The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, December 10, 1874, Image 2

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Itcte itttb Jfarmtr. ROBERTS it OTHER Sj and PBOfSISTO&S. THURSDAY, DECBMRKB 10, 1874 ~OUrLOJX FO.T ANOTHER YcAR.~ The panic of 1873 ma l>’ ihr pil-e r the wh le South be .t wit'i de toased and laborious effijri, and >tne c tio is mote deeply hAT i ted *y it, because more dept ml tut upon jreigti ai.l, not ody bee .me npa i tic, but if rema inng al vent a‘l, ; was a trance like life, without any ngibl ■or seeming exi t *n.-e. Oir .lOgis'a'U'C feeling tliai something mat be done to mak-- the p -ople ell- ct, as they ha I iiecn spending heir money veiy freely, a great natty ol them i>elor; it was mule, nl son-* if them spending that vhiclt, ii their wild state- oi co'to > ydropltob a, til v imagined t .t*y vouhl maKe, and in the end never i l make the hall of, passe.l a law naking hens of no elfect a't r the ist >1 Noven.b r, 1874. Tit 8 wa it give them time to think—t.>!o'k ut I r iti- year, and tlie years suc iceding ; in other words, it was in aonh and to t omey to the mind of the mi lent agriculturist the nWolu'e n c ss ty of making s> i ettu >g at tome tor home copsti tip.'i-ni, and iii .r ler to biing him more spe dily to his, to cut the cord of coin ction hat bound him. lik • a gall y slave, o Ids ( ominission man. This was > -redly h .t", an Iwe have tor a Word 10 inter against either »ttny. where there w..s it > ext-ini-m ty the one or ruthles and intprovi 1- nt expendit ur*t I.y the other. Bui he pol'cv, viewed in a general light, •i minims, and it presented this thnse to onr* rs, u..d lienee his pro\ isinn against it. Wh il, we aie about through with speculative far.ring now, on y on a i nali seal- ; bit the rptes i at that presi nts itself to us just ut this time s this ; Have the peop'n in this c nun ry who have land and stock ol tti ir •wn, put tin lnsclves in a | o-ition :<» live a' tunne, an 1 t.. d> such tinugs as they have been get mg J.roug i ttio pio nise.s that ilnir liens »Ho tied, or to do on I. ss tha t the prodieal ty of the ieo provision per tri tied them to r vi 1 in ? N"\v this s ti tenons questi m, .mil the planter s!i..u!.l solve it hi n j l r , mi Ido it lit oil e. 1 i onr opmmn there >s a better dnv ahead foi the firmer South, or, we should have said, the cu.t ti jrower aril non pork profiteer.— Ano iier year I lie merchant wdl lie .more cautious, becau e you cm give him no written guarantee iliat will Vanse sound sleep over rich profits, ;mi til it w i.l bring ah mi letivnch cent, anil, as a natural cotiscque c•, will cause co-uj e.atioii ihat evil the I’a rons have io. anticipated. It i- to lie Imped, and we do be* lime that we are on die threshold of soy lal needed nf.rins, v-z : The making of various <> li r pio ucis, not to the ex. lnsion, but to the les sening of the cotton i r p, for one of sh ■ ruinous and ginas among us is, ilni it is the only thing that vve can |>l-mi Iron which, money cun be re- Inliz and ; the buying s> prodigally o! |f. inign (.utilizers—the pic lit tide css lot small fauns well t iil ivatcil, and I.iie^icnaii l system, well icgnlited, l&c. (.‘oft On i- low, but it is teaching the planter what will be worth a great deal to inn , (or it is a will known and a wall istuhlislud laci, jtliai manufuctuieis are oidig.-d m h .ve our ebitnu, and ibat, w hi e eoi ton is made in luili i and Egypt, the cotton of the -Southern tjtu es is fur snpeiior to any colon, ed.-ewbere pr d.iced, and. as liie Wist is die controlling pork marlnt, so is the Si ll li the i ot on controlling section. So vve have muc i to t tic urage us in ibis r. «| cct, and wliy is it that we ci* ll not lm Ve fiicto ies all over qm own beautiful land, a <1 in.imp late and m iimf ictuie *> r own products ? Nothing b it stipiuene.-s nrevents. — The political ; spe. t is . lieenng ; we have I ad a lone, dreary, cl only clav, tmt the feccnt inimip s have snov Cl’erl sunshine in upon us, and every man nnde.try woman with a “heart in the right plac.,” should be up tiitd and iug, 'tying to build up tin ir spipt'ess homes and tin ir Inth vi o discouraged rotudrv. G:o-gia State Ctil ege. Fro n a ci cu'ar just rc*Q. iyed from the Geo gia State College of Agriculture and the M.chanic AII6. w s’s ih-ie is only forty eight • ounf s in the State repr scire I hy . [u.ans ii the ins it ut ion, ii'-itlier Jeticrsoti,, Johnson, Euiunu »'i, or Giiissc ick counlies are n pie* sc..ted. 'I his is u pierl mi-iuk: on the part of our ciiize .8, and w e hope tbit somes'eps may immediately be ijjkcn by which ea h county in the State will have is fullrepresentanun. Each county is entitled to us many State Scolurspips as tliere are mem* bais of the House of Represehuives ad Sen .t us in the General Asscm b y, an I the appointment to a Suite Scholarship exen ps the student from the p .yment of tniti m tees. E even L’lofes-mrs and instructors n-e engaged in the Collepe, and the c •ttrsas of are distinctly scientific. — They emb ace; Eng’i-lt, French, G r rian, Ma he matics, Cncm si ry. Mineralogy, Ge ology, Physics, Mecanics, Astrono inv, Ag ictil u’re. Engine, ring, H awinu, &c., and M itary Tuc ti s.' These subjects are s > classified as to oiler th-* f>ll owing cours sol s udy io stud n s. Ist, Course in Agrtcnlure. 2nd. Cour>e ii Civil Engmce ina. 3d. Course ii Mechanical Engi. e ring. 4th. Course in Mining Engineer ng. sth. Cour ein Building ad A c‘»i tccturr, Gill. Course in ’ appl ed Cite mis ry. Students wh n fi- and to enter tit ■ Junior Class, aro permitted to seb ci citnei course. To be’ ad i.itt -d the can li ’aa* must b■a o: less ih in sixi• en years ol age he must also be of gno i 1 char u ter, and have a fair knowl edge aiith i.etie, English and Ge >g rap!:y. Applica ions for sell and ir sliiji are requested to forward their re qunnend.iiions to the Pres.lent They cin be admitted at anytime. Boirdciti ho had in :he Colege Uqriqitury at $12.-50 per uionth, room rotp, SIO.OO per year, Matricu lation and Library le • $5.00. Every sii and. m will be required to do actual w.'ik in the Chemictl and Pity kk al Liho'atO'ies, beginning with that ot an elemedury cliariC icr. He v,ill bo thus occupied fiom one to six houiseach dav, ate nding to Ilia coir Se of Study—engag. and It the study of tilings and not words. The advantages now offered to the young men of Georgia, at this insti tution, to obtain at a mini mum ex pense, a scii ntitic education in ac cordance w ith the modei n methods ol teaching science, are w nth- of the i hough flu i consider; 1 ! ion of parents. For catalogues giving tuu itror* (nation, ad tie.-s. Win. Lelt y Brnuti, I’resi lent, Athens, Gu* GRAM S MESSAGE Tlte f 110 > itig extracts from the President’s Message o- Congiess oil Monday I sr, will be of in ere.-t io many «.f our ri a lets. Our spa e pie lodes a mote u.vteuded synops s of i' i Ins week. Tills LOUISIANA QIMiSTION. Your at entio i will re ilia mi to ike condition of all’ is in suite tii the tsou liern Staes. On die 14th if Sept. lasi, the Governor ol Eoui.-iatta called upon me, as pro vided by ihe c instiiutiou and laws of the Uni ed Stat-s, in s .p --pr ssiug domestic viol it, e in tliai State. Tins call was made in view of a proclamation issu tl on that day Gy U. B. Peon, claiming t-at he was fleeted Lieut u ant Governor in 1872 and calling upon the in im.i ol tue Sc.te to atm. assemble and drive the u.-urper.- from power, as lie des ig ati and ihc otliceisoi the Stite gov eTnmen’. On the next day 1 issu 'd my pr c amotion, coaima'idiug the .nsurgeuts to (I spers • \v t a , j_hve days trom the date theteo'’, y.ud sub sequeut’y le trued that oil the n> xt and iy tli V liad taken forcible posses sion ot the State S . ps g were taken by me to supp ut the existing and recognized estate governmt-nt ; b:.t before the expiration oi the five and iys, the in-uriectionary luuveineut was jiractically iibauiioued, and the oliicers ol the S ate govt mimmi, with some minor exceptions, rt su.r.- ed their powers and duties. 1 Cons d i ring that the present State admin istration ul Louisiana has been the only government in that Stile lor neatly two years, that it has been tacitly acktmwl dgeuaud acquiesced in as Mich hy Cougr ss, an t mofe than once express y recognized by me, I regarded it as my clear duty, wdi. n h galiy called upon for that purpose, in prevent ns ovci throw by an am ed mob, under picu nce of fiatid and inegulariiy in the ea ction of JS72. I have herotofne called the attemio i ut Cutigrests to this sub.- j' ct, stating that on, account ot th. Hands ail I forgeries cominitu and at said election, and becans • it appears that tlte returns tnereul wee never legally (amassed, it was impo sible to tell thereby who were chosen / but from the tit st source of info: mu tton ai my command 1 have always bcln ved tue piiscm ijtitc officers received a majority of iliel gd votes • a t at th it el. cti it. 1 repeat w ft .t I 6 tid ii u y sp ci and message id Fenru tny 23, 1&73, that in the event of n > to tion by Cor.grt Si 1 must co .tiuue to r.-ci guize me government here tolore a cognized by me. A\ OGl> OAfi. I regret to say that with the pre parations lor the lu’o elec unis tie-- cided in.iicitions appealed in some loculi, ies in the Sou merit Stab sot a den rm nati' ii, by uc sos violence run) intimidation, to deprive citizens of the freedom x>f the ballot, because of'their political O|iinions. Bands 'of men, masked and armed, made their appearance—wh te legions gnd other a icieties w ere lornied— ! arge quantities of arms and ammunitioo were imporud and iilistribu eld to these orgattizn ous—t.ilitary drills wi h menacing demons r itions, were he'd—and, wi h all the e, murders en ugh were committed to spr ad terror ampng those whose political act ou was to be suppressed, if pos. sjbie, hy these into c.ant and crimi nal pmee dings. In sure dices, colon and laborers were compelled to vote according to the wishes of theii employees under threats or discharge if they acted nth- rvvise, ami there are ioo ma y i -stan- es in which, when th- se dir- ats were and srfga detl they were rem >rs Ics-lvexccut-d by thee who mde them. 1 under s'aud th it the Fft-'enth Amend m-nt to the (Jo;;si i tut on was m ;de to pe vent this and the like state of things, and the a. t of Miiy_ai st, IS7O, w ith the wuspis el metis force its provisions, the intention o: botli b -ing t • guarantee to all «■ iti z ns the rigt t <o vot-- and to protect them in the free enjoyment of that right. Eiij 'ineil by he Con-titutem •o take car ti at the hiws he I'ai h ful!y exeeu ed, and c-invipctl by tint! mh-'eil evitl no-- dta violations ol Slid net had b ea c-*niniitand i mai a and f! igrant disre g ird if it was con e .ted. the prop, r oliicers were instructed to p osecute the offen-leis, ami troops weie -tatium and at cotivetii- ut points mad these tifficers if neeesv.ry in the peifirinauci-ol their official du ties. (Jotnpltints were made of this ititerf re c.; I»y Fed ral authority ; bit' if I cm l tnluieiit and act do not pr-ivid • for such ini• rfer lice as aliuv", that tln-v tire wi’hoot m- an in.g force or ellect, a-as tie’ vvh de S'.heme of colored ens- rcement is woise than mockery and little (u tter than a crime. Possibly, Congress may find it due to truth and jus ice t > a«ct r am by m ans of a com nit tee whether the allegi and wrongs to colored cuiz' ns fiir po ideal purposes arc real or the rcpo.ts th.-ieot weie rnanulaeturi tl for the oecas on.— Tim witole numb rof ttoops i . the State- ol Louisiana. Alabama, Geurn gi t, Florida, South Carolina, North Oarolin K' utiicky, Tennes e , Ar kansas, Mississippi, Maryland and Virginia at ihe time of iln-e'ection W' re 403:?. This embraces the gar r.soti' of all the forts Irom the Del aware to die Gulf of M- x'cn. A CONL’NIinUM Oli TWO. I invite the atendm, not of Congress, hip of the people ot the United Stales to the causes and et lecs of these qnhappy ques ions.— Is not tit r,* a dispositon on one side t > miigdy wrongs and oitrages and o i the other side to belittl ■ them or jus i y them? Il ptthl c op nioti could be directed to a coi ri ct .-urvi yol wa it, it is ami to iv buk ng wrong and aiding tin: i rop er authorities in punishing i , a bet ter.-tale ol feeling w oal l b • i cu cu ts and, tut I the .-o mer vve would h ive but peace which would leave the States ft. e ind ed to regulate their own tlornt stic aHaiis. 1 b iieve that on the part of our citix-ns of the S -uthern States—ihe better part of them there is a dis p .s tion to he lax-abiding and to do no violence either t > individual, or to Iws exUisiiug. B it, do they do .ight in ignoiiug the exis'.eiice of violence and bloo lsJied in resilience to eonsti ut"d authority ? I sym pathize. with their pro.-trate eondn lion, and would do all in my power to relieve them— uckuowl dging that in some instanc s they l ave had m si trying gove nments to live un der, and very opp es.iive ones m tlte way ot taxation f.r nominal improve ments, not giving benefits equal to the hardships imposed. But can they proclaim themselves entirely ir res polls hie fur their cuditioi. ? i hey ctiinot. Violet.ce has been rampant in some localities, and lias either been justified or denied by those who could have p ever ted it. The the 'ry is even raised hat there is to he ni turdier i-.fc rference on the part of the General G 'Verument to protect citizens with in a State where the State authori nes fad io give • p otecti >n. 'i'his is a great mistake. While I remain Exet u ive all tie 1 nv» of Congress ami the prov isnnis of the Coustiiu tion, including the recent amend iiiems ad it-d thereto, wi 1 oo enlorc etl with rigor, buj I i< gr.-t that they should have added q ie jot or tittle to Executive duties or powers. L t •It ie i e fairne-s ia the disscus i ni ot Soutliero ques ions, the advo a es of both or ol ail po itieal parties giv ing hone-t, nuthlul reports of occur rences con learning the wrong and upho ding the rigm, and soon al will he well. Under existing eondi linns die negro votes the Kqpuh.i. a., ticket because he knows Li-. lii. ti Is are qi that party. Many a goou cit zen votes ihe opposite, nut because he ngre. s with the great prim iples es state which B>-pirate par ies, bpt because geneiaily be is op pos and to ii- i>ro iu e. This a mostdelusive cry. Tieat the negro as a citizen, as a. vo ter —as lie is and must remain—and siou pati s will he tJividtd, not ou the color line, hut on pii ciple.— Tin u wc shall have no complajut of . : ootjonul iiiterf rence. Meeting of Georgia Farmars. All the rrembers ot the Pattons of Hiubandry, ileleeates from all the county og ieultaral societies, anti all leading agriculturists of the S'ate, and the of the Direct Trade Union are earnestly r.-qfie.-ted to nu et in mass conventi-m ih the city of Atlanta cm Wednesday, the lGihdty of December, to c.nsult about matteiß of gr--at importance to the agricultural intares sos the Sla e. The meeting w.ll take pi tc * at ihe hall of the hou-e of representatives at 9 o’cl ick a m. Applicatio s wi'l be made to the railroads and hotels for halt rates, and theii hbe>ahty iu the past renders it very probable that th y will comply. A. H Colquitt, P endent Georgia State Agnculturul Society. T. J. Smith, Master Georgia State Grange. L. F. Livi g-ston, chairman, J. S. Lavender, Executive Cos nmittee State Grange. E. T. Paine, Sec retary, D. E. Butler, R. A. Alston Direct Trade Union." a caro tdTh. PUBLIC. A Short Postponement of the Fifth Gift Concert. Ah manager of tin- gift concerts in aid of the Public LiWafcy of Kentucky, thy position cre ates an important trust in botia.f Os the Public Library ami the ticke holders of'be tilth gift concert. Thd Public Lib ary ot Kentucky and the ticket holders a«e jointly interested in the amount of the drao ing. The larger the fund to be .ristributod in gifts, the greater will be th- gift awarded to each luck? ticket .holder and the more the atpount realized by the Li brary. To have a full and awing is so manifestly to the interest of those interested, that rather than have a factional drawing on iho 3d h inst. I deem it due to the trust confided to me by the ticket holders and tlte Public Library of Kentucky, that a ►hta't postpon ment bo made to enable me to dispose of tlte unsold liekets and have a full drawing. Thoug. the very large amount now in bank would enable us to dislrfbute handsome gifts. Vet we should feel disapp imed iu this our last concert should we be competed to make a fractional drawing, however 1 ;rge. We have received so many letters from all of til.-count, y rom those most interested, urging a postponement if a!| the tickets be not sold by the 3Utli, that we feel strengthened in our sense of duty to litu ticket holder, and the Public Library, to make this postponement, — Uudei tl.e circumstances \ve have determined, in toe interest of all putties, to postpone th concert and drawing to Saturday. February 27, 1575 at which time the drawing will positively take place; and us a guarantee of good faith to ticket holders, we pledge onrselve, to refund to any ticket holder his moo- y. upon presen tation oi his ticket, slnu.M .he drawing laii to come off at the day now lived The money paid for tickets is sacredly prese! ved against all contingencies until alijf the payment of tl.e gibs, alter which the expenses are to be reim bursed and the Pub ic Library is io be paid its protits. Thus. li. UuAVH.r.TTs, Agent and Manager. No. 3,., 1874. ' F. A. LiiUllE & CO., £3 K.tLSSS i.r wsPiiSMg Jewelry, Silverware, Fill Wm BQ9BS. 206 tfro and t. <or. AUGUSTA GEORQIA. Odoler 24, 1873. 3m. A NEW AND EINE SELECTION —OF— Jewelry, Silverware, SPECTACLES, CUTLERY TOILETTE SETS, &. c., Jus: ret e ved an I oflereti at POPULAR PRICES Fine and difficult Wait-lies repair ed al femrt ntiiice an I warrente 1.. Plain Rings and Bulges made to or der. Engraving neaily executed.— Give me a call. E. J. JOHNSON,. Mulberry Streei, oppnsi e Court House, Macon, Ga. Dec. 3 1573 —3m l or Kent. rRXIIE McCombs Hotel in the city of Mi!- -■ ledgeville, lor one or more years com' mcncing Ist January 1075. This is the ONLY HOTEL iu the place and is a good business.— ltooiiisare all Carpeted mid Well Fu r ni»hed, and wi Ibe rented with or without furniture . For particular, zVddress, M. H. McCOMB, Proprietor Dec- 3. 1873. 3t. NOTICE. ALL articles for repair which have been left ut my shop and repaired previous to Ist of September last, will—if not called for before tbj 25th day of December, 1874—be sold in accordance with the terms of the law, to pry expense of repairing. T. F. HARLOW. November 26. 18741 5t For Sale or Rent v|XHE TWO STORY CARRIAGE SHOP X at Rethany, Ga., 40x61) with Blacksmiih shop and Woodluuse attached, a well of good water on the lot. Only } mile from Ihe Depot. Terms Easy. Apply to J. R. MLRIIPY, Oct 8,3 m Bartow, Ga. AMENTIO , CANDIDATES ! Our feo for publishing tlte annonnoements ot cßUdklates is Five Dona ns, invariably iu advance. All communications' in relation to any candidate will be charged Fijteen Cents per line, apdllhe money must accompany the order or vhe atticlo will wot'appear. No deviation rein tt*s« role*. &U umiy lmp>rtr end Dealer !■ CRBSKEBY, CHlffl, GLASS WARE, Kerosene Lamps? TIN WARE, .tjy o PRATT'S ASTRAL ©XL, CUTLERY! BRITANIA AND PLATED WARE, And House-furnishing Goods generally. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. 152 St. Julian, and 149 Bryan St's, under Mozart Hall. SAVANNAH, .GEORGIA. November 12, 1874. 3ir»->* ESTABLISHED 1819. Day. TannahiU & On. Maaufacturers and Dealers in CARRIAGES, roc&aways, ruggxes, 1 2 & 4 Horse W«gons, 2 & a Agents far the iel«bn»ted PLANTATION WAGON Harness of our own Manufacture from best quaity selected Stock. Saddles, Pridles, Collars It-'meg, Gum. Belt jug 2 to II inch. Gum Pack ng. Hemp and Soap-s'one packing Trunks. Valises and I'iav eliug Hags, Whips. Umbrellas, Buggy Hugs. Lap Plan ets. Oak rnd Hemlock So e L «fli er, best quality. French Calf Skias. Kip and Linings, a very large Stock an 1 for sale low. Send for prices. DAY TAKNAHILL&C > 225 Bro and Mrert, AUGVs'ri. eu Novapsticr IS. 1t,74l t, 74 Jas, W. Turley Tkird Home., b *re til bj Hotel' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Is NiiW uFFKitl.tttA MATCHLESS STOCK of FIRST-CLASS jdje&if o-oojds SPECIALLY suitable for Fall wear Hav ing spent many weeks in the North per rsoully selecting such as are standard, aud ob taining them at the very lowest Manufacturers’ and importers’ prices, lie can confidently say to his friends that he is prepared to give them bargains that will bo convincing. In Foreign DRbSS FABRICS he has the latestJind choicest novelties that have yet aps pearea, to which will be added a* they arrive from Europe. American Manufactured Goods Are Extremely cheap, a fact whieh Mr. Tur ley desires to 4 call special attention This is the,great year for great; pargaius in Sheeting. Shirtings, Tickings, «fcc. Country Merchants and City Shop Keepers should not buy a single dollar’s worth before looking through my stock. Notion Wholesale Department unsurpassed in Attractions and Novelties. J. W. TURLEY. SHERIFF’S SALES. Wl ILL BE SOLD at the Market House iu W the fcnvn of Louisville, on the IstTues day in JANUARY next within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to \yit: Two hundred and forty aci es of land more or less lying in Jefferson county; adjoining lands of R U Mcßnde; Tin mas Nesbit. W S Alexan der and others, as the property of George G» Johnson. Jane Me *ealy and Samuel J Gordon, guardians or K E and Willie Mcßride under aii fa issued from Jefierson Superior Court, Novemb rfcerm 1874, in favor of Jesse ALeap„ trot vs George G Johnson, Jane McNealy aud Sr-inuel J Gordon guardians of R E and Willie Mciiiide. Legal notice given to tenant iu possession. G- W. QDINNEY, Sh’ff J. C. Dec. Ist, 10*4. ids ( mi TO s*2o PER DAY easily made by &9 p any one. We want men. women, boys % r% and girls all over the country to sell M a l our Fine c-teel Engravings. Chromo», Crayon Drawings, llluininations.Photo grapus, etc., etc. We now publish the finest ossortment ever placed before the public, aud aur prices are marked down so low as to defy all competition. Nooue subscribes for a pro paper in order to get a picture after seeing our pictures and learning our prices. We have many old agents at work for us who have made canvassing for books, pap ers, etc*, their buoiness for year*, and they all report that they can make much more money at work for us than at anything else. Our prices are so low that all can afford to purohase, and therefore the pictures sell at sight at al most every house. New beginners do as well as agents who have had large experience, for our beautiful subject and low prices are appre ciated by all. To make large sales every w here all an agent lias to do is tosh on the pictures from house to honse Don’t look for work elsewhere until you have seen what great in ducemeuts we offer you to make money. We have not t-pace to explain all here, but send us your address and we will send full particulars, free, by mail. Don’t delay if you want profit, able work for your leisure hours, or for your whole time. Now is the favorable time to en gage in lhis business. Our pictures are the finest and most pleasing in this country, and are endorsed by afl;the leading papers, includ ing the* New Y‘ork Iter aid. Address. GEORGE SIINSTON & CO., Art Publishes, Port laud, Maine. ROBERT H, MAY & Cos M ipufaoturers and Dealers ia Carriages and Buggies, PLANTATION WAGONS, Carriage, Buggy and Wag«jn HANESS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MATERIAL. Shop and Harness Findings. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Tranks, Valises, Traveling Bags, Foreign aud Domestic Calf skins, Leather of all kinds. Leather and Rubber Belting, Children.’ Carriages. &c, Jfcc.; &e. A g ■Hits f"r the Celebrated “MILBORN” and “S I UDEBAKER’ PLANTATION WAGONS. 208 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA, Nov* 5 6m o s. PAP E II , c o- r pN " FRITiaL !MH©« Wholesale Dealers in PAPER & ENVELOPES, STATXON3RY, BZiAXTS BOOSS, PAPER BAGS, imm, INKS, CARDS, .s Etc., Etc.. 129 BAY ST., SAVA.WAII, GA. OUii BLOTTING PADS sent free with evert package shipper. novs 3nt I otiSSWi^T'’ TIMMERMAN & WISE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHO3SS and HATS, gauss* y&smuss ffeßaat-aio* UMBRELLAS. EiC. No. 182 Broad Street, Opposite Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Georgia. WE WOULD respectful y -oHoit the a'ten'ion of our Jeffers 'ti County friend, and *. public generally. *'» the IMSkEA-SB S7'Qi i£ which we have and are daiD 5 receiving, dtrect from .he flianufacturer ? hands. Our patrM,, would do well to giro n. »“ *y and examine our stock fur themselves as we propoßj sciling o-oods at as lu’W min.. Iu s “ “■ Nu.s.on TiHini'Trani a Wise ■ 3m GREAT BAROAIP IN Boots and Shoes, THE BEST A A D CHEAPEST AT CTOHIST O. MOOR &c GO’S,. 210 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA, Oct 23, 3ni JAMES I.CRAY & C(T Reaped fully the readers of tl e News Farme aud the public generaljyl to oaliand examine their Stock of ‘ FALL AM* WINTER D RY GOODS, THE LARGEST BEST ASSORTED Having a long experience iu‘ the businefcs, and uuequaled.facilities, they confidently intit® a comparison of GOODS AN DIPRICES, Feeling assured that their’s will be found to be THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS HOUSE UV THE SOUTHERN STATES^ The Finest Stock of Mourning Goods in the blato (Luprie’s.manufacture.) The best stock of Silks and Dress Goods iu the State. 1 A Fiu« Apartment of Shawls Full lines of all Wool, Shaker and Domestic Flaiiuels. Fine yatde-wide Brown sea Island cotton at 10 cefc. Extra soft finished yard-wide bleached Cotton 12 cents.! - Complete lines of everything that is usually kept Iu a First ClassHlouse. We go to the Manufacturers ano Importers to buy our Goods, we buy them for CASH, : we pay no Profits to Jobbers, and hence we can assort to sell CHAP at all times. JAMES A. GRAY & CO., 1!)1 and 196 Broad Street, Octß,3m ___ _ _ AUGUSTA, GA. HORSES &and IMITJUMHI© Q JSC liasicr Perms tliau liver Before* I WILL SOON liEjdECEiVING audaliaii keep couataully on baud during the WINTER ihO a unci ftciocuon wl ih® Uo*L Draft a»4 Buggy Horsqs, aud Mules, Which l propose to sell on Better Term, than any D-ovar can • * ill hi * ’ ed with an especial view to pdexne all who patronize me, and I wl W v>( vX L »' * * mal to be just what it i« represented by mu. C*U af M ,e Where you will always fmd,roe or my Representative, Miv T. P. WRIGHT. let im tTOIOtf w OHA.TSTEIT.