Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, September 02, 1884, Image 2

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Humphries were i)Ominiit<l Ins week aii the representative- fron. Dnkaib. O'iver Dark au d\V L. Marie; of Hal- will have a rough an 1 un ble scramble for the Seps'orship j from that district. The country is t j be eongra abated i shat the base ball season is about ] over. It is to be hoped <1 a I we 1 will have a long rest. •At (be primary election in Fnl ton county for Kepresenta'.ives i W. D. Ellis B. F. Abbo t and i John Tlon-as. were nouon.iicd. 7be recent *t>.te election n \; mom show* a large fa hng <>fl' i i the Republican vo e. In Senat i ■ Edmonds town, the I'einocra 1 * carried tbe election. We received thecorresp >ridetjce between tbe eounuitiec a;»;»oiu!c<l by the districteonvention t n tify Hon of bis nomination, too late for this issue I' "i l ■p pear next week. The war be l ween China and France is progressing slowly. The i Chinese government is making extensive preperations for a long contest. The general feeling in Europe is that France has an ele phant on her hands. Atlanta has at last concluded to : give Clayton county a chance at d will support the choice of i hut countv for state Senator Give a poor dog a bane—this is the first j crumb a tie lias had since that conn j ty was organized. Women to the front. -Belva Lcckwood, th noted female law yer has been nominated for Preei dent by a California woman's asso j elation. Belva accept-, with thanks. Where is \V Watkins ’ Hicks* Cant the cranks .if ibe ! country bold a conveniu n and cominate him* He would certain i ly accept wdb thank*. Conkling Edmonds, John Sher maii and Bob Lincoln are not disposed to lakeau active band in the cuiup»igu forJiln B‘ai!,e it is a little remarkanie that the old file-—the leaders of the republi cs pa *ty treat the Mulligan man with great coolness. The only en thusiasm yet manifested for the Republican ticket is among tbe of lice holders and hiarr 01115 diieves Both have an inters! in advancing (be cause of Blaine and I/Ogan- former is the party of economy, h nest administration, recognizing 1 tbe rights of States and tbe people and enforcing tbe Csnstuu ion as ! interpreted by lie fa'bets, he la' u r if the higher -aw jasi'tv. f avor ,rg centralizvtioL, high taxes, mo ) nop dies, protection for lu rich •and oppression to the poor *ud treating the Constitution as “a league w th -loath an I a covenant with hail. The Dem cratic i<- party is he hope of the country, it is even tin par v for tbe negro — the n- gro ,s » eh ur.d born iK-mo-.-ra . h;it Uie ' Republic ms stole him fr in us. with tbe urm i e .f 4') an--, an-Fa mule lie then d.vu<sc I tic j question and tin; cflort of tin lie . s.'iatic party in tbe . s ilou-c ot Represent* i*es to coir.ct tin gross ineqoali'ics >n the 1 resent iat.ff. Then was-rio rts| ectahl pcsiti-ji of lie pirty that was it j favor of free trade, but ti ey d d demand that the tar.ff should l e reduced to tb“ actual Utetsi.ies of iba government economically 1 ado.him ertd. I They demanded! more, shut in evying these axes that articles of necessity should be reduced to the lowest minimum and cot kept at tut highest mu xt i mum. Ihat the poor people s. uu-u act pay the balk of tbs taxes, while the rich pay on y a small ptjupor ion He in.'de extensive quotations from be present tunfflaw tosLo* its inequality, and while preteud ing to protee American labor, tax td the laborer while it protected the machine un which tits g. oils were made. Me cannot a tempt to follow him in tins dis- js-iion but give a few instances showing li“ operation of this iniqndiou* tariff. Woul hals pay a -July of7oen,» while silk huts only pay lilt, • j.ooj thiead pays a duiy of -Ocenta anil the American manufacturer s- Is his thread in the Hinted S:a es at obtentsu dozen and the haine li.retid in Canada at 115 H'Dlh. ft . barges 8"> per cent on riannel and 4b on axe ;, while ill. Ei-.iul of the dude only 1 • tsj. » rotectii.u pi otecis .h. millions | of the capitalists 30 per cent and this is | aid by tbe consumer. 1 here are about .Ot) millions of L. S Treasury no es in circula ion and tbe average income of tbe government is abou one million ler day-, which will carry imo the / leasriry dti.i mdlions umiu dly, or over 1 ilf of the circu a mg medi um of the country exclusive of :o ,1 -vswer “Here am I. In the pulpit he was the peer of any man l.ving. Wei e the grea' con* gregarious hung enraptuied \vi|h the bt- anty of bis S"x\e and eloquen 1 pr seniarieus of h s theme be impr-ssed them with he t-eau'ies of a Christian life, ai.d the reward of tie f'ithfal. He didnot strain after efi’.C, but his eloquence was ike tbe natural flow of a stream rojn a spring foil of love, charity tnd faith. Worn down wi-b years and in -■essentlabov, stricken with dis ease. be continued his work occupy mg his full fi<- d until ’lie summons came. And when bis trusted phv si<- an told him bis time b id come, simply asked “bow long wilt J have *o wai ’' Surrounded by family uu.l ft lends. wiio went to bis bedside ftom all over the State, be laid down his armor on the field of bis r , lory and found rest at last—rest for tie- tbrobiug brain and weary limb—rest ftom the car. s of -ife au l stvtem—rest from tbe burden of souls and tbe battle of sin.' W e give below ax accoun * with his funeral. SparaU September s.—[Spe cia..)—The funeral of Bishop George F. Pierce todk place to day at 11 o'clock. As the church was not by any means large en ough to accotumada e the immen se concourse of people assembled to do boner to tbe remains of tbe lis'inguisbed dead, the funeral ser mun, preached by Dr. A G. Hay go-d, whs deliver* el in the court house, wh’ch building was pre-sed to its ('.truest capacity. An hour i ef-ue the appointeu time, a Jarge portion c-Pt-re congregation was s. ed. 74-e space within tbe bar w.,s occupied by the tamily, relatives and Some of ihj visi iug fit nils of ili« dect-a w.-d. 7'lie foi owing was uls.ut fit t ohukrof 'rue SKttMces. ofiiFt/-iv “One by One sih gby Mr Alfred Brown, with a number of v-.ices joining in tbe chorus. • ——- 1-vs! I.essi.n (A l*s.)m> rea-l by Dr. Key. .Second Lesson (Selection fioiu one of die Epistles) read by Hr. H./n l iw Hymn—'‘'.Servant of (Jod, well d -ne.’' read by ('. A. Ev ans. Prayer by Dr. Porter. Second H yum “How files-ej tlie righteous when be dies.” by Rev. Mr. Breedlove. Serin n(from Romans, 14 chap ter. 7, 8 ver,e). Tllk NASHVIIXK aESoLUTION Resoluticns were passed by a meeting of the ministers, tlie liook committee and repre.senatr.es of the mission cause, which meeting I Hr Kagtd to SH;® Ml iL«rt- Hkvi bos B ■ V WF ■ I" :*r pe will of tta ■ Bp Hf Wr I WKf - Hr DH- . r,t, unc.-mmon abi ilj. f |Mi p.t aud vti h- platform L>-acj of the c*ns« of vital Lv of ebri»ti*n edueatios, ar. 1 foteisjn missions. • \ r‘ ■l - [P't K ffi j^V. Li e' i 1 it, H of I- M f ■ ||H. r: -> t 1 > m - t The direct application o. the tex‘ to the sunject was for the most part left to tbe congregation The! pall-bearers vere all t»i'lifters./ the remains w t re buried' in thd old part of the cemetarv. »> xccor-l diance with tbe request I e hmf made a few drys tefore dying, and by this newly made grave 'here is just room for ore more, tbe use of which the bish p had in bis mind when he selected spot. No business was done here to day. All tbe business hous.s have black across the front, and in the Methodist church tbe ax-- •er. the reading desk and the pul- Pj. are covered wfth black Peo- D are here from all over tie south, and a large delegation have coine from a number of places within this slate. Hen. James K Krent By reference to tbe prot -'e ling-i of the Senatorial Convent ion heh. at Deeaiur last Saturday, .t will be seen that James E. B own of Henry County, was nomr ated to represent the 34th Senatorial dis trict, composed of the Counties of Gwinnett, DeKalb and H nry in the next State Senate He was selected as tie choice of Henry County, by a large major ity over a popular and wor hy gen tleman, at a primary elettion, held last week. And as Henry County was entitled to name the Seuator under the rotation rule wuieh Las been recognized in this district, ever since the district wu- organ, '.ztd. be was nominated wi bout op position, when the Convennon m t. We have known Mr. Brown for years, and lake pleasure in endors ing him as a gentleman of liberal attainments, tine character and s er ling integrity, wbo bin sufficient independence to faithfully iepre sent the interests of tlie jteople of bis district, and to ’ab tr for the we lfare of the State. \ud the e« dorsemeut he received at home in a hotly contested election is his best recommendation to ifie coun ties of (Iwiunett and DeKalb. He hat. been the Elitor of the Henry Couuty W e.-kly for a nuur her of years, and has CondueteO it with marked abdty, discussing public questioui with an mtelli gem e and spirit that has made bis paper one of ibe lending Wbek lies of die state. \S e nave deemed it oil* duty to say ibis much forMr Brown as Lie is a s 1 anger to the voters of this county,and wemoetebe rfully give him our earnest support We Lope he will find dconvenent to vhit ns during the rauvass and mingle with die people whom he will represent in this end of the district. Elect on on t.ie question of *w ■,ng B.>nA* on ne fHb c-Sej»*etii l-er Is»4 ORDERED, that the Cbairmuat ot h *- Bnwrl publish hi 'h- »wis >nr HaMAU'. a newsMßpe: n wfci. h the Sheriff* aJ> ertie-stent* or sale are pu!if>)nmfti* ins with the twMhr of the Kthinst. to be for the of thirty *t y» from said late. For an elect iout‘> be held at ail tbr jew-tiH tv in »}w+nuett Cownty hvthe qualified voter* in accordam e with paragraph I ami i tantfaa T.ar t ' w : of ifcel'.-uMilation of IFTI. !■*«• rriHolt\«hei jW, -ki the ■|Ui’*t i 'ti '*( Brnnh to pov for the f HMtnKt i«>ti of a w w ('Han lt.«u*« iu uh! county for a *«*• t-wai of fifteen thw-an>l l" Ur«. MiiMuit'B' iHhiift -«rr*c- to It rnantar at the cxpinUHii -f lo.h-t , entad tea rear* frewi (tale, with an tvaaa! warmt ••f *in |wr.-ent. TV* v-e :,x ia favor is-onus B-HHk will nttw da Ihot l« hot - P'Rfr'Xro Th —■ > 4,ut against th- »*» uus •< Rood* wilt eaah-rw on thnr t-fie..; -N>» R* iXW." <trl to *w Mi oat Tne—lay filh -lav..! ss-piember lAM Fi-nont*- he held under the ate rwie a* . gov ern rlovwtt* for B»e»twr» >f lb-- le*g islature. except return* wil! he male oo*)liiate] an>l returned to the Board of fount y ('oanaa >***<> net - who will declare the’ result. A true extra* t fnra the minute* <d th< Board i'aunty Commissioner* held Altai id l**4 Jt* D SPKXPK. Ane Lfih *M t’h Bdco mu. (•itoa Prossesl’ane -Hills, Etc. BROOKS COTTON PK*>>- FOR HAND OR STEa U POWER 2 A 3 ROLLER CANE iriMLS MtCARTHAS HORSE POWER ENGINES, BOILERS, PULLEYS. SU *FI ING. ETC. Mi-Comb*. Taviahl A Cu. Atlanta Machine Works. taloißoiagtoPiiit? o If so. il vrnl ju*y yon to ttse WADSWORTH. MARTINEZ A SONGMAS S PURE PRE PARED PAINTS. t i*i. ft, J. W inn * h: U'l—iiiii* resi de in ei« uainteil with them. s»-in* for ■•••lur i'anl- ami list of him-e* Wixx ai VAI.’OH .AX. Aa*m.. Id»wr. nie*ill*-, i,a —or —— F. J. Ct HH.KDtiK i BFI. •.. Ala huina st. Atlanta. iteuler- ip PaitiiH. nil, Var ni-lie,. Brii.lie,. a »;ia„ jnl> I—luiu GWIN-VETT SHERIFF SALE VA'ill lie sold liefore the < Hin t Holle dour, in the town of ev ilie. li M lllHel t county 11 il. w ithin the leeiii tioiir« of -ale. on Ilie tlr*l Tuemtay in Sept. next, the f*illowiiiii iln-nlml property, to-wit : • Hie hundred and ninety one inti aereaof land more or le-C«, Ivins in liwmiiett roiintv. and in the iih dial, part of lot No one hundred and nine ty nine lay adjourns laud* .of Mr. Bran lon Ilie uorth. Nain y Briulford on the WeM, Kolilieli Wal-diu on llle Miulli. and John Kilsore on ilie ea,t. la-vied ou a.-the property ofW K. Kil- S’re liv virtue of and to -ati-ly twelve A fa-from Ilie dust ire . t'm ri of ihe llii Di.»t. of ,aid I'litint v in favor of K. ts Brand v « i\, K, Kilsore. la-v v made uinl retiirin-il t-i hy J. Vt Stovall L. ('. Prop|ieiiy pointei) out liy Plain lirf. Noliee to tenant in |>r» *e*iion Siv en. kreby u-njer lifour ieptr bio r-- :lo cslviuity It’D lti this ■I 1 chverisb Be ibe emi n that H<> H." ■ lie . inrrl; ■ for »* b ise ■lc 1 l .’e l Bv of t,esc 1 t!. - ot tbe ■be,l V m - pi, ■ ® ■ ■ ||||| :- ■ Hr B flrlce BL ■ i|> -IAS. M PATTERSON. Jnlv 24 1884 Sherifl Georgia—Gwinnett County. f Win II Kitox, udiniuisiralor upl W kin-v, (tt*4*'t|. ba?» in dut* form t«» 1 h** for to lol** »*f laud. No 234 in Hie CHi dUtrit l, a id Noll«, in the* ;th<iisti i« t of(iviuiirit,(‘ontaiiiiiig '«dnH*-.'c.B and all oih**i lautl;* to *.iid dw « rtw*d in -aid oounty, James T Lamk n, si St. Ordinary. GerTgia—Owin nett County. Jiiseph X Rutledge having applied tome for letters of administration de laiui.- non, on estate of John R illedte dec d of said county, this is to - ite all and singular, the heirs and creditors of John Rutlddge. to be and appear at the October term 1884. of sard court and show cause if any they can. why letters of administrat ion rfe houisuoii should uof Ite granted on e-iate of said John Rutledge to Joseph X Rut ledge. James T Lamk it. Ordinary. Sept Ist ’B4. Georgia—Gwinnett County. Notice is hereby given lo a i| per sons concerned. Ilial Miss It M Math ew- has departed this life inlcstate. and in. person ha.- applied fnrariiniuis tration on I lieestateof said deceased 111 said Htale. tliat administration will he vested in tlie clerk of the Superior t ourt or some other Ht and proper person, on She first Monday in (W-tober next, unless valid objectin n i- made 'hereto. JAS. T LAMKIV Ang 19th 84. Ordi 'arv. Geo ho 1 a—Gwinnett Cocntt Wherea*. James I> Snenee executor of the will of Roht B Xash represents to the court in his petition dulv tiled, in the office, that he has fullt execii ted said will. Thisis therefore to eiie all person* concerned, heirs and cred itors to show cause, if anv tin-, cm why saidexeeutor should not is- dis charged from his said trust and re ceive letters of dismission on ito tirst Manday in Xovemher 18*4 JAMES T. I.AMK IV. July 28th 1884. (trflinarv Ceorgia—Gwinnett Joun'v. Notice is hereby given that -i p-ii tion signed hv fifteen or more free hoi ders ill the I'SKith CBay creek district, 6 m of said county, praying ihat itie tienefit of the provisions ot -<s iion 1440 tp 1455 and amendments fliereP. of the code of 1882 inclusive mi n M . suli.jeet of Fein e or Stoek Law, he ex tended to said district, has been in,si with and submitted to the undersign ed, and that aetiou will ire tak-n there un a* provided in said section 14-Vi, and amendments thereto, after publica tion of tliis notice. -TAMES T. LAMKI V. Aug, 9th 'B4 Ordii arv. Georgia -Gwiuneit County. Moses Richardson, administrator Ilf Uen \V Wallace, deceased till' ill dve norm applied lo Ibe undersigned for leave to sell one house au I 10l in the town of Nun ross, adjoining lot* Ilf Lively k Mi'Klroy and oilin'*. 88 feet front bv 188 rear. Moiling In »*id deceaseds eat ate, for Ibe pnr |Hi«e of paying (be debt a and fordislri hut ion, and said application will lie beard on Ibc Ural Monday in July, next. •IAS TL A KIN, June if 18*4 ordinary. (ieorgia—Gwinnett Count v Nolipe in hereby given, linn a ucli lioli signed by Hlteeu freeholder*. IU the 4<&lb dim riel, (j, M of sold I-VIIIII ty, praying that tbe lieuettl ot the pro \ isiou* of Sei i i,,n to 14o'i, and amendments thereto of tile t u b lan-.*, inclusive, ou the anbje. I oi "kence, ei Stock Law,” be extended to said district, ha- lieen filed with and submitted to the undersigned, and that action will lie taken there on a* provided in said section 14 V*. and amendment* thereto, after pub li< alioii of thi* uutity, James T. Lamsi.n, Sept 4tb Ordinary. Georgia—Gwinnett County. To all whom it may concern. William I. Ihaid. admm’" *trat< r of Janie, 1 Said, *!•“ -H'*-!, ha.* ill ( bn* fonit#]'plht® 'h* Ul»®H*>sWC<l (M- K-aveto-wH run- a«we, of !.ni'l in (h • jth ttit ri<-tofh|id ( unity No. m knewti. la-imietiis t«. th- *rtateof *e< ! duecjfci i. and ahiil jfipßi ation tr: i liem I oil ;tln- tint tii iiday n»• ! te»--r tve.tl. J A vi m T. LAM KIN tig sth -*4 Onfin ary Ijnwli—tjwiNSKTT Col’STt Xotiie ii hereby jriveii that a peli- ] linn *ixne<l hy fifteen or more free- i holder* in the 544th di*t. ti M. of *»id i,unity, praying that the lament <>t the provision* of aee.* 144 H to 14V>,aiid aineielim nt- thereto of the < <a|e ol ||a.’, imhtMvr. on the »|ueitioii of Feme or Stork Ij»w. la- extended to -aid diatri. t. ha.» 1 aen fileii with and Mihmttted to ibe undersigned, anil that wtion w-ill la- taken thereon u» provided in - 14-55. aud amendment thereto, aftei puhlii ation of tin* n-e tkv Jatnws T. leAtukin. • Otßintry. SpL 4tb. I.SK4 Geori?i* —GwioDett County. To all whom n may concern. Jam- F. Hannah guardian of ("icero li H:ni nah applies to .n- for letter- nfdhi.ii *k>n from -aid suardiau-hip. and I will pa**upon her application on ilie . firm Mondav in Octor-er next. AS T I.AKIN, Auk J» I»*4 . Ordinary, CITATION TO ESTABLISH NEW ROAD In the matter of new road from near the . 'Minty line to SnellvHle, Ci 111 mv—i niee* made Ihe following re port QF.ORtJIA. I T-. the Board of cm il i tiwimiett t 0.. tv comluiiiioiieri. e the undeniigne<l Road coin min- | liotirrsof the IJH'. dli’., s 111. of mill toinity. make thiiour report fora new puqlic roa«l commencing at the conn- j t v line near Ihe teiidcnce X It Mahaf fi-y and leading to I-ogamville. run ning -aid road in the direction of Riicilville- to the Law reiicev ilie and Covington roail near Scot I Cooper i reiidence, aiTowi Urtuhy creek at W Wehln bridge, thence* running laud lines lietweeti Scot I l'on|ier and land llelollgius to the estate of la*V I M Coop er, ilei-il, to -eteleuient loud at the laiudrum Ford i>lai-e intersecting said settlement load audninnillgsaidroml to within A»i Vanin of 11 avion cn-ek near Ihe line hetwreen Pitt man vwu iam- and Jackson Rawlins, thence in tersecting said settlement niol, mid riinuiiig -aid imel in front of 'l'lms worthey* re-ideler, lhe:ice lo Ilie road leading to the resulcuce.d Pitt man williams, thence leaving Iheorig luaJ setltlen.cnl road to the l iglil ami running -aid rugl to said \% illiani- i. iileiM-e, thence through a lane to. I‘esidcio-e of Thus I ’oojier. Ihe i straight thnuigli saidcoo|iersand I , Harris'field tothedraw liars, tliei „ tersectiug with the road teadiic [„ Snellville, running to -aid H spring, them e through ihe lield |||T nght of the hrancli to said Harr e,j --dem-e, t hem e along the road ti neli v ilie ull the lanil line l«-l W'eell J I' >lll II aud David Kaw lilts. We further im port this mad of public utilitv aud etui veuienee to a large portion of tin citi zens of -aid county, alul earnestly a-k au order from your Board for I In- pm pose ot establishing as au public road as Ihe smile is of great use to said sei I lenient and eoiiiinuiiity . D G Hawtbor i, Aunt n Webb. Willis Britt, Coin s. Ordered that citation lie published in ibeliwiNNK-rrlitSAi.ii for Ui dav prior lo the Ist Monday in June next, ami that the same eoiue on fora hunt hearing on that dav. February ifil h *is4 i rue ex tract from the ininuies of said Board. JAS I) SPENT E t 'lk Bd ('o Ci icrv April 28th 4884. lino In Ihe matter of establishing Tie Hutchins Ferry road, the Com luissioners u-ade the folio ving repori: GEORGIA, j To the HOll Bd->f Co r ( ouiiuissioners ol said Gwinuett Co, ) count v.' The undersigned commissioners make the following repori on petition j to reopen the Hutchins Ferry Road. Commencing at is ary Brow ns j aud following the old road lied, ilial I I istosay, the lied as it nasatthc time it was discontinued tlinmgh ihc lands I of Mrs Brown. W F Scales. J >1 Urog ) 'lon, the estate of Mathew (Strickland 1 and X L Hutchins, to the public road | near the residence of C L Hutchins ; except the crossing at Brushy . reck j We recommend at this point that in 1 place of crossing at tlieold ford dial 1 a bridge lie built heiow the old final 1 aud above a sweet gtnn tree on the 1 south side of saiu crook, thence sirm 1 , aeross said ere-k and baek into the ! old road near where the fence stands. We further report that said road will he of public utility and convenienee j to the traveling public and n com mend (hat the nunc lie reopened and made a public road. li. M. A\ heeler, H. L. Peeples-, J. W Mitchell. Sworn to and signed lief ore no- this day Ihe24tii March 1884. D. T. CAIN, C. .8 c. Ordered that eitution lie puiii sited m tlie Gwinsett Hekald for iliirlv ; days prior to the Ist Monday in .nine March 24th 8884. A true extract from the minutes of j i said Board county com‘rs. JAS. D. SPENCE, 4 Ik Iml «*o PfiurV I April 24tli M 4. mo. Meichant Mills ~ AND ~ Hun Line Fains for Saie —o — —— The undersigned offer.* for sale on '*li*\ lei in* tin* following pi*opi*rty, -il uni ed in <« win ml I coiuily. A line llleli 111111 l mill. Oil it. Alco v m ltivi r, live mile.- S K ol latwmnee V ilie road, know II a- "Scute* Mill*, ' and one hundred utid live acre* ,',f land. These mill* arc in lir*l olau-cou ■ lition and giMHI running order, and i* known as.om* of tl»« I***l null* in ihe. oiiuly. Il lias a luigc run nl cus tom and issitimtrd on a never fail ing stream. There i* on I In* mill tract about fitly acre* in culltvnnoii anil three residence*. Thi* l* one ot Hie moat desirable piece* ot property in I he county. Also five hundred acres ul land more ot It***, know.i a* Ilie "In* scales Home Place, tin llii- place llicre arc a • niul'oi (able residence and mu ny outbuildings, store house, shop, or chard*, Ac, ijj \civ- ol opeu land, SO acre* in pine old Held, t:, acre* of hot loin uitd lie balance in tine original iore*i. til lying well ami good pi*o dnctivelaud. Il lies eight mile* s Kof l,aw ivneev ilie and in a good neighbor hood. This 111**.* will Is* sold as h laaly Ol* divined to suit tile conven ience of purebusers. Alsooiie hundred acres of land, known us the "lliidge* place," six miles from laiwrenceville. About 8a acres in culliv aticii, la acre-oI which i- good tail tom. There is on thi* place a residence, and one of ihc finest -hold-in | In- *eiilily , w itli *iitticielit waler power le run any oidiytnrv ina • biller v . Also one tiinidr.-d acre-, more or le-*, near iln- liu< ol ,la> K'oii county, adjoining land* of simp-oil. Hours*, bdtoii aid olli' i - K. swiiv) Hit* Wi ld Minp.-ou pbn t ,*On this place there an* riat it* .• l ,p. i. Intel lMid iwu Ic-it-t -. dm -I Hu- property will Is* sold at I'SHkv SitJe 0,1 mg-v terms to la* agreed nlielween tin* parlies. Ti i<e* opened, lotto -ali-lui liwn of pur time i ■ Part *|* desiring lo look ul any of ibis ptep**ilv will call oil »V I* Allen d or. it one place, or address him at I rtWlrlll . villi MKNKIKTTA 1 ALLEN, Jfaywh isca— iui. (><!OhoiA*-iiwr«svrr I <m stt Whereas. Van Davis ami William Fountain, administrator* of Tbinna- Fnuutaiu repicsi-nU lo th- i onrt in ■••li jietilioii. duly wed and enterei| m ri cord, tliaf th* vjl. ~ e ] .illy aiftmit ft . led Thomas t-wnntaio** e-tale. Ilii* is lln rcfoscAo eiie aj| pervkuis .• oiicerned, lieirs abd crcwtor,| to Eshow cause, if any f t hey can. why j -aid admini-iniioi* -houid no| l». * di-cliarged from their admirti-'ratVin and receive letter* of disiui--ion on | ihe first Mondav mi Jmlv. lksr JAM F-W |. I,A - KIT April At -lino iirdinarv ! Gecrpis—Own peP Co - mv. To all vvhoin 11 limy com • i n. Jas D. sp-ni lias in due foi in :ip|il ed to the I nmlersigiied for periiici em ~.fter- of Ailtniiitr-alton on theeslali >f Kenon iT. Ten-ell. late of -aid i i.nlv, deceas ed. an.II will pass upon sail) an i plii-mion on the tlr-l Monday in .liilv next. J As, T I. AmKIX i Mity '% ssf. irilinary. . Norn tTo I>4hTuRS A ( runoha All persons Ilidi III! d lo 11,,. e-iate of Deo W Wallace, late of l.wimietl comity, deceased, are notified to make iuimeiliule puyiiieni. ami all |>ersous having claims aguin.-l said c-ialc arc . llolilicd lo Hie Itictii with the under signed |> ropei I v proven, a- icouncil bv Inwr. M Ult II AUDmi.V •Incest Administrator. -m uwm snr m:J ll:ivin«r ifcciveil a fjpsh siipply o new now otlpiiiio I liem at |>rires to »uii i|| C ,hilT I liny only or cash ami -sell only «»r ( .*tt-»h. I moif goods or th •"‘si:) * mi •mi i n,, ~ man who buys on 30 to SO Days Timeß ANT BLE SIX PENCE I. BE I HA! I if\\ \ sf,u\v SHlt.^Bs fn atbrilioii to ;i nil line of < irot eri,-*. |* Canned (inod', etc.. \\ il! I H - I,mi i,| h DRY GOODS. HARD *. IRE, ■' CRIR’KKUY. GLASS WARE, Pools A XoTIiiA^H Country Producel In :i«l« Ii I ion to l.tp|»injr ihe clic;i|h*sl house in nifl now |uc|i;ii»-(I to liuiiillt l all ki 11 <1 ol’ ('oiintry iiiul will pav you Ihr hipTipat maikr-t pi ii-c tur yuii^l | CHICKENS, EGGS, H RITIKR. ■ BEESWAX. |GREEN //11*K ■ DRY HIDES. H DRIED FKBi'", FEATHERS. ■ W OOP. ■ CtIHN, 'H oatH and • Veiyludig elae dial <-au 1 t I ( >uc : t :t , & ].] H Briiiti voui }*ri,<biee to me wl eu v.m waul tin l„.-l ir * price for i- in money, or goods a Money Prices I 1 t anking the public lor ] tast patronage, and asking t ance jf the same; I am Reaped full V. MILES E. EA'dH June 24 *MBB ( HEALTHANDHOM Washington, DC. ■ Sworn Si r s , kk-Ti on I.int TH.IkMi El u (T> fcV W H HALI-^B This is a large eight page, forty column, mouthlv psp*r devfiled to everything pertaining 1.. Health and Home, ci d Science, ltomeslie Medicine. Science, Literal lira, Ad. 1 oakery, //inis on /(eallh. Dietetics, Fancy W ork for tbe I lizzies for the boys, anti every relin of Motleru Science that improve health, prevent disease, purifv morals, and make lioui*l^H SAMPLF COPIES FREE. fl snusciui-riOM i*utcn, aoers *»■»»» ‘S (Whieh can be sent in postage stamped AHtlress - HKALTH and HOME. ■ Washington. i> c ■ H. P. CUES & Col MAXBLE WORK* I MAM' FACT llt KltS AND DJEAEKIW IN ■ talian A Ru?!aid MARBLE Mobu*® BOX TOMB . HEAD AND FOOT STONKS.; ■ Wood & Metillic Caskets ud oases I » I Sizer* and I’ricoe furnished on short in ls‘ e hv *%»•• I CHI’RCH STREET, ST EMOUNTJN, GEOHUU 19 " lo r.,,. O . US Ki 'i of j* >.l ' ir.Mi'?* Z 'f'y'tM not i„.,,,, -.,■.j ■ •j.lo.shipanq r,.,.5j ! ;' l! r' i !r.H !tr Ml '" r *'l »4-n,a,/• '-'ml 1 odp.a- -<lv.in r , Pl • 1 To all |( ni( , ' I "d I" Ilie llllliiasit H -e'julltlle leill.-t'u'"" ■ - Hln ke| ~ ihleie,, V" '"" " 'll he h.-,I ,I :|l " : day li He..., ' j *“ Ps 1 lc : l '"ay Jiiin Ih*4 (M '‘'ll "ns In dV : ; : ;!;; l "“ i*trui ion in ■„ ho , 81and,,,, 1,,.. 7-';' - 7'. and I w 111 |.H- ;," U|| « r *'n- j L ,■ •ill* .Ull, - 4 )K 'IH