The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, March 19, 1908, Image 7

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BY CORRESPONDENTS, From other Towns and Lo calitles. WORK OF NEWS-FINDERS. ‘, T All Points of the County Represented. Rural News Fresh and Spark ling for Perusal. Wiley'’s. Well, by-the-way, it is getting time that ail of the voters were sharpening their claws and be ready for scratching, as the day is fast approaching when it will have to be done. The farmers made good use of the weather last week in preparing their land for corn, and also sow ing oats. Mr, Jeff Sanders has moved his saw-mill to Mr. Eli Thomas’ place, and is doing some fine work. It seems that sweet potato seed are hard to find; the farmers are looking the county over for them. Born to Mr. and Mrs, Olive Sewell, of Atlanta, & fine girl. Mrs. Sewell is a daughter of Mrs. D.C. Hamby, of this place. BEULAH. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can lfi not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. o/ F.J. Cueney & Co., Toledo, O. ¢ e, the undersigned, have known F. . Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfeetly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WarpiNg, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hell’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’'s Family Pills for consti pation. Vote for Stephens; two term candidate for Tax Collector: adv Lost Mountain. Mr Lewis Passebois and wife visited here Sunday. Mr Passe bois delivered a very interesting address of his missionary work in Egypt. The infaut of Mr and Mrs Ben Mitchell was buried at Midway Saturday. We noticed four wagon loads, two double and two spike teams, pass last Tuesday, loaded with sweet potatoes, 150 bushels in the lot. The potato crop has got to be a very important and profitable industry here. The farmer who diversifies his crops and raises his home supplies has little fear of xfio,fle] pauics and the New York ¢otton exchange, The candidates will soon ‘‘hid farewell to every fear and wipe their weeping eyes.”” Had you thought about it, if there are 42 candidates and each one spends 15 minutes talking to you, you have lost one day of 104 hours? They are some trouble for a season, but are Indispensible, and we don’t Bee how we could get along with out them, | _Mrs Fannie Green, of Carters ville, and Miss Eunice Darby, of Dawson, Ala., are here on a visit. Mrs W H Jackson, who has been quite sick, is improving. The Eher members of the family are o better, We saw the Educational train and heard Dr Soule talk, but came back with the conclasion that we would still have to plow and hoe to make a living, and are still go ing after it the same old way. Farmers have got busy and ev erything is on the move. ~ The Misses White, of Marietta, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Pearl Bullard. ALLEN. rof. H. A, Howell, of Havana, Cuba, Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. 7%"As long ago a 3 I can remember my mother was a faithfal user and friend of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, but never in my life have I realized its true yalue until now,”” writes Professor H A Howell, of Howell’s American School, ? Havana, Cuba. “On the night of Feb _ruary 3d our baby was taken sick with ' a very severe cold, the next day was , .worse and the following night his con !'flition was desperate. He could not lie ‘down and it was necessary to have him //in the arms every moment. Eventhen " his breathing was difficult. I did not . think he would live until morning. At ¢ last I thought of my mother’s remedy, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, which . we gave, and it afforded prompt relief, ' and now, three daye later, ne has fully recovered. Under the circumstances, ’ 1 would not hesitate 8 moment in say ing that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and that only, saved the life of our dear Jittle boy.” For sale by C M Crosby & Co, Marietta, Ga. ’ Macland. Farmers are quite busy planting gardens, sowing oats aud pre paring for their crdps. "~ The peach trees arein full bloom and present a lovely sight. ~ Mr Brooker Cox ‘and family, of ‘Atlanta, have moved to one of Mr Robert Guffin’s houses. Mr Cox’s son and daughter will enter the agricultural school this week, We gladly welcome this estimable ‘family to our commuity. ‘ Charlie Griggs' wife and little daughter, Lucilé Victoria, spent ‘Sunday with relatives here. ~ Mr H H Clay has purchased from Hon J N McEachern the house he now occupies, with 23 acres of land, paying $l,lOO for the same. Mr Clay is improving the dwelling by adding a large ve randa. Mrs Rason Dobbs is visiting her sister, Mrs Barrett, at Woodstock. Mrs Barrett is quite sick, we regret to learn. Mr Ed Allgood and Miss Beulah Osborn, of Marietta, were visitors here Sunday afternoon. Miss Ethel Dobbs went to At lanta Wednesday evening of last week to be present at an entertain ment at the bome of Mr and Mre R H Dobbs, of Atlanta. Ruby. Vote for Stephens, two term candidate for Tax Collector. adv Hickory Grove: Uncle Jim McLain, of Atlanta, 18 visiting his son, Mr John Mc- Lain, at this place. We are glad that the sweet little baby of Mrand Mrs Emmit Kemp, which has been very sick for two weeks, is fast impreving. Mr Monroe McPherson, of near Noonday, is very sick. We hope he may soon recover. Mr Latham, of near Cartersville, is visiting his son, Mr John Latham, at this place. Let everybody in reach of Hick ory Greve church be present on next Sunday morning at 9 o’clock for the purpose of organizing a Sunday school. The singing at Mr John Mec- Lain’s last Sunday night was greatly enjoyed by all present. Rev Mr Hogan preached an ir teresting sermon to a large and at tentive congregation at Oak Grove last Sunday. Mr Thomas Kitchens, of Chat tahoochee, returned home last week after an extended visit here among relative and friends. Goop Luck. PRINTED BY REQUEST. Mix the following by shaking well in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses after meals and at bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounceg. A local druggist is the author ity that these simple, harmless ingre dients can be obtained at nominal cost from our home druggists. : The mixture is said to cleanse and strengthen the clogged and inactive Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Blad der weakness and Urinary trouble of all kinds, if taken before the stage of Bright’s disease. Those who have tried this say it posi tively overcomes pain in the back, clears the urine of sediment and regu lates urination, especially at night, curing even the worst forms of bladder weakness. Every man or woman here who feels ‘that the kidneys are not strong or act ing in a healthy manner, should mix this prescription at home and give it a trial, as it is said to do wonders for many persons. The Seranton (Pa.) Times was first to print this remarkable preseription, in October, 1908, since when all the lead ing newspapers of New York, Bozton, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities have made many announcements of it to their readers. R e — Octavia. Mies Et_:lqigie Darby, of Carters ville, is visiting relatives here. Miss Claudia Barton, of New Salem, spent Saturday night with Miss Ruby Kemp. Misses Daisy and Arrie White, two charmiug young ladies of Ma rietta, spent Saturday night with Miss Pearl Bullard. _Mrs. Fa_npxp Green, of Carters ville, is visiting relatives here. Miss Pearl Bullard is spending this week with her grand-parents, Mr and Mrs W M Frey. | Brown Eyes. ‘ e—) @ i r———— A hovel may be a home and a palace may he purgatory. O ———e————— After 33 YEARS experience. millions of users of L. & M. PAINTS eclaim: First, it wears 10 to 15 years—Second, it only costs $1.20 a gallon—Third, it’s the best they have ever used—Fourth, sixteen thousand agents certify to these facts. Gaxrr & Hopces, L. &M. Paint Agents. e e & oy 3 | . This is the time of year when the city man makes a lot of garden. s bLR O A PLEASANT PHYSIC. When you want a pleasant physic Chamberlain’s Stomach and Livell)' 'l!ab lets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their action, and always proguce a pleasant cathartic effect. Callat C. M. Orosby & Co.’s drug store for a free sample. TR LST NS TR SR N XA S RT O RTSN NI TSU ot ; RoswrLL, Ga., Febroary 20th, 1908. To THE VoTERs oF CoBB COUNTY: GeENTLEMEN: We write this open lstter in the interest of the candidacy of Rev. E. P. Paden, of Roswell, who is a candidate for the office of County Treasurer. Mr. Paden has been a resident of Roswell for fifty-nine years. He came here when he was about four years old. He has been with our people during ali this time except during the war. He was then in the Confederate army fighting for our country and our rights. As an evidence of the confidence our people have in his honesty and integrity, 152 voters of Roswell district gladly and willingly signed an open endorsement of his candidacy. Tn fact, everyhody here, that had an opportunity, signed this endorsement. He has never been a candidate for any office before this time. He is one of the best citizens of our county He 18 in need of the office, i 8 competent to fill it, and our people will deeply appreciate any support given him, Roswell district is the third largest tax-paying district in the county. Cobb county has never honored this district with a county officer ir its entire history. Our people now come to you with a solid front and ask you to elect Mr. Paden. In doing this, we do not feel that we are casting any reflection on Mr. Atbbott, the present Treas urer. We feel that he should be willing to retire, in view of the fact that he is a young man with a well established real estate business. He has had the office for one full term and received a large per cent of the commissions for another term : snd, as you know, previous to that, he was Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court for quite awhile. Mr. Abbott can afford to wait and let the people honor him again at some other time. Mr. Paden is a man of mature years, and this is cur opportunity to help him. Trusting that you will favor him with your support and influ ence, we are, Respectfully, J. 0. CROWLEY, J. A. GARRISON, GEO. W. WING, S. Y. STRIBLING, C. C. FOSTER, S. CROWLEY, J. H. McNEELY. ROSWELL, GA., February 18, 1908. To tur ProrLE oF CoBB CouNTY . We present the name of Rev. E. P. Paden for the office of Treas urer of Cobb county. He iean old Confederate soldier, with every qualification, as to ability and character, to fill this office to the sat isfaction of all, J O Crowley P O Stribling J W Mintor J T Cobb J H McNeely John T Wright R P Griffin T G Thompson C C Stephens Benj DeLong W E Coker J W Hays C E Abernathy H J Kirk V E Abernathy H J Hicks Hays Kirk E A Gunter F M Ramsey James Owens R B Brown W J Conoway Bob Hollifield C W Turper Aaron McNeely Geo R Kurk, Jr Chas G Allgood James Adams P A Reed S Crowley R A Adams S D Paden | W B McNeely L B Norton J W Prichard J W Thompson P M Beach R H Powell In compliance with the above request, I am a cendidate for County Treasurer, subject to coming primary, and respectfully ask your support; promising, if elected, to keep the office open at all times during the business hours for the transaction of business, and to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. Very respectfully, E. P. PADEN. The Bell Telephoue Is an economical necessity in the modern office and home. It costs but a few cents a day and SAVES TIME, MONEY AND TROUBLE We have various classes of service at different prices, and can fill your needs, be they large or small., FOR INFORMATION CALL THE MANAGER Suuthern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. 1 A willowy maid is a skinny girl with an obese bank account. Promises other people make youn are seldom worth remembering, Mooey makes the man who makes the money, More peopla want to get married than wapt to stay married. W W St John M R Abernathy T J Kirk S J Farr R A Ashley G L Ezzard, M D P H Maerritt Geo McDaniel W E Wheeler D B Lowe James Maxwell R W Branan C F Coggius C L. Hembree Newt Covington H A Rainey C C Fowler G W Downs Albert W Hays J Q Adams Geo W Wing James Rainey H T Dryman Maurice Wing W H Faulkner H F Kirk M D Hood R W Coleman S L Erwin R H Strickland G T Lyon, M D J A Johnston Jason Bush R G Broadwell H E Bush L W Jackson J W Braswell Joseph Dempsey Levi Brantley T A Greer Harry J Leroy Will Jones C A Morris Geo E Crowley J W Hughes J M Watson W G Griffin H E Drake J W Smithwick H L Prichard F N Hembree L C Bautlet J R Buice H E Coleman H S Coker H T Banister W C Anderson A G Hopkins Z T Smith H P Carpenter H V Powell W J Gourley R C Gunter J S Puett J V Ferrell B F Leroy A J Thomas Ralph Kirk H C Hughes Geo L David W C Jackson B C Ball W Z Martin T A Waters Marion DeLong A S Holmes Honesty is the best policy, but a good policy will make honesty much easier. The nextday a man wanders why he let it worry him. The pugilist isn’t satisfied with less than astriking likeness. The man on crutches has a Jame excuse for begging, J J Carpenter J N Kirk James W Hood W R Haney W C Coker Robert Mahler T G Smithwick Z T Jones J B Wing J A Martin John Covington W J Braswell I O Littie J B Wright S 'Y Stribling C C Foster A Motz J H Waller C M Carpenter C C Otwell J E Jackson H F Drake W A Fowler C J Perry S B Jones Geo Wing, Jr G R Kirk, Sr H W Carpenter C T Webb E J Coleman J S Merritt Sylvester Scott C R Kirk W H Holiifield Golden Clark T G Greer J C Jackson f Blackwells. Miss Emma Dobbe, of Marietta, visited friends and relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Qnite a crowd attended church at Ebenezer Sunday . Mrs Davenport, of Shiloh, is spending some time with relatives hera, Mr D L McCleskey and family spent Saturday night with Mr Homer McCleskey, near Shiloh. The singing given by Mies Ida McCollum Sunday evening was enjoyed by a large crowd. Miss Ruby Bishop and friend, Mr Daniel, of Marietta, spent Sunday with Mrs W P Dawson. The singing given by Mrs Shaw Sunday night wasenjoyed by all present. ' Sunday school at Ebenezer next Sunday morning at 9:80 o’clock. Blue Bells, Powder Springs. Mrs Margaret Lindley and little Margaret Huey have returned from a very pleasant visit to Marietta. Pr and Mrs Joe Selman, of Douglasville, visited the family of MrJ W Selman Sunday. Messrs J H Moseley and O A Stewart spent a few days in At lanta last week. Rev and Mrs J S Bookhart spent Sasurday in Atlanta, and attend ed the Bible Conference, The many friends of Mrs Parks Lindley will be glad to know she i 8 improving. Mr and Mrs j F P Lindley and little son, Joe, speut the week-end in Marietta. Died.—Death claimed for its victim Mr JL, Hunter, abont 12 o’clock Sunday. Mr Hunter was a good neighbor, a loving father and a friend to his fellow-men. He leaves a devoted daughter, Miss Mattie Hunter, and four affection ate grand-children, Mr Lee Dun can and Miss Martha Duncan, of Atlanta, and Mr Fred Hunter and little sister, Edith, of Douglas ville. His funeral took place at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon, at the family residence, and interment was in city cemetery. The be reaved loved ones have our deepest sympathy. No. Providence. The singing was enjoyed by all present. Married, on last Sunday, Mr Bud Lackey to Miss Dora Mec- Garity, of this place. Mr and Mrs J D Biackwell vis ited the latter’s father, Mr J W Reed, Sunday Mr Luther and sister visited their grandmother, Mrs Adams, Sunday. The candy-pulling at Mr Doc Kemp’s Saturday night was enjoy ed by all present. Mr Kelley and wife vigited Dr G F Haygood Saturday night. There will be preaching at this place uext Saturday and Sunday by the pastor, Rev G 8 Bond. MrJake Holcomb, of near Sandy Plains, visited Mr J H Sauls Sun day. Mr Ollie Mitchell’s mule ran away Thursday and tore up a bug gy. The mule was bruised up con giderably. Mr Jobn Blackwell and sisters visited their grandmother, Mrs N E C Blackwell, Saturday night and Sunday. Dominecker. LAME SHOULDER Whether resulting from a sprain or from rheumatic pains, there is nothing 80 %ood for a lame shoulder as Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. Apply it freely and rub the parts vigorously at each application and a quick cure is certain. For sale by C M Croshy & Co, Marietta, e P A st FOR TAX RECEIVER. We, the undersigned neiglihors of W, J. Wade, recommend him to the voters of Cobb county as a worthy and needy man for the office of Tax Receiver. James Harris, H D Blair, T J Peir, S C Anderson, J 8 Lowe, George L Shaw, H P Stephens, 8 L Reed, T F Reed, J D Duckworth, J W Martin, J H Hendrix, H M Smith, D Alexander, J A Mahon, T H Sanders, W A Whitten, J Smith, J P Johnson, J P Johnson, Jr, J D Sanders, J H Hicks, Hugh Harrig, J M Martin, J H Alexander, 17 Camg, J V Daniel, J H York, G CSanders, H F Pair, G L Anderson, W B Blair, G W Anderson, D JStephens, Joe E Harrig, C J Pair, H C Shaw, J M Johnson, L H Taylor, J M MeClarty, E W Pair, W L Sanders, J T Gazaway, JP York. ~ For State Treasurer. | ATLANTA, GA., March, 1908, « To the Democratic Yoters of Georgia: I am a candidate for Treasurer of this State, subject to the Democratic primary on June 4th, My candidacy is based on my former service to the people in this office, covering a period of more than twenty years—a record that I be lieve will bear public ecrutiny, and which has never been impugzned. If elected, I promise the same faithful attention to the the duties of the office that, marked my previous administration, Yours truly, WM. J. SpeER, Austell. ‘ Rev Edgar Jewell and Miss Ida Jewell have returned home from a most delightful visit to Atlanta and Forest Purk, Ga. Mr and Mrs A Kerby, of Mid~ dlebury, Vt, are making their home with their parents, gdr and Mrs W H Hill. Rev J H Lehman, of Anniston, Ala, was in town last week. Miss Jessie Allgood, of Macland, visited Mis C Couch this week Miss Myrtice Bennett,of Dallas, visited Miss Beulah Irvive this week, Drand Mrs L. G Garrett have moved into their home on Mul berry street. Mr W Simpeon has returned from a visit to Florida. Mr and Mrs J S Mather have re turned from the carnival in New Orleans. Mr and Mrs L C Satterfield have gone to Douglasville to live, Miss Maud Moore has returned from an axtended visit to her brothers at Howell Station, Mrs George Roeenbush has gone to Douglasville to visit her moth er, Mrs Vercery. Dr and Mrs L. G Garrett visited Douglasville Sunday. . Mrs Laura Runyan is visiting Atlanta and Marietta this week. Rev Harry Meeks and Mr Moore attended the Bible couference in Atlanta last week. Miss Mae Lillie Causey, of Ros well, visited her parents here Sun day. Observer. e e e South Kennesaw. M:s Elsie Fleming visited her aunt, Mrs T Taylcr, of Marietta, Sunday. Mrs P A Jackeon, of Atlanta, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs A Thompeson, last week. Miss Lizzie Anderson of Center was the guest of Mrs Elsie Flem ing, recenvly. Mrs A Thompson spent several daye with relatives in Atlanta last week. Master Andrew Fleming, the lit tle son of Mrs Elsie Fleming, spent several divs with his aunt, Mrs P A Jackson, of Atlanta, recently. | Livac. | A LETTER FROM FLORIDA. ‘SeaßreEzE, FLA., March 10, 1908, Editor Journal :—A request in a recent issue of the Journal, that Marietta people away from home should tell their experiences 1 the columns of our home paper, makes me want to give you an idea of Seabreeze, the ideal winter resort of Florida. In fact, it is a sum mer resort, too. The east coast of Florida ie a peninsula, bounded on the east by the Atlantic ocean and on the west by numerous inlets of the ocean, which they call rivers. The Halifax river, over half a miie wide, separates Seabreeze from Daytcua on the mainland. Seabreeze is higher and drier than Daytona, and it ie also ten de grees warmer than the mainland. Here the wiuter tourists rests after having visited the resorts lower down the coast, and here the wealthy Northeru capitalists and the Southern ones, too, build their winter homes, for they can stay here later iu the spring, when it gets too warm further south. In the summer the place is full of people from the interior, as the breeze from the ocean and the river tempere the climate, and makés the summers delightful, Oranges, grape frait, guavas, and many tropical plants thrive here. The trees this year are la den with fruit, and oranges sell at one cent apjece from the vendors’ wWagons, ; Seabreeze is an ideal place for fishermen. The Halifax river and the ocean, too, furnish an abun danco of delicious fish, oysters, shrimp and crabs. The beach is as smooth as a floor, and among the merry parties of bathers, even in February, we see many gray headed mer. and women. The wa ter is healthful and invigorating. Mauy persons claim to be cured of rheumatism by bathing in it, and others say they renew their youth every time they take a dip in it. There are miles of shell roads. Automobiles are seen everywhere, and bicycling is not a lost art in this country. A young lady here took a trip of twenty-five miles and back in one morning laet week. The tourists are 8o enthusiustic over the charme of Seabreeze that they are buying lots everywhere, and plans for new homes are being made by them every day. Sea breeze has a population of 10,000 people, and it is covering new ter ritory everyday. A visit here will make aLyone as enthusiastic as your correspondent. S. C. B. Short, newys letters, on postal carda or otherwise, sent in to the Journs) will be appreciated. Tell us the facts, and we will put them in shape for the printer. We want the newsfrom every section in the coun{y. Help us get the news, \