Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, January 06, 1885, Image 4

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A>k their friends aud customers to call and examine t heir stock of FALL AND WIN’TEK GOODS, which embraces a hill line of Dress Good*. Calicoes ,J ana Ticking*, L.tuius Shawls of all kind and sizes. In fact a complete lineof General Merchandise which they prop<'KO to sell av cheap as the* cheapest. New Goods, FALL& WI NTER 1884! The undersigned would especially iiivte (lie public to vu stock an inspection when in vwmt of good reliable GOODS Having pm chased largely in the Northern .Markets of LADIES DRESS GOODS. HEADY M VDE CLOTHING* For .MEN and BOYS; L.IDJES CORSETS, SKIRTS, .TACK- El’S&c., GENTS UNDER SHIRTS, DRESS SH/R FS, &e„ BLANKET’S, SHAWLS, UR/NTS, ‘FLANX'EL’S, BLEACHED GOODS, JEA.VS, CASSIMERs. ROOTS and SHOES H 'RI) WAR A, NOTIONS, HATS, STATIONARY. //OSIER V, &e. Having made his selections in person ! e feels warranted in mm that he has got WHAT YOU WANT And at pr'eces that will defy competition, as chkac as the c art ! To those in want of tine Ready Made He would sav eonie and see tin m for yonrselvis, and he e mvun t.c xo SHODD y nouns, rr in as good sleek as ccai oe found anywhere, and Superior to an\ ever brought to this i>lace • v ery body invited to examine my STOCK, assuiing them satisfetion if they will give me a srial Thankitg the public for a iileit.l 1 1 tm v f tl tit palrorage leie foie, he but hopes l y fair and liberal dealing |„ merit a < ontinuan of the same. NO USE IN GOINI OFF To spend your money wiih STRANGERS in other .»/, / /,' k'ETS bui do so at home and support your own people, and build up your XVlcchants, Especially when all shiugs are eipial. Sept9th—Hrao. J AMES D. SPEN"CE. Georgia Gwinnett County. To all whom il may concern Jo* T Campbell tins in tlu<- form amdied to undersigned tor |*erinaiieiit lei lei s of administration on tin■ estate of Jim, ,1 Campbell, tale of said count.v dr ceased, and I will pasMupoo said ap plication on Hie first Monday in Jan uary 18S5. AS. T LAM KIN $2 10—Dec Ist. 'B4. Ordinary. tifiiHT’M FO nr. i siirnru »oous. notionh. of kinds, onas.w Annaun, ckocrbuv, &roobhiu». BOOTS and SHOES A SPECIALTY. JUST BECHTEL We have just tecievad a fnsh supply of cheap goods that wo e bought lo ver ibanever, aud we are selling them the same way. '•Ve are offe/ifig spe. iul prices in /loots aid Shoes Jeans, Dress Good, Flaunels, Clucks Shoaling and Shirtings, and many other goods too numerons to meulion. A small lot of Ready Made doll ing at ten per Rent, less than cost to close it out. One new improv ed No. B\\ heeler & Wilson Sew ing Machine for S2O cos! $27.--- Call and ser us and we will con - vines you that we mean what we fcuy. Respectfully. A T Patiixo <fc Co. (ienrgia—(iw t.nett Coni,ty. Win A. Sewell, I.living ill due foi in applied to the nlldel siaimd I,l|' the giiardianstii,, of iln* persim and pn p el l \ of Jasper N . nvn, minor etiild of Susanah I ' n, late of said e.iunly deeease * lil e is herei>\ (riven dial Ins n ation will he heard al my otllee \n the lirsl Mou lt uy in Jaimar, next. JAMES T. LAM KIN •34.10 — IJec X*t. »4 Ordinary ■in mew srn ciii nsr i. living received a fresh supply o new goods I am " olleiing them at. prices to suit tho dull tin.es. A uy only or cash and sell only creath, I <; 1 gh re goods or the same amount o money than the n who buys on 30 to 60 Hays Time NIBLE S \ PENCE U BETTER THAN A SLOW SHIELING . In adui 1 uto a till line of Groceries, I’iovisio e tied Go Is, etc., will be found a complete .ine of DRV GOODS, HARDW VUE, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES GLASS WARE, NOTIONS ANT Country Produce! In addition to keeping the cheapest hou>e in town, now prepared to handle all kinds of countiy Produce and will pay you the highest market price for your CHICKENS EGGS, BUTTER, BEESWAX. GREEN //IDFS. RAGS, DRV HIDES, DRIED FRUIT, FEATHERS, WOOL, CORN, OA’I S and i verytaiug else that can lie bought mid sold. Briidi your produce to me when you want the highest market price for il in money, or goods at Money Prices thanking the public for past Patronage, and asking a coniiuu ance sf the same; 1 am Respectfullv, MILLS E. EWING 24th1884 THEM. N<dice is hereby given to all par lies mu to trade for oi in ar v way purchase from A. A. Dyer the lea one hundred dollar notes given to him by me. which aieuot due and coin'Hi t ing which there are equi- ties exis ing between ns Geokue W. Rvtton Georgia -Gwinnett County Oavlit Itumiliiii administrator, it Louis nun, with the w annexed 1 of If M (lower, ileeenseft, Ims in iliih form apiilieil to me fur leave to sell | the reiniiimlei' »t the lamls lii lonying to t lie estate ol - ial ileeeaseil 1 o vvit . one hundred tu re-more or loss, in the stii ills! | iel ut s;u.| emuity, heitur |>tirt of lot No ami said ttfipliratioa will lie heanl on the Hist Mull lav ill j .1 an nary, lssu J AS. T. LAvIX' j 55—Dee i ’B4 g Ordinal y. Is t oiii I. iit- hoi >l> a itullai'. Perhaps that seems a high price for it, considering how poor your blood is, and how your whole sys tem is prostrated, debilitated, and enfeebled. People have been heard to say, under such circumstances, that they would not give the toss of a copper for the choice between life and death. But when it comes to actually drawing near the grave, a man naturally draws back, and says he does no f ’"ant to die. Life is very’ precious,even to a bro ken-down man it is worth saving, One dollar will buy a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters. That one dollar may start you on the road from misery to A man must take a very mean view of himself who is not willing to invest that much in making one seri<..,s effort to rescue himself from deadly debility, and 1 . ..tep into the en joy’ment of solid health. Brown's Iron Bitters vitalizes t.m blood, tones the nerves, and rebuilds the syster* Its w< 's well known. Invest tnat dollar i. a L.ittl 8 CONSUMPTION. I h*vo a positive refneffyTur the above disease; by Its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed. • ostrone Is lu ll» efficacy, that 1 wi I send TWO BO TILES h KKE, together wit n a VALUABLETREATISE uu tbisdtaNMg to any sutTerur ve eapress and F_A)■ addr; »*. to an j T A Ki FcffUt., Now York Herrin & Turner. In calling the attention of the trade of Gvvinntt and alton Counties to our Fall and Winter stock we ed sire to saythat we have changed our store, [moving next door to the old stand) and now have one of the largest and best arranged houses in Lawrenceville. Hi ing a goo Irooin Ibrstoraga of goo Is,we have takenspeoiil naina in selecting them for the trade, and are satisfied that we have as good or better line, of kept in a Gen eral Store, as has ever been shown to the people of Gwinnett and Walton bounties. Realizing that thJ crop is short, and knowing that ihe people are bound tohave low prices in order to he able to buy °we h 1 marked our piucks AWAY > N, and ask a careful inspection of our stock before buvin- elsewhere feelhW assured that we c in save you money. ® To our customers that we have extended time to, in or der to enable them to make crops we ask that theveom * forward promptly and make settlement.-, so as to enable us to extend them credit auothei year, as we believe year, we will see money matters tighter than they havebcen this season. " ej j From this date our rule will be strictly CASH uadi the first of January next, when we f., SH l| „„ . . We are not adopting tboC 'SH SYSTEM, as we know our people are n t yet ab.'e to pay tt s they go, we haven’t ih« “C H them »o Coiue au<» spend then- money well us in the Fall, end in the Summer i a fuse to jel] them die necessities of hfe ~~ In asking ihe trade this Fa 1 \vf call attention to DKKiSS GOODS. In this department we have b night largely this season, an 4 can show the ladies the ia‘es stvles a-,1 r . every time Our stork of ties, goods is not a half dozen pieces, but is full and complete, and w • • .ntident we ean^'eai'e 'every* These goods are changing all . he dme, in s<y)e Our stock 0 VJS W, uni emb, ■: cos di the latest designs. Flannels, Linseys 3k Plaids, N ol r raises S;:i» 1 JEANS AND CASIMERS down »y bi g ° odsj in U,U h ° USeof KmJeB, bought, a, the 1 pric, ud we believe that we can tun 1 \vu uri} competi ion la hub town or. prices, as we propose to se'l them at a />, / !{(rA[J\\ 'JSS® sisxzztstA, va We have double die uuonut of iin :-c- goods oi any other house in town, and all we have to do, is to how th< in to s .tisfv custoinfcis ttJ they have been bought LOW and WILL BE SOLI) THE SAME WAY. ’ * Our hue of Ticking, Bleaching, Sheeting!, Slid tings, Sea 1 shims and Checks, is innnti.se for this town, and we will make li to jour i| itrest io look through them before buying We have a good line of Crockery Glassware, and Lamps, that we aio anxious to close oat, an 1 m order to do so wc are offering somei Special Bargains. We have a full stock of Sngars, Coffee . Meat. Ha ns, F our Tob-tceo. Canned goods, Spice. Ginger, Peputi , Cinnamon Nutmegs, ClovjJ Pick.es, Candy. , r anything else wanted, all at ROCK BO If Oil. ■ K b * This acvverlisemeut is not a mere mat ter of "WI'SH," as s iuie homes advertise, hut a mat ter of business wt h us, and to those wnl dor'tbelive (hat we mean just wliat, we sav, /ha, \\' c Have One of the Best Stacks in the Count I/, and prices 04 how if not Lower • ' ’ ■ We. say get your prices, come to see us and we will have no rouble to Cm. Sell you. J A. Coffee amt Cliarles L. \ itugban, who have bceu so long with us, and who arc well known o our trade, will take pleasure in showing goorl 8 and giving best prices. H ykankiug the public for a gciiero-is share of their pa'ronage ir, the past, and asking a continuance of the some, with the hat we thnk that whatever is o the mleiest of our trade is to tile interest of our selves. W e are ReapecAllfif ** Herrin Tur*eJH Lawrenceville Ga Sept, doth 1884 iwsim, SXELL ! ‘ILL K. CA .Mis I'lihil /’ru/trii* ! Academic Year. Commencihu Jan uary, stii., 1884. The leading idea.— The idea is to teacii with th irmighne-s whn 1j e\er may be >dtempted, and to at tempt onlv tliai for which the o pacity find natural iuclina'ien of the students fi ihem, and for | which /hey will lmve uwe in after | iitc. Strict discipline wiil he at | al! times maintained, jiul no stu dent need enter who is not willing to yield implicit obedience. To imbue wii h high-minded anil gentleman-like sentiments, truth fulness, honor and candor, military exercise has became p rt of this : limtntion Tf.atimoniai,.—This Institution, j pet in iis infancy, enrolled this j yea v , 11!) pupi 8. Society. —The ••Be'lea Letters ! Club,” mec Is F. iday eve, of each week, and affords many advantag \ cs to the young ladies and gentle ‘ men. Tuition. —Primary, $1 20. $1.50 $1.75. Academic $2.00 to $3.00. OSCAR BIIOWN, Princ. ! Ud If Customary CHRIS!.M vS IN Vi iA I <>N. To the f nlilic to call and rei •.iy nice stock of ( h ristnuts (,< <>rts FANCY C.IN DIFS. JEI LIES, CANNED G()()DS, Fins Mugs; Vases, &c, Ac, full an . git vonr Swiethiiut, \a nr uncle or vonr aunt or ccusin a pr.senV Hint will inaki them id ways - emember You 7b my old friends and custom era I would sat that. I also inn a ful 1 ne of goods and ask Hi m to remember me when they come to town. R.-speclfuhy. JoJINM WILSON i Dec. 2 3rd 1884 Lawrenceville Fa. Oct 14 1884—3 m 0 T’lu) aatt M J. Paper devoted to ic.Snce. ZetEJufe.. JJI gioeering, discoveries, inventions and patsnw m t* r published. Every number illustrated wilt nplenmd engravings. This publication, furnish#* a most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be without. The popularity *f the Scientific American ia such that its cir culation nearly equal* that of all other papers *t its class combined. Price. t 320 a year. DWuii to( jubs Sold by all nowsdeaiera. MUNN ACO Publishers, No. fcl Broadway. N. Y. BATENT&ggIg the Patent Office, and have prepared more than One Hundred Thoug and applications for patents ia ft* United States and foreign oountrie# Caveats. Trade-Marks, Copy nJK Vssignments, and all other papers hi ing to inventors their right* in the »d States. Canada, England, Frans*, any and other foreign countries, pi#’ at short notice and on reasonable terms, •rination as to obtaining patents chser given without charge. Hand-books el nation sent free. Patents obtained through Muuui Co. are noticed in the loieaUie American free. The advantage of such notice ia ' 1 1 understood by all persons who visk to dispose of their patent*. A ddresa MUNN A CO.. Often MU»m American, 3CI Broadway, New York. /^—•FERRY'S Will be mailed rnrr TSafil # to all applicants Y and to customers of last year without ordering it. It contains llluatratlona, prlcat deacrlptiona and direction* for planting'all Vegetable and Flower SEEM, Bl LBa.atc. D.M.FERRY&CO. o, i2^