Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, May 20, 1884, Image 1

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. VI PKSeLK.^,I 1 ifF Ifiint Emu ■ -. <* - I p£;£pL£B At SOWLt.S. H tiM Kid* »<>N KATES : ■ "‘1 50 in advance. fc.fa.a-’ .75 in advance. ■ ” ~ .50 ma< Vance. Hopy " I, enough lor Everybody Sgi . --rip-ji ■ —AS * - ■ „ irirt rtisui;/ Mt iUi>n> Hr,, IKRAU> is nne./lKiinl bij ill'iis e/teusive cirr,tlii!i<." mill K ' ia rh>jl : , low rules. bmn^mnei, KIJ ri member th it Cf 7 H v mKS BLAi.Ko ! BLANKS H* i»i.i ii.Ni» at.\Ti.v ckintki.) ■ok sale at t II e Hu y /■* 4 I()/ /K l HiWN A ntl’N IT 1 1 1 KECTt l(V m o- HjuIIN 01. \ Y SMITH , M Avia:. ■ cncNCii.. | \|<hi.. K h lltaiin. H K I!rown Hr lir.iwn ■ jKRtr.I, AVI. PKPAKTCKK OP TK VIS H.lirivt-. Iriim Suwannee. f» :‘>o |> in - in. Haimii and hkimkh-rk op maos. rErs j\ Aitovs 12 in. ,l®p:irU 1 Hu.. Mimilay an.l Lhnrs.i iy. HT«i.ii.iis Stork —Departs (i a m ar t; p in, Monday and Thmsdny. HlnfoMiii.E. Arrive* Id n m. de 1 p in.—Daily. HYiili.iiu Kivkk.- Auives 12 in . de- 0 a iii..\Vr li.eo'ny and Sul nr.'ay ■ W II II vUVKY, IV a. . H CIICK.HPS HMmieiu>r- lit v .1 H Kino, I'.otnr. on die Ist and till Snndiiw HiSuim ft. ii-ei..-- A T I’altill.i, uj.i Sperry Sunday m 2 p m Hl'rkhbvifki in lii a.l K .Met Irllaud, Hi! or, Serving on ?i*l Similar in .... ii ■ Htoat Senoiil. I I! Dowel!, -apt. Snmlayal 1)7! ' a nr H .VI a evii.i.k M asonic Lome it HVIla )V M ., 8 A llugno*!, S \V„ ■, { n I \V. Meets on Tn. sdnv Hglr ■!. rMo e lull moon in i noli H.iU. HMt Vpknon ( inerKß, No .70, It A H. DSpenre. II I*, A T Daltillo. Meet.-2nl Fiiday in each month. HlitrisKßTT Si min it ('oner N. I , Hntcl'ins,.l udt;e. Conveins on the Wt Hoiitlay in March and September. ■ t'OUNTY OPFICKRS. HCoMMißsiONiiiiS--.l 1) Spence, ( hair. Hid Iferlt, N Hennett, Ji-fleviionlit iit. .1 B UopKine, J K Cloud. HSiiiriff-J M Patterson. ■ Ordinary--J T J.amkin. ■ Clerk 8 C-D |’ Cain. ■ ■ Tai Uou,f.ctor--J (' Lowoiv. ■ Trrasurrr.-K N Robinson’ IwAMr, 11 ■ Haying rr.entlv located in (iv.in ■"t t ounty teiuieis Ins pi ofessional H!l rvi ' ns a Physician to I lit- ,-it im-ns ■adiapt attention to nil calls will lie ■nru. iutice amt residence at the ivd ■ruceoi W A Cain on the Huit-iinne ■“Ml* ruiul. ■ March 24th 1884 (lino I JPaim Loans. I, Five-year loans on improved ■ arms m Middle tunL Gift hern H eptyia. negotiate* Gw-nfcr- Hwiaitkap ajiy one in Atlanta. I Addren, ■ FHANCIS font AIN E, ■ Fitter Building;, I AUnjjta ( la. ■ _>ii i3th.-w ■ EM i \ gO Monday i he‘itidi ins®, ip “rorsigned will open (hi! Ailofm ! a°tel m Lawrerteeville, for I lie no foiumodatiui, of lli* g p Wltafe ' will lio prepaied to oiler i>i w s< acpominodmioiiß ami prompt, towontoall who pa ionize die House. A. ,h L. HATES, Nov 19th- ’B3 -ts, WaH-cq fob r. ■ — Jijl., l I i L l^tioimffannrui!Tey ii "TTir must. T>w-_ | l t *“ i'ln" rtlinl.iiia work e'vTrT, nTed/t THE WEEKLY GWINNETT HERALD MI SC FI FA NY. a i i nitmi, i: n r VEX<i E It was on tlie eve oil ti eFt tie *»| Solferino. The Franeli reg imei.ts, which had arrived from Milan during the day, by long and dusty roads, under n I*oiling ‘ iin,(xbausted by fatigue, (vereen camjicd on an inmienee plain, shut in by a chain of hills, on wnn hdoweitd the wbiie ’ houses houses of the town, high thing, playing among the, lendeii-i'oloted clouds, illiuniued at intervals with lurffl light the ba tlefiei.) of the morrow. Nsthing else lit up the t amp. No tires were allowed, as a measure of prudence. Iti t.jo middle of a small group of officers, who talked over the chances of 10-morrow, was Col. Eugene De Yalmont, whocorfiman ded a regiment of light dtagoons tie hud the well earned reputation of being one of the mo* splendid officers in his own branch of the I service. Although a strict disci plinarian, he was Floved in the regiment by officers up d men alike ana deservedly so. Col. De Yalmont appeared to pay but little attention to what wms said. He seemed in a pro - found reverie, as he bit rather than smoked, a half consumed ci gar. Turning suddenly to his surgeon-major, a veteran with a well bronzed face, he said : “Brtsac, do yon believe in pre entiments ?” “It th pends, Colonel. One may have th®m, no doubt; but to ad mit that they are t\e,r realized is amvhor matter." 7You look upon them *s value less, devoid of any prophetic im portance?" ‘•lgnite so.” “All! It is true, as is said, that .it yoA, ii, Jr tors are more or less materialif ts.” After a p.vusc. ue added : “A’ou are right-, perhaps and so much the better. There are some (lit lights which should be 1 banished on die eve of a day like what to-morrow promises to be." So saying be got up and added •_T shall turn in and get some rest and advise yon all to do the same In a few hours we slial need all the strength we can command ” One by one the group broke oft' and presently there was left only three tfticeis—the major, a cap tain and a sab-lieutenant. “Wi at did the Colonel mean by presentments ?” asked the young er of them. “We know he has no fan about tomorrow; yet his man ut i and liis last words, to say the least, are not reassuring.” “Had you been longer in th® regiment, young fellow.’’ replied tl e major, "you w-ould know that the Colonel periodically gets “the blues;’ but we tak® no notice of them. They soon pats, and lie becomes himself again.’ “tut vliat is the < aitfce of his recurring depression ? "The cans*?’’ said the Captain "Why, all th leg!meat knew the cause. ” “Except myself I only joined (.three months ago." - “Well, here is Brisac back iroiu his rounds. He can toll the story best.” 1 The Snrgeon-Major being »p --penli (1 to. lay down upon the gra.se, li; a cigar and said : *‘Jli 1834, De Vahnont, appoint lieiHeriaut ill the Chasseurs d’Afriquc, which luul pi/ been raiti'd, landed in Algiers, where I was at'ached io 1 the |ailit Jty hospital. Though I I was ’'older-t han he, we soon struck iup an acquaintance t.l*nt ripened i into frieifljship, which take has urn iu.ptred F.ugene ’•afyoung, I ./(Kid looking and a man of fasci ! r |aping manners. He came of a I distinguished family, and his I friends kept his purse well tilled . m short he could get money as fa sins lie wished to spend it. “We served three years togeth ■r, When I>e Vahnont got leave to exchange and return t > trance Mis mother was the eanse of tins, for she had in vis. w for him a man age with a rich heiress. Heaving Algiers would have been all plaiu sailing except for biding •farewell’ to a certain lady called Lawrencevilie Georgia, Tuesday Lflfcy 20. 1884 Ln Severiim, a danseuse a the j theatre. In appearance she w i decidedly handsome, of nn n'iv ■ colored complexion an t with c | ven black hair. In her large ex pressive eyes and in her firmly rut mouth there *\ns a signigeant indication of determination which suggested that the young huh would bo more desirable as a friend than «s an enemy. She said she was an Italian, having been noin at Home; but her pa res ts were Bohemians, who trav eled through ail counties—rope dnucers by profession. “Nearly four years had passed since Eugene’s return. We kepi tip a constant correspondence, and I learned of his nmrri ,gc and the birth of one eon, whom he called Lucieti. He com in’.ally pressed me to exchange and go back to France. “In the afternoon of my arrival as the weather was glorious, little Lncien was sent, with his muse down to sea, on that beach where the splendid palace of Ft ado cards. Two bom .-, as ter this nurse returned alone, lo I, ing like a mad woman. The eyes were starting out of her head, aid, sobbing and crying, she threw 1c self at 11 c Co ii n U K-'s fc, I an 1 said she had losl the child She and her charge were playing on the beach, where they were at traced by the performance of some aero- I bats. A small crowd had assent bled, and die boy was not out of! sight for Imlf a minute. On look ing round he was gone; an.l she sought him in vain. He seemed to have been spirited away. Sin called his l ame at the top of her v ice, and ran tip and down the beach until exhausted. Byst iud ers who beard Iter cries helped in the search : but they found nothing.” “Was Lucian drowned ?" a ked j !he sub lieutenant. “This was the question started, j but it seemed well-nigh impnssi bit. The child could only toddle, and the sea was too ft**- place ltiOiciuTu "j ..n So this hypothesis was given up. - ’."ho police considered il a ease of kidnapping, and went towcrk.bu failed to find a clue. They search eu for weeks through the slums of the city—the low quarters where the dregs of the population congregated, the scum of the Med itteranean —blit with no success. A description of the child was seut to every consul, with orders to make full inquiry. De Yel moni himself obtained special leave of absence from the War Office and spent a year in trying to solve the my stery He return ed more dead than alive to bury his wife, whom grief La*l killed. * “As to the Colonel, a’ first he had serious intentions cf joining the trnppists and retiring from the world. But hope ustaius him s ill. He believes, if his hoy was not drowned, that Providence will lake pitv on ’dm ind yd re store him. Vam delusion I But we humor him in this hop . He has since devoted his whole life and soul to his regime:*; but the wound at his bear, has never heal ed, and when it breaks out afresh he becomes sad and sorrowful, and* talks about piesenthnent. La Severina, I believe, has kept her woid, anti wreake-1 a terrible revenge !" Brisac Finished los story i nd. wished all good night “We have six hours for sleepy my boys, and then—” t)n the morrow! rif iho early itonr of <i o’clock, a double line "<>f smoke extended for a dis atve of two miles on eachsideof ihe plain The French had brought almost a 1 their guns into action. Ilu Austrian ba teri-as posted on the opposite hills replieil with i «v 1 dire led tire. In t-'ds artillery du el, which las ed for souvo hours. the advantage remained with the French, the superiority of 'he Austrian position was more t-lcm coun'erbalancc l by the deadly d foci of (lie rifled guns of Ike French, wlreh wet* lirM eat pi y ml in warfare at the me <j)id lm* tie of Solferiuo, Toe earn age J war frigltfnl and tint'result disas trous to the Ans’tians, who wert obligee to re rest t» ■ At 3 o’clock on that day -23 d .tune, IH.W the French wen formed np to advance under » withering musketry tire to assault the Tower of Solfer no. the key <*i ; ihe enemy’s position. Marshal DFYOI 1) TO NEWS, UTEHATUII Fy AM) I A )('A 1. AFFAIHS !'■ i ( deck then called on 1 is cava! Lto mak* sniaemeeft'.q t :i i it been successml, wt»tfi,li.a.ve mgeri the fortune* of th® day. Fim Austrian cavalry werT n based behind a friiire of wood v lij«U V* na iy c nce,il(|d their imirli* m nts from the Frencii. •HmF dci ly they were seen to rmr-rge from their shelter and I<V fifi pa', t *. for a determined charge t*> trHtc ■in t! ink those l attaiioiiji wl lch i had already reobed the slopes of Hie hills (len Neil saw the dam® ger. i.iid immediately hurled a - gniiiNt. them llie Marguerite divis ion of the cavalry, in which De ’ ehuont,- Light Dragoons clnirg td in the first bne, Fhe shock was 'erriblg ! The clemen s comrihutod to swell the h’ifih id storm of war. Peals of B.umier bellowed forth and vivid lightning played over the ghastly j sigh beneath. I - was after the delivery of the I charge “home" that Col De Yob moot suddenly saw rise before | him '“til a dozen hussars, in l w.ito. of the Archduke Albrecht's! regiment Led by a young lieu tenant, vith fair hair and a bud (fh)g mustache, they sabred Hie French dragoons with maniacal fmy, making their way through them like o cannon ball. With one bound of bis horse the Lieut was at Hio Colonel. De Yalmont saw Lis s dire tl hli as he raised it to cut him down. He had only lime to piiil tl e trigger of his pic tol ami the Austrian fell, killed by ; a Inillet in the forehead At ,io t ill of the engagement Col De \ elraont, r ■ t.o camp, pas-. I over ttie s®em*of the eoi.flicf. i :io body of ihe Tiietl cna: t still lay there on its buck. A thin tri' klo of blood marked the spot of the bullet-wound. The face of the young officer was as TY’'V’M"J 'J; u ‘id asa <J'Gd asleep. De A elmoni gse*-a at in,,, * pi found em,,(ion. A few yarlfe oil's in dismounted men were guarding At rinn prisoners, a mot.g tlie ,i wa! an officer of Al brecht’s Huss re. Pointing to dm dead Indy ho Colonel asked ; “Sir. can you tell me the , name of tlmt brave, fellow ?” “Karl Gottfried/’ was tlie an swer. One month after the peace (if Yillnfranea, Eugene Do \ almont returned to Paris with the Army of Laly, where 'ue found tlie fol lowing letter avvating him.-** - »■ Mit.w, (i!h August yin!). “•Mv I)v..Mt Oi.n EmitM) r You know that lam in the’’ Military Hospital here, where I blipil re main until atlouu.weundßtVarc re moved. They brought oth <-r day several ma ircders *feanglit by our men l ifting the dt-rul, ‘ and ,n son e f linn who trie it, to es cape they fired, A’i,q«g them was an old tv >man disgnVs,4,| "as a nntn. A bed whs found_ tAr her, as slie on ti.e point of”death, f villi i< d my htrv.reg lo 5 her ! wound, and judge of uiy. amaze ment when I heard her say f ‘Yon don’t ’emc-inDcr me, Dr. Brisac. T m I*a S, vt-rina.’ luljer the witherel features of Uitt-woman I i i-f./ ognizetl v<,m v te* nifT wqwain-* 1 t.;m e in A igit-rs. .By what series of misUe iuves slie c tfuodi| ; '4) e « !■ Hier of 1 ;! J «Kt. : '•! atfeiV.pt to explain. E'ijngli to know tli^t-b fore dying she allow ed Ihe : n*A 4 > f, ufimuniVate a part other confession, arid, as I have for long thought, stfp it w*as who slolo Loeien at M;rfs%ilies t After a hosl oTTALjittlto l ' l ■ • which 1 Mi di tmKyou l*iri v on. poverty •onqipllsd, tttJi* : toss auii.don the e'mld at N'i'sina' Rim left it to 1 e eba ,'itv of I lurlam ilord where h lodged- -No. 20 lloseus rassi ■ a d never In ,id o? the Hoy at er This lufiltc ;s wilt give you 'o lll .■ tract-. Apply a* once to the Ai.stt ,o , Euiossay • tttl | loi. JUtIHAC." Al t! wit'i'j >y. die/ Vi iml ran] a ill Kib.s-v ml '\pleane*d the I hj ■d of I,W mi don. Fox-a fovt dglit after. which seemed to him i li'etun •. he lived an a iofler ofi uispens aid waa pnm? to bej'i •:iu night when la. v-let • ivungll dm nn olUcial letter, with h large re I veal bearing the Austro Huu •avian arm . He read at, follows: 9 M : ‘*Mt»*4u im r.r. Comw : lam in- Ystrw*! by the Minister of For sign to inform yon, in an , *w«4-p lo»yo*i OHpiires, that the du w a*#, ,'Oped in .Vienna, at I lie 'tdWvss ;>T*wi. on the 201 b oi Smi ‘ HAttb,t) ’Hi. Was adirpud l>y Fnes-fldfit gebthmsn. He wit's Military Heboid 1 Of Lf)?wvH» s w),irt« he left, las! jC-iY 1 'riill tli *«i’d, of sub-lmti'cnnrd'. ?**'sled t »«V A- ! P,ttie Arrh-lukt 4 " Albrecht * regimen t* of Itussai'R, he was k*led at the battle of Sol feiioo. He hoie the name of bis adopted father. Karl Gottfried." One hour afterward the valet | entei ,Q (l file Colonel’s room, and found him silting in his chan His (ace was deadly while • his eyes, (lihvtedin'M hwmovnble, were fixed upon the tidal letter. The servant loUclied-Wm bghtty on the shoul der, and his master dropped mo tion lean on the Hoou- I (e was dead. Hioting tn Mirl'olk Norfolk, Ya., May I—-This as : femoral tl)£ Ist regiment, of color cd volunteers celt bruit'd its anni versary bv practice in which viol ing coloie j companies from I’e lersburg joined. When prepar- 1 paring for the dress parade, Ma j jor Palmer, commanding, request- ! ed the police to keep the crowd from pressing on his men and in ferfering with their moneuienl*. This an Officer attempted and the immense tr nvd of colored people | j fell back, except one negro, who struck the officer and seiztd his club. 7’ho crowd then began to i hoot and jolt and several negroes j rn.-hed at the officer, who was tin- j ally rescued by the police force present In the melon dnee oft! cers were badly hurt before order could be restored. Later in the evening a negro struck a liegres* A polic mjiii n' I erupted hi* invest and was ’j«k by a rock thrown ously Injured- A Tatty" jiassTfib was also struck by a rock. The chief of police Ims all his force in re idiness to preserve order, and an ex'ra force Ims been sent to the colored quarter. Five rioters are under arrest. A Kail !(<>*<■ ( »in|»rOßiisina The Western Si Adan'ie has, we learn, effected a compromise with all the parties who were injured in the accident near Big Shanty, on the disastrous 15th of April. Tim wife of St Flair McDonald, the freight engineer, was paid $7,000 and McCullough, father of tlie fireman who was killed, com promised for $5,000. liis eat i nmted that the road will pay out at least $1,00) in the settlement of (liis nature of claims, ihe dam ages in tlie case of Ed Merrill, the mail weigher who was burned to death,' have not’, been settled* This is the manner in which rail roads and relatives of deceased meipfix a c unmercial value upon j human life. It is done in the same manner and spirit that we collect daiungts fr -m a railroad for kil ling a cow or horse. It is a mon ey Consideration.—Borne Courier. Tl>« Kile oi u )lnii Dor \ot Al ** *VN I'HIHI ■ The lute of a mad dog, it would appear, i not so fatal as is gener ally supposed. A report upon the subject for the department, of Seine, issued by the lfiiris Perfect nreof Police for the past three years, show) that of 1 >(! persons bitten by rabid dogs in 1881 eigh ty died : in 1882 nine out of sixty -even bitten died; anil in 188-t five ! oitty but of forty five With rc ! ga n l lo .treatment of he bite of a i abidijujmal, the experience of the Ciencli doctors show thut the on ly remedy wl ich can be depended | tijon to destroy ihe virus is the I raiupt applicalion to the wound of cautery by red hot iron. Twen tv persons died of hydrophobia in 'lhe Deportment of Siene in 1881, nine in 1882 an J four in 188 ft, as | far ns official r* turns show, The I lor tan .mg number ofdnvhs from this cause is attributed to tbe stricter measures adopted with re I gard to ownerless dogs. During i the three years mentioned, 11,5t>4 stray dogs were caotnrt d in Paris and the Department **ud d*Vrov j ed. I.li*|»iaa v.illi * \eyro Beemerville, N. J. \[„ y people Luc to day were greatlv t xciisd over tho elopsmeiTt of a white school girl, Mis* Amanda \yci r, a daughter <>! (' D Ayers, v, rffft*ft,'gib nin'ed'ltenry fdams The giH ft-rts almnt It years of Ige. rutin r pv, ftc, ami Wei*lfd the \ftlßge school; «!,4f J, ; , is ,p. 'hayti ttereMf ire t, t .en of g’ood mp utjitiori. She left her home lj»< , Vven’ftg on ft,e |,'tetense'ef visit !ifig n lift ;bbor, ami Was not been seen since. Her failure to rmtun greiuly alarmed her parents, who j began an immedia e search. When they discovered that the negro Imd also disappeared the neigh bors all tumid'"out, ami a lively starch was made all night for the missing couple. Nothing has been heard from them. The ne - gro is known as “black Hank.” ami was already nmtried ib one of his twn race. He haViwo chil bren Frequent threats of lynch ing are made. Tlie young lady's parents are well to do and re spool able resident s of M uasex conn IV. 4 MRMliUate* r<ii-*| , re*l(leul OSMOI Rcr.4. S A M -I T O 1 N L E l) S |>; JOS E MCDONALD T A rZZ W 4 Hi 111 I (A -e; S v W S' A r- >— 1 I It T H DT c il O l I,MAN II CWFLOWEB W L It A E O N V A D ED • A L L L A Y 1, N PA N N N E I ? n * C M A O B B L B I I S S L O E N —o o—, lIKI-ÜBI.HANH J A L 0 o II o N A ROBEBT LINCOLN J (1 O F HI 2 SE) In d; S ■ M H U >•—,n MS A N F S OB\NT 11 H A J 1 A AB L W BT A L LH I B AU N Y SB E « GBEHHAM 4 E B N It E 0 B B A 1 I* N s s II () )K N B o M A N o i,CH|t V<-»|l \ul«N. The firs 1 , loop of a marriage knot is a beau knot. (iirls. this is ihe year for yon. When you give a yo.mg man slip pers, give him fits. From the eoinbinulibrs of leap year ano a cold winter most every gill has clmps on her hands. Happiness. A curtained, warm ed room; it little, litTe light; one chair; two lovers, night, and a disa tiled clock. “Don't give me away," is a very common expression, yet you wont find one girl in a hundred who is Kohl enough to say that to her pep Benjamin Franklin said, -‘lie who takes a wife takes care " We think tint’ Ben was slightly mistaken, and tlmt lie who takes- a wife is mors likely to Ijso hair. A woman says that very few men have die slightest fib a how to hold it baby. No, not, until it gits to be about sixteen or seven I teeu years oi l Anniston May ft. —Willi.-, A Haw kins; Tr. formerly of Nnnricus, 1 shot and killed Mi. Wes Hardy, j formerly of Cartersvilie, lasi, even ing at 7 o'clock 7'ftc dispute arose over a game of pool. 1 when Hawkins gave Hardy the | lie. /lardy retaliated with s blow j from a billiard one. Hawkins left. 1 the |rtace and came hack ih fifteen or twenty minifies when Ib® at ’ Hick vcaVr renewed by Hardy shik | ing Hawkins IVAh bis fist Haw kins retaliated by shooting Hardy in the abdomen. The ball enter ed liis intestines and lodged in the Cavity. Hardy died this evening at ft o’clock Hawkins was com mitted to jail fur trial on Wednes day. Both parties are unmarried young men and well liked. Haw 1, ins was considerably affected when liis victim died, remarking : “I wculd I were in his place." The public seem to think tlm kill ing was somfcwhut justifiable. Mr. Hardy is a brother-in-law of Lon. E. N. Broyles, of Atlanta. He and his wife have been telegraph ed for and are now on their way hero. While leaving the port of Bahia says a recent Panama letter, the steamer Chain lost a uinn in a very tragic manner. Ih fell overboard and a boat was started to liis res cue. 'l'lie man was a good swim miT, and il seemed certain tlmt lie would be saved. Evidently, bow aver the p'nce became alive with ■ harks, and it, at, once became ap parent that the man was doomed. Once lie threw himself almost out of the water in nn t-flbrt to esi-npe the jaws of the monster, but a few seconds afterwards he was appa rently seized m.d dragged under ns nothing more was seen of him. Other si arks, apparently disap pointed in their hopes of prey, were then seen rushing dirough lie water in all directions, and ap geared jo metiuate an attack on ml search, pulled back to the ship The whole of this coast abound* with these fish, but this year they seem to be more numerous than ever. —• ■ WIT AND WI SDOM. Trust in God, but do not stum ble yourself. A shoemaker says liis Fn-sl work was bis las'. Alone exhibition; Picture <>f un old bachelor. Where nothing is, the King has lost his light. It is not what we earn,bat what we , ave, that makes us rich. When is a baby not a baby ? When its a little cross. It is not what we intend, but what we do, that makes us use ful. He who anticipates misfortune falls on his l ack and breaks his nose. When is butter like Irish chil dren? Wheu il is made into lit tle pats. There is generally not much bustle in the outskirts of the city. Sweet are the uses of adversity* but most people prefer sugar. Il is not what we eab but what we digest, Hint makes ns sirong. It is not what we rend, but what we remember, that makes ns wise. More money and less credit will bring more happiness and less misery. The world is a comedy to those who think a tragedy I® those who feel. A wise man ought to hope for tie best, be prepared for die worst and beat with equanimity whatev er may happen In courtship the posit on of pur ser is occupied by a man, w hile j wome i looks after the t igging and j stays. j “That lad® is handsome, but j she 'ouks as if she bad a temper of her o: n,” remarked o te drum mer to another on a train the oth er day. “You read character cor j rectiv,” was tlie reply "\N by yon speak ;>s if yon were acquaint e*l with bet !” Well, I am slightly. | 1 married liar leu years ago.’ JVoi. XlV.—iio 8 o AAV JR A L NEW $ Twelve millions will be appropri nted for nve<» and Imrgprs Washington's farewell address was writeu by James Madison. The total pumber of Indians at tacLeit to agencies i« now 246,000 _J. 11 Dpugharty cauuty Ja.il the pris oners are nvt allowed to spii on the ft nor, ' ’ , ' . •t T ; __ __ DoMssFraut amt both of, .us so n have made assignments. W’ilUm Hawkins, J r .. wa* bound o®er in a bond of SI,OOO. A storm in Savannah blew down a building anil killed a workman. Mr. Paul Jones bought Ifie Al lama Constitution building for $ Hi. 000. Edmunds is again trying to get the name of Gej. Giant on the re tired list. • Giant favors Logan, and thinks the misviou of the republican par ty is not vet ended One negro in VVarreijtou, Ga., shot another and was arrested while trying to hide the body. Ihe ugnsta bank robbers were convicted, blit will carry their case to the supreme court. Mr. E. D. Hightower, near Ce ,la clown, Ga., wnsfatally wounded DyaJer.ey bull. Dr. H F Campbell, of Agusta, was elected President of the Medi cal Association of America. I'wo Nihilists, a man and hi* daughter, tried to commit suicide while being tried in St. Petersburg In the house of commons ihe bill providing for maniage with a deceased wife’s sister was carried by a vote of 2ftß to 127. W aiermelons are as large as hen eggs in Florida. Postmaster-General (ireaham has been tn a visit to Florida. (>.858 bills have been introduced during tlie present session of con ’’Th" * ar% m/iiiitu ir* ft cents for making a shirt that is sold for 80 cents. The Florida oringe crop is said to he enormous -about 60,000,001) oranges—netting about $1,200,- 000. I). N'-wmau lias a new theory of forgivness. /re says one must love his enemies, but keep a sharp eye on the n. Texas compromises 228 organiz ed counties, and territory enough to form 100 more without violat ing the constitution. Mr Koeley got the vibrators of lin mortor so nearly harmonized one day last week that the thing Lag-aii to fi/. anu spatter. Broiled rats on toast ami cock roaches stewed in oleomargarine, hio said to be favorite dishes at the Chinese restaurants in San- Francis o. About 1,000 murders were com mit ed in the United States in 188 ft, and only about 100 murder ers were legally hanged, while more than 100 were lynched. “Extract of logwood and siryeti nine sweetened with dynamite,” is what Dr. Tnlmadge called whisky, in his last sermon, The Brook lyn saloons must be verywbad from all accounts. Bob Lincoln is said lo be entitl ed to a great deal of credit for >e itig the son of liis father. This may be true, but there are s good many who think tlmt he failed to inherit either the old man’s great ness or goodness. ( liai les Hotter, one of the oldest citizens Pottatowo, lias an eight day clock in running order which belonged to hi*great grandfather, ami which was brought from Eu rope on the same steamer on wlich William Penn crossed the Atlnaiie. The original owner of the clock was sent by VYillinm Penn from Philadelphia to develop iron in dually, he built the furnace along the Manat iwny creek, above Potts town. At Dayton, Oregon, some par ties boring a well have struck a rock, as a depth of 55 fee, from which a stream of air gushes oil iso cold that a bneketof boding water when exposed to the draft, will freeze ever in a few miuutes.