The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, June 09, 1871, Image 2

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■ ' " 1 " '■ '■■■■■* - cr trKHti*"' ***^ Tl " x IKKB»i i^n mms tss& ifttiroftgo *Caon>»viilej > Q-a: uim, *WWbiIJNK 9, 187lT t teKMf#lifit9t{?M-k s§n” hoists tha name* «| WiUia*|. of Ohio and Johw MaaMchnaetts for President , and Vice President of the V*»i*a fWfos. . ts. S. Grant is noinin ' 9ut < Med same paper as office holders i,.The-great joattutiw, Horace Greely, tea }*•€■: making a tour through the MlfetlMWiUrjftfitotol. His reeaptioo all ittofftltefooto h* B .W° sordini, Injwne I tift, Tie PWple seem determined to convince the “Tribune” fa that a Northern man and a Repnb m at (hat, can pass through their bor a unharmed by Ku-Klux—unmolost 'isffby “armed bands of disguised men.” Without reference to politics, Greely is a great mao. His inflaenco in shaping public sentiment at the North, is incal culable, and oo doubt after bis return North be wifi employ hiß pen in correct ing *bn»o of theVrroneoug opinions en« tertained towards the people of the tenth. I, The storm has at last blown over and ***»'•» peace now coigns in the French metropolis. The forces of the Govern-, ment have taken the last stronghold of the insurgents and forced them into an unconditional surrender. They are now paying the debt of their disobedience with their hearts blood. The war has cost perhaps a hundred thousand lives tel two-thirds of the beautiful city of Palis. Many of the magnificent works ,pf art—relics of by-gone centuries—havo been raaed to the ground; women and have been massacred, and the very,gutters in the streets have been made to ran vyith blood. Barbarians were never more inhuman. But the in* terneclne strife‘has about ceased, and the great rebellion throttled. We hope to see a permanent peace : established. “From the yet warm ashes of events and the still stirring dost of the dead." there may spring the germ of anew life, and France, baptised in blood, may yet work out a glorious destiny. We regret the unfortunate remarks which the Editor of the 'Southern Home,’ published at Charlottcville, N. 0., has applied to, or reproduced in derogation of the Rev. Wm. Watkin Hicks of Ma con, Ga.—not that we kuow aught about them one way or another, more than we can infer from the remarks themselves and the response which Dr. Hicks has to promptly and, as we think, satisfactorily made for their refutation. Especially do we regret them because we apprehend Gen. Hill has been hasti ly misled—incapable otherwise, as we believe, of wantonly or unjustifiably as s Bailing any one’s character, no matter how humble or exalted; We therefore look to him for«a full and propor adjust ment—in as much as the accused has generously placed at his option as it were, the choice of time and weapons— which while it reflects an honest con sciousness of innocence, we feel assured will not be used unfairly or vindictively. We lave every confidence that what should he done will be given in the Southern Home openly, cheerfully and speedily. Nor can t wo omit to mention <M* suspicion 1 that the origin of the grave ' charges, excepting one or two perhaps unimportant items—is due more to per soaufNorthera revenge against Dr. Hicks. than to nn\j, the least fear of hit injuring Hr bebaijrng Southern] intercut . When Radical Pennsylvanian Journals halloo titer notes of friendly warning to the tenth advising till' to beware of traitors, hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s.cloth ing—it is none too early to supect a mufakt Has been perpetrated. r Tlm Lease of the Macon and Western ?•! Railroad. This road las recently beeD leased to the Central Railroad & Banking Com . pany for an indefinite period. Before is Settled unalterably, however, pn action of the Directors must be rat ified by the Stockholders. Thero is con siderable dissatisfaction manifested iu certain quarters, but we are of tbo opin ion that the large body ot the Stockhold ers'will confirm the action of the Direc tors, One cause of the complaint arose „fram the fact that ,the Macon Sc Bruns . mode a. higher bid than i.|ho Central. The securities tendered W«re not sufficiently ample to cover all liabilities, and this is the reason why (|y|,bfd.f*a*efuaed we understand. Tb§ prospect of the Atlanta & Sa vasasl Railroad being built, seems to tete icnated an alarm among the own on ot the Macon & Western road. Ev idently this alarm brought about the tm ,h ;p, baae,as the titnd aader the ■■Bass Meat of ita own diieoUrs was paying a feat the project of ÜBdisg the SjLtfa and Savaaate read, in as mate SB the whole influence of that powerfolreotasy ed corporation, tha Central RaiWaid. will now be thrown against ft. Tkh aeeonnU lor the fact that tevnnaah is not enthusiastic on the subject nfhaiid ing the A. fc.S R. R. Unless AUaaia “wakes op” on the subject »*3 tWpte pls along the proposed rouse iodsVtlt rescue, the Atlanta h Savannah Rail road will (all through. Anotbsb.—Alonso Nspisr, froth Tea* neseee, Is tha anas nf tha sew negro cadet that is to be tbrast into Weal Point in Juno. Ha has bate educated at Howard's school, at Wsshtagtna. and is said to peeress more than the aims) share of inaokaee and hatrod of white people that ehameteciam the papOs of that school. The white arista had bet ter begin to lay in e supply of balretis to save their sculls from being broken by the water dipper when they happen to oooae between tbe wind and Napier’s nobility. In tbe British House of Common* Mr. Gladstone announced two or throe weeks ago that all tbe els ones lathe aeW H qaor law introduced by Mr. Dross anil be withdrawn exeept those which fia the honrs es epenfag and clremgptMm houses. Mr. Robertson QMs»oi)» .pj brother of the Premier, is tbe author pf a scheme to put a stop to by a graduated system of eloeiag public house* at certain hours. If tbe evil should not be reached by limiting their hours to fourteen a day, he proposes to ent them down to twelve, tod again to ten. The law with its retained previs ions is intended to teat the effioiowoy of this plan, which does not seem lihaly to produce any very imjM£ .tereaalta. Nei ther the temperance party nor tha liquor interest is in favor of th* bill as it new stands. The liquor trkdes in Graft Britain exert a powerful influence, em ploying, neeordlug to recent statistics, 846,000 operatives and' 1,600,000 per* sons, including tbe dependents on tie business. Os the latter one million per sons are engaged la public houses and hotels. In the provineos Os England there are 160,000 public bouses, and in London there are 10,000. The aggre • gate yearly wages of persons engaged in the liqnor trade in England are stated at 8346,000.000. The capital in vested in brewiug if estimated at 8120,000,000. Robert V. Sardemu. Another wise and just man has passed from time to eternity. We notico with unfeigned regret tbe death of Robbbt V. Uasdsman, Esq., of Jones county, at one time Judge of the Ocmulgee Circuit, sod for many years previous, a distinguished and high ly esteemed lawyer. After years of bodily infirmities, beginning with par tial pasalysis while holding the regular term of Wilkinson Gourt, and which ne cessitated finally his resignation of the Jndgeship—he expired on the 19tb nit., aged about 70 years. In the meridian of |his intellectual brightness and vigor and manhood, he was no lea* eminent and useful in, his prsfqasioo, than beloved for all the private qualities that mark an upright aud honorable man. Wo re member him as be /Asa was—not only capable hut reliable, and tbe imjierson ation of probity itself. Hit cherished motto was, “an honest man** the nobleat work of God and if there wav ese trait that shone blighter than another, it was to pay to the uttermost that white be owed! But such could net exist pSoae; other duties that make up the jsjpster which endear man to his fellows were equally radiant, and equally bis ambi tion to dispense. Judge Hardeman had mingled fmt little in aetive politics—at least to the oxtent of holding political offices and but once, probably twiee, if our memory is right—he represented Jones county in onr legislature—still he ever had and warmly expressed, his principles upon all general as well as special questions But !n *the Jhivata circle—as a citizen, neighbor, friend and companion—-among his client* as a skillful and busted ad viser—and upon the Beneh as te ttaoT-‘ ruptible, patient and able Judge—be will long be held in pleasant and grateful re*, membranes. Only a few of the many who entered wiih himself tbe arena v af public life, now remain to close forever the long and enviable catalogue. Anoth er Hat of zealont already press (he ze nith—following pattibut aquit, their predecessors to the ooasmon shore; tv —i r»’;v! ■ Concentrated Extracts. ' j < The Northern folk are. astir pre paring, departing or journeying for their Summer Retreats. Their Catering pTa ees are eo many ted So equally capti vating, that it must oonfnse their taittda to mako the most agreeable or fueky choiee. Saratoga has the prestige at years with saperaddad improvements in buildings—no fewer then 820 dwelling booses having been pat op since last September; and they sire ‘boring’ for another spring which, of itself, indicates demand over that of supply. Long Branch, Newport and Gape May, are first olass resorts, (and draw heavily upon the pnrae. If they don’t build op one’s health a reputation can bomade at either H> an astonishingly teeft thRB, ' lb. O.'zkiH MoanUi Houre dtha Adirondack lake* are more retired, but flsaing, ipogrieMo |iid%irolam more "Even MM .Madoq, wants to belounfed h Summer Spa’s—and why aot T “Tail oaks from liula acorns grow.” Near to bantiug, .Miehigaa, aro mag netic springs whose waters have effected put into them, at once becomes a strong Bom. Booker aae*« the* *<*y there. If they prove geotlemoa, it U7ai byiqgtepM.f*Fidly y yutft utejee as ttSGß^£BfSiAi CoUeguK lol!i ‘ .■•oui ‘tent,.iTs#u: Civ*. Jm0k, ,1871. la »|i l»stiSMUted te mention the IWte, B**t**l- si TM*: most •Wxk* l ? and praiseworthy enterprise b“ to a atiU after spending aboot two burred and fifty thousand dollars, on account of.a eharter being refused them legislature. The tutmel is eouqrteted 'i tew hundred Met. The «ir, blowing machine, See., fWte (here, and a; peVsoq can get 4 geodidea'offhe terklsy visiting it. No one [Sterid ,ym*tNnw Terh with oat eee iag. gydn Jribtete,.Wt*w thro’ Mr Dixon, the ewr»eou. H |he Company. ““J be fopnd, at bis offire at the entranoe of the innnel, ‘ ’ “ It is tftit known when the work will be commenced again. The Viadnot Railway to run parallel with Broadway on a level with the sec ood Story of the building*, it is thought nesf.hemmeuoed, They have sn elevit?(U«ilwf* ( in operation in Green wich street, but it does not seem to be very popular. The work on the great bridge which is to span Eart River, connecting New York with Brooklyn, is progressing, but it wilUbir a long while before the stupendous work If completed. ' Jim* Ist. Wu-havedtri another sensation at the Grand Central. A Vermonter commit ted in ono of tbe Broadway rooms yesterday. Ro wrote ten pages of farewell to his friends in Rutland, Vt., then divested himself of his clothing, got into, tbe bath tyb and shot himself in tb* chest and lungs. He was pecu niarily embarrassed we infer from his letter “To uy friends,” in which he states that Ms former extravagance would ne eimitate living beyond his means. He lostbis wife and child about a year age, is respectably conneeted, and doubtless was a man of good standing. He was agent of a marble quarry in Vermont, and visited (his city often, fy is said bis father is quite wealthy. The friends have been telegraphed for and will doubt less arrive to-day. The body has been removed to the morgue but the inquest will be held in the room to-day. Your correspondent was admitted to the room with die Coroner soon after the servant girl found the dead body. The eight was painful and siokeping. The body rtelined in the tnb in a sitting posture— head almost holt upright—eyes partly opsn but an easy expression on the face. The repeater wes dropped by his side, one barrel only being empty. The ball dUUred the right side, which the blood tefi gore concealed.' We cannot moralize on the sad And trtgie ted’of pdof George Hathaway, for Buck proved to he-his name, except that it is a caution against living on the high pvellUrß order. es-the victim was insured to (fra amount of #IO,OOO, which he die ISplli pf itt his:farewell.. Mow York Correspondence- New York, May 29th, 1871. I write again and congratulate myself on being able to inform yon that I have not melted yet. The weather is aw fully warm, hare now. The Thermome -Mr Stood at 96 on Friday last; and I must be “boiling over” to-day. It is so- bpl that some parties deolare that ice itself is warm. fIW J*** I have visited several of the largp newspaper offices, and wit nessed the great presses, folding ma chines, and directing apparatus all at work. I would rather not attempt a description, I might weary the reader atid afterair ftlj to give any definite Met; so r would say to those 'who have anygreet curiosity, to come ted see Ibr themselves. To Ms. Samuel) R. Glen , one es the edltoss es the Herald, I am specially indebted for fevers. I have abobeen shown through the prison, called tbe “Toombs.” In that dismal old htiildfog, whose maesive walla abut off all. intercourse with the world ontaide, reat this* charged with crime, from tbe fonleet murderer to the drunk en vagabond, or thieving newsboy; These are Bepawte apartments fn the prison for males, females aud boys, And BhpaßUto triM for the various degrees •fwime. Iu tee is confined Foster the murderer, .urho is so be bung soon. The particulars of this murder which hero filled many colums .of the papers hero, «f« w»p)y UfokHTosfor was intoxicated ... ite tete murderer will be huag next mouth. Gae stalwart Irishman-asked HFfrF a “quartbet to buy something to ate/* see there is a boy in h«r*. and he was found with a watch that did*if*fMatijfifF him, and l happened to by ofaU\y and they took»retoe*’*.iA>iC *■/- . “Have jfU had your trial?” “Yia an the Judgß give me six reouths 1 en tho bland.” ■, ... 1 suppfiswha was teueeereplioa hußfes stealing, at any rate he ten oaoght la ted ureptwy. ' We have a genuine show here if tbe Giro A Central Hotel, in jjte shape of six wild Indian Chfifs witi*thhir guides sad interpretors. They ksvt> just returned from Washington, where they bate been on a pekea 'riisaidhlTThey' are queerly dressed, sad attract a good deal of attention. They room to en-i joy tbe eity, but on not communicative as to what they think off the White man’s progress. ■! i*~ They try to appear easy rod uncon- 1 cerned; and if most he Very tfresoMb to be stared’ at, as fhey are' thoosalds of every • ' - - ( -]l SeateflN of Sofe&bake aad fdo^^ . OoLKTHORpa, G*., May 26, Wffr Editort Telegraph If Mitten get: In the ease es the -State 'vs'. John R. Hoi senhake, principal, iu thu dnt depree to the crime of murder«and James 43 Ljnyd, accessory before tfie fact tb thecVime ot murder in the eoudfy Os Macon, on tbe 28th dayof February, 1871, ofUelouel George W. F»b, the prisoners were ar raigned before the bar of tne Gourt and fdond guilty. They were both brought into Court this fnornlng, HolaOnbake first, to receive the sentence of dqa(h. The prisouer. JobF R. Holsenbake, was first requested to stand up, whereupon tbe Court gave, hire a most impressive *r , k V° ‘t ° I?%fVVoess of the crime ot [which he had been found guilty. When asked by thfe Clerk of if be.had anything to say why eentonee of death should not by prpnqanced up op him, he said, “Nothing., He stood an-, moved during the impressive Address and sentence of the Oourt. 1 Immediately after Holsenhaks was sentenced, James C. Lloyd was arraigned before the Court tit receive senteube, and when asked by the Clerk es tbe Court if he had anything to say why sen tence should not be pronounced upon, he said, “1 have,” and protested his ititto cenoe; but tha Court informed hire that, by all the evidence known to tbe law, he had been convicted by an impar tial jury off his country, aod that he (thb Court) was satisfied the verdict was right. The Coast then gave him an impressive talk as to bis course of of life, and the hoinonsness of the crime of which he was convicted, sfed told hiiq thatjthfe ! bouse he bed built would now fall upon his own bend. ’ 7 1 Johtt R. Holsedhake was sentenced to be bung by the neck until dead te the 14th day of July next, between 10 a. m. and 2r. m. And James C. Lloyd was aleei«enteuced Wbe hang by the note; on tbe 14th day of July next, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 r. m. Tbe negro, Henry Stubbs, who was indieted as principal in tie second de gree in tbe same murder, was put upon his trial, aud furnM not guilty. The case of tbe State vs. Warren H. Holsenbake, charged with burglary at night in breaking epee, tlie railroad de pot at Oglethorpe, in 1869. the jury re turned a verdict of rt npt gallfy.” The motion for a’new trial in the Holsenbake-Lidyd ease vtas overruled by Judge Clarke, but winsel for fence are preparing a hill of exceptions for the purpose of berrying the ease to tile Supreme Court.. Final aotioe on th)s esse will he deferred until the July 1 or possibly the January terih of the Su-i preme Oourt 1 ” . j.n te ♦ ft " !! Lira PoLicfcs —Tteo lnteretling Ru lingt.-r-Tho Louisville, (Ey.) ‘“Courier- Journal,” gives the following foots upon • late trial of u aotieo at .law against a life In.uraaoe Cempapyt: , , 4i “In 1562 Hiram IfeOehee took out in favor of bis wife Varinds and chil dren, a policy of life' insurance in the Uaiob Mutual Gqrepany, of Maine, thro’ its Ltefovilla ageut, ted paid the pte miums for five years. He then paid no more till 1861.’ He then'proposed to re vive the policy, to which -the agent as sented, and nafwd a price to be paid. McGehee paid part of the price in men ey, sod gave nii’ dnibm for the bal ance, which tihe ageot accepted. After ward* McGehee wishad-te recede from the new bargain, to get back the money and note ana ettrretiderhis phllcy. The agent assented, and the business was concluded accordingly. Qn Msrch 26th following, McGehee died. Upon this! state offsets the Court iartrmted the jury;: First, That, the reefipt by the company’s agent of overdne premiums is a waiver of the forfeiture clause of the policy, and the Acceptance by the agent of s note forepart of the payment does not qualify the effect of the payment. Second. If the poKoy were renewed by the payment in 1861, then Yerinda Mc- Gehee acquired a vested right in said policy that could not be divested hv any subsequent agreement between MoGe hee and the oomptey until the next pre mium became due- In other word% that McGehee bad po legal power to reedve back the premiUin and surrender .the peiiey. Upon this casethe jury re- ISS rafefSfoS cost from the dite of filing the petition.” '«■— id fot'riL-iAt • ~ Rasfoare :|r iirrnh »V : 3de! uriftiwismiiifc Washington, Jana 3.—A Herald la mj the treaty U jority of the Assembly favor* the propo' Mon (or no abrogation of the lava for banishment of the Prisoea of the House ol Bourbon frees France, m 4 it is also proposed extend the power ft Executive, for tv "The nil vya between this city and PfaM heimoasnuil tripe, ud tie ah reedy doing an immense passenger tief le. ftrtH'i Peris, June 3, evening"—The news* papers Trieel or and Politique beta been suppressed. The search for ooneaeled arms continues. It is vigorously pesss coted, end Jnaej ere mad. Arrests Spa** Urge, snale, chiefly of ex-Natioeel Guards end soldiers. A strict VflUch fa kept npon the right basks of the Seine, end sentinels arrest ell persons mt night on the ferry. The re* iostatement of teachers in schools lias been ordered. ‘Washington, Jane 3.—ln the Bowen sees the jary were out twenty -minutes and returned a verdiet of guilty. Mrs. Pettigrew King left the eoait wi:h Bows cite, deeply aSeeted. London. Jnne 3.—The high Gem* mission end Seheook have arrired. The Ghember of Commerce of Liverpool gave Schenck n welcome. In kis address 'Bchehck hoped, in response, that the feind relations between the mother conn* trjnsnd hie native lead might ba per* London, Jane 3—All the reilroeds have resumed trip* between Havre and Facie. The Prussians have evacuated Audelye end Entire in the department of the Eure. Paris, June 3. The streets of Paris have been reopened to traffic. The bar ricades have nil disappeared, and the pavements repaired. There is perfect order every where. The police are still arresting suspected persons. Ten courts martial have been estab lished at Cherbourg for the trial of ell prisoners sent there by the Provost Marshal. The latter aerviee is carried an at the Theatre Ghatilet of this city, where eammary trial fa held, prior to trial by the military court. A Modern Palace in Gotham, —New York now may. with truth, be called the Paris of the New World. It ie the com mercial centre, the home of money and of art in America, and a sort of Mecca, for pilgrims in search of pleasure. It al* so has the finest hotels in the world. A New York Jonrnal describes the New Grand Central Hotel on Broadway, as ‘‘the graadest hotel edifice on the Goa tinent.” The magnitude of its dimen sions, the splendor and perfection of its appointments, and its locality in the heart of the metropolis render it emi nently worthy of its name, the Grand Central. It is, without doubt, the larg est hotel in the world. For nearly two years, three hundred or more men were continually employed in its erection. A gigantic work, for this ’huge structure swallows almost an entire block. About two million dollars were expended to rear this superb edifioe. Within its spa* cious walls are , commodations for near* ly two thousand guests, a number unpar alleled by' any hotel on eitfier hemis phere. W itb all its magnificence, it will be found a home for its guests. Its con venient proximity to the principal places of amusement, the chief lines of horse cars and stages, end the most celebsated retail stores, afford ladies the most desi rable facilities to do their shopping. Oeuttary to general expectation, but most agreeably to a public want, its terms are unusually moderate, being on ly from three to four dollars per day, according to location of rooms. Its pro prietor is Mr. H. Lyman Powers, the master hotel keeper of the laud. A guest of his newer tails to esteem him. Travel ers cum find no better quarters than the Grand Central. In. fact it is already the Gotham fesort of tilt principal men of our State. S California Planters inTrooble.— It seems that the planters m the Atlan tic slope are not alone in their pecuuia difficulties. The Alta ColifornUn, of the 15th nk., has this.reference to the farming interest of the Golden State: “The farmers of California generally are in an unfortunate condition. They have been in the habit of depending al most entirely npon their grain crops far support. Many of them, perhaps n ma jority, do not own the had whieh they tiH, or owe debts which they eanaot pay without gelling the lend, or pert ofit. Two or: three very good seasons would set them right, but instead of e very good season, they have now n very bad One. They (have lost their labor end their seed grain; they must pay high prices for food and feed, end as there is ttttle opportunity for profitable employ ment in the dry districts, their hones, fences and tools, and teams era of no use. to them so long as they stay upon their farms. Many of them would be glad to find work until the next rainy season, and most have it if they have to pay their way. The Lawyer* of Atlanta Beat on Rail road TecAkicaliliet. —The Constitution alist says ah exenrsion to Brunswiok was got up last week especially for the legal fraternity of Atlanta. One es the moat flattering inducements held out to the amdll, bht select, number of invited guests was the “cheapness of the thing.” Through the kindness of railroad offi cials, they were to have an entire car given to them from Atlanta to Bruns wick eud return free of coet. The Taw yeis went, end have returned, according to (he San, pronouncing the exenrsion a fraud. In this connection, that wicked little Sun tells a smell joke on tba man ege*B of the trip in their negotiation with the ratlroode. They had a free pees for the hair, bat the conductor politely com plied with the regulations of the mod when be charged each member fall fare going and returning. Though the war passed free, the excursionists did sot, and it is confidentially whispered taut lawyers do not understand technicalities M wsll w railroad men. 4 m : jL Ms*9*a* ’ * JH' - : I Harness Maker. ’ ’ ALSO . ad# |o order A.U work warraatid and sat aft?£fSa'» wrh—lirt— May ft, 1971* t Sol, WARREN ChUHs; iiiAn mauu nr FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, —AND— A tkret UTittit of every DESCRIPTION. ,0 f ' r • MOTIONS, IOIIUT, HLOVEI, "White Goods, -fc ■ ' to. . ; > f' s c i ft n fa >■; CQnacs CEtahQpcs of the most seasonable styles '.t J ; . * always found on hand. In cbnnection with our business we have a fine associates! of GROCERIES, which we offer cheap for ** ■•• \- -- lAMlcviUs As May 5,1871. 1 if. JOHN VOGT & mS&tS; ' ~ 1 K yJ r nrOBVBBfI OF *v» '• • -I. - • •*»*; French China, Bdgiin aid Bohemian Glassware, fare DPacuraaMD, SXlwurT*>llcB 8 ÜBO<® a8 *B7 PAAXtSC FLAOB, Y,W) Between Church Bt. A College Place, NEW YORK. ' ; - 64 Kue de Paradis Poisseaiiiere, PAEIB. 6 Coon Jourden, Limoges. FRANCE. 46 Nenerwall, HAMBURG. Jane4,lß7l, apr 67358 6m.. 15 , 71* BFpriaoer and. Hummer, ieVL MILLINERY GOODS. 0 ;T ,j ': h ——<o:— ••;. •*4 TT ■“•AVING returned from New York, takes pleasure itt Informing her friends and the Ladies generally, that She has now open a , - > 03 .1. W SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF The largest S%i ST FRENCH FLOWERS in the city. JI The handsomest eaeorteieat af Jet and Gilt JEWELRY hi the city. XsJimOilCTliie 111 Broad Street. PETER KEE3NAIT "S BOOT and SHOE STORE,,., W+ #9O Bass# #*. wader Ceatral Betel, Wor“ka M ****-" *o rxxl Stock, good Styfa, mnA gstogßaßaßasßaasiae *?' - V?.***•* y<M» Will bo fairly end honorably FUNDED. AU Hbo ** 'h™***' Exchanged inside of throe Mouth*, or the MONEY RE ‘AatWfcKsamiiig 1 p ?r*msf**l e»eWee*,ea. 7* , i?t -T.- gy ja ryv-, ' M/UISrUiLE IVTUimEBiK 18, - ■ - .m. ■ Agents Wanted. M Mid 4to eaj South western GeorrU far MMfamrt “A cm* Lines M.rkor,*' o»J Card NbtaV Hd end ingooioa* little hwtrnment flw aarUug eN ofUcfa* of wearing apparel, cad far tho.printing of Bueineae Cards aad Eavelopes neatly mud qoicklr. Liberal term* given to goodeaavaoaer*. No homhng. Ad- Lam with stamp. U W.J. HAM. General Agent, LouieviUe, Ga. Look to Yoar Interest L M. A. EVANS & CO. £ F^TJSuIAH Btrtovr, fit", No. 11, G* R./R. Keep on hand the URGEST ANB BENT Assortment of Goods, *• . P.U0.1 to be found in this Section of Couo try. Which will be sold POB OASR. If small Profits and Correct Dealings are properly estimated, This is thePlnce It Trade. i.- W ,* I-X . t * Liberal Prices Given for , . COTTON, WOOL, HIDES,EGGS ANfeFOULTRY, & c., &c. Don’t forget to Call on M. A- EVANS & Co.*;4il Bartow, fia, t* n. May 5,1871. l 3m. BPOTSWOO D HOTEL ®77®03S I 3 3PASSH3¥©aSS, DEPOT. i. T. H HARRIS, Proprietor MaOON, GEORGIA. - Mbi IROWN’S HOTEL V I Opposite Depot, MACON GA. W. ?. BROWN A DO., Prop’rs (Successors to B. E. Brown & Son.) W F. Brown. GlO. C. Brown • iff —| — 1 — A Gird. TIE undersigned will receive proposals fee end *** np * ir^l p April 1,1871. LouirrUttr^fa.