The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, October 15, 1874, Image 2

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SJdw anh Jarntr. ROIfITSIRITIERS, _ wxm *&4 nojsntToss. rHUMUAY, OCTOBER t». IST*. DEMOCEiTiC NOMINEES. rO» C INGRESS, HON. A. H STEPHENS, -CengreMtemJ Nominees of tbs Demo cratic Party, First District—Julian Ha tridge. becoud Oistrici—William ES.ntih Ti ird JJ atr tt—Fliil. TANARUS, Cook, Fourth h)i=tiict-—Henry R, Har f\*. Fit h District—Milton A.CarnlJer, Sixth D.s ri.t— JdS. H. Blount. Sevoatb Dis.rittf—L. N- Xram xu 1!. Eighth District—Alexandtr H. iii. Ninth District—Garnet McMillan. Siu e S« na or. First District, R. E. L ster. The Marqb Towards Monarchy. 'J'he following extracts /rout a let ter ot Col. Blanton Duncan U> the L"uiayi.le Ledger have tire rjng ot true inetuJL and every statement is as l.rue as g< spel: Tire power of the Federal Gov<rn- Weut (against the spirit ot its crea tion tor the common good) is »ield ed fu.cly lor partisan t-ts ct, Who has heard, wiUn« the vast Six years, id as arm b jug ratted to protect or .deleiid a Democrat T What white imiii lias it uphelJ, unless lie is one cl the harpies now preying upon the South ? And yetfh - Southern people with these i- aching-* are expected to l«»ve the govrrMihi-vt and worship is flag, ’] he hum u I cart can be taught to humiliate itsrif in the dust, and in i outritiou to reqeise with reverence And love tile cliu-tjseuie/jt ol alwise Providence. And to day through)* out the South thes • trials and op t r- s si ns have their chastening iutiu- rice to turn thoughts heaveeward tor reward which h is treen promised to /the long suffering. But the wrong-doer, thespo iator, the cunning carpet-bagger, who un Blushingly ruhs his victims, and with a 1 nigh oi deris on taunts them for their heiplrssness. nev-rc»n expect )ovo or respe- t or forgiveness from that wrong! and people. Demoralizing intluen es have sap ped the foundation of our Republic ami weak) lied the love of the people fit lioc-rty. Hundreds of thousands iof Radicals would to-day prefer a military di spo ism rather ihuu give Up power to Democrats. And they fvould drench the country in the jbiood of aimili) r civil wai ratiier than give up the sys eu.otic opp es lions of the Southern whites. To one wb » has sei o in Europe .the faci iiy with which established governments have be n overthrow!’, it Is afarming to witness how apa thetic the masses of the i\orth are to lhe continued encroicbment* of the Federal power upon the rights ol .the people of tbe Stan t, 'The redeT il at my lias hut to go to any given 1 C il ty, and the opin ion is exprebs and l>v the Nor hern loess that tin- Piesideui’s will must Be obeyed. H nv lo g will it require the exi teri eol this couditioii ot nf }airs to create ti e monarchical ads .age, “I he Pres dent can do no >viong,” And when the apathy has existed until the pear is ripe for plucking, how many days wjl it re ,quire for a bold and determined man imeked by bundled* of thousands of partisans and the army and navy at his command, to establish himsell permanently as the government. It is a sail thing to confess that the indifference of the present day does trot g>ve enpouragt inept to tin idea jt>f future organs <1 effor 8 to throw tl>p yoke I.f the oppressor, or i hat even gallsnt lead«-r» i r iiafjng Hamp den <-r Washington, c ult induce .the n ass- s in the North ‘to venture action without the loim of Uvv', rjy d'T the burden of intolerable exac tions and oppressions, and abide t e /tons)- quences. Ji is time for ih«* j>eo|»'e of the /Yuj-.b *Q reflect more deeply upon fin subjer, an.d to learn h,it the Steady encroachment ot th- Federal flower, as directed against K ntucky and Tennessee, as well as the fur fioutberfl jitiltg, ureas sum and fa fal ip ihe|r final work as i lr dashing /of ifie opean’s billows agajnst appftt pntly massjva granite bulwarks, yrlmse f .y d,i/tjons are even cracked. Too many citizens already ey.iucc .an tdey that the Federal Govern ment j* a »a r< U thing, and that the Freed in, like a K'i)g« cau do no tviong, His orders urnst be obeyed /S»d he will idv< siigate afterwards.— Bui who has < v-r head of Fed- ral jnvestiga.ion that produced any /change ot original purpose t Iff tb)B £ »u;hefn btjdps, fedpr officials use the maefeiaerjr of the Federal courts to drag Democrats from extreme lucalities to be prose cuted by ibe Gov. rameut upon the most frivolous pretences. Subjected to such persecutions and attendant pecuniary losses, what remedy have they J Ttue armed wastes ofFeder al tro >ps are paraded throughout the South .to enforce Congressional laws and tb- edict of the Attorney Gen. eiel. But «s yet Northern soil has not be-n the witness ot such scenes. Enjoy mg the com torts of fife, with no dangers confronting him, it is very easy forthc Northern man to deprecate resistance und. rany ei“* cuinstancs But wlnen it become* a question of permitting wrongful op pression. wholesale plunder taxa tion with ot representation,elections by noioii'xus Iruud aid refusal of registration a rule without the con sent of the governed—.when these things exist and the Federal Govern mem shall openly ( spouse tlie cause ot tint wrong-doer, and the cap of a Gessler is sent throughout this great land for the people to do it homage, there will spring, with one accord, 1 hope, from every section and eye* ry State, ten thousand Tells to sweep n down, ami to aim their unerring buffets at every Gessler, and his would-be King. Soufhernfigoyemart, Six Southern Sta'es have rr-c.-ntly been thrown |i'ito confusion by in suirection or fear of it. In Louis i nut. Eedogg, a Republican usurper, proved utterly powerless, and hail to send for the Federal bayonets whi, h originally foisted him upon a long suffering people. In Mjns-ssip. pi. Amt s, a Republican carjß-t bag*. ge>, was so scared by a cock-and* bull stoiy of trouble m Yicksbu g that he hastily telegrtphed hn Fed eral tnar, s, was ms'S itly rebufied and b.-came the laughing stock ol the country. In South Caroina, Moses has just pass' and through the same i xperience. While these three GoV' rnors who have no hacking from the w ealth or the intelligence or the honesty ol thejSiat-s over which they domineer. h«ve been proving their helpless inefficiency, their utter ina bility to execute the State laws without Ft dt-ral aid, three nttn-r Southern Governors* placed in cir cuinstunc-8 tnoie trying tha . those of Ames or Mo.-es, have been show irg what an Executive who really represents the Execute e can do. In Georgia Governor Smith had to and nl with a dangerous disposition io send troops to tire help of the New Orleans citizens. A tew humorous anil satirn nl speeches by the Gov ernor tinidn-d the feeling. He n arihml through Gei rgiaas victori ous as Sherrna'i. The danger was soon over. In Kentucky Governor Leslie has called a special ses-ion of two county couits; has asked the judges to keep steadily at work pun idiing the Ku. Klux for six months, if necessary, and has placed at th-ir disposal inditia in sufficient nutn -ers to make tne necessary arrests and to enforce tbe sentences. The res ilt is a sudd-n diminution in the crime that has been dtsgr ic ng the State Ir. Ii nni-ssee, Goverm r Brow n has followed up the G bson county lyncheis wi:h vigor. Rewards have been set upon their heads. Some ol them have been nlreidy arrested. One ha* been induced to turn Stale’s evidence. There i» a good prospect id the conviction of the whole gang, Such decisive action by the State author t" s has put a sudden stop to the cu hi oak of racehatred which the civil rights lull threatened to cause. Tennessee is again at peace. White and black arc *afe within her b< rulers Tne sharp contrast between the action of tlirse two trios of Govern* ors may weil excite a suspicion, even in loyal Republican breasts, wheth er it is wo th while to keep on in dorsing and sustaining Southern Governor* who must sit on Federal cannon and keep a row of Federal bayonets h- tween themselves and then e-msttueiii* in order to stay in power.-, •Chicago Tribune. A Convention. At a meeting of the Democracy of Elbert county recently, held for the pm pose ot nominating a candidate to represent Elbert ill the next House of Repr> sentaiive*, the fo ! lowing resolutions were adopted : ‘•2-.1. That we confidently believe that the State of Georgia i« not le gally bound to pay the bonds of said State, dec a ed to be fraudulent, null an I void bv the Koud Committee and Quneml Assembly of IS7I and JS72. “3d. That we assert the present Con-titutiou of Georgia not to have been made by th'* r« alcnjz’ns of the State; amt that the dignity of the old Empire State requires the Call ing of a convention to mould a Con stitution that shall reflect the wishes of I’B good men.” At a meeting of the Democracy of Oglethor)ar county, h- Id at Lexing* ton, on tne 23th ult , the following resolution was unanimously adopted: “Tout we ins ruct our Rcprcsen (stives m the Legislature to vote tor the call ol a Constitutional Conven fon.” We believe that the Conven tion question will br the principal one presented to tbe new L»gi l»- ture \>r and. terruiniiig, and we also believe that It will be submitted to a vote of the people. The citizens ot the State realize that a Constitution al Convention is necessary, a id they are determined te bare ose. They •ee that only through the iaßrumen tsd y ot such a body can the pay. ineui of eight millions of fraudulent indehti dmss be avoided ; that in this way .only ran such changes be made in the organic law, as experi ence has shown to be need- and. The simple que»tiou will be put to the General Assembly ; ‘'Are you wil* litig to allow Jyour constituents to vote u{>oii this propos tian 1" We do not see how any member can cast Ids vote in tire negative. Augusta Chronicle.. Farmers vs. Merchants. Here is what the Editor of the Sa vannah Advertiser has to say about the farmers; The farmers of Georgia, wiih whose history we have been famil iar all our days, are the most pecu liar people on earth. Their suspi cion of town peop'e is of the most maiked character, and tie simplest matter presented to their eyes tty one of the latter is viewed wi;h dis trust. About every decade the ac cumulation of this feeling, growing year by year, at last breaks out into some general expression of defiance and a resolution to do without the aid of the townsman any longer.— The number of banks that h ive been proposed on these occa ions is great, but we are not positive that any were ever started. The last phaze of this cbulition is the Grangers—a sot iety which seems to embrace ev ery branch of Agriculture, transpor tation and the trade in products.— This order is now in lull blast, with duly accredited agents established all over this country and in Liver pool, and are now engaged in rais ing one bundled thousand dolla>B to promote direct trade. The propos ed plan to accomplish t* is object * e have not seen, and do not know whether the steamships are to be pought outright, or ntdy subsidized ; but the amount is so small that it looks as if it were only lor clerk hire and expenses ; but what ever it is spent for, it is that much money thrown away, for no good can be accomplish'd save in one way.— It might be sent nb oad to buy a stock of urti les that farmers need, in which event it wouldn't quite al. be lo*t. It is with extieme regret thnt we notice this blind way of undertaking bosines* which they do not m.der s:a and. “Farmer, stick to your soil’ is as comet and applicable as that of “shneinak-r stick to your Lst.” When-vcr this rule is departed from disas er surely follows. It is a farm er’s business to raise all he wants to i at first anil before all, then p'ant what will proba ly pay him best, and then sell it at the very fiist tna ket he reaches. Competition by railroads has forced transportation down, and competition between merchants will enable you to gi t the full value for anything you have t * sel, Wi h money in your pocket you can defy grangers and merchant*. Without it you may join rvery grange in the laid, but you can't de fy the merchant. You trust go to him, although you have abused him as a middleman. The grrnge in Georgia is now burthened with plans they cannot carry out, their expenses are increas ing, and no good resulting. The dav is coining when the members will find out this organization has ad,led another to the disasterous failures that have gone before, and subject of doing their own business will be dropping for another ten years, to lie revived under some new a,d fasci nating name, The Merchant’* Pi ices Current of Columbus, Inis the following about the Cotton Situation: AH the accounts re present th cotton crop ,8 le*s ti an 1 st year.— Every Cotton Ev h tnge concurs in tins. The cotton mills of New En gland are ronnmgon much less time than heretofore, and hence consump tion is smaller. The same course is pursued to a great ex eut in Eng land. The manufacturers claim that this is necessary until there is a margin b tween the cost oi goods arid the price at which they can be sold- In the memtiine tne S <uth ern tmlls are working to th' ir full capacity. This demonstrates the superiority oi the South to the North in natura advantage* ill the produc tion of cotton fabne*. In regard to prices, that is a mailer ot specula tion in which racii can indulge to hearts content. A horse tlnet was found dead in the woods, not tar from Gatetville, Coryt lie Cos., Texas, a lew days since Forty-seven bullets had entered his body, li is supposed that he was captured by the citizens ol that vi cinity, Dearly all of w hom must have had a shot at the poor wretch, whose name wa* F. M, H irt. The man who steals a horse is no worse than be wbo, when elected to office, steals the people. Serve thtia all alike and there will be fewer thieves and less taxation. The provisions in the ark didn’t give out. They had as much Ham at the end ot the voyage as wnen they started. INC SEMERAL ASSEMBLY. Senators and Representatives. Tbe ftftlftring ts the remit of the election often «a*k as far aa heard froSft; Mji ' ; BBVATOKB. First district— lt E Les'er. Third district—Will s Clay. Filth district— Dnrflel Loti. Seventh district—J McDonald, Ninth restrict—T J Perry. Eleventh district—W A Graham. . Thirteenth iti-triet—L M Fi-Hon. Fifteenth and etrict—T D Wilcox. Seventeenth district—G R Black. Nineteenth diatiict—CS Dußose. Twenty'first diatriei—W O Daniel. Twenry third diat—Wm Rutherford Twemy-fifth diet—W I Hudson. Twenty-aevenih diet—H D McDan iel. Twenty-ninth di»t—W M Reese. Thrty-first (list—J M Freeman. Thirty-third dist—G E Deadwy ler. Thirty-fifth diat—E P Howell. Thiriy-sevrnth dist—J T Slaughter Thirtv-ninth dist—E C McAfee. Forty-third dist—ll E Wilson. KEPBBBBNTATIVBB. Appling. Paul Carter. Bullock, D L Kennedy. Bryan, J DeLoach. Burke, J A Shewmake, H C Glis eon, J B Jones. Baldwin, Wm. McKn ley. Bibh, T Hardeman, A O Bacon, D D Craig. Banka, J J Turnbull. Bartow, T H Baker. John Neal. Coweta, J E Stallings J B Wilcox. Carroll, Camp, Sh-TlnU*. Chattahoochee. J Whittle. Chatham, Ali Lawton, J L War ten. J G Thomas. Cohb, W D Anderson, E H Ltnd ley. j Cu oo»a, A H Grey. Campbell, J W Nelms. Co’urnhia, 8 C Ltrftipkin. Clayton, Je*see Anthony. Clarke, H H Carlton, Wilson. Clinch, J R G Hami ton. E L Moore Dougherty, Davenport, We*selows ky. Clta toogs, D Y Rudicd. Cherokee, Sharp. Clay, Saunders, Do Ige, D Davi.l Sapp. Dade, E D Graham. Douglas*, F M Duncan. DeKulb, O Winninghain. Deca'ur, Daniel Magill, Thomas T Maxwell. Elbert, H P Matrox. Echols. T Padgett Effi'g'.vn, HE Cassidy, Kii anuai, , Kennedy. Fnye’te, E W Leidh. Floyd, H»mi ton. Turner. Forsyth, R A Eike*. Fulc'in, W A Wilson, W L Calhoun E F Hogue, Gwinnet, T M Peeples, A A Dyer. Gla-scncfc, W J Wilcher. Glynn, J Blue, (col.) Greene L B Willis, L D Carfton. Gordon, W R Rankin. Henry, Dr Wm*. Harris, H E Mos*. Geo Kilpatrick. Han- ock. J L Culver, J L Brinson. Hous nn, Brown, Simmons Witnber- Iv. Ha l, A D Candler. Heard, —, Ware, J«hn«>n. Theophilus Christian, Jefferson, Dr H L Battle, Col R P Little, J spe , T L Lane, Jones, H B Ridley. Jackson, G li Dude. Potta, Lumpkin, Gen ffW Riley, Lownds, A H Smith. Lee, H M McAfee. Laurens, Dr J T Chappell. Lib-rty, W C Bacon, (cl.) Milton, O P Skel'on. Murray, B F WoffonL Madi-ou, Mend >ws. Meiriwether, O Warner, W T Rev ill. Monroe, G W Ad «m*, J G Phinnsee. Macon, W H Willis. J B Frederick. Muscogee, T W Grimes, W. F. Williams. Mv«he!l, C O Davis, McDuffie, J H Scott. M'irgan, O Tho naiiton. Newton, L B Ander*on, L F Liv ings: on. Ogle ho-pc, D W Patman, T Hutch erson. : . . Price, J S Bennett. Polk. W. M. Huching*. Pike, A G Peden. Pulasky, Harrell. Putnam, Frank Levered. Pieice, J S Beonet'*. Quit man, W H Harrison. Rockdale, Dr J A Stewart. Richmond, J C C Black. P Walah, W A Clarke. Randolph, W M Tumlin. Sumter, Furlow, Stewart. Spalding, A M Speer. Stewart, Bell, , Walton. Talbot, J H Maxwell, W H Searcy. Telfair, D A Graham. Terrell, W G Simpson. Thomas, W M Hammond, Isaac Al derman. Taliaferro, J G'Askury, Tailor, J F Ficklen. Troup, J H Fa io, Pitt.nan. Wilks Collev, Quinu. Whitfield. J P Clement*. Walton, J W Carter. Wilkinson. Rr J B Duggan. Washington, W Warthcn, G J El kina. Ware, W H Miller, Whir, Sire Craig, Warren, Dr M R Hall. Wayne, H R Fort. . NOTICE. FIRM of G. F. Hudson Jk. 800, is J*- this day Disaqlynd bgr mutual The senior member of the firm to settle ike business of said bra, q- f; HUDSON, XW.UDMoe. tore as Jones <fr Hudson. We Solicit a eon tinnation of the liperal patronage extended tue former firm. J. it JONES, Hudsonia, Jefferson tloi/oeL For Sale or Rent T'HB TWO BTORY CARRIAGE SHOP J- at Ret bear, Ua , 40x60 with Biacksmi h shop and Wooabouse attached, a well of good water 011 the lot Only } mile from the Depot. Terms Easy. Apply to J. B. MURHPY, Oct 8,3 m Bartow, Ga. w. C- SMITH & CO. NEAR BARTOW, GEORGIA, Has now ou hand and offering to the public CANVASSED HAMS at 18c. UNCANVASSED “ at 16c. LAUD at 19c. Calicoes at 8, 10 an<l 12c per yard. Augusta Slutting at 8£ and 10c. The above are only a few of the _ ay arti clea that weaie selling at reduced piicee. We are determined not to be undersold by any honse in this section. We keep on hand a good supply of HARNESS, BHIDLES and SADDLES, Which wo are selling at very low prices. Give ns a call and be Oon riuced that we a Te selling Goods cherper than yon can buy the m elsewhere. oct 1 lm Clothing ! Clothing ! ! JOHN O. LEEi WITH HENRY S. JORDAN, 22S BROAD BTBBT, - - - - AUUUSTA, OA. I TAKE Great pleasure in announcing that we are fully prepare and to mee' all th- wants of our friends and customers, in the way of FINE READY MAI)E CMOTHING, HA TB. CAPS, and FURNISHING GOODS, and everything usually kept in a first class establishment. Our Stock is L ARGE and varied, aud we feel assured that we cau please, even the most fastidious, without regard 1 0 Length and Sixe. Give ns a call. October 1, 1874 Bespectfnlly, J. C. LEE. A# J* MILLER & Cos., Wholf sale and Rrtall FURNITURE DEALERS, 150 BEOU6M 01 STREET, Savannah, Ga. Strict attention paid to Mattress making and Upholstering. Country order c-refully pack ed. Fatties desiring to purchve would do well to give us a call and examine our stock. M.L 600DS WARRENTED. October Ist, 1874. 21 6m. DdsuluUob of tofaiaersbip. rpHE FIRM OF DONOVAN A MURPHY 1. 111 the Saw Mill Business is this day Bit* solved by mutual couceut. All persuus indebt ed to the said firm for Lumber will come for. ward and pay for tbe same by the first day of November next, otherwise they will be plac ed iu the hands ot au officer fur collection, as we wish to close up the busiuess 8 L Peter, sou at Betb.iiy, aud W FDeuuy at Louisville, are authorised to receive and Receipt tor srme. Ww. DONOVAN, B. J. MOXLEY. Sept 10, 11:74. 4w SHERIFF’S SALES. WILL BE SOLD at the Market Honse, in the Towu of Louisville ou the First Tuesday iu November next within the Lega, hours of Sale the following property to wit : Four Hundred and Seventy eight Acres of Land more or less, situate, being aud lying in Jefferson county, and adjoiniug lauds of James Stapleton. William H Douglas John M. Gor don Estate of James M. stone and others.— Levied on ua tbe property of Elijah A. Sykes, to satisfy a li la, issued from Jefferson Superi or Court, iu fever of James J. Brown, vs. Eli jah A. Sykes. Legal notice given to defendant in possession. ALSO—st tbe same time and place, Three Hundred Acres of Laud, more or less, silu te being and lying in Jefferson county, and ad joining tbs lauds of James and William Ford, D. W. Aldred and others. Said laud levied on as the property of Uenjamiu B Per due, deceased, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Jefferson Superior Court iu favor of Carswell fit Denny, vs. John Williams, Administrator on estate of B. It. Perdue, deceased. Legal notice giveu. ALBO—At the tarns time and plaee, ISix Hundred and Forty five Acres of Land, more or (ess, adjuiniuiug lauds of William Rhodes James Fleming, John Scott and others, on the waters of Chavers Creek, aud kuown as the Mougiu place ; also, Three Huudred aud Fitly acres, more or less, adjoining lauds ot Reuben Atwell, Allen T. Browu, Dr. Martin and others, said lands situate, being and lying iu Jefferson county, and levied on as the prop erty of Edward H Byne, to satisfy a fi fa issu ed from Jefferson Superior Court, in favor of Botbwell ft. Woodbridge vs. Edward H. Byne garnasbee. Legal notice given to defenaaut in possession. „ , 0. W. QUINNEY, Sli'ff. October Ist, 1874. tds. Job Work. ~ ~ “*5 k , e l?e * ddo unto otbar* as yon w ould have others do uuio you." Merchants and businessmen, take heed that y„ n patron ise the primer at home as you would have the printer at home patronise yon. We are now prepared to furnish bill and note beads eu vefopea, ete., priuteo in neat , B< j elegant JAMES A. GRAY A GO. Rwpectfirily invites the readers of the New* A Farme aad the pubfie generally to call and examine their Stack a t FALL A*D WINTER DRY GOODS, THTH XaAJRO-EJSO? -AJSTD BEST ASSORTED gffp m&wg&m ©>© a©©©®® Having a long experienee in the business, and unequaled facilities, they confidently iavite a a comparison of GOODS AND PRICES, 1 Feeling assured that their s will be found to be THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN THE SOUTHERN STATES! The Finest Btock of Mourning Goods in the slate (Luprie’s manufacture.) The best Stock of Silks aud Dress Goods in tbe State. A Fine Apartment of Shawls. Full lines of all Wool, Bhaker and Domestic Flannels. Fine yarde-wide Brown Sea Island cotton at 10 cets. Extra soft finished yard-wide Bleached Cotton 12 cents. Complete lines of everything that is usually kept In a First-Class House. "t We go to the Manufacturers anu Importers to buy our Goods, we buy them for CASH, we pay no Profits to Jobbers, and hence we cau affbrt to sell CHAP at all times. JAMES A. GRAY & CO., IR4 and 106 Broad Street) ° ctß ’ 3m AUGUSTA, GA. JOHN OLIVER, .No. 3 Whitaker Street, savannah, Ga. M4AAB MJT Paints, Oils, Turpentine Varnishes, Glass, and all OOLOP.B AND BRUSHES, SASHES, BLINDS AND DOORS, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, GILDING AND GLAZING. Mixed Paints of all Colors and shades IF ‘STOTT WISH TO IHr ® R B Your Gin House, APPLY IMMEDIATELY TO ROBERTS BRO’S. /L ms TO #2O PER DAY easily made by Ap r any one. We want men. wemeu, boys MrR and girls all over the couutry to sell M.I our Fine steel Engravings. Cbromos, vp V Crayon Drawings, llluminations-Phuto graphs, etc., etc. We now publish the tiuest usiortmeot ever placed before the public, and aur prices are marked down so low as to defy all Competition. No one subscribes for a pre mium-giving paper in order to get a picture after seeing our pictures aud foamin' our prices. W e have many old agents at work for us who have made canvas Bing for books, pap ers, etc-, their bu.iness for years and they all report that they can make much more money at work for us than at anythiug else, Our prices are so low that all cau afford to purchase, aud therefore the pictures Mil at sight at al most every house. New beginners do as wpl| as agents who have had large experience, for our beautiful subject aud low prices are appro dated by all. To make large sales everywhere all an ageuthastodo is to shot the pictures from house to house. Don’t look for work elsewhere until you have seen what great in ducements we offer you to make money. We have not space to explain ail here, but send us your address and we will send Tull particulars, free, by mail. Don’t delay if you want profit, able work for your leisure hours, or for your whole time. Now is the favorable time to en gage iu this business. Our pictures are the tiuest and most pleasing in this country, and are endorsed by all the leading papers, iuclnd ing the New York Herald. Address. GEORGE STINBTON A CO., Art Publishers, Portland. Maine. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Dy virtue of order from tbe Court ofOrdi nary of Jefferson County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, within the usual hours of sate, a Tract of land in arid County, lying on Boggy Gat branch, adjoin ing lands of Amalia Weeks, Noah McDaniel, Nancy .Boyd, Polly Coley and ethers, con taining (22*), Two Hundred and twenty-three acres, mare or less. Sola as the property of the estate of Reddic McDaniel, de’e’d, for dis tribution. Teeus—One hslf cash, the balance due Ist Nov., 1875. Only bond for Titlss given until the entire pnrehase money is paid, Purchaser to pay for Titles. LAWSON B- McDANIBL,Adm’r. Sept. 21, 1874. tjds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an ord*rof the Court of Ordi nary of Jefferson County, will be arid on the fir t Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, a Traci of Land iu said County, lying on tbe Augnsta rd Fens Bridge Road, adi luing lands of MaWaldeu, Mra- Teriell, fj. H. Owens, W. R, Thompson and others, containing Six Hundred and Twenty- Six acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Thomas Hannah, late of Jefferson County, dec’d, for distribution. Allan Cason, Adm’r de bonis non. Sept, 24. 1874. tf*. Adßlulhtiatvrs Sale. BY VIRTUE of an Order of the Court of Ordinary o( Jefferson oouuty, will be sold at i he Market house in the Town of Louisville, on the First Tuesday in November next, with in the legal hours of sale, one Tract of Land containing (tiUO) six hundred acres, more or less, situate lying and being in said county, and adjoing lands ot John U, Jordan, W. 8. Alexander, tease A. Leaptrot and others. Sold Roth 6 P n°«f' r, df ° f th * JS,Ute ° f ’ >oha Wri ff ht lerins, one third easb, one third November Ist, 1975, one third November Ist 1876, I.R. POWELL, Adm’r. Ortober Ist, 1874. ids Nolle# I#Debtors nl Creditors# ALL PERSONB Indebted to tin Estate of William Rollins, late of Jeffeisoa county deceased, are hereby notified and requested to present them to me properly attested, within the time prescribed ty law, and all those in debted to said deeeaicd are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersign ed. 7 GEORGE MILLER, Adm’r. September 10,1874. .... 4wf 4 ■ \\l ILL BE _ SOLD id the Msvkst House in W the town of Louisville, on the Ist Tues day iu DECEMBER next within the legal hours of sule, the following property, 10-wit: One Billiard Table, lour Bails- one tot of Cues aud other appurtenances belongiug to aaid Table, Said property levied on aud soil to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in (avpr of Wm. R. Watkins transferee vs. Robert J, Pain al.— Levied on, ay the’ property of'RqJbertJ. Pannal. 9- W. (iUfNNEY, tfbffj. C. V Sept. 24 le“4. tds