The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, March 26, 1908, Image 1

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The Marieita Tonrnal VOL. 42. Matters in City Briefly Chronicled for Jour. ) nal Readers. \\;‘_.r s The hunting seagon has ended, and the fishing season and picnics begin. For SaLe—One second-hand organ. 304 Anderson street. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McCleskey, on Thursday, a fine girl. Mrs. Ellen Irish’s millinery depart ment is being prepared for a spring dis play of hats. R. R. Manning & Bros.’ dair6y can supply you pure milk. Phone 126-J. Doc Tax.—Pay dog tax at once and save cost. W. J. Braok, Clerk. %ar Rext—The Orenshaw dwelling, onAtlanta street; 8 rooms. Apply to ournal office. Election day was a rainy day, and it ampened the feelings and kept a num raway from the polls. Losr—Silver dish cover, with plate d napkin. The finder will be reward by leaving at Faw & Rogers’ store. MRYenus is a brilliant object in the “evening sky looking southwest imme diately after sunset. If you want pure sweet milk, ¢ream, butter milk or butter, see R. R. Man ning & Bros. Phone 128-J. Ali parties indebted to the Marietta Ice Company are requested to call and gettle at once. NewdDray LlNE.—Prompt and careful service. Phone orders to No. 87. Doc LAy, Drayman. Miss Rogers arrived in the city last week, and is again in the millinery de. partment of J. R. King Dry Goods Co. Newel}, the son of Mr. and Mrs.C. E. Henderson, has been quite sick, we re gret to learn, for the past week. ALL LEGAL advertisements, to insure iusertion, must be paid in advance. Local News. Good coffee next Saturday at 10 cents pound. H. A. Ward & Bro. We would like to see that opera house finished by fall, also a new hotel. A splendid coffee next Baturday at 10 cents pound. H. A. Ward & Bro. Mrs. B. Schoenthal spent the past few days with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Banks, in Atlanta | Straw hats cheap enough to feed to \ the gows, . A. Ward & Bro. 4 Braoksmira CoAw for sale by W. J. Hudson. Good quality and low price. Yard, Powder Springs street. : Barrel coffee at 10 cents pound next Saturday, spot cash. H. A. Ward & Bro. Call up Phone 359, Corall’s Tailor Shop, for your altering, ¢cleaning. press ing and repairing. Straw hats cheaper than you ever saw them. H. A. Ward & Bro. Mrs. B. H. Mclntosh, who has been visiting her son, Bayard, in Washing ton City, arrived home Thursday morn ing. She will visit her son, Dick, at Leadville, Colorado, in about a month. Seep Swerr Porarors, bunch yams, for sale. $l.OO per bushel. | C. MoCoLLuy, Route No. 2, A meeting of Division No. 5, 1. 0. 0.4 F., has been called by J. J. Hunt, Divis ion Deputy Grand Master, to meet at Canton, Wednesday, April Bth. All Odd-Fellows in good staniing are invi ted to be present. 10 cents pound for coffee next Satur day. H. A. Ward & Bro. Cows PasTUuRED on the Stewart farm, west of Smyrna, after May Ist, at 50 cents and 75 cents per month. W. Z.DANIELL. $l.OO overalls for 88 cents. H. A. Ward & Bro. It you want good job printing, bring your work to the Journal office. We have both steam and eleectric power, and can always keep our presses going. Atlanta prices duplicated. Cotton checks for quilt lining at 6 eents, H. A. Ward & Bro, Running for an office is fun for the voters, but death to the runner. Give us the quiet, peaceful pursuits of life as the chief aim, instead of the turmoil and strife of politics. We are still selling clothing at half priceland less, H. A. Ward & Bro. The white primary election here Fri day looked very much a 8 if the negro was disfranchised in Georgia without a constitutional amendment. Itiean ac complished fact already. Plenty of men’s vests at 39 cents. H. A Ward & Bro. PRIMARY ELECTION IN COBB COUNTY. The following is the official vote of the Democratic white primary in Cobb county, held last Friday: : i A S ns S it ts b Ti S S T l For‘Legialature.\ Treas. ITax Col’ Sheriff | Tax Receiver. & ‘ IR e - g ol g g = |8 9 |z|B { Disrriors. SlElelE|B|2|=]|E =MI 81E] ¥ § 2lgle | sigl 81812 Ril2|l¥| S slo| & 2l els zlSdigildldldlglglalsldlalsieg|® Ay Marietta................ ..................] 433| 849| 591| 570/ 600| 408| 214| 801 451| 551| 240, 154/ 289 88 88| 132| 8 AOWAPENG. 00l b, ceaseense) 201 1561 281 ST 175 Bél BOE 1431 aßldakl Bl 99 85| 1 8] 41| 116 BODOPIRW ... ..., ..o iiaraeheanne o) BB BE 00 O 00 I THHE KO5 8 4 18 v 34| 11 B NN S 11 ol 2/ 1| 824 o EORs TRONDININ ... ... vvineripene. .o B 4 B IR BB IOF S BOE IR BB O @ 11 of o B 0 SN .- 0. it SEE BB BON 4H IH BN SN AR IS B 0 O d o Bl 3 Maelande .. 0o snsl 24 B adl gube auic NIRRT RUt - odl -Ne O: OF g @3 48l 191 1 Powder 5pring5...........................| 55| 155| 48] 59| 84| 95| 55| 128 114] 59| 38 5/ 14| 2| 70| 78 8 Aagtoll ..o 0 0 il aie b 400 BGL 971 A BOL RGE SR AR HAT. de 17‘ 3 10] 10] 121 84 0O 00R0E...; e M B 0 SR TISH 68 THE 90 108 U 8 B W 3¢ 18 % & & o MM . i s s B 9 7 89 49 18] 861 B 461 U &N 24 19 ol 9 @ a 9 0 MOERIEER:. ... ..o o i gk 880 TBE AL BRE AR PR 2} 102| 35| 69| 35 1] 39| 16 8 11 0 BIREREA . 0 ocaia et oo b 800 SO S T IR BB BN BN T B 05 B el & o 6 0 BOBWAIL. voo san ey b Ll el hieh 7| 158 68| 96| 16| 148| 67| 29| 17 1) 10 291 '@ RO BRI .. ...... ccsescssarninansoneeneck 200 SO B S 20 SHE 0 S 0 I AN & & N & 2 2 .0 KREERBOEE ... ... ......concoviscnasinis ieserd 181 BIE BOE BT O SO 36 JUSE BT TOEE 98 S 3 AN @ 14 1 NAOhEE. . 8l .5F 89 Bbf 201 21 20! 2l 261 IRI ol g QB. 9l g of 0 HOWOHS .0 oik i e eaaseal 0240 BB B 106 BLoBDL 0 811 qOL a 8 8 8I 11 o 12 1l -.8 qowli o e 1123011241!1371114‘.011376‘1376| 704]‘2054\1124‘1698] 511] 372‘ 811] 226\ 313 515' 164 W%.M For Surveyor—J. T. Echols, 285; Maner, 449. For Ordinary—J. M. Gann, 2725. For Clerk— J. M. Austin, 2768. For Coroner—R, E. Lawhon, 2765. For County Commissioner, Marietta District— R. H. Northcutt, 640; J. M. Stone, 858. COUNTY COMMISEI')NERS ELECTED : Ist Ward, R. R. Northcutt; 2d Ward, S. H. Davenport; 8d Ward, R. D. Moon; 4th Ward, John T. Pace, sth Ward, J. B. Wing. : . Will McKinney’s majority over R. A. Hill, for Sheriff, 475. W. P, Stephens’ majority over H. B. Clay, for Tax Collector, 1350. Joe Abbott and E. P. Paden tied for County Treasurer, and will run the race over on June 4th. ImMporTANT.—You know whether you owe the Journai any amount on 1807. So, if you do, please call and settle and save inconvenience. We must have money to meet our obligations. Any party wanting & well established lumber, contracting and coal business, will do well to see me. Will sell at cost. HENRY MEINERT. Now, the next primary election is June 4th, when you will proceed to nominate a judge and solicitor and alll the state house officers. MiLLiNxERY OpeNlNG.—Mrs. Ellen Irish will have a display of ,fashionable millinery, trimmed hats, of many de signs, on Wednesday and Thursday, Arril 18t and 2d. Miss Yarbrough, an experienced and artistic trimmer, is in charge of the millinery department with competent assistants, and the dis play will be in keeping with the latest styles. The public are cordially invi ted to attend. MR, JOE ABBOTT FOR TREASURER, To the Voters of Cobb county—l here by announce myself a candidate for the | office of the Treasurer of Cobb county, subject to the primary of June the 4th. I desire to take this opportunity of ex pressing my sincere thanks to my friends for their loyal supportgin the re cent primary, Recognizing the right jof every citizen to vote according to his preference, I have nothing but the kind liest feelings for {those who voted for my opponent, and I will appreciate the support of all in the next election. Respectfully, JOoE ABBOTT. Mr. Paden for Treasurer. To the Voters of Cobb County: You are doubtless aware of the fact that the final consolidation of the vote in last Friday’s primary resulted in & tie be tween Mr Abbott and myself. The democratic executive committee pass ed a resolution requiring the race to be run over on the 4th day of June, the same date of the state primary, The unofficial reports showed my election, and it was conceded by the opposition that I was elected until the consolida tion, I take this method of expressing my sincere and deep appreciation of the support given me in last Friday’s pri mary. I am profoundly grateful to everyone that voted for me, or said or did anything in behalf of my candidacy. Numerous friends have stated that on account of bad weather they were un able to go to the polls and vote for me. On account of my physical condition, I was unable to see the large bulk of the voters before the recent primary, I hereby announce my candidacy for County Treasurer, subject to the pri mary to be held on June 4th. I will greatly appreciate the support of each and every voter. Again thanking my friends through- | out the county, snd trusting that they 'will continue to use their influence in my behalf in the coming primary, I am, | Very respectfully, | E. P. PapExN. Roswell, March 23, 1908, == YOu can never tell how much work a' man does in his garden by the way he brags about it. Itis ten to one thaq the credit belongs to his wife, ! MARIETTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, MAR. 26, 1908. Look atter your name on the label on this paper and see if the date is in the rear. If so, renew your subseription at once, a 8 the new ruling of the Post master General will not allow us to mail the paper to delinquents. All parties indebted to the Marietta Ice Company are requested to call and settle at once. The ladies’ hats this season look like umbrellas, with decorations thereon. They are very large and regular head ache producers. ——ARE—— ‘ ——AND—— Satisfactory in ©peration. Patent Oven Bottoms---easily taken out. Malieable Oven Door Frames---non-heatable. Balanced Doors---that do not fall Dampers---operated from top. Double Steel, Asbestos Interlined Bodies---that keep the heat in. Patent Closet Doors—--never in the way, and yet so handy. “ Asbestos Flue Bottoms---that retain the heat and protect the floor. Cast Back Flues---that will not rust or burn out. Our Prices Range from $3O to $485, | = WOULD LIKE TO FIGURE WITH YOU. —== The Biltmore House, on Church{ street, i 3 being re-painted and re-paper ed, and i 8 to be occupied by Mr. Whi loek. who has bought it. Money to loan on real estate. E. P. GrReEN, Whiskey that comes to Marietta i jugs by Express from Chattanooga ltil# has the same effect to make men crazy, cause them to abuse their wives and do/ things they would not do if they wers sober. e ’ BUIST'S SEEDES Yes, tested for eighty years by the largest gardeners in America. Remember, these seeds will grow, and are true to name, and you pay no more for them than for in ferior seed of unknown age and quality. “Be Safe Be Sure Buy Buist’s” o W LHGG & B 0 e seedrstore Fret & Fuss are usually hustling to secure ‘‘accommodations’’ from Work & Wait. A square deal is not to be ex pected of a man who 18 always dodging round the corners. The mother with a ‘‘gocd baby”’ is the envy of all the women who know her. People who use religion as a cleak ususlly wind up without a rag of respectability. NO. 13.