Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, December 23, 1884, Image 4

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Houston & Powell i , llia Tickings, Ladies Shawls of all kind . . »v |» WTVTPK GO r )US, wl.ioli embraces a lull line ol Dress (»oo< a, C< ‘ < ° « Ask their hiaiids and amtomea* fc» call aud examine their stock ol t ALL AND \\ Ijilb *■*! nnd’sixe*. _ A. rI , T „ I __ , }V . Aljll kinds, oda»*wami, crockwrt, gbocbrib GBNT’a TURNiaHING GOODS, notions, BOOTS and SHOES A SPECIAL T • Lawrenceviiie (7a. Oct 14 1884—3 rn <J. In fact a compete Jineof General Merchandise which tkey profloAo'lo seiffc&’fcenp as the cheapest. _ Uj . i "—— 11C /IMbTIbEMEMS j 5 } I ! j 1 . - ( J S LE. By virtue of aa|Order frointUe t’ourtof Ordinary of Gwinnett Coun ty, Ga., will bo sold to the Highest bidder, before the Courthouse door in the town of Lawrenceville in said County, within the legal hours of sale on the tlrstTuesday in January, the following described lands to wit: One hundred and fifty eight acres oflaud more or, less, lying in said county,in the6th district and No 137 ai>out 120 acres in cultivation, about f,O acres of good creek bottom land, comfortable dwelling with out build ings, belonging tothe estate of Emly C Dyer, deceased Termsof sale one half cash, the rc mainderdue thelstof December 1866, with bond for titles. OHN F. WALLACE. 1 4,46—Dec Ist 1884. Administrator. Georgia—Gwinnett County David Hamiton administrator, de bonis non, with the w annexed, of It M Gower, deceased, has in due form applied to me for leave to sell the remainder ">f the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased to wit . one hundred acres more or less, in the 51 h district of said county, being part of lot No and said application will bet can 3on the tlrst Monday in January, 1885 JAS.T. LAKIV. 12.66—Dec 2 ’B4- Ordinary, Georgia—Gw-nneU CouDty. Wm. A. Sewell, having in due form applied to the undersigned Tor the guardianship of the person and prop ,i ty of Jasper N Brown, minor child of Susonah J Brown, late of said c..unty deccnsod, Notice is hereby given tlint, his application will be heard at my office on the tlrst Mon day in Januarf next. JAMES T. LAMKIN iMO Dec Ist. 84 Ordinary . - *T i Georgia—Gwinnott County. To all whom it may cojacera Jos T Campbell has in due form applied to undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Jno. J Campbell, late of said county de ceased,aud 1 will pass upon said ap plication bn the first Monday in Jan uary AS. TLAMKIN 82.10 —Dec Ist. 'B4. Ordinarv. t* ■ ■ - ADMINISTRATORS SALE Will Be sold before the court house door in the lwon of Lawrenceviiie. Gwinnetrooitnty, Ga between the le yai hours of sale on the Ist Tuesday ill December next, the following prop city toMdt. Fifty eight ghd one half acres of bind more or iess, lying in said county an i state in toe sth (list thereof, be ug part of lot No 3, adjoining lauds ol P P Hitwlms east, W H Brooks, north, Misty Hyatt, west and Roliert Knight, south. Sold as the property of Duviu Rawlins deed by order of theCourfcof Ordinary, for the pur pose of paying the debts and the heirs at law of said,dee’d. Terms half cash, remainder due Get 15tli 1885 VV Rawlins, Admr. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, f By virtue ol an orilct from the Ofcrt o’ Ordinary of Gwinnett county, will be f*old before the Court House Door i# .he town of fiiFwiAmcevllle. Gwinnett county tin., witaio Die legs! hoars of sale on the Ist Tuesday in December next the fol lowing described lands belonging to the estate of Geo*W Wallace late of said county deceased, to wit ; Nine acres ol land more or le»s, No. not known but situated in the sth dist, of said County and known as the old Jas Dodd place on the the I awreneevill and Jetferson road adjoining lat.ds Dr. Free man John Hill and others. Sold for the purpose of distributions etc terms cash. W. L DO’)D. Adm with will anntxr Nov. 4th ’B4 ~ —strtx i Georgia,—Gwinnett County John F allaoe, administrutrr of Etnly C Dyer, deoeaaed, has in due form applied to -the undersigned for leave to sell ouu hundred and fifty nine acres of land, more or iess, be' longing to the estate of said deceased and said application will be heard on t tie first Mouday in December next. Jab T Lamktx, Oct 28th 84 Ordinary. Georgia - Gwinuett County. M C Mewhorn, guardian for J E Craft applies to me for letters of dis mission from said guavdianinsbip, and 1 will pass upon this application oil the first Monday in December next st my office Lawr'onoeville. Jas T Lamkin, Oct 28th 1884 Ordinary. Georgi*—Gwione Oouny. By virtue of the last will of illiam 'A Massey, deceased, will be sold be fore the Court house door cf suidcoun ty, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, ihe following laud fcuwit: One hundred and ten a"rea mo r e or less, being partofliot N 0231 in theßth •Jistrici <* aid county adjoiniug es tate of Tfn the east and T H J.iddeil oiUtnrfoiUth, on this tract is thirty ti\4flH-s of Improved laud, good tenautnniusiv outbuildings to, About acjies in original forest; lialance i rH 11 eifls. Also ten acres, more or less, of lot N 0237 ill the sixth distrii t of said county, uUtiki original woods, adjoin ing tlio Tiist described land on the Ncrth ea*B. Also owe hundred acres more or less part of lot No 15in the fifth district of said county , on this tract are about forty acres tn cultivation, twelve acre's of which is good creek bottom, balance in original woods and old fields, adjoining home place of J N ( kmy on the North and T W Brown on t he sout h and east. t>okl as the property of said deeeas ed. Terms one half cash, balance due Oct first 1885, Bond for titles giv en. W. S. Massey, W. H. Massey B. A. Ma>Bey, Executors of Wm A Massey dcc’d Oct 28th 1884. Q BURNHAM’S MW ' 5^ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GWINAETT SHERIFF SALE Will be sold before the Court House door, inthe town of LawreaeariUe, Gwinnett oouuty Ga. within the legal hour* of sale, on the llrst Tuesday in' Jan. next, the followieg desonbed proprrty, to-wit : Eorty acres of land, more or loss.ly ing in said county and state, bring part es lot No 496, adjoining lands. Andy Smith, dec’d, north, on soul n west west by W R Cbamb dec’d and on the east by Wyatt Jon. Notice give ito tenant in sessiou. Property pointed out byde fendunts. Levied on by virtue of three justices court fl fas, in favor of Hut t, Rankin & Lamar vs Farr, Pow or A co. Levy made and returned to me ,>y T C Burton, LO 4.d0 Also at the same time and pla ~ wlli lie sold, one lot or parcel of land, si t in the town of Duluth in said count containing live acres more or lex bounded as follows ; oil the west b street, south by right of way of thi Richmond and Danville Rail Rout. North by A C Jackson, M Y Robert hoi M Roberts and J-CI New and south by 11 Mathis and RMcMillen, Lev ied on as the property of Henry Kirby by virtue of and to satify one 11 fa from the justices court oi the4o4h district g m of said county in favor of Hiram Mathis vs G W Willis and Hen ry Kirby, onetl fa from said court in favor ofthe Atlantic Virginia Fer tilizer company. vs Henry Kerby Levy made and returned to me oy W F iHeringtcn L C $4 (ill Also at the same time and place will be sold fifty (60) acres of land more or less, being the N E part of lot Me 131 adjoing lrndst f Nathan Ben nett Mrs Smith, J 1, Moon and isham Benuott being the place where the Deft Wm Stone now resides. Levied on as the property of Wm Stone by virtue of wod to satisfy two 11 fas from the Jiiltioes Court of tbel2v6th Dist G M of laid eounty in favor of TiUord McConnell vs said wm stonefor pnr< huse money. Levy made and returned to me by W M Langley, L O. 92.05 Also at the same time and place will lie sold an undiTided one sixth inter est ill a lot of land No 333 in the sth district of Gwinnett county, on the waters of theApalachee, containing two hundred and fifty acres more or less adjoining lands of Win Ethridge Dr 8 L Hinton and Samuel Edwards it being tl e place where Mary E Hill now resides. Levied on as the property of the Sa reua M Hill and pointed out by plffs : mid due note of levy given to the ten i ant in possession. Levtei h« the propert yof Harena M Hill by virtue of and t satisfy on* fl 1 fa from the) justices ootir of 3161 h ' dist gin of said couhty, i«T favor of SJ Vi inn, vs said S M Hill. Levy made and returned to tna Iby W i M Langley,LC 94.00 ' | Also at the same time aud place will be sold an undivided one sixth interest in a lot of land No 338, in the 6th dist olGwiunett co and on the|wa. ters of the Apalachee containing two hundred aud fifty acres, more or less aojoming lands Wm Ethridge Dr 8 L llintou and Samuel Edwards it being the place where deft now resides. Levied on as the property of Mary E Hiil by virtue of and to satisfy one fl fa from Justice* court of the '3l6th district of Mid oouiitv ill favor of S J Wjin vs Mary B Hill. Jtcvy made an returned tome by W M Langley g ¥ 99.16 Also at the same time and place Wili be tollfor# acres of laudimore or Jess inwie 6th (fbtriot of aaidXjonnty, n»e in the wesfpart of lot No 188 adjoin lug lands of John B Langford, James Lee, Samuel Caldwell and Wee W Mitchell, being the place where deft now resides. Leviedou as the property of fTempa Lcitch and Nancy Leitch by virture of amiCa satlMy a ft fit fromGwinhe tt Superior Court, In favor of John W Scruggs? vs Tempa Leitch And Nauoj Leitch, Also at the lane time and ‘place will be spld 412-3 acre* es land cut >ut of lot No 833 in thflSthdist of said county, bounded as follows Begin ning at a red oak joining Dr Free man’s lahd then ce S 32 1-4 dog., E 2 ch aud 42 links to a rock—Thence N 32 1-4 deg west 20 chains and 42 links to a stake thence west 62 3-4., w 20 ouains and 42 links to beginning oor ner. # Levied on at the property of f j Hill to satisfy one A fa from justices court of thaSleth dist gm in favor 4>f W H Robinson j J Hill and L F Jackson. JAS. M PATTERSON, Dec 8(h 1884 Sherir Georgia —Gwinnett Ceunty } To • 1 whom it mavconcern : John 0 ays and Nancy C Hays, admhiistr tor and administratrix ot Andre w tys, deceased, has intdue form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, in said county cxceptthe widows’s dower, to writ. Two hundred and twenty fire acres more or less, known as the Robert Brown tract, situated in the Castle berry survey, and adjoin* lands of Chester Cross and John 0 ays, also nds of Sanford Hannah and John C ays on the south, lands of R M ugheson the east and lands of Robt uncan on the west, being the place w hereon said Andrew ays resided at the time of his death, for the pur pose of distribution bet ween the heirs and said application will be beard on the first Monday in December, next. Jas T Lamkin, Ot 28t 84 Ordinaly. FINE FARM FOR SALE. The under signed will sell to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the town of Lawrenoeville, Ga on the first Tuesday in December, next, t wo hundred add fifty Acres of land, known as the Hollingsworth place, situated two miles east os Liw renceville, on the Jefferson road, and udjoii * lands es rs Terrell, T Pee pies arul others. This is a tine red land farm, with about fifty acres in original forests, balance cleared aud in pine old fields, under fence. There is a comfortable farm house upon the place, beautiful ly situated, a tlae spring and some lias fruit trees. Nverly all of the land is suitable for cultivation, and it would make one of the most convenient stock farms in the county. The laud is strong and lies well'and on account of its furtility and the convenience of the location is a very desirable home. Parties desiring to examine the p!a< e will call on Dr. T K itchell. Terms one half cash the balance on time D J Procter, ■ Forsyth Ga, Nov. filth ’B4.— td. ' month am! board for tlirea liv< ong wan or ladiee in each conn If. Address p. W. Malar, A Ce PWla Georgia— Ow inn e Couny. James D Speuoe, Administrator of Kenan T Terrell, deceased, lias in due form applied to the undersigned for leuve to sell the following lands belonging to the estate of said deoeas edtowit: 260 acres, lot No four hundred A six 260 acres “ two hundred & eight 126 acres east half of lot No one hun dred and seventy eight. . 80 acres off of lot No one hundred & seventy seven. All in the 6th district of said county being all the the lands belonging to the estate of said deeeaed lyiug in said comity, except that portion set apart to the widow of said deceased as (low > . and said adpltcatioti will be heard u the first Monday in December next Jnn T Limkin, Oct 27th 1884 Ordinary. hereas, Wm M nunniciitt admin istrator of Wm P Huunicutt repre sents to the court inhis petition, du ly filed that he has fully administer ed Win P Kunnicutts estate This is ; therefore to cite all persons con cerned, heirs aud .creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not lie liscbarged from his administration nd receive letters of dismission on l “ first Monday >n Feb,, 1885. an is T Lain km, N v 4th—3mo Ordinary ~AL MNISTRATOKS SALE By virt of an order from the Court of Ordinary ’ Hartis county, Ga., will be sold b ire the Court Home door in the town of Lawrenceville in aid County, on the Ist 1 tteeday in No sember next, within the legal honrs of s le, the undivided one half isterest in ■ e follow ing described property to wit, One hundred and twenty, 120, aeres or j more or less, known as the North sos lot No 24G. in the sth dist ag wiunetj. adjoining lands of Elisha Mar t n, I in-mas Bowman John Rvhjnxon a d other* Therv if about fifty acres infcnßiva| tion and food trsideoce* and o utbuHd ini on thi*.p lace 1 J i Sold as the pioperty of P F Cumel deed, lor the purpose of distribution Term? Cash. U A RTH A K4MMP BELL Admtrix PFPajnf.be GEORGIA —GWINNETT COITNTV Whereas, John M .rlson, adminis trator of Loveless St rl ckland, p, o c., deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has ful ly administered Loveless Striokh nds estate. This is therefore to cilr all persons concerned, heirs and credi tors to show cause, if any they can why said a<!inimstsator£ should not be discharged from his administra tion. and receive letters of dismission ou the first Monday in .January 1885, James 1 Lamkiß, Ordi’iaay < Georgia—Gwinnett County. O F Verner, guardian for JHiss NE P Harris W B Harris and T A Harris, appiies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship, nuil 1 ysill pass upon his Application offtheirst faionday in Dec iiopt, at qny offittf in Law-renooville^j# loot 16th Tf" Ordifcry i——-a i r i 'Notica to Dkhtors AH persons indebted to tha es tate of Joseph P Brandon lat* of Gwinnett County deceased, are notified that immediate payment will »e reauirc.l, and partic- uotd lng claims against «aid deceased; are requested t© present ;th|m to the unaemgned, properly proven as required by law. H L Peeples, N A Bran.len. Adminiatrators. NO I ICE 1 O DEBTORS & CREDITORS. All persons having demands agaioat ewate of Dafrid Rawlins,; deceased are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned xcioiding to law, and all persons iudebted to said estate are requested (o make im mediate paymtnt. W. J. Rawlin* Sept 1 'B4. administrator. DO NO BUY THEM . Notice is hereby given to all par ties nos to trade (of or in ary way purchase from A. A. Dyer the ten one hundred dollar notes giffen to lum by me, which are not due and concerning which there are equi ties existing between ns George W. Ucttor ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be solu before the Court House door, be tween thelegal hours of sale and to the highest bidder for cash, at public j outcry on the first Tuesday in Deceinj her, next, five hundred (5001 acres of laud, more or less, being lots Nos 2:54 in the Oth district and 112 in the 7th district of said county This const i-f lutes the home place of the lateSam’ll Knox, dec'<Tand Is'sitnated oil the public road leading from Lawrence ville to Duluth ana is two miles east of the latter place and eight miles west of the former place. The same is well improved autl in a high state of cultivation. To bo sold as the property of said de ceased for the benefit of heirs and creditors. William 3 Km x, Oof 18th 1884 Adu(»‘nn»Uut<>r. Notice is hereby given that tny wife, Octav.a HerringbA., baa lelt my bed and board wi hou prov - catiog or cause aud I wil. nut b« for any debut si t may contract and I for-bid any one from employing bar. J I. Hxsuuhtox. CONSUMPTION. 1 • WrniUf rw mdTjTot the ah«v* dlMaa* ; by tta •N that*, awe a a • f aani •! ths w»re» kind and wf fan* BtMdißf kvrwkaaaaa rad. In dssd. ssvtrouf la nr faith la its awtoscy. that Iwl 1 a- 1 A TWO BOTTLRS FEES, twgaßhar With a Ta IXaII Es RRaTISB on this diaaaM —•"Mv LANDS FORaLE. TPE MICHELL LANDS FOR ALE. On the 6th of November next, wi be sold on the premises, a fine Swee Water Farm, known ns the Mitche Farm. • > u t liuingthreehuudredaud fifty acres. Said farm is situated on Sweet i (■•(., i m t u from Duluth, six miles from Lawreneevie seven miles from Noroross. Thefarm is ina high state of cutivation and isdi vided as follows : lOOaores orig afor est; 30 acres in oldpineileld 100 ac esin good bottom land; 12,, acres in good upland. It contains agood dwelling, with an ample supply of out out-bildlngs and four tenant houses; also fine vineyard and orchard. At he same time aud pace will besold orn, fodder, wheat and all kinds of arm products, farming utens s, stock Household aud m fin iture. — Said property to be sold for ist ibu tion among the heirs at law f ' adi son It, Mitche ii 1 Met A ito le, both deceased S aid land w I bt. sod in three lots. The land will be sold by ag eraent he lore (lie parties at interest, who wi join in malting tiles Terms from prodnats cash. Land thirty Jays time. For furllier particulars a " R 1 Ml i’CHKL Duluth or call to ase him on the primiseß. Oct first 'B4. T. D. 8. L ind for Sal). The undersigned offers lor sale a val uable (arm, located about one ami a half miles south of Suwunee depot, on the lawrenceville and -Strickland Ferry roud -known as the Lockridge place— containing 243 acres 60 or 70 acres in cultivation, 80 acres in original for ft#t-4 r W , 'aip<fc r in old pine fields—2o «ls w biuUenis.. ’I htreison this farm a Mod I riiniPrerMciiCC, one hnant house aniSa fin«young Jrchard. I Put tieJtdeeiilift Us examine liiis place and ascertain the terms wiil call on the the undersigned on the premises or ad dress him at -Suwame Ga, r R, M. W hcele Aug 4lh 1884. 1 and Zale 111 be sod before the court house door in Die town of Eawrenccvi e, Gwulnett county, Ga., at bublic out cry, on the first first Tnesdav, in No vember, at publie out cry the follow ing ofopierty, to wit: UJic bundled aeres, more or less, near the line of aoksou county, adjoining lands of Simpson, Honae, Galtou aud otliers. Known os the Wi tty Simpson plaee. On this place there is a good orchard aud two houses. 12d acres of land, more or leas known us the “Bridge* place,” six milesfrotn Lawrehcevie. About .35 aeivaineu tivufon, 15 tieres of which is good bottom. There is on this [dace a residence, and one of the finest j ihoajf in the qasmty, with sufficient I W;il W pnyjbr t#run any ordinary ma \Am) ouw luiifered and seventy five of "ilof land more or less. This tract ,m ll»e Bid is seperate lots of 125 ■nu Mi acßg eaßi. The let eoutain in;. J®act\s lila shoal on it with suf TlcfeW water prffver to runauv ordina ry machinery NRIETTA I ALLEN, Got 14th 1884—21 ■ Land For Sale e undersign e 1 (fits fit is vo farm, situated near liig o P O. in GwimifU County and kn as the Charlie Whitworth place. It is composed of part of two lots 53 acres in one and 112 acres in the oth Sr arJi will be sold separately aud as one body. Thert is on the place seventy-five acies in cultivation, 40 acres iu woods, 8 acres in bottom, three heuses, with necessary outbuildings,good orchard ai d every con venience for a comfortable bogie. This place"is in a good convenrenr lo Churches' "Schools and mills, and three miles of Loganville. Parlies desiring to see the place aud get tei ins will call ou the undersigned od the premises. Geo. P. Johnson. R L Whitworth Get, 6th 1884—Into. THE Globe Hotel LA WHENCE VII LE, GA On Monday the 26th met., the u cdernigncd will open the Gleb Hotel in Lawrenceville, for the ac c ommodation of the and wilhbe prepared to offer first cla3B accommodations and prompt ! atenjionto all who pa tonize the House A J. J. fiATI'S r < *K!s*4 to science. mecEsnics. en "jsooveries, invention, and patents Evsrynumher illnutrated with oncjclopedia of information which f&flEewSE* d . b ® vakon*. The popularity of ■ I N «rio Amebii'an is such that its cir ftscllascomiy *1 ua n t b,t of * H <ltb « r of tAninhl o f’JI 6 ' l - ..Fnoe, *3.2oayear. Discount So i d br »fi newsdealers. MUNN A CO.. Publishers, No. 361 Broadway. N. V. nrrtrre »«unn*r o . h..# I tax 1 U. also had Thlrty hn * w * Sevan Years’ practice before e Patent Office, and have prepared ore than One Hundred Thous id applications tor patents in the oited States and foreign countries, treats. Trade-Marks, Copyrights, guinents, sml all other papers for to inventors their rights in the | States, Canada, England, Franco, ' and other foreign countries, prs- j ihort notice and ou reasonable terms. , ation as to obtaining patents cheer »n without charge. Hand-books of ion sent free. Patents obtained 1 through MuusACo. are uottcedin the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to disposs of their patents. Address MUNN 4 CO., Offloe SdSOTOie American, Ml Bsoadway. New York. RAIL RO AD SCHEDULES. THE (jiEOICIA PACIFIC RAILWAY. LOCAL TIME TABLE. No 1. N Orle a s Ex. d'ly. No 3 aocom inodan daily. STAND’ CBNTR’LTIME a in pm Lea e Arrive pm|a iu 7 lo 4 05 vtlanta 8 on fi IH: 7 23 4 30 ....Howell, Ga |7 48 6 10 7 448 Payton,.. 7 33|0 16 7364 53 Cnin tahoochee,.. 7 Br>|8 r >| 030 746 5 10-... .Concord, 7246 86 7 33 5 22 Mableton 7 17 5 68 800 36! Anstell,,' [8 10 535 8 08 5 47 Salt Springs, 7 04 520 821 6 12i.... Douglasvill .... J! 50 4 0!) 8 34 6 45; inston,, e 6 37 4 43 9507 12 Villla lllca 624 20 1 06 7 43 Temple,. 6 09 3 62 0 2718 21 Bremen 5502 20 1 51 9 03 ...'.Tallapoosa 5 30 2 40 1008 9 31i... .Muscadine, Ala .516 1 30 8025 1004 Edwardsville, 5 01 2155 9042 10361 Heflin 447 1226 a in 1056 1100 ....Ilavisville, 4 35 1158 1104 1112 Chooolooeo, 4 28 1143 1113 1126 DeArmanville... 420 1126 1126 1148;. ..Gxford, 4 10 1056 1150 1150 . ..‘Oxauna 4 07 1050 a m 1200 1210!....Anniston 3 47 1045 p 111 1250! ..*Berclair, 3 25 1000 .225 I 7235 1 05 Eastalmga, 3 16; 9 45 a 252 *1 33 .... Lincoln 3039 18 Dull 55 Riverside, 2 51 8 56 J 2 2 051.... Seddon 2 46 848 25 2 30{ Eden 3 33 8 25 143256 .. .*t'ook,s Springs... 2167 58 2 00 3 24 .. .Brompton 2 00 7 31 2 10 3 40 ...*Leeds, 1 40 7 10 2 45 4 30 .. .‘lrondale, T 05 6 25 4 00 5 00 Arr Birin'gham Lve. 1245 6 00 piiiarn Ipm p m ,3 21 Ip in Lve Bii mingham Arr 1221) p m 10 20 Arr Meridian.. . 5 20am 601 am ....New Orleans 1000 pm 3 JOji in Jackson, ;1035p m 5 00 a m 1 Vic ksburg, 8 00 p in Read Down *Flag Sta’s Read L’p Westward—Connect at Oxanna with ET A 1 & G., and at Birniiug hain with C N O & T P and L & N. Eastward —Connect at Atlanta with R&DGa R R Cent R Ros Ga E T V & G W & A ani A & VV PAR. I. Y. SAGE, Genl Supt. L. S. BROWN, Genl Pass AgJ Richmond Jt Danville li li Pasiiinoej? • aiEsr On and after' Oct 12th 1884 Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta und Charlotte Air Line Division will be as follows : 7 N 11-*3 /I 1 . Express | Mail No. 51 I No. 53. Daily. | Daily. Leave Atlanta. .. 6.00 pin | 8.40 ain Ar. Gainesville 8.13 “ 10,30“ “ Lula A 8.41 “ 10.54“ “ It Gap Jn’o B 9.26 " 11.20 “ “ Toceoa C 10.04 “ 11.55 “ “Seneca D 10.08 “ 12.51 pm “ (ireenville. .E 12.46 “ 2.28 “ “ Spaiianbrg F 2.00 am 3.34 Jim “ Gastonia... G 4.23 “ 5.26 “ “ Charlotte.. H 520 * 6.10 “ ~s r rMWAfttJ Express Mail No. 50 No. 52 Daily Daily L’ve Charlotte 1.45 am I.oopm Ar. Gastonia 2.30 “ 1.41 “ “ Spartanburg 4.28 “ 3.34 “ “ (ireenville... 5.43 “ 4.53 “ “ Seneca 7.28 “ 6.29 “ “ Toccoa 8.32 “ 7.32 “ “ R Gap Juno. 9.26 “ 8.25 “ “ Lula 10.00 “ 8.56 “ “ Gainesville.. 10.38 “ 9.25 “ “ Atlanta 1.00 pm 11,30 pm ACCOMMODATION TRAIN (A. LINE BELLE GOING NORTH Leave Atlanta 5.30 p m Arrive at Gainesville 7.40 p m ACCOMMODATION TRAIN (a . L . PELLe) GOING SOUTH. Lea tp Gainesville 7.00 a in Arrive Atlanta 9.20 “ NO IS- LOCAL IREIGHT. GOING SOUTH Leave Charlotte 6.35 a. m. Arrive at Gaffneys... .lAO7 “ *' Spartanburg.l2 20 p. m. “ Greenville.. .6.27 *• ‘‘ Central 8.10 “ NO 17—LOCAL FREIGHT. GOING NORTH. Leave Central 4.45 a m Arrive Greenville I 06 a. m. “ Spartanbnrg.. .10.40 *• “ Gaffreys 1.t7 p. m. “ Charlotte 7.25 “ Allfreight trains on this road oarrv pas sengers. All passenger trains run through to Danville and Richmond without change, connecting at Dan ville with Va. idland Rwy., to all eastern cities, aud at Atlanta with all linos diverging. No 60 leaves Rich mond at 1.30 P. M.ami No 51 arrives there at 3.45 P. M. 52 leaves Richmond 2.U8 A. M. 53 arrives there 7.00 A. M. fie local freights stop at above sta tions 20 te 30 minutes, BI FFET MI.pEITNIi CARS WITH OUT CHANGE. On traiiif No« 50 and 51, New Fork and Atlanta, via Washington and Danville, and also Greensboro and Asliville 1 On tra.ns Nos 52 aud 53, Richmond and Danville, and Washington and An gustft.and Washington and New Orle | ans. Returning on No 52—sleeper Greensboro to Richmond fcF Through Tickets oil sale at Char lotte, Greenville,Seneca, Spartanburg, j and Gainesville to all points South, Southwest, North and East. | l >' ith A K H It. to A from Athens H •* N K J U to k from Tiillulft Falls O’ ” E Air I ini to ,fc from Klbern n & Bowcrsville !* “ Blue Ridge RUto k from Wslhulia, Ac 1 ‘ Cif 1 1 l.i 'il i Newberry. Aiiton.nd Uolumbi* A * S A 5 U A C to A fr'm tfwn lemon vifie, A Iston Ass. I htvier A Lenoir to A from Chester, lforkvilloA !hilts H N C Dir A C C-A to A fm* Gnensbi.ro, Riilelg dwie Bebkelty, Supeninterdeml. A L. Rives, 2«<J V. F. & Gen Manager* M S atighir, Gen'l r»»tn i LAWRENCEVILLE R R Arrive Lawrenceeviile, 7:0 am Arrive a Siuvauee, 7:40 a ni Leave Snwannee .. 7:38 ptn Arrive Lawrenceviiie... S.'2‘2 o m The rain leaving Lawre tceviile at 7:00 a. m., makes close connec ion with the “ Belle rain - a Su wanee, ar ri viug in Alana a 9:20 a. m. Returlng leaves Atlanta . 6:15 p m and arrivingat Lawi -nee ville a 8:22 p. in. EDWIN BERKLEY ■■ Superinten lent NORTO-EASTERN RAILROAD. Supeintendent's Office, thens Ga. May 10th 1884 On and after May 12th 1884, trains on this road will run a® al lows : " ' ■ NO 58 Leave Athens 8:00 a m Arrive at Lula. ! 1 .'.10:00 n m *• “ Atlanta... 1:00 pm “ “ Talu. Fulls.. 12:50 p m NO 51 Leave Athens 4:30 p m Arrive at Lula..". 7:00 pm Arrive Atlanta 11:30 p in NO 5(1 L'v. Talu. Falls 7:40 am “ Atlanta 8:40 a m Arrive a*. Lula 9:50 a in Arrive at Atheus.... , 1:30 pin ~ |*' NO' 52 Leave Atlanta | 4:40 pin Arrive at Lula | 7:40 p m Arrive at Athens | 9:20 pin Tallulah Falls Accommodation. L’v. Talu. Falls j 6:45 pm Ar. liab’u trap. -June. | 7:50 p m L’v. Rab’n Gap. June. | 8:30 p rn Ar. Talu Falls j 9:30 p nfi Tafiulah Falls accommodations will run on Wednesdays and Sat urdays. All other trains daily Sundays excepted. Connection made at Lula with passenger trains on Richmond & Danville Railroad, both east and west.— Tickets for sale at General office, College ave., to all points, and in formation fumbled with pleasure. M. SLAUGHER, Gen Pass Agent. H R BERNARD, Sup. No 2 Atlanta i Ex. daily, No 4 actoin modan’ daily. Office Board Co. Gorn's. Lawrencevillu (y’a. Sept. 30th 1884 On canvassing the vote for and against the issuing of Bonds, as advertised at the election held on the 9th., returns from eleven pre cincts. Voles ca-n. No 80nd5........479 “ “ For Bonds 55 Majority for No Bonds 424 Upon declaring the result the Board proceeded to levy the Tax for this year, 1884, Ordered. —That the following amounts be levied as Taxes on the General Tax Digest for the year 1884, assessed as follows : For .Jury purposes lOets on SIOO ‘•Gen’l Co. “ lOets “ “ ‘Fftuper “ 18cts “ “ “Bridges “ 04cts “ “ “NewCourtHouee2scts “ “ Making for Co. Tax 57cts “ “ Add to this the state Tax 30cts “ “ Making state and Count.v tax .... 87ets “ “ It is further ordered that the Tax Collector of said County be dir ted to collect the above am nts. true extract from the min ute . James D. Spence, Ch'r. &Cl’k. Bd. Co. Corn’s MISCELLANEOUS ADV'TS. Q BUTINIiA M'B M, STAND’D TURSINF Ts the t'est, con«tn ted finished, give bet- W *ARBr ter percentage, t ore fi&Fft'-fyl power and is so t for 1111 IUUp less money per horse power, than ano •other V* Turbiue in the world *3"Ni w pamphlet sent free by BURN HAM, EROS., York, Fa. NO MORE MYI’.7iLASsEs7' ! Mitcheji’s Eye Salve, ! A certain, Hafq, effuotlve remedy for 'kWsa^'lnUlfss Producing bong Sighteducss, and lie storing the sight of the old Curts Tear Dropr. Granu' t io n , S ye L’uinors, litd Eyes. \/ t te 1 Eve La*l.< s, and producing qaiek relief and per manerf oi.re Als« equally elti teloti* when used in other maladies, such as I' e ra Fe ver Sort's, Tumors, ball Rheum, Horns, Piles, or wharoever intiuni i lione/.isls, Mitchell’s Salve ua> l)« used to advantage. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents I film’s ns | It gives tone and power. Fur com plaints of t he’Kidneys, Bowels, Stom ach, Liver and Lungs, tor all ttjfe sub tle troubles of women and for those hod ily disorders induced by anxiety, care and mental strain,'itseffects will surprise and charm you Tt is not at) essence of ginger. Delecious to the palate, an antidote to the liquor habit and cxeeedingl helpful to the aged and feeble, 50c and 91.00 sizes H It? .’OX, &CO., New York ; 70001 Agents wanted double quick : to sell the only official Biographies of Cltvela.d By Ex-Governor Dorsheimer, of N Y member of the U 8 congress, and Hon W U iienxei eliniriuiut of i)‘-tn. State j coin ol Pa. —intimate friends of (1 & j 11. It isthe most reliabie, interesting | Hind i ichty illustrated, hence an im mense demand, Agents are coining | money. It lias line steel portraits, i sells fastest and pays best. Beware! of unreliable, eatehpeunv books write j tvHubbard Bros, Pubs Philadelphia, | Pa. ul .0N& HAMLIN j om.,Organs g. Highest honors at all great World’s} Exhib'tions for seventeen years. On ly Amerean Organs uwarded such at I tiny. Foreash. easy payments or rent} ed Up;i.gh.t Pi 133 presenting very highest excellence 1 yet attained in such instruments ; ad- ‘ fling to nil to all previous improve-} m. nts >ne of greater value than any] securing most pure, refined, musiciii tones and increased durability ; espe cially evoiding liability l (get out of time. Illustrated catalogue tree Mason A Hamlin Orcax and Piano Company. Boston, 154 Tremont St; New York, Pi Fast 14th Ht; Chicago, 149 Wabash Ave Is your l.iie norm :i iiollarl Perhaps that seems a high price for it, considering how poor your blood is, and how your whole sys tem is prostrated, debilitated, and enfeebled. People have been heard to say, under such circumstances, that they would not give the toss of a copper for the choice between life and death, llut when it comes to actually drawing near the grave, a man naturally draws back, anti says he does no* “ ant to die. Life is very precious, even to a bro ken down man it is worth saving, One dollar will buy a bottle of Broiuris Iron Hitters. That one dollar may start you on the road from misery to recover*'. A man must take a very mean view of himself who is not willing to invest that much in making one serious effort to rescue himself from deadly debility, and i., step into the en joyment of solid health. Broieris Iron Bitters vitalizes Lie blood, tones the nerves, and rebuilds the syster Its wi . 1 is well known. Invest that dollar u a butU 8 Tell the chUdren to cut out and save the comlo silhouette picturea ax they appear from ixeue to Issue. They will be ploased with the collection. L- zkJb This space .is owned by BLACKWELL’S BULL. Of course we mean the famous animal appearing on tlie label of every greuuiue package of Black, well’s BuU Durham Smoking Tobacco. Every dealer keeps this, the bust Smokinjr Tobacco made None genuine without trade-mark of the Bull. T-^g-ERRY’S 1855 to all applicants Y and to customers of last year without ordering it It contains iflustratlons, prices »;^a*nd Rn Ft^&r«Sfe?i l D. M. FERRY & C 0. o, M£^ A S4O TOBlfiW gB8 T FOR sl2 ii ini u v of BARREL 22 ro 28 INCHES. J SHOOT 3 ACCURATELY UP TO 1200 yae M l GOOD WITH SHOT AT 100 XABDS. EVANS’ 23-SHOT SPORTING MAGAZIHE GUN' SHOOTS TWENTV-SIX SHOTS IN SIXT* SUCONUN T•S a, E ‘V*7; B ‘ ,U V Sh "* »*“>»«* Bemovin* from tho Shoulder I Ih 18 the Best Gun in the World ThsIWlM TH .E WAY. THROWING DOWN THE GUARD DECTS. LOADS AND COCKS Snch'h hl ' u, ' l , ,eh ‘ aiul moßt'ppGVuT »Up.h , U l dit" r g“n , iS , the wro'ET* I??*. \ |"i bre* ' 2!' pk **2 flrH ; I™' VorZn Walnut Stor k. *» “> *» -“Si 1.200 y ards I •aiAiK-vs-nsSTjoo Tards . Winchester ami Ballard, it beat* them all. *-J K>, k Vm-ke BurnhamsvllTe Mi, „b° n . lp wL' ,on wl,h th « Sharp. *14.00 If ordered before January Im. When this lot Is sold th<>r »J» * l?*. 00 ,* or ,l ‘° inch barrel fee Don t ihlkh this chance but buy tl*< irutt at onrit fur thl* n! e /IT rt 'i? * nr to** than or *N) each adverUsement will not appear%g!f p * U Wo wiil send .hi " *£>”!> “|r * t jM W 4 T h#n milT's“). tl s when y; rrnx-e n,„ if vou Mlld f u u J ' j ofaih .tik'llSJ ,b * ’’•'•"M can WII and l- , shot rsrtrldijs. ftsa Pries of Site, CsUridices *2,00 Mr hundred lIS li LH '»’ OT tI“ wll ‘ *«l<i %1 W» are aids tn make Ibis .atraordliurv offer b. csu»« we hie. ZT.IL . 1 *• l srlrl.kin, #1,50 per hmntredS ene (bird the net,isl cort: you will aaerratl La llw"'"nd dullnn. worth ~Y,I .111.1. M BO'tsy by Reffi.tsred Lette? I wtt i J ###> 7t i nk“wW 5 "" '“i'f «» It iron, Jt :ju loTth Sundl wi’o., oar. Money Order I World Mi g Co. 122 Nassau street, 2 BBST U ITS pos ::jm i.rj beast. Firc-' 3 ofa ccnfnrythe !>l< •: oim.V (-ito;ij ’ u feienihaatiotisi Si ic t •: : • .!->.(• J 1 over the World ss (tic • - ce ! the relief of ■ If. is a medicines? I ulx. - ■ t>-T • | ' »*—the best of Itx ” Mel. ior t very tb.ai of bxtcrnal pal p ‘ MEXICAN , j v t f T Jnimrnt i • withr-nt an our ni. I ■ 1 t {lenfttrAtei h imisck to| Inie ri-.-y bon -id- iring tut? con Liu vi- H Ir.nca c.f .tatji i.n l Juices- g Its t i'oufeupon Human Fjpsji nnuM Jilm Ht • '« !o :i i.n» equally wornU r-r I .ir’mrr t 18 v. •'*(•*] od Ly satoeLou/ in j I vc - y hc-uko. i very <lh vlu lufft) news of E lilt' iu; . , 1 ntuidoi- bur*; t.r‘ , . 8 ;tiUc re* § !>fss. .1, ri’ ft \:riw.isr o In.rsc or ex? [ ed iy L.c i., aiing pop; ~r oi' LhleS ! mmm I which rpeerti’v cv.:h ailmenls of j'lte lit.UAN > ... I : ( | rhfimnA vi/ 'i r>ve Ctlirj i (oiata, ( ?..* aueic*, Huvuh dvi Cuts, Krulfips and e *V > »> bo-t J 31<tr8* rml 1, Old ■ Serefi,TTli.t < ■. il- r ; “ or© i llreaot. nutl 51*' vverv T 'trtx c 7 - me. «iix - r. *v r rt ho li., ith ■ j r.iduicy. fc-tiV joint*, t i:i*n •, T* ruefis ioiT iOl e*y I cioUt’ m } n ijitf M* 5 r . !. I'hc ! ■; fti'd v .9) » 6f?»< diliii iui . I <4* V . ?> f»t ".pailiA of tlio • ( : l btocV \ . d Ri’' liuolf. } I ‘f*. H i « ■<- a rift MnU.reniM I rj \ ; c : t ; j.-. vb r L—; f JfafclicKro'--*ivc.y, j ! r 113 h r >-:r4 14 • % The Wonderful Efficacy of DP. SCHENCK’S NiANDRAKE PILLS Han been ea frequently and satisfactorily proven I lit it aoems almost to say anythiniir t lore in their fa\or. Tho Immense and constantly i .icrcasiUN r dertian.l for Ibe'-n, both in this •udfeweitr* cjuntriee, ifi tin: Ik t ov.d.j co t.-f their valik. Tlf-Ia- Fate to-day in the United States is far Kreatf;r tiiau bay oth r cittiartib inedi-riae. This demand is not spaamodic, it is regular an l steady. It Lh not of to day or yesterday, it is c» increase that has been * *oadlly Rrrowt&tr for tho ! < t tflirty-ftva years. Tv'hat tee tho reas ma for fide :• rout andgroxLDgdomandil Handrako rillaeontain comer ary. and y.*t thi v act ayi i v'Ftderfu* effect isr-oit' Uio liver. They cioanso Uu* c te-uiacJi md bow.'ir« f 1 irritatin r matter, rh ’i. if allowl to remain, oteonfithe bloo l, and b* n'_*» on Malar-a,Chills an l ever, and many ether ii eaoes. They prive health jd htreny'llx to tho disyeotho onpum. They create i; •if tite and grh»e vi-oi* to ti»o v.hole system. They ire ii 4 fact th • med: oe of s'.i others whlcix slioul l : o taken j u ti a ’ liiic *l9 *.v. 'tm nu'lwrioland . •her epldeudrjr.ro ra<rin?r, r• Ur l<- r< thorya.. i j? ti resist u’-.acss oi .. 3c’ every lyj.cter. r, ScheorUs ■;’<PiiN are fid fcya! 1 • at £ ,c. p r b ", cr »cnfc l yincil. j- j . . n roceipt of preo. % r>r. Tim ka. : - .-SLip t 7.1\ . . , j* Couiplnitic and Uywpvt U i -i ii nnan, is ‘jent five ♦> alb Audr»l*a-« *. I > :i!r.NCK, A >.‘h . ’cipiiia, r .. V' '■ T"-T - ■ JT THE GHICKERING mm. THEHIBHESI AWARDS In the (>IiK.VT WQKJ.D'S t\\U? in I,ONI>ON 1S61; aLthe’OKKAT EXPOSITION in PARIB, J ’67; Rtthi INTERN A'i' ON Al. EXPOSITION in OfllU, ]- ,■■■: f • <i ni the irnunl CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION In I'lm.xtelphia, lST'i. AH per i«n; n« x. 'slilniz purch.is* (or aroint) instruments aro w*cs]»edfully in vlteil to vlsU o i* Ware rooms. Rwlfar Circular and Price List . CHIGKERiNG & SONS 130 Fifth Avct 10. ’’ ’ ''' r T : i 'jd, \>c.o m