Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, February 12, 1884, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY GWITOETT HERALD. a j BE 1 dh ygT •' ‘l -/ * S„, «•*» ■p U £S fc BOV\LES. ■ k i,m«T»n ■ *„*. i« uaviui.-e- Ui UdVUUfU H :ui ~ ,-,o iu advance, H, . K Hoi hot. i/,/1 f s's; H blAalxj ! BLANKS 1H ji-xo- I*Ki > ■s L. E A T T H F. ■ i;< .101 l Oil l< /,; —— ■ ■ IFpoetry. ■!> on rorgolten packull; :t.-ilkr*n . only a letter in I>uikl . 1 .ltd liefi'l-e were lull of »unliylil H. that more. u summer, in* joyous time, uiiit ,,f a_\ Ua'i iii jH. . | Iml Mill, no rl j.ii glory ls < lii foresi Liiolloil, a girlish liiguiv, of flout I Ilfs flail lo'l fin alone [lie my ebair a moment, lielil tin' i ruin|ileil shoe!. usilie vision fntleil, gray, city street, to my weary eyes. fiunless »-triif'jtle: the worthless pri/e.! K&j 111 >N ' ' mb a. i s I'uoMist B«aj - - - j. Ht y. uiry I ondoir, dec. rat and silver, was tli t . 1 h“' h- «i< d eigb simple w hitu mm. B s J. B "liirh ill-suiied her and «n ol 1 B‘ h .""'d i' « prune, were o j ■ b [irouiissil to ui\e ■Ott'.ej.inwo'tt l| lß j,;,.. s.liu. Hud lie young g long ;;tiu ] a.iiful I! 'uy dani'-g, gratify y»ur 1 father *«,! make him hap he die*. It has long 9 »i«li if nay lies it. o see Ull U‘nv«l'a w;fe. 1 d. hto be unreasonable, and uoi ask y.iu t 0 m,, rr j hum B 1 *’•» vermin ho would IhJljjV Hot uke. for he i. ■* al i » }Ou are, bu’ then ta,B: Iw as fmty and omiy twen y when we and 1 am sure eurs •*PP7 union.” ie ‘ r P*pa." pmad«d Isa ! aupposa lovad veil ■ k( ' >“»« Mr Denver,i'ha t ■^B 4 i;r>-ut deal of d.Serence. B Cm ‘ !e »“* io lore him,” ~ XI 1 1 aatlshaven “Vrfi BMLuowieJjje that you de * im “; !am aura he is 1,1 aud attractive "in B !'*P»- 1 lov* Kric 15,•uy'li * s loi‘tf a * he lire, / c «w e '“*riy ~<her man.' B s? " r i: Broughton,’ CI Lt; fa| ke> impßlitjitlv B" not evpeat l ”* •* w [ ? on >rti insigaif ,W "i k cleik vtko half not> '^' ,, i | *n t °f being hand B ■ l "" ; *»id it I"!'" rta ‘ot-aWll bell, and ' * UVeI - «*-»k as What^ , ,ml try by Tflffirrftiav to ■ '' father, and in the happy, Bo saving, •hahaven lit a cigar’and I? " u sow minutes la ’* We *B out too. “a lovely day, this mod. llle Hudson, a hand .„ ‘ e LoUHe 019 quit* a corn fc * Ullli-tt c e , the ground o rnnced down lathe water's edge and planted iu bins grass, i long st/ieich of the broad, blue. ovciy river won seen front the piaz/.a. ,S ra ght aero ,s on, the opposite bank the C’nsLiils stood out bold ly against the sky, while some d » iat,re above the Cast It haven mao -ion, almost invisible on a,count of the ttees around it, stood die elegant home of Julian Denver. Isabel s ghe 1 : * she looked at it, “Perhaps,’’ she ibought ‘if may someday lie my own ’ It seem ed that wi h a the next t'e» lays she must choose her path in life, must decide winch she would take the Isvely home oa the Hudson river, or a cheap boa ciiug house in N«w York. "For if I many Eric Broughton,’’ she said to her ,eir, "against my fathers \v isne-, [ rill sever accept a penny front him, much less ask tor it. No, Eric must support mo if J become h ■ wife, ami not papa 1 How was aha to choose? Hsr intense 1 ve for her gray hi a ltd rather, whose life she knew was drawing to hs close, made her lean towards the course hat sin, knew would gratify him, while on lie o 1 her hand was her lovo tor Eric and all her hop.s of happi nee j. Sund*y, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, dragged slowly by, nd on tke next, ilie I’hursda, s!i« waste give Mr. D,u ver his final answer. On that day there wdH to l>« a picnic given by ,/tilia'i himsell and where Label and her father would l oth he pre* ent, and where the ardent lover hoped to plead his cause again and to h am his fa e. First Isabel decided to t 11 him ‘No - then she changed her mind : a few hours later she changed il again, ind finally decided to wait until the very moment and then do’as she thought bash . . Tbn 1 *>■*■ ’•** “ hie at Bellevue, Mr. Denver* place, asd from there go ia the chattered boat up lire river to the plnee where the pionio was to be. “Tliia bout is ra her eld,' said Mr. Denver apologetically, se they stepped on board, “but it was the only suitat.de one to be obtain ed, Ail day long pour Isabel was keptiu an agony of suspense, tear ing evety moment elie w»* withJu liaa that he would broach tks fa tal topic. At last, la «iu the uf terneon, as tuey were seated on a roeky clit T overlooking the river, Ihe dreadful moment that ws« to decide tLwir to ure# came. “Ni, Mr. Dsjrvet,” saul Isabel, geatiy bu tiiinly, whan he paussu for her to *i eannot mar ly you. 1 do'Eot love you, and I tgi noi willing to mar ry you, feal isg a, i do. 1 you tuuii not as W4hi* to again. lie run and L.lffy .waited bac k to the last at fnemturty, cacti si- Cmt f&tlier looking ivto the lace of tyrother. “■fell in/’ at last, “la it Eric Broaghtjpi^f” later ihsy joiaed the • here, and Mr, saw lay their faces what had happened —that hiAlevely child hud ref as edjto Denver’s wife Thirty uriuutee ahsar they gwtre ou boai'dHh*emiug down the rivers » general silgtive reigned J* The gloom bad spread from lea b»J, tier father, and her lover, over the whelo purty, and allege litr ed awful cry arose, “Eire 1 F.rs! r lht boa is ou fire!’ 'The cene era.i tioa that ensued may be imagined —a general rashtor safety, for the i>out“ that were being lowered, i Isabel f*ltherself hurried, half iißConscione with fight. by whom and whithar she k new aol; sli* felt hetself soon placed in a small row boat with several other person*, whose faces she did not n cognize. They were nearly on the bank when the cry, “Mr CaetUhuvcu is left,” routed her. ftheleaked up,aud on t e deck of the ruining vessel [the beheld her father. There were bo heats nearer than the one in which she was. “Save h : m,” aha cried, “foi God’s sake save him.” boa meu rowed rapidly to tli o reseu e, but it eetmtd to Let thu^ Lawrenceville Georgia, Tuesday February 12, iBB4 li.ey scarcely move l. ar, j nearer they came, but Ur Cas-ile h tvea could not stHfcd tliaie any longer. He leaped liotu ihe b. a u id iuy struggling in ihe water. .Seeing i . all , f leabdl s sti ength wen up in thi erv, "Julian save H-m, and I wi/1 bo your Wife.’’ 1 Leu she her,vine dazed, bewilder < 1. and sunk in the bottom of the boat. wiek later. Iu her boudoir on a sofa, Isabel ( astletia veu re ' lined. Her Ist.hor watched us-i her. >She had a raging fever for twe days after iht etcambiat acci eii. though ttill anootsciu* ■ho was now 8 rong enough to bo reised intd carried for a change Irem her own room. “\\l.oß will she wake up and rs tolled things?’ mused h»r father. "J’eilmp*, the dreadful tiiought dat te l through his hr,on. “pi r imps she is deranged. Oh, h avt n grant llmt i. not so!” A pause.— “1 hoard thin dreadful shriek. ’Ju lian save hiia, and I win h* yout wife!’ Peibapaiho eaoiiico crazed her. No she must not mar ry him, tie c niiuot expect —’ “Papa, said a fuel,. e voice from the lounge “Oh, thank ® oil,’ he cried, ‘site knows aae." “What is the muter ,vi h me ahe murmured, ‘have J beau asleep? “Yes, that’and you have been • ck, lit;au*.vered gatilir, “1 will :.*il v’i u std soon Jm ttl eu a fervent entered and asked if Mr. Denver could worn* in “Yes, ask him iu," saul Isabel, •slinly, thoagh she turned pa'e a • lea ii ai a tiaiu . Sue tuso and walked toward - the door, where sli* not only met Mr. Denver, but ArioßruugLitou. If suali a thing were possible. 1 would say she turned an «r. "Eric- Mr Bt c ugliertou," -i n • autmivd. Her lian la and feae were assn wy as lhu while dress belted in at Ihe vviiivt which siie wore. Mr. Denver walked slowly to I* a Del and said : Mim Caallebaven.you huve piom ise Ito be my wife, bu t yen said so when you were half dead wi h iri.ht.acd t>oi’ve nonoti aof hold nigyou toil. You love my friend here, lam willing--your fatli-r it: wiliinn'to give yon to him. Bt u ippy. ’ Eric Broughton elaapsd Isabel in Ins arms aud she bunt into a titled of tears. “Thank you Mr. Denver, thank you.’ “Gall ma Julian, Isallie said, "aad give me sue kits, and l will f«> ! fuliy rewarded for rwy sat rifis*. “I will Julian, ’ she re umed warmly , dirowlng i or ai sea around his i.«:k. He beat ui,d kisrt.i her twice, very tenderly, very !®vjßj- Iv, the’i i * handed Ler to Eric, iuuug : “Take h«r, Broughton, a»d make her happy.’’ Then he : aid, ■‘good-bye,” and well he**#. “Nh* is my preeicua treasure. Bronghten,” said Mr. Oastleha vac, “and y*u nait prize her high ly. Yea musi make it tb* ob jest es yosr life to make hsr hap- W “Oh. I have ao soars abeat sty uappisess,’ said Isabel, gaily—• ‘Thai is,” with *n iasinuating smile st Erie, “If you have none.’’ “Thai yon bare none, aay dar ling,’’ said Breughtoa, leaderly kissing her. “For I could ant b# happier than I am now ” m <«« • - Last ’Wednesday a “trapper’ was in the city to Bed beaver au otter skins. Quite a largo number of beavers »r.d ut'e s huv* beet: caught ou Sweetwater c.roek, lieiu Audersonvi’l*, in this country I’lia skins of th<- ; animals find a ready sale, the price ranging from *2.00 $2.50 per pelt. We have e*u tol l that the me it of the lies rt-r and ott.-r is regard* I as very oslatable, and that the trappi r* uae it largely a* food. The water courses of Southwest Goo'gia are prolific m beaTeis and in mrny localities 'rapping is a very profit 1 1 >le business. —Ex Ibs fashion of w earing t ulle birds on la lies’huts is programing H# rapidly that by next 1 all Thanksgiving turkeys will be in demand. DEVOTEDTO NEWS, ! ITEIIATUHE AND I.(H Al, Al-FAIKS OORRESFM.M DENCE O.v ns < 5a., Feb . 4th 1 SSI A'il!l-r l/erahl: You will confvt a t ivor by allowii j spu ein ; lie col '-mils i I the Hkkai.o for a te w ilots urn this sett inn. N’otw ithstund • t*iv1 1h,> ituf'ivorublo weather we have be. n having, you etts si a signs prej aa o vto makimg -m --oder crop. The war. sun fer the last few da.s lias -e'tled the ossip con eraiugihe wheat l»i ir-j, ! ,! led. and w# *re glad ft) note hat Vve have pleatv ,t-ft wltere pii-Bty was ceded. The oat crop ii«s not tr.a a it» earanci. ,risl it is very certain that ,t bus piatfy •veil]-,11 l.eeu killed. r J'he people ure going to make a fumble tfi’ort to make a l*rge er p anti ws would urge them tt b-e sure !w raise plenty of everything they cun at home and let the cotton he a surpluses op this v. >r. J tee that tin, i e.v Court House question ias bseu talc u g up cop utilt-iabio spa •in yc ,r coliuans. As I have no war (o make nivrelf pet haps il wou .1 b* in t resting to some cf your naders to know bon the peupA stand up here in Cuit a disirict. 1 have b«ss requeeied to say that out es a car diren hundred vo vrs about live or ten are iu fa. v ,r of u new Cuuri House, the bul ancr are against it, and will not who for any mm fm- auv • ffi«« who ia in favor of tearing down down the prescntcourt k use and build itg- a new one in ii» plaee. I very < : eu hear exjuraeii as like this. “The pto.veal County Com m asiooer* could no be eluted to tliu etllcs es ‘dig ptlter.’” '! hat i« pretty harsh la 1 guage to nee about pe lemm cf liy i • landing, nsverihel#it ;a uia.l. I 1 doea laok til.e ihai a set of m«n who are »o willinj- to use other folks money to build houses. ollV 111, to ban* sesi sr I'rsmli ‘ ! m * *t wit bos using tar re for the purpose of employing an architect nad , ay ing lutu out of some body elsfc’s pocket, tu draw ft pi is !o built! by. An tios t like the p-iau teat war laid before our live law makets, »t their adjourned teres. Now, f tlicsu live men lefsrre I to Lave thi pow:-r to xnak* a hw to fore $20,0(K) out of ihe pc .pin ot GaiuaeU lo build the coiiit house for the conveuii.u-c of t is p- oj,x we wi u!d iike to Lava semeihiug te say»bout Low it should b* built. The wiiier would be glad io furnish a p!a» wlr'cli is f*r aheadthe one axliibiUd before the Cummisiioaers, far lut'f the mon ey thatvefiued geatlemaa will got -vi.o cam# over from Ailant-t. But would not sound big enough to say the architect r ams over from Chilis dial riel. 1 wr'll moi gi'-e my plan in this in full as I boat know whether it will be accept this er tot. 1 wi.l say that if it is to be for the bene fit of the country peeple we want a bed room for jurors aud witi.es, es who come from a distance and have to stay in town over night and we also want a nice liitleatalt built in some remote earner for Mr Teagios Jersey bull, as he has to serve on# of the grand jurors prel tyof en and I don’t think he cae •ver serve another week without taking him along, for lie says there is h— lin his neck. As te the privacy of ihe (irand Jury, I don't think but one cul prit ever escaped on that account, and I think one of the Grand Ju rot* helped hsr off io Hand Moun u in, wiser# our Justice court lias gone, and as he devil it ieose all but hio tail wa would be if he weuld pull that loose nnd gi go theio too and lei the "w eary b* at rest. A YTOII. —• • «*» "Love is blind " .M iybe that - ! why the gas is often turned down te Iho parlor when love lakes po a - S'S-icn. Jlecau.se why, love being blind, there is no sense in was'- mg yas to make light for it. /i is said lint ai a re em we 1 tig the six uaLers wore ch is en from rejeetd suitors of due bride. It vt s a grate!ai act io give the nneacfctfui suitors ati oportuuity to witness the life pun islunent inflicted upon their sue ceesiul rival. .11l iniueis are uot sitece.-: ful, but many dig iu vein. V Hoar’s Magac-tly The upper water's of ihe rivers iu M i so run through lowland, covr red iu ill* s uemsr with (all. 'tout *i.r»». wlicli, it cui eirly in th.ee s ,n. md.esnutr.'us lay.— H v f-itliu owned several asres of : ’Wlaud in tt lonely valley far up he I'ash River. \\ lieu the line t*tc for cut ing Ills grass, tevetsl of the faunly would go to the • e*i land and camp there for kree oi soar day*, until the buy was made. On* season, *n ituivieg « our uampfug plaee. father, who was a chew at e: tobacco, discovered that n * tobacco bi»x was a’ home, in stead 'of it: his coat pocket, i, be tig Ihe rouugest of the pit tv. v>*» *snl back to the hous* for it. I had walked about ti mile on my w*y baek wliti I heml a twig tasp Looking round I .-aw a large bear about ten rod* behind me. My tint impulse wr* io run; then I tli night I would ebout: Bui I wisely decided tha. perhaps ii would be infer to walk along a* coolly as 1 could and not appareu tlv t ike any adieu of the animal. 1 was much relieved to tied tLat tkougll so lowing, he did tot »x ert himself to approach me. After walking about half a mile, ic a suspense that kept my head turae.i half around, soaring evet v nio:ii*i|f lea: brttiti Blight run up oa ms. I. reached tiro lop of a lull from which 1 saw, on the Dank of the river below, an old eaa <« and P'tv Idle. Seeing that this was my chance die moment 1 lost .igbt of the Lear over the emit of the liill, 1 stalled an 1 ran at full speed. - Gaining the esuot, I launched it y jumped in, and by one hard stroke paddied it into the stream. Twenty seconds more would bave been too late. The bear e.uu-e tanning down ihe hill and l.<» sircam, within live isei ol Hu canoe, lie fellow ei >t for a short distance, but my quick, short strokes caused him to last to go* upthecha *. I watch ud him swioi tiack and disappear in tha we Then I leianreiy iioa.ed itietig with the caur<*nt< thinking over my asnow escape. On nesting a cats in the nver whireapoial jutta l far out fruta both hsuke, 1 saw old brum htsnd iug at one hank, wailisgfor me. I could not turn and paddle a gainst the currant. It was too Strong for me to make uiueit hsad way. bo l headed tke canoe a* far away from tke point as Icould ae 1 then pa Idled desperately so as to p**< as quickly as possible. The bear leaped but miscaleulat iag nay speed, fell short of the canoe, by u tew feet. I ] addled away from him and :,oou lost sight of an iiuiursl who hud cartniuly sliovvu more than ot d eary sugaci ty. I de*tsd dewu to wkare fslk or and my two biothars were,told my story, end—father had to go without his lebsceo. A woman applied for lodgings at the Eldridge street station house late on Sunday night, bnt was un der the inf ueace of liquor. She re tarmed some time afterward morn drunk than before, and was told tba if she did not leave She would lie ar Jed and locked up in a cell. 7’ow rd morning Policeuaa Mc-Kirv y, who is attaohed te the •tation, brought the woman in for intoxicatiou, he having found her lying helplca, :>t the coiner of Delancoy and Ohrvstic street. The prisoner said the was Alice Smith *ud w h twenty-four years old Sue h;'d no home In going his rounds, two hours later. Doorman Smith saw the prisoner hanging from the door of the cell in which ■-ho had been placed. Hn untied die handkerchief ihat suspends lior, and with difficulty restored the half-strangled girl to coaseiotis nes-. A charge of attempted su i' Mo wus made against her yester day in the I! ex Mirket, pol e* eouri, and sh. was held SSOO bail for trial. Mrs. Smith for the prisoner proved to be a widow, said that she w»s onoea Circassian girl is a llowory uiuaeuin. Her busbaad, who died two year* ago, exhibited curiosities, among which was hia wife, in circuses aid travelling shows. 4 ■•arivis lilicslnr* Mr. lsaue \V Cotton is a new Hsmskuc ltiua, who is well known through the Soutlieia Suites, and t*c little adventure wiflt which he met a few days ago in tlio swollen wa era of St** Creek ,ust beyond the /V/tckleubiirg line it) South Carolina, vvid br * interest to Ins trießils m the Seitth and will star tie his ftiends ia the North. Mr t 'otton ftccompaaied by bis eu. is making lis way 'o Florida all the wav from New Hamshire, tlirougb ike eeuntryiu n buggy. For ma nj years p:u»t lie has speat Li* win lers iq Jt'lorids, but up to this winter has alwa ji goae by ra 1. His scheme of making the trip in buggy was adored upon the ad vice of physicians, wh» thought ihejovet'land trip would do Him good, besides giving him a fine neqaaintance with tlm country.- Vr Cotton and lint son jntt out from New Hainshire about, three months ago, and found that the trip fully came up to the recoanmea datious until they passedCharlotl# and eneouu ered Steel Creek,wlwn a really tartling adventure befell the in. The creek was greatly swollen by the lata ruins and wa* far out its bunks. Mr. Con on had eross ed stream* twice that width in Florida, and supposing he could do ii here tliw mini wey, he drove into the swollen waters He had driven in hut a short distance when lie discovered hi* esistuk?, bill 100 late. When he could see netbihg hut the kr ids of himself, son am' boric above the waters, lie realized that trouble f ncompaes nd hint round about. The car rent of the stream bore them swift ly along, and men, horse and bup' gy quickly purty company. Mr. (Jot Urn caught the branches of n tree and thaw himself out, of the u'utnr Ins irae n bi le below him l it saw that bis son bad saved himself in like manner. Ibn hoi st an 1 bugp-y had hisappeured from sight - It vvsa growing Into in the evening, aud Mr. Colton -.nil hm eon began to shout for help and kept it. up until * ceuple of farm hands, attracted by tlieh rics, came upon the scene. At ter coesideruble maneuvering iln father and son were rcsened fr.mi the trees ua I conduct, d to the re, idem;* of a hospitable farmer uear by, wlieie they were made com fortable for the night. Mr. Cotton lost his horse ami buggy, Beside, two uunke amd a valise eontmniug his valuables,.— On* of the trunk* was as i-rwn.nl foui d about a wile irom the scene li:s valuable* weiehsptinaieugb, uueuspicious looking valise, and were earned in the fool of die buggy, It is hardly possible tlmt the valise will ever bs feund. Mi Cot ton *(ient two ditv s at the house of his uewly found friend, and then, getting a new rig, proceed ed *n hi* journey, leaving instruc tions for the forwarding of hie r* aiaining goods should they be re covered from the flood. There are a good many streams betwsen Steel Creek and Florida, but if any of them are ewollea when Mr Cotien drives up to the bank he will be seen goiag through the eye of a needle rather than through tha water. —Charlotte (As. C.) Ob nerve r. Luke Smith controls a fi t'» against the town es Monree and for yean has been trying te get the money on it. It is said that he lies e ectod not less than half a dozen different ticket* for municipal hoi. ors, with the understanding that his fi. fa. wae to be paid off' but *s rumor has it the commiaeioneis have invariably given him the cold shoulder when they were safely landed into office. Last week this plan was abandoned, and ‘Kirby” ordered the Sheriff' to levy on the calaboose und stree lamps. This was done, «n ! tlio tewu is niiiius a prison, besides bo iug in the dark , Sheriff’ Ammons has locked the calaboose ami pock cted die key, and ha* removed the street laaape to a room n the old jail, where they are secure under lock and key. Luke says that every piek, shovel aud hoe will tie levied on whenever the marshal attempts to have the street* worked.—Waltou Nows Austin. January ID. ISM The special connni /e* of the Texas legislature, at its meeting last night, agreed to report fuvorbly u idl making fence catling tt felony, punishable by imprison meat for a term of not less than two year or over tivu; also to pro vide fer the opening of g* ! «s end midways to water plsee* »i such jnteivulF us will afford < roper convenieuco to the public. They further a need to rep u t fav trebly u liill to prevent the inoloaing of s* Is by any other person >r pet s oljh than tin o vners then of. and fixing a penalty for L tho same of AbilU for each oil's ace. On the question as to whether Ihe courts pi each e niniy shou'd have eon current jurisdiction wi h tlioi* of the country in which snclt an of euc# is committed Lhu committee took no iicttinn, thus leaving the important tpiestion as to whether the judges have ihe right to try all cases of this nsi ere, wltercevwr they happen, to bo decided by iho whele house. These recommeii datums, if acted up ui, will ed’ectu ally preveat the illegal encloeure of the public domain, establishing as high crime the present outrage munis, settle the rigli t of the pub ; lie to the water courses now tuon opoli/.ed by favervd chisesand go far toward roo ing out, ia a sat isfaetery manner the giant evi wliielt Bow tiiresteuM t/<• peaen ami imjiaiis tko properly es the State. About the wickedest thing that las ocut red lately was the way the boys played it on a jirett? drummer fio«n /liehison, K iusau . He is very beautiful und a great faverite witli the ladiev. The hoys desired to make him tired; so at For - Scot l one night thev decided to lake all the girls from tli#|hotel to the theatre. They go ( two seats Tor Hit liaudsoine young unit in tlio enure of tho house, and scats for th« other fellows mid ihier graves was et the side. They met on tho eorridor non, lli* theatre, and each took agirl and went into tho show. The prel'y man took his girl d*wn the eeutre /isle, and juntas the lights were turned up slm took oft' her veil, and Jwben h* looked at her he cam* ueurjfaintiug. jSlieJwas the c doted dish washer, ami the boys bad the dining room girl. Oh what a row liters wa« fie went out to sea a urn and tried to bor row * revolver, and the other fellows went out to got away from him and the girls saw the the show alone. The rravling men got somebody to hold the excited mas till they could explain that •t was u mistake, but he thinks to this day that they sawed off the colored girl onto him on purpose. The boys should he earful or they will some time pic) on a fellow 'hat will get mad. Heading, Pa., Jam ‘2l. (li sa t destitution prevails ameng the miners at work on the ore Bed* iß„Low*r Macuntie, Lehigh ceun ty, and along the East l’euusylva aia railroad. Their pay has beea out down from seventy five to sixty five ce/ile per day, and now the store keepers refusej to give 'hess the usual seonihly credit demanding cash payments. Th* contractors operating lit* mines say that the reduolion was necss si I a ted by the fall in the price of iron. Only a few of the mines are in operation, and as a resub huadreds of the ainere are idle Mis. 1). Jv. Small, wifoofCap tain Darius Small, who is is charge • f the government work at Beau furl, 1 C and child, were among tlis lost oil the City of Columbus. A.te'egram was sent to Cupt. Small by M«*sih, Richardson <Sc Bsidstd agents of the stta lifer at Savannah convsyingtl e sad intelligence. Mr. A.. N. Mitchell, of Jacksonville, wa* alse telegraphed tha loss of his son Co ! Jamas Idward Calhona, who lives jsst across thejSavantsb river frena llbert, is a brother in law es John C. Calhoun. He is ninety jeers old, perfect'y erect, ridss hers.back twenty or thirty miles, sj a!:es a do/.ea languages fluently ami has never used apse tseles. Col. Oallionn is in excel lent health. jVol. XIII.—No. 40 The woman win makes slippers for her pastor may be called a minis l *! ing angle. If sovea days make one week, how many week* doti it lake to make one strong. “Wha' you need, madam,” wise !y remarked the docter as he glanced at her tengue, “i* exer cise The baker is a kueedy man, and this arises from the fact tha’ he is greatly inclined to leaf. A drunken man is seldom injur cd by a lull and he plebuly isn t by * spring -if the water is good A patent iron—eottir dealer ad vertises Ikm any one wire uses his invention once will never use any other. I’hrte degrees of mining speeu lations i’obitiv—mine ; comptir ative -miner ; superlative—miniiH. “1 know tt, doctor' bat iuy hits baud is away so much that I don't get a 1 unco to talk lo him half as much as he deserves “Love," says a writer, “is an internal transport.'' A cetniem pot siy remarks: “The same might be .said es a canal boat.” ‘A os, said ihe Idaho man, “It s dreadful unforunate that my gal got hagged by that ar' b ar. .She's sail o' lieid me iu contempt sine*' “I till the Hill,” said Willie whea he got into his mother's preserve closet. And I foot tie Hill,” re marked papa overhearing the sol iloquy. A new style of st ick’iig* i* call ed Nollaire. Stuckrato would have b**u a bet er name, and w« never did admire a stoking* with a tan* at the end of it. No girl ought to thiuk of mar rage until she Citu wash and irou. .She «un,t get along utdess she knows how to smooth her bus baud's bosom when H becomes ruf ed. She J am fond of poetry ’ lie, Are you indeed' Ho am j. Do you like Burnt,! She, No indeed; they are bo extressing. I>ut, tlion, I am not troubled with them, as ma lines all the cooking There was to have been a suit, for HH,ult and battery before on* of ilie Justice m ihe temple ves lenlay. A fai mar down in Sgriag well* was charged with having slapped the jaws of his neighbor, and t vo wagon loads of wiunssaes w«i # on hand to swear to ihis and ilut. Belli pluiutitt’and defendant seemed to be determined men and Llieir respective wife* sal aid glared at each other like two ca - * .Some of the necessary formaline* were being woked up when, ill of a sudden, the wife of the com plaint was taken witu the tooth ache. If wasn’t the kind wliieb growls and mutters around bit Mi* old fashioned, jumping ache aid in two minutes she was cryiag Her t*ar« at once afflicted the wife of the defendant and afier a little she slid over and whispered: “i'oor thing—l'm sorry!” “Oh! Much an ache! ” sobbed the tictiiu. “I brought along some pepper mint end here it is,” Raid the flint as she produced the phial. “ W hat’s all this?’ asked did plaint iff, as he cams up. “VVhy, your poor wifs is sufler ■ng terribly with the teouache, and I pity her fro,- the bottom of my heart.” "Who's got the toothache?” iaqatred the defendaut, as he join ed the group. “My wife.” "George! but that's too bad! •Shaa t I go to the drug store for J ou?” At this the plai utif turned about held out his hand and repled. “Say. George. I was a fool to bring this s«it. I sailed you a liar and you hit me. and that waa right-’, “Hut I'm asrry, Jibs-” “Then Ist a dron the whole bus [ness and ride home together and k'ive a chieksß dinnsr! Molly, git your cloak on. And in spits of lswsra and epesta'ore and the queer expres sion of his Honor's face the plain 'iff paid all eost slapped the defeedsat en the bask, and headed the party oat doors with the ex clamation. “Go to grasa with your lawyers and you woman folks stop here till George and me have a drink!'