The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, May 20, 1875, Image 2

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ffttoi anb Janttcr. aScsJk #FM w R R7 S & BOYD, ~~ - 4 MV. 21, K 5 Mrs »asM is, of Cute c couii v, Ouroii... , ‘-vc'sHis ClO ]iuu:.f]-, a id ,ne of her st> c'vi ijj hc-'di a bushel of shelled cor.i.” (*o|. J■ ft. Johnson was w:;.y lairt :iikl tin.!den and in Chattanooga ;c iuo iv Lt-t XI nidav w. cii, tpgiilier \v tli ttic colored liov who v ;» ilriCoig hi to: lio 2’ue to the a^ncsins. The jfitlc.ola Hera « nays at she funeral of a wide woman, in Tint vi y, on Sunday, tin; ]>ili be.iivrs wen: si\ buck iirgi' es. Tin; dm eas • -cl woman and in r trends \v, re Northern Moth ds s. No other crowd ’do Hi thi'.'.wn in to (Flight in flaunting t:fi i: beastly idem utid (na.t.ces i.i the life of the peoj 1 . Our telegrams chronicle the do ate «and U(.t)' ral Jo n C. Ereckinr.-iil >•. We will not at this late, I oir tad with tins mi eagre <1 la at oar (tiininii- and to d> j utive t. die Il.ciuory o! this dotmguisti'rd Ann I' man, O her an t. abb i pe. s vt id p..y tribute to tin- courage, dcvoUwa ui.d him small liip. ot one U lire truest s,.ns 0.l tire South. — v . A The t Oil. Unit 0i o! a:at 1 i ds Or dn s, gOOIts iaSo i el:, ] a eto I'e -, I - -i and at- 0a: it v\ a oils; tore I i ad table to ti-em in; than t. o col i n : mu now .-i. or < i;U :■ e n 1 out ol older. Sir a.» is co.ntr nr I with jur, ami sdn dre.-ses 1 too jiJitest shad. 8 are 111 ale W.tll stem >_•- (it v. 1- \et, and el -tii is worn in dress g ode i.Ji tile vt ar round. A T. nil S3 a; news|.;i(ie. te!Lr a ft: my story abort a little ie ibid in Lebanon, wli ch 1 1 ely lust its mac. ilnpp io night, a lo.v inornines niter wards on a vine in front ol a 1 Highly i-oli-lied, he caught sight ol hi. own lelleCli 111, and e i and 111 iy mistaking U for Ids miss;. " eouiptinioo, began to make 1 ive :o h bird insh'on, uud li ij u int'.auod the p. act ice eve'}' day Lad Xttws I'm! Cm trm L)t:: n ki.ks, —The most iviia and fad:; ei i. ■n 1 . r.s fa il us that the lienmrali /ui ai ol hi bur ir Brazil lie: cn e I to r cli. tin; mi (ply ol e b n: iliu e in try. anil !he i.n 1 ivo ntde \ea her the j a-t lew moi.dir, he. d:r sip,;t I tli li pe •ol a li..’' ci p this seas a*, ‘.) 1 1 \ ali ill a cr ip n| Rui cblh e ean hr ie lizi: 111 i• s us n The e ,n-( qtn nc..' is t at e >ll e w ill lie no lower lor some numbs to come, a >d ihe probability is that it will rule higher. Consi'meri-ON —A nev r re for r, iisiuiiptio iis said to lie con.m >n iiiui'.enit* cp - d str.i-ii* and s\v eieiuid with collet: sngir, and drank 1" e!y. T’ne In i l.s sl.o >ld be g itb. r and lx- 1 >re the end ot Jib v, ll eon enn'it The discoverer ol till * ranu-Tv s ■ys : " or old plu.ta are good rlr.ed m the shade, ami k"pt m c.ea i pap r ‘.„os. The nied cn.e tntist b ■ eon. cording t* ifcwm m sk inoiils, acs h is go il lor the blood v 'SSidip am. li s.icngihr ns ihe s. stem, an i builds up instead of liking aw>y strength. It makes goo I b;.i >,! aid ndvs ndlaurmat ou from the lur.g .” Sensible Tat;?. Ii 'of! i.cutinr npoi! acl j me a * 1 the . bii nj in llepor or (iiat “hi h *?, t > a I most any nnn could get no commodntion in Savannah, b u now scarcely any one can,” tie Sanmuah Advuiuacr sa\ s : 'So much in any and meridian Its • h i.. tune past been adva c and by F.yutmali diarr's, \\ i h.out tece ving pay for a good part o! it, that they In o con> eludetd that doing busim ss on In iiccoiii nod ition p an iga losiiiJ ea rn' and as tli-ir iiorihem emr. s[i ,r;den ; 111 - is! on regular rennttmc-? tie v can do no less than to liiaK the s tine demand themselves. Tne li tis many seemingly g .<»d country and al " cis have and veloped tli luselves as black slieep has hid a bad cfleet on «lie colliery trade. While it is not: i i;lit ihat tiini;!i should be cy.-d wilt suspicion li s m iohoor Ilr.ivvn happene I to bn a Iran i. it i- . n tiling m ire thm n.r.ura', k .and mi j J a strictly cash bi-is it csfaol shed j ti< tween the c iv s 11, rar.d tin* c >nn try buy« r, bn in- ss will be um-ert dn j ami haz *n!o a 5. Tin; fir.-t >te,i : o wards the dcsirbbife' an I necessary end must be unde by the pio L.cei. i Lethimi'iis h s own m"ai ‘ "> and then lie-will not i e comp i.ed I to purchase o i cedit. Tli ■ fe u,lt will be mutually henefiei and. Un.l this object, is utiaine I, ihe w ol -i country will hang mi ihe rafa• -<I j edge o! bmkruptcy and to immss.” j Explo ilig thi Okifenakg. j Georgia was one of the thirteen, j w hoa.; advi iiti .to ll e p world as rjfates will so >u lie celebrated t oii one end if ih id intry to tlie otlicri <du ?he is rind graii ns her achievements h ive bo n, jf-f.-iie ! lias never known herself thoroughly. 1 may s >rn ise even soni; of our limn ■ readers when we slate that a 1 rgo sc. t: nos our t rritory has never be n > .".pLr and, a id that inte's es ing facts Ii our g -ogriuliy slid 1 -I'en: i,in utiS''tY!ed. Th r source of the I \i e am: io.;' ni ire of » UiVstery ihit', ar.-tit via; s>>{ the St. Mir.’s s>r t lie Sll v.'arit'i'. The ve-y hentiol | Africa h>» b eu irav is -d by white l men. b;i .some fiord ms 'of fair 4>- in am li.iv>' never be n To explor t; is unknown land a p iny ci ten I>■ fA Waycross on the (itb invt.', ar ic. I .with compulses, hatchets, ammunition and rations or ioi ex on-fed campaign ag dust he ('angers and ditbeultics that the Okelencke presents. Th-y start out to d"fy w'.iu r. niosquib'es, aliga ors, | snakes, and all other nuimds that ) may be h (Id nr in the h theft i inis ) pern Ir.ible r.-ci S'C.s of*tlie vast ju>i> ale. ’i'he purtweinbi’aces the editor j ol die V tldo ln Tunes, an 1 ,a!s> ihe I senior e iit'ir :>l’t!:e ..’assii'p'G otgi.m, ! ned no doubt' tli* sc. gt»iitleui"n will | present lr; g* 11 i : r ibu-cr ptidlS of i tlie trip—r! ttieveomout ol i alive. But the y have u it plunged u:o the g-> -wr up sin plv lo test deli oriiet.’s jie.wer of physical .endus ra re,-—n t by any means. They et.'. r •1. • s awtnr. on ihe north side, i-d they piirjioS'*. tl'ive! ■ snu and n: I 1 '.hi y re.iC I diy la ,and , in F; :'.d,i. They s’ii'i with a ihe r, , in ■ h ir la: ids t. at a c rta n part ol • it- write-.s l< r n die S', c w.-iiie.' T.rer while Oimtlmr part be en::: s the a.sitr eof S M rrv,s rie . It ll ii > t'e; n v proves to b>; well i Lon and and . ny e;:pect inerosi nU mot and ' si rid on the ridge Ilia ' dt' id-: (. • waters ol the tw o riv is But they ::prepared to btid'd beats ! or to wade i.i ease their - theory l.a. ' ou in-.-; errlae'. Tuey have ids > ether objects in vi w. They bidteve that, there are m the s'.vrt.up large and ,er ii: i?.- 1 tuds th T have nev t b i ;■.... n by win' ■iic: , nr b' ( r■■ d< r Idark one; lor !lint limtU a u r.< ;;>u on • .now s. Tli s ■ ls'an fs are to Ic huiiivl if p sTible. A r u j i>r ilie P’u, >s (1 Mir: »'l' o mil running fro n Alirpah i river .lire:: .-li the >, n (li.-. a nee of s xt> a. Ic: to a point o.i l (0 S . XI u y’s v.iil Lo in. • ;:i --•guled, and all huts tirut ..cb.m to liit- ("raining o! die vast area .. : 1 i be c;r lu ly ncD <i *cv i :.h>ir;, the party have undetiakcii an expl miv ton th.t is fu!l of inter st in the win 1 ■ r r ite, lei' they in ,y make dis co c ios that will lend to iiirpatant public improvement. li is s .id tfev are prepared for en i'. mil eis wilt ever tin* itdga'ors and snak m hat rotiinnce has i ,i.< I ci led ii tii" u .known: (tcjiibs of t'he' s • a up, uud that their courage and pe,novel cnee are. fJ.iy equal to their 1 pivp.rat o is. We hoi: or - tin",' wi 1 go through. And while they are moving along their daily fire will ' cos-' <>‘ veins >tl. ahgutor st. aks, wild 1 1 el. t-irhcv, docks and fish. > 1 hey are cei'i: ,i:sly in no danger of s ar . at on ; but if o»'»* ol 'her: r wide*. ; jawei alig tlms .-h uld • be h- mgrv - In hi.-elI, he might conem .le to v.ny • ids ins om'iry meal in a way th it would not be plet-aiit to the ex- The Co'umbus Empnirer tells o! ! two Imi lies in .Stewart eotniiy : whose 1 vo; wee saved bv a g n hr mm o' e,i ig a pr, sentiment he . mil I ! no: iexist !!•• had a forcii and ng ill it g, >*,: >i ii \ 'ooh' s; • Inti, set t on, and Me odd ot .el's o!'V'(‘iVik il k.'. uS . 'a rgued at Inin saying he wasfrightx cue i li'.irn reading and lieariag no ’ v-cU'.t''. -!' tin l;“c e ,mimics. II - gave ('•' 'l U'C to the iliouglr, wii di wa.'jhi n>t go down at tin. in ~i ijr, , ;l ' ;(: *'- ('■ i .O!C I'.** ir ViC I! ) i•. i; • ! > S'T'fT: !' fifji < 11 • :J it t Jl'l ill* ' si" l m thd come, a-d b iroly had lie : a al his 1 Hnilv sotighi refuge therein i an the torn id., tore his bo me to i pit cos. All in the ho! - in the grog ~) esr in (1. I in: people IP the slot'll n'g on, miivv ho me u:.t, are | I’l'vp ri;,g i ,ida.c's of refuge tc av.nd I tlie next eye on-• GcOd JIA HJU.'tldfiON JA E>. J.d.p Gibson of An ,us:a. Rc-fusas to En h u tag G orgu Railroad. At ! ia, M;jy 1 •:—J idgo Giosni re' m m to gra it the udu etio i re st' on ing the Georgia railroad IVoai pax in.' uP'ii si ea b >n is ol the West •’l'll Li. "I Al.!,'i io' the yro unis th it qufsi'on ofda-"i xi: vi,*:-., >1 should go ii ! ii a ji.yy. and / ) a i’. Bl anch, of Virginia, ins appis and lor mju cli m in il.e I ni ed Stabs cou t; at Sa . ami ill, to ro strain . he salr- of the Y icon ;.n I Br -ns \ ie!; r.iilro id, u . i hi; aipyor . li" and to take place ill June inxt, mi im: gron,id that no provision was unde l : >i" tie* payment ot In secnid .seiics (/! bind-, cndul'so 1 h\ r the Si ite and re, udi it"d by th * Lirgis -1 it nr’, a portion ol said bonds being held by B'uneli. Argument.: in the case will be held Alo idly ties-m: Judge B;adl"V. Riilfcif Testimony on a Dark ,An 0• ii•> nut) recently sgjour.dng ill tne ,S’U'cv ’l'incip tli/ at fcavan iiiih,' writer as follows to the Liucin nati Uargkte, an ul'Kg Rupubjican [ I'he fict is, the 1 ee negro is a failure so tjjr as tlie active piydu tive industry ol tlie eojmry is con (cm o. Before the war he n»t < n'y sup-' por t - d hnnseil by his laupr, but targ ly aid 'd in i'he support ol otaers, and thc.eoncentruleti iv suit in lie,, e it'to.i, etc., was exported an t sold, g. ving Ml * and activity to eommeiee, and inonging w eaiin t> ill' peopie. Now, ail ibis is ciiaugvd I’iie same negro la mr is here, oui il ls ntruber re.iable nor-available to any gicuit ex tent, They pren-r to hang about the towns in menial occuputio is, and in id e .ess ; or, it lamnng, only raise enough eo:'ii,e.c., to k ep Imui star vation. and b: t a limiled i.unmer ea i be relied upon lor the gadu .’ing 01 the crops. Hence, the real prod..c.ion is lim ited, tne supply ie.-sen and and tne couniiy gia iua ly hi coming more a.,d ii'.ore .impoverished- Jfiuui my o sefva ion I a-m of the op.nuni that nurch dl the negro pop ul.tion ot ilie ticuih is ol le.-s re.ji value to tne coyuuy to-diy tuaii tlie 1 inliiuis of i qual nuuboi. “j.o” will at 1 as..bum and bring in Ins peltiies, while a g ent number ol t.tie liegtoe> are colitenl to simply live ani eat. A liieml adds “a ni st. au ; nut din io us Nordic eme.s iyis is ,Gout.hero piyj idiee The latest wriult e with the wo inrii ol la hion is io nave a uinlel ul her bust made, stalled win wool and eoverd w.ui cumoric. This is de- ; ii stel a. ha. and essmakei’s, uud on ,t ucr ii-w dr sse • are uu and, saving tne atoiesjiJ woman ul fashion all Lite laoor ot ‘drying on.” .■ W ii ,t next ! A country youta,wiio desired to L.inv haw to i>eco ue rich, s in a ,|U irtel - in answer lo an adkeit se* m. lit. and r.eeived lie 1 jliovving va,- uub e ivc-pe: -.increase yam re ci i ,ts and doci'eii.-e your eXpendi litres. Woik eignieeii hours a day an.i 1 1 v •in ii s.r and o > gru 1. , ('a.' Rule wotu. —-a thread on which io HU ing 'mr ;,ei,c.i'S,. O.eld 1 • word—an illuminated t xt, executed By the Great Master. line wo-it —it K-eepsakc, a aruveuir, left- vs by one who has t i>i i • ' ‘j) i tits i a remembrance of me.’ O„o little word all, lik ■ the shad iw ol a gr. at rocs in a oe iry land. . ... (>.ic lutle word —a seal furnished i.;by toe t-r" ::mietH ot iloiv.-u, q yyip.. i to ma up our deeds as they are uady ri cmd and. () ie til; I r w c’.'d- --Lalldate ll into it ■ o\ lati.’U ige, ;> ni let your tdi;';- i;, I n' (hut dia ect :s more ex u'i csive and b iter u ah i -loyd. <) tL . httie word—--Jts-js said i , yo i know wli ni —vo-* ku> A w. Ci" tliq liLbe word "'’ —lenorumi N l'!W AI >V E R'iT »,L MIJN T ,i. ’ Pare and kiMver Glozs StareMj For the Laundry. .a?.i.vr'r-'.st'• v'"r: a i’ T. KINGtSPJRD & SDN. THE 3k3f SIAJCH IN TH i vVO.T . J. (iiVKrJ V IIEII I'll' l li t'L.TSH TO TUB I (,!' KX. Uld t!u iUtV : -:,.ecii in cost b:t*voeu ii i ; ,n starch is Kii i'cety linlfacjut far ail im. nary vv..Si,,., n \ ..i ; vour Grocer for it Kissj^siba'd’s ! ISW£G;} IQM ST4dCH Far Fudings,Blance IVhngyca Creaf,&3. i< life o'rigiu-ii SCst:v'.s4ia?»-»«l in And pro* i v- rves its rupnraton as ruuk*, strongkk and moke Dbi.ic.vTi: than any ether arti'd • of iln: k*u'l ollered, either of tlu same name or with other titles. i Btlvi;nton Macl>\M, I’h I)., Iho high■ est eiivinical authority ol Kurope, carefully an* ••lyz «i tiiis Com Starch, ami says it is a most ••xc d.euf artic »' of «.!iot hnd in cheinic il and ft* properties is fully ctpiai to the best ar* ; row loot. I I Lie.- ions for m iking Puddings, Custards, 5cR • :| 'V"ini>anv each one pound pack IT>'; SAM, HY ALL GROCERS. I M-vm.iv...;;.,,. American Wash Blue. For banilry aid Household Us , .yr.i.xa r.icrvitKO «!• Tim Amer.caii Itraraurine Works, Newark, Hew Jersey. Our Wash HUteisM e best in the world. It do *s n ** streak eoufarin noihing injurious t o hi* a 11 h • l lahrick, and is u*cd hy al the large au i-it i M on accdMiut of its pleasing eifoct and ch'-'ipiioss. >upe.!or ’or white.vashiug. Put in packages coi^venisiiit-for family us - . I*i ice HI cents each. i«l*Vr state bv groeors everywhere, j Always ask for the AMKRICAN WASH GLUE, if you want : ( ]•. vtpest and best. AX’SdiUL.W ÜbTifA \lAltfNE WORKS, Cißss 72 V.’illiani Street Now York. fpcedily cured by DH. BECK'S only known and fur.* K<':m'<ly. So MI niGi: for treatment uoiil cured. Gall on or address Dr. J. C. EDIK, 112 Join St., Cincinnati, 0. •aiZMM3iir .CVS UROUI 3M p«*DtIIA -•n) 0"; pit jit) usr uaiS o) sop,nr.oo Sutuiofpe pue Jo SL'azfjio aqj djiauc » r «i q|L.\\ iCjrjviood.e >* si 4 mo a oajq ajoo| c) dpeui puc-pojißdoj ‘pojUßqaoAO [■3 SLlXlVJfcfldl (I r SO ■" - j v ♦ijDjudsip pan ssaaißaa n}r» saop spirr-j pu jq • (oqt:| Sj-J SBJ(([ oqM jwcu Xn? Xq dn jnd eq usa qioaiyo *sb[3 biubs gcqx SSOIHd: 031 CEE OFT ?u puu ’ipnos m qvia-V aon[l9Utao3..?(®ppru qio.u jno Al.niElVSiKl't”* SS3NIV3N JOj • i«qi Duiivj •II pejriiDiyuß |99) ea eq} ut el.omqsiiqiireo aiuuXßo iS93aB( aq| jo amoa ui asuauad -xa Bjea.f .(luo.wj .ioao SkiaUJl -J.-uunlll tejrinijSqi.s puv jupu a uisuo) pe'r-turou qko.w ,op 0} poaudaid aae en puu 'ojap-aioo auiu eau suoqs jno juqi aqqnd aqj oijoytii ‘saatnsnjj uziiiimswJTM % jmoAb. aooAV j and 13 *ir b no jo osod.;rd oq; joj JoqpSb; soAposeaoq? saoiadi mot xy jiuoai aooa 111 1 1 1 Tax Receiver’s Notice* I wii be at the folio v ing prices at the tim; specified'to receiye the Sa e and Coiintv L'a.x for Jeifersciu Cou lty. Pa ai *s will pl-ase cattle oj) pronipilv ami make their Returns, a-i ih* books will po-itively close Hie 1-t ol July, nu lno re urns leee v. and after toil date. Owners ol Wild Land wid leturu the same to me Win H. FAY, T. It- J. C. (SECOND IlOfJ^ T l>. Bartow, Thur-day, May G h. B dinrrfioid’a W. A. Fiid.iy, *‘ Vth. l'eihaay, Siiurdav,* “ Sib, Loaiwille, Couri Week. Stella vile, Monday, 17 1 b. Pope Hill, Tuesday, IS h. Staple on’s Store, Widuesday, t' 13,.h. S apleton’s Academv Ttmrsilay, 20 h, Hudson’s Store, .Li id ay, 21st. WI. II FAY. L A T H BOP C © * 9 ES ABL ISH E D 18 35. j " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS f.M. ■ ■ gQ)Q-/&s« AG KX IkS fur Athens Yams, Stripes, Chocks and Shirtings. AISO i EALEUS JN Carpeting, Ci! Cloths, Window Shades, Upholstery Goods, Coruicos, Laces, Wall Paper, &c. We ketp a full stock of tlie above Goods and do all v/erk in them in the bent end latest 1 stvler, at very low figures ■ .. LATHEOP & 00 „ Cornr Congress and Whitaker Strc’*is, Savannah, Ga. X O M MERE! SPiICAIL 3TOTICB. r rili: UNDERSIGNED, having opened anew business i,n LOUISVILLE, are now pre- I pared to tlu any and all Linds ql PAINTING, such as HOUSE. SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL. .1 r, S o Graining, Glazing and Paper-Hanging, Old Furniture ih'psrrcd and Bs <>% aarsaisS^cvl Ami made ic lock as well as new. COT'i'OA (dims REPAIRED. ; Special attention given tc orders recur the country, and all work entrusted to my care will bi> executed with ueatuu-s and dispatch. Cull on me at my rooms in the “old HOTEL” building, over the News & Fabmer Office , . r , ttItCBBS. & CREW. Louisville, Ga. January 14, JS7f. ts FOE, Tllh: uNCrr.SIGNKD IS AGAIN MANUFACTURING SIEY W OOD’S COMPOITITD AT M I J) V I L l k , 9 1-2, C , K.R, P V ACTUAL EXPERIMENT It has* prev-cu Itself equal, if not superior, ta 4 Peruvian « • Gunner, or any of the high priced Feitilizer ß * feend lor circular. Lr»Ce s2d |.*«r lon, i&ta. t\ A. ROBP2RTS & BOYD, Agents at Louisviilc. ieb2s 2m T. lIIATtKWALTER, BROAD STAE3T, us- I *.. Near' Lower Sarket ALGSJ s'iA, (il. aHpgg JloDumenfk, Tombstones • F Snuilly MADE TO ORDER, Louisville Acdemy. begins 12th April—ends 1-slli Jail y- 1 Tuiti >n por Session *««|A 12, 1 Board “ month $8 t ~ 0 ’ j Washing “ sl, It is pupils enter at the begin ning ot session. Apply for further particulars to Board of Trustees,or Principal. G. A. HOLCOMBE, Prin., Mrs. C. C. 600jE, Ass’t. Louisville, April 8, 1875 2t W\ JL. HE.Yit I*, \ MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IS i *. , / ( ,- f - ‘ / Saddlery, Harness, Hidas and Faij IMLA-CJOILT, DESIRES tc call special attention to his large stock of Saddles. Harness, Bridles,'* an;l every other article usually kept in li s line of train. lie claims lo make better goods 'at lower prices .ha.iafiy house in the State, and Invites comparison of lii’s goods with those ot any other establish men t. Being a practical woikman he Lfcowa how to have his wok together for service as well as neatuess. To give you an idea of his prices, he can sell goo t hand-made Boggy Harness as owas sll per set ; Double lltruess for Jiiiggy S2O; cheapest Saddles $3.5,0 If you will make up a club for three setts or more of llaaiee ho will allow on five per cent oft’ t*-e whole bill, llis reasons for asserting fnat he can-sell cheaper and better goods than others, is he has no foreman and to pay'; at large salaries, to attend to his business. Soliciting your orders h« will give thcir v his personal and careful attention* lie also deals largely in Hides, Wax and Furs —such as Otter, Bcav-er, Mink, Wildcat, <52, ai I will always pay thei r highest value in cqsh. GRANGERS will fi“d it to their interewi w call on i<im. 1 W. JL* HENIUy. Guano! W FHAVE pleasure lo call the attention of Consumers and Dealers to out v*rv attractive list of EEIiIiLIZEKS. which v. e are prepared to otier ai prices and upon terms most favorable S “A. a.” phuspuo Peruvian, AMMONIA TED SUPEKi HOSPiIATE. CHAPPELL’S CHAMPION. POWHATAN PAW LONE SUEEIIPHOSPHATE. WILSON’S AMMOMIA I’ED SUPERPHOSPHATE. GRANGER’S EXCELSIOR. Z hLL’o AMaIOMaIED RONE SOPEEpHOSPII ATE LOGAN’S COMPOUND. * ! ■ * PURE DISSOLVED BONE, PURE LAND PI,A»S 1 E't. Weraake SPECIAL arrangements with parties purchasing in lots of TtVPVT'V I'lfp FIFTY and ONE UUNDKEU TONS- For particulars as to price aai lernn sb«d ’ for our Circular and I net* List, C O TTO 3ST. Be w **l make tiie usual Cash adVaucjj'ou COTTON IN STORE. WAMMEI, WALLACE & C(l, liii> & 15? ttejiiolds St., O'Oi USTA.' oa. Cll- ZEi. HARRELL \ MANITFAO I UIIER AND REPAIRER , OF ‘ 4 ■ ‘ Buggies, Wagons and Carriage : o % ■■ V -J ' Something New: ia Louisville 2 A (iOOU HOUSE SHOER. Morse Slfueiiig K<iduc6d $1 to "c cuts, l*er .Pair; XBEti ‘LEAVE to inform my customers and the public generally that I am still at ths bauio place, vvi lll a goou auU suiQcieuv uuiiiuer oi wuikuian to Uy any auduil mads ot M Dili in my line, 1 will as lioictoioru. keep an assortment yt Iron Bolts, Plows, Buggy and Wagon Materials 5 On hand aud for sale at reasonable prices. * ■ iNew VV eguus aud Buggies put up or old ones Repaired aud Repainted and made to look as "eu as no a . i wake noise Shooing a tjpeoiaiity A good cjuoer lias ioug been needed ill Douisviiie— i cau till the Dill. Give uie> a tnai in this uepartineut. I shall keep constantly on hand a good supply, from the best Manufacturers, of Fine. Rosewood, Mahogany, and Black Walnut , ■ • BITBIAL OASBS,- - * 0 7 ALi SIZES which I w iU soda? c’mpai they can') v.i*hs anywlnrj iu tha State. Stand uw yourord«j» faun ary 14, 187) 3m. > G. H f HARRELL, Louisville, Ga.