The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, December 21, 1871, Image 4

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• Department, Bias Bays of light i$ Promoting Veg- J* i| flaMi Growth. To the Editor of the Plantation >, ifio little sensation was created a few months past by the develop ments made by General Pleasanton, of Philadelphia, of the wonderful effects of Clue and violet-colored glass ip promoting a rapid, growth of vine and early fruitage in a cold grapery. The reSults weie so as lounding that all intelligent soil cul tivators must look with great inter est for furiherjevelations of the ef fects hereafter to be produced by this marvelous agency. General Pleasanton’s experiments and their results were bnefty as follows : He built a cold grapery eighty - four feel luug, twenty six feet wide, and sixteen feet high at the ridge, with a roof slanting down in oppo site directions in the usual form This roof is of glass, every Silt row being of violet color ; and these col ored rows alternate on the opposi < slopes of the root; and the s rucintv so placed with reference to the points of the compass, that the sun in its course should cast a beam of violet light upon every leafin the grapery. In the early part of April, ISOI, tie planted, in very rich borders in this grapery, cuttings of twenty varieties of grape-vines. The cuttings were about the size of pipe-stein?, and began to grow very soon after plant ing. So rapid was their growth that it attracted the attention of all who saw them ; the gardener being kept busy in tying up new wood which he had not observed the day before. In a few weeks the walls and inside of the roof were closely covered with the most luxuriant and healthy development of foliage and wood. At five months afier planting the cuttings, some of the vines weie measured and found to be forty-five in length, and one inch in diameter, at a distance of one foot above ground' In March, 1562, the vines having been pruned, there commenced a rapid expansion of foliage and growth of wood, even more remark able than in the previous year. A wonderful number of bunches of grapes were in due time formed, the bunches being of unusual magnitude, and the grapes of extraordinary size and development. In September of that year, the grapery was visited by Robert H. Buist, the noted Seed- man and Florist, who, after a very careful estimate of the fruit on the vines, estimated the product at twelve hundred pounds! All this from cuttings placed in the ground in the Spring of the previous year ! In the following year, ISG3, the vines again matured a crop of grapes estimated at two tons in weight, the vines remaining healthy and free from the maladies incident to the grape, and have continueil to hear large crops without intermission to date. The vines now, 1871, remain healthy, and show no signs of de crepitude or exhaustion. The results of further efforts in this interesting field of experiment now being made by Robert 11. Buist, and others, must be looked for with intense interest by the atna tear, as well as by the practical cul tivator of every tree, shrub and smaller plant that can be grown to advantage under glass. To the market gardener, (his cheap method of forcing plants into early develop ment must become invaluable; cheap it must be after getting the required structure built with a roof glass partly colored ;no artificial heal being required. It is to be re gretted that plain, smooth glass, tin ted with blue or viotet color, cannot now be readily obtained, as many would like to experiment with it, at least to the extent of the ordinary hot bed frame covered with the pre pared glass. A demand, however, will soon produce the supply. To General Pleasanton should be accorded what is due him in this matter, and no more. He made a bold and somewhat expensive expe riment to test a theory long ago ad vanced by others, and was success ful in attaining results of very great importance. For this he should en joy the tribute to which he is en titled. In the following extracts, however, from his address before the “Philadelphia Society for the promotion of Agriculture,” it will be seen that he desires to claim the credit of original discovery in this channel. Hear him: “I have attended your meeting at this time to impart to you the result of certain experiments that I have made within the last ten years in at tempts to utilize the blue color ol the sky in the development of vege table and animal life. I may pro mise that for a long time I have thought (hat the blue color of the sky,.so permanent and so all-perva ding, and yet so varying in intensity of color, according to season aud lat itude, must bars some abiding rela tion and intimate connection with the living organisms on this planet. Deeply impressed with this idea, in ths Autumn of 1860 J commenced ik Meai; n yi u cyid etc. - ♦ftftef lhese strong ummattons of original discovery, who would ex ited to learn that flip world fia? pos sessed this,fact, aidpracliced upon the princijite of tlt£ color'd \ay, lor the past llniiy ycaisi This is proted by the follyviiig extract*- taken rer haiim from ‘‘Chambers’ Journal” of eighteen hundred and fi/hj four : . “Rereut-disciAery has shown that reinarlialdo.eilt’ClS can be produced on plants by interjiosing colored glass lietwtSSn tltem hud the sun. —• UI uc glass accelerates growth, and Messrs. Lawson; of Edinburg, have built a store-house glazed with blue glass, m which they lest the value of seeds for sale or export. The prac lico is, to sow a hundred seeds, and to judge of t lie quality by -the num ber that germinate; the more, of course, the better. Formerly, too weeks elapseil while waiting for the germination of the seeds; but in the blue store-house two or three days suffice—a saving of time worth, so say the firm, two thousand five hundred dollars a year.” “Th is use of color in the growth ot plants is not altogether new, but its application to the germination of seeds has not, perhaps, commanded the attention it deserves. But all scientific horticulturists must be la miliar with the experiments of col ored glasses upon the paltn plants at 1 lie Kew gardens, and the gratifying success that attended the experi ments. Varying climates will give varying results, just as solar rays do. We hav e no doubt that many climes of the rich tints of flowers of other could be made perfect in this coun try by properly-colored glasses, just as the palms of Kew were made by colored glasses to rival the palms of ! the tropics. The subject opens a Yvide field lor experiments that would richly remunerate an inquiring arid tasteful horticulturist.” The experiments at the Kew gar dens, Lcn loti, alluded to above, were commenced over thirtv years ago. A. C. Van Efps. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 28, 1871. A Thought for Boys.—A great many boys complain that there are no places. Perhaps it is hard to get such as you like. But when you get a place—and there are places— this big country, we are sure, has need ol every good boy and girl, and man and woman in it—when you gel a place, we say, make yourself useful in it; make yourself so neces sary, by your fidelity and good be havior, that they cannot do without you. Bo willing to take a low price at first, no Dialler what the work is ii it be honest work. Do it well; do it the very best you can. Begin at the very lowest round of the lad der, and climb up. The great want anywhere is faithful, capable work ers. They are never a drug in the market. Make yourself one of thse, and there will always be a place lor you, and a good one too. Getting Ready to Go.—A dear little girl had seen her beloved fath er laying cold and still on his cof fin pillow, and lud watched with wonder and fear the process of put ting on the coffin-ltd and bearing it away to burial. Afterward the giief stricken moth er sought to dispel the gloom which gathered about the scene in her young heart. “God has sent tor dear father, to corae up and live with Him, and one day He will also send for you and me, darling.” “Do we know when He* will send, mamma ?” “No, my dear, only God knows the lime. lie has it all fixed.” “Then, mamma, if God is surely going to send for ns, and we don’t know when, we better begin to pack up and get ready to go f” This little girl had surely the right view of the matter, and it is just as important for us as for her. Not only should we he always ready, but we should have our possession packed up and sent on before us.— Did you ever stop to think that you weie laying up treasures every day, either on earth or in heaven ? Our Receipt for Curing Meat. To one gallon of water, take one and one half lbs. of salt, one-half lb. of sugar, one-half oz. of saltpetre, one half oz. of potash. In this ratio the pickle can be in creased to any quantity desired.— Let these be boiled together until all the dirt from the sugar rises to the top and is skimmed off! Then throw it into a tub to cool, and when cold, pour it over your beef or poik, to re main the usual time, say tour or five weeks. The meat must be well covered with pickle, and should not be put down for at least two days af ter killing, during which time it should he slightly sprinkled with powdered saltpetre, which removes all the surface-blood, fyc., leaving the meal fresh and clean. Some omit boiling the pickle, and find it to an swer well, though the operation of boiling purifies the pickle by throw ing off the dirt ulways to be found in salt and sugar. If this receipt is properly tried, it will never be al andoned] There is none that surpass it, if so good.— • Germantown Telegraph. None are so fond of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them; such persons covet recrets as a spendthrift docs money for the pur* pose of circulation. m m ml———Slit—PWt——t tnrJBL Mjmjr® OHO IC E a- oox> s . ~.. >.* smw- aOimUTiEks Kiisel Brothers. JpL m ' »JUBT RECBHkjEI), the ]aigo*t r.n>l In ostf complete stock of Ready nr ad« Clothing of ail grades ** “£?• Ydfctflif' we**, guaranteed to lit Ml nprA*aidil2,eH, at tins jsos>t moderate Our Mtofk tff uWwifofi lpleto, with a magni (ideal of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps Sfc., which wc are c.|F< to our Patrons and tins Public at ijrrntly Reduced Prices. Owing to our largestock wo are compelled to mak* quick saJec. And feeling the string gencj of ths Money Market, we shall endinvox to meet the £euer**i demand follow pi ice* Wt name in part, 10,000 Gray’s Moulded Cellars, at 4 boxc- for 25 cents; 30,01)0 Best Jrn- 1 proved Dickens Collar* ; Lie n Imitation Button Hole Lined«*3 ; boxes for ; Linen' Covered Paper Collars—4 different styles, entirely New, at 25 c£t»|s, worth 40 cents : 3C(J all Wool Tests at $1 50; Heavy Merino Undershirts at $! ; all Wool suits at sls, sl* sea upwards, enp many other Goods ton numerous to mention. &-■£* Tbs very best Fabrics in French. English and American to J*uU the most fastidi oas. All the la'est styles iu Bows, Ties, tfoarfs, to ,at prices that cannot fail to blrasc. Call early at non 3^ l ?, Xa BROTHERS. 250 BROAD Si., U.'DEK GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Grecrf Inducements Offered to Countro Merchants. New Cotton and Produce Warehouse. ♦ :o: Tl'll PLMrfiiS’ EOAI AM) SAVINGS BANK, SGESCr„I3BD CAHXAIi, ONE MIEEiON BOtsJeBS. so: The Warehouse of this Bank, CORNER OF CAMPBELL AM) REYNOLDS STREETS, A U G UST A . G EO R G f A , J 8 NOW READY TO RECEIVE COTTON. Liberal CASH ADVANCES will be made upon Colton iu Warehouse, or upon Kaihoad lleccii (s. Parties Storing Cotton with ibe Bar k will be furnidled with leceipts for stme that will be artrilnble in this city or any other for borrowing money ty The Bank is prepared n! any time to make LOANS on PRODUCE or PROVISIONS on the most luasonuble terms. BP* Parties w.uld do well lo apply at the \\ aiehonss, or eon inanieate with the Officers. " CHAS. J. JENKINS, President. JNO. P. KING. Vice-President. T. P. BRANCH, Cashier. Sep. 30, 90 Cm p n In ©w Goods ! JNew (i oo< Is!! WATCHES, CLOCKS, JZWCLRTaC., M. I, F R E E M A N , SIJT BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA- GA BEGS leave to call the attention ol his friends and the public, to the fact tbal he is now opening at the old stand, an entirely new and select assortment of fine WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SOLID SILVER and PLATED WARE of the best material and manufacture, all of which Ire is offer irpfor sale •t prices that will guarantee satis fact ion. 11 eia also sole agent for t Ire celebrated DIAMOND SPEC PACLES and E\E GLASSES, and ia prepared to furnish them at a rcry low figure to all who may wish a really fine arl ele. N. B.~Particular attention paid to the REPAIR of Fine Watches and Clocks and all work is warranted. A call is reaper tin Hr aolictitei). Sep,. 30. .‘fin p it DEWITT & MORGAN, ” 139 Congress Street SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. HAVE now in store a largeJStock of FALL A N S> W I N T E K t> It V O O O I> S ; □53 KT G- LIS H „ jF 1 10. 333 IKT O jEE A N D -A. in erican X) i* ©s s Gs ood s. BLK. anti FANCY SILKS and POI’LINS; SIIAWLS, SACQUES and CLOAKS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and JEANS ; MOURNING GOODS in every VARIETY: BARGAINS in L. C. H’k’fs and BUCK TOWELING ; full lines «f HOSIERY and WHITE GOODS ; BLANKETS, KERSEY and FLANNELS, GEORGIA DOMESTICS Ac. at 138 Congress Sircet, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Aynt Ifw w JOHN VOGT & COT ‘ !.If POUTERS OF French China, Belgian and Bohemian Glassware, Lava waic 35 87 place, Betwern Church St. .A College Plnce, NEW YORK. 454 Rue d* Paradi* Poi«soci»:eic. FAUIS. ti Cours Jourdan, Limoges, FRANCE. Nenervrall, June 4, 1871, 5 73 02 (>m CARPENTERS, BUILDERS AND ALL OTHERS IN NEED OF 3300375.03, BILUMUS, Monldings, Balusters. Blind Trimmings, &c., will dowel! lo call o" Blair <£z> Bickford., 171 Bay Street. SAVA !\ T IV A 55, « KOit (J IA. WHO ARE CONSTANTLY EECEIVIMG FRESH SUPPLIES IN THIS LINE. Angnst 15 4m. n r w&irwmD, IMPORTERS AND WIIOLE SA L E I> EALE Ii S I N Iron, Steel, Tin Pluto and Hardware, Rub ber Belting and Carriage Material i'JS 6L f 7-J <~f!. SAVANNAH, GA. oet 10 IHTI r « n firn. * s. s. MCEmT DBALEK IN Mahogany, Walnut, and Pine BUBIsTITUBE, JVeaeb: and Cottage Chamber Sett and Loekinj Glasees Mattresses made to Order. 189 * in BROUGHTON STBEET, > C \ V A A T 7 ft k wit*) * CORMVKt.i.. i OA Yl\ i> X* Jl, uA, ort. 9 r i. ii'Tiri * RTlStJres-R.- ■' r I*p k Co's F aid £i!;act! The Wonderful Remedy for Cl men-. Syphilis, Scrofula , Ulcers, PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. Salt Rheum and :ill Chronic Bteod'Dlsease*, is prepared from the Genuine Oundtnaugo Baris, from l i»"j» Ecuador secured by tjie assistance of ■ the authoritfesei that Country. It Is the most i rffccthrt., prompt anil rertain HI to rat ire and I Utooil port tier Known. Hoi &"by annWfgi*t« j | in pint tattle* Mvrfi? on them our names j > maik a uthtHrectiuns. hend for a circß y ° ,n ' -* Laboratory, No. (> > Cedar at. •Chicago Destruction. 1 t'lil.'iud complete l.istorv of Chicago, her Ll’ft- sI L I '.es' ut and future. With graphic |scettes, incidents and full details of the and was ter, by Geo P. Upton and J. W. Sbeaban. edi tors of the Chicago Tribune. With over 400 pages, and 50 illustrations. It is now ready delivery. ■I *'l A * S WANTED. Send SI.OO for out* /a lit end choice of feriitorv. Union Pub lishing Cos.. Chicago;'lll., or Phils.. P». PLANTER'S FARMERS AND GARDEN BKd subscribe for Tlie American Farmer, N >!T en'mhinfd with T/ic Rural Register, and published monthly at No, 9 North Street, Baltimore, Md., by SAMUEL SANDS & SON. It is the ollcsl Agricultural Journal in Amer ini, ami was cdriductca over 25 years by our Senior ! New.series begins January Ist, 1672. v'l -»0 a year, in advance; 5 copies, $5; 11 lor .>lti. Seud-for Prospectus, Premium Lists, &c. l\ii;tediii Two Colors, on superb Tinted Pa li c* r - Four Hundred Engravings of Flowers Plants;ind Vegetables, with Detscup'ioaa and Two Colored Plates. Diiecticns and plans for making Walks. Lawns. Cardens &c. The handsomest and h-'M FLORAL GUIDE in the World. All tor 'i ■:i Ceut-'j, to those who think of buying S .'.lv Not a quarter the cost. 290,f)00 sold of 1871. Address. .TAMES VICK 11 cheater, N. Y. ft 8 OKTON HOUSE., a m*w Southern Nov* i_?jL cl. by the author of ' Valerie Aylmer/’ K vo paper, four illustrations: Price sl. cloth £ 1 .GO. J; is a story of the South, thirty years ago and tlit* scene is laid entirely in that region. 'I hu so'uig authoress who is a lady of North UnroTiii.t, has in her second effort iuproved upon the tirst. Sent free by mail to any ad* dress, on the receipt of the price. J). APPLETON &> CO., Publisher}*. New York 9 "WIDE AWAKE t,^E A a §10,0(1 pair of superb French Oil Chromos— subjects 1 .1 i'll SlZE,—exquisite far similes of original Oil I’aiutiugs, OIVEN AWAY to every subscriber to HENRY WARD BEECHER'S Ureat, Literary, Religious, Weekly Newspa per. Agents having great success. One toko 1,000 namesYu I! mouths; another 672 in 35 days, another JlB in one week, one 47 in one day, and many others equally as well, making Iroui §-> and §lO to §4O per day. Takes on Sl ght '■ An old agent who knows, gays ; I think it the best business for canvassers ever 'tb i ed. Sorry I did not engage sooner.” Paya better than any book agency. A rare chance lo make money. it LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. Intelligent men and women wanted every vhcre. If you wish good territory, send early for circular and terms! J,B. KURD & CO.. ;7 Pink Place, New Yoik, II Bromfield St, je'stuH, Musk; 280 West Madison St„ Chicago, soiii Yeah. .NEW YOliK OBSERVER .$3 per Annum, including year Hook for 1872 SIDNEY E. MORSE, JU. <fc CO., 37 Park Row, New York. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. \v |» nil’s: IIOIfSEHOLD IWA«A >< UU II 1* IfiliSiii is offered fiee during the coining year to every subscriber of Merry’s Museum, the Toledo Blade, Pomeroy’s Demo crat, esc., which is an evidence of its worth and pep. ulaiity. HofaceJ Greely, James Parton, The* udoro Tilton, etc., write for every number. In clubbing, it oilers three first class periodicals for Ilio price of one of them. A variety of pre* minims on equally liberal terms. It is an or iginal, first class magazine. Volume X begins with January ’72. Threo specimen copies free.— Address S. 8. WOOD, Newburgh, New York. Fetors Musical Monthly. The Dee No., price 30b.,has 15 pieces Vo enl and lustr’l Piano Music, woith $1 in sheet form. We will mail two back Nos. for 50c., our for 90c, or Jan. to Dec. ’7l, for $ >.25, (regular price, $3 ) Bound copies for 167 L gi t sides and edges, $5. The Music is by Hays,Thomas, Kiukel, Gounod, etc.. Address I.L PETERS, 599 Broadway, N. Y. P. O Box 5429. Biwiiiijnjjfoi! Nursery. Illinois. cOili year! 000 Acres ! 13* Green 11 scs ! Largest Assortment. Ilrst Stock. Lou; Prices. Pu rs. Shrubs, Piants. Bulbs. Seeds, Stocks, Grafts, Ac. 100 Pago illustrated Catalogue, 10 cents. Bulb, Piattl. Seed Catalogues, all air 10 imt<. Wholesale Price List, free.— Send for iho >o before buying elsewhere. F iC. PHOENIX. Bloomington , 111 BVRNETJ’S &OCOAINE ci.-mV'/ilfi 01 ’ 1 . 111 ol ' Cocoa-nut Oil, Ac. Aeknowl- . Kftlj\ I ,IJ >eS fA r m«CSC md beauts Za i hf u,, l, C 0„ Boston, Mass, feoid by ull druggists, tenure of imitations. X Af)() AGENTS WANTED.- 8300 U.UMJV p er moct l lt g e|l j s(am p f or circulars, &c. Address JAMES E. TATE, West Point Georgia. 13 Eltft'XA OK ItITTP » E D S. SCHEVENELL’S TRUSS effects the *-*-• quickest cures, with the greatest com fort to tlm wearer. lfaß no Steel Springs to irritate the person. Receives the highest praises from all who nso it. Recommended bv leading physicians. Full directions wiih each Truss. Try one—you will be pleased. Single Truss, $5; Double Truss, two pads $lO Jjp'Ordcrs enclosing Cash, promptly filled Address L. SCHEVENELL, Gen’. Agent.' Athens. Ga. 4ci.Mo Y\ AM ED.—Agents make more nmnoy at work for us than nt anything else. Business light and permanent. Partlen lars free. G. STINSON A. CO., Fine Art Pub Ushers, Portland, Maine. A VOID QUACKS, A victim of early 1* indiscretion, causing uervous debility premature decay, etc., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self cure, which he will send toll'sfel ow sufferers. Address J.H. REEVVB 78 Nassau street, N.Y. v A MONTH! llorso furnished. Ej. eu . AU’} i j paid. If. B. SHAW, a I fred, Me TREAT KENT OF Chronic and Scxoal Diseases. A I’hysiplogical View of Murw^pi. _ The cheapest bonk ever piibliahed—curtain ing nearly threo h'ufdred pages and one higfeH drwl and thirty fine plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human organs in a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors. Its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with tne’author’s plan of treat ment— the only rational and sneeessfnl mode of cure, as shown by a report of cases treated A truthful adviser tu the married and those con t-mplaflng marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition, gout free of postage to any address, on receipt or twenty five cents 111 stamps or postal currency, by addressing iDr. LA CROIX, No. ip Maiden Lane, Albany N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any, the diseases upon which his bonk treats, eith er personally or by mail, and medicines sent, lo any part of the world. ifs-iiLw In from one to Twenty MCinntes SOT ONE HOtlU after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAiN Radvajr'n Ready Relief lea (are far every PAIS. It was the first and is TflE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays luliamation, and cures Conges tions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bow els. or other glands or organs, by ono appli cation. In from one to twenty minifies, ne matter how violent or excruciating the paiu the Rheumatic, lied- idden, lufura, Crippled, Nervons. Neuralgic, or prostrated with dis ease may suffer. The application ot the Ready Relief te the part or parts where the pain or'ditficnily exists witl afford cose and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms Sour Stomach Heartburn, Sick Headache Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and a Internal Fains. Travelers should always carry abcttle ol Railway's Ready Relief with them. A few drops In water w ill prevent sickueaa or pains from change of water It is betater than French Brandy or Bittera as n atimulent- FEVER ASD AGUE, Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents; There is not a remedial agent in this world that we, cure Fevei and Ague, an-1 all other Malar iea Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Kadway’s Fills) ao quick as Radway’s Ready Rebel. Fifty centa a bottles HEALTH! BEAUTY! L Strong aud pure rich blood incream of flesb and weight— clear skin mid bcEntiful complexion secured to all. DR. RAD W A Y’S SMSAI’AMLLH.V BESULVEAT Has made tho most astonishing currs so qui.-k so rapid are the changes the body un dergoes, umler the influence of this truly wonderful Modi cine, that Every day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. run tcrtn.sT moon FvntFtssit Every arop of tho Xarsaparilian Resolvent communicates through tho Blood, .Sweet, Urine, and other fluids rikl juices of tho sys tem the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with and soud material. Scrnf. ulu. Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular die ease, Ulecis in the throat. Mouth, Tumors. Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sons Eyes, -S;i umorons discharges from the Ear>, aud the worst forms of .Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheuni, Erysipelas. Acne Black Spots. (Forms in tho Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening ami panful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss ot Sperm and all wastes of the life principle arc within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few duys use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excels all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary and AVomb diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all ca ses where thero are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark billions ap pearanee. and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in tho Small of the Back and along tho Loins. Wamm? perfectly tasteless, rlegantly coated with sweet gum, purgo, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for the cure o, all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels- Kidneys, Bladder, A’ervous Diseases, Head, ache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestions Dyspepsia, Billiousnesg, Bilious Fever, In flammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all lie rangemenia of tbe Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Veg etable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observe* the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: A few doses of Rudway’s Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders. Price, 25 cents per Box, field by Druggists. Read “False and True.” Send one letter, stamp to Undway & Cos., No 87 Maiden Lane. New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. r July 4 1871. 26 ly LAWTON, HART & CO FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, U sual advances made on Cotton in Store. oet. y r au 4m Agents Wanted IN Middle and Southwestern Georgia for Mortimer’s “Acme Linen Marker," and Card Printer, a neat r.nd ingenious little instrument for marking all articles of wearing apparel and for the printing of Business Cards and Envelopes neatly and quickly. Liberal terms given to good canvassers. No humbug. Ad dress with stamp, 11. W. J. IIAM. General Agent, Louisville, Ga. n May 19, 1871, 3 ts. MOUNT HE SALES ACADEMY FOR YOUNG LADIES. (Cokiuicteii xr THE Sisters of;the Visit*- tiox.) Iff BAR OATONSVIUB, FITE MILES BEST OF BALTIMORE MD r| A HIS ACADEMY is situated in Baltimore ■ County, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding eoautry, the city of Balti moie, the Patapsco River and the Chesapeske Bay. The grounds attached to tho Academy are extensive, and afford the pupils ample space for exercise. The balls for study and re* creation, the dormitories, ie., have been con structed with a view to promote the comfort of the young ladies. Address for particulars. MOUNT DE SALES, Catonsville P. 0., Baltimore Cos., Md. J»!y 29, p n 6in . PULASKI HOUSE Savannah, Ga. W. H WILTBKRfIKR, Proprietor. New Idv&rtiseißcutiy; 3»'-ig= i *\JK/A.TCII FREE to AgenU to iutrodace yf ▼ articles that sell in every house, jEatta *fc,Co. Pa. « (VOTjTjIT K> AHlHfOi Horse and Carriage ijsLO furnished ; expenses paid; sam pies free. 11. B. SHAW. Alfred, Me KIFI.KA SIIOT.CIKS HKVOI VSBa Gun materials of every kind. Write lor Price L<sf, toGreaS WesternGnn Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Army guns and Revolvers bought oVtiad ed f»r. Agents wanted July 29 4w. QillH fn ‘TtA perniniit!i guaran tu Aoq iQI , dfiuretoA?rritg everywhere soiling our new seven etrand While Plaiins Clothes Lines. Fails readily a every hou»e. Samples tree. Address the Gls KARP WIRE MILLS. Philadelphia. Pa. FIR F Caps, Htifs, Shirts, Bad - 1 Hip geg 'X’ rntn p {ASj for Service and Parade. At the old .Manufactory, 143 Grand Street, N. Y. CAIRNS &. BRO.-late H T Gratacap. Send for circulars. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. V\ e will send a handsome Prospectus of our Xetc Illustrated kamily Bible, containing over 200 tiue Scripture Illustrations to any Rook Agent, free or charge. Address, National Publishing Cos., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlanta, Ga. or St. Louis, Mo. 20,000 jiiupsr' THE HEL|PEK shows ymi how to save and how to make money 011 the farm.''lVln-re re look for the profits, and how to obtain them. How to clear $G(;0.0l) from Oct. to May. A copy tree to every farmer sending name nnd P. o. address to ZIEGLER & McCUKDY. Phila delphia, Pcs AGENTS WANTED, The Great Chicago Fire! The Crowning Horror of the. I Or/, Century, 100.010 persons to beggary. Fearful ' Scenes, Hiartrer.Jering Fnriilcnts, 500 to I COO copies cfllus Book sclhug per day Sample Copy. post, paid, 50c Address J. w‘ GOODSPEED, Cincinnati, OSt. Louis. Mo., or New Oilcan-, La. - Jl S., tlieUcllr.te iu*J rclVwUUnv ' / Q2ift^ Vv^!.«frOß( ' r Fgri«i» Wuttr, mid !» . / lo. f lemon. Sold by ydbtriewlHplHFtJMEß jSff.ACBw '4’ SI A the “Great Atlantic ami Pacific Tea Cos ,” 8 Church St., New York, P O Box 5500. Send for Tlien-Ncctar Circular AGENTS WANTED. Bound canvass book .S KN T FItE E ! of postage, oh receipt of 75 cents, and exclu sive tenitcrv granted on the PICTORIAL HO M E DIB LE . Contains over 300 Illustrations. Is a com plete. Library ot Biblical knowledge. Exceita alt others. In English and German. Send for Circulars. WM. FLINT & CO.Phil*. Pa.. Composition Stone, For House ironts, Docks, Piers, Culveits Walls, Fountains, and ail building purposes harder, more duiabie and one hundred per cent, cheaper than natural etonc, For Stole nml County Rights to manufacture, apply to Clms. Darrin- i-' t c retary New York FREAR STONE CO 1 *>2a Broadway, N. Y Chicago and the Great Con flagration. A concise history of the past of this most wonderful of cities, and a detailed, cireumstan* tial and vivid account of its destruction by fire; with scenes, incidents, &c. By Messrs. Colbert $! Chamberlin, City Editors of Chicago rnbune. i ully illustrated from Photographs {“**" ™ ‘ h ® spot. Agents Wanted. Add.ess C. r. VENT, Cincinnati or New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR NAUTILUS, GR CRUSHING UNDER, CANVASS, By Capt. John N.Maffit, of the Into Confed erate Navy. 'I he meat thrilling, popular nnd humorous Book in the Market. Send $2 00 for sample canvassing book and circulars to UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO 411 I!r ome Street. New York, 410 Market Street St. Louis, or 1 1 7 W cst 4th Street, Cincinnati. WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS, tor Loughs, Colds and Hoarstncss, These Tablets present the Acid in Combi nation with other efficient remedies, in a popu lar form, foOhe cure of all Throat and Lung 1 Diseasos. Hoarseness and ulceration of the ’ Throat are immediately relieved, and slate meats arc constantly beiutr sent to the propri etor, of relief in cases of Throat difficulties of years standing. CAUTION- Don’t be deceived by worthless imitations. Get only Well’s Car bolic Tablets. Price 25 cts per Box. JOHN Q KELLOGG, 18 Platt street. New York sole Agent for IT, S. Send for Circular. ’ REDUCTION oTTrTcES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES- Great Saving to Consumers BY GETTING UP CLUBS. B*nd for our New Price Lief, and a club form will accompany it containing (ull directions inak ing a large raving lo consumers and reinunera live to Club organizers. THE GBEAT AMERICA!! TEA COM PANY 31 & 33 Ifscy Street, P, 0. Box 5G43 New Vo-k 77 4 , J UR U B E E AT It is not a physic— It is not what is popular ly called a Bitters, nor is it intended as such It is a South American plant that has been nsed for many years by the medical faculty ofthose countries with wonderful efficacy, as a powerful Alterative and Uneqnaled Purifier of the Blood ; is a sure and perfect remedy for all dis eases of the Liver and Spleen, Enlargements or Obstruction of Intestines, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs, Poverty or a want of Blood, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, In flamatioii of the Liver, Dropsy, Sluggish ’ Cir- - dilation of the Blood, Abscisses. Tumors, Jaundice, Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Ague & Fe ver or their Concomitants. Dr. Wells' Extract oj Juruhela , is offered to tho public, as a great invigorator and remedy for all impurities of the blood or for organic weakness with their attendant evils For the foregoing complaints JUKUBEB.V is confidently recommended to every family as a household remedy which should be freely taken in all derangements of the system, it gives health, vigor and tone to all the vital forces, and animates nnd fortifies all weak and lym phatic temperaments. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Platt St„ New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circu lar. Nov. 21, r n p 4w. CHARLESTON HOTEL." E. 11. JACKSON, ffroprietcr. CHARLESTON, S. C, h