Mississippi City, which is said to tie thriving this joa-iuii. Thh ore from the Magruder wit ver mine in Washington coun'y Ga. assays about S4B to the ton. A s uelter is to be put up at the mind very soon. The Little Rock University, now aproaehing completion, will be the finest brick budding in the State i f Arkansas, and one of the larges! ami most convenient in die South wi st. Union county has a practiciog phhsician who is !L1 years old. A buzzard with a be 1 around it a neck makes music in the air in Heard county. Some of the negroes of Meri wether county worked an I vot; i for prohibition. A man in Lowndes county has learned how to make a sugar cane beer which will intoicatiou. The lax Collector of Memvetb er failed to collect the taxes due this year by several thousand do] lars. About #I.OOO poll taxis due. 'I lie Macon ghost i* a hoax, per pel ruled by n reporter of the Tel ' graph an I Messenger, bso.iiiae of the de n th of news. A Mom-rcr ragle has just been sit t ; n Um tiiuel c mtity ing f i carry oft a sheep. Wil liam A. Nnmne/sonof Bird Suin ( pulled the I j igger. Expcrit nee ought to lit: a head light which throws its rays on on tliin'r t > come; instead, it, is generally the stern light which throws ds rats on wha’ we have already passed through. Don't try to seek popularity. It would be better o avoid it, or. at at least its expression. Try to do your duty exnctlv. all the good you can, and let popularity tekecareof itself. Don’t be afraid of loving people 100 much, or of throwing away toe* much kindness. It is just such hings ih« world s ands in need of. and ti.ey have the great advantage ot enriching the giver. There are some minds which, like the vulture’s eve. can pass eehdlessly over the benu'ies of the verdent meadow and spy only the carrion that lies tot,bug in the oor ner.