The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, November 27, 1868, Image 1

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Yol “1- THE MARIETTA JOPONAL. PUBLISHED BVBERY. ¥IMPAY MORNING Y% BY \ g amcdoDuAN, & CO., PROPRIETORS. L& . ¥ 3 L O PTICE. . In the rick Building near the South Cornerof the ?uhlic Square : 2 s l fLos ) - s 5 1 -} ~y 5 R -“i w‘gwlm:m & A\DVERTINING, RATES, %386 TERNAOF QUPERET%; (0 $2.00 Per Annum in Advance. " )bt n Ol ’ fiatggug_t‘ Advertising. ; each Sqn { sten lines or for he first ‘nmon 81, qlnm‘h‘"h subsequent ins rtion 75 eenfs. unless aper special cotitract for six month or more. : ipe-ial Notices, 20 cents per line first insertion and i r line for each snbsequent inserony © - f_'in}niéy for i;lurtising cousidered due alter e < TN 8 M eammnhications or letters on basiness infen afi’fiw this,Ofice should be addressed to “ The Ma s Journal,” 6 ; e _.R. M. GOODMAN, &GO teo neXs! Bnod i 12008 P“"‘"im"”'“- Marietta Business Cards. ARSI YOIUVETIE B A Dr. E. J. Setzecontinues the Prac tice ' Madicine in Marietta, Office and Residence at the house formerly ocenpied by the Rev. John F. Lanneau. MarieTra. Gro., Jan. 17 1367 Dr. W, E. Danwoody, Homeo athist, Ofice on Cherokee Stroet near Public Sqaare, Mapmrra. Ga., Jan., IBth 1867, £. M, ALLEN, RESIDENT DENTIST, . THANELUL TO THE CIHTI4FNS 1 - for @ T ationnge of neas Iy ;w«n'\v;fiars : - is bettor prepaved than ever o pre serve the natural teeth, oro insert artificial substi Lis office —north-side Public Bquare cormyr é!!%@!aaf D BROTE Shiels T3O DLIUn farierta. Ga., Feb 11 1353, e : 55 @ vo T AN ChigFolied Stredt Maviétia Geo. Graoaries, WAT arcs=, ccc., Al kindse—Comngry-Produce bought and sold. JjyH—~Gm. | JOSEPH ELSAS HOLESALE aud Retail dezlear in - 7-'__7'-\: % I . : Staple and Fancy Dry Gools Notiu‘n». Boots, Shioes and Hate Reivd MADE CLOTHING ! l’ WiLb.gellofor G SH at-ATEANTA- PRICESR N.-\(‘_,Gu:gt%u,g,;{»qu..\v VeIV g fir e larges: and most reduble hous sof Now ' York City at tin lowest mark t prie = Ca Lo <écbetore purchasing Your Goods. at the ol corner of *Chuck Ander on's.” v jan. 3008 R p &8 s gg% TR A ¥, SINIPSOH, 2 : ;w oy : '3 g ¥ Ao NEY ATILANW, . Marietta, Ga. PR.\('{l']CES in the State Courts: and Distii ¢ Caonrtg of the United States. S Proxecutes cliims acainst the Government, Gives special attention to the purelase and zale of fi“ Estgre i Ma et anbsir andiig conntey. — uy businesx conlided to him wiill'mect promypt at gention an | any -nqiiri s made in recand to Real Ls tate, &e., &c., will b prompriy viven, X Al e E i[‘i o, GRASS SEED! WE HAVE ON ITAND a lot of fresh Grass Need. Red Clover, Ouchard Grass. Red Top, Timethy, Lucerne, Blue Grass. &e. ‘ R. T. Brumby & Sons. Marietia, Sept. 13, 1868. i 5 - ‘ Watchmaker and Jeweler ) . R, ) P = O - g ,\.‘P Rst ’ 3 X é"fl N": : < {WEST--SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE.] Marietta, Georgia. T HE undersigned wonld: respi-ctfully inform his-old friends and the }mlnlic generally that he is prepased to do albwork in bis line in the best man per, and atmoderate prices. Repairing done at short notice, ;. » _Marietta, Nov., 11,767, A. D. RUEDE. .y 1. ) Bk Ay | Agricola’s Bakery. t 2 | (Established 1851,) on Cassrille Street, Jourth door from A. N. Simpsons’ Law l F:'opfm again for the public. The following ar ticles kept for =ale: Bread, Cakes Crackers, Candy. Baloans, different kinds= of Fruits, e-pecially such for Fruit Cakes—which the unlersigned \\'N{ make o‘ghh;ng shwrt uptice—also. Pamily Grocer ies, Sardines,” Cove Ovsters, Condiments (figar-s.? Tobacco Pipes. &e, A liberal patronage invited j Respeetfully, i R.J.T. AGRICOLA. O ——————————————— e e e e e e e : | Agricultural Implements!! } w(‘KLTURQL vlmplements of every d.r," i i[‘:fim atid_most. improved. models will-be rnished by us for casn atthe Manufacrurer’s lowest ,l prioo; exg»_gnses of transporiation enly added. i + Lt i B X . ¢ . WM. ROOT & SONS. June 86h, 188§, - 2 FY . o ‘ 2 . - *EEW‘% EE 348 AR T&L SIS 1713 g ‘ 1070 kt B 8 YEESHT (Feill it o @it g kst o i S ilcoy Y- -k) Biiit ¢ 0060 X EIE ; V- Y 5 s v }LA & LY W > "xii 24855 S rdal 'w o -wzm-' . a e ’ na Y ARAET T 8 laAET hdo s i = Ed :L e Tevie &Wi& ©3 oo A, Tit ilke 73 -' : : - - , B - ¢ ’ | sl e by . E fws . . . - & it 3 4 j 4 . <3 ¢ % % A g 'wj‘ SOO A ’ & s ] o™ ) 3i » 5 g sitt gt ld g ' ' ‘ y 5 R j 4 iR . 5 2 . ; . ' 7 2 H y i : i : (189 : o B % 32 4 , o S R s L '4 A N 'il . X =R 5T o Zokl » ) v X >y i dldG P nin 0O Ao PIPAT RN - T 4 (y‘[‘f ¢ MEaat ¢f BRTHIRON ’u:,‘.";w‘f 710 10 SONRVEA Fim i Hgrgpinn :_ Eii?fl‘ &N . ) sl db Adlsledta g iE ASR ' o RTN SNSRI 177 ORI D@A AT Tt ss W l *"".’:"'; e ‘l. Ha' Y " rM‘ o 7 e | wbcl el sanieii-TTPIR: ymivs fo sevdiva) L--‘w-uk indnith.. - We.siuk downhsokett-hearted, | i wW‘h?ne'e:uhe afu.»’dnw ;.vf a eluu'(h flits lg;e by e T HSE ST o ¢ + v ohow-weak must-be the strength of eur hd'é'e.“fi;{d t_r’q‘:ii;_"jfixfin _we 50 soon ‘ ! become dlifi&lfi&h&lfififl%&tflur heads like the ,fg\.;}l_;q. ';h&:gr»fifih%}wy| | ofl'ly‘m{)féhf ‘while' t Hl ‘ififl[e‘é. 'So l.’figlf‘,-i our, God for His own, wise pus poses casts @ ‘sliadow acrods “eur “path way we refuse all comfort, walk in dark ', ness and glisconjent, say sihat; ithepe ois t ‘dead,” and that “joy can no mar€ beam for ws.”” And-to our aching hearts, and tearfil eyes, all our prospects seem en- | {i&fléph‘l’ in. glouds, yet even then the | ‘angels are singing, the stars'are shining., i beyond the clonds —I we ‘gould nnlyif’ seo 1 we say aftorwands - with | rainbow soiiles. Yot how blind (must obe e hearts, how -tirlflk‘lieviky’ our souls, ' when ‘ i we i:p'enif : flhr* d';a‘\ s, in murm uring and complaint, rendering ourselves so willtuly wnhappy. No wonder that -our ibcst‘l";ri(-nd is “diZpleased with us for Lmtr sh\nwf'!yjngn!liwdg:s ?t{t{‘élf,’!!figl | he docs uul’p‘gni.jlwn‘lexg more agev}g:e‘!y, fo-r !«'it‘ ¥ Yet'lte is a“Gadoflove, “‘of‘hfigl forbearanes; of tendér ‘iéddfi)fifisinu” for ]\imi: weaknese, ol frailiies 'our ‘W‘; iufirmi fes. So encouragements, and “assarances of His - Fatherly ~love; vare i Hgflgq»hgfl ,‘ju;i‘ml:qc;fl gu;tn,wapq’ firugr | | reliance nput}?jgmj;a_:(hrkness as \\‘ell} ‘as io light. Aud siill we grope in dark- ‘ messand see nolightlike teerar stricken, ' |l‘u'lg«"li(v-\7frig children. fm"g;s‘(‘fu]" of the abb-lovidg Father wha is confinnally 1 t watching over us f\'n!' goad. And i\'l!n is |as near s in ‘\‘snrrgow; night” as y\'llé‘nil ‘ is noonday: \\"i‘lh‘f!’l‘ll‘. z«'qlxls. »\Vc forget that the glérkuess aud the light are beth, aliketo; Him who said to His trembling disciples—*llt is I, be not afraid.” Ob! faith, then heavenly avenitor! would that theu gladdened ~ane-hearts snitener with thy b(-:uuiful' smiles, teaching. us that the sunlizht is° anly briglter- and l sweeter, when it smiles at us from unde: | g.eloud.: .. . i - “Why not befievet, Why not répose securely In Him whos ndsthe supshine and the cloud ? What right have wé th murmur, knowing surely That ali things work together for our good ?” e aaa TR Mountin Home, Sept. Bth, 1703 8 ¢ RAISING PIGS. One of thé most, ,im'tu‘lalnt !cquh’fi‘ ments in raising swine is to produce a thetfty, docile Wweed, amd sach as wili fat readily reqniving ln;n;li;uilu food, and at the same tiwe large in’ nafaral size and early in’ matarity. - The foad 8f % sow whew rearving a litter of ‘pigs, should be varigd—dry ¢orn avd cold water are not snfficient. Nothing is better thau shops fromthe house Wirly some mitk awd corn meal. Itisad dsable. if the sow does not have vange of a field, o give charcoal and a livde: salt: and sulphar every few days. o -— . T breedinig saw shanld not belelogely confined. She should at least have the liberty of acyitidy besides: Hict Slenpini pen,y 50 that she can get at the earth.—- Do not by any means change her quar ters just betore she is going g 0 bave her young, _nor di,w;‘m,d; hex.. uest, Give plenty of elean wheat or oat straw—nev er hay—uud let her arrange the'bed to her own liking, If charcoal .vegetables, gilt, and a litlli fresh meat, is fed to the sow abont the time she is g«?ir‘!vg' t 0 , have hor yoang, there will'be no danger of her cating oy progery, - " Wihien the pigs get old enough to go to the trough-and eat, they should be fed® by “themselves. Make a passway for thea, into another apartment, where the mother cannot go, and feed them with wiik containing a little bailed and mash potate, - Phewongh is best made ot two boards, ‘nailed together in a V shape, with cross slate onee in four -or tive inches, tokeep the pigs from = get ting intg thoirdeed. « o ormag v Fhe best of the litér shonld “always be selecral, and kept for breeders, aml different breeds of ihe fivstordey bronght together by exchango. It is scasonable to' betivve that in and in bréeding de teriorates the race; yet we know farm ers who have praeticed it for a ‘number of yeafs, and without apparent deterio ration.— Qhig Farmer, 1 100 1% +*Mary, is your master at home?” “No, sir, he's aat.” ®1 don’t belisve it.”. “Well, then, helit eome dowr and tell you so himsclf. Perhaps vou’ll believe hire,”? 'MARIBTTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING NOVEMBER-27, 1868 W 99 tp soemril aoddn e 1100 VO YAN '; d “”":“.1' J‘l@mfl‘wxfl“r‘ ANy ;f;:*"‘e you throw that money down on tifé "bRr and domani.u gl o Braoly, Al o ter. Ask yousseltaf twentyitive - eonits cannot be better; invested in semething else.. Put it back iw your pockery mnd ‘g‘h'% it to - the little ‘enppq who sells - matches on the corner. — Take iy word for it you will not be sbiey, 110 1 . "Wait madam-—think-twive before yon decide on that kundred dollar shiiel * A ‘handred dolars ,ig'.a’g[gflfi;}flg non ey one dollar is.a great deal, when peo bl ance conside the i f o i will accomplish, incarefulhands. Your linsband’s business s “ungertain; theve is a financial crisis_¢lase at band, ; Who knows what that hundred dollars may be ot Sm - yot 8- o TR e . Wait, sir, before you b :M'T?udy I amethyst breast-pin vou “{rd sarveying 0 earnestly throngh, the jeweler's plute rgl'us windows, . Keep your monay for wedding ringipade to Ait aipasy finger l that you wot of. A shirt neatly ironed and stackings darged like lace work ape better than gilt ‘brooches” and” flamivg amethysts. You can't afford to marry ! Wait and think the matter over. .., Waif, u ; before you s ,#prsh y tm%‘ m(fidffim:?)z;’q:fiw o has torn_his'apiont and goiled his white Mar scilles jacket. lle iswnly a. child and saother’ is the sweetest word in all the World 1o hiny. | Needie and thread and _soapsnds, will repair all damages'; but if “yoionge téach Tim to shrink from his i mother, and hide away. hiscbildish faults the (l‘:uinflge"(:fln'not%é repaired. | Wait, husband, before yowwonder andibly why-your-wife-don’t~get—atony I vitli-faniily eresanl bouse ol drdedpdn - sibilitics as “*your mother did.” She i~ | doing hier best, and no woman scan’ ens dure to havesthat) best ~slighted. Re l member the night she set ap ‘with the httle babic that died’s Femeémberthe love '.aml care she bestowed on youarhen you tiad that long fit of fllngss. Do you think she is made. of cast-iron ! \\"a’ir —wait with silence and forbearance, and che light will conie bavk toher eves, the old light of the old days. " : “\Wait, wife, before'you_speak o re proachfully to your husband. when -he comes home late; and ‘weary” and “ont of sarts,” Tle has worked for you all day long; he has wrestled bandin hand, with Care and Selfishness and Greed s {anddall the demons that follow the teaio of moncy making. Let-home be anoth* er atmosphere’ entirely . let " him feel that there. place in the world where hie can find p~yce, miid quiet and perfect love, Wait, bright yeung girls, before 'yom arch your prewty’ eyes. ‘and whisper. ssold maid” as the quiet figure steals by, with silver in its hoir and erow’s fee around-the eyes. ~ It is hard: enongh 1 tose life's gladness and elasticity—-it s hard enough 19 see yom&drifimg AWAY, without adding to the bitter cup one drop of scarn! You do not know what she has endured ; you never can know antil experience teaches yory &6 wait, before you saeer at the Old Maid. Wait, sir, before you add a billiard room to your:-howse, ‘and ‘biy the 'fas horse that Black and White and all the rest ‘of “the {ellows" eovet. “Wait, and think whether ‘vouzcan.ufl'nrd.i&-—wlwlli'-. er you would like ten years from now, to see your fair wife straggling with _pox erty, yout ¢hildren shabby and want striken, and yourself a miserable hang er on retnd corner grocers and one horse _gainbling saloons. You think that is impossible; do you rémember what Hazel said to the seer of old: *lx thy servant a dog that be should do this thing 17— : : Wait, merchant, before you tell the pale faced youth from the country *‘that you can do nothing for him.” . You.can do something forhim; you can give him a word of encauragoment—a word of advice. There was a time once when you were young and poor, and friend ’legs ! Have you forgotten it flfcady? | Wait, blue-eyed lassie, wait a while | before you- say “ves’ to the dashing young fellow who says he ,ean’t live - Wait until you -have: as certaivied “*for sitre and for certdin,” as the ¢hildren say, thas the cigar and the wine - bottle, and the card table ase not to be your rivals in his leart} a litle detay won't hurt him, whatexer he | may. say—just. see if itawill oot l And wait; my friend with the bfown | moiistache ; don’t commit . yourself Lo | Laura Matiida antil yoa aresare she-will | be kind to your old mother, and” géntle | with your little sisters, and a-true; lov- Ling wifetd jou, insioad-of'a mere ! pny l pet who lives an the - breath of ‘fashion | and ‘excitement, apd regards the snnny | side of Broadway as éecondonlyto Elys- Cium ! AS a gengral thing; people are in ‘ too grc&t"n hiurry ih_,:be world ; we say wait, WAITT » : r }wafmw‘u i instis ndf fisttfifl"”ii“i’fl"e‘ Dibiaae Lansimkspeads Wwappeary seven “W“q'}l‘ thendm thedtnse of & guwrd iap spiritmapuresghat Worhyy Gigien il genils of ) tjlg z‘awfiqné-x"'[g}m - bak "’sfi%al"é'mfip{:fi'g e ‘\’i'yh‘\? 'Llfim[ rour'min 1‘ rflind&“:’”&u‘ "lflfik}‘k"‘lhi PEtE bl 4" (L.” a standard of hoaes valwer o I Do af: | Adhens,itiisdtonnd ten times. i (Seo cod -9.2> . : o ' L e “m'fi{h_w s )t‘h%“i‘}fi'z&bfi»if(a e.of litgr dture. ” Bo¥ dnve it e, r#éiew‘k Digva wersirold new SigAitidations: " Phéy Ny aeeupy dmportand - positions din the ‘.hl;qga'lim;ru_muth eswnemiou-upwl the human inselleety .« 540 d hual wid The ('l'shzi%l'::i!%fii "bt{t )g&é' ;.lrmu 4;\‘45 ;,,1 deniisl mh}"" Nt e w 0 P\:’nl‘plfii’é” ‘%s‘.'éo"*l}"is ;! vohdil geamppehienddd, nifensily desdiin iy Ne vertholessp thuve is ® hivaad ) dis tinction betweon ahenn Gienisss da. of _l-hF “t"“'""\ iwroat) seaay ouoil o'V JEIRL SO HIW SIHTOSK ¥4 : - It is warm nn&‘ ingpiring, T | AT S o practical, anu?&tnlcu, The offite of geniny is toc eale {E«—n Nit doganor lnecessarily Rfl@b”fidg(’f}! |r§i"l§'hfi? "‘{l‘:%‘f;’l'fl -] duees) %?’dlen-wenmmmes “hed e | ways 3wly.lmfljvlbwiflt-uhm‘fl firvels. L s gg!lflv,&l%d;é”gn"{l;'imvl*!l'w | aim and illymines the, pathway.., Ealgni ?fli“fi‘lsfié! th’ebiuoh;’l OI‘P, facllwgm]i}:a tion. " IRvention ;fl‘lffl kfifiiat fon ‘are Works of genits: - Plent Wpplies antd atvmin plishes, It gathers, shapes,” and e ploys whot genius oforges. o fdewiay is emotiopal while _(&lt'l_l,‘t\, i intellgetual. o= There is no, fil‘t‘um‘ui_\' i\'mmu;‘ gunhg.-‘— Witchout thletlr, (RdFe"is "no ° c?‘; ion. Chevink' i n’v‘v&fl«-li«h}i wiong, 'fiie&"ifl oftencentivdly. wiglit. | Dbows! wnnobhmi panied by.genius, isscldom righty and yery, frequenthy, Wrong., o lad 4o iueb one _ Geniug and E“J;"!?v‘,"‘,l‘ progquy methl 'a’m‘; Lrmianized make the i‘e‘i\fly"' grea mind. Hence the greatness of Bacon, of Geethe, of-Hwmboldt. They were gifted WY Zetiids and" ftthe sathe time | imgquisitivels Anvey profiteds by ithe | kupwledge they. avquired .from: others, and gave to the world the -cambined products of their own creatious, and their Vast” deqiifments. - Shakspeare WS 2 Wih OF_tiahsceidant genits and of ‘p‘{'dmf‘;'i(n}i:s:g'u_l?egit‘.', Ty his giifip(“, the fwo co“éxXisted in pufgul.}’ i)al:_i'n‘(_:tfq ;n,o. porfions; aflflf‘[}ernf(;i(‘xqtrxfs ’g'fi'm'i y}ini‘l?f able ahd 'Supéifative 'rlig'n;i‘nq:ig’ | Wit nxsu KiK' particitar sphere; jtd‘r‘vm sup and tow -5 wbave ull dllier Then n'the intellee tial world, of ¢itlicr ancient or. madern Ml T s(i ' Byron s;i%d“fib’b}b‘i’ip”'\gm;im.' ihough he had 1838 talept. Consequ it Iy, the author of -‘Elri‘fléf Marofd’s i)fl griinge” dazzlvs) ;\'i_|j|7} Ythié antbog of “Palla RookW “and wrHsh Melodies,” Bl daizztes and "inktracts.” Burps had miach geinihs, bitt Iit“&; talent.[Te"wa, anfitted fdr‘"?'an.\‘flainé“ ‘expcbt"'to ,y’n‘flfi songd for the nddijedeed masses’ of hix countrymen ; and h§ 4 ‘s‘(ifigz (flfferfm’ elie mitlon” 1é "béca e "}'i{rufé‘p.lii'ii{afit:.:—f The same réinark, witly, Bin’lijé'f ‘iiuiit']ffl&fi-} fion, iay be'applicd ”6™ Befanger, ot i'rance. Beranger was'a Barns on’ 4 farge keale. ‘Aga'lyFic podt, fié'fi%mnflf‘ anvivalled: 11e died 1o 1857, “at the age’of 77 X"enm.’ - Ffix‘ih)é‘fié’ fln(fi’i %i}fif i ' Gehtury preceding his dearh, hs wielded an ThHuenes’ WE rantve,” lhhmg’i .hi\. songs afond, e hicli du’;;htip‘ré‘,f‘%«zf{éi‘dl’.‘,“.fi kings and empefors dreadod,! He' hilY a controlling sway “over the Thearts of the masses whith “Was more powerful Hinn any inrpérialédict. "He was a'jgen fus only. Helived” and died "potir,—~ His diath threw a ‘pall ‘of "Sorfaw "aver thie whole of Pranice.” His' funeral ‘was perhaps attended by “nioie pérsons—ull n!f whow were &incere méanrners=-than ever before dcéonipairied the remafihs of any movtalts the toml, 7170 o T “Dantehiad both “genits ‘and’ falent’; and hétiéd liis fame witl be ad"’ eridiriny ag ‘thiat of Homer dud Siakspeard © o[ Mo gomery Capitol City Revord. e quyfl.rgfifiggts; " aaa I never found.pride in, g noble nature nar humanity in an unwerthy wind.— Of all trees, [ ob.erve that God has chosen the vine ; a low plantibat creeps npon the helpful wall; af all beasts, th soft and. paticaslamb iof all, fuwls, the mild and . guileless, (dove. . When, Gad, appeared, to Moscs, it was. ot in, the lofty, cedar nor_th spreading palm,., bat, a bush—an humble,abject bush. .As if, He sxould, by, shese | gglections, . eheck, the, gonceited, arsugance. of wam, | Nothe ing prejndicath loxe like humauity,, nothing hate, like pgide, ; &% One ofitheaost hnpértant |items inthe gost of newspapers isthepaperit selfi: - Maii§ newspapers: do!'not. obtain from theiitsnbscribers the pricesof the whitd paper alobe.» ‘Thd entirg expende must be covered by the. receipts ~ the advortisin’. i Gear sk 'BSN FRANZLIN AND PHILADBLPHIA ,:i}'él;:" fo, MERCHANTS, - &g 0 o WVhile, Bewjymin, Enankiin m»:;:&- .t.orr,fl'ml’hiludo;lyhi‘&\. it oot ’e"@?‘m’l‘ui&ve{ialgéu‘l ' ,;\E‘,“:ifl?%?‘, iog 't -‘mfefl!efl ét"n:i&‘r& J;'figglt‘vr " :ch‘tmém«uwb"}‘fi' U 'fi;f!‘ i la'.d&flw - e, imdrehants sfilu ;hfl:lt-g;“fi ‘ az haydled, thu knaves in M:ga::n:fl 19 aronse Ih‘“-',' wr 11,,g .adwn' | - “I’,g {“""_' B"id‘(:‘l);fi\?ss'xv|i’(‘;' ok esi ARRRRR YHALHchod (8. KAt wliwt Ard Siiednie 1 ’in.; Lt)}fi’? i vdi’zmvm‘ ~rettH ave!! wpiekithioy have gu‘nniziu;; at'n?l r,upp-:;‘im :‘* 2N ?"lfid‘x Yo s ""“1:? w ‘fi‘hsfiq';?dnm d;u‘ A\\{c‘:'H x.:w" g’ » Inerchunts i\é"k”finw'fi“ / ;?ug o) m it < WAE b *}"'m : f"“'jfiifl;\lfl lbmt;imd!’r\;;v ‘l3»-?6!‘1;;'&':!1'( A 1 Uemlemenof e ante’ Co.i ninteg, ™ said e ’%‘:Mfi — :‘fi“ yOu sga, 'V(i,n"\' fifua(' nfifi%fiffi'.w%m 3 }"_’h‘mi’&“é“llf&"‘gvfilfin”’?-"”&‘ ' ? ifp & BV L H'iionlly sashawer’’: on i ;‘uilt 'gly“'f ,qg:g --m'l’lm-mhwimn‘me iing . 1 & ml - iasxgsfr Ut gd Jam v g ::;xmr' ened, camg to i:sn‘cr;at t p‘l" urt ! 3u t \\'c‘*m s ‘lu;p fised to "hr;,d ¥ }}?ri lg.gfl, ® bf?"::lzofl fij;s?utfli';‘lfifidd“‘ Wr:g sflfi : ; o lar @6 Diteler wills. ; «The fmtdm:u’vf'g‘i st o being used; o wich, g tf"?'m'"}’m ;fimt‘hin&;_ but\ual :fi: figg:[:?,' Wd‘d’ il s ik SB e Ling 4Pkt We®ubls 167 wdareiel the :Mv?»hiom th 4‘}o' ifllflf};, \'vh? [gfi;’:z:g ":‘ .l} '. i‘tl. - £ 1y . » - 5%94,,9%:{!;‘%:;;.fi’f“f’"f1b1’? i o L shall g,-vu:;c to ?-T‘mll »w'mzanagq.,m V;fwn ““"L:'Hé!:}:{ %‘? " ISE DERGLES k‘ Rks T ‘7{ l"',“‘?““" them, "nz }i)bhne. o|-nflwuert,'g«md-niv'f\‘t‘.: 3 med:l(-;t:’;:!;-:y‘(i; ydny mm’{mim honesty t!\\Liu,g-wu. t hi,;(» i?ETM s s b LRI lINCRIEnts o'l Bne ="' CAJEEs O sUDDLUN'DHATH. P s agdior YReERnt g rloao% L iasty) gl Very few of the sudden deaths wi\i(& are said to arise fl'«nl\_._gl‘iscas"éfiwi}f"‘t ! honrt do reallyarive teotn sthat cause,—- La psgertain, the real avigin, of ; sudden drnthe RSN HEEImON! i Uoen o a Wrope am[rplgqueq tra sc;pxlplfim(’l s A 0 STRRSUIGE. Sikty-six Cadew’ oF wididori deatle Werg mude (e sabjeet of's thidrangh post womten! exaqyriinntion i Sk ko ad died feow disease of thoe,, g N :Ile ‘g‘)?l t Qvf 'fi‘i,;: '} -’"!‘ ‘.',;aal ,t! ie (lh.%?fllvé’ 1:‘;;-’ pleße) Chitd Thite, Were: fo r'f’_s'-‘ffix"si’i"'cflii of congbation of the Tuings— thatijs the ingswertsa Bl b bload! that 1 lie) eld nat work, pot havigl tn-k!m:: for. a gufficient quangity o r sipport life. " The causes thgy produte congesy tiot of the lings “dre cn’l'(f‘ft\:h,fl#fi clorhing, eomive biweld stfgosb 1| winit chiilled after being warmied with dubdroos a papid walk, gairg tan snddeody.fiomon closg Fogu TS Alrrtposisifaailon npv_pkmg', um} 5!1-"1‘114311,, i€ )’c:q‘,('nlpgg opoevating oh the Blnid." '}b(?!ie '(!a?!fi” sidden denth beitig KrioWi, dn ned of them ' may sérve:te lengtiien: many valnable lives, which would otherwise e lost under the vepglict of heast, ¢o 'p‘ft‘lill,t. Thiat «bqnfli’ ;I su.,]‘p:()_s‘é&g%fl irevirable aiid i &ifabie; hence, t Itf; ay ot talkle die piins they fauld ed “avnid/sudddn deathys if (hey knew it lay is shaly phwens woi! 108 l sw asd W liw "’”""‘““""‘?"""“”?""‘ grxi A Amoldimag, was seancwirking: i his garden, on o, golid Decenber. daxs and busy in putiing in_spring. seed.— s ¥on, a young man’ OI? t»\(’;fflf}‘fi*h’ years o more, movEdT by ® clirfosit P 4 see what his fathor was o planting! in frozea; gtaind; went ont. - Why ! father do you expect those garden seed Lo growh You eertwnly must have lost your reass on nnd‘j‘u:’?;':fhcnt_?'” ‘Why not 'i'n'l._:\'r)m'i:h‘* Phave séen men sowin a worse snfl‘!;&fl this, and expeitto veap a vich harvests They were fools, is all T have te. say, remarbed the som «Medb-eaid, my boy. Whepl seosa vaung man. epending hi tisme 1 at: duinkipg,isbops, ,and aronud the gzaming table, and wrech his morals :n‘ni.«m:‘m{fl’nrk[')!léasure-.s,' wi tfiej(ekp(igf:if’t’éit’:!lli‘t !m ‘will, at' sem tithe, becone an honerakle, useful sud virtwous citizeo of society. 1 feel that he is sowing bis seed in frozen ground ;. ahy worse !) he is 5!{“’?"&#&("[@ of \Jo’,.’ tfi; will riper into fruits of diss raco, d:&:n’.j o dnd aff'éarly" deifth® Ifia%fifi, Your condact is sndiess @ iy Hoartpo gt e lightings eatinggeief 40 your mother— y planting, is wise,when. compared ;te, Youra T outher ";«,'lfif?%‘(gr‘m' ww holnev gty R TlB Tite AR ‘lt’s 'a gondthing to have a e m?:m#-mw &' Baahm *&nmiivy,i asstieyglmceduver a fillct -dova. ! Y gu™ veplied Julia, “s¢, nman .is onlyy handgomgid dons <BO, bow: Sgly, thy pcnm,au}lup'x_s:’i bas -8 ':-“tf 3 000 Fu sy AR AL dre to U 6 pose, b e pims o' lovely woineny A fominle'ir fiubli drese is never fll?’flf&d&&:' RIS v,,?fisa No. 42,