The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, July 21, 1871, Image 3

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■JwrrmllEiL KBIUiY. JULY’S*, 187 T. . : -«*■ -■■•• - '• '■ Cj»sVa2 E. s6he£ULE. OAT THAI*. Leave Savannah —... rjr 1 Arrive at 8art0w......' IS 51 •• Macon 4 51 Leave Macon. .... Sltm Arrive at Bir.ow ...ill 5 f “ (Savannah 525 Jiieur TRAIN. Leave Savannah.. .V 7pm Arrive at Bat tow 1 23 “ " Mceou..— 515 Lutvis Macon. .1 6 30 Arrive at BltftftV...*. , If) 36 *• "Savannah 4 50 Passengers for Augusta, make connection at Milhrn, oa botii trains. tv Our trieuds in tide and surrounding vouuties, wifi confer a favor by keeping us posted as to current events, items of 1 it local in terest, See., dec., transpiring in their neighbor hoods. AU such information lett at the News A Office in Louisville, will be tkauk fuily received and duly acknowledged. We learn from a gentleman just from San dersville, that the notorious character, Janies Oxford, charged with numerous crimes, was on Weduaday last sentenced to be hung on the drat day of September next, for the murder of George Washington, a negro of Washington County. Attention is directed to the communication of ‘■Planter” in another Column. We hope our farmers will respond to ‘the call and have a niectiug on the day appointed, for the purpose suggested. Every fanner we thiuk should per ceive the advantage cf this course and have no delay in the matter. Evert Saturday.—lt is really surprising how rapidly the art of illustration has advanc ed. The publishers are lavishing money on their weekly; and the best American artists famish full-page pictures of marked character, which are finely engraved and carefully printed on heavy cream-tinted paper. James B. Os good Sc, Cq., Boston Mass. “Moustach’s” communication is unavoidably crowded out ofltiis issue, but will appear in our next. The young ladies bray prepare to take his proposal into cosideration for it is one that involves much, and if acted upon will cause a general panic among the bashful young ladies. He certainly has a great deal of cheek we think, and so will they, when they see the arti cle. Impudent rascal. TrOvht Tomato. —We have been shown a very fine specimen of the above to matt", by Judge Arrington of this county. The seed of this variety sold in N. Y. last yeur for twen tv -live cents a piece. The Judge says he will have seed enough to spare to his friends next season. The one shown us is certainly a mag. uiliceut specimen, and would well repay some pains on the part of our gardeners to procure the seed. In accordance with the actionof the last ses. sion of tire Board of Education, the commission er Bev. D. G. Phillips and Trustees of the va rious sub districts, are actively engaged in as certaining the number of children, male and female, in ihe county. As soon as completed, we will publish therr report—and we venture the as ertion—that the number of children la the county is geater tbau is generaiy supposed The Board has gone to work in earnest; it is to be hoped, that the people of the conn ty generally, Will heartily co-operate in this lau dable work- If we want good society, a high staudard of moral , an active intelligent and eu-. ter prising people, we must first lay the fouuda tiou for it, by educating the children- Large Sale. —The first Tuesday in A "gust, bids fair to be a lively sale day in Louisville, we see that the Sheriff has levied upon and will sell on that day IS mules, 5 wag ons, one pair oxen and carts, aud oue hundred head of cattle. A fine chance to obtain a supply of mules and cattle. Elswhere in our columns to day w.ili be found a communication front “Captain Sprawls.” We heartily the gentleman for his good opinion and encouragement in our new enterprise, and fully endorse all he says with reference lo the duty of our best farmers and business men to communicate their views and ex perience to each other, through the medium of their county paper. — We trust that none will stand back, and fail to “shine upon us*’’ through fear of their productions being criti cised . Give us your views in plain siraighl-forward language, and they will be duly appreciated in this office and corrected and “ironed out” if necessary. “Sweeping Cotton” will appear in mtrnext, it is unavoidably crowded out this week. The exercises of ihe Bethany Col legiate Institute wifi he resumed on Monday next. This School is pre sided over by Jas. K. Kinman E*q, who is a graduate aud profesosr, and one of the finest scholars in the county. He is ably assisted in the music and fine art department, by the accomplished ypuug lady, Miss Mattie R. Cox. The school is situ ated iu one of the finest localities in ihe county, and has every requi site to make a first-class boarding school, the society being of the best; every facility for mental and moral culture including both Methodist and: baptist churches, aud one of the fitt est Sabbath Schools in the Siate. Rain ! Rain !! has been the cry for past two weeks, and at last we have been blessed with copious showers Irom tile giver of ail blessings Everything seems revived; cotton looks Iresh, flowers seme to have acquired an additional sweetness, *nd the corn seems to lustlc its hereiofoie paraliseu blades with inate gladness. We hope ihebfe&eti cinl eflecisot these rains were receiv ed and appreeidttsfl' ikr and by wur farmeis. Pissosu.-lf, wert- cleaned so meet in onr See a tep days»ine», W. A. Tompkins, E*o., from Johnson county. He the c/p prosper" *ia that county very little rain would uot hurt. dial reception extended us every-* vfffe're. Those who ha ve Hot placed us on iheir exchange list will confer a favor by so doiug. ’ Attention is directed to the adver tisement of W. W. Carter & Sons, Savannah, Ga. AH orders entrusted to them will rceiye strict and person al attention; bagging and ties fur nished by them on the most reason able terms. New York and Atlanta receiv ed consignments of over five thou sand waletrfMens from Bartow, du ring last week, so We ate informed by the Agent. All we have to say is,Bartow beats all the places that ever we saw, Ibr wool and watermelons. Strange to say in all this transportation ot melons, one only has . made its ap pearance in our sanctum. Fact! The people in ibis county have had the Picnic* Fish-fry, and Barbe cue fever, for the past three or four weeks, some times they have two or three in one day, and we are per fectly overwhelmed with invitations. We are only one man, hut have been to every one we possibly could, and lo attempt lo localise all and give due credit would be too volu minous an undertaking. We would. Suggest that iu future we o ily have pne at a time, and see if we can’s compare the Barbecue Season to the old diseriplion of music by By ron, namely: “Linked sweetness long drawn out,” and perhaps we will all have a better showing at them. Our (hanks to all who have favored us with an invitation. WORTHY OF RECORD. A few years ago some bjjifiie Pa triotic ladies of our county, under took a seiies ot Concerts and Tab leaux, to raise funds sufficient lo gather together the precious remains of the gallant dead, slain by Sher mans army, near this place, aiyif. to erect a Monument lo their memo ry. Two of these popular enieiv taiuments were given, and not a lew are here, who will recollect the plea sure afforded by them, tilt ueli pro ceeds of which amounted lo One huh Jred and fourteen dollars and eighty tents. Very recently the remains of ihe Confederate dead were colk-cteu fiom the various parts ol the Coun ty, all placed in one grave in th<- Cetnciary of the Village, and a hand some Monument, inscribed upmi it, TO THE MEMORY OF THE PATRIOTIC DEAD, Who Were Killed by Sherman’* Raiders, Near This Place Nov. 18G4. was bought and placed over them, which, reflects great credit upon the fair hands who inaugurated .he good work. Resting beneath the column are the remains of Sergt. g. L. Gwyu, Cos. C, 2nd Ala. Caraly, B. F. Vanderelieo, Cos. B, 2nd Ala Oav. H. McGuffy, Cos. G. 2nd Ala. Cav., Tobias Barnes, 9th Kentucky Car., Jasper Aldrich, Irom Ada. There was no attempt made at parade, everything was done de cently and in order; as the last spade full of earth was placed upon ihe grave, the artillery of Heaven thun dered a salute, and the pelting of the rain drops sounded a requiem to the fallen braves. Whether ibis was a mere coincidence, or the effect of a cause, we do not pretend to say, but during the religious services on la.- 1 Sabbath, when our land was being wilted and patched by the intense heat of a months drought, the Rev, Dr. Smith earnestly prayed that the Great Giver of rain, would send copious showers upon oar gardens and‘fields, cooling the atmosphere and making our hearts glad. Mor* mug came and with it clouds too, the heavens were overcast, giving good signs of rainj -most auspicious for the work ot disintering and erect ing the monumeut. • • • Bartow, July, 1871. Manna Editor*: Please consult with aa many Planter* as possible, and see if we can have an Agricultural meeting on the first Toes day in August, to revive our Agricultural soci ety, that Jefferson county may be represented in the Agricultural convention to assemble in Rome August the Bth. The approaching ae*- ■ion will doubtless have aome very important matter discussed before it, which should have as full a representation aa possible, such a* fence law, dog law die. If the Planters of the county desire that we shall be represented please call a meeting on the first Tuesday,or, some earlier day,giving time after the meeting to send np a list of the membes and delegates, so as the delegates atay receive free tickets to pass over the H. 8., to and from the Conven tion ; very, few I thiuk will decline such an offer; what would femora delightful tbau a trip to ihe mountain region* at this season of the year. PLANTER. Curb for Fki/iN,—M«uy persona are lia ble to extreme sutierihg from felons on the fin ger. The following prescription, is recomutoii \ded as a sore cure for the distressig ailihertt »• ' "Take eommoir salt, such as is used fur iaJf" ine pork or beef, dry it jig an oven, then pound it ’fine' and mix with spirts of turpentine in equal parts. Fat it in a rag aud wr&p around the part affected, and as it gets dry put on more and in twenty-four hours your'are cured'; the felon it dead.” It will do no harm tetry it. Oft BUST. Messrs. EorrilkS f If ihe paper tfiht you hove slatted dose uot prove I'ot’be wtSilfh annually, 16 each farmer iti lhis county, fromiv ertly five, to ;ftve.huWired dollars, it will Be Be effuse we fail lo discharge our duty. We want just such a medium of comiDurticHtioti with eabh oilier ; pa pers pablrsfierfeiswhere, cannot “fill the bill,, umortuiiaiely however ina ily. of our. (host bpmplent business men, can not. or will nol write, per haps their early training was in a different dir'ecu'ni; so that they can not spell correctly, or cnsirucl oeri ods graintnalicßlly. Well, iuy friends, what we specially need, is light upon important subjects, nol grammar, nor orthography. Shine upon us, shine upon us ; it is Loih a patriotic and moral duty. If the Lord has blessed you with import ant knowledge, withhold it not; the Editors wilt straighten out youi cloth and iron it Over. Contuovirsy makes a paper lively, interesting and racy, when kept within the bounds of modera tin'!, being governed in the mean time by ihe rules of honor, and hav irtg for its object, utility. But your paper ha3 not been established for ihe mere amusement of correspond ents, but for the solid good ol the Country. In the Course of time —I make no reference to the past —you will find yourselves bored by long-' winded controversalists. Let them fight, so long as they are governed by the principles of hbtinr, until therfe has been enough of it, th< n stop them mildly but firmly ; and il either party -hould get mad “for nothing,” lei then: gel pleased upon the same term's. CART. SPRAWLS. or errs and Fanner. (COMMUNICATED) Mamas, Kairoas; I have just read Capt. Sprawls’ letter iii the Neics if Farmer, in reply to the article, in which I was ‘trying to arouse the people of Louisville aud Ji ffersou county, for a Hail Road from the Central Road to Lou isville, hut I am sorry to say the Captain is very discouraging, yet in the beginning ol h:r letter he says: "I endorse heartily all that was said iik the above communication (,i e Leni tor’s article ) down to the Railroad, and much that wai said iu reference lo that."— Further on he says : 'No on* would hail the consumatiou of this grand enterprise with more rapturous emotions thin myself.” Now this is euchiiregpig, hut let ns hear him again and see how dKie Uragiog Tie is: *‘Hot the impor taut .'question firs', to he solved is, can this road lie bait at present? It would requires vast sum of money. Uh-'re is the oeediul to come front 1" Eurthor on down ho says: ‘ What is the financial couJi'.iou of our coun ty ? Half of us s-arccly tuilke a *upport! Our takes are enormous! Ac.*’ lie next tells it the experience of one if his neighbors, a'XVth amimdmeAt,”and what he thought when this * freedom come -about" yes just so, and I am sorry to say there are many white met among us whose judgement is it > hotter than ibis poor igu 'rant “fiftecuth amendment's '; they buy horseci and mules, corn and bayou, a fifty or sixty per cent on time, to make a cotton crop to sell in the fall at whatever priee they can get, their money all gone ‘‘where the wood biue twmeth,” aud the next year, “tnjßliopit g ■ionietniiig good will turn up,” they are ready and willing to play the same game over again, and these are the men, who the Captain says are looking wistfully around to see if they cutt dts cover a greenback t bat some industrious econo mical neighbor Im* barel y suved, that they may borrow never lo return it again. I think the Captain will join me when l say, I think these are the men who “generally have many big irons in the fire and find it Terry difficult to keep «ome from burning” Messrs. Ed tors. Captain S. wants another Railroad, hear linn : •‘Well Leniter let me .tell you about the Railroad I want us to build. I want all girls and buys to roll up their slccves|aitd pitch iu, and no hntgei base temporal salvation upon a kinky headed negro.” Let us be industri ous, economical, self-reliant and independ ent. Let its laylaside all 'tomfooTlery,'’ and fallh-ck ttpim thegn"d old plain conimonseitse ways and habits of our grandfadiers and grand mothers. Let ine my to the Captain this \s what I have been practicing, (not prearMng,) for thirty-five years, two acres in con and one in cotrm, if every ra ta and woman a -,te riuuih were to -‘Pali back,’'-we would soo . have money enough lo build a Railroad through, and across, everv ■■; muty in the South, and before 'he >* ' ...» m the North would see us “fil 'ha 1 ~ y would let us reconstruct our own selves ou our own terms. The South has been hewing all the wood and drawing all the water for the North east and West, and fool ike, can’t, or wont see to this day. lb at every dollar she makes is gone to make our enemies rich- No wonder we are unable to build railroads, we make as much money here at the south as tliey do anywhere else; but the misfortune is, we wont keep it, we buy many things we could do just as well without, and tile yaukeea have found it out, and they are making every little foolish notion they can think of, knowing we are tool enogh to buy. Why Messrs. Editors, if one of these sharp wittea yaukees were to eome along toexibit a bob-tail fox at tweuty five cents for every man and woman, he would get a full liuuse, hat if 1 were to come along to show a half dozen such animals. I would nut get the first quarter, they would all pronounce me a fool, aud *oy they were not fool enough to throw away their money in that way. Bot Messrs. Editors, what good does it do to talk and write to the people in this way ? none at all; the more said the worse it is, the less ■aid the better i now you may write a long letter add publish it to the world aud tell the people to raise all their supplies and make all the cotton they can, over and above their suppliea as a surplus, they will all say to themselves •Now this is good advice, and a good many will prulit by it but I am going to say nothing and plant all cotton aud foul them, aud at the end of the year each one has found out they have deceived uo one but themselves, and this proves the less told the better. Tbere'is no mure use in trying to build the Captains Rail Road, than there is trying to stop the sub from shining in k fair day; but it it was a possi ble thing to have such a Rail Road in the South it would be the best paying road in the world, and the people know it, but the big cotton planters wont let us have it; they love to have the uame of making niauy bales of cotton, ands big pile of irinoyjn their hands a •few minutes, or a few d*fi; while they have got iiin their pockem for only a little while, it slings them neatly 16 death, because it belongs 40 souse oaeskev Tbeteis no use Captain, try ing to get the peopielo—kelp you build your road, it is 100 lengthy, too extensive, you may build you a rosid Tor y our own use, aud I build uae fur my vae, but it is iinputs! get the people to oatld one that would benefit all. Let ns do all we caa to have a road from the C. B. R to Louisville, thi* road will not only benefit the farmers bat it would be ing road, there are two, no one, merchant mills in a few miles of-Louisville, and their owners are able men and would no doubt help all tbev could, knowing that it would beuefil them, the C. R R- and Savannah, is able to take all the stock in it, and wonid if someone n onld show them all the advantages ihai would be in their favor. lam surprised this thing has been neg looted so long; there wn some talk a fen years ago about tb-s road, but talk » as all that was done. Keep the ball iu motion Messrs Editors, and tell the Captain to do all he can fur us. In cuitclusion I would say if this road is built, it would not benefit me much, if any, as my time is uearly spent, but I am anxious for our childrtui to have a better market than we have at prcseul, they do not kuow how we have suffered iu having to haul our produce over those long sand beds front Briar Creek to Augusta I hope the people of Louisville will go to work and give a market tor*ail the pro ws can make and tell. _ LENITER. PETRIFIED.—The Desert News saya that a short time since, while some men were en gaged iu clearing out a spring in that region, from which people obtain water for irrigation, they found standing erect in the spring what had been a two-year old Iteifvr. in advanced state of petrificatino. The animal was so com plete, that eveu the ear marks are plainly visi ble. THEY FOLLOW MAN.—Previous to the settlement of California, siugittg hitds. fragrant Sowers, aud honey bees were not to be found in the entire country. Now, howevet in all parts of the state may be found many varieties of singing birds, like the mocking bird, bobo links, larks, linnets, thrushes, Baltimore oriole, and common robiu, which always follow civi Illation. The forest* in all pars of the state are filled with the honey bee, and honey Irom Los Angelos county is au important article of commerce. And for fragrant bowers, Califor nia can now' beat the world. Rigs to the value of $352,000, are annually shipped from New Orleans The sugar crop of Louisiana for IH7O-71 is stated at 1 41,-81 hogsheads against 87,090 for 1809-70. Westfield, Mass., made 114.000 ratsn and 75,000 whalebone whips in May, and whips all creation in this manufacture. A Minerologist ot San Francisco claims the discovery of a pro' sf r combining iron and copper which produces a compound harder titan iron, and a company is formed to test the pt'. ceSs. The amount s, cut last year in this country for ministers, churches and missions, home and foreign, was about sß,' 00,000, aud for artifi cial tfoweis, sl-5,1)00,0110. Chignons are doomed. At a recent sash, itmablc wedding in New Ytnk several ,bold but hri.iaut innovators were tho centre of attrac tion, with nothing on their heads but braids made of their own hair. flic reconstruction of the house of M Thiers, with tile ve.tar.da, the hothouses and the gardens, wiil cost mure than 850,0<K;f ; ami lost furniture and tile works of artldestoyed come to about 300,000f ; total l,l;5O,O00t. ‘•What, is t In.-annual corn ca p ol K- mucky?” asked a foreign tutuist of a Kentuckian. '‘l can't oxcactly say,” replied the Kentuckian; "hut 1 know it's enough to make .all the whis'- key we waul, besides what is wasted for bread. I is stated tint a t utist traieliug continu ously Without.any stoppage, can now go afottud the world iu t ight days, making the entire journey by railway and steamship, and going by way ol Liycipi and, the Suez Canal. Ceiloti, ontgapor-, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Bau Fran e'lsco, aud the Facific Railway. “Fin not used to begging.” said a little girl t) a lady of w hum .-lie lad a-ked alms, “'cause On y -wo weeks ago my fa. > t .v is a tncrchatr? ' ••Why, chiid, h..w could y.m he redued to poverty so suuitf ' “My father took a bad two dollar bill at his pea-nut stand, audit ruined' him,” sobb- and the child. It is said that the improved lands in South Uaulina are worth $2.1,000 00(1; while the fences that enclose them have act Ita ly cost $16,000,000. The fences in New Yolk have cost $141,000,000; those of Ohio, slls 000; and, accot ding to in estimate made by Nicholas Biddle, thirty years ago, the fences’ ot P.-nit sylvania had then cost $l0;i,000,ono. Tit- fen ces us tint whole Union ate estimated at $1 300,000,100. The New York World of Saturday publishes (tearfully compiled list of tliu dead and wound ed of tliu memorable 12th of duly. Two of the military met their death and eighteen were wound, tl. Forty-nine civilians were kiiled ond eighty-seven wounded, making a grand total of fifty-one killed and one hundred and five wonded. Later reports.mention the death us several of the wounded aud the probable decease uI many more. J. A. OatKs.—The dentil of tins young, but well know n theatrical .manager, the husband • t the brilliant Mrs. Oates, occurred in New York on the evening of Friday last, at tlie Gtand Central Hotel, New York Mr. Oates was aged hut twenty-nine years, and in the. brief space allotted him,had evinced retnsikahle tact and ability as a manager. He will he re membered iu tltis State as an affable gentle titan—an ornament to the profession. A cotnon passenger-car of the better order now costs from eight to ten thousand dollars, a Pullman car costs from eighteen to twenty two thousand dollars. 'The Pullman ears weigh more than the ordinary cars; one of Pullman's twelve-wheeled sleeping-cars weighs front twenty-soven to twenty eight tons; pas senger-cars weigh from twenty to tweuty.fivo Kits.. The followingshows the number of grsves in the Gettv-biirg Cemetery w ith ihe different States which they represent; N--w York, 808; I‘ennsylvauia, 4.15 ; Massachusetts, 159; Ohio. 131 ; Main, l()|; Michigan. 171 : Indiana, Hw ; New Jerse, 78; Wiscositi, 73; Minnesota, 55 ; Vo.- .Out, 61; New Hanipshie, 52; Connecti cut, 22; Maryland, 22; Delaware, 15; Rhode- Isiand, II; West Virginia. II; Illinois, 0; regulars, 138; unknown, 978; making an ag gregate of 3,570. Directly after the battle thou sands were removed by friends and relatives, leaving but a comparatively small number. We learn from the report of the American Bible Society that the Association printed last year 1,031,800 volumes in addition 164,997 copies published and circulated-around. Its receipts from sales w ero over $1000,000; total cash income, #729.464,70. The beuet olein work of the Society included direct grants of books for circulation at home and abroard worth 48,701, in addition to requisitions a ntounting to sl2 275 made by members and directors. The total expenditures last year for voluntary grants of books were $231,352,28. of which more loan $60,000 was appropriated for foreign work. w w canvas, ■ o casts*, j t oasts*, Jr. W. W. Carter & Sons, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, mA BAY savannah, iVi STREET, GEORGIA. ry Prompt personal attention given to Orders, XT'Planters supplied with Bagging aud Tlea at Lowest Rates. July 23rd 1871. 12 6m. GFORGIA JEFFERSON COUNTY Will be sold at the Market House in the town of Louisville, Georgia, on the FIST TUESDAY in AUGUST next, within the legal hoars of sale, the follwing property, to-wit. IS Mnlea, 5 Wagons, I yoke of Oxen, 100 hood of Cattle, 40 head of Sheep, and lot of Hogs, one lot Blacksmith Tools and Plantation Tools. Properly iu the possession of Goodwin Shivers, Agent (for William Simpaon. aud levied ou as the property of William T. Williams, to satisfy oue fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of J.paepb M. Wii liam T. Williams, Propet ty pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. J. T. MULLING, Sheriff. Jane 24, 1871. tl id. msm asms* SPECTACLES BKXDEHED USELESS. Old Eyes Made New. All diseases of the Eye successfully treated by BALL’S NEW PATENT IVORY EYE CUPS. Head for yourself and restore yoor sight. Spectacles ond Su gical operations rendered useless. The inestimable Blessing of Bight is made perpetual by the useot the uew PATENT IMPROVED IVORY EYE CUPS Many of our most eminent physicians, occu lists students and divines have had their sight permanently restored for life, mid .cured of the following diseases: I. Impaired ; 2. Presbyopia, or Far Sighted ness, or dimness of vision, commonly entiled Biuring; 3. Asthenopia, or Weak Eyes ;4Ej - iphora. Running or Watery Eyes ; 5. Bore Eyes specialy treated with the Eye Cups—cure guar anteed: ti. Weakness of the Retina, or Optic Nerve; 7 Ophthalmia, or Inflammation of the Eye and its appendages, or imperfect vision from the effects of Inflammation; 8. Photopho bia, or Intolerance of Light, 9. Over-Worked , Eyes; 10. Mydesopia—moving specks or float ing bodies before the eyes; Amaurosis or Ob scurity of vision; 11. Cataracts, JPaitial Bliud ness; loss of sight. Any one can use the Ivory Eye Cups with out the aid of Doctor or Medicine, so as to re ceive immediate beneficial results and never wear spectacles; or, if using now, to lay them aside forever. We guarantee a cure in every case where the directions are followed, or we willgrefuud the money. 2309, CERTIFICATES OF CURE, From honest Farmers, Mechanics and Mer chants, some of them the most eminent leading professional and business men and women ot education and .efluemeiit, in our country, may be seen at our office. Under date of March 29, Hon. Horace Gree ley, of the New Ydrk Tribune, writes; 4 *J. Ball, of our city, is a conscientious and respon sible man, who is incapable of intentional de ception or imposition. Prof. VV. Merrick, of Lexington, Ky., wrote April 24th l*Bi9; Without my Spectacles I pen you this note, after using the Patient Ivory Eye Cups thirteen days, and this morning pe rused the entire contents of a Daily Newspaper, and all with the unassisted Eye. Truly am I giateful to Sour noble invention may Heaven bless and preserve you. I have been using spectacles twenty years; lam seventy-one years old. Truly Yours, PROF. W. MERRICK. REV- JOSEPH, SMITH, Malden, Mass., cured of Partial Blindness, of 18 years’ stand mg, in one minute, by the patt< nt Eye Cups* E. G, ELI.IS. late Mayor of Dayton, Ohio, wrote us Nov. Jfl'th : I have tested the Patent Ivory Eye Cups, and lam stistied they are go-'d. lam pleased with them ; they are the greatest Invention of the age. All persons wishing tor full particulars, cer titu ntes of cure, pi ices. &c . w ill please scud your address to us. and we will send bur Trea Use mi the Eye, of forty-four pages, five, by re turn mail. Write to Dr. J. B\LL &. GO. P O. Box, 957 No. 91 Liberty Street. New York. For the worst cases of MYOPIA, or NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS, use our New Patient Myopic Attachments, applied to the IVORY EYE GIT’S, has proved a certain euro fur this disease. Our agent S. Arrington, of Jefferson County Georgia, is authorised and empowered to at tend to all cases committed to his care, he is, and will be supplied with all the means of re storing the sight. He can wait, on persons at their own houses or at his own residence. Dlt J. BALL, At GO Liberty steal, NEW YORK. July 21 1871, 12 3m. CARRIAGE .MANUFACTORY', j tjIHE UNDERSIGN!) takes pleasure in in-; I. forming the citi/.i-ns of Jefferson and ad joining counties that he has opened a a®®®*?* AND i mm where woik of &1! description*, both new and repairing, will be done witu neatness and dis pa'ch. HORSE SHOEING done in the neatest and most iibstnutial manner, (I7"C<j{liiis furnished at sort notice. G. H. HARIUSLL, Louisville, Ga. Jnly7, 1871. 6 tint. WARREN & HAYLES, RETAIL DEALES IN MSjSIB £ SDIHSMS Dry Goods, —A N D— os every description. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, White Goods, mm & mm of the most seasonable styles always found on hand. In connection with our business we have a fine assortment of Groceries , which we offer C-H-E A P for C-A-S-H WARREN * HAYLES, Louisviilee, Ga. Mty 5, IWJ. i ts. Subscribe for the Jefferson News Sf Farmer, A LARGE FIRST CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED AT LOUISVILLE, GEO., swaa*? saseAv? gseassEae, $2.50 a year in advance. Being determined that no effort on our part shall be spared to make this a live ly, readable and instructive paper, we hope our friends will give us that encourage ment which we hope by our straightforward course to merit at their hands. ADVERTISERS Will find our paper an ex cellent medium of reaching the wealthy population of this and surrounding coun ties, Send your advertise ments and get more than your money back. CHAHLK3 A. DAI A, Uta § dHw Sfftefchj £tt& A Htwimwii tt, fimu Ran. IwmM far F—fto Stw hnfc. laeMtac ham. SirUnlM. IhMMM, f» Moul Hen, WwMra, TUsken, tod MI H—. mt of io«t raiu, iM Um with, tarn ms DuckMnaC Minsk. •nr on dollis a ms i one Bunirn cones so* im Or tarn Om oh OMiOw. Lot tMn M t •M case M owry P«M OOm. ■HI.VSIKLT BUR, 90 A TUAU, at tb» mm Mm m 4 smi! sMtmw m tWM •BUT, M vtth , mill nrtWl •( ■HoMlhihim imOuc, m« OHSSj MM, • IMIMIIHII—IIItwi TH* OAILT SCK, M A RAX ■ A StahammCr mMH Mllllil.M M «5r3» ss 9 TERMS TO CLUBS. O ns DOLUS TOUT SOU. SWmm mi ms. MMMm.MHMM.iI. iMrDtlkM, IM mM, MJM.MIMHI .iHrui (m« *ssuss«B&^a^; Mr MM.MI mm. Mom t«m <mS M mMhOmSOs hi jMyMMT i, ofjMSL, nUO'lhM DMMS Mgr. wgsnMlr aiSrMMd rui «n san-nuiT m. ’•OHM un Tons neanr SB V wv \ rnmsmmbw* french Cognac Bitters, w FIEST PRIZE Paris Exhibition 1867 .' Purify tho blood und strengthen the system, eradicating the effect of dissipation, maintain the human frame in condition of healthflilness, dispel the Blues and all mental dis tempers, and relieve those whose sedentary habits lay them open to depression. They prevent and cure Siti ous and other Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills, "Diarrhoea, “Dysen tery, dyspepsia, Sea-Sickness. Colic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and every complaint Inci dental to diet or atmos phere. * Ladles will find them a sovereign boon, as they eradicate all traces of Debility, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diabases peculiar to the sex. erThousands of Testimo nials can bo aeon at the office of ff , X. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, . « . . eY&MWttar&tNKjTi.