The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, November 05, 1874, Image 2

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ittfos aitli Jfarwtr. ROBERTS B ROThTrsT 1PIT0&S and PBOPBIETOas. ’ •f’fhfkSDAYpioyEMßKß^lsit^ ;Tnc Election Tuesday— Glorious rnutnph ,of the Democracy. From the Telegraphic Di>p,thes the fejivatiiiah News of ye.sier.lay, »e s*’e that th; e e.-trous ip twenty tiour Siat-8, on Tue-day last, re«ult «>l in an overwltel.nittg triumph of •he Democracy, Jn every State ex ,cept \ermom pu,l Wisconsin the Democrat* have swept th • fi Id ; and tho rgh the returns are ineag r, vet enough is known in convince us that the fourty f>urth Congress will be largely democratic. Beast Butler has hem beaten for Congress in M issachnsett*. by an overwhelming injri:y. Three cheers an Ia tiger lor the Democrat cv of the old B iy State. N.-w loikCi-ty gives the J}etn'f' .crats a majority of h.rtv-iwo ,thp U * sand, am] sends a lull D uocratic -rd“l.egati'>ti to .Congress., s Louivi ip i has gone largely Dem* ocratic, The Congressional delega *ion wih prop stud five to one. I lie resu't in Geo ga, ts an un li* vtded Demo, ratio D.-lega im. Not ,«'t single Radical lias been elected in our noble o'd State. Then three lime three, and a bengall t:ge, f,r the Empire State ol the South. We wnily like to give to our readers a full account of the elec, lions fro ~ e . ry State as «e have it, Pul our ti ne and space wiil not per- Suffice to sty, it h is been the greatest victory that has ever perch * and upon tiic I'it.loer of Democracy. All honor to the Demo -rats of the .Union. May the vict ry still go un-. til the last vestage of Ruliealism .shill be wiped from the Uni ed Sta'es. G>d speed tlm good work. The eo'ored people . f Georght ■own property to ,me a.M ,uut of Sti,- 157 7SS, ' ’ There are in u,e United' Stat- s S - voters, and yet on! v C,5(J0,- » 10 come ■« 'h« polls at ti gene,a ,el. eti n. ° Home, Ga., October 30 Capt. Dunlap Scott, the patriot, the sol dier and Democrat, di-d to-n o->,t about eleven o’clock. 1 he CharlestO'i News and Courier reports eight dentil, all white, from v-liow fever n: that city 1 .si week. I lie epidemic is g ill spreading. The recepts of the Sia'e Fair at A t ant t, were 820,500, while the .expenses were $30,00". And s,il, >t is claimed that tnc Fair was a s . IC . 89. VV. W. Gr .over <d Brooks county has sc. t a rep rt -f Ins experience with a twoJiorsc fan, to .he At an- ' o - r 0 C°, "1,,, lin "■ ,]t: and '°’ U -' peiug 81,- 040, leaving ad arp-ofitof 82,212,- Here is a l>o t the meanest sne, j. men of an Admin station lie which * ;' Jnd its w »y """ pi C lately • The nnreco t:ie,j ;ebe's tlm.r oM UV f- ,I,.,ate f| as . B ( l ovv f, .> ; ei:h when they he ar ,l fr., ~ Umo. i "at s the wav it worts.’’ It appear-in ihe Ba .g > r b Whip /& Courier.” b S Courtney VV. B a'l, cl , re d, A hens, p «y* .taj 3 on SIQ,SOS worth , Property. Ro colon ,1 „ a,, i„ a,y Nate rul and py the Ra 'it;;, 1 ~ owns . f* 1 J "I* »• V‘->- Let the p,t Jltat in their pipes an,] s „„ke it _ Property can ho lm ;, er < gov, rtf,„ „t, anil sere are , r w h °aest white it die i* \ , Foutb. 1 ‘ Ac, '°f' lin c’ loth - ■ the.,,] returns .received at Atlanta, t e next U or • gia Leg,si ifur- V v,l stand :I , the Senate. 0 ,e Radio .t, two It, Wild * *! n . Democrats, a„d (r y 0 ,.e 'J'Tatght Dent .cats. JI„„ J four Radicals, twelve In lependoot Deni' ■ocrats, arid one h ,n re.i an i Hf't\. »nne S ratglu D. inucrotn Puere i will be three teg roes the House I .‘'"to none pi, the Sen te. This from IWiorv’s Dempcrat: • •the Democrat «,( Canto,,, Qti o comes to us ihisjwet k wim . s . x roo-*’ ters »n its first page and jubil u.t all ,» ve r. Doe ~f tlie r„,s,,s pti it he,cb whde the rest are crowing Ins lily over rad cal or tie r w ho i sick! Cr.waway! I:, tw„ y. a s rom now w„n the IV, * to tur.dsh « candidate /or the Pr, smettev, a„.t vilh “money fhr bonds,” as tie- gr , at | ■ictortPS in Ohi, and In liana b aze he way, we ll m .re th.,u make the I velkntg as “Hiram goes sneaking homer tP-od'bye Gr.n . Farewell old poons ! Cos tie borne carpet-big* “ rs bilore it is too late to get back, .ttrrah for the men who dire take ire ol themselves and ,h> righ'. Here is what Jeff .Long said in a speech in Albany Ga. ihe other night: ‘The civil rights bdl did give a colored man ihe right to mar ry n white wik\ and wh.-n it passed he was going to make th • white in o p'e toe the mark, *n I he would hum f"8 gal wfiero lie pleas d.“ The daholicd wietch as> stud tha : tin* whi e p 'ople had "estroyed the vir lue ol h's race a ltd that n tali n ion wns th • order of the duy. S nator Bava and, of D law are, spokefpoke,to a large De uocratic meeting in Jersey Gt> l.«js w u -d in Ins closing t;e narks on the Givi! Rights bill an I us effects at t. e South, used these words : “Know ng the South as I do, I say lieie to-nig t that if I inuu choose between living ai the South With the child enl loye hii.l stand tig agai .pt youder,bl ink wall to he shot to deith wi ll in skmiy, I s'ioul.l thank Gp I for me musketry. The txiuth can hav-- n -ither peqce nor prosperity with the Civi' Itigii s l>i 1. and your -future is b .tin I u> ii her*. Io the n m of sed-in erest, if not of higher and holier m lives, I ap> peal to you .to >uv h r irom des ruc tion.” And y.-t .the.-e are wpit-- fgtheis of lumiiies iu the S 14th wjto deb me them elv. garni ihmr children hy ns., socia ing With tln>,l at some party. Toujh on Whittey. VV’liile Wlii ley was in B nien, making n gger sneech. s, he calle t at a g.-ntleman's house and asked it he could p ocure dinner. “6l course ” re lit and *h- g«“ntl“man hut added : “Wr. Wni ley, I umiei'tand that you v. d-d fu f e evil rights b 11, the object of which is ihedegra d iturn ol the wb t s to the 1 vel ol the negroes; \ou ;ire a c.iiiidite tor re-election to cmgress, ano are iidvoe-i.tiug this in. asure, atiil hence you helhve m go j,. eguali y. I shall be gland for you to pa tak of my It.'spituli y, i,p | kn .\vuig you |uelcr. nee 1.. r eo'ored s ciety, I have made unangements t > acemnin al nc you ac -oid nglv. ‘ You'll find your dinner in Hr. l itchen, Mojo/." i his is as il slio-1 i be, lie pi“ac i« es socal equality vvitu the negro, a (I wliv not toice fii n to p.m ti. e it ? Curses Cominj Horn; to Roost Commercial men at the No t,h are beginning to discov r liar 'Sou hern reconstructi >u is a dear bargim. so far as their p rckets are c .ticerned. a-ul the laboring white class s are e l" l y aware, at tins late .lay, tli^t the e draii -is ol neg-oes means s rmw and want . f t'.ein Thousands <■! Eur p<->iii‘ a e leaving loi their own houns and it i* com puted that one-third ol the tins dll* I; borers of ,\ew York ct v— 90,000 persons—ire idle. The World dcs flares that tin se uuf .rtun .t<*s h ive he n mi of work for -ix mouths a>id cannot expect emp'oxmerit nex-t s. riu •. Wha is true of New Vo k is lunch more e nph tn all, the rase cl ew ere. Hitherto the IF pu'ilican pry has managed io com pel inr'iiy I .boring m n o \o e their ticket. Ihe following disp .tub from the P nnsylvama < oat reg on indi* cat s that there is a revolt agam>t j this exaction, and that se ions mens- j ures aie contempla ed to 1 ecc the i-Stie. Scran on, Penn., Oct. 19.— As h 3 1 ol November draws near i lie po liri. al exe 'e nent in this conn y in creises. Th • great mas of workmg hi-’n here k cog .iz ihe lact tint i]- ar-quar s niggle heiwcu t-ie corpo ations, olfi e hollers aid co’ru.i l'ol"i. inns on the one fraud, and the workingmen ami the fiien is ol hon es' govermn ion the other. It will. tlie-ef ne, h- ihe h ,rdi st fb'ight p . htical In.iile ever seen jnihecoa re gins Th - candidal sth -unelves are I lir t\ pes o! ihe par is and prm cipk-s tin y icpri sent, every oio o' the Re loohc iii nomin es m i g ~n acknowh-.lged h rripion o! ill cod an l mi In ad corpora t>o sos his va l * ley, while tfn ca idida es ul lie D m "C anc party are tried and uue friends of laoor ad r fo'in, as well as exp Hens of sound De uocratic prill i, Ics. lie that defeat star s I them in the f. ce, t'n- It,-, u hli ! cotin-y c >ii'iiiittoe are end. avorimr to iu lue- the Unit, and S'it es Coui't for the West n Dist-ici.d Pennsvl vanta to appoint n\ overseers of fie. ti on .in I assist overseers of this conn y, tl.u« loloDng tlie ex> amp e set th m ' y their b el hr. n m tlie S.u h in .catling li.r Federal I tm ps io ‘,«iot. c ”me n at the polls. I lie chair . an of the cornmiti- e is now ,n Pi tsh .rg lur this purpose.— If the .-c e ne -ucc mis or il (J n. O-b 'me (who s per-onally et) i>rocui s a iiu.l. r fro ■> 1} veruor Uirt a ft to cad out trie Ninth Rear, um nt, wlii h he coin namls, to so ei the miner- t - vote die I.iadieyJ tick- t on elect um day, bio tl viij, be Shed. The “ esul s ol the v ar’’ are re lur .iug t> p ague tlie inv ntor-. The battle of the N.utli is at Ja-t being fougli beyo nl li“r i onlines. ns wa'cli and wait and pray. T|, e day of retribution is near at ha id.— [“CoiH.jtutionalist.” Tlie corner stone of anew Chris tian church was laid by ihe Masonic FVateriii;y, in Augusta, on the 3 and. A Sensible Alabama Negro. A. H. Campbell. an intelligent Colored man of Montgomery, Ala bama writes a s risible lefer 10 the N“w lork World,. ip which, after giving a in >st emphatic contra lie' t'On 10 many of the vile slanders perp trat and by the Radical slander mongers against the people of the >uth, he proceeds to give t}i - rea - sons which have determined him to voie with .he Demo-nis. He says: “I think th u white men and col "red men have a .common i„n rest he e, ap.l that what capses ope to suffer will at leas cius* both to suf er. Ihe wine people have bee., ps this ever the surrend er. 1 hey give t|, iß HS f)||e of th . strongest r. ason* why.cidoied people should gwe p p lblle W j„g the League and National Guard (which is the same thing) and a-.t with them to secure go id government. Fcr oic 1 am at jeist convinc'd ifait this is true, especially s nee J haye seen so many tilings sept out from Wash mgiop which rpy own ey.-s tells me are not true 1 kimw that No them l-e<>p.e are n o i g dog .0 bring their money to a Suite which th-y are tufsely taught to believe is ovemm With White Leagu-rs and mind u ejs. and at this time both races need all ihe money they can get. For this rcis.m I, and many more like me, are going in fra white man’s govern u. nt 111 A.Jah un 1. \y e have trei ili-oth..r kind until st.ll v.ition looks huh ra-es in I I, c . fji.- e . a,d I shall at last lipve us good agovern "icni aa the white ,« .pie. lam not afraid to t u*t tl eip wiih all my lights, fur 1 don’t h. li.-ve they will 1 t itigii oil 1 hem. Asa rule, they are honorable men, who pi;ize their word above office, and such men Will never go hack on us. Besides the while people know how to ad u.ini-ter g .veinineni, and us yet our race do M—nei her do the ignorant nie-i win have volunteered as our Indus. Cos I moil sense teaches in.-, 11 my watch needs r.-pairs to 11 , 10 j ,j w eler, rather than to a h a ksmith, or, i; mv wiie is sick, to send lor the donor, rather than for 1 bai her, and I uni fully conveiic '■<l tlijit it r. q i es as much sense m ru I a govern oen as r docs to mend a w .ten or heal ihe si. k. D jn’i you think so, too ?” How the hi:ws Affected Ulysses. When the re nr is fro n Ohio and I'vJjuua react.ed the President, to get her with the fict that some 1 m 1- tic ha I put -for 1 mu’ on the Wh.te Ho..s -, G am asked Bab.-ock what it all mi'ii .1. ‘Notice to quit,’ r - spoil I. and briefly the High Custodian of the Pub'ic Grounds. ‘1 won’i ( | 0 it,’ exclaimed Il s Excellency, hint h .use is lie Only one large enough to h .Id my family and ihe picture ot them. Wner- in tne devil am I ex pected to put t ha' picture, I'd like to know ?’ ‘Your friends c •old Imid you as big a house iu Bt. Louis,’ liumblv suggested B.h. ‘S . Louis!’ roared the sivi..r ol Ins c iuntry, ‘dial’s a pr. tty i lea.— Folo.v Sh-rnuin to Bt. Louis and have In ,1 ca*or ing around as Gen ■ nil ol the Amiy and me no liing ’ ‘lt is prop sed, your Excellency, to make Sbcnn in your successor, and restore t" y>u the Generalship ol the Army.’ * ‘B and. < C',’ exchii „ed His Excel- I ncy, turning blue, ‘telegraph JV-lk "aP t" a ‘ni the M .rinc Band with navy n-volv. rs, and Childs and Murphy to melt me in Washington, did order Bobeison to concentrate buns and 11 Wushingto.i- I’ll see who vacates,’ And U s Exc llency dra k s xtcen cocktails an I smoked forty cigars that made even the Idniaus sn- eze u and sired tears. — Washington Crtpi « A Popilous Bale of Cotton. A c 11 pie of bal> sos cotton were re eived fro n Adngton at one of our warehouses a few days «<■(», w deli, upon b'-uig'e l, wire discovered to b- water packed.— Tueir eciid tiou was disover.d be fore tin y were sold by the w rehouse sampler. Vsterday tli-y were sold for w tun th y wire worth, and the b }tt 8t ok them to a cntion press in the city to have them repacked. Upon unpacking th. m, 0 f [)„. bales was found to be in a w orse eo 1- dition than could have ,een prodne .1 by wit. r, lor m tlie centre of it was f..uii I sn i on gmUe.n, an old sau age gimder, a pair ol hinges, and four piec-s ot bon nc. each a f o «*t and a half ml. ngtli. The whole of the iron c .nt.-n sos this hale vv i .h --e.l eiglnceo pounds. The ma.vel in cm ion qua. te s here is how ad the e tilings eoul I have gotten into one luil •, without b ing j disc .v. red by those who had tie li mdling nf the cuton before 11 was packed. They I onld lot have pass ed thiongh the gin, as their pr* Brhiee 1 Here might poss.bly have b en dis coven (J. If may be ih .t th -y were dropped from the vest p»ckei 0 t one of the negroes who help 'd to hale it. I he original shipper of the hale wi.l be notified that ihe articles are here snbj.-ci to his order. He p.iwHt 10 be m. re careful in future about how he allows extrrneons Witterslo get mixed wuh Ids coit<>n, as the bale miglii fall into ihe hands of | Some suspicious p rson. who might I believe that the iron was purposely placed the pack er for fraudulent practices. It is a peniienti iry offence .to adopt sitch titans to increase ihe weight of cot-. %-n —Tel. & Jjfess. Murder and Suicde. Atlanta, Ga., Oct.her 31. Miss Elizabeth NfcDuwell, a young 1 tdy aged nineteen years and a mil* liner by .trad-, was run over bj an engine on ihe G orgia Railroad to.* tfay, at Whitehall crossing. Her skull was ct (t*iie.l ami brains scatter ed on .ttie track. Gaussd by the ctrDssness q{ the engineer. He was arrested and is now in jail. A map named York at Fairhurn, Ga., commuted s tic de to*d ty. He shot hiinst-If tlirough ihe hetir: be causr he was jilted by his sweet hean. RAlhtr Ticklish. The Slate Geologist of Georgia, in an account of his tour says: “I am generally taken fir a revenue col* lector, anti while this inmreesion lasts my reception is anything but cordial, or rather bids fair to he too cordial. I was in a right ticklish fix at LudvilLrthe other day. They w. re sure I was a revenue detective and I thought at one time they would make it warm lor us. But I have a certain cure .for itieir suspi* cions. As soon as they crowd a round me .1 put my hand iu my pocket, pull out a piece of the ore and ask, ‘Have any of you an. thing | ike this rock on your larm f liny look at it, walk away quietly into the woods, and iu about an hour every fellow comes hack wuh his poeket full t f rocks, and wants to know ‘il thai’s what we want.’ It would as oni*h you to know how every ntan thinks ihey have iiitie Golgindaß on their farms I ait t one mgn who thought he had had, petroleum and silver, all on q>bout one hundred a r. s. Tne Stale is exceedingly rich, b .t every farm do sn’t hold a fortune.” D-y of Thanksgiving. % the President of the United States of America ; A PROCLAMATION. We are le niinh and r.y tli • changing* lit it t is time t> pai-ein our daily voca'ion an I offer hanks t> Aim glny Go for the inercit s a-id abuiKliiiJcr of iho ye-ir which is to a close. The blessings of a free Government (!) continue to !>'.■ vouc sited to us. lire t-i.-ili ha* re spond, and o ihe labor of the husbind inaii iho laud has been tree Iron p s: deuce, lilt, foal Old r is h ing maintained, ami peace with o he. powers his prevailed. It is fitting ar periods that we should cen trum our accustomed puisu ts and Irom the turmoils <>f our daily; lives and unite in thankfulness so: the blessings of the past, in tlieculriva tion ot a Ir endly f.-eliug low eacli oth r. Now then, recognizing these con-uleratio'is, I, U ysses &. Grant, Presid nt of the United .States, do recomuient to all citizens to assemble in their respeciive p'aces of worship on Ti es.lny the 2(sth day of November next, and express then thanks for the mercy and lavor ol Almighty God, ami, laying aside all po itical contentions, to observe sueii as a day of res’, th i.iksgivihg and prais “. " 0 In witness whereof, I have hereun to set my hand and caused the seal of ihe Uni ed S at-s to he aifix.-d. D >ne ai the c.ty of Washington, tins 29di day ofOctob. r, iu tlie°\ear 1874 and of ihe indepeml. nee of ihe United States the niuetyMiintti. U S. GItANT. [By th Pre-ident.] H vaUutom Fish, sec. of state. Ct KOKGIA JEFFERSON COUNTY. T Whereas, W. J. Fields Administrator on the estate of Miles Fields dec'd, has applied tor leave to sell tiie lands belonging to said es into, containing 477 acres, nr re or less, and adj.iinuig lands of Joseph lilack, M. A Evans, ti, Kuilord and others these are therefore to cite and admonish all and. singular the persons inierested in said ad miiustratioii to b»i and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hy law, to tile their objection*, if any they can why said leave should not be orauted. „. , „„ 'NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ord’y. Octolie, 23th, 1874 4 W $5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. R V VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the Court ~~ ot Ordinary of Jefferson county, will be Sold at ihe Murkei House in the town of Lou isville, on the First Tuesday in Ducen.ber next, a tract of Land containing one bunded and ac es more or lees, lying in said county, adjoining lands of Win. Swan, Wm, Good..wns, widow I ogers and others. Sold as the property ot Diana 1 h dec’d, tor the benefit of heirs and creditors of said dec’d terms on day of sal.. - , „„ DJ- THOMPSGN, Adm’r. October 29, 1874 t ds $5 Valuable Plantation j FOR SALE. T NOW OFFER FOR SALE, my Jefferson county * Alt VI, |yj n g o, the Ogcchoe Ri ver , in raid county, and known as the “iJost rk or Newsom Place, ’ and containing Eiffht Hun dred and t.hirty>four acres, ...ore or This is situated in one of the healthiest locali ties m the county—it beiug near Pine Hil I. the famous summer resoy.L The place lias 011 it a 4(ODd Dwelling House, Gin House and other necessary out buildings, and a never failing wel of good water in the yard. Theienc s are in good repair Persona desiiing to pur*- cha e Lands would do well to examine this place first, as such farms are rarely offer* and, and as cheap as tliij win be sold. \ will sell for cash or on time. For terms and particulars ap. to Capt. W. t . Denny, at Louisville, Ga., or to myself at Gibson, Ga. , , JF. USERY. October 24, 1874 ts ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. W r mwnof 0 | ld ?‘ ‘!* Mark <* House in *s wlth,„ f co #n yof Jefferson, dav n a*’ h ° UrS »“ th « twenty ing :.^'r e 8 mor « or >es». belong, -fa'd ° f W- Roberson dec’d Louisville ; yln F ond fceing near the town of Hr. Hunter P*A 1 a CoUn c r i'j“ d j' ,inintr lands of "tfn-rs F f George Holt and mire I 10 three separate lots to suit said ” d Us 'i® be,,cfit of the heirs .. . e .' Icrins r.ash or satisfactory arranges ae ils made With Adipiiustratoron day of sale -1 urciiasers to pay for dreds. ’ W H WATKIN 8, — Adm'r Jc h mis non. •For Sale or Rent ' SrOK 7 C'KPIAGE SHOP shoo ,Ja ’ 4:lx,i " »“•« B,nck.a,i,h ! “Kached, H well of good TANARUS» th ot ° n y * lmle fl ' oln the Depot. I erins Easy. Apply to H Q .. J. R. MURHPy, •VetJMm Hxu.ruw, (, A . Uoinesieads. I JBht’i®i£>ON COUNTY vJ 'Vhereas, Meruid. Jackson fias applied lor exemption tnd «etiing apart and valuation ot Homestead of realty and personalty. All persons an. notified that X will pass upon the same at my office on Monday the 16th Novae ber at 10 o ciock a. m. 11Qv5 ’ 74 N. DIEHL Ord’y. GEORGIA, J EFFt'KSWJ COUNTY. " Whereas, James A. Wood has applied for exemption and setting apart and and valuation ot tinniest. ad of Realty and Personalty. All persons are notified that I will pass upon the same at my office on Monday the 16th day of November inst at. ten o'clock a. m. U,1V, 5 '?<• N. DIEHL, Ord’y. Georgia, Jefferson county. I Whereas, William J. Thompson, next friend ot Elizabeth 15. Thompson, wife of Jos. Thompson, has app ied for exemption and set- I ting apart of valuation of personalty, ard I will pass upon the same at my office on Monday the lbth day of November inst. at 10 o’clock a-m. NICHOLAS GiEHL, od’v. Nsv. 5, 1874. U ' /■_» EOSGU JEFFERSON COUNTY. VJ .fcarah V Coleman, wife of George W. Coleman has applied for exemption and setting apart and valuation o’’Homestead of Personal - ty All persons are notified that I will pass up on the same at myoffica on Monday the 16ih day of November in a, at 10 o'clock a. m N. DIEHL, Ord’y. November Ist, 1874. 2w LAND SALE. WJLL BE SOLO atilie Market House, in I th® oWu °l*'Louisville cm the First 1 uesday in December next within the Lepal hours of Sale one tract of land containing 154 aetes more or less, subject to widow’s dower, lying near Bethany*. ALSO—at. the same time and place wi lbe sold one tract of land containing 75 Acres more or less, said tract lying in ihe 7Sth (i. M. District, near Harvev's Store 1 he above lands will be sold as a part cf tlie estate of Major George Si a pleton dcc’d. •JAMES STAPLETON, Ag’fc November 5 1871. jj., notice: r |NilEFIitM off}. F. Hudson & Ron. is , Gus day D s-olved by mutual consent— -1 Ilf SCM4.IT mouther of (lie <i or to selllu lie business said fi.'ui. G. K. HUDSON, J. W HUDSON. •I. JL .T'OI S having purcli ,s. and ilia i,,t, "I GF. Hudson. the firm will bo aiio-an t„_ mr- ns JOli.-s ,V. Hudson Wc solid, ;l tiuuaiioii o l lie patronage ex.ended toe termer firm. J- M JONES, n , . , J- W. HUDSON, midsnma. .Jefferson Cos., Oct. I. 1&74. 4vv w. o. SMITH & CO. NEAR BARTOW, GEORGIA, lias now on hand and offering to the public O\NV \SSED HAMS w He. UNCANVASSED “ at LAPD at ] 9,._ (Jaicoes u 8, 10 an I 12c |> r yarii, August i S.'iirting at S£ an I* 10c. The ah ve are only a few of the ny arii c:es t at we are selling at reduced puces. We are determined nor. to be underso and by any fiouse in this section We keep on hand a good supply of HI MESS, BRIDLES and SADDLES, Which wo are selling at very low prions. r e Give us a call and be C invineed that we a,,, selling Goods eke'per than you eau luy tl, e els -whcrc. c . t 1 Im Di'Ni Jut’on <;l ■ opa<ncrN ip. • |tHE FIRM OF DONOVAN & MURPHY I. in the S w Mill 15usiness is this day Hi— solved by 11,utsal concent. AH persons indebt ed to the said film for Lumber will come for ward and pay for tile same by the first day ot Noyenib",. next, otherwise they will be plac ed in the hands ot an officer for collection, a s we wish to clo eup the business. 15 L IVtcr s°n at Bethany, and W F Denny at Lomsvilie are authorized to r cetve and Receipt for si me’ Ww DONOVAN, O B. J. MOXLEY. Sept 111, th/4. 4w BININGER’3 Oil) 'CMOS B CK GIT. Especially designed for the use of tlie Mtdica / rafumon and he Family, possessing those inhume, medical properties which belong to on Old and Pare Gin K Indispensable to females. Good for Kidney Complaints. A delicious Tonic. Hut up in cases containing one dusen bottles each and •old by ail druggists, groceis, &c. A. M. J(j„ inger A. Go., eslablislird 17. H, No. ]ft, Heaver Bt N Y inn . I ’74 a Ilm ili MJ • ¥ * U BElt Dai easily inaUe oy V L a '°, °“. e - W *• " aut women, boys A A and gir.s all over ihe country to sell f|T|| °, ur *‘»b Steel Engravings. Uhromos, NJ/W Ciajon Drawing., illuminations Phutu grapns, etc., etc. We now pi.blish tlie finest ossorlmcnt. ver placed before Ihe public, and aur prices are marked down so low as to defy all competition No one subscribes for a pre in un,-giving paper in order to get a picture alter seeing um pictures and learniii- our prices. V\ c have many old agents at work loi ns w ‘‘C have made canvassing lor books, pap ers, etc- I heir business for year-, and they all report bat they can make much more money at work for us than at any thing else. Our prices are so low that all can all,.id to purchase, and ilicrctoie the pictures sell at sight at al. most every house. New beginners do as wed a.- agents who have had large experience, for " ur hrauiilul sulij 'ci and lmv prices are appre cui.i-d by all. lo make large sales everywhere all an ag-ai has to do is to shot the pictures ""“I to . Bciuse Don't look for work elsewhere Until you bayemeeu what great in ducemeiiD we Oiler you to make money. Wc have not space to . xplain all here, but send us your address and we will send f„|| panicl*,* i Iree, by mail. Don i delay if y Ol , lv ,„ u protit .' able woik for jour leisure hours, or for your whole time. Now is the favorable time to en gago in tins business. Our pic „res a e the finest and most pleas,,,g j„ tliis CUUI)t and are endorsed by all the leading papers, iuclnd. mg Hie New York Herald. Address. GEORGE SIINSTON & CO., Art Fublishers, Portland, .Maine. ROBERT ft MM & Cos. | Jldniifac urea and Dea'er* in Carriages fad Buggies, PLANTATION WAGONS, Carrkg'’, Buggy aid Wagon HANE3S, CARRIAGE and WAGON MATERIAL Rpliber Belting, ChildMs’ Carriages, a&c, Jte., <&c. Agents iurithe CdeLruted "MILBORN” and «S I EDEBiKER” PLANTATION WAGONS. 308 BROAD ST,, AUGUSTA, GA. .Nqv 5 6m .o*' PAPER, ooj. p FBSTWHiL I ffIGESLS t Wholesale Dealers in PAPER &, ENVELOPES, STATIOITERT, BLANS BOOKS PAPER SAGS, TOTIfES, INKS, CIRDS, Elc.’ Etc,. 139 BAY ST., SAVAYYAII, GA Oils BLOTriNG PADS SENT FREE WITH EVERY PACKAGE SHIPPEO. novs 3m w - T. TIMMERMAN ) , Os the old Firm of J M Newby & Cos. I • A. WISE ’ •« °f Edgefield County, S-C. TIMMERMAN & WISE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ’ BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, UMBRELLAS, EiC. N». 182 Broad Street, Opposite Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Georgia. VV public generally, tn the MfME \W?Vro™A' "f •T 1" T ■f erso . n Co "ntv friends, aid the receiving, direct fr,.„, .he manufacturer s hand, 3 ’ and a nd» £ and OAannne onr stoek for themspi™« a a ™ !r patrons would do well to e,v o ns -i i.«n b. bought!,, H,e United ItalTHrci^ yT '* V** ™ calling on us. mry M icaants will gr-atly p-omofo their intir- t by N0v5,1674 dmini mi m A Hi&e 3m GREAT BARGAINS IN Hoots and Siloes, THE BEST AYD CHEAPEST AT CTOZHZUSr C. MOOR &c CO’S 210 BHOAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. JAMiS k, GRAY & GO- Urspei-I full, ton. public ecu ,U„ „» u.O FALL AND WIYI’EK KHY GOODS, THE Xj-A.H,<3-H3ST i BEST ASSORTED Having a long experience in the business, and unequaled facilities they cnnfiJ. it ■ • a compariHoii of 1 es > ine f confidently mviti GOODS AND PRICES, Feeling assured tint their’s will be found fobs >- '£ ' r ' THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IIY THE SOUTHERN STATES! I he 1 .nest Stock of Mourning Goods in the ulate (Luprie’s manufacture 1 \ 1 he best Stock of Silks and Diess Goods in the State ">»'acture.J A glut Apartment of Shawls, ull lines of all Wool, Shaker and Domestic Flannels. g me yarde-wide Brown Sea Island cotton at 10 ce». Extra soft finished yard-wide bleached Gutton 12 cents. S't DleMim! v ? ll > * H H that is usually kept In a First-Class House. JAMES A. GRAY & CO., 191 and 196 Broad Street, _ oc,til3,n r . . AUGUSTA, GA. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. . / Dy virtue 0 f an order of the Court of Ordi- , JL) uary ot Jvlierhoa County, will bes, id „„ Bdiluis hts applied to the fir t Tuesday jn Nove-nber next ... ,r ** lIIU for Letters ot Gliardiatisftip'of tile persou the legal hours of sale, a T.acr of Land in o'l* a ' ,<J P roptl ' ty 01 Juil “ 11011i,,s aud Wiiljam RoD Guuntj, lying o„ the Aimnstaa-d gens Hr, ? d‘l li “ 1 Jr '’ heirsof Witliam Kulltussr. dec’d. Road, adj iiiing lauds of M Walden vi ” lnese are therefore to cite au«l adrnoutsu all Teriell, E. H. Owens, W. u’Thomoson in', P’;' 8 "'"* mteresfod to appear before th* Court omers, containing Six Hundred and 01 , tO M bO i‘ eIU f" “ n<J . lor county Six acres, moie or less. Sold as the nronerf-v °i? first . Monday in Decemlief next, to smir™.™’ “S’,,