The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, October 13, 1871, Image 3

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NEWS & FARMER. LOCA L FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1871. CLUB' bates. For the benefit of those wishing to get tip chibs for the Nrws &. Farmer, we offer the following inducements: Five copies one year............ •••• s'o. Ten ‘ “ “ s***■ The money always to accompany the order. To those wishing premiums for clubs, wo make the following offer: For five subscriber* at $2 SO each, we will give Demorcst's I.adics Magazine, one year : or Petersons Ladies Magazine, one year, tor four subscribers, at s£.so each; or, we will give for twenty subscribers, at s£.so each, II ca rter’*, neu> edition, Vnabridged Dictionary, the regular price of which is s]£. Parties getting up clubs, will please send in the names as fast as they get them. who have sent in clubs of five and upwards, can forward subscribers at two dollars each. STOAEWA',L I.ODGE, No. 351 >, Jefferson Cos. ) St ted communications, second pud fourth Wednesday in etu-li month, except December, then only an the ,-ecoiid Monday. Several communications have be n received during ihe past week, and will appear as soon as our space will admit, .W.I.VO.VIf JTOTICK We are requested to state tha - a fu 1 attend ance a,t the next meeting of Stonewall Led-je, Wednesday the 25t1» inst., is earnestly desired, as there will be some important master brought before the Lodge. IXOISI'HI.VG We are pleased to leant that, the Good Tem plars at Bethany, are still flourishing; ihe meinbcs'iip having increased to over forty.— They have our best wishes for success, and nitty their ptrover for good never be lessened. Prof Wm. Stanford, will be in Louisville by the last of this month to tune and repair pi anos. Ait orders !pf» at this office will meet with prompt niton;ion on his airival, We know the Prof, to b-i man who understand* his business, and we hope all those who have pianoes that nerd working on. will take advan tage of this chance and have the work done, ltead Ins card elsewhere in our columns. TIIK I* .IRE GO.VIS. The Blue coats that were stationed i,u Louis vide, for near three weeks, took their departure on last Friday morning, for Atlanta, where it. i hoped they will remain: for what purpose they have gone llirre we know not, unless it »> to meet and guard his Seville Highness R IS. Bullock, lligh Kimball & Cos., as wo ice they at rived there on Su day last. As to their busi ness down here, we haveut the slightest clue, unless it was for their In tilth. They were a very quiet and orderly set of men, but we think Louisville can get along very well without tlieir assistance. COTTO.V I’HOSFKCTS. VTe learn from the Agent at No 11, Central Railroad, the number of bales of cotton shippeJ from.that point dining the month of September, 187 t, was only ISi), against 741 bales same month last year; a falling off of 54 > bales.— From the übove, it seems as if there will not be a third of a crop male in this seciioiij; hut we mu,t take into consideration the lateness of the crop, which is full three weeks behind that oflast, years. We kuuw liiere will be nothing like a a full crop, but we think that old Jeff-rson will come as near it as any other county iu the State; tho igh the la’e rains lias damaged the staple materially, all over the county. G R.I.TD lODt.E I. O G. T. This order met in Macon last week; we re gret that we have not a more detailed synopsis us ijs proceedings. The order is certainly flour ishing in our State, which was evinced by the large attendance at the Grand Lodge. Out of 141 Lodges in the State, only four were not rep resented', and each lodge were entitled to from three to five del-gates. Mayor Huff of Macon, at an expense of three hundred from his private purse, furnished carriages for the ae commodation of the entire delegation. The G T. say long live Huff, and if they were not Con st itutfonaly opposed toil,would certainly:drink to his health. EDITOKS JViS i'S ST I’.tlt.llI;II Gents : Please inform your nu me roil a readers that my Fall Stock, embracing seventy-five thousand dollars worth ot' Bools and Shoes, is daily arriving and I am selling amazingly cheap, D. COHEN, Augusta Ga. Oct. 13th, 1871, 2t Dvb, Bothwell & C<>., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, Augusta, are prepared to favor plan ters with excellent oppeitunilies in their line. Read their advertise ment and give them your orders. There is no use in allowing your wife to burn and smoke herself up over a hot, when you can get a good Stove at a reasoable price. Read the Advertisement oi D. L. Fullerton, and go to see him when you visit Augusta. H, L, A. Balk. —When you visit Augusta, this is one gentleman you should go to see, for all articles in U>e Dry Goods line. He certainly offers great inducements to-ihe pub lic; guaranteeing .satisfaction in every instance, and as low as they cr ibe bougl in any market South, ltead his Advertisement over care fully, and he sure and give him' a call, or send him your orders. In another column will be found the advertisement of the Farmer and Gardener, We do not know that we can do better than copy the fol lowing from the Chronicle and Sen tinel, which we fully endorse: “We lake pleasure in directing ihe atten tion of our readers to the advertise ment of the Farmer and Gardener. This paper is steadily winning its way into public favor, and ha3 al ready obtained a circulation of which older publications might (eel proud, A paper of this kind, emanating f rom the well known authentic source it does, cannot tail ot having a briliant future in store.” Read the advertisement of Plumb 1 & Leitner, of Augusta, Ga., and give them a caff, or send in your orders which will meet with prompt attention. THE DESTRUCTION OF CHICAGO. The telegraph brings us si ill fur ther dt tails of the great fire in Chica go, the most destructive conflagra tion ever experienced on this confl uent, and comparable only to the burning of Moscow or the great site of London, The telegraphic details of this startling disaster convey but a feeble description of the appaling scene, and but a vague idea of the immense destruction of propetty. Tl e greater portion of a magnificent city in ashes ! Ten thousand houses, comprising publie building, churches banks, offices of wealthy corpora tions, imm use stores and stately dwellings burned ! Magazines con laiuing untold millions of bushels of grain, immense slocks of merckan dire, the furniture, clothing and sup plies ot ten thousand lamiltes all consumed ! Ships, bridges, railroad depots, rolling slock, offices, tele graph and printing establishments, all consumed by the relentless flames A loial loss reaching beyond two hundred millions of dollars! The contemplation of such a calamity is truly appalling. The immediate consequences of this unprecedented disaster falls with crushing (nice upon the ruined and houseless cilia ns of what was, live days ago, the great and magnificent city of the \\ ej,t.Chica go. Bi t <ueh a calamity, so vart so overwhelming, will be fell not only througoul the length and bteudlh ol the Union, but even in Europe. The whole commercial world will experience a shock which, in its remote i fffets, will be felt by every community. So great a destruction, of properly must biiug insolvency to tho sands in the doomed city which, reacting through all their commercial and financial connections, will firing bankruptcy lo m my a merebrtu i.u oilier cities, Peterson’s Magazine for No vember—die cheapest mid best of lady’s books—is before us, and. a magnificent nirubei ii is! “Baby's Answer,’’ its principle sleek [>laie, i.- a perfect beauty. Then comes its double-sized, colored, sieel fashion plate, and- “Peterson” is now the only magazine that gites these double-sized plates engraved on steel. Then there is a superb slip per-pattern, printed in colors, itself alone work’ll the price ot the number. The tales ami novelets, as always in “Petersons,” are all origioual and of thrilling interest!, “The Mystery, ol Bible's B ivou,” in ihe bresem number, is a story such as we rare ly see any where now-a-davs, no.v is ihe time to get up clubs lor The Prosneclu.s is just out. The hrice of “Petersons” is only two dol lars-a year lo single susen.bers, while other magazines of its i lass are three or lour. To clubs the terms me lower still, viz : five copies tor eight dollars, or eight lor twelve dollars. Every hersou getting up- either ol these clubs wi.l receive the Magazine for 1872 gratis, and also a splendid copy-right engraving (24 inches by 18), “Five Times One To-Day!” We can speak from personal experi ence of the beauty and value of this engraving. Specimens of the Mag azine sent gratis if written lor. Ad dress, Charles J. Peterson, 30G Chestnut Slteei,.Philadelphia. OFFICE OF COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. Louisville Ga , Oot., 3d IS7I. The Board met at 10 o’clock A- M. Members present: J. G. Cain D. G. Phillips M. P. Cain W. A. Stokes and H. D. Murphy. Absent, H L. Battle Geo., T. Palmer L. D. Matthews Willis Howard and Thos., Hardeman. Minutes were rear! and sustained. Messrs M. P. Cain and W. A. Stokes assigned satisfactory reasons for ab sence from last meeting, and were excused. Messrs Battle & Palmer, absent from the last meeting, were still ab sent from this. On motion, it w.i.< Resolved; that all Trustees present be invited to sit and counsel with the Board. The Secretary read a no lice from the State Cominisionerthat Dr. L. D. Matthews had been appointed and commissioned a member of this Board, for the 77th Dist. G. M., and Messrs. A. L. Petterson, Peter Me Govvan and Joseph. H. Wilkins, had been appointed Trustees for Louisville Corporetion for three, two and one years respectively. The Board resolved to postpone ihe election at present of a. Secretary, lo fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation ufD. G. Phillips, and re quested him lo continue to discharge ihe duties ot the office in the inte rim. He consented to do so. Dr. E. H. W. Hunter appeared, took his seal, and assigned satisfac tory reasons for tardiness and was excused. ThejSecretary reported that a de pot of Sshool Books had been es tablished at the Store of Mr. F. A. Sinquefield in Louisville. And it was Resolved, that all teachers in the County, be notified through the published minutes, to make known to Mr. Sinquefield at once, how many, and what kind of books they will probably waul, in order that they may be obtained at introducto- ry prices, as that arrangement is io cease ou November Ist. The Sacretary was requested to call on the Stale Commissioner for more explicit instructions on the sub ject of collecting the Taxes assessed by the Board. Resolved: That Teachers and lo af Boards lie urged to prompt ness and expedition, in filling up and forwarding to the County Commis sioner their Reports; for fear that delay may in some way, vitiate the claim of the County, to her nrorata share of the public School Fund. Messrs. M. P. Cain and B. S. Carswell, received cetificates as teachers of public Schools for one year. On motion, Resolved : That the thanks ot this Board are emineinlv due and are again tendered to the Proprietors of the “Jcffeison News and Furinei” ior the past enur isie?, and we red nest them to publish ti.c Minutes of tliis ineuiug. Tne Board adjourned to meet on the first Tuesday ot’ January, but m the mean ti ne, ihe was requested lo call a meeting at an. time that the interests of ihe Board may require. J. G. CAIN, Pres’t, D. G. Phillips, Seo’y. BAGGING and TIES lor sale low, by WILKINS & ISOI’KiXS. SepM, 1871. Jo tl. MARKET iCKPOR l'S-. Louiscill-e, Oct 13—Cotton It. Auy usta, October 11. Colton,7ol7]: lla c*»u v .mai liib Side*, ; touuu.Uo»s, t H. 3, .'»£ @.16. t ioui', .>ooU(«yiO. ais, Com, , Wiieut, tpi 4o(«)l 70. Suvaniidti, Oct. ii.—vaUiton, 17|@ISJ. iloule, Oct. 11 —Cotton, 18J. Jfaltimore, Oct. II— OoituK |:»J, iWw (Means, Oct. Jl—Co ton, y,ir York. Oc». 11-Cottuu, jj. Jjivcpoulj Cc t Jl, —Colton, CENTRAL R.R. SCHEDULE. * DAY TRAIN. Savannah 7 15 Arrive at Bartow.. 12 51 “ ‘ M avoir. 451 Lf»ave*Nfat*mi 7am Arrive at ft >r.ow 115 “• “ Savannah 525 NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Savannah 7pm Arrive at Bartow | 23 “ Mcc0u...... 5 15 Ltfave Mac* 1 a ts 30 Arrive at Bartow jo 3tf “ “ Savannah.. 45v Passengers for Augusta* make connection at Miileii'On both*trains* Piano Tuning r WILL BE IX LOUISVILLE about the Jl last, of 11ii- month, for the purpose of TUN ING ami REPAIRING Pianos. Any Piano over so oM an I diUpMated, will remodel and p«r iii as good'order and tone as it whs when first bought. Ail my m -tennis I brought wiih me from Europe, mid consequently »*re ihe b°st; I-wi.l guarantee my work for fi e J«*ar*. A 1 onier* left at the 4 News & Fai *n- will be promptly attended 10 on my. arrival. Pi ices-moder to PKoF. Wm. STANFORD Oct. 13. |S’7l. 24 ts. LW. COOLEY, 85!t®8®8, LOUISVILLE. GA. Will rc nmc pracr ca at his old Office Octo ber, I Oth, I*7l. Oat 6: h 1671. 23 ts COURT OF ORDINARY, Jefferson Cos J For County Purpmks. > At Cham hers Oct. 12, 1871, > IT 13 ORDERED, that there be collected by the Tax Collect »r of said couuty, 55 per cent, upon the State Tax for County ii'debtedrt-’es. 80 44 44 44 44 Bridges &c. 10 * 44 41 “Pa up rs. 0 “ 44 44 44 District Court ex pensea. 25 44 44 44 44 E 'uca'ional pur poses. 10* 4 4 44 44 4 4 Jurors. 15 4 4 44 44 - 41 County Officers. 5- 44 44 44 14 Salary. 10 44 4 * 14 44 Court House and' Jail. 0 4 * 44 44 44 Contingent Ex penses * Making the aggregate 175 per cent, upon the State Tux, which is her> by lev.ed or the year 187/. W. li. WATKINS. Ord’y J. C. Uetober 13ih I*7L 24 ts. Georgia jepferson county Whnreas Wm. McDaniel applies to me f.r Letters «»f Guardianship of »fi«* peryons and property of Benjamin F* and Martha Ellen Mr- Bauiel t These are the ref re to jite and admon ish ali and singular the persons interested i<> ap pear at. the Court of Ordinary to be hold iu an lon said Count) on the FIRST Monday in De cember next, and idiow cause if any they, oan why S lid Liters should no? h* gr n cd. W. ii, WATKfNS, Oru’v., J. C. Oct, 13:h *671. ' tl. Cl EGRGIA JEFFERSON COUNIY.— T Sarali MoNeelv applies to me f.r IJo ne stead, and I wili pa-s upou the same on the 230 day of October 1671. at my office in the Court House at Loui ville Ga. W. li, WATKINS, Ord’y J. C. Ocf, 13th 137 1, kt, C Georgia, jefferon county.— M Whereas, L. B. McDanijel applies to me for Letters of admin stra'ion of the estate of Tempy McDaniel deceased ; th»se are therefore to cite an l hdmnnish all and si; gular, the dred and creditors of t>aid dec* to appear before the Court of < Irdinary, t» hel l in and for said county on the FIRST Monday} in N«- vember next and show can e ijf any they can why said Lett* rs tl pot be gn*n'ed. W. H. WATKINS, OrPyJ.C. Oct. 2 11871 td. Georgia, jefferson county — Whereas, Alfred T. Mann, adminsirator of William Jl. B ittey, of said Couuty deceased, applies to me for leave to sell the interest of said estate in two lots of lan Nos. 197, and 164, situated in Catoosa Cos »nty Ga. These are therefore to cte all persons interested, to appear before the Court us Ordinary for said C muty, on the FIRST Mon lay iu November tect, and show cause, if nuy they can, why said leave should not be granted. W. H. WATKINB, OrJ’y, J- C. Oct.,2d, 1871. 23 td. Georgia, jeffeuson county.— E. W. Miller t» m ■ as next friend of minor heirs of P J. & Man ha Evans, for ex emption of personalty and selling apart and vat. nation of Homestead, and I will pasa upon ho same at my office, on ihe 16th day of October next, at 10 o’nlook A- M. W. H. WATKINS, Ord’y J. C. aept.22o it7l. *2 21 POSTPONED SALE. C GEORGIA JEFFERSON COUNTY W By virture of a Court of Oordinary of Jefferson comity, will be sold at the Market House in the town of Louisville, Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY in December nexf, all the real estate of Eli/abelb Clarke, decesed. consisting of one tract of land *n ®a>d county, adj -ining lands of Mary F. Arnold. Washington Rogers, Ann SfeJman and others, and containing iwo hundred and sixty acres, more or less. Tube sold for benefit 9 <»f heirs and ctcditorß of said decease<l. Terms, one h ilf cash, the ofh-r halt t > be paid »he Ft day of January, 1*73, secured by mo. on premi es until the purchase money is paid. Purchaser to p iy for lit’es. MARW* ARNOLD Adminisf. t i-. Oct. 6,1.-71. 23 ids. ( i EORGIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY.— Vj Whereas, J. W, Bowling me for Letters oi Guardianship « f the person and prop erty of Marcus E. Rodgrs # nuuor heir of Elca uah Rodjjets The e are ihcroforo ic ciie 411 pi ties inte«*eslL'd, to appear before file Coil t us Orrfiuary, to beheld in and for said county on tho First Monday in November next, and show cats *if any can why sad letters should not be g anted. W II WATKINS, Ord'y J% C. s ' EORGIA JKFFBR6OV COUNTY— VT Wii J one M. Urn -s, a, pi c* to <n« foi Lett r of Gh-i and a’is tip ol fbep. rson mu! prop ryoi A F. Con , a -nil.or of shin cmnUy. Tm*sc r * thcr o ote nl a lniocisli it l mikl s • g'lbir tlie pa ties int* rested l-* anpear bcfviv ill.* Court, o. Ordinary. t<» I,e h-bl in, and foi b- « u'v « n ihe tho FI <S V MOND \ V isi NO VEMBER next, a .and -bow cause if any ti-ej' can way su J on trs,f i.ot be grautec. W. ii. WATKIN>, O.d’y J. C. Sept. V.' 1671. ‘22 td A Dill N IST K \ TOR’S IS ALE. y-<EO«GI*, .Ii:FFHKBON C.'CNTV.— \f iiv vi ill-of mi ml rfoo.n tlie HuiicikWo, C'i t i.f I) <ii nr„id ('o n, y, wit, Ip 8 .,|,i ! MT t l.e M I ket lIiHV-i'. n Ihe I «n nl l„u is j Hr, ® • 111 FIR- ! i .tsua y ,n!« r m xt. hmidic l,n re, oD id „t,ii,t ,1 in said onn .v. and a.i|uini,i4 lavU'.t 1,. Q 1) lir .ivn. I!. tVn.iry !i!„i utliois. 'lo ho su'd st!n, propet) ol ,»»,- osiaiie ot .Vania, I Digrhain decea-od, so the purpose of distri! u ifn. Terms Cash, J.'.MEs a Bli.ham Executor ofSamael Hioliam. Ocf.. 2d, 1871. v;t id. ADMINFSTRAROirS SALK. ItriLL BE SOLD at the Market. Hons* \ th“ town of T.ouisvillp .b ffer-ou Cos. 0111 the FIS k 1 UEoDAY in NO EMBER next within e usual h *nrs of sale, oj-e tract of and >n, wii as ihe Kub iii» place, comaiaing I6OH acres of lad more or less, adjoining lands of John W, Alexander, L. C. Warren, Mrs. Mar Lowery, W- . .* n( T .T n P.. der. Terms casli. L U VVARkEN, AdnTr on Eat.of Mrs SusmvA. R bb»t>s. Sept 2*2. 187 J. 2J t«'.s. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. EORGIA, JEFFERSO N COUNTY— W By virtue of au order from the court of Ordinary *f -aid conutv, will he sold at the Market hou-o. in the town of LonisviMc. in the FIRST 1 UE'DAY in NOVE VtßE.^nexf, within the usual hours of s tie, one halt interest in that trad or unreal of land situat and in said county, contaniog 1070) one thousand and sevent) acr.*s nmre or less, ad adjoining lends of A. J. Williams. Elizabeth Brown and others, to he sold a- the property of the estate of Eli 7\ Browu dottoased. for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of said deceased. Terms cash Purchaser eq bred to pay tor rbh s. BURWELL J. RROWN, Adm r Estatale of Eliza Bruw-iv Sept. 22, 1861. 2 V td . DR, F. H W. HUNTER Having resumedth.pmcCce,>rmed icine effi-rrt his Prefppsional services lo th-> citizens of Louisville and the immeJis e-vi— cwiiiy. Sept. 2!), 1871. 22 3m JVew Goods. \Y7"E HAVE RECEIVED the la-pcst pnr * v ’i"' l ■ f our FALL STOCK, and the rc. nisinder will b« on hand in a few days. We respecttu'ly so'i it an inspection of on. Goods by thfe | üblic, and feel confident that we wi!] be able to- pleas •. not only with ihe style of om goods but w ith the prices of them. Our Stock lias been selected with great care in the best marko’o; has hecv.bought FLOSE.and we ,-x peci tagive our patrons the benefit of our-caie- We call special attemion to our stock of which will be found more varied and Cheaper than any that has ev er been offered in this section since the war. OUR LINE OF Msasg saisg Cloths , Cmimers tM, I*., is- complete and cannot b.e surpass ed in this vicinity, all we ask is fbr you. to carl aivlt see for yourselves.. Notwithstaruling the great ad vance in cotton--and 1 cotton goods, we stiff continue to sell the best calicoe’s of which we-have a very large and beautiful assortment at the old price of X2J cents CASH. We also have on hand a good stock of HOSIERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, GROCERIES, &c.f which we offer as low at can be bought anywhere. Wilkins & Hopkins, Louisville, Ga. May 5, 1871, 1 Iy. . H. WATKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HoutsbfUe, <Ka. Will practice id th<* middle Special attention givrii to the Coll* ctiou of CL AIMS. 'cotton ginsT TIIE undersigned is Agent, for the Hall. Ham* mock. Prat and Brown Gins. All these are First Class Oitif, an*l those wishing to purchase will find it to their advantage to purchase through me. Guano for Turniis on hand. J. W. CAttsWELL, -dug. 18 1m Agt. No. II C. K. R. WILKINS & HAYLES, RETAIL DFALES IN Dry &rGQds* —A N D— 'T’-JLK&T Alll^ESj nf evi ry destrrij»ti->ll. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, € LOVES, W Isitc G©o pi & M3 of the most seasonable 3i >les always found on hand. In connection with our business we have a line assortment of Groceries* which we offer C-11-E A P for_ C-A-S-H WILKINS & HAYLES, Louisvilleo, Git. M««f-*P7it. i -ly mm mstf. SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS. OLD EYES MADE NEW. All diseases , ftlie Eye successfully treated by HALL’S NEW PATENT IVORY EVE CIIPS. Read for yourself"and restore yoirr sight. Spe-jiasl-s ond.Su-gical operations ruudi-red useless. Tint inestimable meaning of Sightis mail* perpetual by the use ot the new- PATEN 1’ IMPROVED IVOKY EVE CUPS. Many nf our most eminent physicians, oven lists students and divines have bad their sight permanently icscr-d for life, and cured ot the following diseases: I Impaired ; 2. Presbyopia, or Par Sigbted ness, o r dullness of visi ill, commonly called Uturing ; A. Asthenopia, or Weak Eyes ; 4JEp itdiorii. Running or Watery Eyes ; s,‘Sore Eyes special)’ treated with the Eye Cups—cure guar anteed : 0. Weakness of the Retina, or Optic Naive; 7 Ophthalmia,, or Inflammation of the lv.e and its appendages, or imperfect vjsiqn .from the effects of liillammatioii; 8. Photopho bia, or Intolerance of Light, 9. Over VVorktjd Eyes: 10. Mydesopia—moving specks or float iag bodies before the eyesj Amaurosis, or Ob seuiity of vision; 11. Cataracts, Pa.tial Blind ness I loss of sight. Any one can use the Ivory Eye Cups with out the aid of Doctor or Medicine, so as to re ceive immediate beneficial results and never wear spectacles; or, if using now, to lay them aside forever. \Ve guarantee a cure in every case where the directions are followed, or wo will, ufujid.the money, 2:11)9, CERTIFICATES OF CURE, From honest Farmers, Mechanics and Mer chant a , some of them the most eminent leading profassionahund business men and women qt education and refinement, in our country, may he seen at nnr office. Under dale of March 29. Hon, lioraqe Gree ley, oS the New Ydrk T'ibujie, writps; ‘J. Hall, of our city, is a conscientious and respon . sibie main who is iupapable of intentional de ception or imposition. Prof. W. hjerriek, of Lexington, Ky., wrote .April 24th, I8:9;i Without my Spectacles I pen you this note, after using the Pattent Ivory- Eye Cups thirteen days, and this morning jgj,- rused tire entire contents of a Daily Newspaper, and all with the un-Bsisted Eye- Truly am I gratefnl to your noble invention may Heaven Wess and preserve yon. I have been using spectacles, twenty years; lam seventy-one years old. Truly Yours, PROF. W. MERRICK. REV-. JOSEPH, SMITH,- Malden, Mass, mired of Partial Blindness, of 18 years’ stand ing. in one minute, by tlw Pattent Eye Caps, ii. C, ELLIS, late Mayor of Dayton, Ohio, wrote us Nov. loth ; 1 have tested the Patent Ivory Eve I'nps, and I sot s,tistied they are good lam pleased with them ; they are the greatest Invention of tire age. All persons wishing lor full particulars, cer tifica'es ofeure, pgices. i&c , will please send youruddre-ss to us. and we will send onr Trea tiseon the Eye, of forty-four pages, free, by re turn trail. Write to Dr. J. BALL & CO. P 0- Box, 957 No. 91 Liberty Street. New York. For tire worst cases of MYOPIA, or NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS, use uur New Pattent Myopic Attachments, applied to the IVORY EYE CUPS, has proved a pertain cure for this disease. Our agent S. Arrington, of Jefferson County Georgia, is authorised and empowered to at tend to all cases committed to his care, he is, and will be supplied with ail the means of re storing the sight. He can wait on persons at their own houses or at his owu residence. DR J. BALL, & CO. Liberty steet, NEW YORK. Jnly 21 1871 12 3m. TAX COLLECTOR’S JfOTICE, lain now ready lo collect Slate and County TAX for IS7I, Will re* main in Louisvill until the 2lst inst., and will ihen visit the Court Grounds at the time specified below : Farmers will please notify the Freedmen in their emplov that it is Tax* Paying time, Pott 'Fax to he Paid. FftXN’S BRIDGE, fs»h Di-t ict, 0. M-. MONDAY, October air.f. STAPLETON'S ACADEMY, Tflili •* “ TUESDAY, “ 24rh. STAPLETON’S STORE, “ “ ‘‘ WfeDNFSDAY, “ 251 h. HOWARD’S MILL, Bl*t “ “ THURSDAY, “ 2(>tli. POTE ItlLl, “ “ FRIDIY. <• 27th. JONPS STORE. 7*lb “ “ SATURDAY, «« 2*;h. LOUISVILLE, Pffiid « “ MONDAY, “ 30th. BARTOW, 85th “ “ TUESDAY, “ 3| s i. BETHANY, ?;lf<J - •« WEDNESDAY, November Ist. Wip remain in Louisville untill Decen her Ist, at which time I wil close- my Books and issue Execution* against all who tail to pay by that It A. GARVIN, T. C. Louisville Ga., October 13th, 1871. ANDES Insurance Company* cnvcisixATXs onto. Cash Capital s!,€>©(&,©oo - & HOPKINS, ACTS Louisville Drug Store, : 6—o: E. 11. W. HUNTER, M. D. Druggist & Apothecary. Successor to HUNTER,& CO. Keeps on hand a lull and well assorted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OH.*, VARNISIIE', DYE STUFFS, PERFUM ERY, SOAP*, COMBS. CRUSHES, TOIL ET ARTICLES, LVMH” CHIMNEYS* GARDEN SEEDoI alUinds; FINE CIGARS and CHEWING TOBACCO : WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY &c. &c. Which he offers to sell FOR CASH, as cheap as they can he bough', at roluil, in any tile Male. August 4, 187!. 1-1 ts. CAItIt 1A G E MANU FA G TOIt Y. TIIE UNDERSIGN!) takes pleasure in ii - tfhxinjr the citizens of and ad joining counties that he has* opened a A N Eh mm wimsMSMK., where work* of all deperiptione, both new and repairing, will be done wita neatmss and dis patch. HORSE SHOEING done in the neatest and most substantial manner, furnished at sort notice. G. H. HARRELL, Lpuisviile, Ga. daily 7, 187,1. 0 Gm. STELLAVILLE HIGH S CIIOOL. V. T. Sanford—Principal. The FALL* TEKM of this School will open on Monday, August 21st- Board can be obtained near the Academy on most rea onable terms* Au£. 11 ts TO GIN OWNERS. TIfE UNDERSIGNED ropair Gins at the Gin house on time. AGENTS. T. F. llarlow, Louisville, Ga.; E. O. Bostic, Wrighisville, Ga.; Wm. A. Simms. Doublin, Ga.; Suothern Recorder, Milledgeville, Ga ; Tho«. E. Dickens, Sparta, Ga.; T. N. Shurley, Warrenton, Ga. J. B. CARN, Louis vide. Ga. August 4,1871. 14 4m. Dentist, DR. C. R STEED,! formerly of Thomson Ga., offers his professional services to the citizens of Louisville and Jefferson county Office at Mrs. Dr. Miller's resideuee. A share of patronage solicited. September 22, 1671. 21 3m. JAS. a. T. AM.KX, WM. A. TOM Cl; IN , mmn ATTOItA’EYS AT LAW WRIGHTSVILLE, GA. All business entrusted io their care wi l meet with prompt, attention Particular attention given to the cell ctiou of claims, • July. 3, 1871. K) t " McGowan & Stratford, LOLTS'VILLE. GA. E|7AKE PLEA.*SL’RE IN INFORMING i . i 4 *"’ 1 / P :lIr " !:s public generally ’hat they have now on hand CHEAP FOR CASH, n large assortment of giPAgiLS AEJI S?ia3E3 Dry GootU* GROCERIES., CLOTHING. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, WOODWARE, BUCKET'S, TUBS, &c, Ac, Ac., Ac ANY and all of which will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. GIVE US A CALL. Mcgowan & stratford, Louisville, Ga. May 5 1870, , , 'V " CAUTt:R , H 0 CARTER, J T CASTER, Jr. W. W, Carter & Sons, COTTON FACTOES AIM) GLJfERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1A! byy savannah, laH STRliyr, GEORUIA. personal attention given to Orders, supplied with Bagging and Ties at Lowest Rates. Jufy 23rd J 871. 12 6 ra . May 5 1870, Copartnership Notice, M R , Tj ’ 9’ haying withdrawn . , from the MJercamile business iu Louis vifui. the undereigm-d have this day formed a wavV«. erß !f ip natne of Wll -KINB & ItAYLFIs, for tfie purpose of doing a General Business, keeping al all times a well SELECT ED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, they trust by close application te business to merit a liberal share of the patronage extended to the old firm. JOSEPH H. WILKINS, ROBERT A. HAYLES. CHARLES A. HAYLES. October 2nd 1871. 23 ts. Manufacturers Notice. The undersigned, inventor and sole proprie tor ot the celebrated HAM UNIVERSAL PLOVf, * Is desirous of granting ont Shop Righto for tlge same, to work on a moderate Royalty. The cheapness, lightness end durabi ity, of this plow, together with various other recommendations, make it one of the most saleable Agrionlturai implements now mannfaetnred. Manufactur ers i.,thD line of bnsinese, would do well to ad> dress me for particulars at an early day. JOHN D HAM, Lonbville, Ga. August 18, 1871. * HI