The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 12, 1871, Image 3

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-«■ *>*j-I*"y ‘f. i4f ?| i </ -•WIIDAY.iIAY 12,4m‘1' ; immenu tbie^dL.* *« Fsomtbe beesfformTtion wee a a gath er, there is not fldr<f than EajTai jgneh cotton planted this year as last, throng! thisseetion of the State. &3*e weeiter m seMtkably oold for qgjl»*;tnteWFriday aad Satut- shows the appearance of having bedtr injufed. #tOL &iilLy atit flwuc^hj of , Tamper*dco Society iu Loui.vitl.t These Societies are. at work all over the State, and great good is heing, done by thMbi Let all who. favor the object meet at the News k Farmcr office on neat Monday evening at 8 o’clock, «•*£-*• 4 A » Tmsbmi * ■■ r *|rjtil club SATIS. for the benefit of those wishing to gefonp clubs for the News & Fabmeß, weteyjfjpake the following inducements, five copies one year.. *IO,OO. Ted copies ono ycar......518,00. The mdaey always to accompany the order. ' Ur,iKPsomms. Tho Methodists of onr town will soon haveM very nice new Church,' which is O»t. It'ifrsitwMed onjHNinGmy Street Onr energetic, Commissioners have had several ditch es dug, in and aroand town to clear oat all |he pens and mnd holes, hi which a mosquito could grow. . AtfOTBEBWOHHQ-mC. H We understand there is a movement on fddt to have another pic-nio near Louisville soon, at which the Sabbath Bctft>ols in this section, will be repre- tjTa hope'the Schools out of tows wiU agree, and meat those of Louisville, We hear the last Friday of the present mouth suggested, for the day, what Say -thedifferent sohools to thi»tA<f>- X l*U r l ‘ . Cotton, we understand, is suffering very bad from the effects of the last cold snap. Some say thero was frost oa Satnrdajr night, bat others contradict it so m* don’t know whether there was o r not, but. this wo do know, that it wat very cold. We don’t think it has injured the corn or fruH*rop in this section, which is as good? iff yraient as for many years >U . IfiihißgParty. > The young people bad a fishing par ty up at Clark’s mill last Saturday, and had-£, very nice time of it. One young mitateta us we missed one of the best dinners that started anywhere, and the sight of many pretty ladies, whieh alone .would have beon worth a trip up then, but our business Iffipt us’ at home. Crops in Burke. We4fi# a gentleman from Burke poun ty tfeifther daya.edio informed ns that the|bi% crops in- that county are better than usual,, and he thought there was enough to last eonn ty two yeaas.,. is not so well; A great mafiy farmers ore not ddn* plant? ingjjpti Wheat is suffering with rust, oats doKje#»- r ; . -**-•» oatam-.v 4».~ " • V, School children made Judge Diehl, their wdktfy Superintend ent, a present of a fine oako, on the day of .. The Judge deposited it in until evening when he car riej*Uhome. ,ssl next morning he was surprised to find bis office door broken nothing being missed out of tho offidft, ft is eappooed the thief was after tte Judge was top smart A gontjiiro fßntiy burlesque oommuni cation, relative tp„(Ue PicLtio,beams in upon us from pen of a fas* cinatiAffflpMi.fl The article has the fai|J , us agaiq. Asa rose under another 0 Tgjfflpjg.- Several errors appbsftfftn*our first fff «*>'it W ' imiajarrinat’- i shtwldfb affif re*® ton and a half, instead of two and SWUM miles to Bddkn fi]S>. tAPiiUliit A-ttoelJi havwbean -WSrrdi’eJjlukttai'nf* Walker'! a*U- Sejepal qther typography leal errors oocttered, whieh we hope to prevent ia fatter*, bat tfcsse things will, kaizen. t ilisr'.ikimkk» of a print*; er’aitfav - att* ■*)* ******* k ; • -te*rt* vrenis .tint s, nip . directed to tbe fobj of a radical sheet, SrSrSi He AMPOIt %itt wW«t“Vo Mkvwif \ks #»t tsquisite U tka ftc- i'iiwrtw'V'4v..aft rOWiplfsiteents bf-fi correspondent for fthat pagpr, . n n/.A I well know that Augusta supporta afgooj hotelTas any place of its op portunities North, and as a rule, better- W. have not cently utit know it once teas good. The Globe wo know well and admire much. It is famed for its excellent ta bles, comfortable rooms, and servants polite and attentive. In speaking of “Southern Hotel Life” be says:” “The great difficulty seems to be in she table. Take the Planter’s Hotel in this place as an example; it is the best hotel by far in the place, but (bo table is atrocious. Thero is in fact hardly any pretence to cleanliness. The porters “assist as waiters, (they are “ordered up,”) and no two of them are ofothed .Alike, and thp very field hands on A tlantation are cleanlier than they; the _ >od is cold when it gets to yon, and judging by its looks you would not like very minutely as to where it came from. The rooms are large, but .bare and uncomfortable. Bat this .much may be said, that the clerks are polite Mid attentive to. alj, which in a hotel,-like ■ charity elsewhere covers a “multitude of sins.” They do their best, and what more can you ask? only your bill, and that is fonr dollars per day.” \ Our Superior Court Opened here on Monday last, his honor Judge Twiggs presiding. D. J. Alexander Esq., acting solicitor. After organization his honor made a lengthy charge to the Grand Jury in which, aftdf particularly calling their attention to the oath they had taken to give true presentments of all violations of law and order, he descanted at some length upon the prevalence of armed bands ot “so called Ku Klux,” and appealed in a very feeling manner to the sympa thies of the Jury as gentlernen, and also to them as the guardians of the peace and dignity of the common wealth, to discountenance and en deavor by the force of moral power to crush out and nip in the bud these organizations which damage us po litically and has a tendency to ruin us financially by depreciating the value of our real estate, and check ing the tide of emigration that would otherwise flow in and utilize onr lands. The Court at present writing is progressing rapidly with the busi ness before it, and it is thought by some it^iflnbt'hold more than two or three days. We regret that circumstances prevent our getting in the present ments of the Grand Jury this week. They will appear in our next. (communicate^}-*' 1 Our Pic-Nic. Messrs. Editors Last Tuesday was (hdebd a gala day for the young people of our town. It had been set apart by the Union Sabbath School of this place as the season for their annual pic-nio or celebration, and for a week? or two before hand busy and losing hands were pre paring oako, pies and “goodies” to pleaso ‘this palates of the little folks, while the veiry worthy Superintendent assisted by qn efficient committee of the young gen -tiemen of the town had cleared up and yery comfortably arranged, one of the mpst pioturesque spots to be found in all the country around. An abundant supply of the best spring water was near at hand, while swings for the accommoda tion of the little folks were “swung up” to the majestio old oaks and gams in the grove. At an early hour troops of mer ry children were seen conrsing to this lovely spot, anticipating a dayfr'-enjqy-, ment, while larger boys and girls, gave themselves up with oareless abandon to the enjoyment of each others society. Old ladies and geutlcmen were making preparations for “tne feast of good things,” when as the farmers hardshell sermon runs, “Lo! and the windows of heaven were opened, and tho rains beat, and the floods posred,’’ and' 1 j cap assure yon fast horses, and buggie 8 and umbrellas as were at a premium for A short time, and young gent3 who pos sessed such necessary articles, had, to use ati expressive phrase, “a hog killing time.” Bat as a lawyer. would say, “Nevertheless notwithstanding the mfefrap&m of Hid festive ar rangements, in a short time the prepara tions had been removed to the Court House, and nnder the atmpives of the very estimable, ladjps, who superintend ed the arrangements, assisted by the above named and out honor ed! supArliitfcnde'nt Judgo Diehl soon, spread out to view such a. dinner as would hajre done credit to Delmonico of world wide celebrity, and one whieh was duly appreciated by those for whoso benefit it mtp intended, one of whom wag your humble servant. Everything passed off with the at test hAu*Mp< wed good 1 *HI, in frtf prfessive blessing being pronounced at ’u opening of the meal by Rev;' Mr. Hournoy. After the meal was over, {be sarnie behAff of the Sunday Sdhool addressed the Superintendent its'a short and pointed manner thank *) >s4 ,-enaqe Ms etss»?S!e worthy H with VfcfAcefaTiww, Being as he ~~i J “‘a Mil 't J ~ to reply in a manner to salt his taste.” Too much erpdlfr cannot b* eiyen tc a nappy termination this enterprise, and to attempt to give personal credit to the parties would transcend the limits of this article; bnt I may be allowed to mention as more prominent, Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Castersen and other ladies, while Messrs. Whigham,Panual, and other young men of the committee eannot be too highly complimented for their contribution* of labor time and money to the general enjoyment of the yonng folks. O™OCCA S ,O NELE. Latest Markets by Telegraph- LIVERPOOL, May, 'II A. M Cotton firm; Uplands, 7Jd; Orleans 7*d. NEW YORK, May, IS A. M. Cotton dull; Sales 3,800 bales middling. Uplands ls£c. SAVANNAH, ,May 11 A. M. Cotton, Light demand) Middlings 14 Jo AuausTA, May,. 11, j*,|c. Cotton 13go. Macon, May, 11, a. m. Cotton Light demand, Middling; 13£. Milledgeville May. 11a. m. Cotton 12}. Gold buying 110 —selling 111. Silver “ 104 « 106 laa-----asaaa>a-sw!i LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS; AGENTS WANTED. For. “Mortimer’s Acme Linen Marker,” for marking all kinds of houshold Linen, AND ‘‘Mortimer’s Card Printer and Business Stamp!” for Printing Cards, Envelopes &c. Both these little Machines are articles of prac tical utility. Send fer Sample. Liber al Terms to Agents. Address with Stamp, H. A. J. HAM, Gen’l. State Agent. Louisville, Ga. May 2, 1871. 17 3m. WARREN & HAILES, RSTAXL DEALERS Iff FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, —AND— oaaaj ,fkmi of every DESCRIPTION. ■ a a ? Lt j.. j' & it ROTIOKS, HOSIERY, ~ . -rui* oaA'tt GLOVES, "Wliit© Q-oods, BOOTS, SHOES, 3119 : ■ ££Z«i<kS3 aacadQ. of the most seasonable styles ( j. • :wa <tKa C■ •' always found on hand. 19V In connection with our business :l ■>o'j we havp a fine of GROCERIES. whidi We ofFer cheap for \BT iS ' 1..-3HC WAUUMT A BAVI.BB, Louisville, Oa. -S T maahlwaltkks -J. q,V ...;St TSI j- 3 gum? r - ( w 111 v 1 fW/> *»; »• • \• ii. rfyui t>4 ; T . •SteAwlM*' MAULLfi M<»UMSNT9f ‘ TOM» .sob »i*if aoiiq il STONES &C., &C. ... Marble Mantel, and kinds Fnakkedto Order. All work for the . fittnatry care folly booed for shipment. fSrabU’TQlf. a Feb 1,71 ly fPiyro^TS\lgB&BMENT^. 57J. PANNAL. fl. B.~HASHELL. Carriage Manufactory. m. m. THE UNDEBSIONED takes oleaenrein informing the citizens of Jehorson end adjoining counties, that the/ have opened a B s y» ag on »< i hr —AND— PLOW MANUFACTORY, : i3ib lasru k atoik v.» where work of nil deseriptionz.koth new and repairing, will be dons with weatnoss and dis patch. ” ' 1 We are alia agents and manufacturers of tbacqlehiated r i; .i Ram Universi 1 Pl*w, a specimen of which may bo seen at the shop at all times.' Plows of all descriptions made and repaired upon short notice. The celebrated DICES ON SWEEP furnished on demand. HOBSE SHOEING done in' the neatest and most substantial manner. Coffins Furnished at Short notice. GIVE US A CALL. PAJWAL ft HARRELL, Lonisville, Ga -1 Mny5,1871. 1 ts , * , ■— Wilkins & Hopkins HAVE on hand and are constantly receiving additions to a Well Selected Stock of Dry Goods, mu •T 1 BOOTS and SHOES, m. Hats, J® Hats, i j ; QUO OBHXEIS,; Hardware &so., <&o., Thankful for the liberal patron '‘: B ag<T already given to them, they re spectfully ask a continuance of it. CALL ON WILKINS & HOPKINS, ; 1 Loffisville, Ga, Meg 5,1871a , - » tf rVlll'-i .i.„, ' O PSGDWAN & STRATFORD. i. GA j n at ts " i" ' - '\ ,u TAEE PLEABUEE IN INFOEMING their patrons and tbe pnblic generally that they have now vacant! ... v'hib! . •;;! ,‘X'J CHEAT FOR CAftf, ~ * bebfvon'l -llu’ / iipfirs ft Stado Wd Fancy Dry Goods, saiyspivyiwsttiteJ i mw« • GEOCERIES, * 'CLOTHING. .mativ s vfl.L) ' ' !-qe % HARDWARE, 1 u jin sooijqivj-if’' **«•• ' - > -i.i-n j yhfl ni t«i CUTLERY, WOODWARE, BUCKETS, TUBS - Ac., Ac.,' Ac., Ac, ' ANY and all ofWiUeh Will be sold at V’ Rrlcen to Salt tbe Times. Le| GIVE US A tJILL. ■ I ;«3 >AT — usl-?. ot ;*©H ~.i t MeffimnUidk stratfoM ,u ! I*iwil ’-'W'J 11 , ijioupsaffim, ^ 7 W. P. ft CJ,, fropw WFjjteoWN, ;,p ChKbO.JSMRni, ~~ LomsyiLtfi’ iWi&WffelSifS: W. H. FAY, LOVISTULfi, «A. ~ *W ; : . HiJU / S A D D Ij B —AND— v , Harness Maker. ALSO , BOOTS rtJ SHOSIB ■til);.' .- . made to order All work warranted and sat. isihction guaranted both aa to work and prices Oive me a c*U. May 5, 1871. I 6m.. Look to Your Interest! M. A. EVANS & CO. Bartow, Ga-, No. 11, C. R. R. Keep od hand the LARGEST AND BEST Assortment of Goods, to be found in this Section of Coun try- Which will be sold IjiQW POE CASH. If small Profits and Corset Dealings are properly estimated/ This is the Place to Trade. Liberal Prices Given for COTTON, WOOL, HIDES, EGGS AND POULTRY, &c., &c. ‘ Don’t forget to Call on M. A- EVANS & CO. Bartow, Gi. n. May 5, 1871. 1 3m. SUBSCRIPTIONS Are respectfully solicited for.the erection of a MOHUIEHT TO THE Confederate Dead of Georgia, And those Soldiers from other Confederate. States who were killed or died in this State. THE MONUMENT TO COST *50,000. The Corner Stone it is proposed shall be laid on the 4th oi July, or so soon thereafter as the receipts will permit. For every Fire Dollars subscribed, there trill be given a certificate of Life Membership to the Monumental Association. This certificate wilt entitle the owner thereof to an equal Inter est in the following property, to be distributed as soon as requisite number of shares are sold, to-wit: First. Nine Hundred and One'' Acres of Land in Lincoln i ' county, Georgia, on which are the well-known Magruder Gold and Copper Mines, val ued at .... *150:000 And to Seventeen Hundred: ana Forty-Four Shares in One Hundred Thousand Dollars at United States Currency; to-wltt * ** ishmeef 2 «• 2,500 -fU* 10 - 2,000 : 20,000- 10 •* 1,000 10.0UU 20 “ 800 . " 'ltf,oso' 100 “ 100 ui j 10,000 : 400 “ 25 ® lojoga 1000 “ 10 1 l ’ : i W<OOO ! !•’,l ratnc mm. The value of the separate interest to wbfch the holder of each Certificate will he entitled, will be determined by toe Commissioner*, who will announce to the nnblic the m*uft#-«to0 time and place of distribution. The following gentlemwnAave consented tor act as Commissioners, an* will aitlier by* Trustees, * take proper charge of the. money for the lffet ument, as well as the Real Esigte and,: the U. S. Currency offered as induoements for sub scription, and will determine upon the plan for the IDbument, the tosttptom thereon, the site therefor, select an orator, for the occasion, and reztftstsr thh ceremonies to be observed when the;euraei-stoneis lahd, to-wit: i-'« >U.« < Generals L. McLaws, A. B. Wright, Mi A. Stovall, W. M. Gardner, Goode Bryan, Colo-. duels C. Snead, Wm. P. Crawford: Majors J«»- B. Cumming Gsoere T.Jwjaim itoim V Ganahl, I. P. Girardev, Hon. B.H. May, Adam Johnstoo, Jonathan M. Siller, WVH. Good rich, J, D. Bait, Henry Moore. Dt. W, E. Dear- Ticket* until thsmtoscription Books-are Mato number at subscriptions will aet'-trtoraht Ifcy farther procedure, to* Ae*nto wiH repssk to this office weekly, the remit of toeu safes. soldi toe Agents idlU nntonstiftU* Thsy jgfjf m mjMWnmm L. A A.- Hk MeLAinMNtoUhf’Hl. No. JOW P. O.lUam IWntosh sts. ■ i W, C.D. ROBERTA, Agdnt oil L-W. HUNT * m /^V-T'WltntiiTllt 1 Gtorgis- tk-3 bfsr tsoi 1 -*p» p> *»r- a -*s 7 L , Jfat-aa,-)*, Groceries! Groceri^U,,, ■ »SKISE B OVStliir 98»ifr j 5,000 Bnshela CORN. 4 Also, a toll stock od SCGABB, SfXSM Mjtebfelsf nusee,hr lyrxiso sfft ;- {C ,MtSolnEi f. e (013 9uj «i#i w "jftaß AUGUSTA A DYBRTI3EMENTS. -- -- COTTON PACKING •nitnyj** L *■ ‘ RENDERED EASY WORK BYTIIE USE OF SMITH’S IMPROVED HAND POWER PRESS, la., i a 4 ‘n -hM’OtdW .IW .i-'' - rut)- A Southern Invention and one of tire most complete of fcUo pronounced by the moat intelligent planters of Georgia and So.utli Caroliun, baiter adapted for cotton peeking than a»y Press or Screw in use; Simple, 'Partite,' and'riot Liable to get out of order; has* great concentration of power, and two bauds can pack cotton readily, and only four required to puck rapidly and easily. As an experiment one man packed a bale of cotton weighing 530 lbs.> doing the entire worjk himself. v- . . -*i vj ao ato Mannfaetured by wheless & co., e,.,i a- COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GA. pr&n%, 5, p 69 r 18 n 1 lm. •Millinery & Fancy Goods! | ad] ,• '' V '/ : . | SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. : yi.ji not u‘l l-’bisi’ou I . 1 , i r MRS. TWEEDY Takes great pleasu re. InTortniiig her friends arid generally, that »be has Just returned from New York with an elegprit*«n&carsfoily selected Stocksqf the above narried goods, consist ingin phlhoi iio trov >.;> -i.-sn j-;.: : ' |j}.- -Jo ttr lev tlh.--d »di «*<pnd| English, French and American Pattern :^ BONNETB arid HATS,' RIBBONS, IMITATION HAIR, CHIGNONS, LACES and LACE 8KOTB; with *U tin Novelties of the Season. •. Bto is for the sale of E. BUTXEBICK &CO’S .Cfclcbratdd Patterns of Garments I \ An UiOstritOd descriptive Catalogue tent oR receipt ot stamp to prepay postage. ■i !*wp Apnlff, WTL o f 65 * To the Merchants, and Citizens of HandociEf and adjoining Counties; £s*s m ujrnl ir-srl LaKwfiwt s:‘i bo* atotomreMoifatg onr at : day pr W t^aW*. jL S , g *S «“-«OSiERti • ‘ !m '“ .WHiraeorms, NOTio.-is. TheWin Woridr mL. jo* {' nno i U' l ™ »•*';- oi ■ , We invite a most rigid examination ot ouf Stoett, Gdarirtteeing satis few US with th< ir custom. Correspundertca rare or>portrifidVTo‘rfuffiffi orders . Slled lor Cay Acceptance, m *i‘i To uvoi-j” •• rP°. AUQUST4 Gi BE FT QWRRft, iittiif.i iten fitj 4^