The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, March 05, 1885, Image 2

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. . @he Marietta Jowrnal. ::?fi—_—-—-——_——*__—_'m_ ¥ 5 AR e Eatered at the Post Office, Marietta, Ga., as Second Class Matter. MARIETTA, GA. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH sth, 1885. Farewell, Mr. Arthur! — e ——— > — . : Good morning President Cleve land ! el Rl We now live under a democratic administration. el I — Atlanta’s artesian well has cost $15,000 and no bold stream of water has been struck yet. e President Cleveland favors the suspension of the coinage of silver. In this he will be opposed by a num ber of Democrats. el e Hon. L. N. Trammell opposes the sale of the State Road and advocates the State re-leasing it at $40,000 or 850,000 per month. Ie gives good reason for his position in this matter. o e On March 16th will occur an annu lar eclipse of the sun, visible in the United States and British Ameriea. It is the return of the annular eclipse of February Il2th, 1831, Minnesota has restored capital pun ishment, which has been prohibited for thirty years. The death penalty has not been inflicted in that State during all the time except by Judge Lynch. R A parTY of six left New York a week ago for a short visit to Niagara Falls. They staid at the scene of beauty about four hours, and mean time were driven in a sleigh to the Rapids, Prospect Park, Goat Island, and they they were compelled to pay in tolls $l9 50. el L Mr John T. Waterman has sold the Monroe Advertiser to Messrs. J. I\ MecGinty and M. €. Cabaniss, of For syth. Mr. Waterman has purchased the Sun at Grffin and will soon take charge of that paper. A Pecvniariry of a Logan county (Ky.) women, says an exchange, is that shesleeps two and three days and nights without waking, after which she remains awake for a like period. She is 80 years of age and bedridden. e il G i Some of the Indian agonis huy cali co at 4 cents per yard and *‘distrib ute’ it to the Indiansgat 20 cents per yard. These same agents raise a ter rible howl it an Indian happens to steal a spring chicken or two. They say the Indians are thievish and have no financial acumen. | The Southern Baptist Convention will meet in Augusta, Ga., May 6th, continuing until the 11th. "The Con vention is composed of the fifteen Southern States, with an aggregate of about six hundred representatives. It will meet in the First Baptist Church of that eity, where it was organized forty years ago. el A weni-hushanded lady is now residing in the State of Arkansas. She is sixty-five years of age, and is living with a courageous man who has assumed the position of being her fourteenth husband. It is said that in the hall of her house there are thir teen pegs, upon each of which hangs a hat duly labeled as the property of one of the defunet husbands. AN old colored women at Glasgow, Ky., was attracted one day by the humming of a swarm of wandering bees as they passed over her cabin. She ran out, and by ringing bells and beating a tin pan induced them to settle in a tree in her yard. She then climbed the tree,and with a small broom, swept the swarm into her apron, descending, and, as nothing else was handy, emptied her captare into a nail keg. They prospered, and she now has a good start in the bee line. Fred 8. Brown, alias Sherwood, has stirred up Atlanta and Macon by writing infamous slanders about some respectable citizens of both places, resurrecting some old scandals long since forgotten. Young girls have had their characters besmirched by the filthiness of this irresponsible traveling correspondent. The Ma con authorities have offered a re ward for his arrest. It is charged that Wales Wynton furmshed him the information in Macon, and in consequence of this the Atlanta Con stitution has discharged him from act ing as their Macon correspondent. When nearing Montreal an engin cer of a Grand Trunk train saw a great dog standing on the track and barking furiously. The engineer blew his whistle, yet the hound did not budge, but crouching low, was struck by the locomotive and killed. Some pieces of white muslin on the engineattracted the engineer’s notice: he stopped the train and went back. Besides the dead dog was a dead child, which, it is supposed, had wandered on the track and gone to sleep. The poor watehful guardian had given its signal for the train to stop, unheeded, had died a¢ its post, a victim to duty. HE IS A FOOL WHO TRIES, The printing press has made presi dents, killed poets, furnished bustles for beauty, and polished genius with the sandpaper of its eriticism. It has made the world get up to roll call ev erymorning; given the pulpit lungs of iron and a voice of steam. It has set the price on a bushel of wheat, and made the country postoffice the glimmering goal of the rural secribe. It has curtailed the power of kings, embelished the pantry shelves, and bursted rings ; it has exposed fraud, brought criminals to punishment it has turnished the whole female race with dress patterns, it has converted bankers into paupers, made wood saw vers college presidents; it has edn cated the homeless lad and robbed the philosopher of his reason : it smiles and kicks and eries and dies— but it can’t be run to suit everybody, and the editor is a fool who tries it. INFLAMMABLE STRUCTURES. It is all very well for those who can afford it to adorn their houses with the richest and elegance of European palaces, and decorate their walls with works of art the like of which can on ly be seen in the galleries and cas tles of the old world. But one prac tical difficulty about it is, that where as the art treasures of Burope are sheltered in fire-proof l)ll”*“ll_’_’fi} which can be burned very slowly, if burned at all, in this country a jet of flame, a whiff of smoke, and the tons of water necessary so extinguish a fire in an American structure, will destroy the most valuable of posses sions in the twinkling of an eye. An “imperfect flue” set a New York house on fire the other morning, and although the engines arrived in time to prevent a general conflagration, immense havoe was wrought, A par lor whose furniture, pancls, chande }licrs and frescoes cost $35,000 ; a pic ture just from Haris salon worth $15,- 000 were speedily made almost worth less. The man who tucks away his bonds or his greenbreks in the stove during the summer and kindles a fire with them in the fall is not so very much behind those who store up these precious articles in influnma ble structures. ety T GEORGIA GLEANINGS. John T\ King, of Tervell county, killed fifteen partridges at one shot last Friday. A matriage was prevented in Towns county recently by some one stealing the marriage license. Montgomery county claims the tall est Sheriff in the State. James D. MeGregor stands six feet four and a half inches in his stocking feet. The five losses in Georgia during the past yeax foot up $3OB, 665. The insurance comsanies claim to have lost in the State in 1884 the sum of $125,300, G. L. Barfield, of Lowndes county, comes to the front with a bunch of oats with full grown heads. e says he will cut his early oats in a few weeks. The farmers of Greene county say that the no-fence law has more than doubled the yield of milk and butter in the county, and the breed of cattle is improving rapidly. Eastman Z%mes: Within the last week or two Mr. Harlow Clarke, of this county, haslost 60 or 75 head of hogs from cholera, and has probably that many more sick from the same cause. He reports cattle and sheep as doing badly also. Dawson Jowrnal : Turner Lewis, the newly clected bailiff, levies on dogs as well as other property. A few days since he had a fi fa, against an old negro in this town. The old negro bowed in humble submission to the mandates of the law until the bailiff untied his dog. This brought forth the old darkey’s slumbering and inert passions. lle could not sce his dog go off in the clutches of the law, and he proceeded at once to satis fy the bailiff 's fi fa. It is said that Mr. Cleveland will consider no applications for suchap pointments as come within the power of the Exccutive except after they have been considered by the member of the Cabinet in whose” department they fall. This rule will be impera tive and will be rigidly enforced on all occastons. Mrs. Susan Cook, who died in Col umbus, Georgia, a fow days ago, was 104 years old. At the age of fifty eight she gave birth to a child and another at sixty. Her step-mother. aged 122 now residesin Henry county, Alabama, where she also has a half sister over 100 years of age. She never lost her mind from age, and remembered George Washington's death distinetly. She was active and in good health to within a few days of her death. A Durirvn Orriciat.—Texan—*l trust, sir, you don’t mean to call me a liar!” Stranger—*“And if I did call you a Har, what would you do about it !” “I'd do my duty under the law, My “And what's that ¥ “Hold an inquest over your re mains, sir. L' the coroner here.” NEV.ADA’S SINGIN'Y SAND HILL. Ftom the Austin ( Nev.) Revielle. Over in Churchill county, Nev., | there is a traveling mountain of sand. | The winds have gathered together a great heap and keep it constantly moving like an immense glacier. Tt crawls steadily along over valleys and through canyons, never ceasing, the sands making a low, musical sound as they rub against each other, much as they do around the Sphinx every morning at sunrise, which gave rise to the legend that the stony stat ue was grecting the morning sun with a song. But the moving moun tain of Churchill contains still anoth er peculiarty. While its sides are symmetrically formed and lay in folds like solidified waves there is no cone at the top. Instead of it going to a peak there is a hole there made by counter winds, and whoever is rash enough to scale the ridge and pass into the hole pays for his rashness with his life, for the fickle sands yield beneath his feet and the more he struggles to get back the faster he sinks until he is smothered to death. The Indians tell of several of their ’ tribe having been thus swallowed up, and no trace has ever been found of i them since. ‘ e .. Ae— . | A Wonderful Discevery. % Consumptives and all who suffer from any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can find a certain cure in Dr. King's New Discovery ‘l'ur Consumption. Thousands of perma nent cures verify the trath of this statement. No medicine can show such a record of wonderful eures. Thousands of once hope less sufferers now gratefully proclaim they owe their lives to this New Discovery, It will cost yon nothing to give ita trial. Free Trial Bottles at R. H. Northeutt's Drug I tore. Large size, $l.OO The working up of moss for uphol g stery purposes is becoming quite an industry in Louisiana. A factory for preparing it for mattresses, for which purpose it is equal to hair and much cheaper, is being built at Morgan city. e —— . W—— e As your daughters grow up, teach them at least the true merits of house keeping and cookery ; they will thank you for it in later life a great deal more than for accomplishments. ——— e — WC— Destroy That Sign. One may feel that he's getting old, but he naturally dislikes that anything about his appearance should advise others of the fact. Yet nothing does this so effectually as thin and falling hair. No women wants to marry a man, and bysiness firms hesitate to em ploy a man, who shows his fatal sign. Par ker's Hair Balsom is worth to you, in this regard, more than its weight in diamonds, Use it, and have plentiful and glossy hair, Many have had every trace of greyness re moved and bald spots covered by using a single bottle. S — i —————————————— New Advertisements. City Tax Notice. The Books for receiving city tax returns on the valuation of city property, &c., will be opened on the first day of April, 1885, and I can be found at the court house for that purpose. March 3d. 1885.% R. BABER, City Clerk and Tax Receiver, GUARDIANS SALE, By virtue of an order of the Court of Or« dinary of Cobb county, will be sold betore the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next, the following land to-wit: 24 aecres of lot No. 69; 37 acres of lot No. 70, and 24 acres of lots Nes. and 76, in the 17(h district and 24 section of Cobb county. Sold as the remainder inteas est of the minor children of R B. and Ma rian P. Goodman for the purpose of rein vestment. Terms cash. This March 2d, 1885. R. B. GOODMAN, Guardian. GEORGIA—-COBB COUNTY. To whom it may concern: All persons in terested are hereby notified that if no good cause be shown to the contrary, an order will be granted by the undersigned on the Tth day of April next, establishing and mak ing a road public, reviewed by the road Commissioners appointed for that purpose, commencing at the Sandtown road between the farms of Dr. Heidt and Thomas Alexan der and running through lands of W. W, Miles and H. N. Starnes and intersecting the Powder Springs road near Union Chapel, Witness my hand and seal this February 25th, 1885, H. M. HAMMETT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—COBB COUNTY: To whom it may concern: All persons interested are hereby notified that, if no zood eause be shown to the contrary, an o der will be granted by the undersigned on the Tth day of April next, establishing and making o road publie ag reviewed by the road Commissioners appointed for that pur pose, commencing at a point on the Mari etta and Dallas road 13 miles west of Mari etta at the junction of the lands of Kirkpai rick and James Reed, thence south on the route now in use as a road to the corner of J. P Broadwell's house lot, thence between land of Wm. Alston and Broadwell and John Henry, thence south-east through lands of John Sanges to enter a road now in use which runs up behind dwelling of Thomas D. Irwin and around the same to Marietta and Powder Springs road at residence of Judge Irwin. Witness my hand, this Feb. 26th, 1885, H. M. HAMMETT, Ordinary. GEORGIA-—-COBB COUNTY : Application will be made to the Court of Or dinary of Cobb county, Ga., at the April term 1880 of said court, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of H. C. Dodd, late ofsaid county deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. March 2d, 1885, THOS. M. HOOPER, Administrator of H. C. Dodd. SERVICE BULL. “Ridge Lad,”” Registered Jersey, No. 11428, A, J. C. C,, dropped January 2nd, 1883—S8ire, Bristol Chiet, 2nd. 821%; Dam Janaire 2ad 18566; 12 Ibs. per week after milking 5 months, Will serve a limited number of cows after March Ist. Service fee §5.00. Keep of cows in milk frec of | charge; others $1.50 per week at owners risk. Buil is kept at the Hill place 2} miles west of Smyroa. T. H. STEwWART, J. M. SToNE - Smyrna, Ga., Feb. 234, 1885, 83 A GRAND CONBINATION 85 T 1 i THE -MARIETTA JOURNAL AND THE LOUISVILLE ! NIIDIE # ! WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL | One year for only §2.50-—two papers for little more than the price of one. By paying us §2.50 il”l will receive for one year your home paper with the CovrßieEß-JOURNAL the Representative Newspaper of the South, Democratic and for a Tarift’ for Revenue only, and the best, brightest and ablest Fawmily Weekly in the United States. The Wer ' gy Courier-Journal has the larg est Democratiec irealation of any newspaper in America. Those who desire to oxamive a sample copy of the COURIER-JOURNAL can do $o at tlni: Mew Advertiscments ! GEORGIA—COBB COUNTY : l To all whom it may concern: All per gons interested are hereby notified that, if no good cause be shown to the contrary, an ‘ order will be granted by the undersigned on the Tth day of April next, establishing and making a road pablic as reported upon by the Reviewers appointed for that purpose, commeneing near Samuel R. McCleskey on Shaliow Ford road and running a north-! east course through lanes of A. J. Morris. J. | W. Kemp, J. T. Gant and Mr. Bennett to the county line of Cherokee county. Given under my hand and official signature this February 25th, 1885, . H. M. HAMMETT, Ordinary. . Sheriff’s Sales for April. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Marictis, on the first Tuesday fn April, 1885 during the lezal hours ot sale, the following property to wit: Lots of land Nos 419, 445 and 373 in the 16th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Leviedon as the property of Mrs Eliza Walker to vatisfy a Justice court fifa issued from 898th dist G. M. of Cobb coun ty, Ga., in favor of L. 8. Northeutt & Son vs. Mrs Eliza Walker and J. M. Walker, Jr., said fi fa now controlled by A. 8. Clay, transferee. Levy made and returned to me by I.J Morris, L. C. Also at the same time and place, one acre of land more or less, the same being part of lot, No. 1293 in the 16th district and 2d section. of Cobb county, Ga, bounded North by Randall Burton, east by Critten don, west by Lawrence, and "South by Whitlock's, Levied on as the property of Chance Houston to satisfy a Justice court fi fa issued from 89%th dist o », of said county in favor of G. W, Cleland vs. said Chance Houston, said fi fa now controlled by R. N. Holland, transferce, and said land also levied on as the property of gaid Houswon, to satisfy two tax i fas issued against him for his State and county taxes for the years 1881 and 1882, and also two tax fi fas levied on said land as the estate of said Houston for State and county taxes against said land for the yeay 1883 and 1884 Levy made and returned to me by 1 & Morris, L. C. Also atjthe same time and place, 20 acres of Lot of land No. 595 in the 18th district and 2d section of CobbS county, Ga, it be ing the west half of gaid lot. ~Levied on as the property of W. B. Howell to satisfy o fi fa issued from Cobb Superior court in fas vor of Z. A. Rice vs. W. B. Howell and A J. Howell, suid fi fa now controlled by Mrs. 11. N. Durham, formerly Mrs. Moss, Levy made by tormer Sherifl, W. P, Steph ens Also at the same time and place. one house and lot in Marietta, Cobb county, Ga., bounded north by the property of W. H. Wallis, east by the property of Mrs. Waters, south by Roswell street and west by W. M. D. Bond’s property. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Mattie Young to satisty a fi ta issued from Cobb superior court in favor of L. Black vs said Mattic Young. Also at the same time and place, cne house and lot in the city of Marietta Cobb county, Ga., bounded as follows: North by the property of J. . Dobbs, east by streef, south by street and west by street. = Levied on as the property of 3Mrs. M. J. Dobbs to satisfly a fi fa issued against her for State and county taxes for the year 1883, Suid fi fa now controllied by WillJ Winn, Trans eree. ~ Also at the same time and place, lot of land No. 191, and the north half of lot No. 228 all in the 20th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levicd on as the prop erty of Wm. G. Foster to ratisty a fi fa is sued from Cobb Superior court in favor of Litchfield & Putoam vs saidW. G. Foster. Notice given to tenant in posseszion. Also af the same time and place, one Lot in the town of Big Shanty Cobb county, Ga., bounded as follows: North by G. T. Carrie, East by street, south and west by 8. J. Baldwin. Said lot being 25 feet front and runniug back 100 feet. Levied on as the property ot ‘Steel and Brother to satisfy a State tox fi {1 issued against them for spe cial tax for the year 1634, Also at the same time and piance, Lots of land Nos. 350 and 363 in the 16th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Lev ied on as the property of G. B Chastain to Satisly a fi fa issued from Cobb Superior court in favor of J. P. Dobbs & Son vs. G. B. Chastain. Property pointed out by plaintifl’s attorney. Also at the same time and plice. one hiouse and lot in the city of Marietta Cobb county, Ga., sitaated on Powder Sprinus sticet und bounded as foliows: North by Reynolds street, east by Powder Springs street, south by the property of James i 3. Brumby and west by the property of W. P, McClatehy, Levied on as the property of Jas. W. Strange, deceascd, to sa'isty a fi fa issued from Cobb Superior court in favor of M. H. Btrange vs. W. R. Power as Ex ceutor of said James W. Stringe deceased. Said property now in the hands of W. R. Power, Lxecutor. Tenaunts in pessession notified. Also at the same time and place 85 acres of land lot No. 1236 in the 16th dist. and 2d gec. of Jobb county, Ge. Levied on as the property of 1. B. Wallis by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes {or the year 1854, Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the city of Marieita, Colb county, Ga., bounded us follows : East by the property of W. B Gramling and W. J. Scout, South by Roswell street, west by the property of G. 1. Gober, and North by Cemetery street. Levied on as the proper ty of J P. Wallis by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the city of Marietta. Cobb county, Ga, bounded as follows : North by the property of W. H. Covington, Bast by the property of H, B. Wallis, West by the property of Mattic Young and South by the Rosweil street. Levied on as the props erty ot Mrs. J. C. Waters by virtue of a State and county fi fa for her Swate and county taxes torthe year 1584, Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the city of Marietta, Cobb county, Ga., bounded as follows : East by iue property of W H Wallis, south by Ros< well street, North and West by streets. Levied on as the property of Mrs. 8. k. Moore by virtue of a State and county tax i fu for her State and county taxes for the | year 1884, | Also at the same time and place, One house and lot in the city of Marietta, L'ubb} county, Ga., bounded us follows: East by | the property ot Mrs. J. C. Waters, South by Roswell street, West by the property ot W. IL Wallis aud North™ by property v!‘ Wallis, Levied on as the property of Mrs. | Mattie Young by virtue of u State and couns ‘ Ly X fi fa for her State and county taxes | tor the year 1884. l Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No, 1017 in the 18th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of C. I. I'kinizy by virtue ot & State and eounty tax {i fa tor his State and county taxes for the year 1884, | Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No, 80 in the 17:h dist and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the ‘property of Thomas Nolun, now in the hands o T L. Nolan us Executor, &c, by virtue of a Suite and county tax fi fa for Lis State aud county taxes ior the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of Land No 111, in the Ist district and 2d sec tion of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property ot J. O, Farrar, now in the hands ot R. M. Farrar as Executor, by virtue of 4 State and county tax fi fa (Or his State and county taxes lor the ycar 1884 Also at the same time tod place, Lot of land No. 534 in the 17th district and 24 see tion of Uobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of J. H. Smith by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes lor the year 15584 Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 1213 in the 19th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Jus. . Browa by virtue of a Btate and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes for the year 1834 Also at the same time and place. Lot of land No 1103 in the 17th districs and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga, Levied on as the property of B J. Johnson by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes for the year 1884, ‘ Also at the same time and place lot of land. the number not known, in the 17th district and 2d section of Cobb county. Ga. Levied on as the property of J. J. Havden by virtue of a State and esunty tax fi fa for his Btate and county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of "land No, 536 in the 16th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Elizi Neece by vir tue of a State and county tax fi fa for her State and county taxes for the year 1884 Also at the same time and place. Lot of land No. 821 in the 16th district and 2d sec~ tion of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Harriet Grasham, by virtue'o! a State and county tax fi fa for her State and county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time und place, One house and lot in the town of Acworth, Cobb county, Ga, bounded as follows : East by Mrs Perkinson, Noith hy Jackson | Abbott, West by an alley and Soith by Mrs. | Fanning, said lot being one acre more or less. Levied on as the property of Wm. H. Williams by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his Staté’and county taxes for the year 1834 Levy made and returned to me by O. Chastain, L. C. Alsoat the same time and place, Lot of land No. 63 in the 26th district and 2d sec tion of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of B. . Hammett, by virtue of a Stote and county tax i fa, for his State and county taxes for the year 1884 Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 273 in the 18th district and 2d scetion of Cobb county, Ga., Levied on as the property of Geo. 8. Owens by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his Stateand county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of iand No. 200 in the 20th district and 2d scetion of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as' the property of Mrs. M. V. Skelton by virs tueof a State and conaty tax fi fa for her State and county taxes for the vear 1884 Also at the same time and place, One house and lot in the town of Smyrpa, Covb county, Ga, bounded as follows: Fast by J. C. Fuller and Auctell, South by J. ¢ Moore, West by Smyrna aud Dodgen Mill road, and North by street. Levied on as the property of I J. Dunn by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county tases for the year 1884, Also at the same time aud place, One house and lot in the town of Smyrua, Cobb county, Ga., bounded as follows : East by Atianta street, north by property of Mrs. Prather, west by B. A Bell, and south by property of T F. Griffin. Leyied on as the property of Miss E. J. Hale by virtue of a State and county tax fi {a for her State county tages for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 467 in the 17th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of W. T. Bohannon by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 594 in the 17th district and 2d sec tion of Cobb county, Ga Levied on as the properiy of James Cash by virtue of a State aud county tax fi fa for his State and couns ty taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, 30 acres of land of lot No. 43 in the 16th district and 2d section of Uobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Mrs. 8 E. James, now in the hards of A. G. James as her agent, by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for her State and county taxes for the year 18R4. Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 533 in the 16th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga Levied on as the property of W. M McMullin, agent, by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his =tate and county taxes for the year 1884. Also at the same time and -Rlace, Lot of land No 266 in the 18th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of T. J. Sewell, by virtue of a Stale and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxcs for the ycar 1884, “Iso at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 703 in the 18th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of John McWilliams, by vir tue of a state and county tax fi fa for his state and county taxes {or the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 807 in the 18th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of R. P. Fisher, by virtue of a State and county tax fi ta for his State and county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 487 in the 18th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levid on as the property of John P. Fair, by virtue ota State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and pliwce, Lot of land No. 85 in the 18th district and 24 sec~ tion of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of R. H. Cousins, by virtue ora State and county tax fi fa for his State und county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 613 in the 18th district and 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. L:vied on as the property of Charles Black, by virtue ot a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes for the year 124, Also at the same time and place. Lot of land 788, in the 18th district an ! 2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the preperty of Thos. J. Baker, by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for his State and county taxes for the ycar 1854, Also at the same time and place, Yot of land No. 120 in the 18 h district and 24 sec ticn of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Mrs Susin Wood, by virtue ot a State and county tax fi fa for her State and county taxes tor the year 1854 Also atthe same time nud place, Lot of land No. 914, in the I%h district snd 2d section o! Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Mrs. M. V. Scroguine, by virtue of a State and county tax 8 i tor her Btate and conpty texes for the vear 1834, Also at the sang tine und place, Lot ot land No. 201, in the 20th district and 24 gection of ¢ obb county, Ga Levied on as the property of Seaborn Ballen er, Ly virs tue of a State and county tax fi ta for his State and county taxes for the vear 1884 ; Also at the same time and place Lot of land No 279 in the 20th district and 24 sec tion of Cebb county. Ga Levied on as the A property of W. ', Eubanks, by virtne ofa | State and county tax fi & (e his State and county taxes tor the vear 1684, , Also at the sanie ime and place, Lot of | land No 814 in the 20th distriet andt 24 sec. | ticn of Colb county, Gu Levied on us the [ property of Geo. W. Lace, by virtue ol a | State and county tax fi fa for his State und lcuur";' taxes for the year 1834 Also at the sume time and place, Lot of ‘l:n.d No. 278, in the 20th distriet and 2d | section of Cobl county, Ga Levicd on as the property «f Henry Eubanks, by virtae .Jof' a State and county t:x fi fa for his State and connry taxes for the year 18%4 Also at the saine time and place, Lot of land No 228 in the 20th district-and 24 section of Cobh eounty, Ga. Levied on as the property of W. (3. Foster. by virtue of | & State and county tax fi fafor his State and county tuxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time und place, Lot of land of lot No. 670 in the 17th dist. and {2d section of Cobb county, Ga. Levied on as the property of J. T. Thompson, by virtue of a State and county tax fi fa for State and county taxes for the year 1884, Also at the same time and place, Lot of land No. 65 in the 17th district and 24 sec tion of Cobb county, Ga Levied on as the property of Mrs. Sarah Irwin to satisly two tax fi la's for her State and conunty taxes | for the years 1883 and 1884, Said pi perty | now in the hands of David Tiwin w arent for Mrs. Sarah Iruin. Also at the sume time and ploee, one house and lot in the town of Mableton, Cobtb connty, Ga., bounded us fellows: West by Peck street, north by Moss street, east by property of J. R. Glore and sonth |by property of Mullins, Levied on as the | property of W. A. Childers to s:.tislya! State snd county tax fi fa, for his State and county taxes for the year 1884, Levy made and returued tome by John O, Allen, 1. C, ‘ A. T. CORYELL, Sheritt. Sessions, H i ! T 6> B 7 oy Sessions, Hambv & Co. 7 . DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE i g A : DRY GO ehs : 5 AR N ES ) GROCERIES, &ec XAN A 4 40D °9 : Next Door to Court House, MARIETTA, - - GEORGIA. PREMIUMS FOR 1885] T ————— L —— $lOO in G{)ld’ ISt prlze’ For Largest yield Cotton on one acre. 3 . 2,000 Ibs. Deleon’s Guano, 2d prize, for Next Largest Yield Cotton on One Acre, Limited to COBB, CHEROKEE and MILTON Connties, BY USE OF AT da Calahls . T andil: Ueleon's Solublce RAW BONE Fertilizer, A PURE BONE ““And Don’t you Forget It!” Y N il DeLeon’s Complete Cotton Fertilizer, Analyzing nearly $33 per Ton. - AT TRICES TO MEET THE TIMES. THE SOLUBLE RAW BONE “‘makes cotton hump itself"’ from the start and “‘stays with you’ more than one year. You will recognize in it the same old familiar smell of years ago, when guanos PAID BIG. MR A H. KENT, who introduced in this section pure Animal Bone cotton fertilizer in 1873-74 and ’75 will be identified with us in the sale ot ferti'izers—and he is better prepared than cver to assist yeu in making the farm pay. Our arrangements with Spinners will enable us to pay the highest market prices for your colton next season. (& For condition of Premium Scheme apply to SESSIONS, FHFAMBY & CO. MARIETTA, GEORGIA. ZF"DELEON'S Solnble Raw Bone cin be hal also from Lemon, McMillan & Co., Acs worth, Ga.; J. M- Stone, Smyrna ; J. C. Butner & Son, ‘Powder Springs ; R. T. Jones, Canton, Ga. IN THE BEGINNING OF THE New Tear, 1885, WE TENDER OUR THANKS TO THOSE WHO HAVE SHOWN US the kindness and confidence in giving us their patronage during the past year, and again solicit a continuance of the same. " We invite the public to give their careful consideration to the facts given below 8 \\Tmlu ’ ' ' g : CASH AND TIME BUSINESS. WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH P ROVISTONS, DRY GOODS ] Boots, Shoes and Hats, and following brands of Guano: : Atlanta Ammoniated Superphosphate’ Homestead Guano, Eutaw Guano and Euntaw Acid. CALL TO SEE US. . MORENZIE & WARREN. y R 4 ——— e e ety Farmer’s Hardware Store! A. M. DOBBS, EPROPRIEITICOT. West-Side Public Square, Marietta, Georgia. Qo e DRALEED Nke e Hardwa I'e, T =SSTOVES And - General Farm Hardware. i Winters & Lege. by S I et M ee D — ~ WE DESIRE TO THANK OUR FRIENDS FOR THE LIBERAL patronage they have given us in the past and beg toZremind them that we are now prepared to turnish them with S " GUANOS AND SUPPLIES : For the present season at prices as Low as the Lowest And on reasonable terms. We are selling Merryman’s, Sterns, Pendleton, Gossypium, and Winters & Legg Ammoniated Guanos, ORCHILLA (2 Pure Bird Guano). Also Acid Phosphate, Kainit and, last but not least, STERNS RAW BONE. We GUARANTEE each and every one of these BRANDS to be as good as they have ever been, which is as much as we need say. We can furnish you anything you need to EAT or WORK WITH. We keep always on hand B O'OIOQ i }io . . DUles and fiarness. DB R 1 1 iy 4 wineinber we are a ways read Y 10 AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICES,. .\'f:i\\ith.\l;xn‘“l:; the short Ccrop we have ‘m‘.lj.:h! G 498 bales since Sv])(. Ist. WINTERS & LEGG. MARIETTA, February 4th, 1885,