The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, March 12, 1885, Image 4

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ROMANCE IN JERSEY CITY. ' About dusk last night a handsome young woman with strongly marked Celtic features stepped from a Mont gomery street car at the Bergen ave nue crossing, Jersey City. A bright little lad scavcely seven years old stood on the stoop, who as he saw the woman ran towards her, and catching hold of her cloak looked pleadingly into her face. “Hello, mamma,” he cried joyfully. The woman started and turning round pushed the boyaside with the remark. “Run away, sonny. lam not your mother.” Her face was pale and it was evident that she was trying to deceive him. “Yesyou are ; I know you, mamma. Why don’t you take me ¥ The woman paid no attention to the lad, but started to walk up West Side avenue. She pulled the bell of a neat white cottage, which was an swered by some one who closed the door as soon as she was inside. After being cast offthe lad ran home. Half an hour later he and a refined looking gentlemen stopped in front of the cot tage and the gentleman rapped tor admittance. The comely young wo man opened the door. “Thank heaven, Maggie, I have found you 2t lact,” was the spontan eous cry of the man. “I don’t know you,” she answered, drawing hack. “Don’t know me? Surely you cannot say that, Maggie,” said the gentleman in a husky voice. At this point a burly man appeared on the scene. “This is my wife,” he said. “Your wife! That]cannot be. 1 married her seven years ago,” replied the stranger at the door. “Yes and she is my mamma,” put in the boy. Seeing a policeman ap proach, theladand his father were ask ed inside. They remained several hours, and were not seen coming out. From one of the neighbors a reporter of Tue WorLp learned their story. The woman is known as Mrs. Hurley. She married John Hurley, a respecta ble mechanie, about a year ago a and has since lived with him in the little house on West Side avenue. She is an Irishwoman, but for five years she lived as maid with a wealthy English family named Jobes, who kept a fash ionable establishment in the suburbs of London. The family consisted of two daughters and a son Thomas who married the maid in seeret. He was not to claim her as his wife until af ter the death of his father wind his accession to the estate. When the young wife was about to become a mother she asked for a leave of ab sence and returned, leaving her child in the care of a humble family in Lon don. Regularly she visited it, often accompanied by her hushand. who paid for its keeping. Subsequently the maid was dis missed, and the son sent abroad. He remained in France for an indefinite time. His letters were confiscated, and all efforts to communicate with Lis wife were unavailing, For four yearsshe lost track of him, and tried enduring poverty and hunger placed her child in the care of the people who first had it and left for America. This was two years ago, and the child, which had grown into a fine boy, was six vears old. When the father died the son came to America. He recovered the child and traced his wife to Jersey City. lu the mean time the wife married a mechanic. The father kept her memory green in the mind of his lit tle son Willis by showing him the portrait every night hefore he went_to bed. Erom this the lad recognized her when saw her upon the street. Lt is said that Mr. Hurley will peacefully resign his wife to her first hushband, and they will soon leave for England.—New York World. FARMING, Says Mr. M. Stahl, is an occur pation broad enough to give play to every faculty. Give your business all you have to give and you will find need for yvet more. Stick to it and it alone- Donot take up side issues nor become an agent {for something Farming is enough of itself for any man, and just as you put your heart in your work you will find more mon- ey, more pleasure and more content ment. Have a right conception of your business and stick to it. Deo not exchange it for business in the city you have no experience with unless you desire to become poor and helpless, as nine of every ten city men from the country always do. A young lady at;Forest City, Sier ra county, Cal., while fast asleep, got out of bed, partly dressed, picked up a lantern, and started for her home at Minnesota, in the same county. She passed some terribly bad and steep roads, and finally arrived at Kanaka Creek, two and a half miles from her starting point, in safety, but Just before stepping upon the foot bridge to cross it she stumbled, and the jar woke her up. She compre hended the situation very quickly, ane preceeded on to Minnesota, reach ing home some time hefore daylight. For some days previous to the above event the girl had been suffering from homesickness, TISM Although a practioncr of near twenty years, my mother influenced me to procure B. B, B for her. she had been confined to her bed sever al months with Rheumatism which had stub bornly resisted all the usual remedies, Within twenty-four hours after commencing B, B. B. 1 observed marked relief. She has just com menced her third bottle and iz nearly as active as ever, and has been in the front yard with “rake in hand,” cleaning up. Her improver ment is truly wonderful and immensely gratify ing. C. H. MONTGOMERY, M. D, Jacksonville, Ala., June 6, 1884, > \ KIDNEY. TROUBLE. For over six years 1 have been a terrible sufler er from a troublesome kidney complaint, for the relict of which I have spent over $250 without benetit); the most noted so-called remedies proy ing failures. The use of onesingle hottle of Be B. B. has been marvelous, giving more relief than all other treatment combined. It is a quick cure, while others, if they cure at all, are in the distaht future, C. H. ROBERTS, atlanta Water Works. SCROFULA. Dr. L. A, Guild, of Atlanta, who owns a large nursery and vineyard, has a lad on his place who was cured of a stubborn case of Serofula, with one single bottle of B. B. B. Write to him about the the case, Frank Joseph, 215 Jones street, Atlanta, has a son who hada sloughing, scrofulous ulcer of the neek, and had lost hair and eye-sight, finding no relief. One bottle of B. B. B, healed the ulcer, eradicated the poison from his blood, restored his eye-sight, and placed-him-on the road to health. A hookffilled with wonderful proof from the very best classjof citizens, and recommendations from the leading Drag Trade of Atlanta, mailed free to any address. B, B. B. only a year old and is working wonders, Large bottles $l.OO or six 5,00, Sold by Druggists, Expressed on re” ceipt of price, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by R. H. Northeutt, Marietta, (a. SHNEEIEL Y, NG Non ’(fl f. 3 %‘b 2 g # » Al g L [ Wpv . A 1 5 A’ m 3 < A P | l ARMICA i Prepared from Extract Arnica, oil of Camphor, Rare Essential Oils, Chloro dine and Magnetic Fluid, Chem ically combined. The Best Certified Medicine in the Union! Warranted fo Cure Pain in Five Minutes, It penetrates through the tissues, muscles, and to the bone itself, thus producing a healthy reaction, which ¢an not be had with any other remedy. The overwhelming testimonials from all the Middle, Southern, and fi\’unn-rn States, prove that by Its use Rheumntism, ."wt-llln.n. Wounds, Aches and Pain, no matter from what canse, either in man or beast, is rapidly and radically cured. Pain ean not exist where this Fluid is applied. Directions, treatment and massive proof around each bottle, Reware of imitations. Sold by Dealers at 50¢, and $l.OO per Dottle. MANSFIELD MEDICINE COMPANY, MEMPHIS, TENN., SOLE MANUFACTURERS, | % V g E : L ~‘,E K i When you come to think of it, it is not odd that literary people prefer a pipe to a cigar. It is handier to smoke when thoy are writing, and ever 8o much cleaner Aud then it gives them the true essence and flavor of the tobacco. The most fastidious smokers among all nations and all classes of men agree that the tobacco grown on the Golden Tobacco Belt of North Carolina is the most delic. ious and refined in the world. Lighter than Turkish, more fragrant than Havana, freer from nitrates and nicotine than any ther, it I 8 Just what the connoisseur praises and the habitual smoker demands, I'he very choicest tobacco grown on this Belt is bought by Black well's Durham Tobacco Co., and * appears in their celebrated Bull S Durham Smoking Tobacco., Itis \ known the world over. Gettha genuine, with Bull A/ tradeauark, then you will be sure of having abso lutely pure tobacco. il ,‘r_L_fl § AP 30 . g \\7a (/ ?“ : 3, ¥s i« B 4;‘ tw » e | - : \ e I 9 The fiitest sub | Dbi nh ' E jects for fever and CELEBRATED wue, and remit tents, are the des - bilitated bilious 3 HVoey e, B “ and nervous To e) 4 .:/.t such persons, y /»\" .‘:‘ - Hostetter's Stoms o¥ A 21 ach Bitters atfords il - n",’/‘ P, ’ = oadequate protee T e R ‘/ tion by increasing .",_;'L'.‘;f:,@!,_ IRI vital stamina and ;,'fi'f Y s 'l‘:'_s;»‘-' N theresistant pows SR er of the constitu 0o an )y STOMACH tion, ar d by ' checking irregu X FT’ F larities of the liv o er, stomach and bowels. Morever, it cradicates malarial complaints of an obstinate ty;e, and stauds alone unequalled among our national remes dies. Tor sale by all Druggists and Deal~ ers generally BEILIXIR. Mandrake & Buchu. NATURE'S TRUE REMEDY FOR ALL BILLIOUS DISEASES On TORPIDITY OF THE Liver and Kidneys, Bilious Headache, Dyspepsia. Costives ness, Sour Stomach. Jaundice. [Heartburn, Nervousness, Catarrii of the Bladder, Res tention and Incontenence of the Urine, and loss of tone to the parts. It has no equal in the relicfand cure of Piles. [or sale by all Druggists Read what Dr. J. 8, Pemberton, one of the oldest druggists in the State says about M, & B.: T haveused the ‘M. & B" with happy effeets and recommend it with conti dence that it will please all who use it. Dr. J. 8. Pemberton, Wholesale Drug Broker, 21 Marietta, St. Atlanta, Ga Dr. R. T. Searcy, one of the ablest physi cians ip-Alabama, says: I have used in'my practice M. & B. and confidently recommend it as 4 good remedy in all diseases for which it is recommended ; it is a good reliable and effective remedy R. T. SEAROY. PRICE 50 Ca2mNTS. Manufactured by Haile & Mower, | . 98 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga. For Maher & Flower, Druggists, | Murietta, Georgia. WILLIAM ROOT ya W\ L : DEALER IN CGROCERIES. Pure Spices, Bacon, Flour, Meal, Lard, Hams, Kerosene, 1 Canned Goods, &cC. I respectfully solicit a share of the trade of my old customers, as well as new ones, in my new business, I have moved into the store between R. Hirsch and Wade White. l WILLIAM ROOT. Marietta, Ga., January, 1885, ~———AND —— 1 & .7 | achi ne W rlks Mac Works. Are now completed and prepared to manufacture Stationary and Steam Engines and Boilers From Four to One Hundred Horse Power. Also Patent : . Iron Frame Two Roller Cane Mills, BEST MILL IN THE MARKET. ALL KINDS OF Grist Mill Machinery, Running Gears for WATER WHEELS 6r STEAM POWER. CIRCULAR SAW MILLS & PORTABLE CANE MILLS made to order as cheap and as gond as Northern make. MINING MA CHINERY, Shafting and Pulleys, Hangers, and Boxes finished in the best possible styles. Irou and Brass Castingzs made to order on short notice. Special attention given to repairs on Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers, and in fact all kinds of Machinery en trusted to our care. THOS. H. WITHERS & BROD §eded o oVO 8 §UE! o BV PROPRIETORS, MARIETTA, GEORGIA. 7 P &L iderson & S W.P. Anderson & Son Bankers and Cotton Buyers, | Have on hand those reliable high grade FERTILIZERS : : v 4 & 4 & LISTERS STANDARD. a Pure Bone Fertilizer, BALDWIN S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED DONE, STONO DISSOLVED DONE, COTTON COMPOUND, 20T ROYAL, WHANN'S PLOW BRAND and KAINIT FOR COMPOSTING. We deal largely in and have on hand a large stock of ) g . Farmer’s Supplies and General Merchandise Such as Coflees, Sugars, Syrups, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal, Tobacco, and all kinds of Plow and Work Tools. As we buy oursupplies for cash, we are enabled to 3211 low tor cash or on time to prompt paying parties at a reasonable advance. Milburn W agons, One und Two Horse, at bottom prices. FRESIH LIME constantly on hand..ssn e CASH PAID FOR RAGS. Collections promptly attended Deposits soticited and all accommodations offered that any DBank can offer. Leave your money with us, 1t will be more convenient than Atlanta. ]ll(lrirthl, Ga. W. P. ANDER=ON & SON. When You Want a Wagon Buy the Best! = S 5 l.», “éj\‘?“\ | SN 3N s Loy ot 3ik NN | ot a s 1 eRS e e | Bl | 5 i A - ? I JLUDLDARER Iron Aale and Thimble Skein Axles, One and Two Horse Wagons. =PROVISIONS = __.._.} AU . A AN N . BULK MEAT, FLOUR, GRAIN, SALT, &ec. “NORTH-WESTERN RAW BONE.” “NORTH-WESTERN AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BDONE “FLETCHER'S COT'TON GROWER.” “KARMER'S FRIEND." “ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE,” ( Axd Phosphate), S“KAINIT—LAND PLASTER.” roRsuERY A, A, Fletcher & Co., Marietta, Ga. I'T STARDS AT THE HEAD. THE LICHT-RUNINIING “CPRDOUOMESTIC” This cut shows the New Style of Wood work that the Company s now Introducing. g T 88~ |l WRERTE T rf] ':‘jtl’;,l Sh T Sl B TG & ! l ah drgevel . ‘:LO l\ AR s - L ANSE I L& iy > _ i ARTISTICALLY +BEAUTIFUL. WITHOUT A PEER IN ITS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTICN IT HAS NO RIVAL. Also, the “Duleiphone™ or “Sewing Machine Organ.” For Sale by A. A. FLETCHER, Marietta, Ga. SALESROOM, KENNESAW HOUSE BLOCK. D. M. YOUNG, Salesman and Adjuster, Ceneral Advertisements. = B SERs ey L Carriage, Wagon, i ([ ‘ [TV | N X | N ' After an experience of Thirty two years, | we can can confidently recommend our | work to persons in wantof anything in our | line. We use notning but the | Best RMaterial, ‘Empk\y none but the very best and most reliable workmen, and will do nothing but the very best class of work, and all will b FULELY GUARANTERD. Having recently put up a foll line of machinery, we are prepared to compete with any one in price and quality and shall keep a full stock of our own make ol Wags~ ons and Buyzgies on hapd at all times, and will make to order any style of carriage wanted. We are also making and shall keep the celebrated Rhode’s Cotton Planter. Farmers can be supplied at short notice, all fully warranted. DBlucksmith’s coal for sale as usual. Thankful for past favors we carnestly solicit a continuance of the same. REID & CRAMLING. Marietta, Ga. TV PEN Y MARILBLL L & N 5 w 2 6] L Py - Pes St or o . s ® INENedSar Y T, o e ol & s i “\.:;: ~‘_ St' o Bl S S S A (Opposite the Kennesaw House.) J. A. G. ANDERSON, Proprietor. fIYHE BEST OF VEHICLES, THE l safest of drivers and the fastest of horses are always ready, night and day for hire. No man or woman or child ever has given me a call in the pasf, who has been, nor shall any ever in the future be, dissatis fied with my teams or the men in my em ploy. Everything and every body about me are a No. 1. I have cheapened my charges proportion ate to the stringency of the times For references as to the truth of what I say, as to the turnsouts and charges, go to my friends, which means the public generally. Parties hiring are strietly responsible for the safety ot themselves. vehicles and horses. J. A G. ANDERSON. L. NTH u ced abl £ 0 & 2 ARIE nCI P i L[ e el . .T okee 4|l A S > ° g ) trect t‘ = . [)' : i ’ I 111 l 2 Gl o l&‘ TORG = 2 g S 14 .‘f“" r\i"li S() ' e dhegfproneig n d > wl cla B uc puere dois ( 9 led «et YPE 0 pri m Le sLt EN n res rice an mod pt Jive NE eedsb(")‘i ls (‘]:;1 c}()(‘.;“(:d Iblic :y SA"“)I A of 0 an i 2Za wi >ci te ) [ loca ARy alw at b ith fiu be le, lari lor o g uggi nel ac te, Oc | sie eat ) o) SPIL ~f"u»p,"‘d i § & ;18 IT atr yi ead = s gO, Lng the ROU 2 N&S e S — 56% ARR MEAIi e N, WS ] ERY BT - AR \ % Org gus "-!5;.',-. ad S X)"fl:,:“"- ig-,',*-:_»‘.\.;‘ ic @ be iicWe EBILS \ g s fal € ) ball Ak eakn el ) PERMIAT wro i MATOR &’;;'vr‘og.r’fl;:;fun‘?i;;“\:r;«_s:; T 2 ".kt Mp ND sYoo o %0 ‘ui"i'i DT V ln'ur kfiu"l-on\nd\' i:‘ E" b ~’_lx»“g‘) “;_f,ue""i! 4 "»’;{“l' TH ——— Y | y.,'h( sitio m ux..,,-‘,,;m Y‘ST o 3 o "’199“«4 Av *.h_,_h';e i »"”‘d}“w for “'.‘l‘li' in m . for e o o‘-:"’." r the "uy,"h;_i . V::‘)V ove! A elsowh L -'rf"'\" Pk NE o Thousa or of 85:31"“»‘;1*\3’:-r‘z.ffirf;r- RVO usand {3 ; ca;','e-'s;.*".,,'fl.;fri';;?‘! ar BEBIL s buis: "'3:;,35‘,}13;; s & O ny ag, ¢ h n"-' -‘},:“;: ORGARN LTy c’fl;==sgl:n;:r;c;..i:an“.;n = WEAK i v ch 4B! s"“'i:" m}"-d;:'-:k‘.i : ou in NE y S ‘.s,'9‘~i.'-‘sz-,,' Poeen Lt d Ang & SS A h,“n,-l,“b."" 11' of '.i ":’;r"' W zed Wi R z.,‘"-..,-ll hout d flae ficeass AR M idd _E mr"d y nr"l‘f{ “’l;y"cq 83 ; RIS RE oA o 061 =gond il L BTt ho NE MQNT'GV’ No Em E 3 :b“eil:'_’ f(.‘l:f;:; w{]{t i .16‘{ rl]‘: we T rth DYtr"nrf“l p““"“eiych jae REAT! 10t ci-‘t,h “Rdl"’c v"Dl""-'n MENT ;h 14 S ® raplge“o)”"!' 005 4oySt o M Iyg.fl}oi $2 o - Leu gCh e WS, $5 Is, Mo emis .00 8M Os iste ONTHS. & The new line of At tackments that are now beiny placed with each “Domestie,” are speci altics. No other Ma chine has them Thes Attackments and the New Wood work make the “‘Domestic’ more than ever withcut ques tion, THE ACENOWLEDGED STANDARD EXCELLENUE. Ayents wanted in un oceupied territory Address DOMESTIC S M Co, No 909 Main Street, Richmond ’Vf/‘yl' %0 Barp CTON TTRALTI? Uie - mnel To Gept Saondop, £ DBl CEa BB A gR~ G A FRE S gRy oty MpALG EIRBFA BA b Lfl«-,.a&.- ECEEHAY « @ | 7 \ ¥ |- ot s>' s { ©N -5-,-', A ' N ;’f‘ - N § S ELE \ & 7 NS (X = ; . g,mh\h?‘ » ' ;R. SANFORD'S LIVER !N‘VICORAIOR ust what its name impliies; a Vegotable Livee Medicine.and for diseascs resulting from a deranged or torpid condition of the Liver; such as Biliousness, Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sicke Headache, Rhenmatism, ete. An fnvaluable Fama ily Medicine. For full information send your ade dress on a postal card for 100 page book on the * Liver and its_Diseases” to D;L SANFORD, 24 Duane Street, New York. : ANX DBUGGLIST WILL FELL YOU ITS REPUTATION 3 : 2 Subscribe for the Marietta Jouri il Clubs of ten, 81 each. 25 YEARS IN USE. R SRR WL Pk AW The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lossofappetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shouldere blade, Fuilness after eating, with a dise inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirite, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headacho over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, High!y colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change offeelingastoastonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite,and cause the body to Take omn Flesh, thus the system {3 nourished, and by their ‘k‘onlc Action on the Digestive Organs, Regular Stoolsaro Emdm-(-d. Price 35c. 4% Murray St..N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE o GRAY HATR or WHISKERS changed to a GLOSSY BLACK by a single application of this DYE. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $l. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. @ O T\ MACCANNT SREEEY T T 4and all Biuigus COMPLAINTS are relieved by taking Purely Vegetatle; No Griping, Price 23¢. All Druggists, S LUt e AT e T SRR S £l B R i ey Ww! i . ' i 00l "vt MR - TR | e N il Yl T L g o i wsh %‘ g ! G B L Rl Lpiedi e eel L‘[ LA - G G et TR i T S et e Afl T.SS i T S . I AM IN RECEIPT OF THE LARGEST STOCK OF SEEDS perhaps ever brought to Marietta ; and as I burned every old seed in stock last fall, you can rely on them being fresh and from the best growers of Seeds. I have over i e ’ Five Thousand Papers Laundreth’s Garden Seeds with 1885 Printed on each Paper, Showing they were put up for this season. I have®more than Five Thou sand Papers of BUIST'S, FERRY’S and SIBLEY’'S SEEDS, all fresh. E S and CLOVER % MY STOCK OF GRASS and SEEDS are the lagest, finest and cheapest I have ever had. I quote the following prices, for cash ouly: RED CLOVER SEED, : : 86.50 per Bushel. ORCHARD GRASS SEED, D) e e TIMOTHY 8 200 “ ¢ RED TOPor HEARD ¢ 10y & BLUE GRASS ¢ 150 ¢ L GERMAN MILLET « 150 & These seeds were bought for cash, of the largest growers in Kentucky. Now is the time to buy. N _ R. H. Northeutt, Successor to WM. ROOT. E. J. BETZE. J H. SIMPSON}| New Drug Store! T . . T 2 TS We have opened a New Store NEXT TO T. L HAUNT & CO'S GROCERY STORE, Church Strecet, dMavietia, Georgia, WHERE WE KEEP ON HAND AND FOR SALE ALL ARTICLES USUALLY SOLD IN DRUG STORES. u = L B Medicines, Toilet Articles. Stationery. «cC. §¥ OUR OFFICES WILL BE IN THE STORE. Setze & Simpson, Agts. ’ Located on the South-West Corner of the Public Square, Marietta. KEEP A FULL LINE OF Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Particular attention paid to PRESCRIPTIONS which are put up by W. K. ROOT an able and experienced Pharmacist. - Maher & Flower, | Drugsgists. J B 5 W 5 DEALER IN 2D i e L= O S i - owr 7 " i eTR Y TRY 4% V 7 W, e % . 3 b Ag == e T Tin ® Shest Iron Work § eSgt ] | 173 & SNAAL Py . eamrge. Tin % Shest Iron Work, I 3 e R 3 e A eSS ’% [‘ ]¥ 9 fl Himea Bremieki G fi = - AUETY and Honse Furuishing Goo 5, Unions. Reducers Elboies, Pipes and Fittings for Steam Engines and Was ter Pipes. Red Jacket Force Pump and Hose, the Best in the World, AT THE OLD STAND, WEST SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE, MARIETTA, GA. J. M, WIILSON. v'/:i:/:-\{:_ b ”:'*fi Vg ..:‘ ? 1 T, BAORY'S LITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS 711 i(\\v 1\ are the BEST EVER WIADE for Costiveness, Indigestion, Headache. s~J R \\ Ono 6 good duss of threo or four Emory's Little Cathartie Pills, followed by one L/{':;fi; ke pill every night for a week or two, makes the human machinery run as reguiar ZRNATR as clock work; they purify the blosd and put new life in a broken-down body. A :‘,\a Puroly Vegetablo, Harmloss, Pleasant, Infailible, the youngest child may take ATNRN] them.” Sold by ail Druggists and Medicine Dealers at 18 Cts. a Box, or by mail. \N STANDARD CURE €O., Propristors, 197 Pearl St., N. Y. J Emory’s Litile Cathartic are more than is claimed: they prove to be the best Pill ever used here, Worth twice tho money asked.—W, W, H. Gonzs, Harmony «;‘l-.\,".»,{\3lx.?sm:~:yi'sY Ugfio cg;.‘had:c {lrm tl:elmnstlgopuhr&)f all \yars v tho Cathartica.~Wx, Bisnop, Mills £ iver, N, (.. ~~My aged m used on C:AI#SA“;T’TOL'T:{EES b ’. *(.‘-';‘m l\".»;zninrflzl xcfivflts‘.-\!\'} '\IV. B.\:fimc, I.ocm;](}:ogo, (glhin %le:gcor?xmen(: & s them,—JoHx CoLLiss, M. D,, Athens, Texas,——T) .y sxcellent.—R. srt‘a‘?l’z":gl:éom J'wl:trm. A\:Ls\.—mx-":'.‘m'; ara 1!?*-stlfiilll»d.‘—-x‘-fl:-u !-‘:A::L‘Z:;rel {{xpc;‘enr: Mnberl.'l.uioo'.' mm»—m—rmm»xzu——* all its forms positively cured with Y MALARIA tlxux‘lrqu.n! ::n:cul).‘t‘xi\(‘ég;xmx: no Em(“y S Standard cur‘ Pi"s. uinine, Mereury, or poison of any kind. kudorsed by physicians and®soid by druggists everywhere, 0O %Ym:\i\. 25 Conts a Liox. STANDAED CURE CO., New York. / 4 ] [ Q| / W/ J f | | A R P RiiAl b\ ¢ C— WOOL TWEEDS, < e|& . ) \; t/—? \ et Gd & | \\‘ So (S I\. ’& » Also Wool Linseys, Chaclks and Plain. 0 e : 1e 1 avrel Jfi/ll“% A’%t tlltf 2AR UL © 13 RNROSWIELL, GEORGIA., THESE MILLS are exchanging their Goods for fWoeol, with Farmers and othiers on the most liberal terms, (our motio is live and let live,) or we will manufacture Waol for our custom by the yard into any of the above line of Goods at a reasonable price. Jeans at 224ct5., Tweeds at 154cts , Linseys at 12jcts—for Jarze lots of wool we will discount these prices. Send for samples and make a selection before shipping your wool. Roll Carding 10cts per pound, net rolls We pay freight on all Wool ghipped to ue. All communications should be addressed to LAUREL MILLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ROSWELL, GA. J. D. Sherman, Presiddent.