The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 12, 1871, Image 1

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news & farmer VoL L THE Jiflwson Kmn & Faraoy _r v' Zii. '-£■ ■*" •A. *•-« ”'** * Jlawfl BY HJJSXBOV ft sobkbts: - A LIVE FIRST GLASS ■Weekly N«wspa!pfe* FOB THE lam, Girfei, ill i Published Fiery Friday Morning AT liOUtsvmpiL cul nua H.H pm 11101 in iiuki' 1 BAtKB OF ADVERTISING.' " " 1 ys u. 6 months, 3 months. 4 weeks. 1 week. Wah£» a *OO $2.26 $7 50 $12.00.5*).00 a .7$ 6.00 12.00 18.00 80.00 4 .00 7.00 16.00 28-66 40.00 I .50 9.00 26.00 86.00 60.00 100 12.00 28.00 40.00 60.00 S.OO 16.00 84.00 60.00 76.00 1.00 26.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 $ 00 60.00 80 00 120.00 160.00 - ■--..— legal advertising. Ordiaarf*.—Citations tor letters Ot adaiaidratioo, guardianship, Ac. $ 3 00 Haswstsaq motice 200 SssHnsti-ttir dism’n from jdo’s.. 500 ApptiaSHajfer dtsm’n ofgnard’n.... 360 apsHOitlij for lsave to sell Lend.... 5 00 M»ssl,|i Debtors end Creditors.... 300 Safes a{ lend, per tqunro of ttulimi 600 Safe sf psnonal per sq., ten days.... 150 Sfcrt#’*—iaeh levy of tea tines,.... SSO SHtnnelM •/tee tines or loot.. 500 Ttx CelWcbr’s sales, (3 months—.. 600 C*e**’e—fisslosnre of mortgsg* rad otfir sfoteW*. P*» ware.....— 100 Mstray RoSoeßthirty day 5.......... 3 00 Sates if I<E«, by Administrators, Execu lereer Gear diets, are requir-'d, by law to be |MI on tbeirst Tuesday in tlLmontb, bet#o*n tbe tours of ten in tbe -Wrenoon end wren in lie afternoon, at the Court house in the esunty in which the property iesstaated. Mstfee aft kwe sale* most bo published 40 days previoeato the day of sale: Notts* for tie sale of personal property most <m pnhUjMd 10 daya previous to safe day. Notion to debtors and creditors, 40 days. Motion that application will bo made to lbs Contiof Ordinary for leave to sell land, 4 weeks. . .. r..\ • i' Citations for letters of Administration, Guardianship, Ac., most be published 30 ■ lyttihriiWit for dUmißttorufcow guar dianship, 40 dtys. Salsa for foreclosure of Mortgages must ho published montUf for four euraths—for sstshiishing l«St papers, for tko foU space of lira* aasstfo—(or compelling titles from tie seatorsor Admiaistrators, where bond has Man B<vwa by the dseesssd.ths fall spmrt thrgii . Application for Homestead to bo published LOUISVILLE CARDS, ; ‘cAH t AffOBNIY* AT LAW LOUISVTLLB, GA Maj 6,1671. • 1 »|i -T. F. HARLOW Waton Maßier —AMD—> ittiiTiu*. - • ■ -:S.fcvV/ L-.r;. L rv I .M SncuA immOß GIVEN terras* vstiagsßd repairing WATCHES, CLOCK}. «WSLMT, Ac., Ac. Uteri »n. »n« DR. I. R. POW3HL • » - UfU^Di’WA LOMISTIUiE, GA ttaaks|tbe offer of bis professional service. to HIRTCIS’ HOTEL. A»fWsU, «»• U» ■ ■■ ;-r.: ii.i >■ i;j; A wra««fr Motel in the City whore das is usd a- ’ throngheei. ■> ** -t -i *’ JOHN A. G OZDBTEIN. CHARHBWN HOTEfc ». hTjaclksoit, Jwrtitor* Louisville, Jetterson County, Gki., Friday, May 12, 1871. 3cm FK.iisrmisrGh v ~f\ SS ALL STYLES & colors, rraspppp m&r } SOUTHERN RECORDER AND Southern Times & Planter, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 2v£iHed.geville> AND Sparta* Gha- B INVITE THE ATTENTION OF the Public generally, to our extensive and well-fitted jfoA JPrirttirtQ SflSteeSL. Our focilities for Executing BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. are aa good aa those of any Office in the coun try, having a large lot of types in onr two Extensive Establishments. CARDS. VISITJNO, AND EVERT OTHER KIND. OM CQLOMM9, ait xiABOKAsaa ipimgbs -1 WE keep on hand alt the time a full supply of Xj e gal Blan ks- Sheriff’s, Ordinary’s, Clerk’s, Mag istrate’s, and Law Blanks, of every kind Printed on the Best Paper, and at Low Prices. i«‘ ■ tip Book Printing AS we have a FINE lot of the BEST TYPE and a No. 1. Power Press, we are folly prepared to ex ecate as nice Book-work as any one. Call and Rive Us a trial and. be con vinced. - BUI HEADS, ETC., fit the line of Bill Heads, Letter Heads and Circulars, we ofre prepared a# heretofore, to execute neat work, on fhvorable terms, and Wegwatfonft that our work will bi e|ual to that performed il any of ttfe larger cities r so that 6ur Law yers apd Merchants need not' Send off to have such work done- Send in IbqrfMfn* posfiut mmm, ro*ta--1 : 0(f •' '* l A JSi Ufa- I These OflSces wtll be found to he r . • litS 'i ft T ‘* * equal to meytlnag in the State. PaW f ; u£ .heqy.g line have bat Ml call and Ewoame to be convinced. fc q v , : OAXjL on or address muowm. ' C oil •FAILVAi »A. Miscmiolosejvsq rar. HOW TO TREAT AOCTDIIItkL COMPANY. It the first plaee make your friends welcome; but do not make a fussy parade or show' in doing it. It you can possibly do So avoid cooking on their account; it makes a person feel uncomfortable to find themselves the occasion of extra trouble. Better by lar give them without comment the best the house alrords ready prepar ed, and spend the time of the visit in tbeir society. It is generally sup posed our friends are not obliged to make viisils to supply the deficiencies at home; and we are to take their visit as a desire for our socidty rath er than the costly viands with which We may load our table. When friends come to see you from a distance, be particularly careful not to have them imagine their visit ill-timed ; do not complain of poor servants, or want of room to make them feel as comfortable as you would wish. If you have a good room give jt to them; if on the other band your : accomn»odalions are not such as you would desire, on their account and your own, make no apology, do not-let them see your mortification, bdt act as though you felt satisfied with youself and the world. If you have aH yon i*eed and your friends*lfeVe hardly aS much of this world as would be for their comfort, be careful not to wound their feelings by an ostentalious show of the com forts you happen to be blessed >viih, but appear as though friends were accustomed to everjp luxury, and these trifles were only a matter of course. When a friend arrives it is expect ed they need refreshment both of toilet and table; as sooh as congrat* ulations are over and their luggage arried, show them to iheir rooms. Be sure that every article ntfeded is there before you' go up. Do not be obliged to call for water, towels, etc., but let them think the room was in order for company before their arrival. A bit of meat relishes well after a journey, if it can beobtainad with out too much trouble. Do not hurry your guests at their toilet, but be ready as soon as they havd finished their toilet to serve refreshments. Allow them to propose retiring at night, instead of saying yourself, “Our friends must be fatigued with their jemrcey, and we will fattre early on their account.” If convenient, their room should be put in order white breakfast is serving, if not, as soon as possible after. Do not allow a gudat ever to feel that you aw potting yourself'td trouble on their account. If you trfakg changes, do it: quietly,- that it not be noticed. It,is much more agreeabjfe to a guest to he treated io to plain fare ram to feid.tuey are making needless tsQtM&irrGiiieyi ' j ni.ifosi tit Kfid :) i- j. Whfot Sleep WifiiNtte; f - uli. atikidio-l Tbe cry for rest has always been “tnan the cry lor food. Not that it istpore,important, but it is oft en harder to get. The best rest comes from sound sleep. Os two men or women, other->wise equal, the one who steeps ibe best will be the most moral, healthy, and effi cient- . . ,". Sleep will do much (o cure irrita bility of temper, peetrisfiiiess, uneas iness. It will cure insanity. If will build up and make strong a Weary body. It Wilt ilo much to cure dys. pepsia, particularly that vaiiutyi known as nervous dyspepsia. It will relieve tha,langotir and ptosttsaion felt by consumptives. It will’Cure hypochondria. ItuiriN cure the head ache. It yniit dufie netrralgia I will .cure g broken. srpifft.' It wifi, cure sorrow. Indeed, We rriigli; make a long lisf ofnervous that sleep will cure. ; ! The curp of ever,, is dpt so epsy, c ia those who carrjr : grgye iltes. : ’pie haKt of sleeping well is pdti which, if brokeq up ; for; jyiy. length is oot easily regaiaed. Often a severe illßesSy- treated . by powerful drugs, so derahges the tier, voijs system that Sleep iS tievUr'sweet jperhaps long; w®tfntted exereisf musoular «)»UmL tea foad,Wlu]ri»y'dr)olting, .urid tobac co using. To break up tbe habit are u hit A Bppd ctean ; 2. Sufficient exercise to produce air and^not too ram a r 4. mk eedcun from too much care. <f.* A Clea? stomach. 6. A clear CohtfiiluSdiiqA q 7. Avoidance of stimulants and . - Nox Two Plmvxs at Oncr.— The Louisville Courier-Journal, in its notice ftf a lecture recently deliv ered in thui city by John G. Saxe, says : “Mr. Saxe brought down the house by hie anecdotes of French wii and vivacity. As illustrative of the formers Several gentleman, not long gince, a Frenchman among the number, were discussing Gen. Ben. Butler, each expressing his own views of that illustrious personage. Said one, an admirer of tbe man, ‘You may say what you please of Gen. Butler, be. did one good thing while at New Orleans iby bis wise and sanitary measures he raved that city from the plague of yellow fever during his reign there.* ‘My good fellow,’ responded the Frenchman, ‘do you not believe in God ? How can you talk so ? Do you thiuk tbe Almighty would suffer one city to be cursed the same time by two such plagues as Ben Butler and the yw low fever ? No! no I C’est imposts, ble! C’est impossible !* [Prolong ed laughter and applause.]” “ Wmen do you think the merriest place in existence f* “That immediately above the atmosphere which surrounds the earth. ’ “Why so ? ’.* “Because there all bodies lose their gravity Diligence va Hatdteantea. Two boys were apprenticed ina carpenter’s shop. One determined to make himself a thorough work man ; the other “didn’t care.” One read and studied, and got books to help him understand the principles of his trade. He spent his evenings at home reading. The other liked tuu best. He often went with other boys to have “a good time.” “Come,” he often said to his shop mate, “leave your books; go with us. W bat’s the use of all this read ing?” “If I waste these golden moments,” was, the boy’s answer, “I shall lose what I can never make up.” While the boys were sttil appren deed, an offer of 22,000 appeared in the newspapers for tbe best plan of a Stale House, to be both in one of the Eastern Stales. Tbe studious boy saw the advertisment, and de tsrmined to try for it. After careful study, he drew out his plans and sent them to the committee. We suppose he did not really expect to giin the prize ; bill, still he thought, “ there is notbiqg like trying.” In about a week afterward a gentleman arrived at the carpenter’s shop and asked an architect by tbe name of, Washington Wilberforce lived there. “No,” said the architect, “but I havd an apprentice by that name.” “Let’s see him,” said the geqtle» man.' “j, The young lad was summoned, and informed that his plan was ac, cepted, and that the $9,000 Were his. The gentlemen then said the boy must put up the building, and his employer was so proud of bis suc cess that he willingly gave him his time and let him go. This studious young carpenter became one of first architects of the country. He made a fortune, and stands bigjk in the es teem of every body, 1 while his lellow appreniicecan hardly earn food for himself and family by hid daily la bor. Fancies ofa Starving Man. —A Mr. Evans, who got lost amid the moun tains of California, wandered about for many days* and was finally dis covered when nearly perishing from want of food, bad strange fancies come over trim towards the last of his wanderings, which ate thus describ ed : •Hd dofis not admit of the idea that he was deprived of sound mind, hut aty the.same time fancied that he •bad plenty of company ; thought his right leg was one man, bis left an oilier, his arms two other*, aod Ms c tom ache a fifth; thought tbey were good feHows, end was sorry he could not give fhefh lilt bey Wanted to eat. Hd was surpilsed that when thistles were to be dug, fires made, efofod brought and meals cooked, that they would not help Mm* Every thing m at|e tasted ®wl grassbop pers. His stomach bad not been educated up to that point. He fre quently ate raw fish, and esteemed them "delicious; caught One snow bird, arid htuj a rare meal ; chared a toad fprPtWo days, but Without capturing it; 1 In his dreams he used to cook some of the .most delicious meals he ever ate in bis life. Good nature is no foss a privilege than a dhty. Parents Shooid teach iheirohildreni 40 be good-natured, amiable, and fend. „ ■nwata whodn respon- sihle fofbftar vew thoughts t so afoo tor thdl eXpressiofs of--aox Gross, whether tbey be attractive or repol — -L. Street Car Improvement.—A nove mechanical device has recently been patented by an inventor of New Or leans, La., Mr. Chas. B. Broadwell, for replacing street-cars on the track in case of running off, and also to enable the cars to be moved on curves more easily than when made in the usuual manner. In order to do ibis the inventor provides a fifth or supplemental wheel centrally at tbe front of the car. This wheel is pivoted upon a vertical arbor, which may be elevated or depressed by a screw and hand-wheel on the arbor, which latter has at iu upper end a crank or horizontal lever. By fore ing down the arbor, the front wheels of tbe car are lifted, the whole weight resting on the rear pair of wheels and on the fifth wheel. By turning the latter in any direction, the front of the car may be swung iu a corres ponding direction to bting the frout wheels over the traek, which done 1 they ate lowered thereon. In turn ing curves, the front wheels are lift, ed from the track in tbe same man tier; the direction of the fifth or guiding wheel being, preferably, made to run on a central grooved rail, laid for it to run upon. The same apparatus is designed to be used in running cars from one track to another, dispensing with the ne cessity of switches. Mr. Broadwell has assigned a one-half interest in his invention to Mr. Ignatius Caulfield, also of New Orleans. [N. O Pica yune. Os late the science of war has u surped the place of all other sciences in talk and discussion; and while in one quarter lectures on tactics have bees given to officers, in an other a committee has been appoint ed to try whether balloons can real ly be made useful for military pur poses. The old question of breech loaders versus muzzle-loaders is still being argued, and therewith is mix ed the question as to the best gun for shipboard, and the best for use in the field. In some cases, the gon that would send tbe heavyest shot to the greatest distance would be the favorite; and trials have been made at Woolwich of a gun which weighs thirtyfive tons and throws a sevea hundred-pound shot, Its range has not yet been tried ; but far defensive purposes there can be no doubt of its formidable character. With all this is mixed up the important question of gun powder, which was settled last year by an “Explosion Commit tee,” who decided in favor of a kind which, from its shape, is named “pebble-powder." More execolion can be done with this at a thousand yards’ distance, and with less strain and injury to the guo, than could have been done at ten yards with the powder formerly to use. Mach ingenuity has also bora «xp«steted in discussing tbe appliance for hospital use in the field, and for the commis sariat ; and although in these things there is much to adinire, there is at the same time much which confirms a reflective mind in its impression, that of all the ways of trying to set tle a dispute, war is the very stupid est, — Chamber's Journal. A happy life is made up of happy thoughts, and man should be a very miser in hoarding conscientiously every mill of tbe true coin. It is another’s fault if he be un grateful, but it is mine if I do not give. To find one thankful man, I will oblige many that are not so.— Seneca. Men think ot happmess as some thing without rather Ilian within, and hence they seek for if to travel, socie ty, and occupation rather than with in themreves. It is wise and well to look on the cloud of sorrow as though .im pacted it to turn into a rainbpw. " >• ajj»i ‘ tl Ax eminent American ooce spokl of this, his own cnoaSsy, as lbat “in which there was less misery and less happiness than in any other part of the world.” u We are the People.” —lt has bean said by a Yankee that an Irishman is at peace rely when by is in a Saarrsl; a Scotchman at hoaie only wbre -he so abroad; an English sane contented rely when finding fanlt with eeunthmg or somebody; and a buy. Mastering ks petnons Amerfeaß is at the highest ftti< city oaly #Mta he h in est three temai tnona conditions etthe same Hfori j ’ • •*•■ ■ . • • „ jiu l»iw K«TUw is not MIUatMA (mm* ramie jmniof down Aik Paris aapolt, mMm ftisadsel .ImK mti «c 4» wali wish for. The rohoMegadi aim Id fisotly «w th* ai|#H,Mjnno<lla— otts sad DimhiaiaiWi fphri—lß hdwi, pronaMWMMtM iftitort tho “Royal ists.” The Utter are, howovev, steadily •dvancing Parisward. ’' ’ , h fl?* A Wiecomin sebooksa*ua has substituted kioriw* The big bays require a great deal of gunUhowtts, . ——. That Ring of Saturn. The Astronomische Nachricten says Prof. Siruve, of Pultowa, has been for years watching the rings of Sat urn ; and the inner one of the three rings, an obscure, partly transparent mass of what appeared to be vapor has been seen (o approach the body of the planet, and to widen it dis lance from the other rings, which seemed to be fluid in character, or perhaps made up of myriads ol small bodies, moving together like the streams of meteors which supply tbe meteoric showers. But during several months past this inner ling has fallen more rapidly, and finally the attraction ofSaturn entirely over came the centrifugal force, and it closed upon the body of the planet, forming a belt, which was gradual ly diffused over its surface, so that there is now no traces of the ring left. Is this to be the fate of the other rings? or will they ultimately gather into satellites ? HP" A well known banker oflowa City has just returned from Europe. On being askeci what he thought of Pompeii, be said “that it was an elegant place, but a good deal out of repair.” “Sambo, did you ever see the Catskill Mountains ?” “No, sah ; but I’ve seen ’em kill mice.” An Irish magistrate, censuring some boys for loitering in the street, argued, “If everybody were to stand in the street, bow oould anybody get by?” A gentleman, evidently not of the period, declares that he can tell whenever he crosses the border of Massachusetts, because all the wo men begin to have “views.” An auctioneer selling books, being asked by a suspicious customer, "Is that binding calf? ” replied : “Come up, my good sir; put your hands on it, and see it there is any fellow-feel ing.” • : j ;• " ’ Anxious Traveler—“ Hullo, there ! What boat is that ?” Cap tain—“ Tow-boat.” Traveler “But what line is it ?” Captain— “ Tow-line.” Traveler—“l want to get aboard.” Captain—“ Get one off the fence.” “Bonnets are to be smaller than ever," say the papers. It will be advisable for ladies, when they wear one, to the their affidavit set ting forth the fact. C?" A correspondent asks us what We think of late plowing. Plowing should not be continued later than 10 or 11 o’clock at night. It gets the horses ra the habit of staying out late, arid unduly exposing the plow. We have known plows to acquire springhalt and inflammatory rheu matism from late plowing. Don’t do it. Miss Virginia Buchanan, daughter of Mr. Me&ean Buchanan, “World renowned tragedian,” was married in Chicago a few days ago to Mr T. B. Parker. She has more faith in the const ancy of the Chicagoans than the putmc generally is taught to believe they have. tty A family in Perryville, Ky., had a narrow escape the other day. A backlog was thrown on a kitchen fire at at short distance from that place, which failed to burn up that night. The next morning, before renewing the fire, an unexploded shell was found in the remainder. It was imbedded in the tree from which the aforesaid log Was taken luring the little affair between Messrs, Buell, and Bragg at that place in 1862.. . ot Tbs following cow plineat totbspecr foas vemsn o£: Montgomery Was paid by fore little UretMah couaty spi«e-box— foe Kewgrasb Observer: r ••« , ; Or a rawre visit to Mod kg ornery we were gratified to.kaea re opportasity to tiksw foe hand sad agate took ieto foe safeties of assay* frired among foe gsatfot sex with wheat, ia tbe days of yore, we wore West to spaed amay happy aad joyoao ssowsafe. That girl hood hS4 ripraed into womanhood end ia most instances, pretty girls, chan ged to lastly wivss sod toothers date nos a Whit lessen owr admiration aad os tew, bat,rather oemrets it. It it Strath wWrea wiifteg to be tread ter foe utter, saoeefi foe kwelieet womee in etl sos foot wwte-hh fireadda feoatgonretj. : i: Bsstbar Page’s heed hi excessively level re tbit last tuhjett ‘‘as nohady ’ The abqve clipping is seat tte by a Pa*»*ehrorw* the heed W«U b* s sight -Wretler* ; mn B—iiiiwaiiaai> t It hr. &&&.» iisncsa iag them: painting*, music, and wo No. 2. facetie. Cold comfort— eaiing ice. A soft blow—a gentle breeze. The best Bread Source—Work. Laborui vain—A far-fetched idea. The board of health—A plain diet. H bad policy—One that has run out. The best Substitute for Silver— Gold. A Constant Gleaner—The tax gatherer. Wicked Waste —Burning a can dle at both ends. What sport is like girls gossip?’ Dears- talking. To mb a man of his money is to wound him in the chest. Many flowers are VPr y warlike in their disposition, and are constantly armed with pistils. A poor equestrian should always keep his eye on the mane chance. The Chinese in Alabama always say “goo by” when they go out of church during service. Impressions of Greece.”—Can dle-droppiugs on the carpet. Can a ship with two owners be called a partnership.'’ What is the difference between your father and doctor? One whacks and loves you, the other waccinates you. The Russian Government is about to establish an astronomical observa tory on the summit ofMt. Ararat. The best guardian of a woman’s happiness is her husband’s love; rnd for her honor her own affection. The first ingredient in conversation is truth, the next good sense, the third, good humor, and the fourth wit. The friend that bides from us our fauTts is of less service to us than the enemy that upbraids us with them. Comb to Grief —When does a cab-horse enjoy a melancholy pleas ure? When he can indulge in the luxury of Woh. The most suspicious name yet made public for a revenne collector is believed to be that of the new ap* pointee in the Eighth Ohio District— Robb. A Welcome Visitor. — “l could a tail unfold.” Could you? Then lose not a moment, but go instantly to Mr. Darwin. He will be delighted to see you, —Punch. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a manu* facturer of washboards, as an adver* Using medium, employs a dozen well' dressed yotfttg women to inarch through th 6 streets of the city, each with a Wasb*board under her arm. “Well, Tom,” said a blacksmith to bis apprentice, “you have been with me now three months, and have seen silt the different points in our trade. ? I wish togive yctf your choice of workforawhile. 4, “Thank’ee, sir.” “Well, now,, what part of the busi* ness do you like best?”. “Shnttin’ up shop and goia’ to dinner, sir.” The following comment Upon a prevailing fashion, Vy a little fellow whose seeonff birthday came with last spring l * , birds and blossoms, is worthy public appreciation. Wak* ing from a nap just as a favorite aunt was pi her toilet, be watched pro* ceedings with much interest while she laid aside clustering curls and A little bey, disputing with his sitter recently, saciaimed, “li*g true, for wa •ays so; and if tpassysiq it is so if it ain't so.” •H io lOfl-tfOO &&£ TO.OS:j Hoggiih —A dandy inquired at a fruit-stall, “Are these apples fit for the hogito eat!” “Try 'em and see,” said tie woman. • »'“* ■’ • Jtlule Child. —Little toward R— eame into the room where his mother bad jwt hong up a clean curtain, and aiadaibe aetata observation, ‘‘Oh, ma, ,tb« window has go ton a clean shirt.” FmiHug W tktug Fall** Ow—A druakea «wa the other day feff down w | Md reported killed; A crowd; collected, and found him sitting at the StoFtf the staircase. One of them que rMi “'Are *•* BWve f* Td which he sepbed. “Ah, I wouldn’t Lava those slain sass qa me.agaia for a .good deal.”! .: A TVenefrrY Yum —A geaibima«|l traveling in California, encountered »MKd panther, of wbiebbe sobsequeotiy wrote 1 as follows:' “Ihiokod at him long enough to «erob*4 kaoWw and giessy cost, twas opm mnkzle, ana bw capacious jaws, \ when mi itf'Hi the spot " ati’d x iilmffti df. iiifflriiilnimfiidrTdnt” "t *| w AVk&Ki&gL. gm uthFwvf tfsoddr, '"rail j r qd‘ stfwtbla ' The' 1 was a double mean'ir