The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, June 03, 1875, Image 2

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flttoit anir farmer. ROBERTS & BOYD, end Georgia Press Association. . A" a tjourua i annual tTteat'ing ol ihe Georgia lVes9 A-soci&tiou "ill lie lielil at Atlanta on Monday, July 5, at 1.2 m. By «>rs>er of J. 11. Esru.i., President. J. P. CtiHtSTt.vN, Seo ; y pro tan. Judge Hopkins lias senienced thr f ee jiegro murderers to lie flanged on to-morrow, the 4th inst., at At\ lama. / There is an isolated in Turkey ioliah te.l by tw* »f\-=rtiree monks who have not seer. ?. woiputi eii.ce infancy. Cos!. F. W. Sitntr s, formerly of Savannah, cq miiitted suicide in Francisco t!ie other day. The P.deral and Conf.d- rate publics me co'dially invi id to join in decor at! "'o the graves at A ling ton on the 4ih of June. Tt.e Gon- Jei'eiat-- graves wi I not be decora ted on, the 30th of May. Grinds Dinner at Big Creek Br th n . Waynesboro Road. The 2Sth nl AT iy was in all re-, fpectj pe>haps just such a day as many were anxious to see, liecaus the day appointed f r the P.c n o given l>y the Louisville ad County Line Grnnee. The con was mild, a id jtiie sky of an iudian blue, and a soft air kii-st-d the chi ck of child ood and hearty, aid whispered perchance in the ear oi the young mar.— • Heware, beware, shiYsJucih.iff No otnino s clouds reared their grim visage to frown away the cheer ful light that was a counterpart of each lace, and a corn sp Hiding lea* lure inevery scene ijiat was employ'd to make the day highly agreeable. 01 couise, we know not bow many were present but el safe in saying there was at least one bun Ired j> t sons. It is sotnetinrs noticeable, that a kind of apathy tak's Imld of p ople and a speo es of unsought le- Ni rve environs them ai such pi ces that they Cannot iid tbem-clv s 01, and the worst part of sm h a Doing is ibis, 1 1 at ii i.snntlv inlcc s others. But a low us to say Uuil .... s ate of tilings existed on tins o ca *-'* •• • ■» **i-,o({’«7 tin * u h(t their cares snugly slowed away ;p home, or else scatter* and tin m lo the wards, f r joy and minh went hand in hand, linked with congen iaiity of s ntiincm and so 1. There ■pras ixiu.-ic on the ground, 'i here Was 'mode oye'iywhc e. Professor 11 et‘ was there with his vioiia dis pensing suit, sweet strains tint' melt ed away like dreams of fairy sounds, that h ave a hallowed impress on ill mind tint Will not pass aw •y. And t!;c brass band wiili tin ir ex cellent exeeuijon ol Home S 'cot Home, Mollie Dar iu», &c, ad li u to merry p oils oflanght. r, die Spoil - taiieous ouigusbings if youth aid innoer rce, made ibc obi beach ior est teem an enchanted spot, an Ei. d"radoof s >ng, ascenci f i self calcu lated io make one feel tlic gbtd free dom of unfettered lileutid f reef in a Ijgeasu. e to sigh, at le; st, for the time, “Oh, for tho }ouch of a vixtslu and hand And ihe soimil of a voice that is still,” As invited guests from ad stance, who are noi perhaps uvn iaejs ol either ofllie granges mentioned, we will speak <1 Mr. Samuel Dowse, D . Sterner and Lady. Mr. Richard Milledge and Lady, Inm near Wav m shorn, Mr. I’hil. Carroll and Lady ami Mr, James Wider, from Augusta, Who, if appear,-un es go to piove anything, were highly enter tained, as tli y expressed tin mseives to be, and the pleasui” up doubt not vas inu'uul. The D ctor was obliged m appreciate the eircum-tui ces under uhph he was p aced. ! being placed under tie protect on of one of the faires 1 of the fa r, to the i pvidem chagrin ofs ineo! the you g er men, of the first person singula!' iiumb.-r. After an iiipp luption bv Mr. It. L. Gamble jr., id a highly humorous <hr/act r, Mr. OtvVol! arose and 'old the gruigeis ‘vvl ahe knew about fanning.’ lie brought itovyn the liotise, (that is if it had t ecu a house, wh.ieii ii wasn’t) bv addressing them at one tin ius ‘G< mh men of tln* Juty’ A nrscelaneous Jury that, indeed,— ILs speecli was the happy con* ception of a fertile mind, and was iippiauded wi'li seme spirit. We xvill memi m die dinner with no tdciiii r encomium tlian it prop was equal to the he.-t tliai ii has b' eo opr fonor at any time to at tend, in j oiut of variety and excel lence, showing at once the knowl edge and science attained in this branch ol domestic economy, the fair Matrons. Pmnonas &.c. fScitn^ tiajcvmnion'bus fonjuneta. We ask whoi could,have svfent such n dav—who could It,’ve /evnled in (tli - hearty cheer., re-un .’.on find the' b ppy Ui tiding of kin.lied feelings, autDiiiici change ol cori.esp lulling thoughts, who c mid have eat such' a ItKanou? repast, and dran-i freely ol lib at most harmless and r. freshing pf aI. and inks, (Iced Lemonade), atril/lp .Red wi.h art eye o! re dist.c pioifcjse- to the opening 1 inture, geami/ig for a moment ti e g'adjaiiy uutfol dug panorama that is i very da/y bringing io light new ad van agi/s ol t is • ver developing order, uibl noi .-be able io sing in scutui tem as well us in song, and with /chalice in lund filled y/ th sparkling water to the biim, give to isc: *lferf;’.s to tae Grancre. oh poos of toil / Whose emblem is the plow : In hone and »aith who delve the scil And bid its harvest's bow. Here’s toour lovely household hand, Our country's daughters lair ; The piiuo ahd glory bi tli* land, Who here our labors share ; The Gratae ! The Uraiigo ! A sister fair and true, V/e trust the eyes, which make it bright, and pledge to yo anew. Now, ladies and g-iit ! eineii of both gr uiges wishing you umnterrupt’-d |.|os|)erity, |i!en y and peace, and trusting that such p c t ics may enhnice J’our conpno i good, and well) you together more cl'isely and yiseperub e as an Older, whose stiength a one depends on c> opp. rati m and concert nl acti n, we l id you a reluciam adi--u. •» [COMMCXICATED.] Messrs. Editors. While slum bering this lovely May day we dr am <>f the future. Its forebodings so- ms gl. ony in ihe extre ne : m thii ks I see sufF ring and ifoub'e hioidcis' n\er the hind. The waters are troulih and ami ilie High Spirit is grieved and angered by the levelling nature of its subjects. It seems that we have forgotten tt.e Creator o! our existence. We disregau! his irnmu table laws, we wo-sLuintioH h cii iirejHjt -Hotvgniy. Our hears are I dinted, they are blackened, iliey are mark'd in ca-kets of de cepiion. We flatt r that we are only dec iving our fellow man, a deception chat "e will make rig'it with the author of our b- ing bderc our exit hem earth. E u.h one ol us comp'diends our situa io q we know the situation of our m igh bor, b .t the eondit on is so entirely universal that we cannot conssn-nt ly reprove each other. Vui i delu sii>n; we are only deceiving our selves. We are sinking by our ex ample, I’lragg ng our offspring <1 n to the depths of perdition. We vr li ly i db-ve that were it so arranged kn’i 1 -,! a ' Am s who have gone b lore us should 'ermiuato, that Heaven, with ill - excep i *n of .heinlatit an gelic souls, would become depopu lated and hell filled to overflowi g Awful to co iiemp’ute. Fri- nd, do not say the above is wise and subs my neighbor, I hope he w ill profit by it, &,c,, b it take it io \outsell it suits you, it suits cveiybody. We a-e all guilty, but some are more so than of ers. There ~re some who profess Chris tianity w hose liight sliould so shine as to not mis’ead others. Their lights have shone—they still shine very bril iantly, and we have toilo .v --cd and st 11 continue to follow, and | behold we are led 1 1 an unsafe port; i our Vussc-l is on the hicakcrs, the j recks ate in siglr, the waves roll ; high and heavy, the vortex open,-, : and we are taken in aid carried (1 wii to death and hell by fillovying fils - beacons, putting on the robed by pin-racy. We. are equally 7 guiliy with those professed cli is tuins, lor we have a light that is genuine a;id pure th t will lead us io a part of safely if we w ill follow it. lis brilliancy is unbounded, can he seen by all and it is our own fault ii we are not governed by it Let us dec. ivc outs. Ives no ionger, we will be the sdl n-rs io the end Let us overcome this sjiir.t of s liish ness and avarice that is leading us io desauction. Let i;s live in the love gud legr of God and lor the good of each other. II we do die IDs - , we wi 1 certainly do the latt- r, for a man cannot five and serve die Lord who is governed by principles of selfish ness, and a man w ho is noi governed by principles of stlfj-lrness will sure ly be kind to his neighbo s. UiisEllVEK. A Disaster. SrttiNQFtELO, Mass. May 27. A tearful calamity, involving a heavy loss of lire, has occurred at Holyoke. Services we r c being li Id at the French Catlrol c church, which was attended by aff c mgr- gation Sud denly it was discovered that the building wa- on fi e. A fearful jam was made at the door, which had a di-astrous ( fleet. Over sixty pe/snns were literally roasted to death, while a great number were i jured. A most agonizing scene exists around the burned building. Kela iives in seatcb of mis-iug o es, and friends for their acquaintances It is such a seme as to make the stout est hoait quad. Augusta Njw Advartisenun.s. JLin Ken ny, Agent. Special aifui ion is directed to the advertisement pf the S luthcrn Shirt Min iif act tv, N". 103 Ii oa I street, Augusta, Ga. This is tlm only esi tai'lishmeut of 'he. kpid thatyveftnow of, in toe Siam, anJ jus ly deserves the patronage r»f our citizens. Mr. John K< nuy. the proprietor is too w-efl many of our readers to need any coimncd uiou/ro n U3. He says he is g ang to break and i\vu this Northern monopoly by giving a per lee t fit, better work and a' low er prices than no ibc ii shirts are sold a l . If you w itit amat fi ting, line Sumlay-gp-to-me ting shut s nd your orders io Mr Kenny and you >vil g-t it. WILLIAM ViiNDLETOX. 0 ir readers will not lad to notice the larg'- adv* rti-eme a ol tli ■ P- n dleion & Boar im ui Fi und y and Machine TV or as. ji speak- for it sef and sells you where you can get anything that c.iii he maiiulactured out oi iron or brass. They keep a lull corps of the best workmen enn siantjy employed, and are web pre pa- and tu turn out anything in their line at shoii no ice. E-peei if aiten lion is directed to tin ir L-v- r Geor gia Press, it is pronounced by many of ou: b S! farmers lo be die best an i cheape>t Press lnauulacmred. Mr. Wm. Pendleton, die surviving part* m-r, bag charge of die works and w ill give hjs [leisbnal attention to ab o;- Uers sent hi n. OKO. 13. CONNER. This gentleman lias ivc -mly open id a Paint and O 1 -tore at -53 J ,ek - son str et ( Augusia. Ga., where he k- ops constantly on ha and a full lin ol Points. Ohs, Virnishes, aid every thing usuaby Ue. t in a first-class es taiilislio.eiu. He keeps the i es: of u tiob s always mi han i and is pre pared io sell as cheap as any liouse in the Sta e. Tins is ti e o ly Jiousa of the kind in AugyMn'ha id of it is the only place in ihe city wheic you can ih“ sure of gening anything kepi in his lino ol goods Give him a nial ordei and see what a birgoin \ ou wi 1 go 1 . Thom isvide Times : We had a cull Irom a lalv this we k, wtn> in terne.l us dial she ImJ made for die past twelve mouths average of nine and Jlars per month on but i r irom the mdk <,f i ar. e cows. They feed oi) notliing but wire rtfs, ex cept at rail king time, when she gives them a handful or two of cot ton s 01,o 1 , urea ioaallv mixed with a Lttle m- til a-id salt. She is running ■ i one-tior-c (arm, and says she wi lin ike i igin b,.t is o: cot on on ten acr-s of i aid She pau ed every seed heo-eli with mo as-ismiK" l ■■ { -* iilllo (1 illLriie*’ 1 - v el Ve y . a' - old, Olid says that she his a splendid stunt. Look ai this noble woman, (and we would like la give tier name,) plan ters ol Thom s countv. Sue n-»t only makes all her jn“'visions, bit actmlly e'ears one hundred and eigiit dollars ea-li ou her butter this year, and will make, if the seas-m is .at ail favorable, eight bah sol eo ton on tm acres oi pme land. Read this and blush, for we know that tcis lady is outlining many of you. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HAY! HAY!! HAY!!! ITT 11 II Wi- to us 23.000 pounds > \ Os PRIME is \Y, which we are otTer injp at. per hundred. Would be glad to have your orders. WARREN, EVA VS -V CO. June 3rd 1m Bartow, Ga. T. 8. EG 111 WELL, Attorney at Law, Cherry Hill, near LOUISVILL GA. June 3rd, '875. 5 6m C3WEGO Purs and Silver Gloss StareHj For the Laundry .i/.j.vi7vir.y«Eu is i* T. KINGSFORD & SON. THE BEST STARCH IN THE WORLD. (uves a BE,vurivtrr. kixish to the LIN IN, «ua the ditferenee in cost between it and common starch is sea c?'y half ji cent for an ordinary washing. Ask your Grocer for it I&iugsdbrd’s OSWEGO CORN STARCH, For Pttd.nis.Biance Mange,'ce Creaoi,&3. If tho original— in 1813. And pre serves its reputation as purer, stronger and moke delicate than any other article of the kind offered, either of the same name or with Other titles. Stevknton MacDaM, Ph. D., s;c. t the high at chemical aiithority of Kurope, carefully an alyzed this Corn Starch, and says it is a most excellent artie'e of diet Mid in chemical arid seeding properties is fully equal to tho best ar row root. Directions for making Puddings, Cus'aid's, &,c . accompany each one pound package. for sale by all first-class grocers. May lg/3—'din. A DAV ao »RAWVKCD m HW DRILL In K'oJ territory. .'3GHIbBI TBk Ks _ H TESTIMONIALS FROM GOVFFNOKI A I ■ 9Ji OF IOWA, ATtK ANSAS AND DA r O9TAr VMdo.l# Minnie IfflllllilllE The {4>nisyijile Dramatic ClQb 'VV ILL GIVK oi:e of their Sou! Staling, Mirth provohing Entertainments, at their Hal! on Thursday Evening next, the 10th inst, At which time Vro-f flfi TT, of Augusta, with bis “new born” Orchestra yvill tome ol his favoriti Operas from “Fra deAvilo.” Let no one ipiss this, the event of the season. So dthera SMrt Manufactory, afiit Itraad Slrect Augusta, Ga. I HAVE Establishe’ a Shirt. F.-icto yin this city, and am prepared,to supply Fii:e ttress Shins, cU" my own manuiiicture, ai the Lowest Prices. First-class work and a perfect At guaranteed to eVery customer. 1 will make to outer a b-ttor shirt for $?.75, than barties from the North sell for $3. 1 am also prepared to cut Coais, Vests Panialiions. and make the same to order. Merchants would do well to get up ‘-special orders” and send, as I can ceriaiuly make it to tlie r advantage , and those who want a s' irt to fit tl em oi get it, and at 10 per cent, less than Northern aliirts. .Send un your order s. June 3 3m. JOHN KEffXY, PAINT .and OIL STORE! "53 Jsckson Street ? Augu’.tr? G’. The Best of Articles—all Fresh and Kew. WHITE LEA. ZINC, PaIXTS, 1 BRUSHES. VARNtSII, PUTTY, COLOtiS. LINSEED OIL. WINDOW GLASS, machine oil, gin oil. i kerosene oil, _&c, &c &e. Travis : CASH ON PELIVEISY; or approved City Acceptance. Cjeoo. I>. Connor, June 3, f>m 51 Jackson Strkkt, NkaU B tt. Tower. THE PENDLETON & BOARDMAN Foundry & Machine Works, Kollock Street, Augujtz? Georgia. W M II H lneie32sed fucilitics and experienced workmen, is prepared to furnish Machinery of all desciiptioM. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS Oi the be t mat*riai and su ;li as STEAM EnsrO-XTsTBSS Dl'aSS SliKes for EManlaliosi Use co.VA'r.i.rriii* o.t mm.s.xi*. WATER M, SAW AA’D WHEELS, GlliSr MILLS. ITOIi?)E (HN GBAHINQ C O T TON PRESb fer stand, Horse or Water Power Mills, Colfou Ginti, I would call especial attention lo tho L JED "V" E -IR/ GEORGIA A cheap, simple, but powerful liana Cotton or IJay Press. Jan.’S 4:n \\ M. PENDLETON, Seni .r Part er. LATHROP & CO., E S ABLISHED 1835.; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN A GEN IS for Athens Yarns, Stripes, Checks and Shirtings. ALSO DEALERS IN Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Upholstery Goods, Cornices, Laces, Wall Paper, Ac. We keep a full stock of the above Goods and do all work in them in the best and latest styles, at very low figures. LATHROP & CO, Corur Congress atid Whitaker Stre<Uß, Savannah, Ga. X OOK HEME! SPUCIAL JSrOTIGEI. THE TTNDKRSIQNED, haviug opened anew busiiress in LOUISVILLE, arc now pre pared to do .my and all kinds ot ujEP PAINTING, euch as HOUSE, SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL. .IISO Graining, Glazing and Paper-Hanging. Old Furniture Repaired and Re-Taruislicd And made to look as well as gew. COTTON Cal.\S REPAIRED. Special attention given to orders from the country, and all work entrusted to my cate will be executed witli ncatue.-s and dispatch. Call on me at my rooms in the “old HOTEL” building, over the News & F armer Office GRUBBS. & CREW, Louisville, Ga. Jauuary 14, 187 c. ts ff 9 . L, HEJYR P, MANUFACTURER ANk t)FALTER IX * i Saddlery, Harness, Hide3 and Fur a. o-jv, Dl. SIRES to (•|'.lt special af.tent.iori t» hi:? large «■ oHr-nf Saddles. Harness, Bi idles, and every other article usually kept in Ins lirfh of trade. Ho Hahns to make belter poods at lower prices .ban any house in ttio State, ami Invites comparison of his goods with those of any < tiier establishment. Being a practical workman he knoufa how to have his wo k put top the • for service as well as iio.Vms*. Vo give you an i lea of his prices, he can sell good haml-mado Buggy Harness as ov as .fill per set ; Double Harness for Btiggy^SJO; cheapest S .'M ns §.‘.t.r, r (> If you will make •»:> a ciub for t hree setts or ro >re of Ha-neVhc will allow \OU live per cent ofi t 1 e vvimie bit!. His r« asms for asserting fnat he cap sell cheaper ami h' ttcr good.* than o'hers, is he has in* o c nail *»iid salesman to pay, at large salaries, to. attend to his business, g dieiting your orders h » will give them his p rsoual and careful attention' He als > d',ils largely in Hides. Wix and Ears—such as Otter, heaver. Mink,, ■j*. id xvi 1 mUnvivs i) «V ihei liigli *s f v due ill cash. <* BANG LR-S will find it to their iut crest to call on him. W. !L. IIFiVRY. 6ua no! 4j| >/ \\r • S h™'^ 8 J *f« *, - verv.ur«,i£ ' l 1 a pi lees and upon turiUs most iavorabk* “A. A,” PiIJSPHO PEIiUY.. vN> AMMONIA I EL) »LTKIU iIO.SiY, VTj^ CHAPPELL'S CHAM PION. POWHATAN lIAW HONE SUEEKPHusph ATE. WILSON’S AM.MOMI VIED SUPE UP H OS? jj ATE. *1 GRANGER’S EXCELSIOR. ' Z ILL’S AMMO.M\TED BONE SUPERPHOSPr LOGAN’S COMPOUND. ATE i’URE DISSOLVED BONE. ■ PURE LAND PIAS I E'{. Wcr.iske BPECI.IL arrangements with parties purchasm-vm lots of Tivn-Mrv 0n,,. FIFTY ami ONE UC.VUiiEL) TON a- For particub rs as o mice, m. I , , VKVI 7'/ IVr «* - Circular and Price List. 1 as to price, and term, send for ou,«, PRESS, COTTOlsl'. / " u ui.l make ilie uJUaI Cash advances on COTTON IN STORE WAiiREM, WALLACE & CO. 3.35 & 157 St., JV,,«. _ Tro-TXSTJL, ca-A. \ C3“- IEE, .t* . MANUFACTURER AND REPAIRER ' O F Buggies, Wagons and Carriages. j o . , Something* New in Louisville : t A GOOD HORSE SHOER. Horse Shoeing Reduced from $1 to 75 cents Pei* Pair. J|jj| I BEG LEAVE to inform my customers and tli3 public generally that I am still at the* same place, with a good and sutHoieUi number of workmen .o do any and all kinds ot v> oik in my liue. 1 will as heretofore keep an assortment of Iron Bolts, Plows, Buggy and Wagon Materials t On hand and for sale at reasonable prices. New Wegous and Buggies put up or old ones Repaired aud Repainted aad made to look as ' , well as new. i make tiorse Shoeing a speciality. A good Shoer has long been needed in Louisville—i can till the bill. Give me a trial in this department. I stall keep constantly on hand a good supply, from the best Manufacturers, of Fine. Rosewood, Mahogany, and Black Walnut BURIAL CASES, OP ALL SISSS which I will sellas cheap as they cvibjajj’it ny.vhire in th.) 3l%D* 3) 1 1 niJ ® rJar faunary 14, 187'* 3ni. fk H, TIA,RREJ.4Tj» Louisville. Ga,