The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, March 01, 1906, Image 7

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m —-—ESTABLISHED fi 1888.— WMWW’WMM— W, S. N. NEAL =~ - - J. A.MASSEY NEAL & MASSEY, EDITORS, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS ”W\MW}W -~ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Adm;:\na:es Reasona./tzle and :n::ie known on application. Ertered at the Post Office. Marietta, Ga., as Second Class Matter. e e L e Ufficial! Journal of Cobb County. Official Journal of Marietta. MARIETTA GA.- : TruRsDAY MorNiNG, MAR. 1, 1906. S — The long and short of it—the six-footer who is ‘‘broke.”’ ';‘ Twenty-eight pictures at McCrary’s for 28 cents. If you have received a statement of your account from the Journal, send us the amount due. We must close up ) last year’s books. It ien’t putting your best foot forward to kick. Go to McCrary’s, on Cherokee street, and get 28 pictures for 28 cents. There’s certain inconsistency about endowing a woman with all your worldly gooda and then mak ing her ask you for car fare. When a man tries to drown troubles on his way home, he al ways finds them eitting and grin ning on his decorstep, like drench ed cats. Seeds This year, as for several years past, we have the agency for Robert Buist & Company’s Seeds. Remember, every paper of these Seeds are fresh Seeds, grown last year. With every purchase of $1 worth of Paper Seeds at catalogue price, you get free 25 cents’ worth of Paper Seeds. J. W. Legg & Co. Everything in Qarden Seeds. ® e ————————————————— CONTRAGTORS AND BUILDERS s\N E MAN U F AC TU R E ssmsmmmsr—=""" Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantals, Moulding, «_ AND INTERIOR FINISH._» We Handle Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Lime, Brick, Plastering Hair, Etc, Patton’s Sun-Proof Paints. Best Made. e Estimates Furnished. A Phone No. 204. _._l_____———-——_________———:————-—-———'—_—_ L. BLACK & SON, Undertakers and Embalmers, We carry a Complete Line of Wooden and Metallie Burial Cases, Robes, Shoes, ete. An Expert Licensed Embalmer in charge, All Calls Given Prompt and Careful Attention, Day or Night. ißest Grades of Coal. Phor!e 204-2, i it THE LINE-UP, AT A e oo - Rogers’ Blue Label and Sugar Loaf CANNED GOODS, Chase & Sanborn’s Coffees and Teas, Nathan’s Bread, Clover Hill Butter, Peter’s Milk Chocolate Old Colony Maple Syrup, Dove Brand Hams and Miller & Hart’s Meats. Our line of Canned Goods this season is not only su perior in quality but is more complete in variety than we have ever offered before. With two phones, three delivery wagons and a thoroughly up-to-date system, we are prepared to give you prompt and satisfactory service, and will appreciate your busi ness. Faw & Rogers The Fancy Grocers PARAGRAPHED. Matters in City Briefly Chronicled for Jour nal Readers. Old Newspapers for sale at The Journal office at 10 cents per hundred. The vinegar-faced person seems to be always iv a pickle. For SarnE—A good gentle horse. ‘ J. J. Black. WanTED.—One thousand Chestnut Post. J. J. Black Lumber Co. A straight life is the shortest distarce between hoprest and honor. T'wenty-eight pictures at McCrary’s for 28 cents' You can always get forked Jellico Coal at Marietta Ice Co. Phone 270. Even an armless couple may go hand in hand through life. ‘ All obituary notices, tributes of re gpect, and cards of thanks, are charged for as adventising. ‘ A nice turnout—the graceful girl’s feet. They have come,a whole car-load, Fish Bros.”’ Wagons. Get one at Fow ler Bros. and Co. | Twenty-eight pietures at McCrary’s for 28 cents, Some people are never on time except when it 18 time to quit. Say, examine the label on this paper and see if the date after your name is in the rear, If so, renew your sub seription and have the date moved up. Twenty-eight pictures at McCrary’s for 28 cents. Coarn! CoarL! Coan! Jellico, bhig lumps and the best coal on the market. Send in your orders. Marierra lok Co. A baby that isn’t twins is one thing to be thankful for. Bring us your job printing. Neat work and prices just right. Tryus and see, Twenty-eight pictures at McCrary’s for 28 cents. Giving a hotel proper credit is, after all, inn justice. CoaL.—You can always get forked Jellico Coal at the Marietta Ice Co. Phone 270, You know whether you owe The Journal or not. If you do, call and pay us. We haven’t the fime to call on you. The relatives of an Ohic negro who was lynched, sued the county for $lO,OOO damages and secured $125. This shows how much the negro has gone up in his own esti mation and down in the estima tion of others in forty years of freedom. A bill has been introduced in the Towa Legislature to prohibit honey bees from roaming about at will and invading the premises of persons to whom they do not belong. Doubtless, says the Sav annah News, it will be followed by a bill requiring the fishes to ob serve the rules of the road as they swim up or down stream, keeping to the right always. A King's Retort. King Victor Emmanuel used of ten to tire before the termination of a day’s sport, and, mules and horses being out of the question in the pre cipitous mountain paths, he would mount on the back of his chief huntsman, an Alpine Hercules named Borretta. One day Borretta, having the king on his back, was crossing a torrent. The king hav ing raised his foot to avoid getting his gaiter wet, the sudden movement almost capsized Borretta. Unmind ful for a moment of the rank of his burden, he growled out, “Tente au, bouric” (“Hold steady, you jack ass”). Without manifesting the least irritation or surprise, the king replied, “You apparently ignore, friend Borretta, that the jackass is the one who carries the load.” And nothing more was said about the matter, = Loegical. A costermonger was summoned before a London magistrate for ob gtructing the traffic. His own ac count was that he went into a me lic house “to light his pipe.” When he came out a constable threatened to summon him. “ ‘What for? says I. ‘For stoppin’ the line of traffic,’ he says. I says, ‘Where is the line of traffic” ‘Why, it’s gone ahead now,’ says he. I says, “Then ’ow could I ’ave stopped it then?” Thig So cratic costermonger got off with a warning. He seems worthy of bet tor things.~—London Mail. A gossip never thinks she is well off until she & “‘on,”’ The King and Mis Vaiet. Louis XV., king of Fm., had for his valet a individual, though of grave disposition and but little given to jesting. One evening as he ‘s leaning over a balcong and waifing till his majesty shoul retire to rest, Louis XV. came out of his room, at:, being in a frolic some mood, ill becoming his dignity, but tempte%by the favorable atti tude of the ®let, he dealt him a vio lent slap om” the back. The man turned around to return the blow, but on seeing the king he said. “Hang it, sirg, why don't you go snd play jolwinu _\'3“l' equals 77 Scared Him. “So voung Richlev Kladd isn't to marry Whldic Btiels after all.” “No: he got scared® . “And I understand they had even gome so far as to rehearse for the w&ng." “Yes: thet was the real trouble. They hm*u-urs(-d five times, and Richley sa¥ the preparations for matrimony were such hard werk he was afraid he eouldn’t stand the real thing.” m WE are now offering the first Opened immediately on car line, just oppo site Sibley’s Cross ing. - - : Lots 75x300 feet at $4OOOO each - - Lols toox2oB at $2OO to $250 each. New five room house and lot at $1500.00. The Malone property on Atlanta street . . E. P. GREEN Announcements, FOR SHERIFF. To the Voters of Cobb County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Cobb county, suh ject to the action of the democratic pri mary, If elected I peldge a faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of the office. I shall associate with myself as deputy, Mr Joe H Kincaid, of Acworth district, a mancapable and efficient. Respectfully, A. A. BigHor, To the Voters of Cobb County: I hereby announce myseif a candidate for re-election for Sheriff, with W T Dew berry, as Deputy, subject to the demo cratic primary. We desire to thank the people for past confidence and support and pledge ourselves if again electe(f, to fully discharge the duties of the office to the best of our ability, promising vigilance, rdelity and impartiality in the same. Soliciting your vote and suppor*, we are yours to serve, W J FREY. W T DEWBERRY. To the Voters of Cobb County:— I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Democratic primary, with Mr. T. P. Carpenter as my Deputy Sheriff. I will appreciate the support of my fellow citizens, and if elected will strive to do my full duty. Wum. McKiNNgEy, To the Voters of Cobb county—l an nounce myself as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Democratic primary, and solicit your support, Mr. A. W. Flor ence of Powder Springs will be my Dep uty. C. M, MAYFIRLD, FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself 4 candidate for re-election to the office of County Tax Receiver, subjeet to the Democratic primary. I desire to thank my many friends and the voters for their past avors and confidence. I believe that the experiencc of my fiirst term in office has qualified me to do more proficient and better service, and tiust that you may again see proper to give me this office. I have tried to treat everyone with perfect courtesy and will continue to do so, Respectfully, F B BARBER, FOR TAX COLLECTOR., To the jVoters of Cobb Couury: 1 re spectfully announce myseif a candidate for Tax éollector of said county in the coming election, subject to the demo cratic primary. Thanking you for your generous support in the past, T hope to merit a continnance of the same by a faithful discharge of my duties of the office if re.elected. Yours Respectfully, H.B Cray. FOR COUNIY TREASURER. To the Voters of Cobb County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the demo cratic primary, Jog Augo'n'. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. We are authorized to announce Mr J B Glover, for Ulerk of Cobb Superior Court, and George Lemon, as Deputy, subject to the democratic primary, Invites you to become one of its depositors. *M Small accounts are welcome, B ) L NR A Farmers—When you sell your cotton, deposit your money with us. We have ample capital to extend you every courtesy consistent with legitimate banking, making loans on approved collateral and'real estate : : so% 0 R. H. Northcutt, Jas. T. Anderson, Geo. H. Sessions, PRESIDENT. VilcE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. RS SRR A R L SR RN SR SN SRR R R RR e T ) S ’ FARMERS’ ACCOUNTS! R e e —— We carry the accounts of a large number of the most prosperous farmers of Cobb county. These men do not think it is safe to have money lying around wkere it is liable to be burned up or stolen. If you have never carried a bank account, we ask you to consider tae advisability of doing so. We offer you absolute safety; and your money is sub. ject to your call at any time. Marietta, Georgia United States and State Depositary CarrrAL $50,000.00 | SurrLus aNp Prorits $40,000.00 Season % Oléarance Sale g Clothing ¢fi; For Cash!, d . Rather than carry over any BiF Fall Clothing we will sell every ¥i @~ garment in Men’s and Boys’' # Suits,Overcoats and Odd Pants & ies at 1-3 Off. Sale continues until everythingin Clothing is closed out. No old stock here! C. W. DuPRE Phone 292. Next Door to Postoffice. " vv = & 15»?;"&"}%‘:\5: &fP :_5 ;: | e e B oo e T e - LR '. b e e E '?‘ r?i‘.i"’ % oy : e S Sl o : b : Ao o g S £ - o BT X i 1 B ¢ 5 Bed ] 2 : ‘ o|i ¢ F o A %fl] Epd ey 3 g A ot ey : wi O e e T § Ry g P | e » bR T . : ee s+ 4 & ¥ . 2 t ' t i ‘z- S ¥ 3 A * O #eit, E e P B ; : TLVSERY e i sWi ‘ j,’,;.j % s ; , a2y -.j"""’ ,-x‘-‘j-;j‘*:,-, ” ; » o T, e % " ; LR fi W e RN D. 2 o R i Tk )&wtw % f.r,@ : Mv*“r;.f‘y;w"" ¢ * ’ Aas o A el Le, BN : ¥ [ - RS - e bl i : As e i.(g; f*‘""}‘g s i -AR 5y i b : g % T :ii . 2" ; z wl‘!‘-(‘v,w. pR SBT B AT AN T : 41 § B R d‘yfl' ; 4_51 plea 3 i BN ;",‘v = Ro7 e av“' ’ 1 4 g % foo. % e s o g "*, %* i * i 1 i : s b B } ; g ¥ B i " *. “ v o(% g TN e# - ‘ ‘ R e 3 85, g 1‘ % "., S s [ . & . .\‘ vé?“. 7 s o PRI : ;LN \\‘ 4 e e»' ; . 4.: - - ‘ i 1 5:"«:'& i ?"-:*lz L g ”% T, gWI /?‘:;,f! B ‘fif"'-l‘vi'“.. .4YoEo A ER e £ ' : % ‘ \“- :BAR b s B‘u q'";; # ¢ g %‘"‘""' ) TAT s S oM \a 2 N 5 ?ug',’ S .' B _:;‘—.l@:»_;.' Ptk : : T e T gt F s ; Ay 2 ,a-?_'} et v{:;f' ’ R gmo 50 “?'?J“"‘f’ ';“"1“‘5 3 ¢ g B, e e ol > ; e\’; 2 @ 'vrww,fl"‘ffis{:,‘}%fii\;fi'fi o'j;f} ; et bt ettt smminete ettt soS TR S £5 * G Whitlock & McCall l i tel & I Phone 72. MARIETTA, GA,