Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, January 01, 1884, Image 1

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•» ' ■ Ik SI, Wt // K i\ld V TL'miUV IV i BOWLES. KA I' is : ’ .t i mi..-. Be®?/'> rota*.. .75 iiiaiMuoe. BjLoopy 3 moB., .50 in adkfcfice. Enough for Every lod y -AS - fAnAdvcrfioinf/ Vtdikn H The'HERALD is untyualkby | reason of ils extensive circulytio.ikrut L rmuirkably lav rates. b%sine»(ktn Wshould rcmNnoer this. | BLANKS BLANKS!! BLANS I {a!J. KINDI N v ATI.T rRIXIKD)| y S FOR SAL E""X m. H Ell Al > JO »< wJHP/ WJ IRON BITTERS enriches ttie blood and purifies the ayttenj; lure* \\.eakne> , lack of energy, etc. Tiy a l>ottlc. rmiiiiN's IRON BITTERS it the only Iron preparation that docs not color the teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation, a* yher Iron preparations will, BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Udtes and all sufferers from neu mlijia, hysteria, and kindred cum ptainls, will tind it without ail equal. M Jy g& ft ( remedy such as Diseases! ITtm*.ITCH.SORES. PIMPLES.# r \Si»m£*U ringworm/ Istpl . TBf GREMT^IUREFOR mm pm Ayaipfotna ft re moisture, stinging, it* hlng, worse nictit* fitn/r if piti-Wotm* ftrere crawling aU SI ctCtWft the private parts are often affected. A SgMftAt. economical and positive oire, Swatn SurmsatT i* Muperior to any article n the marl by druKioti. or eend6U eta. iu J-ct. Stamp# u> Addreea, Pft. tsw aynk &>on, Phila.,* W ' ■ THE "cHICKEfINt ■ mu i 'SB ri ■ - 'NTKKNAI J'l XPijilTlt*-'* AK%,. ,* *»nd at/ -aiiltf.MhaN- O. jo ■.» / felk',- \ V/ * I .IXBL 1 J'rtct * ft* 9te pL XL PA> 1 PE WEEKLY GWINNETT HERALD. I 5 *- .*% ' v - , 'd ••NUNDA N.Y ' W-r LADIES •’&! &5-TONIC 'THE GREtT FEMALE REMEDY. The Favorite Prescription of the tea's Mdiaa.l lastittts NUNDA, H. Y., U. S. A., Formerly, Buffalo, N. Y. * For Prolapeuß Ute> i or Falling of the Womb, Inflammation aiul Ulceration of the Womb and all displacements, Leucorrhcea or Whites, Irreg alar or Painful nieMtvuaUon, Flooding. Sick and Nervous headache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Wt aknese la back and Stomach, Scrofula, Paine in side, Diz/.iness, Kidney Com plaint, Barier.naf* Nervous Prostration.Depree alon or Spirits For Change of Life, Genera* Debility of Women, *• Ladies’ Regulating Tonic ” has no equal in the world. If you have tried other remedies without ane* cess, do not be di couraged, but give “ Ladies' Regulating Tonic’* a single trial. It never falls tog ve quick and permanent relief. If you are troubled with any weakness or complaint Common to our sex. lay aside the doctor’s prescript on for once and trv •* Ladies* Rbgclati.no ToNit, ' which we guarantee will positively cure you. 8500" Jbe given for . r:y c.tr© of Female Weakne-s or Inability which Ladies’ Regulat ing Tonic will not cure. This is a lona fide offer, Made by reap •lisiblc ladies who know from experience \vl ;.t ' Ladies' Regulating Tonic” cun do. Sold by Druggists. Price SI.OO per bottle, or air. bottles for gs.uu. Leucorrhcea Wash, an injection for all discharges common to womankind. A posi tive cure In from two to five days. Sold by druggi-ts, or sent by mail for 25 cents in stamps. Ladies’ Regulating Tonic Plas- TER. A great improvement over all other fiorons plasters. Especially adapted to the •male system Sold by druggists or sent by mail for 25 cents m • tanfps. The Women'* Medical J»*i\tute is an associ ation of prominent Lady Jdtyeicians, who have rndeessfuily trea'dff the diseases common to no* for year*, *Treatment given to ladles pvpreving from any disease, cither by mail or at the institution. Wi» es, Mothers and Daughter* fan obtain %Uv ice concerning their health and disea-es by mail, free, by sending symptom® and description of disease. Send two three-cenl •tamps for onr pamphlet to w omen. Address Women’s Medioai institute, Nunda, N..K. (tUskon TkU Paper.) /oa are a *&]? r*ui .« i .:.ao( Wm teistcilL.sjveritmT 9 ,»•:Li.'.oJ-. .• ■.n«i uao W toreiirai.n.-rtow <• X » *i t :rs. Bwc, ui« Hep P * If vn , nr,, yonntf rtn r fr om any in d ftdiiun oa or Ui-sipafttlou f u you are mar* ftrieu cr ?injflo. oM orftyoung,euLTertnft from! por>rb?ai'.lior lanffiiiahKinpr on a bed of Bick aec-a, rely on H O PH oltterS * Whoever youare. ThouHnndadie an •"ht never vo i feel fjid *8 nuilly f ro m some that your jfthJ) f> : m of Kidney needs ton-^!=S > diaea>o that might in* •:*• :nuiati:ig jSg/f beenpre*. nted with miintoxiccUing. £W A by a timely iooof take Hop ■** w\ Hopßitters B ittore. 9BHnH II -■• rou dyn pepvt, Kidneu ' rt, i c. or urinai j/com-Sfljj'l __ . lwtl o,, t . plaint, disease Mil *“ an Absolate brasi HOP f&sS£ YuU I, «•»»* opiw. Mwßiittr«i'o|TTf|lQ “ ,or If Toil Bre Biro- HHU * L,,U SoMbyd™*. ply .tie and H| , lcurD ■**« Send tor foie t. '.tryJTß NEVER it! I* I*l Q , ij ?! I— AII HOP BITTEHS . < FAIL «••• saved hun-laii| »,y. (jroJB. V , ft Toronto, Ont. P mkssck ~ 11 The Wonderful Efficacy of DR. SCHEMA MANDRAKE PILLS Ha* been «o fntirwaW u:i 1 b'Ui'uartor » ' 7 that It seems alnioat siti’erflu >•« to *ay a:- ■ wore in tueir favor. The iumv nr.i t<r - inertadint? demand for the* i. * vt.* *:* h, •u * countries, xk the beat evid** if * f tbfur va ' ll ‘ eaie!o- lay in tbe Uuitv«l s ‘-tv.. f ar - ' *«•' any oth r c tlnrtio incdlelne. dem.^ not spauuu> «i it is re'.n .r z ■ •**> !. . >’ of to-dayor it i ■' -* • r '** • u * * ~ steadily<ffto\vin.t lortbcUft jrx-s. ' are the mas »us for tixhi z ix .t. Icric*, f-t, i llr.Hchc-m-liMMaiidr- ' / ‘ cury, and yet they act v.. i *i 1 the liver, llioy dearer® tis * all irritatiu t matter, nh •it «' V’.”’ . poisons tie bloo i, and L. u -?•> c * Fever, and many oti-cr &r*a r £ c i he " Fiicl strength to th* - ****** i bey cr ayfietite and K"-' « vhr- -rt» tvi vJj •• t. ‘ • arem facttlif rv‘d.cl"r »f " • -ti •' i; .¥[ te> taken lufmoilffttlie ’ ' » r * il : '*>“ ■ptittir Ba*-ets»'.n- r , *. ' 'T tem to resist attack* of (loci o cl f'*j * .«r Hr. Sciie»i.*u»ff Mtuidrafcfc “ r ' 1,1 at 2 Jc.pftv b» *, i ’ L ’V"* Eu *‘- on reoeijit of prioa I»r. Scli<-f«ek*s Hack oj» Co«©«:a|pt^*s» «*r t o»m»laint J .^*s“ German, w sent fro® to all. A r ,r ; J t’» . 4 Goulds Manufacturing Co MfUiUti'-. lurwj of * forMi Lin 1, * laj IIIIKKNOINir, Es I HI Hydraulic Kami. IM'M l It''' ' HQU|** COULDS f U Lawrenceville, 3-aorgia, Tuesday January Ist, 1884 M ISC 11 I iA NY. JOIJJSS < HUIATMAS HOX It, was the afternoon before Christmas day, und honest Join. Grchame was packing up lus In, ter tubs'si d tlio nmnnit cl Li* CLiristinas maikctng before’ le tut ning to his t exptctent. family far off in die quiet country. Alldav ioug Hie iuaiket-house had been full to overflowing with an eager crowd of people, busy witii the buying of their Christina*, eheqjj and .John’s fat ‘.urkeys-. ducks, and country houit-made sausages had teen so veil pitron ized that not one remained to hm den his two strong horses, which • had drawn the whole heavy load into the great city on the afternoon 1 rev ions. Vary a kindly gr. eting of the season had beei. given h n est John by his smiling ens-onu rs: for St Nicholas piw to all wh< love him a happy face ami light hciiit in (Ids his own festive sea son. One thing ye' rtinaieed to be dote, and .John wt uld have si on er lost his strong right ban I than have neglei plusHimt da y. Thete must be a t ice present bought fer the kiud wife at home and stop—a happy thought, flash •d athwart ;Le good man's mind. He would buy Margery a it , bonnet, for limes bad l.ten hard this winter and. although she had made no mention of it, John well knew in his heart that it would be the very thing to pi -asc ter. Then there was his little Dolly, who, widt her eyes as black as a sloe-berry and blight as stms of a frosty niglr, had s ojJ on dp.tor to kiss him as he sat in his wagon well rolled in a blanket to keep out the cold, and who ran down fie walk to open the wide gall,' kissing her hand to him until he was hidden from her sight by a a turn in the load. ‘•Pussy shall have her doll site has asked for so often and a good Dig b' x of sugar-plums, to,” ire softly promised himself, a loving lock coming into his mild brown eyes; so, calling bis boy to finish his preparations for him, he sallied forth on hits errand of love. He stro'led along the busy streets, looking into tlie store-windows with wondering curiosity until a milliner's display caught his eye. and he paused in front of the win dow. F'is big, burly fmme; with its rough overcoat, took up so naucb room and looked so utterly out of place that many a curious, smi, ing look was cast upon hi*'. He stood so long a time trying to conquer his diffidence and enter the ktoie that a little S'reet pcnniii sang out, with a nasal twang, 'Say old ’nn, which suits yer complex ion best? Buy the one with the peaked top, old cabbage head. John, thus rudely roused to a sense of his posi'ion, shook his big tint good-naturdly a* tbe shu ev litt'e urchin find entered the store. Hood humor and love found lt’gh carnival in lohn's heart this blessed Christmas tide, and left no room for unkind feel iugs for any one. The funding saleslady, wonder- ing at her odd customer, display ed several bi nt.ets to </ohn sasi 11 ished eyes, fairly be wild* ting him nidi the variety of shapes, col us,, feathets, flowers, and the many other varieties that she evbib ti d to him. At last he tank into a chair, saying, -We'd, urn am, I guess I'U have to leave it to yoi* lean drive a plow and a-amigo ft farm, but I can’t buy a wo*«n t| boeuet, The woman laughed hear'fly, and, picking out one of quiet grey silk, with a red rose and feather, presen'ed it to his ti'jiJ ■vaze, and our good farmer, g -g v to be yuit of this herculean t hi (worse to him than a whole d..*^ , . .hn hay-making), 'Ho >^,tly: box, and without r» j{ , the fashionable price the w dism. named, only too giad to get* thue ea-ily. • « Kbit earns the 'Q.v I>E VOTED TO NEWS, DlTKHATl’lii; AND I.tHlAl, AFFA Ills Iv, mid io <lns was added tlfe -'box of goodies so dear to 1 lie h'W of, all little ones. Now then he wus all ready, and in another half an beur was pa*-, fling over l e stones of the coy i'Wt rd t e country. The horses, as it knowing wbith ,nr they were bound, laid them selves to thcii w< rk light will ng ly. every now mid ilien playfully •turning toward one another tuid cooditig, i;s if exchanging the i Vcas on ilie many queer sight * they lied setn ; n ilie wonderful great city. Jihn turned up ttie eollur of his over coal and tucked in bis blruket closely around 1 hn for he Deed the wind and the sun set sky looked angry and lowering In fact in has than half an hem snowflakes began to fall, at first slowly and softly, then faster nnd faster, until the air grew thick and misty with the quick nnd falling flakes. As tlio horses paused at the top of a hill to regain brea'h ’after (heir long puli, John thought he heard a ftep.le cry on ihe side of the road He listened inteutl;, a d heard it repealed. Hehurrid iy snatched up the lantern and proceeded in the direction from whence the sound came, and 'here, bv the ray i of the light hecairie*!. mid all cuddled up under a blau ket shawl, wan a baby about nine months old. ‘•My certes!' exclaimed John, "I’ve found my Cl l'is mas box. Poor, wee land kin! What hard hearted wretch left you hero to: die, poor !iit.!e iunoceutt’’ The baby stopped crying and looked tit him with her finger- m her moil It and her great blue eyes fixed, half in wonder, half in i'ei r, on his pityirg face. John held out his aims toaxingly, in d a smile cauw. over the br\J>y face|grod( "Coo, coo,” broke in lisping 'ones from the rose-bud mouth. He tenderly lifted the little creature: and opening Lis coat foldsd her in close to Lis great, warm heart. No sound save ihat of the t»it—> ttr wind disturbed the stiUpess, no liack of any living being was to be found, and John, widw ’’is burden iu his tarns, city Hred back into liis wagou, at d closely nestling the little one, chirruped to his h out horses, tli o knew the road too well to need much watch ing. Presently lie looked d <wn and saw his baby fast asleep, her long laskoe lying on her soft cheek; and quietly and gently he drew out his warm buffalo-robe and cas. about in his miml for a place h which to lay bis steeping charge The arge empty box, which had borne his poultry 'to market, caught hispiyc. and, placing in it his warni.V . i.aire robe, he . msK !■ ,•» , , made . -'L tor his Chrishmus f u ww- -a. piesen t>»' he nestled her down among the skins and covered her with his ovrVcoat. He whistled merrily to his good horses, that rattled ofi**Eßth in creased speed and soon up 1 bes. re the gate pijhis tarpdionse. -Alat'geiy," eliouted Joim do his wilt•. "come see my Christmas ,Jo *' BccmusT 't# 10 V !l tod let him I r .„ the wagon, Here, , '^U f, V vour. liauds,'’ Slid do'vn end helping his wife into the wagon; and#turn-, qui*tiy sleeping, her rosy cheek pressed j closely to the soft skinw, lay Johtffs | Christmas box. j Her mother hcaat was touched, J and. opening the fi l tic homeless i waif, she bore her iutoher happy i home, looking already upon h< r . ei i (I'm. Years rollwl on, bringing their i>u#uttl cimbsej of joy and sorrow, j of good .cd ft/’l fortune: had left r f..i - and gray f)* - uii .i.ftaiutdle aged,,and atdl oud the :i o of Heaven to wife n 0 f thusoid* hud changed '“';#x*ujg school- chilrden ii.to ,nl y _ , ough the " ft ' : ! WHi : A is, IPV,, TT * “* But the okl f*rm~ was a -i H t 'i, looking very lit- I™, dui oevcunei \ t’htistmas'eve. J h>*s deft gently T ' , ' , '-ftfSo tX*ii %-d wit] : ha' was new to them. A young founts tdu by the win dow yinp a close, wgrr* hood ou * ehnbuy baby, tbs very luinis ere of John, And, the young mother is whom, a «el we do not find. Naught but her empty place aud n loving memory ever green in Jolme faithful heat t remains of the far mers wife. " fat her,’’ said Dolly, giv ing her taby a hearty kiss and set ting him down on the floor andl she tied ox her own hood uud fold ed closely fair warm shawl, “I must be getting 'owsrd home. Ned will be wanting his supper, jtud it’s a goodish piece to walk ngainst this bleak wind. I hate to leave y i u ell alone, but Clarie will soon be >n. So be sure to come to-morrow night after church and we will have a merry Christ mas.” So. saying, Dolly picked up her fat baby with a loving and, nedding gaily, left die house. John, gazing into the coals, saw many a pleas.nl sight. First peer etPout. a suiting baby face; next came a lb tie, go'den-haired lassie, w.th blight, fairy figure, flying down the path wi h outstretch d arms to meet him returning home, tiled with his hard day's work; this faded into a slender school girl. witli large, serious eyes, the very color of the midsummer akv, hovering aronnd him with an lin ger love and anxious to fores'.all his slightest wish; next came a sick chamber, with the poor wen ry, paiuworu occupant tenderly nursed and soothed by this same sweet face and gentle band; then a sad and weary time, when all the world seemed empty and his loneliness becaiu« all but heart rending; but even amid this black , uess was the one bright face, ever winsome and kind, and ever striv ing, with all the might of a loving heart, to fill the gap left by death. “God ble*s my Christmas box!’’ John mnrmere I softly—when tl ere stole an aim around bis neck, a voice spoke in bis ear, and a soft kits fell upon bis cheek; “Why, father, dear, how long have yen been asleep! the file is all out and your pipe too.' They kept me looger'at the church fix mg the greens than I thougt for; you should see how pretty it looks Hark, father! listen <o the Chris - ru»s enroll are practicing it for to-moirow I” The golden head was drawn closely to the breast where it had lain bo belple sly seventeen years ago. and, in the soft gloaming of the twilight, John and his Christ mas buby listened with hushed breath to the mysterious, beauti voices borne to them from the neighboring church. AW ACT To AHKND THF. SKVBIIAL ACTS IRCOR POKATINa THE TOWN OK I.AWKKNCE VILI.E, TO ( MEATS THE OKKICEHS OK MAYOB AND COVKCII.MEN, AND TO DECX.AKK AND DEFINE THE FOWRHS AND DUTIES OK THE SAMI', AND FOR OTH JR PURPOSES- Section 1. The General Assem bly of Georgia do enact: Thai the municipal authuri ies of he tj.lßoi J.Awreiueville,-shall be a ilayot and four Counciliuen, who, togetbar shall form acommonCoun oil; but uo person shall be eligible to either of said officers, unless at the time of bis election, he reside, within the corporated limits, and is st least tweuty*one years old and a free-holder. The Mayor and t-uguciLuxn as Utreiu provided, uid Uieir successors in office, shall be' a body politic and corporate by the mnue of ths towg pf Law rcaosMs|Sid shall have j>erj)«t ual succession, and a com men seal, | and by tU»t nftw#. may sue and be | sued, plead and be i»up,eaded, pur 1 chase and hold real and personal ' estate neceshary to enable them tbn better to discharge their du 3, and needful for the good or gov.rmjyent, and welfate of I town./'aH the corporals pow era a* said corporation shall be ex eii jd by said or under tt.c“ es other**--./ each of whom when elected, shall enter into boud with sufficient au nties approved by the Mayor in such penalty as the board ebelj prescribe, payable to the corporal tioi>, conditioned faithfully to col 116 t and pay ever as requ red by the board, all taxes, fines, forft ti ni viH, snd all other iucomes of said corporal ion, and said officers shall hold their offices during the pleas ure of the Council, and shall} per form the duties respectively as pre scribed by law, or as mayberequir e<l by ike Council. Tbs Treasur er may lie selected from among the Couuoilmen. Sec. 2. He it further enacted, The Mayer and Councilmen si a! hold their ( ftices for one year, aud until thtir successors ars elected aud qualified. Sec 3. And be it further enact ed, The tirsi election of otlloers under this Act shall be ou ‘be sec ond Monday iu January IHB4. amt annually there-after without fur ther notice, on the second Mon day in January of each year, a* the Court House in I,awreucevil!e, under such supervisions, rules and regulations (not inconais'svt with the laws reguia'ing County Elec, tious) as the Council tuey prescribe such election to Le evidenced by the certificate of the manager*. < n feted on tli< record of the to«u. and every person elected or ap pointed to an offine in said corpo ration. shall witliiu t wenty dayeaf ter bis election or appointment, and before he shall enter upon the duties of his office, take and sub scribe the oath of office which may be done before any person author ized by law to administer oaths, or befor* the Mayor of said io«n, whi;h oath with the certificate the officer administering the same shall be entered on tbe record of the town. Section 4. And be it further en acted, That if from any cause the annual election as heieinbafors provided slt»ll not be held at ttie tinas pi escribed, the Mayor and Council or on their failure, anyJus tiee of the Peace wbLio the town dietiic-t may at any time on giving the inhabitauta of the town at leant five days not ice thereof by adver tisemeut in sonn* local newspaper, oe by written or printed notices ai three or mere public places within the corporation, hold such election in all other reapecte as hereinbe fore provided. And the peruon wo elected nlnili have the came power and liabilities an if they had been elected at the regular pel iod. Section 5. And be ii further en acted, All pereoue who have beau bon n tied reaideudente ofeaidtown for **ix nionthw net) proceeding a Charter Election held therein who are qualified vo era under the Constitution and Luwu of thiaStute and none o'hera ahull be allowed to vote at any charter Election in ■aid town: Section <>. And be it further eu acted, When any vacancy ■hail occur from any can we in the office of Mayor or in the Council, the va cancy eh&ll be filled by appoint ment by the Couucil from among the citizens of the town eligibleun der this charter. All contested elections shall be heard and decid ed by the retiring council Sec ion 7. And lie it further eu acted, The Council shall be pre sided over by the Mayor, or in his absence by the Mayor prolem, or in hia absence by one of the Conn celtnen elected by a majority of the Council present, and the May or and twe members of >he Coun cil, or in the absence of the Mayor three Councilnieu shall be uecessa ry te form a quorum for the trnns action of business Upon the call of the Mayor or any Councilman the yean and nays on any ques- tion shall be taken And recorded upon the minutes. Ihe Mayor in ease of a tie. shall have the easting vote. Section 8. And be it further er ected, The Council of said town shall have power therein to lay off vacate, close, open, pav# and keep in good »ni'tei nrd | repair, roads, sir .galleys, side ! walks -walks, drains and gut * )he use of the publie or of - citizena thereof, and to 1 same, and tioas on or over theaa, to regelate the wid'li of sidewalks oa the stieets, and to order be sidewalks footways, cross-walks, drains, amt gutters to be curbed aud paved, and kept in £ood order, free and clean, by the owner and occupants thereof, or of the real prope.’ty next adjacent 'hereto; to establish and regulars market, to prescribe the time of holding tbe satne. so prevent injury or annoyance to the public or indtvidunls.frttiii any thing dangerous, offensive, or un wholesome; to prevent hogs, cat tie, horses, sheep and other ani mals, and fowls of afi kinda, frem going at large in said town, to protect places of divine worship, and oilier assemblies for literary or benevolent, purpnsea, in ‘knit about the premises where held, to abate or cuwe to abate auything which In the opinion of a majority of the whole C utncil shall he a mu sauce; to tegitla e the keeping of gun powder and other eombusti f> provide in or near the town Tacen for the burial of Ilie dead, and to rognlatcintei ment* therein; to provide for the regular ’wilding of lioiihcii brother strlt'-titbcs. and for the making of division fancea by the owner of adjacent premise*, and Hie drain<ge of lots by proper drains and ditehee, th mkke regu lation for guardingagmnet tiaiuer or damage by fire, to provide for ♦ lie forfeiture and vsilleoMon of ap pearance I xnida; to protect the health, property,wud |tah»toi of Hie citizens of|tlie town; and preserve jwtace and good order therein, and for this purpose, to ap])oim when necessary, a police force to assist the Marshal iit *lie discharge of his duties, to prescribe the pow ers and define the dunes of the officers appointed by the Council, to fix their term of service, sad compensation, requite and take from them bonds when deemed neeessary, payable to said corpora non, with such sure l ies and iu such penalty as they may see fit, condi tinned t> r the ft ithful discharge of their duties, to provide a reveupe for the towa and appropriate the um« to its expense*, to provide for tkc assesamert of taxable prop erty therein, and to adopt rules for tbe regulation aud government of its own body to carry into es- feet these enumerated powers, and all others existing or hereafter con ferred by law. The Council shell have power to make and pas* all needful orders, by-laws, ordinan ces, resolutions, rules and regula tions not.contrary to the Consti tution and laws of this State, and to prescribe, impose and enact reasonable fines and penalties not exceeding thirty dollars aud im prisonment in the Coauty jail, or other place of imprisonment iu said incorporation for a term not exceeding thirty dsys or as an al ternation of failure-or refusal to pay tinea imposed, to require labor in a work gang for a tern* not ex ceediug thirty days. Section 9. And be it further en acted, The Mayor shall be the cl ief Executive officer of the town. He shall take care that the order, by-laws, ordinances, ac«s and reeo luticae of the Council a*e faithful ly executed, he shah have power !o issue hie w i Irani for ttte arresi,' and shall oy all offenders againn the ordinances, orders and by-laws of said town: he shall have power u> punish for contempts t>y fiat and imprisonment, ench tine not to exceed ten dollar*, imprison ment not to exceed ten day* for each offense He ehwll have con trol of the police es the town, snd may appoint special pelice officers whenever he deems it necessary, and it shall be especially his dtuy to see that tbe peace and good ei der of the town are preserned.Sfid that person* and property are proteci*d."ami i<3 this end. be may druse the arrest tfhd detin tioua Of all riotous and disorderly persons in the town before ieeaing j bis warrant therefor. He shall; have pewer to issue executions ? r all tines, penalties and costs im posed by him. or may PtfijJJiES the immediate paymentlhsreof, and in payment, he mater partj io default to *' Jo County of Cfwini * imo* 1 " Vol. XIII.- No. . —— % fin* i'i penalty or eost ahall paid, bul the ÜBieofimpriaouiuajX ahall not oxueou thirty day*, ,1a tua abaanca or inability of or on any amount, tiia Mayor /an*.* i»»‘, (to 4»a appointed by til# Cetm oil) and ia faia absence or ittabfly, one of the Counoiliuen to he iMig nated by the other member* of Councd, bhall perform hi« lull and be vested with all hie pen#* Section 10, And be i,t t’aXi enacted. The )f ayor aba i 1 e like fee* of a .fua'ice rtf (He for einiHar act vices, and Tfce’Jfit* aliel Ilka fees of a Constable, ilfd the Treasurer shall be allowed "a o'ltamieaion of *2| per cant upon tfll sum* received by ttypst cent upon ail sums paid oat by ,l(i*i TJhe common (.'mutch may al»o elect aj.’lyrk (and in hie *b aence, the Mayor may appoint * Clci k t >m- whose du y, h nM 1 he to keep in a well bound bool, a fntv and correct, record of the pre readings of* the Mayor*# Court, and for anch Service*. he ahall We ratified to ImVr fifty cent* for each ease ofconrirtiort to be taxed in th - * bill of ctM'r He ahall alen keep a rtjppr9 ofthe Council pro ceedytgs uud for an h set * s're.ntay lie allowed auch aumaa the Cowa ttaj deem I'VO par The minute* mutt be auUifitiioaledby the etgy mtUite of ihe Mayor or other prv aiding ofUf tr fu» the time feeing; Section 11. And he it further eu Hided’* That, this Act shall be ta k«ti and roneidered a* eiiwulatir* of the law es the Code of Georgia (ISHU,") arid ahall take effect andhfe l of force on or after the tarns A Moaday ti January 18S4. Section IT And be it farther emitted by die authority aforeaaid. That all laws and parta of law* u* coufliot with this Act be, and tint name are hereby repealed. Mmers are always civil. Sot civil ty costa nothing. Our coateat is our best having Blank is extensively worn. High coifl'urea ara again in K vor. • ** *•» Sleeve* remain very tight tie haw the elbow. Small half face veils are either . ( K * I*. rsd or black , l—»va»mi - Keep potatoea in a cool, dark place. Apples keep best eu shei ves. Jmuioa juice will usually re move mildew; place the fahiis iu the sun. A handeome woman pleaeee the eye, but a good woman chaftuatbv •» heart. Stay not until you art told uf«d portuui.iea to do good; inquire as ter toeui Lore without esteem eauboi reach far, nor rise Very high: it. is an angel with bnt one wing. There is no policy like uchh; aud a good manner is the best thing in th* world, eitli-r to get a good name. <>v aupp’v 4'he want of it. .1* * »'■ »<:- •• ISj ■w—.fMMfi I couhl never * Link well of a t * A *% y 9 man's intellectual or moral chaifr ter, if he wan hshiUydly unfaithful to hi* appointment. . - l’::;#onw extremely reserved y e )ik« old enamelled watches, fwhgh h.ni painted covers that hindered you seeing wbal oi'lfdt it,***. Youthful mates east elope htew * bare good man -t ee>»al<>ap I «*• M He who can wmeea4 bis joys is g i eat or than he who can hole his grief*. r ~ * <»* -* 'Pis a e-range truth tbs* only is tbe agony ol parting do ws look into the depths of love. * *