The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, November 17, 1871, Image 3

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NEWS & FARMER. LOCAL: .w/.: v-i . ■■ a FBI DAT NOVEMBER 17. 1871. CLUB BATES. Tor the benefit of those wishing to tret np club* for theNxw* A Farmer, we offer the fallowing inducements: Five copies one yesr. $lO Ten “ “ ' “ fid. The money always to accompany the order. To those wishing premiums for clubs, we moke the following offer: For five subscribers at s‘2 SO ouch, we wiil give Demoral t Lain Magazine, one yesr ; or ’’eiersons Ladies Magazine, one year, tor Subscribers, si $2 50 each: or, we will give for twenty subscribers, at $2.50 each, Web ster's, nets edition. Unabridged Dictionary, the regular price of which is »12 Parties gettiug up clubs, will please send in the names as fast as they gel them. Those who have sent in clubs of live and upwards, can forward subscribers at two dollars etch. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!' The undersigned has just rcceied large ad ditions to their Stock—it is now complete. Come and see ns and we will satisfy you, that no boose in the State undersells ns. This is no place to enumerate prices. The counter is the place to price goods. In a word, call on us, and we will prove by occular demonstration that what we say we do. McGOYVAN A STRATFORD. ro.vfgu Tar un ra.tjr i*. In our last weeks issue, we pupiisbed a notice ol this concert, in which, Unfortunately, there cccured this error. The price of admission was published at 25 cents, it should have been 50 cents for grown persons, and 25 cents for children. W e are pleased to I srn that the committee have secured the services of Prof. Stanford of Sparta, Ga„ to aid them. We think with this truly valuable acquisition, it will bn well worth the moiiey. Don’t fail to go- JiOBB ,VA II*€>OOOS Our very clever„pulite and fair dealing mer chanta McGowan A Stratford, have just re cieved anew Stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, and invite the public to give them a call, and examine their stock which is large and varied. They are selling amazingly cheap, and yon would do well to call soon and gßt the first choice. It is our pleasure to call special alttnlkui totheir business, and when you visit Louisville, be sure and call on Mc- Gowan A Stratford, where you will meet with cardial greeting, clever geutlemen and get good bargains. Read their abrertisement in this issue. avM srpsAins rsrjrr Opened here on Imt Monday, his honor Judge Twiggs presiding. D. J. Alexander Esqr., was appointed Solicitor Protem, The civil Do cket was goneft hrotigh with rapidly up to Wednesday noon, when the Equity Dock et was taken np and two Divorce cases heard' aud Divorces granted;by two Juries unanimous ly in both cases. The criminal Deck*! was then takennrp, several true Rills having been found by the Grand Jury, only one or two cases have been tried up to present writing. One felony case only on the Docket. Lewis Mask, Col’d, charged gith assault and battery with intent to murder, was anainged, plead Guilty and was sentenced to 8 years in the Peniten tiary. For Grand Jury Presentments, see another column. Court adjourned last night wjm r.ii jtccMMtmjrn. On last Sat urday, about 4 u’clo ck, our, citi *ens werentawtlcd by the report that Mr. Ali ks Tarver, had been nm.over In the street, by his wagon, and killed. Upou inquiry, we loam the follow ing particulars of the accident On the forenoon of that day, Mr. T- had brought in a load oiMumber and after unload ing his wagon, had it teloaded with cotton and started to the di.ii tyßoad ; having no frame on bis wagon, such as is used (or hauling cotton on, he substituted scantling, which being elas tic, caused the load to spring and rock on un even ground, so much so, that Mr. Tarver, -who was sitting on the front bate of cotton, was thrown off and the hind wheel of his wag on passed over his body, producing such Seri cus usuries that be died in about tea minutes --he spoke only twice after his fall. What the naturejof his injuries were, is net kown. as nolnqnest or Dost Mortem examination was had; though it was the opinion of the Physi cians who saw him, that some vital organ was torn; the wheel passing o*er his abdomen. He was about €0 years of age and leaves a wifa and s«vao or-eight children, (five of them small,) and a la-ge -circle of relatives and friends to moora his sudden .death. He was a man of a large and ."generous heart; honest and iudustrious, and cfkind.and social hab ifsltWe tender lira bereaved family our warm est sympathies. His death "peiu's a moral,’’ which, we trust, will not be ontiiely Unheeded, “touch not the, wine -cap.” moantt or *»rf^rrar. The members ol the Board ol'Ed ucation are ordered to meed at the Court House on Tuesday the 12ih day of December next. All teach ers and others havmg claims, and other persons having business ol any character, with the Board, are notified to present the same on that day. JAMES G. CAIN, President of the Board. Louisv,lle, Ga., Nov. 17, 1871. Bryant and Mclntosh.— The card of this well known firm of Sa vannah, will be found in another col umn calling attention to the advan tages offered in the consignment bu siness. They have extensive repu tation for faiT dealing and unsurpa-»s ed facilities for transacting business, and offer inducements to the plan-; lers of this a-nd surrounding counties worthy of their notice. rvmieie JMMBTijro. We give beiow the proceeding . of a large meeting, held at the Conn House on Wednesday lasi. VV ; were present at this meeting and were much pleased with the «inirc proceedings. The good men, ihe staunch true men of the county were present and gave free and open expression to their opinions. The resolutions as published, were unarii fn usly adopted, and seemed to meet toe views of all present- We are g ad to see such decided and unani tn ms act! >n taken. Thonghtlcss, isn >rud nt, rash men, have too long hie i-a'lowoi to exercise a baleful. influence over thU county. During ihi* partial reign of mob law, the material interests of the county have suffered ; labor has been demoraliz ed ; the timid have been frightened away; the value of property has been lessened, and ibe whole ma chinery of the law been clogged, and rendered almost of'no avail.— We now look for bellcr times. The good, the true, the interested, ihe in fluon ial men of the county have taken the matter in hand and we have every confidence that their ef forts will avail much towards sup pressing all lawlessness, and reas suring the desponding and timid.— If ihe object for which the meeting was called together, is fully carried oul, nine'll good will result Iron it. As n people and as a Slate we are passing through a crisis. We are again, either on the high road to prosperity aud good government, or wiil be iii a short tune, srn led on the rock of turmoil and conlusi >n, from which only years can extricate us. The white men of Georgia have just gotten back the poli ical rights, of which they have so long been de prived. Ol course the Radicals are chagrined and will make every effort to regain lie lost ground; already are they ringing the charges against ns that we have used force, and threats, and done lawless acts, to regain our old ascendency. 'I heir papers teem with charges and ac counts ol lawless acts and midnight cruellies, perpewated by men in our interests. They leave no stone un turned to make these assertions good. Shall we by our acts assi.M them in beeping up evidence again<l us, or ought we not, ns the meeting on Wednesday did; disown and de uounce every violation oj law. li is time, full lime, lor the thinking, prudent men of the country, to conn out and influence and direct and control tfie sentiments of their re spective sections of country. R tsii men, thoughtless inen, must now have no voice in our deliberations. They have already had their day, and the whole Slate is now in trepi dation, fearing that what has already been, done, will bring about an end less train of evils. The feelings nt good men everywhere have been aroused, and the determination is widespread, that lawlessness of ALL KINDS SHALL CEASE. ll this determination does not come too late, we have everything to hope for A Democratic Legislature, an hon est Governor, good men in office ; what more can we ask for? Why should there he now discontent and dissatisfaction, and a disposition to disregard all the wholesome re straints of society ? Surely if aiy turbulent spirits make any further demonstrations, the eyes of all good men should be upon them, and the Officers of die law should be vigi lant in their speedy arrests, . A whole community should not be held responsible and made to suff- r for the ill advised doings ol a lew. We are confident that Jifferson county is now all right, and that site will soon regain her lost position.— It martial law is not declared, we confidently look forward to a pea ceable and prosperous future. PROCEEDINGS. A cal! having been made, a large number of the c tizens of Jefferson county assembl' and at the Court House in Louisville to-day. W. 8. Alexander Esqr in the chair, and Capt. J (I. Polhill Secretary. The chairman explained the object of the meeting, to take into consul-1 eration all violations of law, to confer together as t<» be*t d* by which peace and good order might be maintained in the county, and to de* vise mean* by which the law ®: ight ha RB,ist*'d iu bringing to pruniahmeut all disturbers of the public fcranquiUy. After a few remarks from General Caiswell and Capt. McCroan approving the object of lit. call and exhorting the penp'e to lake a decided stand and adopt prom) t meas ures. J. H. Wilkins introduced the following reso lutions, which after a cordial and hearty ap proval by va-iou* p-omimn speakers from dif ferent sectioni of ti.e coun.;, were unanimously adopted. We the pe rp'e of Jeffers >n county in mass mee iugesaembled, are pain 'd and mortified to bear the frequent changes of lawlessness tbas aro made aga n-t ns, and that our sins should in any Way upon the whole stale. In times past we know that Jeff rson county filled no meager position in the roll of counties In tha formn, on the bench, in the J,egis Stive Halls, in Congress, in the Gnbanatori.l chair, her sons nobly represented her interests ami did houor to their high positions. All ovet her domain is her soil hollowed as-tlie birth place and bur al ground of men whose reputations are uationa', and whose names make up whole p*e ge.s of history We are proud of litis reputation# aud would be bnt degenerate offspring of the»ei: illustrious sires, if instead of perpetuating theJP glory, we would dishouor llteir legacies and prove recreant to our trust. We are deterihinod 'hat JrffeTson shaH not descend iu tho scale ol counties. Her name Shall nelonger be banded about ns containing and nurturing within her limi's men who defy all laws and engage in midnight aot, which not only sally their own credit, but which if persisted in will bringdown wholesale discredit and ruin upon this whole section. We therefore in./this pulic meeting, openly, avowedly and unreservedly condemn and den nuec all sueh acts and pledge ovrselves to come together as one man, aud for the future to see to it that violence cea-e, aud that tlie i ttW shall be sup-emo. If there now be any bad or thoughtless men among us who wi4i so far forget their manhood and llteir obligations to society as to engage in acts contrary to the lavs of the In vesto leave no efforts To yiiligg such offenders to ctradigu m i spot dy punish ment. The waves ol strife, and b'vk-.-iings anti uncertainty, and undefined appieHen-ions must, tie t'Him'-d. We will nraiioatri order, YVe romis? protection to th« weak'.and justice to ail We love our country and s'iil T.-el proud of .mr st te and as ni"n we proclaim that v.e can <T v-rn ourselves, v. t can make good laws, ipig, w will see to it that those jiws s£« recocted? end .till 'feed General Carswell then fluted that there was allot -er mutter which he desired to bring before | tha tneeing, which the foregoing resolutions' would explain. Whereas there is a bill pending before the, Legislature of the Slate to creato anew county from !5o county -of Jeff-Tson, which if passed I w -old he productive of no good and would work I much injury to-thepeopleiat large. Therefore bod -i Resolved, that we the eiriceus of Jefferson* comity now in-public meeting assembled, re spectfully protest against the paaaage of the Bill' to create anew county from the county of Jes .lersOD, by the Legislature, because ‘n« possible benefit b any one would result from ’it—becaune n tutur- <1 wiU leave the county of Jefferson to tha mercy of an ovarwhelming negro majority in political and county electioaa, and beealaee it ia in violation of the true policy es the (Hate to divide the roontiee of the State into aereral count ea and thus increase the number of public officers aud augment the pubic burdena that; now bear s» heavily upou us all, and ve request the members of the General Assembly now in session to defeat the bill to create the new county. x Resolved, that a copy of these irritations be sent to the Representative* es Jefferson in the Legislature, to Ihe Speaker of the House of Rep resentative! and ihe President of ihe Bena’e- After discuasion upou Fie merits of these res olutions, they were endorsed by a targe in jot ity, and it was moved aud carried that there proceedings be published iu the Augusta Cuu stituiionali-t. Chronicle A Sentinel, and the Jefferson News aud Farmer. YVn. 8. ALEXANDER, Chm'n. JoeErn PulhU.l, S^c'y. Louisville, Ga., t/orember 15 1871. GRAND JURY PRLSENTMENTS. LOUISVILLE, JcrrsKsoa Cos.. G*. ( November 15th 1871. J We the Grand Jury i ho,eu, selected and •worn for toe November let in of the Superior GourioPJtffevsuu Cotin.j, inipremcd with the weighty responsibility it.t ~g upon us, regret our iiiauiiity to biing to ligio. :i.,u yr. per puu isbment every act ol lawle.-aui-ss and crime com uiit ed in our county. Tlie laws sinned be emorced md justice me ted out to every citiseu irrespective of race or color, and this, not by trreapot able mobs, the courts and proper officers of the law. But while we de piore and condemn former infractions of law, we hail with delight Ihe quin an I good order that has prevailed for tho last few months. We trust ttmt a brighter day has dawned upon us, that our fair name, as law abiding citizens, may be speedily res.o ed. and tutu peace and prosperity may universally prevail. To it i» end we cad upon all good citizen* todi.-coqta - nance every lawless assumption of p re. c. .O. reason be again enthroned and the law e of our country sustained and enforced. We nave by appropriate Con.u.ittees examin ed the I’ublic Buildings, which will, with a little additional in good order—also the books of the Ordinary, Clerk and Treasu rer. which we hind neatly kept, but for want if time for proper examination as to the correct ness of those books we recommend the appoint ment of Dr. E. H. YV. Dr. K. K. Dix on and M. 11. llopkins as cumuiiuee to mukc a lull investigation aud teporl to the next Grand Jury and to be compensated for their service* as that Juiy may determm. YVo recommend that Fu t c.-!ey’s bridge be repaired, and that (he stream bridge and adja eent h'iiow bridge be united into one contin uous bridge; also that a bridge be built across iltusby •- reek at Owens mill on the Quaker r ad, and that the Oidinary appoint Commis si oier» to investigate as to the practicability nt abridge aero** spring creek mi the lower Sa- VKUIm: YV > leconnneod also, that the Otdinary grant i.e petition ol Mr. K t J Little, asking a ciiauge iu the eh orgetjw u road near hi Bed Fiaudi place. W e report some of the roads iu good condi tion, hut the roads generally need wot k, w uiie the toad leading from Big Creek to Tug. sley’s bridge aud iberoad from Bartow to Felorsoti’s aro iu a bad eonditiun We cah upon ihe proper authorities to have ail the roads put ia good condition. In coliciu ion our (hacks nre tendered to liis Honor Judge ‘l A-iggs aud ac mg ' oiicitor tieti. D. J Alexander, fur llteir kindness aed atten tiun to our body, and it is odered that fliese presetitua.n ti, published in the NawojA r xkmkk a:.d Ooaic.'s ff Sentinel. William p H tiig.mi Foreman,? John W. Cheatham, Win,am J. Bow ing, William B. Feel, William a. Goodowu, William J Fierce, Joel E. Futral, Henry C, Rogers, George Mil ler, ihotnms A. Hines, Jr* YViliiam F. Jordan, YYiihain *V. Fleming, Samuel F, Firming. Joseph T. Parker, Jobu D. Stap eton. Hugh L« Burk, James A. Goodiwn, GeorgeL. Cain, True extracts frain the minutes, NICHOLAS DIEHL,jClerk. BAGGING and TIES for sale low, by WILKINB A HOPKINS. Sejit l, 1871. lats. MAUKBT REPORTS. Louisville, Nov. 17—Colton I6@.l(i{. Augusta, November 15.—Cotton, 17j; Ba Con Clearßib Sides, ; Shoulders, 7 jfojSjf Hams, 15 j @l6. < nts 7t)@75, Cot®’ $35 @ICO, Savannah, Nov. 15.—Cotton. 16@J7J Mobile, Nov. 15—Colton, 17j.J Baltimore, Nov. 15—Cutton 18J, New Orleans, Nov. 15—Cotton. 18}, New Pork, Nov. 15—Cotton, 18}. Liverpool, Nov 15, —Cotton, !>}@9sl. FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE IN LOUISVILLE. r|v||is UNDKI.BIGKED having boau engag -I- ed iu lit* Carrirge busiue** for the past twenty eight years, offers for sale his two story dwelling house, aud lot, on the c< r ,*r of Wash tugton *ud Ceuter Streets, contaibl-K five rooms, thre* fireplaces, garden and good w II ol water ; said lotcoßtaiuojlalfaciemore nrl ss s also on Die North-west corner of sani* streets, owe whole square of three acre-,contain ngCarriage Shop, two «tory buddiug 42X24 feet, tbeds on each side 16X42 fret, Black-mith Shop 3fiX2ll leel, with twp furnaces, horselot, c-- rncrih, cow and wagon shelter; also a single eu>ry dwelling bouse containing 4 rooms, kitchen, well aud garden the above lots will bo sai l cheap, separately ortogether. Til es good, D. B. IKDY. Ncvomhfl 17, 1871. -rj 6i Dentist. DP. C. R STEED, formerly of Thomson Ga., offers bis professional services to the citixen* of Louisville and Jeffetsott county. Office at Mrs. Dr. Miller's residence. A since ofpatiCfii gesoliciteJ. sepum er 22, 1871. 21 3m. Georgia Jefferson county.— W’heieisjF. A. Sinquefield applies to qi» for letter* of Dismission from ;the Guardian •Hi |» of the person and proj arty of S. A. D. Brown, of said county. to cite and admrnish all petio-is interested, to appear before the Court of O Jiuary, within the Utiie prescribed by law, and make known their objections, why said it tiers should not be granted. YV. H. WATKINS, Otd’y J. C- Nov. 17 1871. a:> 5t ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD at (lie Market Hons.,’ in tha town of Louhv'tle, Jefferson Cos. on tlie FIS 1 TUESDAY iu NO E MBER next, within tlie usual hours ol ante, one tract of mid mown as the Robbins place, cuniaiaitig 180(1 aores of land more or less, adjoining lands of John W, Alexander, L. C. Warren, Sirs. Mary Lowery, Win. and John Ponder. Terms cash. L. C. YVARKEN, Adnt'r on Est of Mrs Susan A. R bbins. : "ep* 22, 1371. 21 tds. G'KOROIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY.— Y\ bereas, R, W. Holmca applies to m-- for Letters of Dismission from tha Guardianship of the pet on and property of Horace Rainwa er of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish a'l persons interested, to appear before the Court of Ordinary, within the time -prescribed by law aud make known their ob jections, If any they have, why said letters should not be pr tiled. W H. J. C. Oct. 97 1871. 26 5t Notice to debtors and credit ops,—All persons indebted to the estate of Thomas A. Mc'Bride, late of Jefferson coun ty deceased, are requested to come forward .and make Immediate .payments, and those hav ing claims against said estate are notified te .present them in terms of the law. SAMUEL J. GORDON, Admr, Nov. 10th, 1871. .27 st. ■L’ ; WILKINS & HOPKINS, . : ; , v ' 1 # . '"Jw o ill ‘r: ■■ Have in store and are daily receiving* Bacon, Flour, Sugar, SSat,! t, Bagging, Ties, Coffee, Whiskey, Vobaceo, Molasses. Also the largest and best selected Stock of Dry Goods ever brought to this Market, at astonishing low prices, t WILKINS & HAYLES, Have just received and are now opening their New Goods, and/rom this time on will be daily receivig FItESH additions to their STOCK. Their assortment is vaii and, and embraces everything kept in a ©©rare®* They’ call particular attention to t heir assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Groceries, HARDWARE, TINWARE, and NOTIONS, CORN MEAL ALWAYS ON HAND Their stock has been carefully se lected, ami in making their purchas es, ill*' t.ists and wants of the coun ty have been consulted. Their goods have been bought upon the oust reasonable terms, and they will be sold CHEAP. They are determined to GIVE SATISFAC i ION, and will always take pleasure m wailing on custom ers and hope to continue to merit the patronage of their old friends. Lon sville, Oct. 16, IS7I. 1 ly. ("'I EOROIA JEFFKKHON COUNTY V When a; Wm. Mcl>»niel applies to me K r Letn rstii Uunrri asehip of the persons .id pr* perty of Benjamin I . and Martha Ellen Mi- Hun ml. Thes* tire w r fore to cite and admon ish all and singular the, persons interested lo ap pear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in him or said Count on the FIRST Monday in Dt— o-iuber mil. and show cause if auy they cau ally Letters should not be granted. W. 11, WATKINS, Ord’y., J. C. Oct-, Kith 1871. 24 Id. GtEORCIA JEFFERSON COUNTY.— r Whereas,Samuel M. Clark as administra jtyr of Janies W Clark deceased, and Ebene nyr Brown administrator of the estate of John Vy.Clark deceased, have applied for Letters . f dismission from said administration. These " are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to appear before the Court of Ordi nary within the time prescribed by law and .oake know-h their objections if any they have why said Letters should not be granted. W, H. WATKINS Ord’y. O t. 30, IH7I, 2T.. r,t. Georgia jeffehson county,— Whereas, Samuel M.and Emily F. Clark, administrator and administratrix of the estate of James W. Clark dec ased, have applied for ■ a. e to sell all the real es'ate of said deceased. These are therefore to cite all persons interest ed to appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county on the FIRST Monday in December next, and show cause if any they have why said leave should not Le granted. w, h. watkinb ord’y. Oct. 30, 1871. 25, st, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ' EORGIA, JEFFERSON COUNTY.— vT By vir uc of an ord- r from the Honorable, Court of Ordinary of said County, will be sold at the Market House, in the town of Louiatl le, outlie FIRST Tiesday in Dec* mber next, one hundred acres o laud situa'ed in said Coun*y, and adjoining lauds of L. Q C. D. Brown, R. J. Hendry and others. To he sold as the property ol the estate of Bamnel Bigham deceased, for he purpose of distribution. Terms Cash, JAMES A. BIGHAM. Executor of Samuel Bigham. Oct:, 2d,’1871. 211 Id. GUARDIAN’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD at the market Honeein the tow nos Louisville, on FIRST Tues day in D eember next, between the legal hours of Sale, the Hons * and Lot, situated on e'ghth St in >l’ 1 town and known as the Roberson house, B w teen pied by 6. H. Harrell. Sold as the pr perty of the Minor children of G. W. Roberson det eased, for the purpose of division. Terms one tliiid cash, one third in 12 months and one third in 2 years, with Interest front date. Bond for title until property is pai-d for. Purchaser to pay for Titles. IS. H. W. HUNHER. Guard’n. N0v.20, 1871, 25. tds. SALE. BY VIRTUE of an order from the Honora ble the Court .of Ordinary of Jefferson county, will be sold at the Market House, in the town of Louisville, within the legal hour* of sale, on the First Tuesdsy in December next, one tract of land, (containing one hundred and ninety- nine seres more or{ less, lying in Jeffer son county, |B3rd District G- M. ana adjoining lan.'s of Nelly Gordon, Mary Coley and Elijah j Eubanks, being'the dower of Tempy JtfdDauiei in the lan**s of Kederidk McDaniel deceased. Also at the tame it me and place, will be sold a tract of one hundred fly-four acres more or lens lying in the same county and dist. and adjoining lands of-Green 8. Hall,Elijah Eubank and the estate of £zeri*h Cowart All the said lands sold as the property of Roderick McDaniel doe’d-for the pontoseof'distribqaan. I Terms one half cash, she other half payab'e in twelve months, with interest front date, in 100 dollar .notea. Bond for idle gives tojpui qhaeer .until the totes are paid. tLAWfeON B. McDANLEL, Adn.’r. Oct. SO, JfBT. 25 tds McGowan & Stratford, LOUISVILLE, GA. Take pleasure in informing their patrons and the public generally that they have now on hauo CHEAP FOR CASH, a large assortment of ,®M!3! AW MOT Dry twoods 9 GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, WOODWABE. BUCKETS, TUBS, &c., Ac., Ac., Ae., ANY and all of which will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. GIVE US A CALL. McGOWAN & STRATFORD, Louisville, Ga. May 5 1870. I >7- TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. lam now ready to collect Siale and County TAX for l«7l. Will re main it! Louisvill until the sJlsi inst., and will then visit the Court * round* at the tune sperifi.d below : Farmers will please notify ilie Freedmen in their employ that it is Tax- Paying lime, 8#" I*o// Tax to be Paid . STONES, (last time) 77th Di-t ict, O. M.. THURBDAY, November 16th. JONES STORE, 7*th *« •* FRIDAY. “ J7th. MT. MOKUH, (last time) 77th “ “ SATURDAY, •• JSth. SWIFTS, (last time) 77th “ “ MONDAY, “ 2Uth. HOWARD'S MILL, (last time)Blst “ *• TUESDAY, “ 21st. STAPLETON'S STORE, 7Gth “ “ WEDNESDAY, “ 82nd. POPE HILL, 81st “ •* THURSDAY, 23r<L STAPLETON’S ACADEMY, 76th •• FRIDAY, “ 24th. HUDSON'S STORE, last time, 7Uth “ “ MONDAY, « 27th. FENN'S BRIDGE, 7Uth “ •• TUESDAY, “ 28th. BARTOW, 83th •< “ WEDNESDAY, « 29L BEDDING FIELDS, John last time “ THURSDAY, *• 30« h. BETHANY. 83rd « - FRIDAY, Dec. Ist. BEDDINGFIELDS, Wm last tme 83rd “ SATURDAY, “ 2u<L ALEXANDER'S Win. last time 84th “ MONDAY, 11 4th Will remain in Louisville nntill December la, at which time I will dose my Books ami issue Execution* against all who tail to pay by that tune, R. A. GARVIN, T. C. Louisville Ga„ October 13th, 1671. ANDES Insurance Company, OXSOIJfWA*!* pgio. Cash Capital Si,OOO,OOO WILKINS & HOPKINS, AGTS* Louisville Drug Store *-.o —o: E. H. W. HUNTER, M. D. Druggist & Apothecary. Sueceseor to HUNTER & CO. Keeps on hand a full and well assorted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES DYESTUFFS, PERFUM ERY, SOAPS, COMBS. BRUSHES, TOIL ET ARTICLES, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GARDEN SEED of atl kinds; FINE CIGARS and CHEWING TOBACCO; WINDOW CLASS and PUTTY Ae. Ac. Which he offers to sell FOR CASH, as cheep as they cau be bought, at rouil, in any the State. , August 4, 1871. 14 If. i CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. THE UNDERSIGND takes plea-ure in in orming ihe citizens of Jefferson and ad joining counties that he has opened a wera*©®® w a opr* AND mm m3sm&jmm 9 where, workj of all descriptions, both new and repairing, will be done with neatness and dis patch. IIORBE SHOEING done hi the neatest and most substantial manner, furnished at sort notice. G- H. HARRELL, Louisville, Ga. July 7, 1871. « 6m. POSTPONED SALE. C>t EORGIA, JEFFERS-ON COUNTY— * By virtue of an order from Ihe court of Ordinary -f said county, will be sold at the Market house, in the town of ‘Louisville, on ihe FIRST TUESDAY in DECEM BER next, within the usual hours of sale, one half interest in that *ra< t or pare-1 of' land situated in said oomity, containing (1070) one thousand and sevent y acres more or less, and adjoining lands of A. J. Williams. Elizabeth Bern and others, to be sold a- the property of the estate of 'Eliza Brown deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of said deceased. Terms ezih .Purchaser required to pay tortilla*. HURWELL 4- <*liOWN, Adm’r Estatat* of Eliza Brown. Bept. 22, WOl. 41 tds JiS. B. T. ALLZS, WB. A. TOUT KISS Amm & me-jots, ATTORNEYS AT LAW WRIGHTSVILLE, OA. All business entrusted to their care w]U meet with prompt attention Particular attention given to the collection of claims. July 3, 1871. is ts W W CARTIR, ■ o CARTZK, J T CARTtB, it. W. W. Carter & Sons, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. lAI BAY SAVANNAH, JU'i STREET, GEORGIA. iy~Prompt personal attention given to Ordevf, tV Planters supplied w ith Bagging and Ties at Lowest Rates. Ju'y 23rd 1871. 12 6m. DR. E. E W. HUNTER HAVING RESUMED th* Practice of MED ICINE, offers his Prefeesional services to the citizens of Louisville »„d the immediate vi cinity. I Sept. 29, 1871. 22 3m Rags! Rags!! WE wiil (pay a good price fir Jail the good clean.CoUon Rags broogbt to us. Nowistho Mine to get rid of your oi l cloths. WILJAIN3 & HOpKiyg. J. W. COOLEY, LOUISVILLE, GA- WiM resume practice at friz old Office, Octo ber, loth, 1871. Oct fith 1871. . 23 ts COURT OF ORDINARY, Jxfvkrsos Cos J For Coiwtt Ponrosas. > At CjiAiuiEßa Oct. 12, 1871, $ IT iS ORDERED, that .there be Collected by Ihe Tas Collector of said eonnty, 55 per cent, upon the State Tax for County indebtedness. »> “ “ “ “ Bridges &c. 10 “ “ ■< •• Paoprrz. 6 “ “ “ “ D'striet Coart «x --25 “ “ “ “ Edueaiional puts. JH •• - - iff “ « <• « County Officer*. 5 “ *■ “ Salary. JO » a. w Cmm House Mad Jail. -9 11 *< <■ Contingent fig. Making the aggaegote 175,per *M>t upoa (the Sta'e Tax, which isjiart.bjr leried ter tbsynw 1871. m. H. WATHNS-Ord’ 3.0. October J3th, JW7J. Jt