The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, March 19, 1885, Image 4

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. <! Aguicultural, | A DOUBTFUL POINT OF LAW, i It is generally believed that the fruit which grows on overhanging branches belongs, by law, to the own er of the land over which the branch- | es extend. Judge Bennett decides | otherwise. Ie says: “If a tree stands wholly on your land, although some of the roots ex tend into the soil of your neighbor, and derives support and nourishment from the soil, he has no right to any of the fruit which hangs over the line; and if he dttempts by force to prevent you from picking it, he is liable for assault and battery.” This decision does not cover the whole case. It has been decided that the man who owns the tree can not go on his neighbor’s land for the purpose of picking the fruit. Ie must pick it by going out on the overhanging branches of the tree, and what he cannot get in that way must be abandoned. It hasalso been decided that the neghbor had a right to trim off all branches overhanging his land, even with the line of his property and also to dig down into the earth on his own land for :lxn)"} purpose he may choose, even though in thus digging he cuts oft the roots of the tree. STICK TO THE FARM, Young man, you that have been raised on the farm and learned its ways and wants, don’t leave it to go to town. If a city: merchant adver tises that he wants a salesman or an accountant, heis besieged with ap plications of scores of worthy young country mnen, each striving to under bid the others to secure the situa tion. How different it is in the country. A tarmer may ride for miles and be unable to procure a trusty farm hand. The city cries out, “no room, too much competition.” The country cries out, “‘more help.” Stick to the farm, young man, and by honest toil you will get competence surely, if not wealth. At any rate, you will not be placed in position, that you can hold but halfthe year in most cases, and be exempt from city temptations, as well ag fine dressing and many other expensive items contingent on a young man’s residence in a city. Stick to the farm, young man.— Mil lo'«l.«[v'/‘l'”r Recorder. Itis said that the best of all fodder for sheep is good clover Ly, —— ety GGV I It is a sign of ignorance to despise books in connection with farming. T - e -— - No one should attempt to renovate lands that never ought to have been cleared. e— A — When a cow holds up her mlik, says the Farm Journal, tie her calt near by while milking, or give her something to eat. The idea is to di vert her attention while being milk ed. el A Steel knives whichare not in gen eral use may be kept from rusting if they are dipped in a strong solution of soda, one part water to four of so da; then wipe dry, roll in flannel and keep dry. | — .. e -— | When one has had the fever and the hair is falling off, tske a teacup of sage, steep in a quart of soft water, strain it off into a tight bottle. Sponge the head with the tea frequent ly, wetting the roots of the hair. e—4 — o A correspondent of the American Agriculturist says that color in the skin ot a cow indicates color in the butter. He has never seen a yellow | skinned cow that gave pale butter, or a very rich colored skin in a cow that did not give yellow or '\'vllu\\ish‘ butter all through the winter. When ‘ the yolk, which gives this color in ‘ the ears tail and skin, begins to show ‘ in the calf, it will probably never show less, und what butter the cow gives will be of good color. | NSHARKS, The sharks which abound on the east coast of Madagascar, and make such extensive depredations upon the cattle in course of shipment, are oc casionally; captured by the people. The young men sometimes go on a shark-hunting expedition. Having discovered a shark they dive under it and, before it has time to turn up on its back, use the long sharp knife they carry. It is affirmed among the Malagasy that some of their peo ple can go into the water on discov ering a shark, and, with nothing in hand but a piece of stick about a foot in lenghth, armed with an iron point at each end, can accomplish its des truction. Watching till one of the monsters, with its two or three rows of teeth, is just about to attack-him with its wide-extended jaws, the na tive with his iron-pointed stick seizes his opportunity, and inserts his arm into the mouth of the creature and transfixes its jaws by implanting the stick erosswise in its mouth. The more the shark tries by snapping to disengage the weapon, the more deep ly it enters. and in painful fury it seeks the bottom. But it fails to ob tain relief, and at last dies. Its body is washed ashore, and the in habitants divide its carcass for food. . Although a practioner of near twenty years, my mother influenced me to procure B. B. B for her. She had been confined to her bed sever al months with Rheumatism which had stub- | hornly resisted all the usual remedies. Within | twenty-four hours after commencing B. B. B, observed marked relief. She has just com menced her third bottle and is nearly as active as ever, and has been in the front yard with “rake in hand,” cleaning up. Her improves ment is truly seonderful and immensely gratify ing. C. H. MONTGOMERY, M. D. Jacksonville, Ala., June 6, 1884, KIDNEY TROUBLE ALDN . For over six years T have been a terrible suffer er from a troublesome kidney complaint, for the relief of which 1 have spent over $250 without benefit); the most noted so-called remedies prov=- ing failures. The use of one single hottle of Be B. B. has been marvelous, giving more relicg than all other treatment combined. It is a quick cure, while others, if they cure at all, are in the distaht future. C. H. ROBERTS, atlanta Water Works. SCROFULA. Dr. L. A. Guild, of Atlanta, who owns a large nursery and vineyard, has a lad on his place who was enred of a stubborn case of Serofula, with one singie bottle of B. B. B. Write to him about the the case. Frank Joseph, 215 Jones street, Atlanta, has a son who had a sloughing, scrofulous ulcer of the neck, and had lost hair and eye-sight, finding no relicf. One bottle of B. B. B. healed the ulcer, eradicated the poison from his blood, restored his eye-sight, and placed him on the road to health, A bookffilled with wonderful proof from the very best classjof citizens, and recommendations from the leading Drug Trade of Atlanta, mailed free to any address, B. B. B. only a vear old and is working wonders. Large bottles $l.OO or six 85.00. Sold by Druggists, Expressed on re ceipt of price, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by R. H. Northeutt, Marictta, Ga. O r—- o - PPV 8 e . o e ~ 19 CTAN 1 "Ny 1 THE STANDARD COLGH REMEDY T ’ — - <NSFIEL 7 | ° [ Bt G PNSFIEL . | \"(/, i‘\\ (' \\ ‘:/" ! 1) L\ Sy SR -bfl & AT ) ‘\\X P | \ y ¢ \ A A W | ‘ ; \ SRS LR )| 2= {:\ &T\' R ry); %] = 1 ; e 5 L i 2 * Lafer e 1 { R el '3 OV N ARSI (| i s el (s A \v\ ‘i‘ “: / ."A‘\L_ J | ~“."’§\'\~\’. E “R AN 3 ; ~\ ! £ b Y i | 3 Y ?’/ \ & / e | / / g~ &0 S B e\ | ! b N ‘ ! | | | | ‘ CURES Coughs, Colds, Con | sumption, Croup, Ca tarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Whoop- ' ing Cough, Diseases of the Lungs, | Throat, and Bronchial Tubes. IT LEADS ALL LUNG REMEDIES. Get the genuine fiom your Drug gist. Prepared only by the Mansfield Medicine Company | MIMPHIS, TENN, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. EERasmS IR L] L e S PB A A B 1 T ks P rfl.&.m& h:‘\a! e . S e 000V001 i, whems SRR ()0 Gk e 3 g Y Uit (,n.) B aim BT 0] e =lu e 10 peneamen ) M 0 TTIANY T B Rgm O | A afirum'r‘!# s WWM!!H‘¢:‘.T b “ mfifmz’&fl&- & V-\i \V \V S i YA SIS h PN 2 AR CEOE I s BTy T RO Pt - Jme e o [FINITBTE 10, § Ll TR \ osmgeg sy g vy B\? 3 \| na pra rapageryg g :1 urpunoystoonionsag VW ' anoffdeaps Suamnastad ~ E3400U00 VUL oAy ‘1 odAvY sioe NV _ TN 811 JO MITU-OPTI) OUT TUOHNA iih ~UadonoN punaq o 1 10RI0J LUO TUON 10} snopnxng puv aand 08 SuigoN ssonDpa SNOIISP K] 10 131098 903 81 UL, Jual o) orsojeau A(ddns 3 nop ‘anord sp oom ) QUM UL BUNOLE) IO N JO 33l UOPIOs) vl jo 1108 UL, "000VQOL, VIR [IN] S [[aMorid UF SARIIU JO 00T ¥ ATHO SMOUS ‘puviuy ‘AIOIOOS [RIMMORAY (R 0 181 t Supns U 0 '8 U ‘A HONOIUOA 'Y U] LQrElSauuy P AR TR T ) B 5 The fittest sub st r jects for fever and CELEBRATED ague, and remit tents, are the des & bilitated, bilious = L) L and nervous. To bQT A such persons, L I{ &) - Hostetter's Stoms e _-._§f' ach Bitters atfords -V N 0 e N dequate protec &2 _—«,.'_-,;.:-}‘- 1/) tion by increasing = r"-:‘-‘l;!!4f' I RE Vital stamina and vt R the resistant pow- L er of the constitu lHon, and by MACH L s J HSTO checking irregu el |! I F larities of the liv- W B o er, stomach and bowels. Morever, it eradicates malarial complaints of an obstinate tyre, and stands alone unequalled among our national remes dies. For sale by all Druggists and Deal~ ers generally. EILIXIR. Mandrake & Buchu. NATURE'S TRUE REMEDY FOR ALL BILLIOUS DISEASES OR TORPIDITY OF THE Liver and Kidneys, Bilious Headache, Dyspepsia, Costives ness, Sour Stomach, Jaundice, Heartburn, Nervousness, Catarrh of the Bladder, Re« tention and Incontenence of the Urine, and loss of tone to the parts. It has no cqual in the relictand cure of Piles. For sale by all Druggists Read what Dr. J. S, Pemberton, one of the oldest druggists in the State says about M, & B.: I have used the ‘M. & B’ with happy effects and recommend it with confi dence that it will please all who use it. Dr. J. 8. Pemberton, Wholesale Druz Broker, 21 Marietta, St. Atlanta, Ga Dr. R. T. Searcy, one of the ablest physi cians in Alabama, says: I have used in my practice M. & B. and confidently recommend it as a good remedy in all diseases for which it is recommended ; it is & ood reliable and effective remedy R. T. SEARCY PRICE 50 CENTS. Manufactured by aile & Mower, 98 Whitehall St. Atlants, Ga For Bale by Maher & Flower, Druggists, Murietta, Georgia. \‘ )WBWA § A 'q] DEALER IN ‘ CROCERIES. Pure Spices, Bacon, Flour, Meal, Lard, Hams, Kerosene, - Canned Goods, &cC. I respectfully solicit a share of the trade of my old customers, as well as new ones, in my new business, I have moved into the store between R. Hirsch and Wade White. 7 I rgy WILLIAM ROOT. Marietta, Ga., January, 1885, | ———AND—— . ° ¥ achine ks Machine Works. Are now completed and prepared to manufacture Stationary and Steam Engines and Boilers | From Four to One Hundred Horse Power. Also Patent = Iron Frame Two Roller Cane Mills, BEST MILL IN THE MARKET. ALL KINDS OF Grist Mill Machinery, Running Gears for WATER WHEELS or STEAM POW ER. CIRCULAR SAW MILLS & PORTABLE CANE MILLS made to order as cheap and as good as Northern make. MINING MA.- CHINERY, Shafting and Pulleys, Hangers, and Boxes finished in the best possible styles. Irou and Brass Castings made to order on short notice. Special attention given to repairs on Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers, and in fact all kinds of Machinery en trusted to our care. THOS. H. WITHERS & BRO ® ® W§ LR YA K 8 &P §8 O’ PROPRIETORS, MARIETTA, GEORGIA. o lerson & Son Bankers and Cotton Buyers, Have on haud those reliable high grade I - | LISTER'S STANDARD, a Pure Bone lertilizer, BALDWIN'S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE, STONO DISSOLVED BONE, COTTON COMPOUND, PORT ROYAL, WHANN'S PLOW BRAND and | KAINIT FOR COMPOSTING. We deal largely in and have on hand a large stock of i ’ - - Farmer’s Supplies and General Merchandise Such as Coflees, Sugars, Syrups, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Meal, Tobacco, and all kinds of Plow and Work Tools. As we buy oursupplies for cash, we are enabled to sell low tor cash or on time to prompt paying parties at a reasonable advance. Milburn Wagons, One and Two Horse, at bottom prices. FRESH LIME ¢onstantly on hand.. =g pes. CASH PAID FOR RAGS. Collections promptly attended, Deposits solicited and all accommodations offered that any Bank can offer. Leave Yyour money with us, It will be more convenient than Atlanta. Marictta, Ga. W.P.ANDERSON & SON. When You Want a Wagon Buy the Best! v G O A >S N e R L T Sa 1) 1 :"‘B"f V2= g { eS\ N = e A=l =7\ AR Y st Uil | PLDARER | Iron Azle and Thimble Skein Axles, One and Two Horse Wagons. “PROVISIONS.= __l.l_"dk )L e BULK MEAT, FLOUR, GRAIN, SALT, &o. i FERTILIZERS. “NORTH WESTERN RAW BONE.” } “NORTH-WESTERN AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE" “FLETCHER'S COTTON GROWER.” “FARMER'S FRIEND.” “ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE,” (Asid Phosphate )3 “KAINIT—LAND PLASTER.” rowsiEm A A, Fletcher & Co., Marietta, Ga. I'' STARDS AT THE HEAD. THE LICHT-RUNNING “DOMESTIC” This cut shows the New Style of Wood-work that the Company s now Introducing. | e . B S B \.s; ! ;;} b o 5 ‘*_‘L \ l 3 ~ ARy v/ e e e ARTISTICALLY +BEAUTIFUL. WITHOUT A PEER. IN ITS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION IT HAS NO RIVAL. Also, the “Dulciphone” or “Sewing Machine Organ.” For Sale by A. A. FLETCHER, Marietta, Ga. SALESROOM, KENNESAW HOUSE BLOCK. D. M. YOUNG, Salesinan and Adjuster, Ceneral Advertisements. C . B e " arriage, Wagon, Pra 20 < ; { ")s‘r ‘\\\‘ Lo 7N NV NN — e aml — ——AND—— 1 HARNESS MAKING After an experience of Thirty two years, ‘w we can can confidently recommend our Work to persons in wantof anything in our } line. We use notning but the Bost Material, En.]p]ny none but the very best and most reliable workmen, and will do nothing but the very best class of work, and all will b FULLY GUARANTEED. Having recently put up a full line of machinery, we are prepared to compete with any one in price and quality and hall keep a full stock of our own make ot Wag~ ons and Buggies on hand at all times, and will make to order any style of carriage wanted. We are also making and shall keep the celebrated Rhode’s Cotton Planter. Farmers can be supplied at short notice, all fully warranted. Blacksmith’s coal for sale as usual. Thankful for past favors we earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. REID & CRAMLING. Marietta, Ga. 25 YEARS IN USE. LI ST TN R The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! | SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ~ Lossofappetite, Bowels costive, Pain in, ~ the head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shouldere blade, Fullness after eating, with a dise inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feelingof having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Headache over tho right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, Highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION, TUTT’S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change offeelingastoastonishthe sufferer. They Increase the Appetite,and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system {3 l?ol:l’ilhe'?. B'6l by!hx-llr"l'onlic %ltzfloln‘o: the rgang,Regular Stoolsar prod eT o Murray 5¢..N. ¥ TUTT'S HAIR DYE s GRAY HAIR or WHISKERS changed to a GLOSSY BLACK by a single apFlicat.ion of this DYE. It imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 1. Office, 44 Nurray St., New York. AT AT BT WM st B and all BiLious COMPLAINTS are relieved by taking Purely Vegetatle; No Qriping. Price 2Gc. All Druggists, Yo Lave 705 SIEA o YITER :r.*.t';(-i.fll:”:gfirdfir. .\ A pa RN pam s g g e G- A BHESEEDE RE3 S ke EOR th[?.f}:% 8 o/ ila%ba uw @I KL > Ny~ [f i‘/'/ A i \,‘, / v " o i e B G A R ‘siA;fl iuUHI VICORATOR . FORD' th what its : lw 'sllLl!\YhE\,R aN\ «-p«:uhloAln'er Medicine. and i <oB resulting from a deranged or torpid condi t the Liver: such a it lousness, Costiveness, J e, vepsia, Malacia, Sicke Headache, Rheuna ,eie. An invaluable Fame ily Medicine. or 14! information send vour ade dress on a posial card for 100 paee book on the * Liver and iis_D "' to DR, SANFORD, 24 Duane Street, New York. ANX DRUGGLST Will, £SLL YOU ITS REPUTATION, Subscribe for the Marietta Journal. ClubsZof ten, $1 cach. The new line of At tachments that are now being placed with each “Domestic,” are speci altics. No other Ma ckine has them Thes Attachments and the New Wood work make the ‘“*Domestic’ more than ever withcut ques tion, THE ACKNOWLEDGED STAND.RD EXCELLENUE., Agents wanted in un occupied territory Address DOMESTIC S. M Co, No 99 Main Street, Richmond Virginia, Y f MARIKET L A eb = o { L o M 48 o DRI R b (e A = AN - S Wty P (Opposite the Kennesaw House.) J. A. G. ANDERSON, Proprietor. rPPHE BEST OF VEHICLES, THE | safest of drivers and the fastest of horses are always ready, night and day for hire. No man or woman or child ever has given me a call in the pasf, who has been, nor shall any ever in the future be, dissatis fied with my teams or the men in my em ploy. Everything and every body about me are a No. 1. I have cheapened my charges proportion ate to the stringency of the times. For references as to the truth of what I say, as to the turnsouts and charges, go to my friends, which means the public generally, Parties hiring are strietly responsible for the safety of themselves. vehicles and horses. J. A G. ANDERSON. IN =W - Livery Stable. Reduced Prices On Cherokee Street, MARIETTA, : : GEORGIA. e J. Spilman & Son, e 2\ WE HAVE OPENED A R, \ first class ; Livery Stable, P where the public can be ac R s commodated with fine horses : and elegant buggies at re duced prices. Can always be found ready to respond to any call in supplying the needs of local or transient patrons. J. SPILMAN & SON. Marietta, Oct. 1, 1880, JROUS HEALTH: oo ME HA P fOR MTR ‘ b ?’muuicwfink BILITY, &% . i Doca, and ness a 9 RO £/ St e sh 1 v acical Curo el s X for ure | d(“};:‘.g:"-i!:nsl 1 ‘-,uf“fu‘l-lizs 4—. ¢ l.) o, sUL . DPERMAT A ‘Yhi‘ll‘ .Do :" ove rr'{)‘; in- N HBA 'S ’S '“;'nr’yu’:b efl%fi;; my "rai:g N 5y st L ios z IM AND By 2 ,{?‘,3;35._“‘,‘,’;2, Avn;:,“’i‘iu POT | blos dies for pretenti he “cY an 3 Geton these fous TS— . T— ba;})'_‘;‘l.r', i ‘rr'(:f'" Clr(t-.i",'“' R oti oot YEGS'TED for A R::’;}vh“rfi.k‘gl" 'nTn’:Z cta !1.1‘“‘8 by over L‘ th,,ul—by thi tuke a g'_i‘ng nz\y’r-_,}o“lia in B terfes"ud«- 4 s Ohey N » Cases z:md R buggn‘:‘;‘iih X;‘isenn"( an’f ERV B inconver ,or cause tion to D Us Eon H(‘ig..".“finc‘,_ ¥ raincr EBILIT :;’phn.“ulh“ _hn»"nd;d AN Yia tion t 5 (5o direct ul prio- O D its &o e appli REANY 5 folt d"?tcluc F;d‘f "<:,:‘ WBAKNC oe o oyt Yook & Essiagin finctlons ot tha oung & Middio 00l o 3 " Agod m.;‘ddle R boen L matiog ele- ARRIS R . B choertul p,l}!;‘;fifa;b,,h}z; ¢ 80625 NOEM Eo§t’B’ncu,“"dramdfl'g§ne! . o NE MOHTH'S TREA h 10th S¢ SO., Mg € 8 TMENT, & 9 St. Lou Chemists. 9332 ouls, 3 2 2 oumia.Bs 1 uou : 3 MoNTHB. &7 S BT, S O Mu;\ Sey et “ il 1@‘”17”3‘?3 o i - SRR L R S et Bl C.BLL; : PR oSt T Go\ C«'_Q, | R o e BB B g L sTR L A ePI Ae e, et M 33 I AM IN RECEIPT OF THE LARGEST STOCK OF ° SEEDS perhaps ever brought to Marietta; and as I burned every old seed in stock last fall, you can rely on them being fresh and from the best growers of Seeds. I have over 3 ) Five Thousand Papers Landreth’s Garden Seeds with 1885 Printed on each Paper, Showing they were put up for this scason. I have™more than Five Thou sand Papers of BUIST'S, FERRY’S and SIBLEY’S SEEDS, all Sresh. 3 VER " MY STOCK OF GRASS and CLOVE SEEDS are the lagest, finest and cheapest I have ever had. I quote the following prices, for cash only: RED CLOVER SEED, : : $£6.50 per Bushel. ORCHARD GRASS SEED, 2.00 « £ TIMOTITY % 2.00 « + RED TOPor HEARD « 1:00: ¢ o BLUE GRASS ¢ 150 ¢ L GERMAN MILLET ¢ 1.60 % These seeds were bought for cash, of the largest growers in Kentucky. Now is the time to buy. ; R. H. Northcutt, | Suceessor to WM. ROOT. E. J. SETZE. J H. SIMPSONY New Drug Store! i iy We have opened a New Store NEXT TO T. L HUNT & CO'S GROCERY STORE, Church Street, Marvietta, (.-‘i(:msg'-ia}, WHERE WE KEEP ON HAND AND FOR SALE ALL ARTICLES USUALLY SOLD IN DRUG STORES. W n n n Medicines, Toilet Articles. {&FOUR OFFICES WILL BE IN THE STORE. Setze & Simpson, Agts. : TEIEs INEW Located on the South-West Corner of the Public Square, Marietta. KEEP A FULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Particular attention paid to PRESCRIPTIONS which are put up by W. K. ROOT an able and experienced Pharmacist. Maher & Flower, Dryuggists. Jl Ml v !V‘ IL SON 9 DEALER lIN HARDWARE | e : . . STOVES o _‘% NI e A R Ot 2 e, - 400 4 LA, i s [ Sap 7 = Tin % Sheet Ir @ Wrk eoB y ' 9 et~ aaia) ESSSET Y- Gy and Hoe Fomising God i q utiery and House Furnis 10f 0048, Unions, Reducers Elbows Pipes and Fittings for Steam Engines and Wae ter Pipes Red Jacket Force Pump and lose, the Best in the World. AT THE OLD STAND, WEST SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE, MARETT A, GA. J. M. WILSON N S ’ a 7 TN EMORY'S LITTLE GATHARTIC PILLS \‘ oro the BEST EVER MIADE for Costivoness, indigestion, Headache. Ono good doso of threo or four Emory's Little Cathartic Piils, followed by one SR pill every night fora week or two, makes the human machinery run as regular /;,‘(\“. D as clock work; they purify tho bloed and put new life in a broken-down body. AAR Puroly Vegetablo, Harmioss, Pleasant, infallible, the yonngestchild may take m' NN\ them. Scld by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers at 18 Cts. a Box, or by mail, \) STANKDARD CURE CO., Propriciors, 197 Peari St, NY. Emory's Little Cathartic arc more than is claimed; they prove to be the best Pill ever used lcre. Worth twice the money asked.—W. W, H. Gonen, Harmony Grove, G“'_E"“"{x'fl L;Hle C{iharfio I:‘:jre tizoluw:tti;;upular;t all " - tho Cathartics.—Wat, Brsuop, Mills River, N. C..—~My aged mo er used ona ci’:s‘'.mtfs ‘h-l»(; :v:t;‘];\uix:ierf.;; rvr\l:ia:.—;}i W.B «1n :;u, Locust (‘nruzc, :)hin.]—-—t-l r;;culx)nmcnd them.—JouN CoLrins, M. D,, s, Texas.——The exceilent.—R. BExso "'u",':"i"’agl'{,fi“‘ J ivll:wn. \f":-(‘—r—".\‘:\ ars un.f.‘:l:e!ih d.:"'q:.s. 'JlliA{:‘:l(; %‘stm: Mnhcrl;. Mo!:' all its forms positively cured with Y 1 MALARIA ‘(l!.n!'!lnlirr'h‘il.,: r;hlh,‘ilz.‘lé‘tn«):;('l-flhmz‘u no Emfiry s Standafd cure Pl"s. uinine, Morcary, or poison of any kiud, tadorsed by physicians and“gold by druggists oaverywhere, OF %'m..-.x.'zs Conts a Loz, STANDARD CURL CO., Nev: York. / 1, A I\ J 14 J 8 Ve §0 G C— WOOL TWEEDS, - \ i I - NdVe | e y=/ Also Wool Linseys, Checlzs and Plain. i L] At the I ‘llll'("l I\ll !l% « AR J e ROSWELL, GEORGIA., THESE MILLS are exchanging their Goods for tWool, with Farmers and others on the most liberal terms, (our motto is live and let live, jor we will manufacture Wool ‘fop our custom by the yard into any of the above line of Goods at a reasonable price. Jeans at 224ct5., Tweeds at 15§cts., Linseys at 12§cts—for large lots of wool we will discount these prices. Send for samples and make a selection before shipping your wool. Roll Carding 10cts per pound, net rolls . We pay freight on all Wool ehipped to us. All communications should e addressed to LAUREL MILLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ROSWELL, GA. J. D. Sherman, President.