The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, December 07, 1871, Image 1

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THE JEFFERSON |Qfe NEWS & FARMER. Yol. 1. T H E Jefferson News & Farmer B Y HARRISON & ROBERTS*. A LIVE FIRST CLASS Weekly IST ewspaper FOR THE Farm, Garden, and Fireside- IPuiblislied. Every Friday Morning AT LOUISVILLE, GA TERMS ii 50 i'Kii ASsUH IX '.DViXC RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 year. I ii ii 6 month 8,1 i| 3 months. ! ■! 4 weeks. ;; i 1 week. 1 I SQUA inis' j • ; si'Uu $3.20 $7.50 Si2UO £2o.i>o 2 j 1.75 5.00 12.00 18.001 30.00 ;i j 2.00 7.00 10.00 28*00 40.00 4 . 3.50 9.00 25.00 35.00 50.00 5 • 4.00 12.00 28.0" 40.0" | 60.00 Acoll 0."0 15.00 oi.oo 50.00 75.60 Acoli 10.00 25.00 60. Ou «»y.001120.00 led| 20.00 50.00 80 00 .120 00 j 160.00 legal advertising. » Ordinary's.,ions tor letters ot id 'illustration, gtmriiuuiskip, &c. $3" H imestead no - - V «* A. |>:icati«)utor’u from aJin’u.. 5 A.>p imitioufor tlism’n ofgunrd’n 3 5i Application fbr leave to sell Laud f» Os N »tiee to debtors and Creditors 3 U Sales of Land, per square of ten lines 5<K Sale of personal per so., ten days.... I ”>(; S her Ilf's —Each levy often lines 2 51 •:t->ajro sales often fines or less.. 50 ! Tax Collector’s sales, (2 months 5 iM Clerk's-- foreclosure of mortgage .and other monthly’s, per square 1 Os Eatray notices, thirty days 3 Os Sales of Laud, by Administrators. Execu tors m ibiardians. are required, by law t behold m the tirst Tuesday in the month between tho hours of ten in the foren"o» and three in the afternoon, at the Court house in tho county in which the property a situated. Notice ot these sales must be published 40 days previous to the day of sale. Notice for the sale of personal property must be published 10 days previous to sale day Notice to debtors and creditors, 40 day Notice that application will be mane <i the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell lane 4 w eeks. Citations for letters of Administration Guardianship, &c., must be published 3( lays—for dismission from Ad.-umistiation nonthly six months, for dismission from guar iianship, 40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgages must ho published monthly for four months —f<i Sitablish ng lo3? papers, for the full space oj {ires iriotiths —*or compelling titles from Ex Bmtors *••' AdiuinU*raters, where bond ha? D3en given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Application for Homestead to be published twice in the space ot ten consecutive days LOUISVILLE LAUDS. K.W. C r .wcll, \X F. Dtnny. Carswell & Denny, ATT 1 RIVETS AT LAW, LOUISVILLE, GEORGIA, %T7TLL pract'C in nil Courts in the Middle W Circuit. All business entrusted to their care will nioet wit'i prompt attention. Nov, 3. 27 ly M. B. Ward. 11. W.J. Ham. /WARD & HAM. ATTORNEYS AT [AT, SWAINSBOKO’, GA. Will practice in tho M.dJle and Alt usta Circuits All business entrusted to their care will meet with prompt attention. Nov. 17th, Ic7l. 29 If, j &. CAIN J. H. TOLHILL. CAIN 1 POLIIILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOUISVILLE, GA. May r , 1671. 1 U- T. F. HARLOW W ate la Maker —AND— in e ip -A.SX xx xi xx, Sonisville, (r a Special, attention given to ren« vatins and repairing WATCHES. CLOCKS, jewelry,sewi G MACHINES &c ,&c. Also Agent for ihe best Sewing Machine t; at, is made* May 5, Ijbl. 1 1 V , DR. 1. R. POWELL, LOUISVILLE, GA. ■ Thankful for the patronage enjoyed heretofore, takes this method of con tinuing the offer of his professional services to natron9 and fiiends. May 5, IB7L lTr ' Dr J R SMITH late of SandentvilioGa., offers his Professional services to the citizens of Louisviller and Jefferson county, citizens or jli rl _ f orty years m the An fessLrn should entitle him to Public Con tideice Special attention paid to Obstetr.cs and the diseases of women and chtldten. O' iieo at Mrs. Doctor Hillers- Louisville June 20,1871. <W- Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga., Thursday, December 7, 1871. New Advertisements. Dissolution —OF— The Copartnership heretofore 1 x' isting between the undersigned, un- Per the firm name ol SAMUEL M. LEDERER & CO is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. Messrs ISAAC M. FRANK and GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN are .done uilhotized to settle the affairs ot th< ,te firm, collect all moneys dn and sign in liquidation. SAM’L M. LEDERER, 1. M. FRANK, GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN Savannah, July lSth, IS7I. Copartnership Notice. The undersigned hive this d.i issociated themselves together i. Farmers tor the traiisaction ol u General DEY GOODS business in the City ol Savannah, under the firm name of FRANK & ECKSTEIN. AT 131 BROUGHTON ST., where ihey will continue to carry at xtrnsive stock ot 8 -IP A W & M AND •ißii m -ilia ‘wa-'.iifi ii NS - ‘ MI S-BOBS AND iBTI 0 I 5 . Possessing facilities to purclia-e Goods in the Northern Markets on ihe very best terms, will contin ue to offer such INDOOEMSEISTS as will make it the interest of BIT YBSIXS to deal with us. Thanking vou tor the kind favors bestowed on the late firm, we n sped fid I y solicit your patronage in future. Also an early examination ofour stock and prices. Yours respectfully, FRANK & ECKSTEIN, 131 Broughton St. Parties desiring to send orders for Goods or Samples of Dry Goods will find them promptly attended to by addressing P. O. BOX 33, Savannah, Ga. Angnst lß{ly. n R. J. Dttvaut, Jr. W.D. tVapbs J. Aljers Havant, Wapks A CO., —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. August 15, 4m. rn J. Walk hr. Proprietor. R. H. McDonald A Cos.. DrngrgisU k Gen. Agents, Sail Francisco, Cal., and H Commerce street, N, Y. MILLIONS Boat* Testimony to tlielr Wonderful Curative Cflecti, Tlicv cro not a vilo Fancy Brink, Made of Poor ltum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Unnom, doctoral, spiced and sweetened lo please the taste, ca'led “Tonic?,” “Appetizers,” “Restorers.” JLc. that load tho tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medici:; o, made from the native roots and herbs * of California, freo from all Alcoholic Stimu lants. They arc the GE I'AT ISLOOI> PURI. riF.R and AIJFEGIVIXO PRIXCIPLR, n perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho System, carrying off all poisonous mat ter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a Gentle Puraratlvo an well n» a Tonic, possessing also, tho peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Iniium mation of the Liver, and all tho Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of woman hood or at tho turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic IShcnma tlKin and Gout, Dyepepsla or Indigestion, Blliomi, Remittent Intermittent Fe ver*, Diseases of tho Blood, J,lver, Kid neys and Z'ladder, tiic-c Bitters Imve been most successful. Such Discrete* are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digest 1-vc Organs. DYSPEPSIA Git IXI)IGESTIO\, Iload acho, Pain In tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations ot tho Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of tho' Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms nrc the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and im parting new lifo and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIS DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Uhcmn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, rostulcs, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Tlead, Sore Eyes, Erysipel as, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature are literally dug up and carried out of tho system in n short time by tho use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever vou find its im purities bursting through the skin in Pimple*, Erup tion* p r ‘Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when It is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and tho health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape ami other Worm«, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from tho presence ot worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, hut upon tho diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. SOLD BY AI.L DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. , J - WALKER, Proprietor. It. 11. MCDONALD A CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, California, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. H Li VS '' iIMMEfIC FLUID |<U it'.uvaiuaulu ramuy Aluaioiiie, lul ■*- puv.f'.ing, cleatißing, rcumvin;: ba> odors hi nil kinds of sickness; ibr i.iitu sines, woui ds, ibr Er)>!j ela '•hemiatisin, »nd a!i skin diseases; ior itriri h. sure moiitli. sTe Un-imt. diptlieria ——i wr.i«»aa«aTa»i-,am.»K4acu.auo or colic, uianuoe i, ell' dim; ns tiWnsli !«• snften and beautit, «ho kin; to renmvi Tspots nnloew trim siu>taken in ‘ernallv i well ns a plied c.- • in i!lv;si. iarhlt rcuomme 1 ed ; ya'i w'v imve use I—is1 —is inr Sab- lij all il i./yi- ■ ii .mi ry '’crebanfs, and oiny in ;i of the nAjTi'iY UiUHUIi 1 ™: ~'T . *~ ■WWW —nuns J-TT" 11 —-. c» lbl W liluuii • 1 f. DHi (VJI’7O Iy. rMi'2 t,«T u • VI iy Georgia COTTON PME S S rs NOT AN bn: I»h*« lie-ii r tested by S’nil* •of our b‘St planters. ;»u/i has proved to be an Kxcellent Press Pirk ters, son*! tor m;r cireniHi* and price list, as t]if price is f *>.n >•> less than any otbei rdiuhlc Pr< W« r-.L.r to Col. T M. Turner, Sparta, G.» who knows i.lio no :its of our Presses. PENDLETON & BOAUD.VIAN. and Vlanr.faciurers. Foundry and Machine Works Aufru-uft, La p r n jy 7th 6in. Agoata tfcrtncSiTCt the S:ath t: 3.11 cur How Engravitg Oilibjt & übo.W eimn„eH im Steel.'l testiinomals lr„m Key. Drs.Ji.l,l, Hall. Tvne.C..ylef Dai,,, r. anti tnlie.s. One -Otnl Mule «nt Evma.e Agent waled mi every town* to Hike suhscri.ilinns., Territory [.iven. A fine compimi n |<ictnre t.. Hike with u The whole put up in . oat, lutht. sample our. fit. Extra iuduce neut-s ottered Address, for circulars and full panK*, PEKINL MOOli 15, Publishers, Gb c& bn hb VIJL 01., N v PEPJNE & MOORE, 66 & 66 HEAD ST.. NEW YOKK, want nff«nt.sin evervtown throughout the South, to dispose of their elesraut series of Si 10 OVAL STEEL ENGRAVINGS, 16x20 Arch-Top Pictures, with or without frames, Imported Chromos, and cheap Looking Glasses. Now is the time for Agents to make money, hend for circulars, terms &e Address PERINE & MORE. Engravers and Publishers, 66 & 68 KEADE ST., NEW YOKK August 12 6m vpnf, Novelties l GEORGE WEBER HAS just returned from the North wi ll »n elegant assortment of FALL and WIN- I'ER DRY GOODS. To meet the w r ?ints of a constantly increasing pdtrcrmge, 1 have remodeled the interior c f the spacious establi-huient No 17fj Broad Street, Opposi’e Augusta!ho Hel. . axing it one of tin l ti" -sf. Stoics ir tho . tv*. 1 have a!so engaged die servic sos a .0 11 l or of polite and ctlicient salesmen, win ■ be happy to s*»rve their numerous triexi* * h s community. ’Hie Ladies will find it ti» lb ir inter*-.. ♦ f x.iminerny fcjfock. They wi.l alway s ‘o > bargains at The Tee Hive Store. O n ii. !>;; ly STV A N A H Mac hie 11 ry Hepot,, S. W. U il K Ase •?- N , Proprietor Iron Foundry and Machine Wotka, t. jri ! % ST., near tho Now Market, has s •*»? hand a la-ge stock of the Hepr QTj' G -AND— Si 'CT O- A XX - X* J±- IST © , Ste a, m Ellg in e s STATION AID mid PORTABLE. Address S. W. «, LBA «fK. August 18, 3m n savscaab ©a. IIcJ Rust Proof Oats AT Hark W. Johnson's nppnsiric f'ill 1 iin Wireli ns*. ..p Biomi mil A LSO: 30(1 15.., h S* !-. «-i<»ri S .<1 F, |. \ . 3!) i I Sr- i! i ■ v. , 3uo B .-i.. S. . (I \Vinti , 310 Bush K <1 (3 iv. . .'l3 Bust.. It TANARUS, |> n 11. tti- G -, 3:>4 Bu 11. < 1td,,11,1 GVi-s 100 Bu-ti. f'ull .Me nlo .v O.i Glass IO ntrivc. !?-5 Bu. ii. ivue Grass, ami till other useful Grasses, &c. f»ao Cwt. Fresti Turin* S< ed.. ALS O : !00 Tons Sea Fowl Kliwan and other Guano, lor Whoa:, etc. ALS O : 500 Dixie Plows ami o'.her Plows, from S3 50 ,o $5 >O, r lieu per ihaii hotne made ‘'Scooters.” ALS O : Tile Keller Patent Grain Drill, h r sow ing Wiu’at. etc. A LSO: Everything else needed in the Agri cultural line, send lor prices. Mark W. Johnson. P. O. n .x2.i(). Ga. Flour! Flour WEEKLY from SELECTED WHEAT, f ’f*m one of tho best Mills in the United Stn f e-», 'vliich 'Vi; unhesitatingly pronounce as good as •* *‘r made into a biscuit, i his Flour is put up to please the most fas tidious Epicurian taste. Cannot bo soldf-T less than £ll per barrel. Other Brands of good FAMILY FLOUI ;*f $9 per barrel. Fiuur of lower grades at lo <r tigures. All within r««ach wiU find it to their iut€ st to buy their flour fiom us. Trv it. M. A. EVANS & CO- Bai tow, Sept'unber H, I!) ts n W. Duncan. J. II Johnston. M. Maclean. 1) NCAN & JOHNSTON, Cotton l^actors AND General Cos in mission Merchants, 92 Buy Street, SAVANNAH, GA. We are prepaieii to im,ke the Usual aivance on Cotton. oct. 9 recti 4m. I M. Dye, J. T. Botliwell, J. M. Dye, Jr. DYE, BOTBWELL & CO., COTTON FACTOItS —AND— COMMISSION MKitCIIANTS NO 143 REYNOLDS ST, AUGUSTA, - - - GEORGIA. IIBERAL advances made i'll cottm n 1 A other produce when required ' and fm Bagging, Ti sand family supplies prompt ly filled. All business entrusted to us will have onr prompt personal attention. Comm .‘■Uim for selling Cotton, 1£ percent. Sep. 23 ' ff 6in K F, Brya> W. s. Mclnt >sh bryan & Mclntosh, BEfUIVING, FORIVAIIDING AND Commission Merchants, No, 140 (KELLY'S BUILDINO)’BAY BT., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Agents for sale of the “PRATT” COTTON GIN. Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Wool, and Country Produce of every descrip tion. Liberal cash advances made on above when in store. Correspondence Solicited. Nov. 17 293 m, C. J «ju„ U Joins 4 lauue ; L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO. COTTONT FACTORS —AND— G arni Commiskion Merchants. BAY rTREKT. SAVANNAH, i>A. Agents for Bradley’s Super Phosphate of Li: e. JevvciTs Mills Yarns I) mestics. &c. Bagging, and Iron Ties, always on U A Usual Fai ilhins Extendf.b to Gusto aik s. A igu*.r 15, bn r i *■ 4m. u Wm 11. Ti>ON. Wm W. GokdaN TIS 0 X and G0R1) 0N . t it Alii.i into, I K>4 ) COTTOf FACTOftS tMi Coinmissiun Merchants, 112 BAY STE22T iS.i v.iyyjlly UA. Bagging iron iie-) advan -ED oil Crops. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consign men* of C-*tbm. attention to all busU n s>, and prompt re'nrus Guaranti ed, out i) r Sl ii 4m. NEW FA; L jo> n ‘ir o-oox>». H. L. A.BAER, WHOiiE S A l E AND Lie vail -Dealer 1 N ~» XX*2* GOODS 17i B ■ •. St ■ ot, \ugu*t,i. Ga. iMni‘P'iin;r waeai.fn!' seleeird .toe;. G ■ , , ! „r G o ; f *f l t- ; \ •rn .ii ‘ tin; - ;•■■■ Sh.r« • I' (J ! \ in « ■ ; . i Kit. > i 1 Do ; <) F t G-• B w \\ into nil in >it C ‘it -n i 1 tin tit i. \!. \V. i I’liim hml Tuillt-d Fiantiol ■it r-(I. u htli .ci iy umMilui ; Win • uni vn O'- I) -i i-Q‘ 1 -, S ■. and Clin, It ft. I’uiih D on.i»k, Towols, Nnj.kins lltlib >liy,T;immiiig..Buttons,«j|ov > Stoi kitic-., a ;il s<n-«- ; Ki - u C.on iiric Htnulkotoli eEf, Umbridlas. ty* Fluid arid ,Stri|iod llnmo.-jiun- Wm,lon.-, Brim n sliootmgsi, Slnrl, ami drilling, 1 jiell at factory Prices. Al-n the tiosi trinke.4 ot' Corsets, Hnop-ltiris mi uudorga t incuts, Sliitts niiti Collnrs, Knitted Woolen Shawls rind Hoods. (E/ 1 ' An is|)vi;i'nce ul' thirty years justifies in to assort that 1 can bu\ a- ohofijtHS anv one, ft# i i\ only tor cash. (L/"* I can el is low as any one, a - soli mi y tor cash. In mv establishtn.-nt. overx ard cle is in iiked with dp' lowest (>ric> thoio mi, and no one in tny (‘-lablisluneijt i. - allowed to tisk iriort —this in sures JUSTICE to ALL CUSTOMERS, Be cause all can buy my goods it he very Pw st marked price-. My nss-.ritue is new complete in s tile le;,;o toientS. T o••to a ii- n wl.ii wish t ■ »ra '!;• t.iseivo-. l ul i(i—<‘ adv«iitage», i’U ' \ :ng no ii , tn i <mi« tin insclv s, cm sen,! so ,n. SAV., BESIDES 'h. 'i i uE. EXPENSE'S and F*UK. An EXT'iiA Di: i (41 NT of FIVE P—Ti. ENT ! ! o. mi: orders OFF front the price i v ry o> « pnys ; to or ivr to It EDUCE their irt iglit expenses in. x sine. 1 girarsntee <• »tisfnelion snd ehoulo any ariicle not ciino up to expeotstmii, it can he returned mid the money wilt be refunded ; they need not send the money with rfie older,|as it can be col looted on delivery. tdp* 3 Cut this advertisement out and he sure to g vc trie a cad ; or in Bending an order address, H. L. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. October 6, 23 ty p n W. 0. HEWITT & Ou, 252 BiiO VD S rUEIi r, \UGUS TA GEORGIA Importers and Wholes il 9 Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Liquors, Bi undies, Winer, Gins, Rums, Whisky a, Bitters, Po-ters, Ales, Etc,, Etc 1 , OF ALL GRADES. Tobacco and Cigars of Fv ery Variety Sep, 23, *9 3m pnCm BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite Depot, MACON GA*. W F. BROWN & Cd„ prop’rs (Successors to E. E. Brown k Son,) W F. Brown. Gxo. C. Brow Uliscclfancous. Management of Maniacs. One of the oldest inhabitants of Boston has furnished the following anecdote of old Governor Levered, as an illustration of the force o; courage and ingenuity upon a mad man: One morning, in tny years ago, a -toot, burly liuifi maniac ill a parox ysm oi insanity. burst out of the asylum, and on hi- way, a musket, heti'i’.x loaded, lei! into his hands With this formidub e weapon, mount ed with die teirible bayonet, thr madman rushed oui into the city, and pteuy efli*ciually cleared toe stieets as he wts n.iaiching along.— Turning a corner, he suddenly came upon Goo riior Levered, and was on the point of making a point blank charge upon the vitals of die old governor, who comprehending his danger, in a single glance at die old fellow, and di .wiug liiuisi If up square and firmly before his dread ful antagonist he hailed him thus. “Ho! brouter soldier, have you learned your exercise ?” “Yes, 1 have!” said the fellow with a terrible oath. “The- , broiher -.aid du Govern or, ‘stand !o your arms, like a vigi lant soldier, wink- 1 give ihe word of command.” The madtii'ii seemed pleased and stood holt up-igtii, wilh liis mus ke tineo e, ■ • ho. - louider in regular drill o and r 'PoiSt you: till lock !” lln f low did so. -Resi your hr 10. k." flu If Jo Ii .. and. “Gromi.i you ‘F ee to ■ g , , - li. . " t . V , ,(J ■ o o • .i • ernoi, ■ j ( - -i . zed f j l) A I . ht l ..mi ii hi hid. 0.., s*-\ an r kers o.i—stand.og. •. .sand ois nee and w i hng tin- ' la 'i- - o r—came to h govt r’.- a s iit , and the m.dman wa- c . . ictl oa. k tu an aw fol rage, to fits ij j.h t. rs. The anecdote reo ind- us of u similai one. mat imppene t., he ta irrous Di. Physic, an . a.ineni medi cal man, now dead and gone, of Philadelphia. the doctor a .isuiiig physician at the lunauc asy lum, near tiiat ci'y ; nod one morn ing alter going his rounds among lln patients of the institution, the doctor strolled upstairs into the top g dir ty of the large rotunda of the ouild ing, to view the city and surround ing country While absorbed in the view from his high elevation, a robust madman, who Lad eluded his keepeis, came sudd, nly upon iht duch-r, to his no little asioui-hm nl and bodily tear. But keeping tier feel ly coo!, hr- bid ihe iiiaui.-i, “good day,” and was turning about to g down stairs. “No, you ilon’i,” said die man, clutching the doctor firm y .s a vice, * I want you o> show nr- some thing ; tfiev say you do exervth 'm : cut oft’heads, iegs. -rod arm-; ru: ifretn together, rake o man aii up r . uint mend hnn op a- uood as ever ; and I know you can, too, but I want you jusi to jump down tins hole, (the opening of the rotunda, surrounded by the long spiral stairway,) away on the pavement. Com-- on— do it you must!” And ihe fellow exerted nim-eii i.o brut* the do n>r up to the railing, to which the poor doctor clung with the of a nek.— I The moment w as one of peril to die doctor, but bis presence ot mind com pletely floored tiis antagonist. “It would not b>- v-ry hard tor me to jump down there, sir,” said the doctor; “nui lean do a greater feat than that for you, if you wish lo see me try.” “Can you, rh. old fellow ? Well, try it. What is il ?” “Why, sir. I will go down h re to the bottom, md wiinm.e so g, sir, I’ll jump clear up here.” “Ha ! ha I” laughed the maniac ; “that would he wor'h seeing; go down, doctor and jump up —l’lleuieh vou when you come up.” The doctor I <st no nine in going down, and sending up tin- keepers, who nabbed the poor deluded man. “Woman's Bights.”—lt is a wo man’* right to stay at home. For what other reason did her husband marry her ? It is a woman’s right to have her home in order, when her husband returns from business. Il is a woman’s right lo be kind and torheaiing whenever her hus band is annoyed. It is a woman’s right to examine her husband’s linen, and see that it wants neither mending nor buttons. It is a woman’s right lo be content, when her husband declares he is un able to take her to the seaside. It is a woman’s right to be satis fied with her old dresses until her husband cun buy her new ones. No. 32. : li is a woman’* right to nurse her I children instead of leaving it to the maid. it is a woman’s right to get her daughters married—happily, or not at all. It is a woman’s right to fed pleas ed though her husband brings a Iriend unexpectedly to dinner. It is a woman’s right to be content with her own g rments, without en croaching on those of her husbaud. And, finally, it is a woman’s right lu n main a woman without endeav lug io be a man. A Fish Story. The last fish story comes from New Jersey. Lately, in the interior ot that Siate, a mild looking coun tryman entered a railway car, bear ing a bundle tied up in a handker chief, winch he placed under the seat at the end of the car. After traveling along for about half an hour, a lady sitting in fr at of the countryman was observed to move uneasily on her seat, and to cast savage glances at a seemingly res pectable man sitting by her side. In a few minnteß another lady, still fur ther to the frunt, “became uneasy,’’ •md at last, rising in her seat, re quested some gent letr.ii :Id pro tect her Irom an elde- y io.J.mggen tleman by her si.Je, and whom she slated had insulted her. A dozen persons offered their assistance, and before die accused could speak in bis own ilefeucv, bis h tired over bis eyes, an.i he was “tagged to the tear of tie ■.-■••. While there., mil catryirig ou tt.ta the .iV*' tigers a war ot word a t< what the in. ‘i.gniyv oi ant, still another lady tl'o seated iurilitr up die csr, anti i* co ■n g- nth-man ??■•’ r.g behind h i witti i uproper uonilikA rush a-- atb- .>r insulter number two, but lint ii- inn man vgorcusiv de i cif eh •_ .'.ii(j«- wa'sting » -i ; o (aml il 11, >, : lit; uli M.i- i.rtUtr O! to ltut titioiiie , iur accuser stating tin b ■ ha.t i (Inn ou iv b e- , ..p --ping her ankles under the seat with ■ ! '.) 11l hli- . lit: ■ I'U‘ ■ • . n W\«* S' ;** •! j f ' -•■meii .ii, in die to::- f tr; • -•' H-. It ! • T ; S •i ■ -r!” \ m • lie., etis t- •!. i * i de s in the ear •-iamb-red 6y> o \ tee ••e its, ui ) many got on the arm mi b o-..s fiti-. same. One elder* v maiden managed to stand on th-i it tcks of two seats in the uesi circus mupiier possible untler the circum* stances, while a young mother threw In r baby into a parcel rat k, ami then hung convulsively to a ventila tor. The confusion awoke the coun tryman, who. on being told ot the snake, first fell in bis bundle, and i sis-ii xclai nt*l, “I’m blamed if that old eel hami gn loose:” started for H e front, and soon returned, grasp ing firmly an immense eei, which bn had caught while out fishing, but which, when brought ino> the car, had managed to get oat of the bun dle, and had wended its w*v to the irurit, lovingly caressing the differ ent varieties ot Lillies' garters wmei he - ncoun'eri'd on the way. Apol • I'.-ie. given md rtcei. .1, straigh'- eii'-il verything sn that cat but the hat that w -.s jammed down, and tb» i ii n leaving at the ne<* r*a on, no tdooil was drawn. I hk t.KssoN or Lira. —Os all tbe • -n- that liu.n • •u:y ai* tn| an , ll r.-i .v I ■ .<■• if: lO wilt >,l< w itii vied hands l : i . < liiiin life’s ptiz- s without previ ous- effort, but having struggled and crowded the slow years with trial, Be*- no result as eflbtl seems to w vrratii — nay, perhaps, disaster instead. To stand firm at such a crisis of existence, to preserve one’s self-poise and self respect, not to lose hold or relax efiort, tbit is greai.iess, by man tir woman — whether the eye of the wot Id notes it, or it is recorded in the ho ik, which tbe light of eternity -Ii til alone make clear to tne vision. Those who staud on tbe high places of the earth understand not wbat uecesity, what suffering manna.—- They know not wbat it is to n noWe mind to oe obliged, like tbe warn, to crawl upon the earth for nourish ment, because it lias not strength to endure famine. Lite moves around them with so much grace, splendor and beauty ; they drink life’s sweet* est .vine, and dance in a charming intoxication. They fiud nothing with in them that can enable them to an derstand the real sufferings sfAt poor ; they love only vhemsetves, and look at mankind only in their own narrow circle. A Few Hints.— free rust is re moved by salt mixed with lemon juice, Mildew, by dropping in sour buttermilk anti laving the sun- ,&k stains may be sometime* taken out by smearing with hot tallow idk#n w hen the stained article goes ta«fae wash. Freezing wiH take out old fruit stains, and scaling with bail* ing water will reit~ve these that have never been through the wufb*