The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, February 05, 1885, Image 4

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. Agricultural. e RUST. Rust is a parasitic plant which has neither leaves nor roots, but grows on trees or other plants which have leaves and roots. It is said to grow in its first stage on the barberry leaf and has a yellow color, and is made up of pretty little cups called “clus ter cups,” each of which is filled with orange colored spores. The winds blow these on plants, and they light on the leaves of wheat, oats, &c. They soon spread rapidly over the fields, penetrating the skin of the leaves giving them a reddish color. A few of these spores often spread so rapid ly as to destroy a whole crop of grain. They soon change to black patches, enduring the winter and germinate in large numbers in the spring in small spores ecalled sporidia. The round of their life is first the *““clus ter cup” or the barberry ; second, the red rust on the wheat; and third, the black rust; fourth, the germination of the black rust spores which in turn produce the “cluster cups” again, and subsequently the red rust with out the “cluster cup.” If the grains are germinating the. young wheat plants are inoculated with the para site. As winter wheat germinates in the fall while the sporidia are pro duced in the spring, there is no dan ger to.winter wheat, but the danger is always great to spring wheat, for that is the time the sporidia are forming. The reason why rust is common in places where the barber ry isnot grown, is simply because the “cluster cup” stage is omitted as the sporidia are able to directly inoculate the young spring wheat plant. 'l'ui avoid the evil all the straw which has black rust upon it should be burnt or destroyed as the black spores have been known to produce myriads of sporidia upon straw which had been used for the winter protection of strawberries. IHence it is also dan gerous to have straw scattered around. We have prepared this as a caution to inexperienced farmers to prevent the dissemination of rust. Its spread can be very greatly, if not wholly prevented by sowing in the fall, and by destroying all the straw of spring sowed wheat, and all that may be in oculated with the sporidia. It is well to avoid sowing wheat even in the fall that was gathered from spring sowing. Those who sow wheat should remem ber the hints contained in the above. REPAIR SHOP ON THE FAiif, Every farmer who has any mechan ical genius should have some place where in rough or stormy weather he can go in and make such repairs on his farm implements as his knowl edge of mechanices will enable him to do well. If the farm be large and the farmer skillful, it pays to have a small building by itself, where not only carpenters’ tools are to be found, but also a blacksmith’s forge, with a few of the most important tools. The farmer who can turn his hand so as to use successfully both the carpen ter’s plane and the blacksmith’s ham mer, is truly fortunate, because it enables him to not only mend his farm implements during leisure hours in the winter, but it also enables him to repair a sudden break-down in the busy season much quicker than he usually could if he had to depend on others livingat a distance. It is not, however, good policy for the farmer to turn his attention so much to me chanics as to neglect his farm; . there is a point beyond which it is neither profitable or good policy to go. Farming should be the principal business of the farmer’s life; to this occupation he should give his prin cipal and his best thoughts; what- ! ever other business he may cngagc} in, he should treat as a side business, and never let it interfere with his‘ principal business. He who lets the weeds grow while he is building u! wagon, had better be without a re pair shop, but he who ouly spends his leisure hours in repairing farm implements, will find his repair shop among his best investments. On a farm where there is a family of boys the repair shop is a necessity, if the boys are to receive thorough instruction, and the farm is to be made attractive. The boy who is able to make his own sled feels an independence which is unknown to the boy who has never had the op portunity to become acquainted with the use of tools, and when he has a farm of his own the practice which the repair shop gave him will (-nuhlo‘ him to readily make most of the re pairs on the farm, and if he has l(-is-j ure, make many new improvements. A repair shop should always he a building by itself, bacause if in con nection with others, it increases the risk of fire, and makes the rate of insurance very much higher. Mico Mamze—Dr. Little, near Sheltonville, Forsyth county, has been raising milo maize for the past three years. eis immensely pleas ed with it. Ttis superior to anything he has ever tried as a forage plant. It can be cut twice a year and then furnishes a fine seed crop. The seed are white and make a beautiful flovr. One pound will sow an acre,— Cum ming Clarion. . Although a practioncr of near twenty years ny mother influenced we to procure B. B. n for her. She had been confined to her bed sever al months with Rheumatisa which had stul boraly redisted all the usual remedies. Within twenty-four hours after commencing B. B, B, 1 observed marked relief. She has just com menced her third bottle and is nearly as active as ever, and has beeu in the front yard with “rake in hand,” cleaning up. Mer improver ment is truly wondersful and immensely gratify' ing. ~ C. H. MONTGOMERY, M. D, Jacksonville, Ala,, June 6, 1884, KIDNEY TROUBLE., For over six years I have been a terrible sufler er from a troublesome kidney complaimt, for the relief of which I have spent over $250 without benetit; the most noted so-called remedios prov ing failures. The use of one single bottle of Be B. B. has been marvelous, giving more relief than all other treatment combined. It is a quick cure, while others, if they curelat all, are in the distabt future, C, H. ROBEKTS, atlanta Water Works, SCROFULA. Dr. L. A. Guild, of Atlanta, who owns a large nursery and vineyard, has a lad on his place who was eured of a stubborn case of Scrofula, with oue single bottle of B. B. B. Write to him about the the case, Fraok Joseph, 215 Jones strect, Atlanta, has a son who had a sloughing, scrofulous wleer of the neck, and had lost hair and eye-sight, finding no relicf. Oune bottle of B. B. B. healed the ulcer, eradicated the poison from his blood, restored his eye-sight, and placed him on the road to health. oo Afbeokitilied with wonderful proof from the very best classiof citizens, and recomwendations from the leading Drug Trade of Atlanta, mailed free to any address. B, B. B. ouly a year old and is working wonders, Large bottles $l.OO Op six $5.00. SoldgbyfDruggists, Expressed on re ceiptof price. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. For Sale,by R, H. Northeutt, Marictia, Ga. THE STANDARD COUGH REMEDY ey o A N &“SFIELD\’& 7 " LAN f/ (3 v SR VR € | &-~ ";‘,“ ~ : ‘;; ’ ’j’ }Q ’(e Iy ~.\i i ? ‘\(/v 1A N \ ‘“* Y | /\ p ’Qn' | LA T\ K 7 | WL VW (g, 8 YN A ‘ - HUNGARIAN '\ ‘CURES Coughs, Colds, Con sumption, Croup, Ca tarrh, Influenza, Bronchilis,Whoop ing Cough, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, and Bronchial Tubes. IT LEADS ALL LUNG REMEDIES, Get the genuine from your Drug gist. Prepared only by the | . &4 Mansfield Medicine Company MEDMPIIS, TENN, | SOLE MANUFACTURERS. e = = W ; E &!\ &a f\, % N/ =0 Oy Oy =oy =o=y= oue=ox W 7AW 7N N N 0 The best evidence In the world of the purity and excollence of Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobaceo 1s found in the fact that the fume of this tobaceo increases from yoar to yeur. This could not be the caso if it wero merely * gotten up to gell,” or had any dubious or dangerous ingre. dients in it. Among millions of users of all nationalities, surely somo one would find out if it were impure, injurious or unpalatable. For I 8 years this tobacco has boen ackunowledged to be the best in the world, and every year the Bull Durham brand grows more popular, the demand for | it wider, and emokers more enthusiastic overit delicions natural flavor & Agk your dealer for it Get the genuine — trade wmark of tho Bull. ; } > e LR | Thereis no mtachief done where A Blzekwell's Bull Durham LA Smoking Tobacco is used. ¥ 2 " e IR N Ag < B . N - Tl O XA b 3 p &F % \ERH S .'\-‘ - f A ‘,.,‘: &-’F - :‘A RS- 4 ~_A'“ % Wil T T BN L TR x s 130 By the use ot y bB b Rae 11 ‘e 8 uai &Ht Hostetter's Stom- CELEBRATED weh Bitters .the haggard appear _x‘¢ ance of the coun o B tenance and sal ? AT, A lowness of dyss [ ’ peptics are sups o o Eplanted by a WG I L + g ind us ¢ lood 18 = '\L'_);?-:‘;";'&‘::- 4'9 E assimilated, the 5, &t S ‘- : Wfi.fij-'__- R Lody sequiressuby i stance. Appetite i 'y (I ¢ RFSTOMAC" Sy: lell‘\rn:; and 0 e rvouas \‘.\Q ! "‘PW?R tem refreshed ! . with much nceds ed slumber, through the use of this medics ine, which is also beneficial to persons of a rheumatic tendency, and an inestimable preventive of fever and ague. For sule by all Druggists und Dealers generally, E v INTL.IXTER. Mandrake & Buchu. NATURE'S TRUE REMEDY FOR ALL BILLIOUS DISEASES OR TORPIDITY OF THE . T - Liver and Xidneys, Bilious HMeadache, Dyspepsia, Costives ness, Sour Stomach, Jaundice, Heartburn, Nervousness, Catarrh of the Bladder, Res tention and Incontenence of the Urine, and loss of tone to the parts. It has no equal in the reliel and cure of Piles. For sale by all Drugeists Read what Dr. J. 8. Pemberton, one of the oldest druugists in the State says about M, & B.: Ihaveused the ‘M. & B" with happy effects and recommend it with confi dence that it will please all who use it. Dr., J. 8. Pemberton, Wholesale Dru Jroker, 21 Marietta, St Atlanta, Ga Dr. R. T. Searcy, one of the alilest physi cians in Alabama, says: I have used in my practice M. & B. and confidently recommend it as a good remedy in all diseascs for which it is recommended ; it is a rood reliable and effective remedy R. T, Bgancv. PRICE 50 CENTS. Manufactured by 2 - . * - = Haile & dMower, 98 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga For Sale by Maher & Flower, Druggists, l Murietta, Georgia. Marietta P Manufacturing € J etla aper apuracturing Lo ¥ '-;.—-,r .:' : R, ;f."f_; e : - g - BRI Tt eoo S st Ry & ois BRSNS e be & L b e e 4 - wgre S 3%:9&*%}:(;_f’~r~fi-"‘/ N R ifl.;?,’, k" é{{«_-‘,’ B ,j e % k A, SO RO R M el T 4 et 2% | 5 Bl e e g; P : ] i - W ?"_V iJi W ’:}_ ,»“-;"*7'-.' f-‘" UEMERTER flfll/z - BEEneE a ‘ s ‘é ‘s&i’i Me S o ETERRRS s B o o e BRI vl oertlTC T e e j e T Cali T A:,iéé.i'fi;;.‘?;(ta{g’{;!t x;;-{.,- =7B p= s i RN {g> B e == = ; , iy 7 ¢ Book, News and Wrapping Papers. RAGS WANTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Saxon A. Anderson, Proprictor. [ For sample of paper, see Marietta Journal.] Marietta, Ga- 7. ) { lerson & S W.P.Anderson & Son Baankers and Cotton Buyers, And Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise. Have on hand and are continually receiving fresh supplies of SUGARS, FLOUR, - SHIRTINGS, ° SHEETINGT,, COIFFEES, MEAL, CHECKS, LINDSEYS, SYRUPS, CORN, JEANS, &e., &e. BACON, GRISTS, LARD, RICE, &e. ) .y - Also Pendleton’s Pure Ground Bons and PARMIIRS SUPPLI HSs, Such as Plows, Plow Stocks, Shovels, Spades, loes, Hay Forks, Axes and other Hard ware. Also Saddles and Bridles. . RMilburn Wagons, One and Two Horse, at bottom prices., ~ bn = Fresh Lime and Cement coustantly on hand. RAGS WANTED. As they buy all their goods for the cash, savinyz all discounts, they are enabled to sell very low. Give them a trial and save money. Collections promptly attended, Deposits solicited and all accommodctions offered that any Bank can offer. Leave your money with us. It will be morc convenient than Atlanta Marictta, Ga. W. P. ANDERSGN & SON. When You Want a Wagon Buy the Best! = e R T LT D S T a@;%%' AR 4_.-.\';‘« _‘,\- 2y - ™BN EETZ Ao o [ i 9, / \\v“ X 7 ‘-‘!.._..-_:., & é{‘!j;:\ (e S =% N oS SRS - i T R eS N el UL N DRERRH / ‘J Ij bl W i : § Tron Axle and Thimble Skein Axles One and Two Horse Wagons. ' )l) {)%T PT 4 PT‘] S o 1 b G e E 2EI R BULK MEAT, FLOUR, GRAIN, SALT, &e. FERTII:IZIDTRS. “NORTH WESTERN RAW BONE" “NORTH WESTERN AMMONIATED DISSOLVKD BONE” “FLETCHER'S COTTON GROWER.” “FARMER'S FRIEND.” “ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE,” (Aeid Phosphate )3 “KAINIT—LAND PLASTER.” ORE Y AL A, Fletcher & Co., Marietta, Ga. E. J. SETZE. J. H. SIMPSON Ex ‘t 7 Newr Drug Storel oo oo We have opened a New Store NEXT TO 1. L. HUNT & CO'S GROCERY STORE, | Church Streeet, dMarietta, Geovgia, WHERE WE KEEP ON HAND AND FOR SALE ALL ARTICLES USUALLY | SOLD IN DRUG STORES. 1 2 n r*z': - § = Q led et Articl Medicines, Toilel Arlicles, Stationiery. o&cc. &F"OUR OFFICES WILL BE IN THE STORE. setze & Simpson, Agts. T ONND (RS GYA T T R S D T OBTTeIS Y Ve Ui S T B : : : . I STARDS AT THE HEAD. THE LICET-RUNINING “CDOCMESTIC” This cut shows the New Style of Wooed work that the Company 15 now Introducing. o i B e M e o | ASaen e é3 ik ¢ eIR .'7.,'..1 o A T *EIRCE »._~. T 3 e% ) \':;.f EESTS NAA i 2\l RO o , o! | el % = BaEED | ‘ l 2 (G = ! -=l>.w7)~: sy ;d,{ . Qi VITRURT --~ UK cinnce, =y ) ‘;‘.73 S A 7 oY ?&E} R - d ': _'!:‘ j) g B _',.;_'_.v_~-v-' T " ARTISTICALLY +BEAUT!FUL. WITHOUT A PEER. IN ITS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION IT HAS NO RIVAL. Also, the “Dulciphone” or “Sewing Machine Organ.” For Saleby A. A. FLETCHER, Marietta, Ga. SALESROOM, KENNESAW HOUSE BLOCK. D. M. YOUNG, Salesman and Adjuster, Ceneral Advertisements. = ‘__‘ e Carriage, Wagon, g ~g‘sl:7,!~e;a§ . R | 1 A 3 . ‘ l‘ % C;_::l O /.' ——AND — After an experience of Thirty two years, We can can confidently recommend our work to persons in wantof anything in our line. We use noining but the Best PMatorial, Employ none but the very best and most reliable workmen, and will do nothing but the very best class ot work, and all will b FULLY GUARANTEED. © Having recently put up a full line of machinery, we are prepared 1o compete with any one in price and quality and shall keep a full stock of our o.wn make ot Wag ons and Buggies on hand at all times, and will make to order any style of carriage wanted. We are also making and shall keep the celebrated Rhode’s Cotton Planter. Farmers can be supplied at short notice, all fully warranted. Blacksmith’s coal for sale as usual. Thankful for past favors we earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. REID & GRANMLINC. Marietta, Ga. MARIETTA :‘ :(‘“] i A 3 <+ NA. e i Ve ® /, I'4“‘ Rey 2. B (et Sehißen Q\ R iRt B e . A AN T ® W ai G DS SRy N T s ATt 50 SA O i (Opposite the Kennesaw House. ) J. A. G. ANDERSON, Proprietor. fIYHE BEST OF VEIICLES, THE l safest of drivers and the fastest of horses are always ready, night and day for hire. No man or woman or child ever has given me a call in the pasf, who Las been, nor shall any ever in the future be, disecatis fied with my teans or the men in my em ploy. Everything and every body “about me are a No. 1. I have cheapened my charges proportion ate to the stringency of the times. For references as to the truth of what [ say, as to the turnsouts and charges, go to my friends, which means the public generally, Rarties hiring ate strietly responsible for the safety ot themselves. vehicles and horses. J. A G. ANDERSON, BAN SV, v, » Livery Stable. Reduced Prices . On Cherokee Street, MARIBRITAS : : GEORGIA. - J. Spilman § Son, & WE WAVE OPENED A {;, . Y first clags ; Livery Stable, In where the public can be ac i commodated with fine horses and elegant buggies at re duced prices. Can always be found ready to respend to any call in supplying the needs of local or transient patrons. J. SPILMAN & SON. Marietta, Oct. 1, 1880 : . N X EEr oc)@‘ YO, Thye = S, An Independent Newspaper of Dem ociatic Principles, but not Controlled by any et of Politicians or Manipulators ; Devoted to Collecting and Pul.!: Ying all the Il ws of the Day in the 1.0. t Inter est _ _iap2 and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality ; and to the Promotion of Lemo cratic ldeas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. Rates, by Mail, Postpaid: DAILY, per Year - - - - - . - $6 00 DAILY, per Month - - - . . . . 50 SUNDAY, per Year - - - - - - . 100 DAILY and SUNDAY per Year - « - 790 WEEKLY, per Year. - « . - « . 100 _ .iddress, THE SUN, New York City. 25 YEARS IN USE., —* The Greatest Medical Trmmgh of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lossofappetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shouldere blade, Fulliness after eating, with a dise inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low apirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache over the right eye, Restlcssness, with fitful drenms, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION., TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change offeeling astoastonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite,and cause the body to Take on KFlesh, thus the system is ~ mourished, and by their Tonic Action on the Digestive orcnns.llfimlar Stoolnaro produced. Price 25¢. 44 Murray St.,N.Y. 'S HAIR DYE TUTT . GRAY HAIR or WHISKERS changed to & GLOSsY BLACK by a single application of this DYE. It imparts a uatural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 1. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. HEfi i — DSO T .£MY O and all Bitious COMPLAINTS 'En relieved by taking Burely Verste*ls; No Qriping. Price 85¢. All Druggista, To have CNOD MEALTI ihe LIVER inost bo kept In order, . @A REEPR y L 3 i & : ) $ s E /. ‘ e ~ g BIT ~ 81 i’ ] «} il e T f‘ R. SANF ¥ i INVI RA Rn! ulmym?x?a?nosil';;flvwss:n AN\ e-;:ci‘foa"lv Igsl‘ Medicine.and for diseases resulting from a deranged or torpid condition of the Liver; such as Biliousness, Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sicke Headache, Rheumatism, ete. An invaluable Fame ily Medicine. For full information send Eom‘ ad dress on a postal card for 100 Fagv book on the + Liver and its_Diseases,” to DR. SANFORD, 2¢ Dunne Street, New York. ANY DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU ITS REPUTATION. ~u'! seribe for the Marietta Journal. Clubs of ten, $1 each. The new line of At tachments that are now being placed with eac_ “ Domestic,” are speci alties. No other Ma chine has them Thes Attackments and the New Wood work make the *‘Domestic’ more than ever withcut ques tion, THE ACKNOWLEDGED S INDARD EXCELLENUE, Agents wanted in un oc¢ upied territory Address DOMESTIC S. M Co, No 99 Main Street, Richmond Virginia. g eRO i R o i | -/1: : :ng’(/_\\??w iy "'s;"[' b *, AR B wS T o .‘y“":" v ’%‘ "gi‘ll.t: } ‘s‘} " A ‘; pratrel st ) PYR Ay N = = = e Y e ABOVE IS THE CUT OF ONE OF THE This cut will no doubt be familiar to every readers of the Journal. This store was Zstablished by Wm. Root in 1839, Forty five Years ago, dnd is now owned by R. H. Northcutt. IN THIS STORE CAN BE FOUND Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints & Oils, ¢ B 8 \ . 2 \ ) Statienery, Sechool Boeks, ALL KINDS OF SEED, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, HOMMEPATHIC - MEDICINES, PURE WINES FOR SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES, &e. ! 3 M et A A A . 0 LM 7.0 R 05 s I am just receiving a big lot of GARDEN SEEDS, and as I burned up all of my old sceds you will get nothing from me but fresh ones. CLOVER and ORCITARD GRASS SEEDS are lower than they have ever been. MR. GEORGE S. MELFRESE, of Washington City, a graduated Pharmacist, has charge of my Prescription department. My termg are, all bills payable on the first of the month. R. H. Northcutt, Successor to WM. ROOT. Jl Ml 4 DEALFBER lIN HARDWARE X > FEY \ ’ TR T e G 20l 5 o ‘}_J:‘ ‘;"::“[. ,' [ / i = Pl st 5 Sh t I k @7 Tin % Sheet Iron Work, bRI a S ; _ ichi T 5 Cutlery and House Furaishing Goods, Unions. Reducers, Elbows Pues and Fittings for Steam Engines and Wa ter Pipes Red Jacket Force Pump and Hose, the Best in the World. AT THE OLD STAND, WEST SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE, MARIETTA, GA. Jg. M. WIILSON ! | AP | e \ /\‘. — WOOL TWEEDS, < <>/‘ € =G gS/ AINID WOOI., ROILIs Also Wool Linseys, Checlks and Plain. ® t the Laure il ]| S, ROSWELL, GEORGIA. THESE MILLS are exchanging their Goods for 'Wool, with Farmers and others on the most liberal terms, (our motto is live and let live,) or we will manufacture Wool *for our custom by the yard into any of the above line of Goods at a reasonable price. Jeans at 22jcts., Tweeds at 15}cts , Linseys at 124cts—for large lots of wool we will discount these prices. Send for samples and make a selection before shipping your wool. R(ll Carding 10cts per pound, net rolls We pay freight on all Wool shipped to us. Al communications should be addressed to LAUREL MILLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ROSWELL, GA. J. . Sherman, Prosident. B~ — — T BHMOEY'S LITTLE CATTARTIC PILLS . EMOB TART! L \ A aro tho BEST EVER MIADE for Costivenoss, indigestion, Headache. §_ L ™ Ono good duose of threo or foar Emory’s Little Cathartic Pills, followed by one (77772220 pill every might for a week or two, makes the human machinery run as regular 7N as clock work; they purify the blood and put new life in a broken-down body. AV Puroiy Vogotablo, Marmiess, Pleasant, infalliblo, tho youngest child may tako AN\ WNN] them.” Sold by all Druggists and Medicinoe Dealars ot 15 Gis, a Box, or by mail. TN\ STAHDARD CURE CO., Propriciors, 197 Pearl St., M. Y. Emory's LitHe Cathartic aro wore than is claimed; they prove to be the best Pill ever used here. Worth twicoe tho money asked.—W. W, H, Gousn, Harmony Grove, Ga.—Emory's Little Cathartic are the most popular of all EMORY'S LITTLE tho Cathartica.—Ww, Bisuop, Mills River, N. C..—=My aged mother used one CATHARTIC PiLLS Pox with wonderful results.—N. W. Bagez, Locust Grove, Ohio,——l recommend &ro propared from them.—Jonn CoLLiNg, M. D., Athens, Texaa, —-They are exceilent,.—R. DexsoN, MAY_APPLE Jackson, Miss.—They ars unexcelled.—Mus, FLIZARETH EEvsen, Moberly, Mo, In all its forms positively cured with y ' MALARIA a never-failing remody ; they contain no Emfifl S Stafldafd clll'e PI"S. ainine, Mercury, or poison of any kiud. Eudorsed by physiciansand®sold by druggists everywhere, oF '%y mail. 25 Cente @ Loz, STANDARD CURE CO., New York. e ALY &) 47 ruzoniy TRUR e b - Y IRORN | s @‘l\ B 4 ¢ | SR, el : <? R T > ‘-:‘17:1' 3 ) z\.‘{‘vf\‘v ‘ ST PR FACTS RECARDING A"’V’,'- y ‘. ' ‘ o, Dn Harter's Dron Tonia, It will purics and enrich the BLOQOD, regulate the LIVER and KIDNEYS, and REsTORE THE HEALTH and VIGOR of YOUTH! Iu all those diseases requiring acertainand etlicicn TONIC, especially Dyspepsia. Wantof Appetite.ludigese tlon, Lack of ¥irengih, cte., its use is marked with fmmed <2 and wonderiul resulis. Bones, muscies and serves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and supplics Brano Power, sullering tecn all complaints LA Dl ES peculiartothicicsex will find in DR. HARTER'S IRON TONIC a cure and speedy cure. It gives a clear and healthy complexion. The strongest testimony to the value of DR, HARTER'S TRON TONIC is that frequent attempts at countoerfeiting have ouly added to the populars ity of the original, ifyou carnestly destee health donot experiment—gctthe ORIGINAL AND BEST, Send your address to The Dr. Harter Med. Co. (St. Louis, Mo., for our "DREANM 80. K."P Fullof strange and uscful iniormation, freo. DR. HARTER'S IRON TONIC IS FOR SALE BY ALI DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE. SIMON DARDEN l Libel for Divorce in Vs, Cobb Ruperior Court, FYRA DARDEN. ’Nnv. Term, 1884, lis Honor, J. Branham, presiding It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sherifl that the defendant does not reside in this county and it further appearing that she loes not reside in this State, on motion of plaintift's counsel, it is ordered that the de~ fendant appear and answer at the next term of this court ; cise that the case be con sidered in default and the plaintift allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered, that this Rule be published in the Marietta Jour al once a month for four months. Nov. 17th, 1884, J. BRaNuAM, Judge Of the Sup. Court of R. C. A true extract from the minutes. W. R. MoNTGoMERY, C. 8. C. ' . A Great Cuse of Humaa Misery | - i Es the Loss of ! 7':! eRS et -Bl ‘ A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and | Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, Sperma | torrhwea, induced by Self Abuse, Involunta ry Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debilis ty, and Impediments to Marriave wenerally; | Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental {and Physical Incapacity, &c—By ROBERT {J. CULVERWELL, M. D., author of the | “Green Book,”’ &ec. | The world renowned author, in this ad |admirable Lecture, clearly proves his own | experinece that the awful consequences o | Belf Abuse may be effectually removed | without dangzerous surgical “operations, | bougies, instruments, rings or cordials; | pointins out a mode of cure at once certain |and eflectual, by which every sufferer, no | matter what his condition may be, may cure | himself cheaply, privately and radically. | BFTThis lecture will prove a boon to thous- Lands and thousands. Sent under, seal, in a plain envelope, to ‘any address, on receipt of four cents, or two | postage stamps. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COO., 41 Aon St., New York, N. Y.; Post Office | Box 450. , O UL S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS 1 3 o j FOUT2 FOUTZ § FOUTZ. ; QTR AR v~ ':f ‘-t;“-.i‘i.“.u po== i 3 | No Horse will die of Covric, Dors or LrNa Fi | VER, if Foutz's Powders are used in time, | Foutz's Powders will enre and prevent o 6 (norera., } Foutz's Powders will prevent Gares 18 Fowls, Foutz's Powders will increa<e the quantity of mitk | nnn} cream twenty per cent., and make the butter firm l .l“f 'A-‘;‘v‘;“:'[l"m\flvrfi Wwill eure or prevent almost Bviny Disiase to which Horses und Cattle are snbject, | ForTz's Pownins WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. ] Sold everywhuere. DAVID F. FOUTZ, Proprictor, BALCIMORRE,MD.