The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, February 25, 1875, Image 2

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anb Jfarmer. TinnsTTnif ZDITOBS .sad mPBIETQBS. • THURSDAY, EKBRUARY 25, lS7if " —=sE=acfc manufactories! The Atlanta Constitution speaks decidedly rtgainst taxing mar.ufactos ries of fio ton and woo'en fthtics.—, It sSys iliat thfe ina lufacturing, or the uses made of our cotton nlone, as far back as 185S, feed, according' to an English estimate, sjOG6'oOo persons, and that Massachusetts pays but'annually sH3,oo(>,om) to the employees—with a ' bet profit of slo> r> 9l}.QQo per annum, from its &rgutr>»nt nstd , f * vyS ' M*wwSC.' it- a this mo.tey would be kepi Itere 1 and this Southern country, with only one resource by which to make money) and that the nicking of cot> ton would be benefittod far above what it would receive by cuch puny taxation, by the Inducements held out, and consequent influx of immi grants. VVe Would not th r. be so dependent on one ejass of laborers and one branch of industry, Geor* gia has about twenty-one factories, while the little Stare of Rhode Island has one hundred and twenty-six— running over one thousand spindles each. As ; the matter stands, we make thcr cotton and we -ship it to the North and to England, ami tln re they support oyer one-tliird of their working mnr.ufacturo of it, and a host of another class of their population -in its shipment and sale ; and we give back to them a large proportion of the money we get for our cotton, for the goo Is they make out of it, and for woolen fabrics, a large quantity of which they raiss riglu at borne; and co'-ton money very often 1 dots nit have time to tickle our palms before it is gone for something that is made away from hone. Now this is abs dutcly ruinous to our b st interest;' Perljij£sjio icin' try la so blessed f-rivilegt \s its our-*, and yet when we go to tax i g ihisspoci sos property .we build the dams 'and consihrct the L tri iers that shut back from us the stream of capilril that would, if encouraged, dan. our streams up and strut hack our water powers, reservoirs, only held - in reserve to cause spindles 10 be put' in operfi'ion through the in flux of money and immigration<— the nothing .but the legitim ite offspring of liberal, legislation, We bpposc any such taxation —it is to > much like cutting off the n s j to spite the lace. MODERATION. A numb r of Southern representa tives in Washington have s gned an a Idress that is being published bread cist by Democratic pap *i s' every where. Hear wlnt they siy : “You cafnnot have filled 10 ob serve the persistent dibits of some of the leaders of the -t-publican party to revive the animosities of tin Lite war. Let every white man in. every neighborhood in-the whole Sou h re gard himself as-a commissioner of peace, maintaining the kind tit st rela tions toward the black man, remem bering that the responsibility for ex treme poverty to which wo have been reduced, and the corrupt gov ernment to which his vote has sub jected us, rests not so much upon him as upon bad men who control him.” . i They are where lliey can see the state of fermentation that is goi g on among'extreine Republicans—jusi such Republicans as care not what becomes of the old ship of state if they can only manage to keep their Own heads above vvaier. Oh, it :s a shame —a bitter slnme—tint there are national men in the highest pla ces that are filling, and that are not only willing. bUtthatare industrious to throttle the purest principles of civil bberty—aye, sociq} anil religious liberty order to carjy out their desire so continued rule—desgns that are even • blacker than riight, and more foul arid pestiferous than the breath of demons, are con tinually revolving in their minds.- What care they if there is strife be tween the races ; whnt care they and the laws they make with but a mock- j try of ju-tice, and with not the i ghost ola legxl or social ■ ness to recommend them, entf to turn the tide and fores otAiafure’s first and highest law—wnat care th“y it in the South tfiey ib break down the bulwarks and bpjfclstering that heretofore fas soci ety ; If .they can A the North hi ter with thiMßion, and thus keep the great mmS wave of reform and proper iiMpstaiuling of the situation at it reach not their people,’ be permit ted to tra.mpfe OVeJS fallen foe ; lit tle do they care deep down into the dgst tliew'sinly/us, anil how pros trating'it will he to the general gov 'er'mneiji, and tfifje general good. ¥ , Now ihisj is a brpad assertion, yet such np'en aa John B, Gordon, JJ. W. Ranso n, L/ Q; C. Lunar,- T. M. Norwood, -and a number Os other's, including prominent men flom'every State, tell us if is so—tell ,us that the feeling cf animosity is even/vvorse that! we have pictured it instance Cheyjsay : , * 9 iVc do unit exaggerate when we admonish ypu of the disheartening fact that" every street disturbatic*, every homicide of whatever charac ter, or by w hom soever domtrjifted, by black or white, republican or dem-< ocrutic, such as are incident to every community ori earth')' is perverted into evidence of a spirit of lawless ness and violence, and a purpose to accomplish political ends. The great end of good ghvernmetit wilf be reached when the people of all sec tions forget that we have ever been enen ies, and,come together again as in the early days of the Republic, emulating each other in devotion to the best interest of the who.c coun uy. * . With this exalted purple in View, there is nothing inconsistent with the honor arid manhood of a bnve peo ple to res dve* to 'sutler with, heroic patience, whatever be their provoca tiorio and wrongs.” ... > us follow their advice. It ia said that prudence is the better pan of valor: let it b: our motto,,and ere long we are-permitted to hope the troubled waters will b : still. [cOMMUMC^T^D.j THE HOMESTEAD. That all the legislation for the past few years, has had a tendency to protoct the debtor cannot bo de nied. Thy old “msilvent debtois itCt,” stivara So mnph.of justice, and s >£.jo«y«'>.-.>l*j yfra.-u'iyMtACRT' oftho farmers as to afKjrd a pleasant co itrust with the miserable Home stead swindle. No doubt, those'why enacted the present law were honest in their motives / saving jh e debtor from utter ruin and destitu tion, allowing him an oportunity to liquidate his indebtedness ; bin. that they ever intended a S3,6'OQ 1 Realty hud Personalty” to encourage sloth and dishonesty I cl > not credit for a moment. The law has screened them long enough fri m “Shylock” ravages, had they been industrious and econom ical, to have paid every a- bt.- In stead— there are men who receive an annual support fr >m the rent of their houesteads. and who'haVe nest made the slightest attempt to mjet iheir obligations. Again—tire - exemption thoush large is small when compar'd with tho real worth of places which it c >vers. The idea from 700 to 1 Of)0 acres f>r which, the owner refuses S !0 per acre, being so a s -ssed as to he covered by this 83,000, is absurd and unjust. 5 If it is not repealed, it is the duty of the Legislature to take ncces-"ary steps to insure a fair valuation al least. As the law stands, it is un- j just to the creditor upon whom we ! have’been dependent for the actual necessities of life since the war, and reveals the worst trait of character which man can posses, base ingrati tude, legalized at that. * * * The Rrurswick Appeal says: “We are informed that Mis Arnold, livingnear McDonald’s saw mill, in Coffeb countv, an I her. little diugh ' ter about 10 years of nge„ were burned to death ou Monday last It appears that that .chilli’s dress : caught fiie while standing near the fire place,when situ Dog line frighten ed and ran out if the housu. Tit * mother ran a tier, and in her efforts to extinguish the flames which were destioying tier child, her own cloth ing caught lire, and before assistance could reach her she too was-so.jjad ly burned that site died soon after-, wards. We cou'd learn no more of the particulars of this sad occurr ence. , The nost United States Senate will stand 3S Ifadieals, 2D Demos cratst and £> Independents. - In the present Sena e, there are 51 Radic als, 19 Democrats and 3 Liberals. Industrial Exhibition Cos. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the fact that the finan cial agents of the Industrial Exhibi tion Cos. of New Yo k hove just is sued a Prize Puzzle, offering to the person giving the most correct an swer a prize of Five of their Premis um Bonds, valued at $100.00; to the person giving'the second best answer, three bonds ($60.00) worth; and to the third best reply, two bonds (40.00 worth.) Taking into consideration tfia£ theso bonds are iss sued ofl tt plan according to which the principal can never be lost, while the holder of a single Bond lias a! chaniLe;io receive one ot the mfrny CanitaL .Premiumsamounting 'to is certainly advisable to send .your address to Morgenthau, Bruno & Cos. No. 23 Park Row, who will send; ynu erbie of the Prize Puzides Jr«re ot any expense, i - Fertilizer. There was a marijn Inis city the other day who had for sale the most wonder(ul.ferti 1 zer ever heaVcf of.— He guaratjteed it to produce' four acre, and to • 11 i good he asks no [iay' until all the remark ub'e claims fur if. He sold jwpPPly to one gentleman, if ii dul not produce bales this yen - , he would the pay, aud would furnish hnn the fertilizer four years free of charge. We qndertand that this re markable mail sold every bit of bis wonderful agent, and we cannot blame those who bought it for ac cepting such easy terms. They are lucky, no matie how the experi ment results. —Columbus Times, pay' until t ab'e tbi si sold a^S Waresboro claims a very remark able Woman who belongs to to a very remarkable family. This lady gavo birth to five children in one year— triplets in January and twins in December. Her toother had previ ously given birth to triplets, her sis ter is the mother of three paiis of twins, and each ot her daughters has given birth to triples. Com peting enmmuniti s will please tab ulate and loiward their statistics as promptly a? possble. Editorial in La Grange Reporter : “Wf! hone to s'ec a bill introduc ed into the Legislature making it a penal offense to entrap June bugs within thirteen miles of Kinchfoo nce creek. Only such measures as this will rose.-vc our liberties, or make our State prosperous ” Mr. Samuel 11, Jcinison has bought apd interest ip the Macon Morning ah.e vj'.U IfeVealtef be Bit,/, Burney &■, Spin ison. Thje new, jiaitnef has been, connected with the Star in an cditON rial capacity for some sno- ihs, and has shown bin self tp he a uprightly ad industrious writer. Mathemani. al ca'cnlation in the Franklin News : “The' Georgia Legislature has been in session about thirty-six days, and has made about fifteen laws, all of th--m ol a trifling local nature, costing ibn people abc'ut 875,000, or 8-5 000 for each law.— Bm then the making of anew cort siituii in to prevent this kind of tom foolery will co;t the dear people too much. Waynesboro. There has been a turn out of the Infantry and Cavalry companies in Waynesboro a flag presentation, a grand Tournament, and a Ball and several speeches. Waynesboro is getting to be a live place and it i s Slid that it is rapidly building up and improving. So much furtdspir it of enterprise being, inauguta’ e.l. Blind Torn, the colored pianoist is on a visit to Columbus, where his mother lives, The bill to regulate the sale of ar dent spirits has been amended and passed in the Legislature. The bill; organizing a county eouort in'the county of Jefh-rson has passed Loth bouses of the Legisla into Seventeen deaths have occurrd Irom small-pox in Oglethorpe coutK ty. Few new cases are reported. Americas claims the tallest man in tire State—he measures six feet seven anti one-ha'f inches. The Legislature have refused to rc-cnnct the Lein La\v. COTTON- seezcT lou SLVtgU. T HAV K for sale 3DU bushels of Cotton Seed o; the "Long Limb Prulif variety. J guaninteo tkc seed lo boas {food R. Client bum's, Ander&on’s .anybody else If they do noi kiv.i Satislaction 1 tvill relund the money )ia'd' fdr tho seed. I'rica ONE DOLLAU per bushel, WILLIAM PfiEL. Old Town, Jefferson comity Hit. jan 1 4 lin ' biningers OLD lUtlltOJt DUCX 6IK. Espycualty desipued for tho use of theJ/edi ca Pro/etsion an j i lie Rimily, jioSscssnig- those iatr’mP.c. mimical properties vrjfioh belong to an Old* tnd Pure (Jin. . , Indispensable to females. Good for Kidney Complaints.' A delicious Tonic. Put up in cases coiitair-iiip one dozcu bottlea oiteh, and sold by all druggists, grocers, A. M. Pin ingot* & Cos., cslublislird 1778, No. 15 Boaver St V juue 1 "71 slim GOOD NEWS K, FARMEBS! * » f i J ■ j c* r ■*' .V jf . . i ;> - 1 THE ifNDEBSrdNfcD IS AGAIN MANUFACTURING HBYWO OD’S O O I 3 OTJ 2ST ID, AT MID VIHE, 9 1-2, C. E. R, T OY ACTUAL EXPERIMENT It has proven equal, if not superior, to Peruvian A ■* Goano, or airy of tlie high priced Fertilizea. Send for ctrcnlar ■ ; Pric* S2O per Ton; Cat-h, ■ F. A. JOaK>’ 5 M ait afac to rer. ROBERTS jt BOYD, Agents at Louisville. ’ feb2s 2m BARTbIf PRICeVIVRREAT. r rints, standard pran'aJ ........ } Brown SilirLags...'.— s-7®.8 i “ •• ~ S®ll Flour, Family pdr b1f1...... ..0 50@7 00 . “ Fxtra Family... ...—7 25@8 00 “ Fancy, beslmade....u..S d)0@8 50 Shot per lb 9® 12 i Coffee, Rio per lb ~__2o®2o B«#,'Eiverpool, pcfr sack 1 50®' Bacon, Shoulders,jper 1b..., t ..,.,94 ®II “ Canvassed Hams., none Bulk Sides,,.- ~-1 114®>24 “ Shoullersf... sj® 10 Sugar (all 10 ®l4 Yarn, JJu ucil 135 Iron Ties (whole-tie»l ~,.._...V.,..64 @Ji Bagg-ing (extra heavy) p ei yd...M£®is Nails per keg. ~s4 5t%7 Pota,b [24 balls to case] 25 Sweqds Iron bi®9 Cotton will always be bought and cash paid for it. Prices will be in one cent of Savannah quotations. WARREN, EVANS & CO. ■ October 22. I.S74—tin. DISSOLU'TIOIT of' ' (/O-Paitucrsliip. rpHE co-partnership heretofore existing be- A tween tL e undersigned m the practice of Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Each member of the firm will represent and attend to 4he unfinished tbMfciues4.of the firm, and the settlement of their professional ac« counts. All psrhons indebted to them aVe re quested to make early payment or their elaidris med. it., W. CARSWELL, W. F. DENNY. Fee. 10,1875. THE undersigned will continue the practice °f Law at the old stand of Carswell & Denny. All bußifress iutrysted to his care shall have his undivided attention. W. F. DENNY. Feb. 18, 1,675. 4fc Consumption Cured! To the Editor of the ]Petvs Former: Esteemed Friemb-rWiU .yofl please inform your readers that I h.-tvc a.po.y:tive cure for Consumption and all disorder's of (he Throat and Lungs, and that by its use in my nrabtice I have cured hundreds of cases, ajid will "-ive . SB.IOOO OC lor a case it will not benefit. Indeed, so strong is my faith, I will t e ul a sample free to any sufferer addressing me. P eape show thL letter to any one you may know who* is suffering from those disc ises and oblige, Faithfully yours, III;- T. F BURT, fehlß tim 69 William 81.. N.Y. Trustees Sale. PV VIRTUE o(# Orereiof th.ecJ.aiifi- Uu;, ■PSt at chambers, will f ffU at tlm Market . Llouse, in tho Town 8f Louisville, G/.. oi* the tirst I ue?day in.>liyrcli next, withiiv.tlie usual liours of sale, a cettain Irtpetjof I add situate, ly ing chi ihe waters of Dry Creek in JefiVrson County, a'ojoiniog lauds of J G Jordan. Wes ton Fierce, Or- Mathews, Old Town and Mis. P L Neely and W. J. Arrington—coninining sn(t acres. Sold for the purpose of distribution —posae sion to he given on the Ist day of January, 1876. Terms on day of side VV J ARRINGTON, Trustee. January 28, 1875 FIT* CUBED FREE. Aav person suffering from the above disease is to address Dr. Price and a bottle of Medicine will be furwardei by Express FREE! The only cost being the Express charged, which owing to my large hnsiness, aresmall. Dr. Price has made the treatment of Fits or Epilepsy a study for years, and lie will warrant a cure by the use or his .cinedy. Do not tail to send to him for a trial bottle—it will cost nothing and lie will cure you, no matter how longstanding yonr case may be, or how many other remedies have failed. Circulars and testimonials sfcnt with free tri al bottle. Be particular to give your Express, as well as your Post Othco dirretion, and ad £7* ' L)R. CHAS T. PRICE, fcblß „2t 67 William St., N. V. F, A. BRAHE & CO:, MSii.lLtlS tjy mmmm 9 Jewelry, Silverware, FIE flSof BOOQS. 20$ Broad H. for. Mclntosh^ AUGUST/l, GEORGIA . Oct , 1873.1 _ m - CENTRL RAILROAD. GEN’LSUPT’B OFFICE, C. R, R. > Savannah, October 10, 1873. j ON and after SUNDAY tho 12th Inst Passepger trains on .She Georgia Central Railroad, its branches and connections, will run as ollows: GOING NORTH AND WEST, Leave Savannah fj ; 4s a m Leave Augnsja 9:U5 p m Arrive m Augusta 4;00 p m Arrive in Macon ; 6:45 p m Leave Maeep tos L'01arnbu.;....,... 7:15 {, " Leave Macon for Eutiiula 9:10 p ra Leave Macon for AtHiqta. 7;ffo p m Arrivq at 'Jotujnbus 12:45 a m Arrive at Eufa:ila... Kgyo a m Arrive at Atlanta.-".- 1:40 am CUMIN SOUTH AND EAST Leave Atlanta 12:20 a m Lave Eufaula 5:45 p m Leave Columbus 1:30 a m Arrive at Macon from Atlauta 6:30 a in Arrive at Macon frojn Kutaula 5:26 a m Arrive at Macon front C'olumpns 6:45 a nt Leatc ilacou :i 7:!sa:n Arrive at Augnsta .... 4,;00 p m Arriye at Savannah .„.. J);25 p m DAILY . TRAIN fSUNDAY , EXCEPTED) BETWEEN EATONTON AND MACON. Leaving Eatonton.,. 5:00 a m Leaving MjlledgeviUe 6:43 a m Arrive utjMaoen., 7:45 a tq. lIETiItINING. Leave Macon 4:00 pm Arrives at Miltedgevillc 7:14 pip Ariivts at Eatonton... 9;00-p ia Connects daily nt Gordon with Passeuger Train to and from Savannah end auguara. WM. ROGERS. Genera! Superintendent. Jas. W. Turley Third Home ibare Globe Hotel, AUGUSTA) GEORGIA, U NO# OFFERING A MATCHLESS STOCK of FIRST-CLASS nbiß/itr G-oom " C PECIALLY Suitahl* for FiPTwcdir Hav- LJ ing spent many weeks in the North per. l-soully selecting such as are standard, and ob taining them at the very lowest Manulaciurers’ and importers’ ptices, he can confidently say to his trieuds that lie is prepared to give them bargains that will bo convincing In Foreign DRESS FABiUGSJhe has t&i latest and choicest novelties that have yet aD peared, to which will be added new ones as lliey arrive from Europe. American Manufactured Goods Are Extremely cheap, a fact whleh Mr Tur ley desiresfto call special attention. Thu is the great J-ear tor great pargaius in Sheeting Shillings, lickings, dkc. Country Merchants aud City Shop Keepers should not buy a single dollar’s worth bemre looking through my stock. Notion Wholesale Department unsurpassed in Attractions au'd Novelties. J. W. TURLEY. Louisville Aoadeiuy r i iHE exercises injlio above Institution will X commence under the direction of Prof ti A. HOLCOMBE, A. M., Principal, Mr?. O' C GOODE, Assistant, on Monday, 4th day of JANUARY, 1875, aud continue until Friday 2d of April, when the first term will close. The 2d term will begin on Monday, i2ili oi April and close on Friday, 9th July. Ihe 3d term will begin on Monday 6th of September aud close on Friday, 3d December. Course of Study <fc Rates of Tuition : PRIMARY CLASS—OraI Spelling : Reading- Primary Arithmetic; Primary Geography : Penmanship: $8 per term. ° JUNIOR CLASS—OraI and written Spelling ; Leading ; Arithmetic: Geography ; Grain mar; Natural Phhosophj ; History, IJ. S. ; Composition; Penmanship: sl2 per term. SENIOR CLASS—Written Spelling; English Literature- Urammar; Word Analysis; 1 Iretoric ,*'General History; Composition; Moral Philosophy; Analytical Arithmetic; Algebra: Geometry; Trigonometry : Asiruu pmy ; Latin ; Greek : sl6 per term. Louisville, Dec. 31,1874, Louisville Drug i&ore. JJ . H. W. HUNT Kg, Al’. D. Druggist & Apothecary, Suscessor to HUNTER & CO. on hand a fuli and well assorted stock DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VaRNISIJEs, dye,stuffs, perfum ery, SOAPS, COMBS. ' BRUSHES, TOIL ET ARTICLES, _ LAMP CHIMNEYS, t GARDEN SEED ol all kinds; FINE CIGAR'S and CHEWING TOBACCO WINDOW GLASS aud PUTTY &c. &; Which he offers tp sell . FOR CASH, as clie.r as they can ho bought, at retail, in any town in the State. Drakes Magic Liniment and Dr. Win, Hauser's Diarrhoea and Dysen tery Cordial. Always on haud, and for sale. Also Dr. Morris’ syrup Tar, Wild Cherry and Horehound, A now and valuable remedy in Coughs and affections of the Lupgs genera!ln Aug. 187 Z. The Morning Star, PUBLISHED DAILY and WEEKLY, in lyiapon, Georgia. s* ——— ten. Wm. Iff. BROWNE, Sditor. S. B. KCIIB - - - - Pfoprietor. r |tIIE MORNING STAR has beon fn cxis- X tence £. r tho past ten years, the 'greater part of the time published at Griffin, Ga., as tlie Griffin Semi Weekly Star, and the Griffin’ Daily Star. It was purchased last April by S. B, BURR, well known as the former proprie tor of the Macort Jchrnal &. Messenger and moved to 1 tie city of Macon, where it is now published v .the MORN ING STAR. The pa per, lias a large circulation in middle and south-west Georgia,'and is a fine medium for advertising, Adiertisiuy Hates Reasonable. SI/IXf ItIPF/aV K.ITBS. Dai1y......... $8 per year. We AAAA'iA Ad>)d re^s i MORNING STAR, Mfcou, tfeorgij. A CAKD. f|NHE UNDERSIGNED takes plrnttnre „in A sianpuncijig to his friends in Jefferson, that he has accepted a position as City Editor of the Macon Uxiiy,Star,.;;ud will hereafter devote his entire, time to the interests of that Journal. The STAR is in every respect a first clsss'paper, a nd its present high standard will be very materially improved duriitg the incoming seasou. It is proposed to make it a paper for Georgia, not of any particular locali y, but of the whole State. Specimen copies and t?rms will he cheerfully foryvarded upon application. Respectfully, 11. W. J. IIAM Guano! \ - - • 'T » ■ —:o; — ■■ ■. ■■ W FHAVE" pleasure Iff call the attention of Consumers and Dealers to ont very attractive list of.EEETILIZEHS, which w. 6 are prepared to offer at priceragl upon terms most favorkhto ( “A. A,” FHOSPHO PERUVIAN. ‘ # *' AMMONIA TED SUPERPHOSPHATE. S CHAPPELL’S dHAMPIPN. . POWHATAN RAW BONEi SUEERPHOSPHATE. list’s AMMOMIaTEP - SUPERPHOSPHATE. dffeANCrER’S EXCELSIOBI ‘ , ZELL’S AMMONIATED BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE SiOGAN’S COMPOUND. 1 "' ' PURE DISSOLVED BONE , Pure land plaster. ’ Wc make SPECIAL arrangements with parties purchasing in lots oTTWpvtv aoTrcosr. > f will mitkß the narud Cash advances an CniTTOsr AN OTOSB WAJIREA, WALLACE & C’O.,-* 155 & 157 Reynolds St., Feb. 4, ,874. ‘ ‘ ‘ & A . ' *> ' ’ ■-■ - • . C 3-. H. HAKRBIJL, "> MANUFACTURER AND REPAIRER,, O F '- • 1 " ‘ '* - ’ •a- » ; Buggies, Wagons and Carriages. Something New in Louisville: A GOOD HORSE SHOES. Horse Shoeing Reduced from $1 1© cents Per Pair. T f EAVE ,, t 0 !nfor j n «y customers and the public generally' that lafn still at the • mvT4p‘ th T * r\i t and numbe r of wofrknXi? .0 36 any and all kinds of orK in my Imp. I will as heretofore keep an assortment of Iron Bolts, Plows, Buggy and Wagon Materials On hand and for sale at reasonable prices. New Wegons and Buggies put up or old ones Repaired apd Repainted and mado to look as wen as, pea . Iftske Hoiffl Shoeing a fpeciality. A good Sboer has long beer, needod in Louisville—l can Sll tbo bill. Give me a trial in this department. I shall keep constantly on hand a good supply, from the best Manufacturers, of Fine, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Black Walnut IB IT IR, I m, OASES, 0? ALL SIZES " hicli I will sell as cheap as they can bejbaught aiiy where in the State. Send me your orddts Jaunary ‘ I 111 11. Louisville. G». LOOK HERE! SZPIb.JQX.AX. 3STQTOQI!. ~— : —-***• ♦«>■•«*— ' THE UNDERSIGNED, having opened anew business in LOUISVILLE, are now Dre/ pared ta dp any and all kinds of S.'B’* PAINTING, _vßFt such as P HOUSE, SION, & ORNAMENTAL d/ ; SO Graining, Glazing and Paper-Hanging. «| 015 Furniture Repaired and Rc-Tarnishccl And itiade to look as w6ll as igevv. COTTOH GINS REPAIRED. E3P Special attention given to orders from the country, and all work entruated to my care will be executed with neatness and dispatch. Call on mo at my rooms in the “old HOTEL” building, over the News & Fabmkr Office R. A. GRUBBS. Louisville, Ga. Jaunary 14,187?. ts ROBERT H, MAY & Cos Maftufapiurers and Dealers in " Carriages and Buggies, , PLANTATION WAGONS, Carriage, Buggy and Wagan HANESS, CARRIAGE apd WAGON MATERIAL, ’* Shoe and Harness Findings, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Trunks, Valises Traveling Bags, Foreign and Domestic Cftl/ Hkins, Leather of ail kinds. Leather and * Kubber Belting, Childrepn’ Carriages, &c, &c., &c. Agents for the Celebrated “MILBORN” and “STUDEBAKER” PLANTATION WAGONS: 308 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA,!- Nov. 5 6m W. T. TIMMERMAN ) C JOHN A. WISE Os the old Firm of J M Newby & Cos. 5 \ Os Edgefield County, S.C. TIMMERMAN & WISE, XXIIOLBSALE ANp RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, ' f. sis®®,, o&sujMHig UMBRELLAS ETC. Ro. 183 llroai Street, Orpoilit Atgjsta Hotel, Aogosta, Georgia. W Vi'OULD resp ec tfully solicit the alt en tioh o/ our Jefferson County friends, and th Enbhc generally.. t o tbe JJUfIEASE SjoC'£'*hich we have just received, and are st ; pvng.ree from tuf manu actiu’s ha prop Opr patrons wou,K do *ell to gve os a c and uamine oor stoc ed °r themselves as we M ose sellirg goods at as low prices astliey oaq bo bogghtin the Unit Stages. IX Country erchants will greatly promote their interest No-Tl;,!® 1 limmmatta « wise. • ’ • 3m