The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, January 07, 1875, Image 2

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\}i; rJBi p «■ r love the grow isjjetl and ■ l>md kfil-' readers" of I rceymmenr 1 ;» f j V s pop si b i lit ies SffigfluFith the paper, editorial man fflBBsl&J- ■ D. ROBERTS. - BBSSESbBBBUMEo'vc chrtl it wil'bc las purhas irt'tbis paper ai-i will assist iu the oit irial business' monegMicnt-of mmpl ivi.-'g no experience iuthe rnan** ■rgo 1 e«>i of a newspaper 1 is with ylcelittgs of some embarfe-Sfttept I epiUurk in the busiiicis. yet I ffel that with my feeble efforts * com* t, 1 xioil with those of mt able partner iM*d ass iciate, we vv-lf be able to make the paper at feast acceptable -10 our. patrons.' My tune and la bor will be spent in ' trying to make 'he News <fc rank- among those of thc'first-clas* weekly>papers ot iis character in the coentry.- Wo promise riotlijrVig grand-but 3ome-- iliiiig-pure ;yfd -unadulterated in the way of rcjdfing. If wo commit an error in anjy way it sjiwll be an error mjjt'ean'.Os'rd arid rmt l-part - will deem it so. , am e of your friendship and patron, age lor the paper,- I am very fe rpcctfnJly,- ; ' . It. J. Boyd. Tfie NtfW Yoar.. 4 ... We are now m-tW* IfrgiTiniiig of a now year,-with its- pnapccts and its rOsj.onsKjilinc* •hiring us in tfie laoe. ' l,;w ie n Di'mi any- standpoint we may , 1 hey arc'not to he treuteil-liglit- I}’, for to-stand'still-is something tint is not in-the general order o! Unites. It is just as-trie of Govern- aud-insfituiions-as of man in ns individual or relative position, ■uid Ovc*v one who has ever observe ev 'en in a oisttnl way, the work ngs of human nature, mast have-no i jed that it'has no tendency fe rn.un the suite th.iig, or at lliesarna place. It> takes an upward couisc Int leads- to snoeess. or it retro- j gtader, °ttd the latter is sometimes 'ea t il r.i its downward speed.. I-or the young,, especially, there- is much in-this season- ol the year to hiuk of and carefully consider.— VVhen we g, tin the bnoud'arena of itc and look back, xvq can-see where - we haw slept over our rights, aud'we look wistfully back, and tv giet that we did not make hay 'while tne sun wa3 shining, We sonan- , dcr moments in our youthtliat are ntort precious felmn gold (fust, and wc learn habits' that follow t» all through' life-,. Tfie*i,. as'a hiatferof course, it belto- ves us to learn,, arid pt act ice what will he to our, benefit, ami that which will luaie/ially benclit those with whom* we are every day brought in cordact. • > Youth may be compared' to- the young year,, with its it.ill’hidden future reaching out in, its indistinct coloiing beyond the clearest visions and in its buoyant promrses, for anticipation- is more enjoyed- than ealizaiion- front the fict t-iai otrr ex i>ccia:iou* aie generally high wrought. Blit nature ha* mode this provision, not rhat Vc, shall be perpetually disappointed,' but as a propelling power that fncitOs us to iction, and if our reward 11 not al ways equal to our efforts, we can u-acu ii otierter ti> iillidvettence’ than 11 her wise, and the sedtet of success s to learn as we labor. * * i Now let ior if high* mat*, if wo have madd errofS'in’Clie ■‘past 'ei us attempt to rc'rifeve theta;— l» we have unde s6re Hi# heart''of, al) y 01,e > let us make ah honest effort :o - heal and restore. If wc have jjfcu slothful and negligent, let Us abbrutf with the-tfe lie more untiring in ou. best 'oo'. I iw yew* / ■ - ' Kciple bid. >' W%r. VrV/ v., - ;-'"fi'- from seve> r * til V \- - BET Steam Priming 'M -v'?f am a, is a can renter. , W'e have sojer'al years add mineuljy qualified and we' cirdialfy ic the favorable cdh- and Uep xWe. l#l confident if \ :C Wwi\\ give pel-. Hr xiOmmuT/cated ’ |Hn%sws i FjjtMEit ; ' afThc Kts. beats ;»0 tiling I ever read |w»ut., .Thisj. Action of* country is r |Picuqr, Wood As you’ know; and a . lojig ways </m irans^iortatio«*— lout . for, all th;4 wo stray froth home how md then to 4ec what ouV e doioa. \flte are told to see the jighjs.fttul hear t.lie news, we jnusUctto city, and for that purpose,! went to pur neghboring dersvj-e, the other day. 1 found a nuinfer ol men op tlie street iq knerfef jxom to ten, all ed/o have plenty to talk about. Tsar exciting topic Was YHe election l«r cou'.ty OfpcerV soot) to take • i : ice. undefeiamr the race will' t je a faugh ode, and the on&S who are elected wont h (ve much to brag on. Aft the candidates have strong friends who will do aft they can for them I‘angled to '.see tbp farmers-of Washington country taking sdeh an iaterest in wjiiter' crops- A" great numbef of them'Jiave only just fin ished lowing .wheat; and ihe acre age of ry.e is much greater than qny previous year since the surrender. Our own farmers a r e not backward this Fall' in 'sowing rye and Kvfteat— most of the grain sowed is looking vWy we 11 so r>tliis- be aso m Christmas holidays have corhe ai last, find the little folks will rejoice ealing' h"rit bnns( cfi'ffdy and ilven= their Christmas privilege of making alt the noise they like.. We want you to-do something to quicken'into life again the “Gl-oi 'i'emplitr8 ,f 'at Btiip!eionvil!e. Tfie Or dir is> asleep or dCud, I* hardly know, which, and I‘ truly know Ihe community active Lodge especiiily lor dhrfSi 1 6n, a drop/ pro viileil you are Slhright.. ' I close, hoping' this not 100 tH -1 n-umhg; for the holidaytC I' am as fevei" * -AbSfiKE^a. . Result of the I:election Yesterday. ■ The following-’is the result of the election-for cainty others yester day : For Ckrk of the Superir CoriU. R. J. Boyd,. ... .630 Ti F. Caulk, 140 R- A. Diehl, ......370 Fdr Sheriff. , G- W.. Qpinpey -,...077 G. IL AHen.. ..11l T. - 1- tt’Cfehar. -1 Wm;. H.- Fay,.:...... 429 J. Howard ....^,... M 30-5 >Si H. Cu1pepper,............ 92 I'L J% Panmi].'... 117 J. IL C0'eman............ 41 - For Tax Collector. Rules Jordan*.. .^.5§4 . , ”• «• 8e1cher, .V....,.*... 1-59 y. C-. Swan; Ml IL ,P. Fitimer^...... ....191 J. T. Mhlltu,.1 2; . 52 It- N!'SlJdveiiß{i...'.«....... 120 For Treasurer. u R.ltr PovveHh.. 763 . R- A, 1 ~ For Coroner. W. B. G. Thomas/..,......62t B. A. Grubbs, ••••••....130 For Surveyor J. F.Adkinn*. 906, Hiru —- In this coumy on the 3rd by A- J. Joiner, Esq., Mr. S, A- An-< dersou and Mss. Listzie Creech- Both of tins couuiy. In this county on the 30th Dev ccmberyby A„J. Joi mr,. Esq., Mr. •Wt«* Swann to Miss Mary Hutchv ins- AM id 4hu county. In‘this county nh the 3rd of Dfe« ■eewbet, by'AVtf Jbiner, Ksq-, Mr* Benjamin A. Bt-own b) Miss Annie Rain*. Both ol tbiq-cOuiMy. . Ri tWs counfv on' the'Oth of De cemliei by M J.. Joiner, ‘ Ek>|.'; Mr. J. E. Youi'gbl(XK> to- Alias, ft, C, Eubank 8. ■■ ■ ’ . We regret to lea. n just ap we are going to press, of tlie and mth of , ‘Mr- \yalter T. Cook r who died at tfie residence of his lather in this couutyy ester day evening of typhoid pneumonia. ~ ftc Was ayoang man just verging intouianhood. Rcsqui cscat in pica. Lmi.villa, Q... la-'a. .. ; Uenn. A W. KOBERrA* K. i. BOYDT have this day formed a co-partnership, and will 'CoutiuQe (ha business of.Roberts Ryoa nnder the arm name or ■ ’ , KOBE RTS * BOYD. . Jan. Ist, 18T5. . . NOTICD. ■US'It, J L. Roberts, who' has-been a si&nt |f| partner with, me in >no huggy bnsiuosp,' has this day drawn' out. The uoiesand ac counts will tfe in iuy hands 'lor cdlleeilon up' to' the lst h otthis mouth. . Tatties ia debt to said Tirm aie requested to cyme and settle. A hint to the wise is sufficient. Q, U. iiAUTKELI.'. Jah. 1. 1575. *f HewAdverti»eitioiit& TEM4i-ti CULmKUK, La kJ JitANUJti.OA. This institution with a dorps ol first cfipis teachers, opens the Spring term the.last W.edupsday,.iu January. . Tfie principal ot the Music Department is a gradu- ' site ot Deipsic, and has hh TupeTior. ' 'i he Tr)>; lessor “onuVloderii Languages speaks French hud (jerinau tluemly, tup Art, Department ia first class. Ten premiums for 'excellence in mnsic and paintifig hate behu ,a.v-anleil pupils di ihi* college witfiiu nhb loSt 4 years, Hoard will! washing, lights and fuel per annum, $165 Taiiiun, SoU. deud'fer c ifatugae. - - ■ i. F. «UX,‘Pree'fc._ Kenmore Inivcrsity , , UiGU SCUOOJa, AMHERSFC. H, -- - . VA. "■ U. A. STRODE; (Math. Medalist U. V*.,) Principal aiai instructor iu Matuematics, • Eu giueenug, and Natural Bcieipses. Jd. C, UKOCh; D. Lit., U. Va., recently. Asst., Prof. Latin, U, Va., lustructor'in UrfieK, Latin, Freneti and Uerman. Oueol the leadiugiHigh Behoofs of the Btate. New to;in commences r'eb- Ist, loto.' Charge stoU' for Hoard nud Tuition. Ketereuce—faculty of Uaiv.ot Va. ■ Catalogoqs matted to ali applicants. ■ 11 •*' A O—The choicest in the world— -A- J-d importers' prices—Largest company in America—staple article—pleases everybody—Trade coutiuually iiit-reanug— ageuts wanted everywhere—Lmsti induct meuts —don't waste time—send for circulario Kobt. . Wells, 4i> VesSy ati N Y.T'U Hox-ldaT/ Tiie Cheapest in the Huutli - . IS TUB li e o P g i a.- Aurscry, B < Vy K NELSON, Proprietor. Three ypar old apple trees - . sl4 per 100 Three year old peach trees v - sl4 per 100 Send for circular- - Trass sent by expreseand .collect on delivery. Address i- W K-NELi-JON, Augusta fla S'JO PIANOS' AN D 011 GAN .S New and second hand of first class makers will he sold at lower prtces for cash-or ou install ment, or for rent, iu the city or- county during these hard times and the holidays, by HOr. ACE WATERS & ISON 43] * Hridldwity, than ever before ottered in New York. Agents , wanted .to sell Waters’New Scale Pianoy and Concerto Organs, Illustrated catalogues mailed Oreatimliicemsmts to the trade. A large dis count to teachers, ministers, churches lodges and schools i AdsTOTELEiR, OPPORTUNITY To invest a few dollars with possible returns of Thousands is offered by postponement ot pub- Jjfa T.»hr.a f .-**n 1-uouu-wU! M SeuTttsry.nrixf “!*• *#o last Concert.mid,D.fawjng the management are pffedged so nio fetoHi of the money, if tho drawing does not come off at the day appointed „ ,Une Crand Cash .. *250,000 Oiib Giaud Ciit’U Gilt.., 100001) One Grand Cash Gift 75’uuO One Grand Cash Gift su)o'tO . 5 Cash Gifts, s2o,ooo"each, iuo’,ooo 10 Cash Gifts, 14,000 each, 140,000 lo Cash Gifts, J 0.000 each, 150.0U0 -40 Caph GiUs, 6,ooo,each. 100,000 %» Cash Gifts,. 4 000 each, 100,000 30 Cksh Gifts, 3,000 each, 90i0()0 t>o Cash Gifts, 2.oooojach, U»O,UdU 100 CasUiGifts, 1,000 each, 100,000 fill Cash Gilts, 500 each, 140,000 o(IO Cash Gifts, 100 each, 50,000 10,000 Cash Gills, 50 each, 950,000 Whole Tickets $50,00 1 i'u7i! ‘, ir y' c , h c '° u p oll 5.(0 JI WholoTickts for 500,00 For Tickets and information , Address TH M. K BOILS KITE, Avksts and oxb, -ti Louisville Ky I? (.KrrVv r £ o r“ s 3, -i ots - Perjurd FEIF h i« INU ? r ?“ nls ;u place cf Plaster, felt Rohhngandmdiug. Fnt circular aud sam pie midreag C, J. l*ay % Cßiri.de4 N. 4* • COTIOY TuITA TI 0 N S FOR SALE CHEAP And on Liberal Ternts» Sik of the finest JCotton Plantatieiis, All with • dwcUmgs out houses, screws; etc., within one to five rndys of U, c city, of Bain bridge, Decatur county, Georgia. They coiitaiu 75 I acres, 1200 acres, 1000 acres,-1850, 1500 acres and.sooo acres; and pn’ the Ist of January ts>-cl»je estate. WHITELBY> DOfTALJOjf; !*.**■ Lawyem, DaiubrifeaGA. T<y Ilfove Good Health The Liver must be kept iu order. SANDFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR has become a staple family medicitte Purely vegetable—Cath«rtie mud. .Tobies—Wilt.alear the, complexion cure sfctelmtuiache, Ac- Shan imitations, fry Sands6 i r<l’sfe J ider rater. j Afmr day at home. Term's freft* Ad- HJW-'qP 11/'Jlress, Gao. Stinson & Cos., Port •indj Me. WEEK guaranled to Male and U*■•■■female Agents, iu their locality. # J Costs NOTHING to try it. Par a ticulars Free. P. O. VICKERY 4- Cu„ Augusta, Me. irptlt lw. IMPORTdAJTi; JO CONSUMPTIVES. A Gentleman haring been so fortunate as to cure his sun of Cos sumptiou in its werst stages, attar baiqg given up to die by the most ce ie brated physfcians, desires to made known the cure [WhicH proves successful fu everjsvofsel • to those- afflicted, with Asthma, Buipchitis. CougliA Colds. Consumption,, and all Affec tions of the Throat and Lungs, and will'send the Keeipe, free es oharge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ALICE, 176 Fulton York. Dec- 17th, 1874—1f. palmer House. 258 Bri»a<J Sf., Augusta, 1 Ga. Over A. C. Foce r t Shoe Store- Mrs. S. J-. PALMER, Proprietress. H. p.BtAAHT r Ctert. Good Board Pirniihed by tbe Month Week >r Hay ai reaanabio ratea> fc lioufefiße vo , r y. r The TfU ßleeß of the LOUIS t^Spectfint^ call the attenti«a ©f Parents and Guardians to ihe claitas of thfo In stilution.. of learnlDg. Arrangements were made after the war to raise it to she gri<3e of afirtt-claas Slehool, preseptiag: every oppoi|Mnitfj faotfi t« males and females, for obtaining hear their homes .and upon- moderate terms, a sound, practical edocaiwyny-Apd they feel safe in saying that its staadard now ® Drily equal to wlgt it was then. The school will open Orriionaav/ the 4th ot January, 1f75, Under &e of Prat G. JL HOLCOMBE, A, M., Principal and Mfe. C. C. GoOdE,’Assistant. When Pref.-Hoteembetook charge of-the Academy last January, we byrepuiation ; now we Can and do endorse him and his' aceompltshad- Whisifott as firstfedflass Bni cordaUy nrol>iii<nr)' tliem ip tbe publid. Y , r * " “ The toivn of Louisville i3 «s Iwalthy aa any location In Middle'Georgia, artif will cdbfipare faYbraibly foniqoirals, sobriety, and good order with any town of yie flame size in the State. Board erfo be’Obufifreii invprivute from ten toVIFTEftN DolLars per month, 'i he Trustees ask for thU'lftßtltution the liberal* patronage of the surrounding country. The scholastic year j»ill consist ol three terms of thirteeTT weeks'each.' The first tprm will comnaence on Monday,.4tb-January' and close ,on Fridps, 2d April.' term will commence on Monday, 12th Af)rit' : frifo close ot) Friday, 9th Jtl'y. The tbit d term will commetice on Monday, 6th September, a(rd close?on Friday, 3d December." Payment for the two first'terms will be' teqqired jUMadvanck—oQf haH' for- £ge third term in advance, and the other half at tbe end of the term. No deduction will be 'made for lost'time on the part of pupils, except in cases ofpfotfafcted sickness. : ‘ —' * » • .. PhpiUrenterid-elier the commencement of the term will be charged frem the date of entry. Tbe rates of tuition will be fojjnd< tO'Cocnpare favorably, with.those of any.Bimilar Institution in the State.*: For particulars' address Pbif. G. A. Holcombe, Principal, or Dr. Et H. -W. Hunt**, .Chairman Board Trustees. Louisville Academy; rfsHS exetetserin the abpve Institution will - A-'cuinnwace under tbe direction of (Prof. G. A. HOLCOMBE, A. M., Principal,“Mrs. C. C. GOODE, Assistant, on Monday, 4th day of JANUARY, 1875, and coutinue qn(il i’nday, 2d.ctf April, when the fiiyt teprm wilKcldse. The 2d term will begin' on Monday, 12th- of April and close on Friday, 9th July. Tift 3<T tertn wHI begin en Monday 6th of September afid pn.Friday, 3d December. Couaeof Study A-states of Tuition : PRIMARY CLASS—OraI Spelling ; Beading; Primary Arithmetic; Primary Geography; Penmanship: $8 per term. JUNIOR CLASS—OraI and written MpeUing ;■ Beading j Arithmetic; Geography ; Gram mar; Natural Philosophy ; Historyv U. 8.; Composition; Penmanship :.$ 1 2 per term. SENIOR CLASH—Written Spelling.; English Literature! Grammar; Word Analysis; i.hetoric,- General II iatory ; Composition; Moral Philosophy ; Analytical Arithmetic ; ’• Algebra; Geometry; Trigonometry : Astrou oinys Latin ; Greek ; sl6 per term. Louiaville, Dec. 31,1874. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. A Short Postpbndriterit "of the Fifth Gift Concert. As manager,pf the gift concerts in aid ot tlie Public Library of Kentuijkys myjwsftion ere.* ales an lmportant trust ill hdhaif of Use 'public Library and the ticket holders of the .fifth gift concert. The Public Library of Kentucky and tbe ticket holders a.e jointly interested iu the amount of the drawing. ' The larger the fund to be distributed in gifts, the greater will be the gift awarded to each lucki 1 tickel'holder and the wore brai'y. 'W hu\4e k"WlHk*4flng is eoferiaulfestly 4q.;jie interest of gather Than have a f.acttpnal diaßjng on the 30i)( inst. 'ldeeiUijkdue (to the.l* ,>* fi .<fe<i tp me by ihe ticket, holders, and die public. Library of Kentucky, Aiat,a ehort postpon .pifint be, made to enable th e to dispose of the unsold .tickets and have a full drawing. Though tlie very laige amount u#w in bank would uuabio us t distribute handsome gifts, yet we should ,f fi e disappointed in this our last concert should we be compelled, to make a fractional drawing however large. We have received, so many letters from #|| parts of the couutry.lroijt those most interested, , urging a postponement if ajl the tickets ba act sold by the 3Uth,. that wv feel strengtkeurd in our sense of duty to the ticket holders and the Public Library, to make this postponement Uudet the circumstances we have determined, iu the interest of all parties, to postpone 2h - concert and drawing to Saturday, February 27; 1875 at which time the drawing will positively take place; and as a guarantee of good faith to ticket bolden, we pledge ourselves to refund to any tMket holder his money, upon ’presen tation of his ticket, should the drawing tail to come off at the day now Used The money paid for tickets is sacredly preset ved against all contingencies until aft r the payment of the gifts, after which the Sinenses are to bo reini burned and the Public Library to be paid its profits. J; • * Thos. E. Bbamlkttk, _ v • Agent and Manager. No- 30, 1874. ... B CENTRL MILROAD. GfiN’L SUPT’S OFFICE, C. K. R. ) Savannah, October 10,1873. J aN aud after SUNDAY the 12th Inst., Passenger trains on the Georgia Central Railroad, itp branches and connections, will run as ollows: GOING 'NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savannah.... P;4s| a m Leave Arrjve in Augusta...... 4 ; oo’p m Arrive in Macon m Leave tos Columbus .. .. 7; 15 p m Leave Maafin for Eo&ula. 9:10 p m Leave Macon tSf Atlanta-.......;.'... 7;3Q p m Arrive at Columbua ,12:45 a in , Arrive at Eufaula...,. IlOtSWa m I Arrive at Athuta ;; j : 4O a m ■; OOMIK7B apUTH AND EAST Leave Lavb Eufaula 5:45 p m Leave Columbus. -, nr 1:30 a m Arrive at Macon from Atlanta fi:;{o a m An-jve at Macon ftomEutaulk...... 5:46 a m Arrive at Macon from Coiirmpus. 6:4$ a m Lea*e Macon 7:15 am Arrive at Augusta 4;00 p m Arnye at Savannah X. 5:26 p m DAltfe TRAIN (SUNDAY EXCEPTED) BETWEEN EATONTON AND S(ACON. Leaving Eatonton 5 : oo a m Leaving Milledgevi'le 6:43 a m Arrive at Macon.... 7:45 a m HETHKNING. Leave Mac0n...,,. 4:00 pm Arrives iR Millvdgeville 7:14 pm Anivta at Eatonton..,, 9;00 jfm- Conuects 4ai'y at Gordon with Passenger) Tram to «fid from Savannah find augusra. -• WM..RO(iER3. F. A, JiKAIIF & CO., nx.tLHs i.r 206 Br«a4 Si. <!qr> JMeh(«sh| AVGUSTA, GTORCXA. *■ Got ,1873. m - BININGER’S OU 'ONDOS SUCK GIN. Especially designed for-the use of the Medical Profetsim and Ihe Family, possessing those intrimie medical properties which belong to an ottfrnd Pure qin. ludGpensable to femaldS. Good for, Complaint»■ A delicious Tonic. Put up in cases containing one dozen bottles each, and sold by all druggists, grocers, &c. A. M. Bin inger & Cos., established 1778, No. 15, Beaver St NW june 1 *74.a6m ESTABLISHED 1819. Bay.' Tlnn&Mll &. fin. Manufacturers, and Dealers in GABRIAGte'S, . BOGXCAWAYS, - , / GUGGUgS,. 1 2&i Horse Wagons, * nr 2 & 3 Spring Wagons, I gents for the Celt b rated PLANTATION WAGON Harness qf our own , froinbesl quality selected Stock., “ . 1 Saddles- Bridles, Collars Haines, Gum Belt, ittg 2 to 14 inch, Gem Packing, and Soap-stone packing Trunks, Valises arid Trav eling Bags, Whips, Umbrellas, Buggy Bugs, Lap Planaets. Oak sud Hemlock So.o L. nth «r, best quality. French Calf Skins, Kip and Linings, a very large Stock ani for sale low. Send for prices. DAY, TANNAHILL & Cos , 225 Broad Street^; aSgustj, gi. November 12, 1674. 3ms Jas. W. Turley Third llouip. bdve Gi bs Hotel, UilGiJsfL GEORGIA," if WWEKI«A 1 MATCHLESS STOCK of 3DIS-T O-OOJDS SPECIALLY suitable for Fall wear Hav ing enaut m*uy weeks, in the. North per rsoulljf selecting such as ave'sfauakrd, and ob- at the very lewdsl,Manufacturers’ and importers' prices, he can confidently say to his friends that he is prepared to give them htuwmnsfethaUiuil bo convincing. -VlCTdfeigr^UKEiAf «.pud;fcelhas .the latest'and choicest novelties (hat haVeyet ap peared, to, which will be added new a oues as they arrive from Europe. Are Extremely cheap, a fact whieh Mr. Tur ley dfisires to call- speviah iwieniiou This is the great year for great|pargaius iu Sheeting. Shirtings, Tickings, &c. Country and City Shop Keepers shonld-not bnyji dollar’s worth before looking through my stock. Notion Wholusaio Depastmtat. fR “Attroetioiis and Novelties. ** " J. Wj TMLEY. r[\ mj TO S2O PEE DAY easily made by U» P* *“1 one. W* want'men, women, hoys and girls all over the couoiry to sell It J our Fine Steel Engravings. Chromos, V™ Crarjon Drawiqga.lUimiinstiQirs.Plroto grapus, etc., etc. We now publish the truest osvortment ever placed bafcrq'the public, suit aur prices are marked down so low as to defy all competition. No one subscribes for a pre mium-giving paper in order to get a picture after seeing our pictures and learning our priced? W e have many old ageuts at work for us who have made canvassing for books, pap -era, efo-.rtrgyr.buiinejs sot and they all report that they can make~mucb more money «t work for us than at jury thing else. Our prices are so low that all can afford trfpurchase, and therefore the pictnres sell at sight at al most every house. * New beginners 'do'as well as agents who have had large experience, for ourjoeautiful subject and low prices are appro *H.AV™r«w. la*®* sates everywhere fWteots We hAey. We • JW„ epa** to all her*, Mt send us. your PSSBiBfc Jpwserfe fayortljeHue. to on- I a An, Portland, Mail— PLANTATION WAdONS; Carriage, Buggy and Wagen HANEi 1 CARRIAGE and WAGON HATEKII /Shoe aid Harness Findings,'Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Trunks, Yatfamt. * B*f*i Foreigg and DomestialCaUakins, Leather of all kindi; Leather ed R | Rubber Belting, Childrens’ Carriages, <tc , dfcc., <fc c . .?s?3HToiga aw»i.n>ut»<d*MW /T ™•. J “MILBORN” and “S I UDEBAK!ER ,fc PLANTATION WAGoH ‘3BB BR«AI)#X., AttfubTA; til Nov. 5 6th ■ * ... . .. .. 1 4*9 *1 J st-f-jt ", '“ —m . PAPEKVcoL ffl ■ s *>' ■ i * i%\. j - .. „: Wholesale Dgjflefcs ih BAPE r A. ENY'ELOW^ STAUiOJTBRT, BIiAWS -• B©OSS, I TAPER BAGS, T (FINES, INKS, CARDS, vlte., Etc., *29 BAX SAVAJfpaJHL G OUR BLOTTING PADS SENT FREE WITH EVERY PACKAGE- SHIPPED. ..'A i‘s t aovs 3i Wc ,W; T - TIMMERiIAN I « i 'JOHN A. WlSfi 7^ Os the old Firm of J M Newby & Co- 5 f Os Edgefield County, 8- C. ? TIMUTEBMAN « WISEI WHOLB&ALE AND BET AIL DEALEBS IN BOOTS, SHOES and HAjj ffSOTESs Y, HdUßlPlßßpiSßs’' * „ PMimERLASv. ETC; Broad .Street, WE WOULD respectfully solicit the attrition' of Jefferson Conntv MmA. J public generally, tb the IMMENSE STOCK receiving, direc from the manufacturer’s hands. Our patiW would do well to give SB ‘ - i 1 ; , 7 '. "1 GREAT BARGAINS IN i 4aMLc -A the best and cheapest &&M£r a%L & - 210'BROAD' JWES a7®BN^| Respectfully invites the readers of ts e'Nßws & Fanrife and the pubUc genemßv 1 1 examine their Stock of FALL AJVD DRY GOcH THE *' -A-ISTID " : best assorted J ®Y@® ©@ . 2SXi9 -■ < GOODS ANDJPRICES, 1 a*™,* thittbelr’. win U found to bs ' * * ‘ goods HOifsfe; i n A ‘ ® RAI T J ® CY>.,4 »Cr USf Kasieir Terms than JEvei^B^Hhte, : 'Jjk . If* ¥&& tGwm'iellfeK a sell on BetterT„r™2,i ' ■ .... Hi Where you will always find me or my Representative, Mb. 'W.' KIIWI. :* V octll “ tJOOEilsr W. GHATJPIT-H