The Jefferson news & farmer. (Louisville, Jefferson County, Ga.) 1871-1875, June 03, 1875, Image 4

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TRIE! FREE!! FREE!.! \ PIONEER! A handsome illustrated nefrspßper, cotitain informmiou lor everybody. Tells flow and where to secure a home cheep- t*ent FREE to ell pert, of the world. It fcbatoins the New Homwtteid end Timber LaWS, with other in teresting m».tef found only In tbis paper. SEND FOR IT AT ONCE. It will duly cost you a Postal Card. New huaber for April just out. Address O. F. DAVIS, l Land Commissioner U. P. It. K , . OMAHA, NEH. Sd.CptfhftAper day athome. Terms free- Ad vdress, Gito. StistoN Se. Cos., Port* «. ____A WEEK guaranted to Mhlb and Female Agents, in their locality. Th f § Coats NOTHING to fry It Par Nr ■ ■ ticularsFree. P. O- VICKEUY <t 00.. Augusta, &le, 6E J. P. ROWiLL & OJ.“y the tecep'ion of advertisements—the tnost complete establishment of the kind iti the world. Six thousand Newspapers are kept reg ularly ou file, open to inspection by custodiers. Every Advertisement is- taken at tiie home/ price of the paper, without any additional charge ct cottilhissiou. An advertiser deaUfm with the Agency Is Saved t-ouble or corres -ptmdence, making one contract instead of a dozen, a hundred or a thousand, A b:o'g lutUaining large lists of papers, circulations, with some infofmation about prices is seftt to any address for twenty-five cents. Persons wishing to make contracts lor advertising in any town, city, country, State or Territory of the United States, or any portion of dm l),i rmuionof Canada, may send a concise stale incut ot what they want, together with a copy of dio Advertisement, an.i receive information which will enable hem to decide whether to increase or reduce the order. For such infor mation there is no charge. Orders are taken tor* single paper its well as for a list—fut a .ingle dollar as readily rs for a larger sum.— Clding. Ti ““ 41 Pift'i ROW, M.Y, Most Extraordinary 3 ermi of Advertising are offered for newspapers in thn State of , GEORGIA ! S ind sor oi papers and schedule of rates. Address GEO. p. EOWELL & C0.,- • Agents, No. 4i Park Kow, N. Y Keler to Editor of this paj'er- notice. MR. j L Roberts, who has been a silent partner with me in the buggy business, has this day drawn out. The notes and ac counts will be in my hands for collcoduu up to the 15th ot this month. Parties in debt to said Firm are requested to come and settle; A hint to the wise is sutHcieut, G.II. HARRELL, •’an. I, 1*75. 2t COTTON SEE]T T HAVE for sale 200 bu-hels of Cotton Seed -A-of the "Long Limb Prclifi-:” variety. I guarantee the seed to he as good n, Client* ham s, Anderson’s Dissn’s ~r anybody else. If they do not give sat!siseti"ii 1 tvill reiuud the money paid for the seed. Price ONE DOLLAR per bushel. WjUTAM PEEL, fierson cotinty 0.1. jail 1 4 m asTOTIOE. ALL persons indebted to us for Lumber purchased prior it) Jan. Ist, 1*75 must ome forward and pay uj> before or during in xt peri or Court week. If not done by that e we will ceitainly proceed vgainM them rding to special provisions nmd.; by law eaters iu Lumber. &c. FALMIR & JoiL\ o v , April 8, 1875 t HE l£&&nesaw Gaz tte* A MONTHLY PAPL'tt PUBLISH 151) AT ATLANTA* GA e Devoted to Railroad interests, Literature, Wit and Humor. Fifty Ctenrs per year. Cliro* hio to ev-ry subscriber. Address f KEKKESAW GAZETTE. Atlant sawswa MAOEINS NE ED LE 8 ! Ibrfve just received a large sleek of Sowing Machine Needles suited io any Machine and nfallsizeß. They are of the genuine ipake, tod ait cheaper than ever before. T. F. IIAHLOW, L'iuisvil'c, Gp. May 6th, 1?75—3m. American Wash Blue, For Laundry and Household Us\ .•tf j.ri F.jt ri K/ n Hi- run American Utramarine Works, Newark, gNew Jersey. Otir VVLh Blue is the bfest in the world. It floes hot sireak contains nothing injuriou to health orfabrick, and is used by all the large laundries on account of its pleasing effect ami theapness. Supeiior for whitewashing. p u t In packages convenient for family usw. Pi ice 30 tents fcach. If or sale by grocers everywhere, (Always Ask for theAMK it I C A N WASH BLU , njou want the cheapest and best. AMERICAN ULTKAMUHNE WORKS, j. .. MEtee. 72 William itrest llcw ’Lrk. May W, le?2. 3m, flPllTUfflrpMee Habit UriUlVl liinirw Rpeedlly cured by 1)R. BECK’S onlv known and •tire Kemedy. NO C'HAIUtK /or treatment until cured. Call oil or address Dr. J. C, BUCK,' 112 John St., Cincinnati, 0. D>o you wish to find the REST LARGEST & CHEAPEST assortment. of Goods f Do you wish io male mbnnj by saving in prices f Do you with io huy whore goods are sold at bottom prices. ? Do yoO wish to find the place tobere the stock of goods turn been greatly increased in quantity and v» iety ? Do you wish to trade wiih ihe m ’rebants whose greatest etloris are i.'ydioyed to purchase goods in the CHEAPEST markets, and who also &ive iheir customers the b nefit of the same f Then go to WIBBES, EtANS A C 0„ LOOK m jV otwitbstanding llie hj«,fi-iSjh during the -Li winter months, our acock of ÜBY pr G a ID CLOTHING, 800/rS & SHOESs Are st»ll^ c apt full and complete. Wfe art* ceivm rs /Mew Uooils / Every week, and are offering superior induce [meuts to CASH BUYERS Our stock of Groceries Is also coihplete, and we will sell for CASH i heaper than the same goods call be bought in Savannah «r Augusta Give us a call and be continced that it is t" yemr intcre.-t to trade with us. Polite and accommodating clerks always ready to show goods; IaITTJjE & CO, Louisville, Feb’y 25,1675 ]y IDISSOLTJTIOIsr OF Co-Psirtnci'slilp. rpuE co pnrtnersldp heretofore exiatifig be- X tweeu t.«e undersigned in the practice of Law, is tbis day dissolved by mutual consent. Each member of the firm will represent and attend, to the btifinished business of tlie firm, and tlie settlement of their professional ae nounis All par.-oiis indebted to them ure re <1 nested to make early payment or their fclaiins will be sued. R. W. CARSWELL, W. F. DENNY Fee. i0 1375. .THE undersigned Will fcuntituie the practic oi Lk at the old stand of Carswell & Denny. All business intrusted to his care shall have his uudiiicieu attention. \V. F. I>ENNY. Feb 13, 1875. 4t FITS CtUUI) FUFF. Any person suffering from the above disease ; is r« quusted to address Dr. Price and a bottle ot Mcdiciuo will bo forwardc 1 by Express F K o t)\ Tlie only cost being the Exprcsi charges, wlii« li owing to my large business, aresinall. Dr. Price lias made the treatment of Fits or Epilepsy a study lor years, and he w id warrant a cuie by tne use ot his ,emedy. Do not tail to send to him for a trial bottle-i> will cost nothing and he will cure you, no matter how hug standing your case may be, or how main other remedies have failed. Circulars aud testimonials sent with f ree tri al bottle if« particular to give K-press, as well as your Fuat Office direction, and ad dri ; Bs „ DR. I HAS T. PKICE. o ; -t t ? 7 William fct , . I/JOlhll ER J/ 'IIIE HOME GUIDE is a compl-te guide to every depnittnent ot the household, and a book every family needs. You can actually save money by i:avih> this tWk. I* is viortli gIUO t" any family, it tells how, when and where to economise, and is therefore prcniim. nently a book for the times ! Over 50(1 pages, 1 tienly bound, UKbifated. Price, §:i | by mail postpaid. 1 able of onuteuts sent free. I AQEIMTS Our agcStiseii fromTo j a day. We will mail airy' one who will work, a canvassing prospectus and the hook ; for or the prospectus alone for 50 cents, j Large pay and exclusive territory. Jf you j wartt a money waking husiiiess. address at once, THE BEVERLY CO., Publishers, 170 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Qonf Prop anJ postpaid. The Bev- Otjll L f ICC DtLvBLlXiEt. to $75 CASH per week to all, at your homes or travelling* Sowethiugentirely new. Address at once, THE BEVERLY CO. 179 W H baU' Ave . (’hjc’tffO. Jany ANEW BOOK- Agents wanted t> canvass in Jellersou County, aud adjoining counties MONEY Abe ok tor tlie times, one, that e*>ery body wants It lays down the great principle of money making, aid shows huw to succeed iu all kinds(tf busineses. Money lor working men, money for mechanics, money for women, nrou ey for boys, money for everybody; money ou the farm, in the gradeu, wheat, in corn, iu stock, in poultry, m trade. There is money everywhere all over this laftd, ami this book shows how to get it. How to begin business,how to buy, hr w .sell. How tosucceeu* llow poor nun’s sens become i?eh. Send for tircular, and read the table of content-, and you w ill be convinced that h copy ought to be solu at every bouse* P. W.ZLclek A Cos. 51b Arch fee, i. i COMACK HOPKINS, Manufacturer of jt y in fVare 9 ANO DEALER IN HARDWAIRE, STOVES, TIN WARES, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Contractor for Tin Roofing, and Cornice Work, 167 ERCLHION STREET, GA.‘ f or Rent. '■Jr Re McCombs Hbtelin the city of Mil* M. odgevillo, tor one or more years com ■ / t J auuary- 1070. This is the ONLY HOTEL in the plate and is doing a good business.— Kooms are all Carpeted and Well Furnished, and will be rented with or without furniture r or particuims, Address, M. 11. McCOMB, Proprietor Rec 3. 1873. 3t. 1874 FALL STOCK 1874. 1,500 CASES .Roots, shoes and trunks, saf ft 'gmo® ROOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, WHOLESALE and retail. s)eßts. Ladies, B«ys f Misses and (;hi3drcnS Bools and Shoes from ihe Best Manufacturers^ H3 2 in Gi’eat Variety. ALFRED C. FORCE, ‘l of) 2-3, 1574. 3m UGUSTA, GEORGIA awBM jamsmbGamm 1 ■ FD3NITOSE! POBSiWRB A T or. LIITDS A IT’.S, I!)0 St,, Simuiiiait, bn. £ n Lu'..vr?r.^ l !f n ?. and «<*;**£ &.:iy one of tfie largest and best selected slocks or l UKMI UKE that has ever been brought into this .Slate, consisting of | s BED ROOM AND PARLOR SETS, fARDJOBSS, A.^S) DINING ItuOM FGBNJTUBE, OH A. IBS—of suit kiuih. In fact, my Stock is cotfjfiele and I canfuruhiH anytking iu hty line at prices that defy com, petition. I also 2tes‘p ou hand a Supply oi (hicks, L ukins (Hasses, Carpets, flattings, ]Beds, &c, 4c* Give me a call when you! visit Savannah and I gmiittriete satisfaction in prices’ ad October Ist, 1874. "1 sms J. LINDSAY. JOHN L. MAKI'Ii\, C O T r O IT AND ) J > I'.]))’} .SAVANNAH, GAa CASH ADVANCES MADE D» COTTON, WOOL, HIDES, &c. ;d Ti s o Cop. and careful attention guaranteed to all cpteuiUCr 3. 1734 4. 3in. Schofield’s Iron Works, TiMIjfLOOIsr, GA. schotield's Wrughtlron Ccttcft Screws, For Horse Power, Hand Power, Water or Steam ts diaft,q tijicett pu clnj 11 1 i, ii.. in NISBET’S WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESSES. i, n.lnla U «auuii- I'lti-ta to\vm° rUB to Jlcs3 ■ Schofield & Son, I recotrimerid all my frithj s pafona a on them. T. C MSbEl’. Faugtits’ ion Centre Suppo t Gin Gearin. Supports the Gin House, and unlike ail Powers made for Ginning, it is strong an* durable. We guarantee sutiaiactiou. It is mdde to do its ikorh You won’t buy any other you see it. Sugar Mills, iiinl Syrup Kettles, ai reduced prices. Iron Railing, Saw and Grist Miiltv Machinery and Castings of all kinds. ; WATER WHEELS* &c., &c. Es*'Repairß ot Mil's and llachiaary p. j aptly attended to at low down prices. Suni sos circulars. _ _ ‘U.iß7oiy- j, s, SOIIOFIELD & soy, A NEW AND EiNE SELECTION —OF—■ Jewelry, ISilverwre, SPECTACL E S , CU LERY toilette sets &c. Just re. e ved 3«>l offered at TOPULAR prices Finb and difficult Watches repair ed at short notice and warrented. 1 lain Rings and Badges made to or der. Engraving neatly executed.— Give me a. call. E. J. JOHNSON, t oppe Crfc T . Ma, G Dec. 3 1573 —3m. 187 ft PROSPECTUS 1876 ?i am tins i nub, Published Every Thur&day ± ±r IdOirfavllle, Ga* ir BOBESTS &e BOVn EDITORS AiVD PROPRITOHS. BOOTS SHOES, TRUNKS, The jtrifce of subsfcrfptiofi i& only Two Dollars PER A,wni l\ ADVANCE. The pfofjfietofs stre determined to m tk6 the p iper Varik among the best weeklies of the State. Special attention will be jfiiid to' LOCAL Ato COUMt NEWS- tv'll find th'a .VA’ 8f FARMER An Excelleht 5.1 c limn through Which to let their wants be kuown. Our es are as Cheap as arfy paper isl M lidle Georgia. JOB WORK Gotten up in Good Styln At Short Notice and at low Prices For Sale or Rent rpHE two STORY CARRIAGE SHOP a at Bethany, Ga., 40x60 with Black smith snop and Wood house attached, a well of good water 6n the lot. Only £ mile from the Dp tU Terms Apply to * A... J- w. V H _ Bartow, G H. P. BICKFORD in /.v Doj, Sashes, Blid Sash Doors. Store Doors hit© stud Yellow Pi«e Mouldings WALNUT and PINE BALUSTERS SASH WEIGHTS & CORD, HKAD &. SIDE LIGHTS BLIND TRIMMINGS, NEWEL POSTS, 169 & 171 Ray Street, Savannah Ga- Aug 13, 1874. 6m—ls. ' -* B |- ..A:.Walker’s California Yin-* rgitr In t iers tiro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sier ra Nevada mountains of. California, the medicinal properties of which are extract ed therefrom without the use of Alcohol: The question is almost dnilv asked, “What is the cause of the unpnrpfieled success hi Vinegar Hitters?” Our answer is, that they remove the causa of disease, and the patient recovers his hoalth. They are tin* great blood purifier and a life-giving prin ciple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been com po inded possessing the remarkable qual-’ i ties of Vinegar Bitters in boaling the sick of every disease man is heir to,. They are a gentle Purgative as well ns a Tbnie, roliav tng Congestion jc Inflammation of The Liver and YlstsStal OfgaUS;iu Bilious Dis- If nleli frill enjoy good health, let them use A inkgais Litters as a medieine, ami aroicT thd use of alcoholic stimulant* in every ffrTVM. No Person can take these Biffor^ According to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are £oi da-' stroysu by ufitfefal poison or othef Piaans and vital organs wasted beyond repair. •'«rateful Thousands proclaim Vd.-k --■JAR Bitters the, most wonderful Invigor-' ant that over sustained the sinking system; Bilious, Remittent, and ’ Inter mittent Fevers, which are Vo prevalent n the valleys of our great rivers through-, nit the TJnitod States, especially til ose of no Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois; 1 ennesseo, Cumberland; Arkansas; Red; 1 olorado;, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pear], Ala :™», Mobile: Sataitnah, Rcanoke, fames; lid many others, frith their vast tfibu- JJ aries, throughout our entire country diir- *i*K 6ie Hummer and Autumn; and remark- . ibly so during seasons b'f unusual licnt and % dryness, sre invariably accompanied by ev, tensive derangements of the stomach ibid hvor, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, its essentially necessary. There is no cathar tic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's \ in eg AR Bitters, as they will speedil* i&- move the dark-colored viscid matter with < which the bowfels are loaded, at the sum's 1 timo stimulating tlie secretions of the liver, arid geneially restbring the hcaltt ' functions' of the digestive organs. frv. Ujspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache,Pam in the Shoulders,Coughs,Tight ness of the Chest. Dizziness, Sour Eructa tions of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in the' Mouth, Bilious Attacks; Palpitation of ,tk<S Heart, Inflammation- of the L'uflga; Paiii in tlie region of the Kidneys, and a hun dred other painful symptoms, are the off-, springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle wilt provo a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. 1 Scrofula. or King's Evil; White Swellings, tJlterS; Fiysipelns, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations; / Indolent, Inflammations; Mercurial Affocr tions, Old Soros, Eruption* of the Skin Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, ai iif other constitutional Diseases, Walker’s Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic IMlClimatism, Gout, Bilious; Remittent\ and Intermittent Fevers, DL'icffses of tttS Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladdel’; these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases ai VI caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. —Persons An gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Tvpe-setters, Gold-beaters, gird Miners, ns they advance in life, are aub ,ect to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a doso of Walker's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt Rheum; BlotSlies; Spots; Pimples, - Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, RingfrbriSs; Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch; * Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Huraorsi and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, nre literally dug up and carried out of the system in ii short tituo by the use of these Bitters: Fin, Tape; and other Vfdrhis.littk fng in the system of so many thousands; at* effectually destroyed and removed. NojL system of medicine, no vermifuges, no mthelmiflitics; will free the system from r.orms like tliede Bitters s For Ffetnalc Complaints, wr old, mSrriod br single, at the dawn Or vomanhebd or .ne turn of life, thes'e Toriio Hitlers display srf decided an influence .nut improvement is soon perceptible; J nulltlice. — In all cases of jaundice, V •cst assured that your liver is not doing its work. Ths only sensible treatment is uomote the -iccretioii of the bile and iivor its removal. For this purpose use inegar Burims. , . A tlie Vitiated Blood when, ver yon find its impurities bursting iirough the skill in Pimples, Eruptions, r Bores; cleanse It when you find it ob -tructed and sluggish in the veins; cleansa „ when it is foul; your feelings will tell oil when. Kc ip the blood pure, said the okltii of tlie system will follow. q' > It. 11. jfIeDONALD 4 a CO,,' uggiata aud Geueral AgoKLv. ban 6ftUfor« .'a, and cor. Vi aoiiiitp'D ".: and ChariD*u Sltf., f-ew Yotk.,- iol4 by all brubtfUib uud Dikftcrh gfk