The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, June 02, 1871, Image 2

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jCouisville, Ga: -FRIDAY JUNE 2, 1871. f Editorial Correspondence. J GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Nsw Turk City, May 24, 1671. The trip from Charleston to Mew York by •teenier ia not altogether as pleasant aa by rail from the inland cities of Geor gia la the aeaboard, bat would be more agreeable if “land lubber#,” as the sail ors term ns, could keep well. But the waters most keep moving, and the vet sel, however great, will rock some, and too mnch rocking makes ns sick. We left Charleston Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock on the new and elegant side wheel steamer “Georgia,” of the New York and South Carolina S. S. line. The weather waa fins and the voyage waa most pleasant. A slight wind set ting back, we arrived at New York Fri day afternoon. Many of the passengers were not sick at all—your correspond ant for one, did not miss a single one of those sumptuous meals which are served up to passengers on these boats. The courteous and attentive Capt. Crowell of the Georgia, graced the bead of the dining table at each meal, while Purser CnAMr, young, handsome and agreeable, provided over the foot. No pains or ex pense is spared in the fitting np and ac commodations of these steamers, and ev ery attention is givon for the comfort and welfare of passengers. We think that merchants and tourists going to New York, should try this ele gant passenger line. It is about as quick as by rail, and some say far more comfortable, and is certainly much less expensive. Those who are fortunate enough to meet the “Georgia,” may be •are of • pleasant “berth," and accom modation# giving auiplu proof that the reputation of our noble old State is am plified by its worthy namesake. New York is not so lively with busi ness now. as in the winter mouths—but it seems busy enough to one accustomed to life in our quiet Southern cities. Tho theatres are kept open, though many of the theatre goers are now at the various westering places, for the summer, which gives the opera troupes the pleasure of performing to empty seats There is oo striking feature on the New York stage now. They have a pantomine at Fisk’s Grand Opera House; Shakspeare’s "Winter’s Tale” at Booth’s—rather dragging and thread bare; "Jack Sheppard” at tho Olympic, and minor dramas at the rest. There has been considerable change made tn some parts of the city during the past year. On Broadway several very imposing buildings have been erected, one of which is the Grand Cen tral Hotel, at which your correspondent ia now stopping. It is one of the very finest hotels in the city—second to none. It is splendidly, rather gorgeously, fur nished in every department, Being conveniently located, and entirely free from any objections, it will doubtless share a large amount of Southern pa tronage. There ia much news in the papers thia morning. The Herald contains its usual budget of crimes and casualties, all written np and expanded, so that New York at a distance must look worse than any Ku Klux down South. TLc papers here dilate on news of this kind at all times, and espeoially when their ■took from other sources is limited. They pander to a corrupted taste, because, un fortunately, it sells best. There seems to be a very cordial feel ing for the Southern people among busi ness men, and a good trade from the South is expected next season, especial ly if cotton should bring a good price. Maeon will soon boast of a fine Ma sonic temple. Savannah is still enjoying frequent raids from burglars. They steal cigars, and bacon. Athens ia waking up to the impor tance of bnildiug the railroad from that place to Clayton. Thomaa county is bragging over a stalk of cotton two feet high, that has ten forms and a blossom. Warreiiton has been heard from. She don’t know whether it was au earth quake or a chill that she enjoyed. Hon. B. H. Hill has written another letter on "The Situation”—of the Geor gia Railroad, and yet be is not happy. Augnsta leads ofl’ with a barrel of floor ground from wheat of this season—ship ped on the 21st. So say* the Sat. Newt. Templeton's Opera Troupe was last week performing in Brunswick. These little salt-water hamlets are bolding op sh*ir bead*. ' McLaughlin, the Atlanta Peat-ofte* embeasler, after convict iou bee been EMcjrrr^Br The tenli eud S&thwesterftAiU gPO& jlu jjgjfer naJLiere vkmmA' tending the Regatta at Savannah aa the Slat, and fat of June. A snake was rrcrently discovered on the principal street of Coluudtojk mak ing for a drug store. He w|sjd<£it§tfeaS banting up a supply of poison. Hhwfluny MMi faunas I j Uv» District Attorney fee Georgia, and since the war a citizen of Savannah, died at Dee Moiues, lowa, on Tuesday last. By way of variety we torn to Savan nah thieves. They tunnelled into the Poor Hoose, stole 50 chickens, end 4 turkey*. What wilt become of that lit tle sea-port town i Covington thinks she ean now stand a money order office. Several other wa ter stations of no more importance than herself stand them without the quiver ing of a muscle. Atlanta is troubled about tbs Mariet ta and North Georgia Railroad. Bhe thinks it is in tho bands of a clique that intends to oontrol it in the interests of the State Road, and under pretence of building it, aotualfy prevent its construc tion. Atlanta certainly has a mania for railroads. The Rome Courier is guilty of the following : “We wish Atlanta all ma terial success and prosperity, but we do think that the Capital ought to be moved back to Milledgevilla, and it will be.” On last Friday the Air Line Road sent out an exenrsion train to Gaines ville carrying the Stockholders, Knights Templar, Mayor, Press, &c. This is the firet train through to Gainesville from Atlanta. Horace Greely ought to visit Thom •sville while on bis Southern tour, to learo some new things about Irish pota toe trees. A tree of that kind down there bears fruit on its limbs as well as on its roots. The Central Railroad company has leased for ninety-nine years the Macon & Western Road from Macon to Atlan ta. That knocks up all prospects of Savanuah’s co-operation in building the Savannah & Atlanta Railroad. The Covington Examiner says that a Baptist minister, DeChamps, was mur dered in cold blood while in his pulpit, in Newton Cos. The murderer Handley shot him twice, and mounted his horse And fled. No polities involved. Eclectic Magazine.—' The June nnm her of this capital monthly is at hand, and is embellished withs fine portrait, excellently engraved on steel, of Prof. Darwin. A sketch gives the leading eveuts of Darwin’s Me, and 'The Descent of Man,’ the title of his last book, is also the title of a very humorona poem re printed from Blackwood. The table of contents presents about twenty excellent articles, in which the instructive and the amusing reoeive e qual attention. ‘The Political Future of Europe’ is a masterly synopsis of pres ent political tendencies in Europe. There is a critical essay on ‘Mr. Tennyson’s Po ems ;’ and, besides them, there are, ‘A Week in Paris after the Peace,’ 'Modern St. Pauls,’ 'A Miniature Sun,’ ‘Change and Progress in Japan,’ ‘Rome under the New Regime,’ ‘The Dntohmau at Home,’ ‘The Author of That Heathen Chinee,” and ‘Journeys in Central Africa.’ The Editorial Departments are fall of mis cellaneons information of all sorts. Pub lished by E. R. Pelton, 108 Fulton street, New York. Price $5 per year. The Grand Central Hotel—These modern days of wealth and luxury de velope frequent enterprise that startle, while they compel us into admiration. A visit to “Gotham” never fails to im press this truth. The new Grand Cen tral Hotel, on Broadway, New York, whose palatial walls cover almost an en tire block, is a notablo instance of what wealth, taste and enterprise can accom plish. Although the many descrip tious given of it are highly eulogistic, the visitor will find, like the Queen of Sheba, that the half has not been told. In richness of appointment and complete ness of detail, not even the palace of Louvre, of Paris, nor the far-famed Laugh am, of London, can surpass; while it surpasses them both in size and ca pacity. Under the management of H. L. Powers, the proprietor, whose genial, sterling, administrative qualities fairly claim him to its charge de njf'airt, with bis affable corye of gi ot emen in the office, there ia a quiet determination to make this modern palace of taste and luxury outrank any other in the world. One would suppose from the appear ance of the Grand Central that the in come of a prince would be necessary to enjoy its hospitality, when, in fpet, its prices arepuly from three to four dollars per day. Strange Mail. — l he Wheeling. Intel ligencer was shown at the postoffice, on Wednesday last, a mail-box of bees, that were on their way from lllinoia to ’Christian-burg. Va. They were of some rare species! And seemed to be doing well, not a dead one visible. A abort time ago a “homed toad” passed through the office, hailing from Sau Francisco and bound far Washington, and a lizard *lw lately pari armed the same journey. Macau waa last week mnch exerei-ed by the arrival of two Heathao Cntnesr ia that i- said that Tku Kaighta Temftar held their tenth an ana) conelave tn Atlanta oo Wednesday. Quite a number of Knights from various parta of the country joiued the eneamptneut. They lire in regular soldier fashion, in touts: wear military B. will not issue a proclamation against them for being in a state of armed in surrection! Jefferson Davis, the Great Chieftain, was in Augusta on Thursday and Fri day. An enthusiastic crowd of citizens met him at the car shed, conducted him to the Planters’; and everything was done to let him feel that he ‘vas still the Presi dent of the Southern Confederacy, in the hearts cf oar people. He waa re ceived with a speech from Hon. H. W. Hilliard to which he responded briefly - Like Breckcnridge, he does not wish to be again involved in politics—not for bis own, bnt his country’s sake. Rufas Behemoth Beelzebub, the Bul lock has isaned a column proclamation offering five thousand dollars reward for tome twenty Ku Klux organizations who have been butchering negroes by the wholesale. The Bullock can beat all the editors and reporters in the State combined in collecting news; frequently informing r community that half a doz en murders had been committed in their midst of which the good people never heard before^ We would like to hear the explana tion given by the Radicals of the fact, that notwithstanding the thousands of negroes butchered in cold blood month ly in the South, the census shows an increase of several hundred thousand since 1860. New Books. We have received from D. Appleton & Cos., Publishers, 549, Broadway, N. Y„ through the politeness of J. M. Cooper. & Cos.. Savannah, some very interesting and instructive books. “Tho Descent of Man and selection in relation to Sex,” by Charles Darwin, with illustrations, in two volumes. It is a work that is creating quite a sensation among all classes, but especially those fond of scientific investigations. Part I. treats of the Descent or Origin of Man. Part 11. of Sexual Selection. The heads of a few chapters will give the reader an idea of the work. Chapter 1, argues the evidence of Man from some lower form. Chapter 2, Comparison of the mental powers of Man aud the lower an imals. Chapter 4, Manner and develop ment from a lower form. Chapter 5. The cares of Men. Mr. Darwin holds that mania a development npon the mon key; or that there is a general and gradual development going on in nature, The whole field of natural history is laid before the reader, and the facts con tained therein are wonderful, iuteresting and astonishing. He concludes by say ing—“ The main conclusion arrived at in this work, namely, that man is descend ed from some lowly organized lorm,will be highly distasteful to many persons. Doubtless they thiuk man may be excus ed for feeling some pride at having ris en, though not through bis own exer tions, to the very summit of the organic scale; and the fact of his having thus risen, instead of having been aborigin ally placed there, may givo him high hopes for a still higher destiny in the distant futuro.” “The Genesis of Species,” by St. George Mivart, with illustrations. The work is a review of the Darwinian theory af development, and is as fully interest ing as the work it replies to. Full of in teresting facts in natural history. Both works should be read, if the read er desires to be posted in regard to the great scientific question of the day. 'Mr. Mivart closes as follows—“My aim has been to support the doctrine that these species have been evolved by or dinary natural laws —for tho most part unknown—controlled by the subordinate action of “Natural Selection,” and at the same time to remind some that there is and actually can be absolntely nothing in physical science which forbids them to regard those natural laws as acting with the Divine concurrence, and in obe dience to a creative fiat originally im posed on the primeval Cosmos, “in the beginning,” by its Creator. The Atlanta & Savannah Railroad. The people of Savannah, we are glad to see, are moving in the direction ol the Atlanta & Savannah Air-Line Railroad. Them >* some opposition to the freight Hd« amongn Bavanah people, but so far as we are able to judge from the papers, •ad from frequent eonferenee with Sa vannah gentlemen, tho people of tho Forest City favor the road with a singu lar unanimity. A meeting was held on the 18th, and the Mayor and Council were authorized to cull an election tode cide whether or not the city es Sevan nan shall subscribe half a million of dol lars to the road. The action of this meet ing is sufficient testimony that the op position to the movement is Dot very strong. It is not easy to form an exact esti mate ol the great importance of this road. It is true we have several lines from the mountains to the seaboard, bat here is anew one sugge-ted, which will shorten the distance from Atlanta to Savacnab over fifty miles, which is a ' matter of the utmost importance to com- merce, as well aa to the agricultural in terests of the ootuMAy^. The road <rkUp*w ihtoogh a seetion being one ot thw maet 'thickly eat’led and fertile secftCH es ffleergia. The people are atjAyprishtg. in dustrious ewd ecaaomieal.-aaa know the value of ready intercourse with the out side world. They are all eager for the road to be built, and in each county they are ready to do what they ean to help it riwog. Ol rite, whole, we regard tfc* prospect, & Wf .*4? u flattering, and we believe that the time is not far distant when the Atlanta and gad——’KlWi'tHir'Wl IWHfI Ift the network.of raUroqds|hei ja being rapid- Jy spread over Georgia. —At font a Su*. The subject of the above road is again on the tapis in this section, and the anx iety of the people to have the road built is increased. There has been a rumor afloat that Savannah and Atlanta intends to subscribe only on condition that the road is as far as possible an air-line, thus leaving out every town of any size be tween Tennille and Atlanta. All the citizens between these two point* would in this event atrenuonsly oppose it, if tbeir interests also were not consulted in the construction. An air-lino would cross the Macon k Augusta Railroad jußt four and a half mile* north of Mil ledgevilte, two south of Eatonton, and seven north of Monticello. By deflect ing the road so as to touch these points, only about Jive miles more of traek would be necessary, and the increased subscriptions would more than compen sate for the additional outlay! These facts will no doubt be takeu iuto consid eration when the actual building ol the road ia initiated. We understand that the Central road will take stock in the company, by giving the use of tbeir line from this place to EatontOn, a fine track of twenty-two miles. Monticello needs a railroad, ynd the interests of Jasper county should uot be entirely overlooked. Let the citizens along the proposed route subscribe liberally, and then they can have matters to suit themselves. * Siuoe the above was written the Cen tral road has leased the Macon k West ern ; which is a death blow to the Ten nille and Atlanta road. Wo take the following from the Savannah Republican of a later date. The Tennille & Atlanta Railroad. It has now been decided that neither the bonds of the city nor an endorse ment of the railroad company’s bonds will be granted to this enterprise. It has been evident in the discussions that have arisen in relation to it that there existed a kindly feeling on the part of our citizens. We would all like shorter roads in the same sense that we all de sire longer purses. These two very de sirable things find their beginnings and endings iu the expression of a wish. But Savannah haß attained in reality what benefit was proposed by the Ten nille and Atlanta Road. The amalga mation of the Central with the Macon aud Western seoures to ns all that the direct Atlanta road could ever have achieved. Several shorter routes, or short tuts, have recently been built. By the light of their experience we may learn what would probably have been the fate of the Tennille and Atlanta bad it been built. *•••#* Our 8500,000 are now saved to the city. If it be expended in sewerage and paving, we shall at least have some thing for our money. Sewers and scav engers press upon our immediate atten tion. We cannot read the account of the awful desolation of Buenos Ayres without connecting it with our own par allel condition. The yellow fever, which lias utterly destroyed the population of 100,000, either by death or flight, is reasonably attributed to the innumerable cess-pools in the city. The wholo area on which the city stands is represented to be honey combed underground by these receptacles of filth, so much so that good foundations cannot be had for new buildings. Oar city, to be sure, is but little more than one-third of the age of Buenos Ayres, bnt let us turn that ad vantage to sanitary regulations and pre cautions. The Pestilence in South America. — A letter from Bnenos Ayres says: “The yellow fever is taking the people off at the rate of 250 a day. The fright a mong the people is somewhat awful. No nurses can be had at any price. If a servant ia taken sick, the whole family clears oat; and in some instances, the closest family ties are entirely disre garded. Whole squares in the south ern part of the city are abandoned, and every little town within forty miles is overflowing with fugitives. The few Americans here stick by each other, and nurse tbeir sick well. We have lost but ono yet, and we buried him last night. Strange to say, the harbor and shore are entirely free of disease. It is only the air of the city which seems to be poisoned; and this comes of its crow ded population and overflowing, neglec ted wateroloaets and cesspools. The city is a white-washed sepulchre.” Heavy Verdicts. —ln the United States Circuit Conrt at Savannah, on Saturday, the following heavy decree was rendered: W N Marsh, el. al„ vs. W H Bur roughs, el all Decree for complain ants iu the aggregate sum of $444,505- 46, less $9,500 heretofore paid, to be collected from the stockholders, who are parties defendant in the above cause, from the amount they have in their hands of the unpaid capital stock of the Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank. The amounts of unpaid stocks are aa follow-, to-wit: W H Burtongbs, $5,000; W N Habersham, surviving copartner, $9,765; R Stafford, $30,000; J W Nevitt, $2,500; N B Knapp, $9,000; J V Con nerat, $4,000; GeorgeS Nichols,s2,ooo; John Screven. $13,114; Thomas P Screven, $13,193; H D Weed, $4,500; George B Gumming, $40,000, Hiram Roberts, $360 000; John Cooper. 39,139; Edward Lovell, $2,950; the estate el E Molyneanx, $96,480; the eatata Os sums agf the paafceptgjpf K*rdcjjt Af gkefflsJ appeal each for himself from the entire decree, to the Supreme Court of the Un ited Ststes, and it is allowed that a transcript of the record, proceedings and evidence in seid cense, may be 'an* The Present State of Palestine. —Mr. Cook the excursion manager, write* to tlie London Times, giving a very favor able account of the State of‘Palestine now as compared with last year;—“The land smiles in the beauty of green ver dare and promising crops. The appear ance of the corn fields ia snch as would gladden the heart of ah English farmer, while the lruit trees of Damascus pre sent One blaze of floral promiae. Every where we found the people hopeful and cheerful as it ia possible for the Arpb race to be cheerful. The valleys and plains of Sharon, Esdraelon, Jericho, Samaria, and the Lebanon are covered with the finest cropg of .wheat and bars ley, ia some places ready to bunt into ear, so that if no more rain should fall the crops are secure.” The Tribune takes the ground that Mrs. Fair should not be hang because she is a woman. If memory serves ns the same paper wanted Mrs. Surratt bung three or four times because she was n woman. Laura Fair thinks that as the dignity of the law has been satisfied by her con viction of murder in the first degree, she ought now to receive a pardon. She aaid to her jailer, the other day; “Look at tpy form and face! Can they ever hang such a woman?” It is estimated that tbero are two thousand Chinese laborers employed on sugar plantations in Louisiana, obtain ed chiefly from California; and a num ber of agents have been sent recently to California, China, and the West In dies to secure a larger supply of them. The majority of the planters who have tried them prefer them to negroes.- They are extremely exacting in regard to a precise fulfilment of the conditions of their contracts on the part of their employers, but the higher wages paid for job work sometimes lead them to break their own obligations. They are slow at their tasks, but sure and nioe. Their weakest point is iu ploughing, as they cannot manage mules. In this the colored laborers have a great advantage over them, for no one can handle a mule so well as a negro. But tbe Chinaman cannot understand the mule, rnd the mule is quite as much puzzled by the Chinaman.— Sun. Excitement in Constantinople. —The following piece of intelligence it taken from a Constantinople letter published in one of the daily papers :—“There was once a Greek Patriarch, Gregory, who was hanged in Constantinople during the Greek war of independence. He hung in a public place three days, and bis body was then given to the Jews, who dragged it about the streets for two days more; finally, wbat was left of it was thrown into the Golden Horn. The Greeks profess to believe that it after ward floated, and was picked up by a devoted fisherraau, and smuggled away by night to Odessa. There it was re ceived with great honors, and buried in the cathedral by the Russian authorities. The Greek Government has just bad the boldness to demand of the Porte that a Greek man-of-war be allowed to pass Constantinople to go to Odessa and epn vey the remains of this martyr to Greece, where there ia to be a great national fu neral over his remains, and he is to be enshrined as a saint. The Turks very naturally refused, but have finally agreed to allow the remains to be taken by a Greek merchant steamer, on condition that the passage of the Bosphorus be made in the night so as to prevent any unpleasant demonstrations on the part of the Greek population here. The whole city has been ina state of excitement over this affair, and it may yet mak'e se rious trouble, if the time of the steamer’s passage should become generally known.” The agent of the Associated Press has writteu from London to the manager of the Ocean Cable Telegraph, char ging the grossest favoritism npon the Loudon office, and, what is worse, its corrupt use. Thos ho states that a pri vate commercial despatch was preferred to one previously offered for the press, and the latter was held back seventeen boors. It is easy to'see that dealers who can thus get information in advance of the public may in a few bonrs make vast sums of money, and they are willing to pay largely in the way of bribery to get such advantage. . It was hoped that there was one public institution, an in-' ternational one, an ocean telegraph, that might be above the reach of' such corruption; and if these statements Os Mr. Simonton are substantiated; it will go far to destroy all confidence in human nature, and confirms the Walpolean re mark that ‘‘Every man has his price.” N. Y. Observer. Change of Schedule on the New York and New Orleans Line.—' The Macon Telegraph says: A convention of par ties representing this line, met here Thursday, and made a complete revirion of the schedule goiug North from the latter point. The schedule, as it n6w stands, is about as follows: Leave New Orleans at 11 A. M-, Mobile at 6 r. «*., Montgomery at 7 a. m., Columbus at<l2 m , and Macon at 6:15 p. m., arriving at Augusta at 3:30 a. m. next day, where passengers will be detained until 8 a. it.— four and a half hours. The scfaoihile, it will be observed, greatly lengthens the time between New Orleans and New York via the intermediate points *Umsd above, and if we are correctly informed, was adopted solely to accommodate local interests, it being found impossible to compete with tbe fast schedule made since the opening of the Alabama and Chattanooga road, over which rente tbe time between the two cities is only 70 hears, against about #0 hours over this route under tbe schedule jut adopted, A Story about Gen. Grant. A tew days after tba capture of Fort amatiK. ia lylMsitt wlmn tbe voices )w 9* "bate eoojury Sas for war. we% ■MSa 4eweraa|i& wflh a gentleman f* ryfoftf ll t xM® xic * 41 wan ■ n mteutea. hi etvwan, twit we-have of ten thought of sinee. Said he to us: “I saw to-day an old comrade of mine in Mexico, a West Pointer, but who rcsjgn ; ed his position in the army a few yeari ago. I asked him why he was not in my surprise that tManWrliwldy a colonel or general of volunteers. His reply was: *1 think JttMhdwjLtoifotori ifigkiafatouiaL. What I want in this is a i lace by idtOdHl *ome 6rn>ejt,£o& sought to get that place here. He made an effort to be selected by tbe Govern ment as a buyer of horses, but failed. He next endeavored to borrow a few hnudred dollars of a military ,frjebd of ours, then and now in tbe regular army, for the purpose of entering into a busi ness where he would get army patron age. Being refused, he applied, as we understand, to Gen. Burns for a position in the Commissary Department in this city, but failed also in getting it. There being nothing here to suit him, he wend ail his way back to Illinois, and became a sort of secretary to Gov, Yates, and', everything else being unsuccessful, be ehose at last to go into the army. But be did no£ waut to go where there was fighting at all. It was money he was after, and money he has made as Gen eral and President of the United States. If he hsd obtained the position be asked for, as a buyer of hbrses; the country would have had a competent if not an honest man in that place, and we should not now have a bad President, who makes (he filling of bis purse his princi pal business. Chinese Ku-Ktiix- in Louisiana.— One of nur coast planters, who has a number of Chinese laborers in bis em ploy, seeing a disposition on tbe part of some of tbe negroes to annoy the Orien tals, and apprehending a resort by the latter to the nse of the sharp knives which they always wear, cautioned them not to take the law into their own hands, but in case they were troubled by an\ negro, to bring tbe offender before bin) and he would see that justice was done. Accordingly one day tbe planter, whilst sitting on bis gallery, observed a proces sion of Chinamen comingirom the quar ters bearing at -their bead a dark pack age. They marched with great deliber ation and dignity up to the mansion and laid their burden on tbe gallery at the feet of tbe planter. It proved to be a “chunk of a negro,” securely bound as only Chinamen know bow to tie a par cel of goods. The negro was scared ont of bis senses, though entirely unburt. Laying him quietly down on tbe gallery, tbe leader of the Chinese, pointing to tbe dark mass, said to the planter, “Niggah ! too much ! too much niggah !” and then tbe whole party trotted back to their work. It was an hour’s hard work to uutie tbe frightened negro, who on his release, very cheerfully acted upon the suggestion of tbe planter to “make him self scarce.” We publish this incident in anticipation of tbe accounts which will doubtless be forwarded to the North, by tbe correspondents of the Radical journals, as one of tbe incidents of law less violence so common in the South, against which President Grant has just issued his high sounding proclamation. [■Afew Orleans Times. JOHN VOGT & CO., IMPORTERS OF French China, Belgian and Bohemian Glassware, Lava ware, • opaiEpasim sx£aiEpiiDa<3&o jaa® 08 SS <Ss 3V FAKJEC PLACE, Between Church St. & College Place, NEW YORK. 54Ruede Paradis Poisscnniere, PARIS. 6 Coins Jourdan,Limo«w PRAiarw 46 Neuerwall, HAMBURG. ' ■ , June4,lß7l, npr 573 22 6m. •' ' I I I . 187 T. Spring and. SiarcLiaaer, ISVI - r MILLINER! GOODS MRS IaECBLIH XT V.'.Y AAAVING returned from New York, takes pleasure in informing friends and the Ladies generally, that She has now open a ° SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LACE BONNETS and HATS 1 aUles "BESS CAPS Infant’s The largest stock of FRENCH FLOWERS in the city The handsomest assortment of Jet and Gilt JEWELRY in the citv The largest stock of Jute and R„al HAIR CURLS and CHIOUnNSir, ti, >, All the above goods will BE SOLD AT REMARkIbI? LOW PRICES C 3 ' - T-FI, 171 Broad Street, n& p April 8,1871. gg Jj[ nder tbe A »gusta Hotel. PETER KEENAN BOOT and SHOE STORE, Mo. 230 Broad St. under Central Motel, wtrk™rhif 7WmfindeTeryttingthatpe^ insto Stock, good style, and good ter^sts Scrup'ulousl^p^ected* 1 neverSYSTEM, their in- Integrity will be hie GUIDING STAR. hTpubhc as will a S b £&^ r,nc, P le ." o! Honor and PET4&KEENAN, vriw&M -M.l. n« , Georgia Railroad Workshops -We ; were sorry to learn, on yesterday, eays - that business has I bMom&o SilLf i||the workshops of the pyrgijßaSroidm id this city, that the psrttßßH|ver vo hundred- hava been half pay. The -cm, only work now from seven o’clock in the morning nntil twelve, and have had their wages cut down one balf. The Annual Regain. —Tbe annual regatta, wbieh cotnraenceA'on Tuasdßjf, May 30th, promises to, Jeana or the most interesting and enjoyable affairs whose auspices ihei taee take* place, is .making every effort to make tbe affair gusta, Columbus, Brunswick, Charles ton, and other eitiey and towns, we would say come, and come in crowds. Don’t. only send your boats and their crewi, but briug your wives, young la dies, sweethearts, etc., and we firmly believe that'tve can show you one of the most interesting and pleasant affairs ever witnessed iu out State, and we do wqt thiuk any one Will return home disap pointed with thrijr trip to Opr city. Savannah Republican, A California paper tells how the jury in the case of Mrs. Fair made up its verdict, the statement being made, it is claimed in the words, of one of the jury: “During the progress of the trial hot one juror spoke to. his fellow-jurors of the case, and when we retired to make up a verdict no one knew anything of the opinion of his fellows. On entering the jury-room the first thing done pras to cut a piece of -paper into twelve pieces, and to Dnmber them from one up to twelve. These were put in a bat and drawu, and the slip drawn was the number of the juror. On these slips eacih juror wrote his finding in the case, and when bis number was called put it into the hat. When I wrote my find ing murder iu the first degree, I hardly thought there would be another such finding on any of the slips, bat when the slips were all deposited and taken out. and read, to my great astonishment it was found that each juror on the first and ouly ballot, had voted just as I had, murder iu tbe first degree.” Several narrow-gauge railoads are projected in Pennsylvania, A compa ny has been chartered to build a road of thirty inch guago from Philadelphia, to connect with the Pennsylvania Cen tral in Chester county, passing through Upper Darby, Hereford, Maple, New town. and Paoli. In a week or two work will be begun on another narrow gauge road from Bell’s Mills Station on the Pennsylvania Central, in Blair coun ty, across the Alleghany Mountains through Bell’s Gap, a distance of twelve miles, which will afford an outlet for the coal, lumber, and iron of an important mountain district. Some of tbe gra dients on this line will be over one hun dred feet to the mile. The Lancaster and Reading Narrow Gauge Railroad Company has been incorporated,.with the right to build a road with a guago not exceeding four feet, from the city of Lancaster to the c<ty of Reading; also to construct branches. There is also a movement on foot to build a narrow guage road from Media to Chester, in Delaware county.—lV. Y. Sun.