The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, February 19, 1885, Image 4

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RL S S Vi b :..; g { - - 5 b ;.'.,;-;4;3) ”@“«%*'«fi«%m*’sfi*fimf . soore year,-during two scores ov s ich | T have been a tiller of the sol. It cannot say that I am now, but 7 have | been rich, and have all 1 necd, do | not owe a dollar, have given my <hil- | dren a good education, and when 1! am called away will leave them ) enough to keep the wolt from the door. | My experience has taught me that: ‘ 1. Qne acre of land well prepared | and well cultivated. produced nmrcl than two which received only the same amounnt of labor used on one. 2. One cow. horse, mule, sheep or hog well fed, is more profitable than two kept on the samne amount neces sary to keep one well. 4. Ome aere of clover or grass is worth more than two of cotton wherej no grass or clover is raised. | 4 No farmer who buys oats, corn or wheat, fodder and hay, as a rule, for ten years, can keep the sheriff away fram the door in the end. | 5. The farmer who never reads the papers, sneers at book farming and improvements, always has a leaky roof, poor stock, broken down fences, and complains of bad “seasons.” 6. The farmer who is above his business and entrusts it to another to manage, soon has no business to at tend to. 7. The farmer whose habitual bev erage is cold water is healthier, wealthier and wiser than he who does not refuse to drink. A DEPENDENCE ON ONE CROP. - Speculating incrops, which is real ly what depending upon one special crop iz, has done more than any one thing, for the small, general farmer to injure him financially than any other thing we can name. If it is followed up, year after year, persis tently, intelligently and economically it is all right, as do the grain farmers, ete.; but a season of high prices gener ally tempts farmers to embark largely in growing that product which was in such demand at high price. They put all their energies, land and cash into it and then comes a yeay of ex cessive production and low prices, This disgusts the farmers and they try something else, losing all they put into last year's efforts. If you have the experience and capital, and location be favorable, t! 110 rea son why special erops will not pay welly but not for a single year, as the efforts must be continuous. Pears Wirnovr Brianr.—Among the pears claimed to be exempt from blight is the Lawson, so called from its discoverer, in Ulster county, N. Y., where the original or mother tree is said to be still standing on the west bank of the Hudson river, bearing excellent crops of fruit, though at least a century old. It is considered a good pear, but not of the best qual ity. Some specimens of the fruit have measured nine inches in eir cumference. It is a Northern pair, and not yet known to be adapted to the South. e — Y — Rarsing CALVES.—As it requires eleven pounds of milk to add one pound of flesh to a calf| farmers who, imomilking their cows, leave the ealves less than one pound of milk per day, may form some idea as to what kind of stéck their future cows will be. Is it not “cruelty to animals?” Gl Traiven Docs.—What is the use of an unteained, blundering eur, but to eat, worry the stock and poultry, and to frighten away vour friends, if not to destroy your neighbor's sheep? i you wust have a dog, have one trained o some valuable purpose, say a good ~:n‘;":u'r-7\ doz that can be tanght not only to tend the flock, but also te guard the house. There would be in this, both economy and real advantage. and o step from the savage to civilized life. Do you nev er read that savages Keep troops of eqqually savage dogs ¥ — D W ApnorMAL ApreETiTE.—When cat tle are seen to chew leather, -old cloth, old bones &e., stockmen say it 18 an indication of a lack of phosphate of lime in their food, required to sup ply boue material. A little bone dust may be given in their food, but where the pasturage is fertilized with bone dust, this deficiency never ap pears. lle Zrowing specs 1] CTojE, Sass al intelligent farmer, “1 have made a profit of 210 from a single load “f“ manure.” Heavy erops, he says, d not often cowe by accident, but i»_\‘; careful forethought and management and no one thing requires more in tellizgence and eare than saving and application of the manure, - R - The Indians have heen lueky in more respects than one. While the intruders have just been again remoy ed from the Territory, it is now as certained that’ they have lost very little stock during the cold weather of the past forty days. Their neigh bors in Texas, New Mexico, Colora do and Kansas can count their losses up into the thousands, RHEUMATISM Although a practioner of near twenty years, my mother influenced me to procure B. B. B for her. She had been confined to her bed sever al months with Rheumatism which had stub bornly resisted all the usual remedies. Within twenty-four hours aiter commencing B B. B, T obmerved marked relief, She has just com meneed her third bettle and is nearly as active as ever, and has been in the front yard with “rake in band,” cleaning up. Her improver ment is truly wondersful and immensely gratify, ing. C. H. MONTGOMERY, M. D. Yacksonville, Ala., June 6, 1884 IV D/ ITD adeiviY | ROU HLE i over six years | bave been a terrible suffer er i s troublesonve kidney coraplaint, for the refief of which T have spenf over §250 without benefit; the most noted so-called remedies prov ing failures. The use of one single bottle of Be B. B. has been ln:lr\'-ln'h' giving more relief than all other treatment combined. It is a quick cure, while others, if they curegat all, are in the distaht future. C. H. ROBERTS, atlanta Water Works. SCROFULA. Dr. L. A. Guild, of Atlarvta, who owns a large nursery and vineyard, has a lad on Lis place who was cured of a stubborn case of Scrofula, with one single Lottic of B. B. B, Write to him ahbout the the case, Frank Joseph, 215 Jones strect, Atlanta, has a son whe had a sloughing, <crofulows ulear of the neck, and had lost hair and eye-sight, finding no relicf. Omne bottle of B. B. B. healed the ulcer, erndicated the poison from his blood, restored his eye-sight, and placed him on the road to health, A bookffilled with wonderful proof from the very hest class of citizens, and recommendations from the leading Diug Trade of Atianta, mailed free to any address, B. B. B. only a year old and is working wonders. Large bottles §l.OO or Bix 85,00, Sold by Druggists, Expressed on re ceipt of price. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by R. H. Northeutit, Marietia, Ga. 115 STANDARD COUGH REMEDY = Lo i _\-——x:; APNSFIEL pyo ‘“ e ~<B W e O é\/ ™ 3 " \ o\ %"J \"“ AN "9.' Jx C W et PR A xs-:i‘%?i% - A\ Lo M. o B\ [‘ N Y =i\ f i b BALSAM Coughs, Colds, C A-I UNRES ~opion, cron, oa. | tarrh, Influenza, onnchitis,Whoop ing Cough, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, and Bronchial Tubes. ‘T LEADS ALL LUNG REMEDIES, Get the genuine from your Drug gist. Prepared only by the Mansfield Medicine Company MEMPIIIS, TENN, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. TY SO 5 TRy o _i’,w X AR N T T W Pl SESF wei o RN CRE. M T BEAR\ - AR AT ABo 3 B 10230 6 sy "l $34500409900006050 (3009030000000 0000000 0 ! ; nirham i histor Tt was neutral ground § | duringthearmistice between Sherman and § loh n Solliers of both srnies filled ’ their 1 v ith the tobaceo storedthere, e, after the surrender, marched home \ard. Soon orders came from Easty, West, Northand Sonth, for “more of that elegant b WOTh o, ten men ran anunknown tor) Now it emiplove €ll, tses the ! puk and pick of the G P2eit, and the i Darlian Bull isthe tradeauark of this, the boect tobacco in the world, Blackwell's Bull Inirhmin Smoking Tobacco hias the largest e of any smoking tobacco in the world Why ¥ Simply because it {8 the best. All rs have it Trade-mark of the Bull T R 4 o ’ < M £ P X 0 Ll ! 2% I T A & WWETECTL A : 1 LOOK OUT ! Llk 9" } DURHAM 4 . : N - o BULL__E" G I'% \ ‘ > -y‘" el Tf h '-\;.'n":; fwr'\]vi\‘v!‘il 3 YA wo Oof Biackwell's Bul ! “‘ WA‘“’ . l:n'hmwl.'in-rv;..u{ To i ‘JV_ (el baceo, as he was told, he . ORI e wouldn't have been d;3 ,s)‘“ 1, cornered by the bull, o “;“\‘\3\ 12 Y P i ! 59 ,"..11,«' f, Vol TR i iy A e L i | ‘\‘Lu 4% h'+ ;.‘,» .';,'lmt'»yfl.‘ & TR RESRS Sl - e SR 9 By the use of d us' El Hostetter’s Stom- CELEBRATED wh Bitters the hageard appear " ance of the coun = L) ‘.\ tenance and sal ?2) - lowness of dyss [f YA A 3 = peptics are sups o e planted by a 4z B (’/ ? )2= healthier look v A.'.f“- v/' ‘and as the food is i q%‘:g DR (ssimiluted, the "/g 3 ’v‘s-_k.x‘- :n-"l) :z-llli.\‘s's:lfx B e stance Appetite Q STOMACH Si.\‘ restored and R the nervous sys . ¢ .'?P F . Eo ! 3 ',‘P;::! R tem refreshed with much needs ed slumber, through the use of this medics ine, which is also beneficial to persons of a rheumatic tendency, and an inestimable preventive of fever and ague. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. DLIXIR. Wa Mandrake & Buchu. NATURE'S TRUE REMEDY FOR ALL BILLIOUS DISEASES ¥ . P r - O TORPIDITY Liver and Kidneys, ) s Hesduche, Dyspepsia. Costive loss of tone W ith jart it hast equat o the relief and eure of Piles. For sale by all Drug 8 Read what Dr. J. 8. Pemberton, one of the oldest druggists in the State says about M, & B.: I haveused the ‘M. & B with happy effects and recommend it with eonfi lence that it w please all who use it. Dr J. 8. Pemberton, Wholesale Drur groker, 21 Marietta, St Atlanta, Ga. Dr. R. T Searcy, one of the ablest physi cians in Alabama, says: [ have used in my practice M. & 1. and confidently recommend it 48 a good remedy in all diseases for which it is recommended ; it is a good reliable and eflective remedy R. T. Searcv. . PRICE 50 CBNTS. Manufactured by ’ - £ - Haile & Mower, 9% Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga For Sale by Maher & Flower, Druggists, Murietta, Georgia. = - 3 s Marietta Paper Manufacturing Co. .\} l ol :;_:. =T ‘:, ;,‘, A ot $ . A B e ‘*,; 'lQ';F.«'¢A -a\;‘ . »: = ..A*'Zi %{Lyi : _.‘ ; “ ‘ eTN o o Fea N A T LTDA.y Ty t L;g*“ Le A | R fi’; g {bé %}22 ( A é fl": fa.?,_,-:"",-"" = - : .:.’(_-‘ : ‘ ‘;}?;fi‘, 'i» I AR eSN R ey ,mlfl P e 1 !M = T Ry B/P 21T o ‘,’i".; ’f‘“’#’\ ”. ‘v'f:flg‘ffi? s-‘ Ay Cal RS ’4l ROET e(e e Efi%’i:fif 1 R - L Vo e Afl' o b ww%( G | ¥S B ILo TR T eS g e R AR B *'i:sffié»fi-lkfi"* ‘:. g s ,}’, ; (,»‘ ‘:,-_ - = = ._}‘-,__:* ?_,.: o - "f-}-“;’gfi .. £ ‘~_>~; .7{\,,4 : Se-&Re Y e SR . ] — =~ = SRS 000 »oN 3 1 > , Book, News and Wrapping Papers. RAGS WANTED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Saxon A. Anderson, Proprictor. [For sample of paper, sce Marietta Jourual.] Marietta, Ga- T 1) % ! ) { . B/ ARV 2 4 W.P. Anderson & Son Bankers and Cotton Buyers, ‘ 4and Dealers ia Ceneral Merchandise. Have on hand snd are continually receiving fresh supplies of SUGARS, FLOUR, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGL, COFFEES, MEAL, UHECKS, LINDSEYS, . SYRUPS, CORN, JEANS, &e., &c. BACON, GRINTS, LARD, RICE, &ec. - ) Ner e Also Pendieton’s Pure Ground Bons and FARMERS SUPPLIES, Such as Plows, Plow Stocks. Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Hay Forks, Axes and other Hard ware. Also Saddles and Bridles. Dilburn W agons, e and Two Horse, at bottom priccs. Fresh Lime and Cement constantly on hand. RAGS WANTED. As they buy all their goods for the cash, saving all discounts, they are enabled to scll very low. Give them a triul and save money. Collections promptly attended Deposits soticited and all accommodutions ofiered that any Bank can offer. Leape your money with ws, It will be more convenient than Atlanta Marictta, Ga. W.P.ANDERAON & @O Y When You Want a Wagon Buy the Best = e ) }«F '.'!'\.';*( S Zfi»n‘\’@‘;{a‘w '/,fr»;“' he x_’“ngt{fi\' ;.“,;_::f:_}f;\‘ ;§> L - oSI =T el Y- S RN/ i\ AR OB 0e BN i5B == | | | | | | i U | & 1 1 | ‘ Tron Axle and Thimble Skein Axles, One and Two Horse Wagons. —PROVISIONS= —PROVISIONS= BULK MEAT, FLOUR, GRAIN, SALT, &e. FERTIILZLIZERS. “NORTH WESTERN BAW BONE.” . “NORTH WESTERN AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE " “FLETCHER'S COTTON GROWER.” “FARMER'S FRIEND.”’ “ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE,” (Acid Phosphate )§ “KAINIT—LAND PLASTER.” RSB A, A, Fletcher & Co., Marietta, Ga, E. J. SETZE. J H. SIMPSON R New Drug Store! n-—n—_—_-l—-—-—__— We have opened a New Store NEXT 10 1. L. HUNT & COS GROCER} STORE, Chureh Siveet, Mariefta, Geoveia, WHERE WE KEEP ON HHAND AND FOR SALE ALL ARTICLES USUALLY SOLD IN DRUG STORES. S 3 s q a 3 Medicines, Toilet Articles. Stationery. «o. (F"OUR OFFICES WILL BE IN THE STORE. .+ Setze & Simpson, Agts. THA $ FEY 'BN A FEY FPBYGAE Y BEEH BN ! i ™8 :%:%Efl'a‘l -% P; E 555'1 F’Jfifl&xfifip. TEE LICET-RUTNNING S SR e « g 9 X 33 N BV:E E’i &N “E’q xC’ W N.Q %3 This eut shows the New Style of Wood work that the Company 18 now Introducing ..‘1; TG S g |A\ de.f‘),‘g ;’;;;, e R Iy 1 X e ST t 71!;,?: y '2" .‘_‘ -"‘;,‘,— fiv:‘.; & %=4 v‘ ! ‘:') i {,,‘3 B, 0 L S PCRRE, | e -7- - 3 T e (o d 3“}' TR = *fi RER E A A Ry [ A ek 3,7 A ~ \ '¢7 ] {lB \~l Ag i ,‘..‘ \) AT R ENRTO 7 AR T A 5 —@te AL © g L [ e ::/ P e S ARTISTICALLY +BEAUTIFUL. wliTgouT A PEER. IN ITS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION IT HAS NO RIVAL. Also, the “Duleiphone” or “SRewing Machine Organ.” For Sale by A. A. FLETCHER, Marictta, Ga. SALESROOM, KENNESAW HOUSE BLOCK. D. . YOUNG, Saiesman and Adjuster, Ceneral Advertisements. e ”_m:_“ ; Carriage, Waoon. arTiage, agon, | . A A\ ; = \‘( e .}:fl”‘.& ’? BeeesN\ a A<D 3{% | | ol e e e e o — AND — 5 f > HARNESS MAKING | After an experience of Thirty two years, | we can can confidently recommend our work 1o persons in wantof anything in our lire, We use notning but the Beost RMatorxial, Employ none but the very best and most reliable workmen, and will do nothing but the very best class of work, and all will b FULLY GUARARTEED. Having recently put up a full line of 1 machinery, we are prepared to compete with mx{; one in price and guality and shall keep a full stock of our own make ot Wags~ ons and Bugzgies on hand at all times, and will make to order any style of earriave wanted. We are also making and shali keep the celebrated Rhode’s Cotton Planter. Farmers can be supplied at short notice, all fully warranted. Blacksmith’s coal for sale as usual. Tbankful for past favors we -earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. REID & CRAMLINGC. l Marietia, Ga. ARS AR MARIETT A 1 4 5 o S - © (NN omeelre ® B Tt = q e "':':».4.“.;,'.:.‘:';..:.-.3;81 wE (Opposite the Kennesaw House.) J. A. G. ANDERSON, Proprictor. rf*HE BEST OF VEHICLES, THE § safest of drivers and the fastest of horses are al« ays ready, night and day for hire. No man or woman or child ever has ‘Ziven me a call in the pusf, who has been, ‘nor shall any ever in the future be, dissatis fied with my teams or the mendin my em ploy. Everything and every body about me are & No. 1. I have cheapened my charges proportion ate to the stringency of the times. For references as to the truth of what [ say, as to the turnsouts aud charges, go to my friends, which means the public generally. Purties hiring are strietly responsible for the safety ot themselves, vehicles and horses. J. A G. ANDERSON. wvery wtable. Reduced Prices On Cherckee Street, MARIETTA, : : GEORGIA. f)e - £ ‘ . J. Spilman § Son, ~ i “WE HAVE OPENED A I, Y first class ; Livery Stable, )(e where the public can be ac e commodated with fine horses e and elegant buggies at re duced prices. Can always be found ready to respond to any call in supplying the needs of local or transient patrons. . J. SPILMAN & SON. Marietta, Oct. 1, 1880, T P T T RN TEROE ey NERVOUS DECIUTY, - K OrgrnicWeakness ang 'IARRES 3 Decay, and numergua - E obs ‘ure dizeases whicn \. \ ” batlleskilled ; hysiciang resaltfrotn y uthfulia- QQ«%\,\\\% 8 r.qfi-ruti'r»( f.—..\‘:\ fo- A Radical Gure & (faise=pa; rover braio for A while snch r‘fli“gl:i":le?h!_ x your sy tem void the position of pretegtion )PERMATORRHEA V lrg:u‘t;d‘i':!s;ufor l‘:u;u ;'ou- AND bles. Get o' r free cirenin- M nd Toi.n impertant fucts lMPnn“cv Im!om taking treatment s Bolsewhore, Tako a sURE "A._ &mwmr th;( has (m(;:n : ousands, does pot in- TESTED for over G ferforo wilh ot ot o Years by use in R business, or cause pain o r maoyThousand Bl iaconvenicacs Found. 4 Svois PRRR AR o L 3% ciples, By et nnplien R&:RVOUS ;s 3 ;,:(u to Y‘\'u sea :(;«l Liils:casu 3 =g its wecific in ce i DEBILITX R folt Without deinsTns AND natural fanctions of the ORCGAWNIC 0 :mm;mr?rznnism are rc,~s ored. Tha snimatin, o daeeh WNESS n meots of M[f:.'w:k;{ in P becau‘;asted?mgimhu‘ | w ! ¥an © patien 0T =8 vo,g":‘gdam'md.d ot Chieerful undrapidiygair: HARTIS REMEDY CO., Mg Chemist 80614 North 10th 5t., Bt. Louis, Mo, 25 YEARS IN USE. AUL TN The Greatest Medical Trmmgh of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lossofappetite, Bowela costive, Paln in the head, with & dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shoulder~ biande, Fullness after enting, with a dig inclination to exertion of bedy or mind, lrrltfllllt{ of tomper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Woariness, Dizziness, Finttering at tho Heart, Dots baferothe eyes, Headache over she right oyo‘ Reatlossvons, with fitfal dreams, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS arc especially adapted to such cases, one dose etfects such a change offeclingastoastonishthesuilerer, They Increase the Appetite,and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system ig nourished, and by their ’l‘onlc Action on the Digestive Organg, legular Stooliars D_rw!m'--d, Price 25¢c. 48 Murray St..N.Y. O TIDTLUIRSVIPE TS AL Sl PR O SLT ST IR s S cge s 3 £ S FUTTS HAIR DYE, GRAY HAIR or WHISKXERS changed to a GLOSSY BLACK by 2 single application of this Dre. It imparts a natursl color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent hy express on receipt of §l. Office, 44 Nurray St.; Now York. H - nfiw—_—.- E R—— and all BiLious COMPLAINTS are re lieved by taking . . 3 us WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Purely Vegetadlc; No Griping. Frice 255. All Druggists tavra GO W TITER o o Lent Tn nrden, £ a A ~ e ERY A LY alußoicul R \) Y 1Y e § \ et /e /! e REE ‘{e? [©3 4v3 éif Eow 57 BAESS AV TR ER o % b M’ ,&}5 & 3 LA GE BEA ) Nyl B_ o 8 il LA G h DR. SANFORD'S LiVER INVICORATOR Just what its name implics; a Vegetable Livor Medicine and fordiseases resuiting from a deranged or torpid coudition of the laver: such as Biliousness, Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Maiaria, Sicke Hoadache, Rbemmatien, ote. An invaluable Fame il Medicine. For full information send Enur ad dress on a postal card for 10 page book on the * Liver #nd its_Diseuses,”” to DR SANFORD, 24 VAN DRUGGIST WILL TFLL YOU ITS REFUTATION Subseribe tor the M arvietta Journal. Clubs of ten, €1 cach. The new line of At tachments that are now beiny placed with cae “Domestie,” are speci alties. No other Ma chine hos them Thes Attachments and th New Wood work make the ‘Domestic’ nmore than ever withcut ques tion, THE ACKNOWLEDGED STANDARD EXCELLENUE, dgents wanted in un occupied tervitory Address DOMESTI¢ S. M Co, No 900 Main Street, Richmond Virginia. Q 2 MonTi'a TREATMENT, $3; 2 wioNTsz, $5; 3 mowtag, ¢ b - e e T R e NN SR PR it BN e . o R e - - ::r-;f_'_da#;;}' ‘fjw* o : ey M iAR S eM, aighy MR Rt g es T e AL o T = T 3 Sg:f&! e J:;—% Q’f‘:'%qm% e gE e ety e i R e AU T Bao SRR T LN 3 g C % GRS e ;TS s S BT et P o) : ¥ el e Y ! et RTyNG G AN e R gm. B _oept R it dOEiSRR of :1 A N P RO s IR | &‘Ea;%‘ mfi‘ if¢ l; e : s b l g JTi e E& WEH O T e e eke Sl e ABOVE IS THE CUT OF ONE OF THE g Y OLDEST DRUG STORES IN THE SOUTH. This cut will no doubt be familiar to every readers of the Journal. This store was Established by Wm. Root in 1839, \ Forty five Years ago, and is now owned by ' 5 . NeMheun: ‘ IN THIS STORE CAN BE FOUND Fure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints & Qils, Bt aces 4 Y TWaals Stationexry, Sehsol Boeks, ALL KINDS OF SEED, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, HOMMEPATHIC MEDICINES, PURE WINES FOR SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES, &e. I am just receiving a big lot of GARDEN SEEDS, and as I burned up all of my old seeds you will get nething from me but fresh ones. CLOVER and ORCIHTARD GRASS SEEDS are lower than they have ever heen. MR. GEORGE 8. MELFRESET, of Washington City, a graduated Pharmacist, has charge of my Preseription department. My terms are, all bills payable on the first of the month. . VR R. H. Northcutt, Successor to WM. ROOT. J. M. WILSON, DEALER lIN Eo= 7 ~~ e i A ‘! ‘ r \ ‘ e STOVE ~ e . fB% w 7 Tin 5 Shoet Iron Work, & SN R ]~ 2 : SR P U (il AR e Cutlery and House Foruishing Goods, Unions. Reducers. Elbows, Pipes and Fittings for Steam Engines and Wa ter Pipes Red Jacket Force Pump and Hose, the Best in the World. AT THE OLD STAND, WEST SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE, MARIETTA, GA. d. RE. WWIXsSON * A . ‘ 4 / 'R ‘ ¥ 8 \ £ f f 1 PTG ——— WS ] bWey ANID WOOI: ROI.T.s < &Llso Wooel Lingeys, Checlkks and Plain. - B At the aure RILES :-! A } , b SR CEIaRTP €T A ROSWELL:, GEORGIA. THESE MILLS are exchanging their Goods for *Wool, with Farmers and others on the most liberal terms, (our motto is live and let live,) or we will manufacture Wool for our custom by the yard into any of the above line of Goods at a reasonable price. Jeans at 22fcts,, Tweeds at 154cts., Linceys at 12}cts—for large lots of wool we will discount these prices. Send for samples and make a selection before shipping your wool. Roll Carding 10cts per pound, net rolls o We pay freight on all Wool shipped to us. All commnnications should be addressed to LAUREL MILLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ROSW ELL, GA. J. 12. Sherman. FProsidoent. mmmxmmmm—m_-_u A N BNS ¥ INRIT & GERTY B v 77, RS CRETR RLTAL S 4 € 4aEge agEy oot ERORY'S LITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS ?‘V’i \“(."\'i}\ aro the BEST EVER WIADE ior Costivenoss, Indigestion, Headache, . 7.“;!!«‘;‘ "fin \ Oxnc od dose of three or four Emory's Little Cathartic Fiils, followed by one [{ zlf:/'"\\" \, piil every 1.1\!11&1'1“ T wl'-l-k or two, makes the hmunan machivery run as regular ;fl}é’ AR as ciock work; they purify the bleed and put new life in a broken-down body. é A VAN Puroly Vegetablo, Harmiess, Ploasant, infailible, 110 voungestchild may take ’:U AR R them, Sold Ly ail Druggists and Medicine D alors at 1S Cts. a Box, or by mail, A eM\ STANMDARD CURE CO., Proprictors, 197 Pearl St., N. Y. L Emory’s Littla Cathartic arc more than is claimed; they prove to be the best Pill ever used here, Worth twico tho money asked,.—W, W, H, GOHER, Ilarmony Grove, Ga.-—-Emory's Littie Cathartic are the m« st popular of ail EMORY’'S LIT7LE tho Cathariics.—Ww, Bisuop, Mills River, N, C. —<My aged nother used ona CATHARTIC PiiLis box with wonderful resnits.—N. W, B AKER, Toeust Grove, Ohio,——l recommend ars propared from them.—Joun Corrins, M. D., Athens, Texas, -1 hey are exceilent.—R, Drexsow, MAY &E““’ Jackson, Miss,——They ara unexcelled.—M g, Eiizanerit Kevser, Mohe rly, Mo, In all iis forms veiy ¢ i 8 n all iis forms positiveiy cured with ’ MALARIA a never-failing remody : they contain no Emfl” s Standard cllffi PIIIS' ainine, Mercury, of poison of any kiud. Endorsed by physiciausand’sold by druggists everywhere, 0F ‘ivmm.zs Cents @ Gox. STANDARD CURE CO., Nev' York. (AR, 9PR Pov i tiEme WV 4 , *PE A A 4 R ¢ oPR Y O ‘ ) [ £ 3 & ¥ ;. v 2 eor AU ANTYT Y A }4{,»" THEONLY TRUE gL O R -B, LS 5 Vi_::.fl'f = = - | S & ol A SR 5 o S~h’".fi' Pom-. . TR Qs B e i @ a 5 & B S~ 5 B S peem cme @ B ; e . PR TETRA ; ";';‘ o "‘, e e | "‘3'?'\- it L FADYS RECARDING s {4 ¥ 3 o " ?»n«u : T S Do Harter's dron Tonis It will Emix‘,\' and enrich the BLOOD, regulate | the LIVER and KIDNEYS, and RUSTORE THE | BEALTH snd VIGOR of YOUTE! I all those disugnes requiring acertainand efficien TONIC, especinily Dyspepsia, Wantof Appetite.lndiges tion, Lack of Sirength, efe.. its use is marked | with fmu te and wonderind ren S, Mones, ninseies and nerves reevive new force. Enlivens the mwind and supplies Brain i 2 E suffering tron i complaints LAE}!::SM wtiarto thely X -\!‘.'.x.“i:« DR. HARTER'S IRON TONIC 4 suic and speedy cure. It gives a ciear and healiby complexion. The strorgest testimony to the value of Di, HARTER'S leN ToNIC is that freguent ;'.lh‘lh'rli at connferfeiting Lave only added to the popular -Ity of tie orPeinal. I you carnestly desire hiealth | do not experiment—get the ORIGINAL AND BEST, Send yoar addreses to The Dr. Huarter Med. Co. (s:. YLouls, Mo, for our “DREAM BOCK ) Fuliof strange and vseful fnlermation, fiee DR. HARTER'S IRON TONIC iS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALCRS EVERYWHERE. \ SIMON l)x\l:n}-‘.N.I Libel for Mivorce in vs, Cobb Superior Court, | Tyna DARDEN. ’ Nov. Term, 1884, 4 tis Honor, J. Branhkam, presiding It appearing to the Court by thie return of the sheriil that the defendant does not reside in this county and it further appearing that she does not reside in this State, on motion of nlaintift’'s counsel, it is ordered that the des fendant uppear and answer al the bpext terin of this court ; else that the case be con sidered in default and the plaintifi allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered, that this Rule be published in the Marietta Jour al onee a month for four months. Nov. 17th, 1854 J. Braxaay, Judge Of the Sup. Court of R. C. A true extract from the minutes.® W. R. MONTGOMERY, . 8, C. & Great Cuse of Human Hisery Is the f.oss of -%T R s MANEDON ¥ NETCO O D 9 IS SN S A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical eure of Seminal Weakness, Sperma torrheea, induced by Self Abuse, Involunta ry Emissions, lapotency, Nervous Debilis ty, and Impediments to Marriage cenerally; Censumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental aud Physical Incapacity, &c—~By ROBERT J. CULVERWIELL, M. D., author of the “Green Book,”” &e The world renowned author, “in this ads admirable Lecture. ciearly proves his own experinece that the awful consequences o Self Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical “operations, bougies, instruments. rings or cordials; pointing ont a mode of cure at ence certain and eflectnal, by which every suflerer, no matier what Lis condition may be, may cure himselt cheaply, privately and radically, 8" T'lis lecture will prove a boon to thoug. ands and thousands, Sent under, seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of four cents, or two postage stampe Address THE CCLVERWELL MEDICAL CoO,, 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y.; Post Office Box 450, eie e R PO Trm e o HORSE ARND CATTLE POWDERS i o WXY Rf} v 5 No Horse will die of Covric. Ro7s or Ltxe Fe. VER, if Foutz’s Powders are used in tine, Foutz's Powders will enre and preveni Hog NOLERA, Foutz's Powders will prevent Gapes iy Fowts, Foutz's Powders will increaze the anantity of milk and cream twenty per cent., and make the butter firm and sweet, Foutz’s Powders will enre or nrevent almost sveny Disrase to which Horses and ¢ attle are snbject, Forrz's Pownrks WILL Give BATISFACTION. Soid everywlicre, DAVID F. FOUTE, Proprietor, BALTINORE,MD.