The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, November 10, 1871, Image 2

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1 " 1 - tta mb Iw, Louisville, Gra: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1871. The Comet! The Comet!! Already we see it gazetted that this empyrean Pashaw of the realms of Ju piter, is telegraphed to be approaching and sporting, ss usual, his one or more tails according the rank he holds. He is taking it as leisnrcly and with the same apparent sense of royal dig nity, as the Grand Duke Alexis—with this further coincideuce, that patience will be mauifested with the same confi dence aud hope iu the ultimate arrival of the one as it was for the other. A little delay with such ponderous bodies is not to be wondered at—and we trust no more serious disturbance will ever agitate the quiet relations that now ex ist and have heretofore prevailed be tween Russia and the great North Amer ican Republic —than is likely to origin ate from a collision of any of the Come tary bodies with old mother Earth. We judge it hardly possible for this erratic wanderer of the skies, to be fully visible to tbe naked oye, until some time next year, when according to our Horn-book lessons, wo should have not only one but two contemporaneously— both Enckc’s and Biela’s arriving at their peribelions iu May—provided they bavo encountered no stumbling blocks since tbeir last visits. Tbe first lias a periodic lapse of three years and four months or 1,212 days—tbe other six and three quarter years or 2,401 days. In tbe course of some half dozen revolutions these differences approximate very close ly, and then are again thrown wide asunder. Which of tbo two has been already detected by tbo telescope we have not seen stated, but like old Joint Robinson’B show, the twain will be up to time. FROM ATLANTA Wc copy from tbe Macon Telegraph tbe following dispatch from their corres pondent at Atlanta, relativo to tbo or ganization of the Legislature, &c. Atlanta, Nov. I.—The Senate met at 10 a. in., and proceeded with organi zation. The Senators elect from the additional districts were sworn in by Judge Parrot. Tbe Democratic caucus nominations of Tuesday night were all elected. President, L. N. Trammel; Secretary, T. W. J. Hill; Messenger, A. Cameron; Doorkeeper, G, W. An derson. The President was conducted to tbe chair by Senators Welch, Hinton and Reese. He acknowledged the man ifestation of the confidence of the body in bis selection,-and pledged a faithful discharge of bis duties, invoking chari ly aud forbearance, and hoping tbeir convocation would redound to tbe good of the State. B. B. Hinton was elected President pro tcm. The Senate then adjourned to 10 a. m. o-morrow. House. —The Democratic members met in caucus iu the Representative Hall at 9 a. tn. to uominate candidates for Speakor and Clerk. For Speaker, J. M. Smith, of Muscogee, received G 8 votes; J. B. Gumming, of Richmond, H 7. For Clerk, J. D. Waddell received 73; C. W. Stiles, 43 ; J. W. Dodd, 10. The House was called to order at 10 o’clock a. m. for organization. The oath to tbo members was administered by Judge Harrell. Tbe body then pro ceeded to the election of Speaker. On tbe first ballot Smith received 121 votes ; Joel R. Griffin, (Radical) 21. The Speaker elect was conducted to tbe chair by Messrs. McMillan, Cam ming, and Griffin. He btiefly thanked them for tbe confidence reposed, and counseled forbearance, wisdom, justice and moderation. In the election for Clerk, J. D. Wad dell received 131 votes, and J. R. W. Johnson (Rad.) 22, Waddell was qual ified. L. Carrington was appointed as sistant clerk. A message from tbe Executive De partment iu regard to tbe Bibb county contested election was received and re ferred to a special committee. Dnnlap Scott introduced resolutions to tbo effect that tbe charges of Bullock, as the reason for bis resignation, against tbe General Assembly and people of Georgia, are grossly defamatory and ut terly false ; also, declaring a vacancy in tbe office of Governor, and that it is the opioniou of the General Assembly that President Trammel is entitled to exer cise tbe executive power during tbe va cancy, aud providing for a joint com mittee of one from the Senate and two from tbe House, to wait upon Conley to communicate this report and his reply, Tbe House adjourned to 10 a. m. to morrow. The impression is general that Bui lock will not return. His piano and carriage is at the depot for shipment but they have been attached for debt. The movables of H. I. Kimball have been levied on. There will be a caucus of the Demo crat* to-night. There is nothing cer tainly indicating the future policy oi the Legwietare, bat the general idea is that an election bill will be passed ordering election for Governor in thirty days. The propriety of nominating a candi date by the Democratic members of the Legislature is under consideration. The lladicals profess astonishment at Jtollock's course. Thursday, Nov. 2.—Tbo Senate met at 10 a. id. end adjourned, without transacting any important business, till 8 p - *"•„ 3 J Tbe House met at JO a. m. Jesse Oslin was elected messenger, and Jf. jf. Bonn, of Gwinnett, doorkeeper, AsH olution was adopted to communicate to tbe Senate that the House is ready for business. Several bills wetc read the first time. Mr. Long, of Lincoln, introduced a bill to alter the law relative to tluf inter est on mouey and evidences of debt to seven per cent., whero the rnie9 are not specified, and not to exceed 20 paseawfa when specified. Mr. Simmons, of Gwinnett, introdu ced a bill making it a penal offence for a laborer to abandon bis employer with out fulfillment cf contract. Tbe House then adjourned. Senate, p. m.— Several bills were read the first time. Mr. Brown introduced a bill to re peal tbe usury laws, and fix tbe rate of interest where it is not fixed by tbe par ties. Mr. Candler introduced a bill to ap point a committee to investigate the offi cial conduct of Bullock and other pub lic officers. Mr. Hillyer introduced a bill to pro vide a remedy for tbo recovery of prop erly stolen from tbe State road. Later.—A caucus of both Houses adopted resolutions acknowledging tbo authority of Conley, and providing for an election for Governor. Friday, Nov. 3.—The Senate met at 10 a. in. A message was received from tbo House reporting its organization. Tho standing committees were annonne ed. A resolution was adopted appointing a joint committee to notify Conley of tbe organization of both Houses aud tbeir readiness to receive communications from him. The committee on privileges aud elec lions was directed to itiquiro and report the right of Win. Henry, of tbe forty fifth district, and Crayton, of tbe twelfth district, to occupy scats as Senators. Mr. Ilillyer presented a memorial asking aid from the United States in connecting tbe Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean, by cutting canals across the State, and a resolution re questing our Representatives in Con gress to use every exertion to secure tbe aid sought. A bill was road the first time to fix the pay of officers and members of the Legislature—fixing the pay of members at $240 per annum each, and the offi cers at 8320, and allowing twelve clerks each to the Secretary of (lie Senate and Clerk of the House. A bill was introduced to repeal the act to extend a lien as a sot off and econpment (?) of all debts contracted before June, 1865, and forbid collecting tho same until all legal taxes are paid. Adjourned till 3 o’clock p. m. The House met at 10 a. in. A mes sage was received from tho Senate re porting its organization. The motion of Mr. Riley, granting leave of absence to Page, colored, from Lee county, yes terday, was reconsidered, and a commit tee appointed to inquire and report tlic cause of bis absence. Page feigned sickness. Officers of the law are on his track. He has not been in his seat since lie he was sworn in. Mr. Hoge introduced a resolution to appoint a joint committeo of two from the Senate and three from the House, to inform Conley of the organization of the Legislature and tbeir readiness to re ceive communications from him. A sub stitute was offered by Gumming, that it is tbe opinion of the General Assembly that Trammell is entitled, under the Constitution, to exercise the Executive powers until provision is made by law and an election is held to fill tbe uuex pired term of Bullock. A message was received from the Senate, identical with the resolution of Hoge. Undet a call ♦or the previous question, Cumming’s substitute was taken up and tbo yoas and nays called for. The substitute was lost —yeas 41, nays 115. Demonstrations were rnado in tbo gallery, but were sup pressed by tbe Speaker. The original resolution was then adopted. A call for tho yeas and nays was lost. Mr. Hall introduced a bill to provide, uuder tbe Constitution, for an election of Governor to fill the unexpired term of Bullock, It was lead tbe first time. Mr. Jackßon introduced resolutions pronouncing Bullock’s charges against tbe General Assembly and people of Georgia as grossly defamatory and ut terly false, and asserting as poacable a disposition on tbo part of tbe people of tbe State now as heretofore. Adopted. Yoas, 132 ; nays, 24. Those voting in the negative are : Allred, Atkinson, Blue, Bruton of Decatur, Bunn, Camp bell, Clower, Colby, Davis of Clark, Dukes, Floyd,'Griffin of Houston, Hill yer, Joiner, Lewis, Oliver, O’Neal, Or mond, Putney, Richardson, Simmons of Houston, Smith of Coweta, anil Wil liams. Tbe rule was suspended aud the Speaker voted yea. Mr. Scott introduced a bill to appoint a commission of three to investigate tbe alleged malfeasance of tbe Governor and other public officors. It- was read the first timo adjourned. Saturday, Nov. 4.—Tbe Seuate met at 10 a. m. A message wa3 received from Conley. Wellborn introduced a resolution ex tending the time for the collection of the Sta'c taxes sixty days. Tho following bills were read the first time : Hinton’s bill to repeal an act to incorporate the Newnan and Ameri cus Railroad ; Poddy’s bill to amend an act to incorporate tbe North and South Railroad; Leslie’s bill to regulate the letting out of public printing to tbe low est bidder ; also n bill to amend an act to alter section 741 of tho code ; Lewis’ bill to require Ordinaries issuing orders on County Treasurers to specify tho items. It was ordered to be printed. Reese’s bill to execute the 15tb section, article Ist, of tbe Constitution, making owners of property which is subject to mechanics, or other lien, who fail to transfer said property, and who fail to satisly tbe lien, guilty of a misdemean or ; also a bill to alter the punishment prescribed in various soctions of the code from 4,176 to 4,502 Adjourned to Monday, 10 a. m. Tbo House mat at 10 a. m. Ham- mond, of Butts, corrected his vote on Cummiug’s substitute passed yesterday to i»f. Kelly, of m, was sworn in. wss suspended tod a bill cbfingiqg th* mode «f the Atlanta mu nicipaltlcctlon was road the third time and parsed and sent to the Senate. McMillan, of tho committee to inves tignte the cause of the abseuce of Page, of Lee, reported against granting leave of absence. Page is charged with mur der and the Sheriff of Sumter county is of him. The report was adopted. Alfi. Qhoirmau of the commit tee to prepare rules for tbe government of tbe House, reported amendments to tbe old .rales and recommending tbe adoption of Jefferson’s Manuel. Mr. Scott, of Floyd, moved as an amend ment tbe adoption of Cushing’s Manual. Mr. Snead urged that it was unnecessa ry to go to Massachusetts for a Manual, when Jefferson’s had been tbe guiding light of every Legislature of Georgia for fifty years past. Mr. Scott withdrew his amendment, when it was renewed by Mr. Hudson, of Schley, and lost. The rules as reported were adopted as a whole. Mr. McMillan, Chairman of the com mittee on the Bibb county contested election, reported in favor of A. O. Ba con, 0. A. Nutting and J. B. Ross, Democrats, aud' urged immediate action by the House seating them. Mr. Rawls, of Effingham, and Mr. Smith, oi Echols, favored a postponement, makiDg it the special order for Monday. Mr. Snead strongly urged tbe right of Bibb’s repre sentation on tbe floor and called for the provious question. The amendment of Mr. Smith to mako it the special order for Monday was lost and the report adopted. Tbe members elect fromßibb were called to tbo desk and qualified and took their seats. On motion oi Mr. Smith, of Echols, tbo message from Conley, so-called Gov ernor, was read and the various sub jects referred to committees. The lengthy document esebows politics, though claiming to be an unyielding Re publican. lie favors the inauguration of tbe common school system, opposing mixed schools as detrimental to tbe in terest of both races. He recommends an agricultural college and tbe commit ment of the Congressional laudscript to tbo custody of the State Agricultural So ciety. Also, an endowment of the State University and an enlargement of its departments. Favors an appropriation to tbe Freedman’s College in Atlanta. Recommends a close investigation of tbe State expenditures in the past, and de clares he will not sanction legislation in volving extravagant expenditures; and urges full execution of tbe laws, etc. The remainder of tbe session was de voted to tbe reading of bills under the call of counties. Among a multitude read tbe first time were : By PayDC, of Catoosa—a bill fixing tbe compensation of officers and members of tho General Assembly at $6 per diem, with ten cents mileage. By Richards, of Cherokee—a bill for tbe same purpose, giving mem bers $5 per diem aud $5 lor every 20 miles coming to aud going from the General Assembly ; tbo President and Speaker 89 per diem and tho same mileage. By Larkin, of Columbus—a bill to restore tbe powers of Magistrates and Notaries Public in the nineteenth district as before the passage of tbe Dis trict Court Act. By Stovall, of Colum» bia—a bill to change tbe time of meeting of tbe Superior Court of Columbia and McDuffie counties. By Woodward, ol Dooly—a bill to repeal District Court act. By Rawls of Effingham—a bill to create the office of County Commission ers in each county, to take charge of the roads and exorcise the powers formerly exercised by tbe Inferior Court; also a bill to amend tbe road laws of the State, empowering the commissioners to com pel defaulters to perform their duty un der guard. By Jackson of Fulton—a bill to exempt firemen from State jury duty ; for engine companies, sixty men ; hose companies, forty men. By Brad ley—a bill repealing tbe act changing Glasscock of the Northern to the Mid dle Circuit. By Simmons of Gwinnett— a bill securing tbo rights of all persons in tbe State. It is substantially tic same as tbe CongressionalKu-Klux bill. It was ordered printed. It is said that Cook, Kimball’s broth er-in-law, will leave to-night to complete tbe negotiation of tbe Brnnswick and Albany Railroad first mortgage bonds for State aid bonds. Gov. Bullock on iiis Travels. —A Washington dispatch to tbe Now York Sun, dated October 30th, says: “Before proceeding to New York, Gov. Bullock tarried in this city long enough to inti mate to a distinguised Pennsylvania Senator that he teas about to wash his hands of Georgia foi ever. In the course of this conversation, Bullock said he bad resigned the Governorship of Geor gia and placed tho same in the bands of the President of the State Senate. Ac cording to the very recent Georgia ad vices, the Governor has not taken this step unadvisedly. The Legislature there is already preparing to impeach him, aud tbe Attorney General has been in structed to institute criminal prosecutions against both Bullock and Kimball for coining large amounts of State bonds without authority of law. The connec tion of this official with tho late sale of tbe State railroad was also being made tbe subject of investigation. In consid eration of this state of affairs, it is said tbe cx-Governor is but exorcising a ne cessary caution in peremptorily resign ing bis high office. ° Baltimore, Nov. 2.—A Mass Meet ing of tbe Democratic Conservative par ty of this city was bold to-night in Mon ument Square, to protest against tbe proceedings in South Carolina, under tbe suspension of tbe writ of habeas cor pus, or, as the call for tbo meeting states, “a grand opening to protest against the war now being waged against liberty and law.” Tbe clubs of the various wards, twenty in number, paraded the streets with torchlights, trausparenoies and bands of music. lion. Reveidy Johnson presided at tbo meeting. Resolutions were passed, and address es delivered by Hon. Rcverdy Johnson, Hon. Wm. Pinkney Whyte, Hon. Joshua Vansant, Mayor elect, aud others. Tbe number present is estimated at from 8,000 to 10,000, f- ■'•AAV.TA- Novelties ! GEORGE WEBER TTAS jest returned from the North with an XX elegant assortment of FALL .and WIN TER DRY GOODS. To meet the wants of a constantly increasing patronage, I have remodeled the interior of the spacious establishment Na 176 Broad Street, . Opposite Augastatlio H tet,. making it one of the finest Sterol in the eRy. I have also engaged the services of a num ber of polite and efficient salesmen, who will be happy to serve their numerous friends in this community. bargains at Tie Bee Hive Store. Oct. 6, 23 ly “savaTah Machienry Depot, 8. W. OLE ASOn, • Proprietor. Iron Foundry and Machine Works, St. JULIAN ST., near the New Market, has always on hand a Urge stock of tho Best ®XJ <3- JL as. - A aa* *, Steam Engines, STATIONARY and PORTABLE. Address. S. W. GLEASON, August 18,3 m n Savaanah, Qa. Red Rost Proof Oats AT Mark W. Johnson’s OPPOSITE Cotton Worehonw, on Broad Street.' ALSO; 300 Bush. Selected Seed Barley, 250 Bush. Seed Rye to arrive, 500 Bush. Seed Wheat, 210 Bush Red Clover, 215 Bush. Red Top or Herds Grass, 224 Bush. Orchard Grass, 100 Bush. Tall Meadow Oat Grass to arrive, 175 Bush. Blue Grass, and all other useful Grasses, &.c. 500 Cwt. Fresh Turnip Seed.s ALSO: 100 Tons Sea Fowl Etiwan and olher Guano, for Wheat, etc. ALSO: 500 Dixie Plows and other Plows, from $3 50 to $5 50, cheaper than home made “Scooters.” ALSO: The Keller Patent Grain Drill, for sowing Wheat, etc. ALSO: Everything else needed i n't he Agri cultural line, send for prices. Mark W. Johnson, P. O. Box 230, Atlanta, Ga. Flour! Flour WEEKLY from SELECTED WHEAT, from one of the best Mills in tbe United States, which we unhesitatingly pronounce as good as any oyer made into a biscuit. This Flour is put up to please the mo,t fas tidious Epicurian taste. Canuotbe sold for less than sll per barrel. Other Brands of good FAMILY FLOUR at $9 per barrel. Floor of lower grades at lower figures. All within reach will find it to their! interest to buy their floor from us. Try it. M. A. EVANS & CO- Bartow, September 8, 19tfn C' ,, , l . . ul. COOKING STOVE is indespensable in a well regulated and eco nomical family. Therefore do not delay in getting one ; bnt go directly to D L. FULLERTON aud buy either tbe “PHILANTHROPIST,” “CHIEF COOK,” o r “COTTON PLANT.” „ D. L. FULLERTON, Store and T Ware De. r neat Jae. T. Bdl. wet Oct. 6, 23 Iy n Wholesale Drug House. il^fffiGiiiiiiir^ulnifT'Hlliillliiiillfillilllillib'iiilliiiilililu'ililimill^ ALSO Warranted Fresh and Genuine GARDEN, AND GRASS SEERS, FISHING TACKLE, AC,, AC. PLUMB &LEITNER, Augusta, Ga. noct. 101871. mm Opposite. Depot, MACON GA. W.F.fftOWK&CS., Prop’is (Suoceseoif to MO. W, * *G#o. 0. Schedule of the Georgia Railroad SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, 1 Georgia akd M. & A. Railroad Compart, > ON and afteMsSfNDAYTynnef "luSf 187f. the Passenger .Trains will ran as fol lows; DAY PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY, (SVRDAT EXCEPTED.) Leave Augusta at...... .... ....8.00 A. M. “ Atlanta at 7.10 A.M. Arrive at Augu5ta............5.40 P. M. “ at Atlanta ...6.23 P.M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augfistaat...... ...../..8.10 P. M. ** Atlanta at 5.15 P. M. Arrive at Augusta..... ...2.45 A. M. • Atlanta..... 6 41A.M. Both Day and Night Passenger Trains will makeolfse connections at Angusta and Atlan ta with Passenger Train of Connecting Roads. Passengers from Atlanta*Athens, -Washing ton, and Stations on Georgia Railroad, by ta king the Down Day Passenger Train will mako close connection at Camak with the Ma con Passenger Train, and reach Macon the same day at 7-10, p, m. new; advertisements. Q. H. REMSHART, DEALER IN DOORS, SASHES, SiJNDS, MOILDINOS, Nfiwmi POSTS, BTC., Nos. 182 and 184, north side Bay st., foot of Barnard, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Selling as reasonable as any honse South. Satisfaction guaranteed, r Nov. 7. 44 3m n4, 27 3m J. T. HOLMES OF JEFFERSON COUNTY WITH X> . COHEN, Wholesale AND Retail Reuters IN Boots Shoes, No 182£ Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WE OFFER to the fall trade of 1871, the largest, best and cheapest Stock of BOOTS c*> SHOES ever brought to Augusta. Our styles and qualities are too numerous to detail. Au inspection will reveal the iact that in our Stock can bo found something to suit one and all, from the humblest to the most fastidious. A neat 6t guar nteed, and all goods WARRANTED as rep resented. We call especial attention to our tremendous stock of MILES and DUDLEY’S hand made goods for both Ladies and Gentlemen ; these goods are superior to all other goods, both in style, wear and comfort, and will be sold at the lowest living prices. A full stock of obbing goods always on hand. Oct. 6, 23tfn DEWITT & MORGAN, 139 Congress Street SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. HAVE now in store a large'Stock of F ALL’iN-D WINTER DRY GOODS; ENGLISH, FRENCH —A ND American Dress Goods. BLK. and FANCY SILKS and POPLINS ;J SHAWLS, SACQUES and CLOAKS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and JEANS ; MOURNING GOODS in every VARIETY ; BARGAINS in L. C. H’k’fs and HUCK TOWELING ; . full lines of HOSIERY and WHITE GOODS ; BLANKETS, KERSEY and FLANNELS, GEORGIA DOMESTICS &c. at 138 Congress Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Agust 186 m n Clothing/ Clothing! NEW PALL STOCK. SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS TO CUSTOMERS. Nathan Simon, Broad Street AUGUSTA, GEORGIA., H AVE received and on exhibition in store, a very large and complete assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, all Grades andJPrices, for Mens, Boys and Youth’s Late Styles of Bows and Ties. Also, Scarfs, Cloaks, Shawls &a., &c.,iu great variety and at prices tosuit the times. My motto is to please and to secure regular and permanent patrons, by giving good bargains. Oct 27, n26 3m Nov. 4p 95 NATHAN SIMON. 8. 8. MILLER, —DEALER IN — Mahogany, Walnut, and Pine FURNITURE, French' and Cottage Chamber Sets and Looking Classes Mattresses made to Order. 16 kVS Weed & Cornwell. i SAVANNAH, GA. oct. 9 r * n 3m JOHN VOGT & CO., IMPORTERS OF French China, Belgian and Bohemian Glassware, Lava ware SB <SC 87 PARK PLACE, Between Chnrch St. & College Place, NEW YORK. 454 Rae de Paradis Poissonniere, PARIS. 6 Cours Jourdan, Limoges, FRANCE. Neaerwall, HAM BURG. June 4,1871, 5 73 22 6m W. Duncan. J.H Johnston. M. Maclean. DUNCAN & JOHNSTON, g I Gotton Factors AND General Commission ‘Merchants, US Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. We are prepared to make the Usual advance on Gotton. oct. 9 r&n 4m. J. M. Dye, ’ J. T. BothweU, J. M. Dye, Jr. DYE, BOTHWELL & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NO. 143 REYNOLDS ST., AUGUSTA, - - - GEORGIA. LIBERAL advances made on cotton and other produce when required. Order j for Bagging, Ties and family supplies prompt ly filled. Ail business entrusted to us will have I onr prompt personal attention. Commission for selling Cotton, li per cent. Sep. 23 89 6m L J j°”guTlh artiTaca COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Agents for Bradley’s Super Phosphate of Lime, Jewell’s Mills Yarns, Domestics, Ac. Bagging, and Iron Ties, always on hand- Usual Facilities Extended to Custo meus. August 15,3 m r 18 4m, n Agents Wanted IN Middle and Southwestern Georgia for Mortimer’s “Acme Linen Marker,’’ and 4 Card Printer, a neat and ingenious little instrument for'marking all articles 6fwearing app’nrel, andJorthe printing of Business Cards and Envelopes neatly and qnicklv. Liberal terms given to good canvassers. No humbug. Ad dress with stamp, H. W. J. HAM. General Agent, Louisville, Ga. n May 19, 1871, 3 ts. LAWTON, HART & CO. FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, U sual advances made on Cotton in Store. oct. y r an 4m Wm. H. Tison. W«. W. Gordon. TISON & GORDON, (established, 1854.) COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, 112 BAY STREET SAVANNAH , GA. Bagging and iron ties advan CED on Crops. Liberal Cash Advances made on ment of Cotton. Careful attention to all busi ness, and prompt returns Guaranteed, oct. 9r an 4m. NEW FALL DRY 0-00 IDS!. H.L.A.BALK, WHOLESALE AND Hetaill Dealer 1 N DRY 0-0 ODtS, 172 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. I am opening now a carefully selected stock of: One yard wide English Prints ; American Prints for Dresses, Shirts, Curtains k and Quilts ; Black Al paca of the best makes ; Black French Silk; English, French and American Dress Goods ; Opera Flannels ; Jeans and Cassimers for Gents and Boys’ wear. White and colored Cotton Flannel. AU Wool Plain and Twilled Flannel in red, white, gray and blue ; White and colored Blankets,Quilts, Shawls and Cloaks. Table Damask, Towels, Napkins, Ribbons,Trimmings,Buttons,Gloves Stockings, and Socks ; Linen Cam bric Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas. O?' Plaid and Striped Homespuns Woolens, Brown sheetings, Shirt ings, Osnaburgs, and drilling, I sell at factory Prices. Also the besl makes of Corsets, Hoopskirts and undergarments, Shirts and Collars, Knitted Woolen Shawls and Hoods, ft?" An experience of thirty years justifies me to assert that, I can buy as cheap as any one ; as I buy only for cash, ft?” I can sell as low as any one, as I sell only for cash. In my establishment, every arti cle is marked with the lowest price there on, and no one in my establishment is allowed to ask more—this in sures JUSTICE to ALL CUSTOMERS, be cause all can buy my goods at the very lowest marked price. Cy" My assortment is most complete in all the departments. Those at a distance who wish to avail themselves of all these advantages, but having no time to come themselves, can send an order and ’SAVE BESIDES the TIME, EXPENSES and FARE. An EXTRA DISCOUNT of FIVE PER CENT ! ! on all orders OFF from the price every one pays; in order to REDUCE their freight expenses on same. I guarantee satisfaction and should any articlo not come up to expectation, it can be returned and the money will be refunded ; they need not send the mony with the order, as it can be col lected on delivery. GP Cut this advertisement out and bo snre to give me a call; or in sending an order address, H. L. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. October 6, 23 ly p n W. C. HEWITT & CO, 282 BROAD STRERT, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Liquors, Brandies, Wines, Gins, Rums, Whiskeys, Bitters, Porters, Ales, Etc,, Etc*, OF ALL GRADES. Tobaoco and Cigars of Fv ery Variety. Sep, 23, 89 3m p n 6 m PULASKI HOUS£ Savannah, Ga. W. H. WIIiTBERfIEB, Fwprietw,