The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 26, 1871, Image 2

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W WW V. _ - •^ C^«C-tK^®^^ f r. '■ ' l&m® J3& &temz» Gra: FRIDAY MAY 26, 1871. Paris. From dispatches received iu Macon, tbe 23d. it appears that the forces of e National Assembly have nearly clos np with tbe Communists. They have rried tbe last important position of e Communists, aud that enterprising ncorn might as well give up. John R. Holsenbake charged with the urder of Col. Fish, of Oglethorpe has >out plead guilty, and considers himself etifiable in tbe homicide. Bat the ourt and jury upon a full and fair in stigation of the matter thought diffcr itlv, and pronounced John guilty of urder. The trial of James C. Loyd, accessory to the murder is uow pond s’ Atlanta is in trouble about her grand nion Passenger Depot. Tbe Macon Western trains refuse to come to the ir-sbed, and the President of that road as concluded to take a piece of plank id a dozen nails, and build a little car ted of bis own. Bullock has become ixed up in the affair, in connection ith tbe State Road, and naturally, ev •ythiog is going wrong. Work on the ailding has been stopped for some time, ith no prospect of speedy resumption, omc, H. I. Kimballville, such a state : affairs will never do for ‘‘that little ation at tho other end of the Macon : Western road” us Macon would say. Augusta was sorely put to her wits ret week to decide tho momentous uestion, “Has a teacher the right to addle a pupil at a pic-nic ?” Two toral little boys were seeing “what stuff ach was made of,” and the teacher to uiet his pupil’s nerves, administered a agellation. A suit for assault and bat iry was tbe result. The Court with n gal acumen bordering somewhat on ie miraculous, wisely decided that oth were guilty, and divided the costs qually between the plaintiff and defen aut. But the plainfiff was afterwards ead-.headed. The Griffin Star makes up its outside 'oin the columns of the Atlanta Era, ut does not say so .—Era. Stealing is perfectly honorable when lullock rifles the State Treasury; but 'hen tho Star possesses itself of the ard-earned treasures (?) of tho Era. uere is a fuss in the family forthwith, lilton says in "Paradise Lost,” "Dtvil •ith devil damned firm concord holds,” ut Miltou, poor fellow, did’ut know verything; he did’ut live to see the resent time, or he would have beeu cartily ashamed of himself for having rritten so senseless a verse. Query. —What does tbe Augusta Can titutionalisl of Friday mean by publish ug on one page the "Address of the (democratic Congressmen to the people f the Uuited States,” and on another long Ku Klux outrage from a scala rag paper 1 It reminds ns of a witti isin of Charles Lamb. “I never mix wa -3r and wbisky together, it always spoils wo good things.” Atlanta has a soap factory. The Jew Era has been grouud through the lachinery, and thinks she has been omewhat purified thereby. Anything p jat experiences tbe contaminating touch . f Bullock certainly needs purification; we fear that the Era is past all [ ope of a better condition, unless some . iend of his race presents her a keg of ■ owder with a red-hot poker iu it. \ Dr. Harrison Westmoreland of At* nta has been convicted of the crime ’attempted murder on the person of r. Itedwine, and sentenced for ten ars. Anew trial is moved, and the unset will carry tbe case to the Supreme ourt. Tbe Cuthbtrl Appeal dubs Mr. 11. I. imball with '‘Hon.” That is excru- iting to the gentleman no doubt, but may soon expect Savannah to affix the lev. Dr.,” to bis name as he has beeu iliveriog Sunday School, lectures in at city; A runaway horse in Augusta on Intraday, after throwing out his driver Id seriously injuring him, ran on some itance, and getting on the side-walk, locked senseless an aged lady, Mrs. jey P. Bead, Her recovery is hoped Incendiaries hi the Forest city, tired the old sport of burning Louses, re ve the monotohy by attempting to ro a man in bed. Tbe man was for jately extinguished. The crops in the vicinity of Columbus i reposted to be rather unpromising. Bavant>eb is jeat now - Mai* tgWIH! tfver a schooner that has been found imbedded six feet under ground, and seventy-five from low watermark. . Biunfwick thinks that she must a brass baud this time. Buss and «■im the essentials, are represented aa quite abundant among the young man. The Rome Commercial and Courier are calling each other pet names, which are not as affectionate as they might bo ‘ “Oj Quitman boasts of cabbage-lioaos that weigh sixteen and. oac-half .pouud*. That’s nothing; we have seen cabbage heads that weighed nearly two hundred LaGrange complains of thieves that don’t unde'staud their huaiuess. They are troubled with compunctions of con science, and leave their plunder on the door steps. Marietta is furious about a train load of Atlanta negroea, who paid them a social visit, fought, shot, knocked, scratched, and bowled the whole day, much to tbe distuibance of tbe said suburbs of Atlanta. Lovers of order in Marietta put up a lamp in frout of the church to scale off bad boys, thiuking that they love dark ness rather that light because their deeds are evil, Negro burglars in Savannah light lamps and explore bouses with an air of sangfroid that cans s “ye locals” to think that they are suitable companions for Beast Butler. (COMMUNICATEO.) Messrs Editors : 1 was agreeably sur prised to learn that Jcffcison county is to hgve a newspaper. I often thought that the county needed, and was able to support handsomely, a good paper. I have at times expressed my surprise that some enterprising, energetic persou did not undertake to supply this want. lam glad to learn that, at last, someone has undertaken it. And now, Messrs. Edilors, though we are strangers, and are at present in differ ent parts of the State, allow me to soy that I hope yonr paper may have a wido circulation and prove a success. A WELL-WISIIEK. The above is from the pen ol some graceful writer, but we are at a lass to know who it is. We return onr thanks, however, to the writer for tbe kind wish es expressed, and L6pc to be favored with the name that wc may become bet ter acquainted. A New City and a New Prosperity. Messrs. Editors: That invitation re cently extended through our papers to upright industrious men of every creed and section to come and make their homo with us in Georgia, though it was chiefly signed by citizens of a single county only, correctly expresses the sen timents of the men of intelligence and worth throughout tbe entire State. Let tbe world be assured that Georgia holds out a standing offer of welcome to indus try, integrity and capital, from whatever quarter they may come. Every Georgian must take pleasure in learning that a Northern Company composed, not of reckless adventurers, but of solid men, who have a national reputation iu business circles for abund ant capital, high integrity, and success ful enterprise, Lave gradually purchased several hundred thousand acres of land in the new county of Dodge and the ad jacent counties. They are initiating an extensive lumber busiuess, and propose as the land becomes denuded of mercan tile timber, to 6ell farms on easy terms to actual settlers, having an eye to char acter both for morality and industry in their numerous employees, and in the settlers introduced. A bright prospect opens before that section of the State. Tho new county was named after one of the Company—a man eminent for bis princely benefactions for the good of his race. The County site, Eastman, is named after another one of the firm—a man of a like liberal spirit, who is vigo rously carrying out the plans of the Com pany. Thoy recognize the great truth that capital forgets her noblest function, if she aims solely at bravy dividends, and neglects to promote tbe social, edu cational, and religions interests of man. Taking the Brunswick traiu at Macon, after a run of 55 miles, you stop for din ner at Eastman, the new county site You emerge from the cars and go up to the house of our enterprising friend; Gen. Foster, who to accommodate the public has temporarily consented to keep tbe dinner bouse. There you get a capital dinner. As you look around you before the whistle blows, your first impression is, that Eastman will probably be a mere way-station for years to come. Yet there are unmistakable signs that East man is to be the city of the fatuke lor tbat belt of Georgia. It is just ready to expand into a vigorous, rapidly grow ing life. It is finely situated for a large town. Occupying tbe higbest point of land betweenM**on and Brunawiok.its healthiness is above suspicion. It is very favorably Bitoated for being, tbe great business and light centre Os an ex tensive portion of lower Georgia. If is now being laid off into lots, and numbers stand ready to purchase and build. Mr. Dodge, for whom tbe county was named,, presents the county with anew Court W.WISBMS, 111 own expense. An Academy building for a first chat Seminary, is also to be pnblic buildings me afto fofapow: Tbe work gapbriskVp# As» freciapn of M>e eif wjkh wfietf’thiaigs sms passing in at EnetAan, On Ae 9eb mat,, work was begnu on a school boose ca pable of holding an audience of, say, 150 persous. In four (Jays aud a balf tbe bouse was finished— seats, desks, ros trum, curtained windows, and all. The Chip. 4*l ' fct&ll cleared away on {he 13th, aucT on Sunday, tho 14th, iiNgfiiwu cun few nun buid-ia *he «ew school house morniug aud night for the white people, and for the colored people in the afternoon. .A Sabbath School al so was orgauized at the close of tbe morning service. Tbns tbe first regular religious services held within the corpo rate limits of Eastman, were held in a building which was literally non-existent a week before! On Monday morniug, the 15th iost., a Free Scbodl was begun iu the new building. The Company, or iodividual menders of it, stand ready to take the lead in a very substantial way, in building a capacious church just as soon as the school room becomes too small for (be congregation, which will be very speedily. In tbe rapid end healthy growth of Eastman and surrounding country, tbe indications are strong that iu quiet old Georgia there iaaDOU to be a parallel to the magic growth,of Western cities and districts, in material prosperity and pop ulation—and a more than Western growth in ail that is really of the higbest value in modern civilization. In that elegant picture of the building up of Carthage, drawn by the hand of Virgil, tbe busy workers labor at tbe theatre, tbe forum, the city wall, the massive gate, tbe citadel, tbe heathen temple. Tbis is a fit type of a classic and Christless civilization, wbicii fails to seek the elevation happiness of all classes as its highest aim. 'Tie the glo ry of a Christian civilization tbat, in building her cities, her chief reliance for security and permanence and success, is not upon the citadel, the massive gate, the wall bristling with armed men, bat upon the school house, the academy, the church—upon wide-spread intelligence and enlightened consciences among the people. We congratulate our fellow-citizens of Eastman, of Dodge aud tho adjacent counties, upou the brighteniug prospect before them. We heartily wish that a thousand such Northern Companies with integrity and capital, and elevated con ceptions of the mission of capital, were pushing forward enterprises in every pari of the sunny South. Amoog other blessings, it is perhaps tbe most efficient of all methods of healing the alienations of the war, as such enterprises bring in to visible identity of interest and practi cal brotherhood, the men of the North and tbe men of tho South. VIATOR. The Courier-Journal is now investi gating the Georgia Diamond question. She says: “Geoigia is unquestionably a great State. Even Georgians themselves havo been known to acknowledge the fact. She has a right to boast of her re sources and tho enterprise of her citizens, atid is justly proud of her flourishing cit ies. But we can’t help thinking that she is coming it a little too strongly in the diamond discovering. When we were told fiat a citizen of Hall county had, when a boy,.a round pebble which ho habitu ally used for a “middle-man” in playing marbles; tbat bis children used it for tbe same purpose for years; tbat it was finally lost somewhere about the premis es; and that it was then, and not until then, discovered to be a, diamond worth two hundred thousand dollars, we swal lowed tbe story withnnt a murmur, but when Georgia, taking advantage of our credulity, comes along with the declara tion that somebody down there has found a diamond weighing thirty-five pounds, we feel tbat we would much rather she wouldn’t do it—that we would rather sho would select a smaller stone or tell the story to somebody else.” The Production and Consumption of Whisky. — From the statistics of the man ufacturo and production of whisky lately compiled at the Census Bureau from the results of the recent Census, it appears that there are 303 grain distilleries in tbe country, of which the aggregate dai ly production is 210,253 gallons. Add ing to these figures those of the molasses distilleries, and there is a production of 216,354 gallons daily. Tbe consumption is estimated at 230,000 gallons daily, wbicb shows tbat to supply the domestic market 16,000 gallons ol imported whis ky must he consumed daily. The com. sumption is large, but the figures become much lecome much less startling than they appear at tho first glance, when it is remembered that nearly one-half of tbe raw whisky manufactured' here is made into alcohol and used in tbe arts. The New York Democrat says, “The sole ambition of Senator Oliver P. Mor ton, of Indiana, is to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Whatever else he may tako is brit a stepping;Oooe to tbat. He vow ed in. 1854 to some-day occupy the po sition, and he has been unscrupulous in his effort* so pash himself forward ever since- When Judge Taney died, Mor ton wrote the most piteous appeals to Pi;efeidant Lincoln, bnt tbat functionary was toot at the time prepared for sueb an ipfamy as tbe elevation of Morton to the high position. It will be a sorry day for this country if he ever reaches it, but there is do doubt be would if these shmdd be a vacancy at this time. He is ,Mr. Grant’s, particular hench rii ’ tie yet I.' nmw in. Griffin i* jubilant ever the prospect of horse-rapes. It eoets $2,000 per day te raw the Ea gle and Phoenix Mills at Columbus. John H. James, the Atlanta beaker, is building a palatial residence, wbieh. when finished aad furnished, will cost a bout S6OMO. An ice machine has arrived at the Chattahoochee, and will make ice for Atlanta at $5 per ton. Two large watermelons grown at Jack sonville, were shipped to New York from Savannah on Saturday last. ‘ ,A Good Templar’s organisation wee formed in Madison last Monday night, with twenty-five members. Thomasville invests $2,100 in the Methodists Orphan’s Home. “Ley up your treasures/' etc. The Etna Iron Works, at Rome, are in full blast, and the Courier is doing the “blowing” for them. Katie, a little daughter of Mr. J. H. Otto, of Macon, eighteen months old, fell into a wash tub Friday morning and was drowned. A Morgan county man, on his way to Madison Thursday morning, found a dead negro lying in the road. As there were no marks of violence there is no suspicion of Ku Klux. The Athens Banner is glad to learn that the rnst has not materially injured the wheat. Tbe writer evidently hopes tbat he will not have to Sim-mer down to corn-dodgers. A special to the Atlanta Sun, says it is rumored and believed in Washington that Williams, of Oregon, will snocoed Akerman as Attorney-General. The foundation of tbe new Masonie Temple in Macon will be begun in a few days, and will be sufficiently ad vanced by the 24th of June for the lay ing of the corner stone. The women of Georgia have collect ed nearly $3,000 for the proposed mon ument to the late Robert E. Lee. Tbe wbole amount raised for the purpose in tbe South thus far, is said not to be less than $20,000. Judge Clarke pronounced an impor tant decision at the recent term of Ma con Superior Court. He ruled tbe Re lief law unconstitutional so far as it re quires plaintiffs in causes to swear tbat they have paid taxes on their causes of action. A gentleman who lives a few miles from Augusta caught a trout the otber day that weighed thirteen and a balf pounds. A fact—(hough we couldn’t believe upou any other authority than the Chronicle and Sentiuel. James R. Harrall, charged with pass ing counterfeit mouey, made a bond in the U. S. District Court at Savannah, on Saturday, and was discharged from cus tody. The lightning struck a negro woman in Meriwether county last week, and glanced off aud killed a mule with which she was plowing. Tho woman was un hurt, of course. The Radical Ku Klux are operating in Pickens county. A colored Democrat named Andy Gwin had his bouse burned recently, and two other colored Demo crats were badly beaten at tho same time. The Radical Deputy Sheriff of the county was the leader of the Ku Klnxes. The Albany News says there are near ly 2.000 bauds at work on the Bruns wick & Albany Railroad. Tbe iron is all engaged and will bo laid down as fast as tbe track is ready for it. Six first class engines, twolve passenger and six baggage cars have been purchased, in addition to those already on tbe road, and will be ready for delivery by tbe first of July. The great passenger shed at Atlanta has been brought to a halt before com pletion. Tbe Atlanta papers say the Macon & Western Company refuse, from a cause unkuown, to pay its share of tbe expeu6e. We have heard something of the matter. Rumor says the Macon & Western Company is displeased because the contractors have added $40,000 to the cost without [authority, making it $170,000, instead of $130,000, as called for. And again, the great structure is out of agricultural proportion, being too low for its width and length, which is al so a subject of objection. Atlanta Air Line Road. —A private letter from Habersham county to a cit izen of Augusta states that there are now upwards of two hundred hands at work on tho Air-Line Road, within seven miles of Clarksville. It would appear that our citizens will soon have the opportunity of going through Ra bun Gap by way of Atlanta. Augusta Chronicle. ■GENERAL ITEMS. The last spike in the Alabama and Cbattauooga railroad was driven on the 15th inst., twelve miles south of Tus caloosa, Alabama, The first through train left Chattanooga the same day for New Drleans. , Cut Worms.— A little salt placed around cabbages and other plants will protect them from ent worms. Make a ring around the plant from balf an inch deep and about an inch from tbe plants, sprinkle the salt in it and cover with earth. General Sheridan being waited upon by some patriotic Irishmen the other day informed them that “if he lived in Ire land he would be the greatest Fenian there.” ' A Louisianna planter reports tbat bis Chinese work slow, but sure and nice. They plow very well, bnt can’t make the males understand Chinese very well yet, Joe Brown, in his letter to Mr. Cox, says that he furnishes passes to mem bers of the Legislature so tbat they may see tbe condition of the road and all that sort of thing. Tbe Savannah News thinks Mr. Cox should rise to a point of order. Tbe question before the people of Georgia is not whether the road-bed aud rolling-stock are in perfect working order, but is the lease a fraud I Ii Bul lock ooneerned in it! Louisiana capitalist* have organized an Imitation Company, with a fimd of $250,000, in induce foreign aettlera to go that way. North Carolina has a population of *- rer one million people, and there are on ly about sixty newspapers and period! cals published in the Btate. A negro who runaway from Charles ton twelve years ago is now the fashion able physician in Cairo, Egypt. ■Okas. Dans, of the Now York Bun, has been sued by the French Consul for libel.. Damages laid at #60.000. Cherries are in market at San Fran essco. The fruit crop of California will be immense. The vintage is estimated at $10,000,000, Twenty-five solid business men in New York who lavished their lucre liberally on Graut in 1868, have gone back on binKJiow as the crown prince of dead beats. The United States steamship Talla hassee is being placed in order in Phila delphia for a pleasure trip for the Presi dent, members of tbe Cabinet, and tbo Joint High Commission. .The people of Arozona have deter* mined to protect themselves against tbe Indians, and after the massacre at Camp Grant they started in pursuit. Soon af ter they came upon them encamped and killed eighty-five of the party; A paper published in Vicksburg, sajs that Senator Ames, of Mississippi, is “a shoulder-strapped puppy and poltroon, and most consummate liar and fool - " The resemblance he bears to his respect ed father-in-law is certainly very strik ing. Sir George A. Deckel, of Nashville, Term., as a reply to an invitation to visit Atlanta daring the meeting of the Grand Commaudery, sent a keg of Uobinsun eoonty whisky, as a proof that his spirits are pare and ardent, and (bat his knight ly affeetions will never be adulterated. Drs. Gray and Vanderponl, who were appointed by Governor Hoffman to ex amine the prisoner Rulloff, under sen tence of death at Binghamton, N. Y.. have made a report declaring that in their opinion Ilulloff is in souud play st eal health, and entirely sane. The Southern Baptist Convention mot in St. Louis, on the 10th inst., and or ganized by electing P. n. Mell, of Geor gia, as President, and J. S. Coleman of Kentucky, J. W. M. Williams of Mary land, J. L. Burrows of Virginia, A. Sher wood of Missouri, Vice-Presidents; E. Calvin Williams of Maryland, and T. S. Sumner of Alabama, were chosen Sec retaries. How much does a fool weigh gen erally ? A simple-lon. What a difference it makes wheth er you put Dr. before ot after a man’s name. When does a member of Congress display most physical strength ? When he moves the House. A Connecticut schoolboy has written a composition on the horse, in which he says it is an animal hav ing four legs, “one at each corner.” Os the first edition of Cervantes’ “Quijote,” only two copies exist in Madrid—one in the library of the Spanish Academy, the other in the National. Na3by intended to call his baby Anna Dickinson. Nature intervened to protect the helpless innocent, however. It wasn’t the right sort ol a baby for that purpose. The Chicago Tribune plaintively says: “In comparatively few years the quail and the prairie chicken will be a matter of history.” It is to be hoped they will die game. There seems to be plenty of cheap and good land in Maine, covered with heavy timber, and there is the advantage that while one is clearing his farm he can live on bears. Cattle standing in cold, muddy yards, exposed to the weather, con sume about twice as much as those in sheltered stables, kept clean and littered, and free from trie accumu. lation of manure. A society has been formed in Par is for the propagation of useful in sects, and the destruction of noxious ones; and it announces that from cockroaches an oil can be extracted excellent for greasing wagons. It has been estmated by Dr. Burke that an average brain is capable of holding 3,155,760,000 thoughts, and Ballogue has estimated that the cerebral convolutions contain 134, 000,000,000 cells. Rothschild, the founder of the world-renowned house of Rothschild & Cos., ascribed his success to the following: “Never have anything to do with an unlucky man. Be cau tions and bold. Make a bargain at once.” It is stated that so remarkable has been the increase in the number of American houses in London that the owner of anew bank building in Lombard street, London, has thought it worth while to advertise his “Offices to Let” in the New York daily papers. A Colorado editor, who has been making an Eastern tour, announces to his readers, as the most remark able piece of intelligence gained in his travels, that there are actually newspaper men on the Atlantic coast who nave not been called on to kill any one for several years. The Maysville Bulletin has a skull andcross bones of black colors and ample proportions at the head of one of its columns, under which it pro poses to chronicle all the murders committed in Kentucky during the year. An enlargement of the Bulletin may aoon be expected, - ' - AUtß' iBH - * COTTOA PACKL\G RENDERED EASY WORK - BY TIIE USE OF SlITffS IMPROVED 'HAND .POWER PRESS. | - EVERY PRESS QUARANTTEE X> , TO WORK WELL. A Southern invention and one of tl:c most crirplole of the age; pronounced by the most intelligent planters of Geoigia and South Carolina, belter adapted for cotton packing than any Press or Sciew in use;- Simple, Durable, and not Liable to get out of order; has a great concentration of power, and two banda can pack cotton readily, and only lour required to pack rapidly and easily. As an experiment one man packed a tale of cotton weighing 530 lbs., doing the entire work himself. Manufactured by . WHELESS & CO., COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GA. p r &n May, 5, p G 9 r 18 n 1 lm. Jl-"- I' I PETER KEENAJS Again Palntes the good and true PEOPLE of HANCOCK, and her DEMOCRATIC SIS TER COUNTIES, and invites them when they come to Augusta, to call at liis FIRST CLASS BOOT and SHOE STORE, Ho. 230 Sroad St. nnder Central Hotel, And there they will find everything that pertaius to good Stock, good Style, and good Workmanship. He promisfß his Customers, that by his adoption of the ONE PRICE SYSTEM, thoir in terests will bo Scrupulously protected, and that the never cbangirg-Principles of Honor and ! Integrity will be his GUIDING STAR, in public as well as private transaction. Corns and buy your SHOES where you have the positive assurance you will be fairly and honorably dealt with. All Shoes bought, Exchanged inside of three Mouths, or thu MONEY RE- ' FUNDED. PETER KEENAN, Ho. 230 BROAD St , AU6USIAIGA.I Under Central Hotel. p Ic n May (j, IS7I. 69tf. 18'71. Spring a,:n.cL Summer, ISTT.. MILLINERY GOODS. :o:— —— MRS. LECRIE XT AAAVING returned from New York, takes pleasure iu informing* her friends and the Ladies generally, that She has now open "a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF PATTERNS. BONNETS and HATS purchased from some of the LEADING IMPORTwuo of NEW YORK. Beautiful SASH RIBBONS, cheap. Ladies’ DRESS CAPR: wF-.. LACE BONNETS and HATS. , OKtoS LAPS* Infant a The largest stock of FRENCH FLOWERS in the city. The handsomest assortment of Jot and Gilt JEWELRY in the city. The largest stock of Jute and lLal HAIR CURLS and CHIGNONS "in theeitv All the above goods will BE SOLD AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES* MRS. LECIS.IE, 171 Broad Street. ntp April 8,1871 ■ Under the Augusta Ho W . LOOK AT THE REDUCTION IN PRICES AT RYSEL BROS. lINDEU TIIE GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA. O-A. SPANISH LINEN COATS AT 0 n SEA GRASS LINEN COATS AT . l’nn TWILLED “ “ AT i’o S HEAVY TWILLED LINEN CO ATS AT. IJ A&L , , ./l All wool Casimer Suits, Coat, Pants and Vest, in va- i>r rious Colors, at .6,ooaßuit. ALL WOOL SUITS AT 7 60 a Hiiti SILK MIXED SUITS AT p_ w , argeSt , Stock -, of , CLOTHING >' HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS, together with the fullest line of Gents’ Furnishing Goods in the City at Reduced prices. Don’t forget to call at KUSEL BROS-, 250 Broad Street, UNDFR, TAB GLOBE HOTEL, ? H a m. <*lst