The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 23, 1872, Image 1

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THE JEFFERSON £ts NEWS & FARMER. Vol. 2. TIHjjE Jefferson News & Fanner B Y S. W. ROBERTS & BRO. Terms $2 00 per Annum, in Advance. LOUISVILLE CARDS. K.W. Carswell, W. F. Denny. Carswell <fc Denny, ATTOKXEYS AT LAW, LOUISVILLE GEORGIA, WILL practice iu all the Counties in the Middle Circuit. Also Burke in Au gusta Circuit All business entrusted to their care will meet with prompt attention. Nov, 3. 27 ly J 0. CAIN 1 J. a. POLHILL. CAIN a POLHILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOUISVILLE, GA. May 5,1871. 1 ly. Tv F. II ARL 0 W W atpli Mainer —AND— nBPAinER, Louisville, G- a Special ATTENTION GIVEN to reno vating and repairing WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SEWING MACHINES &e , Arc. Also Agent so» the Homo Shuttle Sewing Machine. May 5,1871. 1 lyr: ~Din. It, POWELL, LOUISVILLE, GA. Thankful for the patronage enjoyed heretofore, takes this method of con tinuing the offer of his professional services to patrons and friends. May 5, 1871. 1 lyr- MEDICAL.. Dll. J. 11. SMI TH late of SandersvilleGa., offers his Professional services to the citizens of Louisville, and Jefferson county. An experience of nearly forty years in the profession, should entitle him to Public Con fidence. Special attention paid to Obstetrics and the diseases of women and children, of fieeat residence, Louisville. Louisville June *20,1871. 8 ts. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. KTJE3m7- AND SUMMER GOOES. I am now daiiy receiving choice and desir able ST OOOI3S. The latest novelties in DRESS GOODS. LADIES MADE SUITS. I have now on hand a fine assortment of Cussimcrc's Coltonadcs and Linen's for Gentlemen's wear, which will be offered at the lowest prices. GEORGE WEBER. Bee Hive Store. No. 17G Broad Street, . apr IS ts. Opposite, AUGUSTA HOTEL. SAVANNAH, ■ BEaBEBSSEBHMEHBa Possessing powerful invigorating These Bitters are positively invaluable in They purify the system, and will cure mwMmimimmvw Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, and are a preventive of Chills and Fever. All yield to their powerful efficacy. Are an antidote to change of Water and Diet, to tho wasted frame, and correct all i Will save days cf suffering to the sick, and The grand Panacea for all tho ills of life. Young or Old, Single, theso Bitters are f 2'qualiod and havo often been S means of caving lifo. * TRY OKE! 80TTLE. V VIDLER, BT <SFLT, & TUjnRUM. WWe solo Agents an Wholcvib G. rev« aid C, u - mO-d'u Merc'nairta, 177 Broad Street, AU GUSTA, GA. PLANTERS’ !BOTIL« AugiisSa, The only Hotel in the City where Gas is used throughout JOHN A. GOLDSTEIN. Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga., Thursday, May 23, 1872. New Advertisements. Dissolution —OF— €@®&swNEmmp. The Copartnership heretofore ex isting between the undersigned, un iter die firm name of SAMUEL M. LED ERE R & CO. is this day dissolved by mutual con -enl. Messrs ISAAC M. FRANK and GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN are alone authorized to settle the affairs ol tin 'ate firm, collect all moneys due, and sign in liijiiidadon. SAM’I, M. EEDEKER, I. M. FRANK, GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN Savannah, July ISIII, IS7L Copartnership Notice. The undersigned have this day associated themselves together as Partners lor the transaction ol a General DRY GOODS business in the City <>l Savannah, u nder the firm name of FRANK & ECKSTEIN, AT 131 BROUGHTON ST., where they will continue to carry an extensive stock ot @ IT A W tb H • AND % % %i \ 71 NEW Si- New York. BBT &Ooߧ AND lofl 0 I S . Possessing facilities to purchase Goods in the Northern Markets on the very best terms, will contin ue to offer such 3 ID! ©I fill UTS as will make it the interest of BUY2DRS to deal with us. Th inking vou (or the kind favors bestowed on the late firm, we n - solicit \onr patronage in future. Also an early examination of our slock and pi ires. Yours respecifullv, FRANK A ECKSTEI.Y, 13X Broughton St- Parties desiring to send orders for Goods or Samples of Dry Goods will find them promptly attended to by addressing P. 0. BOX 3S Savanish fia Auguit 18, ly. n •T. Walker Prtvnrietor. R H. McDoxtt.n Ar Cos., Druggist* and Gen. Agts, San Francisco Cal., an J 32 and 3 1 Commerce St, N.Y. MILLIONS Bear Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Eifects. They aro not a vile Fancy Drill!;, made ot Poor Ktini, Whiskey, Proof Spirits nud Refuse I.i --q u ovs doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called “Tonics,” “Appetizers,” “Restorers,” Ac., that lead the tippler onto drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Ucdicinc.madc from the Native Roots and Herbs of Cali fornia, free from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They are tlie GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A Ei FE GIVING PRIXCIPLE, a perfect Reno vator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy con dition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions and remain long unwell,provided their bones are' not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. They are a Gentle Purgative an well ns a Tonic, possessing, also, the i>cculinr merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organa. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, those Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma tism mid Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bil ious, Remittent and Intermittent [Fevers, Diseases of tlie Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitters have been most successful. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Di gestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Ilcadachc. Pain in tho Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chost Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tlie Stomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lung*. Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, art) the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which rentier them of unequalled effi cacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and impart ing new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. Totter, Sal- Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch. Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use ol theso Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im purities bursting through tho skin in Pimples, Erup tions or Sores; cleanso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho vcius; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and tho health of tho system will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whore body is exempt from tlio presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of tho body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed theso livhig monsters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD CO., D*"''.'gists and den. Agents, San Francisco, California, SarSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, p A*; y iJ. 1871, Jy. JL) A-H U VS FUUPMLACTIC FLUID ’jllj 16 invaluable Family Medicine, lui -4- purifying, cleansing, removing ba odors in all kinds ot'sickness; for burnt sores, wounds, stings; for Erysipelas, rheumatism, and all skin diseases; for catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptheria; for colic, diarrhoea, cholera; as awash to soften and beautify the skin; to remove nk spots, mildew, iruit stains, taken in - -as amammmKammamßmmaammmm ternally as well as applied externally; si highly recommended by ail who have used it—is for sale by all Druggists and Boun ty Merchants, and may be ordered di rectly of the DARBY PROPHYLACTIC GO. ~ ;j p Pec‘M’7o ly. rMay2 n.Jnnc3 ly i I* ,v ip v y$ Ay- Jg VERY PERSON admits that a * COOKING STOVE is indesponsabie in a well regulated and eco noniical family. Therefore do not delay in getting one ; but go directly to D T.. FULLERTON and buy cither the “PHILANTHROPIST,’ “CHIEF COOK,” o r “COTTON PLANT.” r> I, FULLERTON. Stove and Tin Ware Dealer, near Jas. TANARUS; Both well . Oct. (), 2J ly. n J. M, Neblett. Wm. M. Goodrich AUGUSTA COTTON GINS. \ the undersigned, respectfully inform the planting community that we con tinue ro manufacture COTTON GINS. We were awarded the Premium, open to th world, for the Gin at the Cotton States Me chan ice* and Agricultural Fair, held at An oust;: last siu«' n Also, received tlie Firs’ Fii mium at th. r ife Fair of South Carolina We le<*l w in• -'.*• i iu saying t at a tiial ol •»ur Gins is ...■ that is necessary to guarante. - . •« fin. fi’ileis solicited early in the r. to 1 ev u* delay. Uhi Gins re; aiv-d on reasonable terms. NEBLETT & GOODRICH, rn april, 23 6m Grover aud B ker Sewing 31a chine. For Simp'icity, Ease of O-m ation, and Du rability, the OROVEIi & BASER SEWING MACHINE is unrivalled. Ke-ponsible Ageits wanted in every town in tho State. Address. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 214 Bull St., Savannah, Ga april23 3m ru. E. J. DOZIER. VV. R. WALTON DOZIER & WALTON, Wholesale Grocers, AND Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Etc., 269 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. lIBERAL Terms to Wholesale buyers, and usual tim* rates allowed A large stock j kept on hand constantly. Purchasers visiting Augusta will please call and rxainiue april 23 3m u r DOZIEK * WALTON AUSTIN MULLARKY. JAMES If. MULLAUKY Cash is Good ; but Prompt Cash is Better ! And that is what those in want of DRY GOODS find out atthe Dry Goods .Store of MULLARKY BROS., 262 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. In our department of D.ers Good., can now l e found a full aud completely n-w line DOL LY VARDENS iu various ,|u;»liiies ; Urenadiues, Alpaceas, Silk I’oplins. Jaconets, JaiMiiesi Goods, and many other Dress Goods t >o numerous to uaine. Our Hosiery and White Goods Stock m .elected w ith attention by a careful New York buy er, and our assortment of Prints, l’inidr. Stripes, Osnshu gt,. Giugluins, Sheetings and Shirt mp«. i.s one of the best ever offered to too public. Our house is doing a CASH husinest i buys every.liing to.- prompt cash, and according!' can sell goods far cheaper thin any home that buys on ere lit, and tlie conse pieuca is that, thoni ■ ~« «n ,1,1.. to pay prompt cas'i for their g >o Is, wt I tin I ilia; we can sell them cheap aud r, New York prices. 1 CO.MK SKE AND JUDGE. April 2(1, 3m eow rn MULLARKY BROS. MRB. LECKIE, DEALER IN FASHIONABLE MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Real anil hni'alion HAIR CURLS, SWITCHES, it , it JET I FANCY JEWELRY. FURS, ic„ >l7l BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. april23 u Ims. 2m f n. Planters, Read This! BURDICK BROTHERS’ IS THE HEADQUARTERS FOR Grain & Provisions 63 THIRD STREET, MACON, GA-, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HOG. c——— WE HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, 50,000 pounds BACON C. R. SIDES and SHOULDERS, 00,000 pounds BULK C. R. SIDES and SHOULDERS, For sale al Lowest Market Price by BURDIOHL BROTHERS. 5,000 bushels prime WHITE CORN, 2,000 bushels prime MIXED CORN, Which we will sell as low as anybody. BURDIOK. BROTHERS. RECEIVING THIS DAY 100 BARRELS Belle of Georgia Flour. This is our favorite brand, and cannot be excelled in this market. One car load “Kenesaw” Mills EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. One car load “Marietta” Mills FAMILY FLOUR, One car load GOOD SUPERFINE, in barrels and sacks. For sale low by BURPIOH BROTHERS Three car bads PRIME WESTERN HAY. One car load CHOICE FEED OATS. Just received by BURDICK BROTHERS. MAGNOLIA HAMS, FRESH MEAL, WHEAT BRAN, SHOUTS, PREPARED COW FOOD, LIVERPOOL and VIRGINIA SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, etc., now in Store. CHOICE LEAF LARD IN TIERCES AND CANS. We oiler the above on as reasonable terms as any house in this market, for Cash or approved City Acceptance. Give us your orders, and we will try to please you. BURDICK BROTHERS. april 6th 1872 rpn 3m. Supreme Court of Georgia. Tui’a.iDAY, Ma) Dili. The Mai*oo Ac Augusta Railroad Compa ny vs. Frank L. Little, executor. Re lief and Constitutional Law, from Hancock ; and •Jackson B. Johnson, administrator, vs K. Stokes Sayre, et. al. Constitution al Law, from Hancock. Montgomery, J : 1. That clause of the third para graph of the first section ol Arndt -2 of the C iistitution of Georgia, which provides that “No session of the General Assembly, aiier liie sec ond under this Coiisdiuiion, shall continue longer than forty days, un less prolonged by a vole ot two thirds ot cadi branch thereof,” ap plies only to ilic General As-cuiliK which was lo meet alter ihe Slat government had been fully recon structed under ilit* so called teenii slriictiuii Acts of Congress, not to the L'gislalme <>l the provisional government organized um!>r those Acts. 2. The Supreme Conn of the United States have said, in While vs. llarl, ct. al., infra, “the action ot Congress upon the subject (the re consiruction measuics) cannot be inquired into. Thu case is dimly one ill which the judicial is hound lo follow the action of the political department of the government, and is concluded by it.” While comp> lied In accept ibis dogma as law. and as perhaps liue in a limited degree, so tar as laels accomplished are concerned, a- a general proposition l dissent hum and protest against it. 3. Under the recent decision ol the Supremo Court ot the United States in the ease ol Wili am White vs. John it. Hart, and Win. L). Da vis, decided December term, 1871, we ate compelled to hold, liiat the reconstructed provisional govern ment ol Georgia did not expire be fore June 12, when Congress enacted that the Stale of Georgia having complied with the reconstruc tion acts, and tlie louriccmli and iil leenlh amendments to Ihe Consli: u lion of the United States having been lalified in good faith by n leg and Le gislature of said State, ills hereby declared that the Si ite ol Georgia is entitled in representation in the Congress of the Uni ed Stales.” Upon the admission of tier Senators and Representatives under that act, says the Court, “ihe condonation by the national government became complete.” The conclusion to our minds is inevitable, that up to the passage of that act, at least, the pro visional government provided lor by the act of March 2, 1567, slill ex isted. 4. It follows that the session ot the Legislature of 1870, which pass ed the Act of October 13tb, of that year, was not a session of the Gen eral Assembly, after the second un der the Constitution in the sense in which the Convention of 1808 used these words. Hence the act under review is not invalid because passed by the Legislature more than forty days after the commencement of its session. 5. It is at least doubtful whether the first four sections of the Relief Act of October 13th, 1870, prospect ive in their operations a3 sound tules of construction require them to be understood, so far impair the reme dy ol contracts made prior to June, 1865, as lo he unconstitutional un der the lenlh section of the first Ar ticle of the Constitution of the U. S. It is therefore the duly of the Court to refuse lo declare them unconsti tutional. 6. The first (our sections ot the Relief Act of October 13lli, IS7O, must he read in the light of the title lo that Act, aud iu so far as they are not variant from it, they do not vio late the sth paragtaph of the 4th section of article 3 ot the Constitu tion of Georgia, and to that extent the Court should give them effect. Therefore, in all suits pending al the time of the passage of the Act, for debts founded on contracts made prior to June, 1565, the taxes must have been paid, and the affidavit filed within six months after the Act passed ; and in all suits commenced after its passage, at the time ol filing the writ, on pain of having the case dismissed on failure to do so. 7. If Congress, or a Stale Legis lature pass a law, within the gener al scope of their constitutional pow er, the Courts cannot pronounce it void merely because, in their judg ment, it is contrary lo the principles of natural justice. Calder vs. Bui), 3, Dallas 399. 8. A bill of interpleader being fil ed by an administrator against the creditors of an estate represented by him, whose claims are antagonistic, and some of the claims being found ed on contracts entered into before June, 1565, it is not necessary for creditors holding such claims to file an affidavit of the payment ot taxes with their answers, their claims hav- No. 3 ing been brought into court by the :uimi:iislrator and not by tin uiselves. On the trial of the case, however, they should make it eleariy appear that the taxes have been paid to en title them to a decree tor the pay ment of the claims. 9. Subscriptions to the stock of the Macon and Augusta Railroad Company, made belbre June, 1565, stand upon the same tooting with other debts contracted before that and ite; and in suits against the sub scribers tor the amount of their sub -cription, the payment of taxes and 'lie tiling of the affidavit, as requited by the Relief Act of IS7O, is neces sary. Judgment in the case of The Ma non and Augusta Railroad Company vs. f rank 1,. I.iule, Kxecutor, at liruied. Judgment reversed in the case of Jackson B. Johnson, Administrator, vs. R. Stokes Sayre, on the ground dial tin: creditors holding claims •ounded on contracts made before June, IStio, should have proved pay ment of taxes on those claims to en tide them to a decree lor the pay ment of the claims. Linton Stephens, Geo. F. Pierce, 13. 11. Hill, 11. L. Henning, lor plain till’in error. C. W. Dubose, R. Toombs, F. L. Little, contra. Barbarity. Is the persecution of the people of South Carolina never to slop? Are the political exigencies ol G< ii Grant and Gov. Scott of such nature dial the State where Radicalism has most triumphantly asserted itself, must lie kept in order by military terroiism supplemented by down right murder i Ever since United Slates Marshal Johnson was super seded in his office by ex-Congress man Wallace, itie Federal iroops have been kept active in securing ti.e seven counties pla<ed under maitial law, and have arie.-ied huge numheis of persons and <lrugg< it ihem of] io plates remote Irmn their homes lor impri -o tint m and tnal.— These unh .p,»v pe pi , on . ipally tanners and plan.,us m Newberry, &.iiin„ .i)nig, at, • U't ~ counties, are d.rny tug -z- .i . earned .ffsiys u.e l fimrl .\ “mi ail sons ol charges mu.. years of lime, amt ilien i.oniu left to the teudet, , 0: j w who are mu y< l arre-it o. m,. live in co stant tear. No ei ./> any hope of any. Staivatiou n„ itiisery alike to the iiiollit rund ikt babe, appear to he in the near e for thousands ol the persecuted cit izens ol the upper comities ” In Spartanburg the troops are riding over the country night and day, making arrests everywhere.— ‘Old men ol eighty and ninety years,’ writes a merchant, ‘ some even on crutches, are brought and lodged in jail. Some of these old men, I feel satisfied, have r.ot been awav from their homes at night for twenty years.’ What wonder is it that-hun dreds of the citizens are leaving that county, not from consciousness of guilt, but because numbers of per* fectly innocent men have already been arrested, and no man knows whose ‘ turn may' come next ?’ The very man who has driven these people, under the pressure of intolerable wrongs, into the perpe tration of acts which the law forbids are the active agents of the Govern ment in a dragonade as fierce and bitter ar.d unspairing as the peise culion of the French Protestants by Louis the Fourteenth. In the latter case the animating cause was reli gious bigotry. In South Carolina it is political and sectional hatred.— Sometimes, however, the proceed ings have a grim grotesqueness that mixes oddly and curiously with the more tragic elements. But little more than a week ago four men from York county —who were indicted at the last term of the Uuited Stales Cir cuit Court for the Charleston Dis trict tor conspiracy and murder— pleaded guilty of conspiring to pre vent negroes from voting. The murder charges were then with drawn. Are we to understand that the accusation of murder was trumped up to frighten these men into confessing to a lesser offence, or are we to infer that in Radical esiis (nation to keep a voter frotn the polls is a greatet crime tb»n to take his file ?— Exchange. Centennial Celebration of Amer If an Independence.—A bill has been reported in the Federal House of Repre sentatives, and referred to the Commit tee ou Foreign Affairs, incorporating a centennial company, with a capital of $13,000,000, for the purpose of holding the Centennial Celebration in Philadel phia. This bill was prepared at a meeting of the Centennial Commissioners in Phil adelphia some weeks since. It hea been agreed that not less than two incorpora tors shall be in the company from eaeb Congressional district in the United States , four at large from each State, and two iucorporatora front etch Territo ry. The shares of stock ere pm et tea dollen. f