The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 19, 1871, Image 3

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- JT* rZ jrt t,, f FRIDAY; MAY 19, 1871. A nm FUSE JOS 4 cotton faotoet. Titan la withio half a mil* of Louis" ville. ona of tha finest water powers in the world for a CoftM CmAdi* nfei*. now owned by enterprising men who would doubtless sell the falls and adja cent land to any capitalist wishing to in ™We thinfi^naia'o/enterprise and money would do well to look into the opportuni ties offered here. Louisville is one of the moat pinamnlfrlaariiin the State. Um beautifully situated in a very healthy section, and populated by a public spir ited people, who would gladly welcome any enterprise tending to de*dop. the resources of our oountry. FRIDA Very heavy rains fell in this county last week; in some sections-it was at tended with hail which damaged the crops considerably. Divine SOTtiow. -•/*. i,r We understand that the' Rev. Mr. Gamming will preaeh in the Baptist Church on the first Sabbath in June. 2t We devote considerably more space to reading matter this week, in place of ad vertisements. We will give a good deal of reading matter in future, and when orowded will issue a supplement. Omission.— -Oar correspondent last last week on the “Pio-Nie,” failed to men' tion the name of Mr Oharlks Hayles, who was one of ths meet liberal and ac tive in contributing to the good things and pleasures of the ocoasion. The delay of several shipments of freight occasions us some little inconve nience in the job department of our office. It will not causo any delay in the regular issne of the paper, however, which will appear regularly aud with a supplement too to bring it up to date, when we are crowded. SevSfal cases of type, one press, some stands and other printing paraphernalia, for this office aVe still behind somewhere on the Central Railroad. If they do not come to hand soon, we must quarrel with somebody. ‘Peasl Psaafl •-> -> > A large let of good field peas, cm hand and for sale by McGOWAN & STRATFORD. UKKI* JTfeN A PHILOLOGICAL UONBEE& TO B£ BDHflv That man may be very learned, and at the same time very bad, is conclu sively shown in the cakebf Edward H. a condemned w soon to be hang at Bingampton, New York. He has been for years a profess ional robber hndterglar, and in desper ate villainy hardly 1M «a equal among the criminals of the Empire State. Pro fessor Mather, of Amherst College. Mas sachusetts, latefy ted’an interview with him in his ceil,and thus reports him: He complained thatt he had been langbed at by the pnblic as a superficial scholar, and wanted me to satisfy my self on thgt, and then hear-what he h/td. to say abdflt theTOrtnation of language. I replied that, as we had no text books, I could not examine him, to which he rejoined that many of the. classical au thors he knew by heart, and would try and repeat portions if I would suggest where he should- begin. Thioking that something from the Memorabilia might be appropriate to his present needs, I suggested the third chapter, first buokv where the sentiments of Socrates with reference to God and duty in their puri ty and exaltation approaching so nearly to Biblical revelation; and he at onee gave me the Greek. Other parts of the same work, as mer, and some orThe *playS of Hop no des, he showed great familiarity with. Then, in order, to show his thoroughness, he criticised the common rendering of certain passages, and ho did it with such subtlety and discrimination and elegance ae to show that his critical study of these nicer pointß was more remarkable than his powers of memory; in fact, I should say that sqbtlety of analysis and reason iug VMS ito'mrked*h**wt«dMA efihU acuteness of criticism, and S’ most thor ough appreciation ofitbe grandeur, of the sentiment, One ft two renderings of Jbesident Felton he opposed most vigor ously, and when I suppdrflwP'tne mrh.- mon version he quoted front* vast range cf °° atirm lmportant Decision — The Governor hat no Right to Pardon Before Conyia\ ; t ion— James W. Hancock of the, countv of Upson, was indicted" Tor an* hssatift with intent to murder. HehgfiMe bail and ahseonded> and the court permitted a forfeiture pi si of his bond. Before the next term of the Court, Which W&s held last week, Gov. Bollock; issued to Hancock a pardon, and the seouritiea pleaded the pardon in bar of the right of the State to a forfeiture absolute. Judge Green being interested; did not pssside,.State &Wr»d 3 plea on these ground* let. Beeanse the Governor has no au thority to pardon a criminal before eon vieftett. •- <* 2d. Beoause the Governor has no right to interfere with the sided to the Judioiary. ~ 3d. Because the securities he# no After an.elaborate and thorough ar gument by Hon. J. M. Smith and So for the Judge sustained the cfwnrtVfTlMe pica, end the eaae From the Southern Recorder. ,«>ffwfl4r,wieK>B Twe Shots fired. - A NEGRO WOUNDED. imtu St&JvSlmbnwmJl On Tuesday evening about 2 o’cloek a difficulty occurred between two well known gentlemen of this .place- that al» moat resulted fatally.! Mr. John S troth er, in a buggy, accompanied by Mr. P. Fair, Jr., had stopped in front of Moore & Co’s. Store on Wayne Street. Col. Lewis H. : Kcnan, a member of the bar. ’stepped Store with a double barreled shot gun in his tends. Raising the weapon,he iired.Mr. Stevens Knocked the gun upward, and the load lodged in Mr. Staley's house on the opposite side of the. SUreete The horse sprang forward, throwing both Mr. Strother and Fair out backwards. Col. Kenan again fired,hut.«S/they were fall* load -passed over them taking * a the leg of a negro on the side walk. A crowd immediately assembled, and any further demonstration of hos tilities was prevented. Mr. Strother was considerably bruised by the fall, and has been confined to Lis bed ever since. Not the slightest clew to the mo tives which prompted Col. Kenan to this act, is given. Even Mr. Strother is in doubt as to tho cause. Col. Kenan was arrested; but gave bond in the sum of $2,500, for his appearance at Court. . The friends of tetli parties are fear ful that another meeting between these gentlemen will result fatally to one, if not both, as they are men of the most noted personal courage and fearlessness. Their mutual friends will do their ut most to heal the breach, lest it termin ate more seriously than before. Col. Sneed, the reported bigamist, is now in Millcdgeville, having been brought over from Macbu On Tuesday ■pfeliminary trial took place ; and in de fault of two thousand dollars bail, ho was remanded to prison. Tho Sheriff, Mr. Arnold, kindly afloWcd'bim to Lire at his own expense two reliable men as guards to attend him everywhere, to obyiato the necessity of confinement; and thus at tended, he has been seen in various parts W"the city during the week. His con tinued avowals of his innoeenco, together With other paJtet*og qireumstanoea, ■omewhat softened public sentiment to wards him. All desire that he may be fully able to establish hie: claims os an honorable man; especially on account of the famfly of one of the most influential ift the fidtfnty. He will ' remain here until the proofs claimed by his prosecators are brought up, and his case is disposed of in the Augnst ttnn of sCtonrfc J In* v»;*iiw»»*■:' As we know nothing of tlfe facts of lyg c*se, we express no opinion re gards his guilt or innocence; but we h«y« > teen.jQld that theevidences of the former are irrefutable, as the witnesses of his former marriage can be brought. I Wj» hdpep httvtfc'Qi!, that lioJwili be enabled to clear bis skirts of this accu sation. —» ■ —V- V Farmers in this section aro complain ing that the continued rain has damaged their wheat crops considerably, as well as prevented them from properly cultivat ing their other crops. The wheat of this season will fall short of that of last year; but the prospect for corn is encouraging. If every stalk of cotton could be washed up, while a good staud of wheat and coßi 'WaarqpcWpdi Cur would be much better circumstanced. It is a curious fact that our hat and cap manufacturers in different localities, use different sizes of hats and caps as standards. Boston and the Eastern States nße the smallest sizes, New York and the Middle States usb the matffikm to largest sW an# Western States require The largest sizes. Goods manufe&afe#'for one market cannot be sold for the other, only in exceptional cases. The South use a shape peouliar to themselves and of a large size. • A’.'*:. v! M A-lIXA hribiS £V It j 8 the moat beautifuland hdfciane tkingteAkl 3mW.« *Wi#Bigle gravity an# pJeaApte, that the one may not sink into m'efancboly, nor the other rise up into trthtonnese, — Pliny. ' • ~.ROT-Dr, West, of New Bedford, onoe heard Th‘at bis cliolr would refuse to sing on the next Sunday. When the day came he gave out the hymn: “Come we who love the Lord - ” After reading it through he looked up very emphatically at the choir, and said: You will begin at the Seoqpd verse, “Let those refuse to sine who never knew our God.” The shoVftfrgn A little four year old her mamma on going to bed: “I am not Afchidxrfthe dark.” ! iriiapfiteanran yoa aro not,” replied her mamma, “ “What were yon afraid of mamma. “I walftiiftf «Mffia’4’fin« the codkfefcy -mmo»smiafl insists that it is because Ihteir' nfothe# wear gaiters,, f/Ypa sea. .when TKa wore Jow shoes, and tnechillun” wanted whip ‘f>in’, we jnst took off a shoe mighty qniok an guv’em a good spankin’; bnt now, how’s a body to git a gaiter off in time? So the ohiunn gits no whfppia at •11 nowa-daya,” A Wise Sating.— lt is related of an English farmer that, he condensed bis practical experience into this rale, “Feedybilr land before *t is hungiy, rest it befbrd’lt ’is weary, and weed it before It i« fool.” latest Markets by Telegraph ‘ LIVXKPOOL, May, 18 A. M . riflotton firm; Uplands, 7 Jd; Orleans NEW YORK,' May, IS A. M. Cotton dull; Sales 3,800 teles middling Uplandsil6^«. ' SAVANNAH, May 18 A. M. (Cotton, Light demand; Middlings 15c. AUGUSTA, May, 18, A. M. Cotton 14 Jc. Macon, May, 18, a. m. Cottoa Light demand, Middling; 14. MitLEDGEVn,LE May, 18 A. M. Cotton 13J. Gold buying 110—selling 111. SiuvEa ~IQ4 « 106 LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS; Presentments of the Grand Jury of Jefferson Coanty Georgia—May Term, 187 L We have examined the Ordinary’s books and find them kept in a neat, proper and cak rect manner, and think the Ordinary deserves much aredit for bis diligence and neat appear ance of his hooks. We have also examined the Records of tho County Treasurer, and find them correct, the •total amounts received by him, $(>,387 58 Paid, out : - - $0,213 22 Having on hand in cash May Bth, $174 30 Wo have examined the Court Honso and find it to be in good order except tho Roof which is now in process of being repaired. W e also find the J ail neat and clean, but some of the locks in bad condition, which we re commend'to be taken DtT and new substantial ones in their stead. would also call atten tion to the hole in the ceiling, and weather boarding. The Books of the Clerk of tho Superior Court have been examined and found to be as usssi. ln their plain legible style. Public Bridges and Roads. We recom mend the building of anew Bridge across Rocky Comfort, between the Vining Bridge and Gibson, known as Williams Bridge. Glass cock coanty to bear its portion of the expense, the bridge being in the line between the afore said counties. Also, we recommend the re building of the Bridge across Williamson By/amp, known as Parker’s crossing, and the of the road from said bridge to Louisville. The Roads of the county, with a very few exceptions are in a very bad condition, and We recommend them to the immediate atten tion of the fifoper authorities. Wo recommend that owing t o the inadeqna oy of the Pauper fund, it bo raised to eighteen per cent. We are also of opinion that the emoluments arising from the fees connected with the Ordinary’s ofilce are anfficieut com pensation for the labors attending it, without ahy recommendation for extra pay. In concluding our duties as Grand Jurors we would ekpress our hearty concurrence with his IfottM- Judge Twiggs in reference to secret organizations, committing midnight depredations, and can easily foresee the horn hfc results it' may lead to. Therefore we pledge ourselves as..Grand Jurors and good citizens of Jefferson county to do all we can t 6 suppress and thereby avert the evils it may terminate in: We also beg all law abiding citizens to unite their combined in fluence against these depredations. Also, mat it is the unanimous opinion of this body that the present District Courts con- Ctituted by the last Legislature are unlawful surpations and unattended by any results of public utility. Therefore we humbly petition oar next Legislature to repeal the law. We a(qo ask that body to investigate the policy of dividing the present Judicial Circuits, and making them smaller, thereby increasing the expenses of the State, ss.has been already done in some instances. Asa body we fender onr sincere thanks to his Honor, Judge Twiggs, for his usual courts “lisp to D. Alexander, Attorney General pro temfor his kihdly assistance and advice. Vie recommend that these Presentments &'6.,be published in the Jefferson News & Farrtier. XUif that those relative to the pnblic interest of the State be published in tne Chron icle & Sentinel. George Stapeion, Foreman. Rnfns Jordan, David Smith, G.- C. Brown, Nathan Ellis, Jpbn Jordan, Willis Howard, James E. Mulling, Alexander Avera, William T. Thompon, Wm. Levan, Martin Stapleton, A. E. Tarver, A.T. McNeely, H. J. Harvey, T. N. Granberry, J.Barganier, G. P. Palmer, Etheldred Tarver, A. true extract from the Minutes of the Su perior Court, this 10th day of May 1871. NICHOLAS DIEHL, D. C. S. C. Agents Wanted. I IN Middle and Southwestern Georgia for Mortimer's “Acme Linen Marker,” and .Card Printer, a neat and Ingenioue little iastrn'ment for rwrking all articles of wearing apparel, and for the printing of Business Cards and Envelopes neatly and qnicklv. Liberal terms given to good canvassers. No humbug. Ad dress with stamp, H. W. J. HAM. General Agent, f • Louisville, Ga. n May 19,1871. 3tf. THE TAX BOOKS Are now open for receiving returns of taxable property, cjunty and State, for thfe year 1871. These returns include all taxa ble property bn hand on tho Ist day of April. The books will positively be closed on the Ist j ijWitj J yj H. FAY, Tax Receiver. B-Mar»,im. 3 It. Georgia, jeffeßson county. Whereas, Lncins Q. C. D. Brown, Guardian for .Mattie Whigham, now Mattie Vanghn, applies tome for Letters Dismissory from said These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Lonisville, for s%id county, on the first Monday in July next, an J file their objections in writing, if any ttfoj have, why said letters should not be granted. W- H: WATKINS, Ord’y. nUa; 19,1871. 3 2m. V* MARK.WALTER’S WftgJß.S', Broad SL, Augusta, da. MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMB i. STONES &o.; &c. Marble MznUlasnd Furniture-Marble of alt kinds Furnished to Order. All work for tho Country carefully boxed for shipment, p M’oh 19 ’7O ly, nFebl, 711| LOUISVILLE Ab> ERTIBEMENTB. R. J. PANNAL. G. H. HARRELL. Carriage Manufactory. THE UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in informing the citizens of Jefferson and adjoining counties, that they have opened a Buggy, Wagon —ANI> PLOW MANUFACTORY, where work of all descriptions, both new and repairing, will be done with neatness and dis patch. We are also agents and manufacturers of the' celebrated Ham Universal Plow, a specimen of which may be seen at the shop at all times. Plows of all descriptions made and repaired upon short notice. The celebrated DIOESON SWEEP furnished on demand. HORSE SHOEING done in the neatest and most substantial manner. Coffins Furnished at Short XTotice. GIVE US A CALL. FAUNAL & HARRELL, Lonisville, On. May 5,1871. ] ts Wilkins & Hopkins HAVE on hand and are constantly receiving additions to a Well Selected Stock of Dry Goods, m BOOTS and SHOES, Ft Hats, JR Hats, OROOBBIBS, Hardware <Sz»o., <3co., Thankful for .the liberal patron age already given to them, they re spectfully ask a continuance of it. CALL ON WILKINS & HOPKINS, Lonntille, 6a, May 5,1871. 1 If. McGOWAN & STRATFORD. LOUISVILLE. GA- Take pleasure in informing their natrons and the public generally that they have now on hancf CHEAT FOR CASH, a large assortment Os ■i :! If -i - : Staple and Fancy Sty Goods, groceries, clothing. HARDWARE, *->. CUTLERY, ■ fiii ”• WOODWARE, .BUCKETS, TUBS Ac, Ac., Ae., Ac., ANY and all of which will be sold at Frteen to ffiaH tho Mem. GIVE US A CALL. . ! ,;i. ...i! WJ in to :i. *> McGowan A Stratfo. and, u a Lenisviilo, Ga. May 6,1871. I lyr. mmm mm, ALABAMA OTRERT ATLANTA GtA. LOUISVILLE ADVEHTISKMENTB. W. W. FAY, LOUISYIIXE, OA. S A D D Zj a —AND— Harness 2t£a,lcer. ALSO) BOOTS t*s SHOEUS ode *o order All work warranted and a&t iafoction gunraoted both as to work and price* Give me a call. May 5,1871. t 6m.. Warren a hayles; RETAEL DEALERS XZV FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, —AND— m FAK6T ARTICLES of every DESCRIPTION. NOTIONS, HOSIEBY, GLOVES, "White Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, 1X291083 9UXICfI C£99lXP£3 of the most seasonable styles always found on band. In connection with our business we have a line assortment of GROCERIES, which we offer cheap for O—-JSL—fll—SC—. WAUtIS « BAYUS &oolsvillc, da. May 5,1871. 1 ts. Look to Yonr Interest I i. a. mm & co. , .0 -)o . ■ . ? Bartow, Ga-, Ne. 11, C. R. R. Keep on hand the LARGEST AND BEST Assortment of Goods, to be found in this Section of Coun tiy. Which will be sold laOW FOR CASH- If small Profits and Correct Dealings are properly estimated, , This is the Place to Trade. Liberal Prices Given for COTTON, WOOL, HIDES, EGGS AND POULTRY, See., ftc. Don’t forget to Call on M. A. EVANS A CO. Bartow, Ga. n. May 5,1871. 1 Bm. AGENTS WANTED. For “Mortimer’s Acme Liiei Marker,” , for marking alf kinds ofhouehold Linsn, . AMD “Mortimer’s Card Fritter aid ;; (> >v BtimfrJ»<’ for Printing Cards, KnVehipes ko. Both these little linehinee see or tide* of prae~ Seel utility. Bend for Sompl*. : Lib«- •l Terms to Agent*. Address with Stamp, rj H. W. J.fiAM, Gsn’l. State Ajput. May 8, im. ' irms AUGUSTA ADVERTISEMENTS COTTON PACRiIG ’*•'> tt II - at* 2 'i' - .ae'*'”' *v, RENDERED EASY WORK BY THE USE OF SMITHS IMPROVED HAND POWER PRESS. IgS nd Jtfy&m'wSßi MVHHY PXtEISD GtUABANTBBD TO WORK WELL- A Southern invention and one of the most complete of the age; pr o noanced IG the most intelligent planters of Georgia and South Carolina; better adapted for cotton packing than any Press or Screw in use; Simple, Durable, and not Liable to get out of order; has a great concentration of power, and two hands can pack cotton readily, and only four required to paok rapidly and easily. As an experiment one man packed a bale of cotton weighing 530 lbs., doing the entire work himself. Mannfaetnred by wheless & co., COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GA. p r 3en May, 5, P69r18 n 1 lm. JfliUinery & Fancy Goods! . '-be aa inc;. \ ■ . : ■ . j»'ti SPRING AND. SUMMER STYLES. MRS. TWEEDY Takes great pleasure in informing her friends and the ladies generally, that she has Just returned fiom New York with an elegant, and carefully selected Stock of the above named goods, consist ing in part of English, French and American Pattern BONNETS and HATB, RIBBONS, IMITATION HAIR, CHIGNONS, LACES and LACE SETTS* with all the Novelties of the Season. She is also agent for the sale of E. BUTTERICK &CO'S. Celebrated Patterns of Garments of every description. An Illustrated descriptive Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp to prepay postage. MRS, TWEEDY, 215 BEGAD STREET, Augusta Ga. Opposite Central Hotel. a & p April 8, 1971. 65tf. r Sc n May, 5, To the Merchants, Planters and Citizens of Middle Georgia. . BEING desirous of closing our business at the earliest day practicable we are prepared to offer inducements to Purchasers of DRY GOODS, such as we know will be appreciated. Our Stock U New, and embraces all the recent novelties in line. DRESS GOODS, „ R HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS. Agents for Robert’s Parabola Needles, The best EWorld. We invite a most rigid examination of our Stock, Guaranteeing satis faction to all who may favor us with solicited. Merchants will find this a rare opportunity for replenishing their Stock. Planters orders filled for City Acceptance, payable De cember first.- • , .... _ H. F. RUSSELL A CO., augusta, ga. n &p. April 22,1871, , ■' ■' ", - ft 7 ts. •i-- ' .o Loo*- ISYI. sprthe «hd mwmiaer, lsva. MILLINERY GOODS. ! V. - - V.: wnat ; >od *■£, >Y» lO yIK •• £«0 : ; . AX-AVING returned from New York, in informing her friends and the Ladies generally, that She has now open a - ' ' 1, -til T-- it: PATTERNS. BONNETS and Hill'S purchased from some of the LEADING IMFOBTEBS tUBBONS. cheap. Ladle.’ DBE.SS CAPS* Infout's GilfrEWELlfy in the city. ' > f The 1 orgeat atock of Jute and B*Al HAIB CURLS and CHIGNONS' in the city. All the above goods will BE SOLD tT REMABKABbIt- LOW PEICEBJ IYI Broad Street, » P ‘ ‘ Under the Auguata Hcltl, - *1 WW.W* **