The Marietta journal. (Marietta, Ga.) 1866-1909, August 19, 1909, Image 1

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The Marietta Tonenal VOL. 43. PARAGRAPHED, Matters in' City Briefly Chronicled for Jour nal Readers. ’ Lost—A gold bead necklace. Reward, if returned to Mrs. J, J. Daniell. Frank Rogers has had a nice tile side walk placed in front of his store. e Miss Regifi;‘ih.mbo visited Asheville, N. G, last week. & F 8 288 : Sa;e 57% on your cish purchases by trading at Faw & Rogers. tf. _The city park is a beauty, a gem set ting to‘lovely city. Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Dyson are spend ing this week at Gadsden, Ala. Judge N. A. Morris is holding Milton Superior court this week. | For BaLe.—Two %c:d:soke of steers, 1 Apply to Geo. W. Gibson or Nin Knight. Mr. C. H. Dobbs is running a barber‘ shop and pressing eclub in the Gober building on Atlanta street. ‘ Avuro Livery Sgrvice—-First-class care ; eareful, courteous drivers ; reason able rates. BruMBY Garace, Church stfeet. Phone 345; Night Phone 284-J, The crowds that attended the court here each day last week [were very large. o We sell the best blacksmith coal mined. 15¢ per bushel. Phone 270, . Marietta Ice Co_. Rain has fallen in Texas and the erop conditions hgve changed for the better. The two non-fighting Atlanta editors gpurned ‘‘pistols and coffee,”” Thisisa day of near-beer. Office at Mr Chuck Anderson’s stable. Jellico coal. Satisfaction guaranteed. MEINERT & MILLER. L. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, of Greenesboro, (Ga., are visiting their son, Mr. S. H. Sl ‘Great News from the Clothing Department ~- _— o ™— _— 00— Well! Well! Here’s Your Chance! Clothing and Low Cut Shoes Positively at Half Price _ - hav(;u;o% :llietv:'fs,y E)':ldgggl’dt; g’toi‘; ;:l:o;be;% (?Alolf?li%{ néi%ht now. Maybe you don’t feel like buying at the present time, but, my! how would you like NOTICE : Don’t buy anything here if you can’t save money by trading with us. SHOES! SHOES/ Bewildering @ut in All Our Shoes. / Aok oLo $2O i tor Bt Low One, QR ’25‘1;';1’3;.‘;‘.’.??:.‘1?.’.?.‘?’?.’3...... L T e Specials! Specials! e B 98¢ e aose o (O AR o e RS e e ol PTlee ‘ Ladies, Look This Over! SEE OUR REMNANT COUNTER . ke e oY. o o Mr. James, H. Groves and Col. J. P. Cheney, of Marietta, and Mr. D. P. Flershell, of Atlanta, have been ap pointed appraisers of the Marietta Pa per Mills, Water Works and Electrie Light plants, in bankruptey, that the property may be sold. Trustee R. W. Boone hopes to have the property sold in the next thirty days. Miss Sylvester’s private school will open for the Fall term the first Monday in September. Careful attention will be given to pupils of the first five grades., 305 Polk street, Marietta. ~_Deputy Marshal Parks and Deputy Sheriff Kincaid will doubtless get the reward of $2OO, offered by the Governor for the arrest ‘nd convietion of the assailant of Mrs. Exa Brown, as Webb has been convicted. Mr. Jack Massey, of Washington City, arrived here Sunday, to spend a three weeks’ vacation. His family has been here several weeks. He holds a responsible and lucrative position in the government printing office at Wash ington. Mr. Homer McClatehey, manager of the Bell Telephone Co., has moved his office to the Anderson building on Pow der Springs street, the last room on the left as you enter, where all business will be transacted. Miss Susilee Cantrell, who has been the guest of Miss Marie Massey, left for her home in Columbus, Ga., last Thursday. On next Saturday, Miss Cantrell will visit her sister, in Los Angeles, Californisa. ~ Mr. James T. Anderson, wife and two children will leave Wednesday on a trip to New York, Toronto and other points, and be gone about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Simpson, who have been on & vigit to their son, Char ley, at Knoxville, returned home Wed nesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson have re turned from Hondo, Texas, where they have been on a visit. - There are some very wild, extrava gant correspondents in Atlanta sending out news. | (ERMAN STORE , oo sme MARIETTA. GA., THURSDAY MORNING, AUG. 19, 1909. Cobb Superior Court, Sec ond MMonday in Sep tember. J H Goodwin M A J Landers W H Kemp W N Pace A J Reeves R A Hill 8 G Mozley Gus Davis J W Brown B M Stanley J A King H M Smith W P Groover J M Gantt J H Louch G D Cochran J B Black W P Brown F W Worley G F Hanson 8 C Phillips E 8 Cowan J H Mabry T J Ward Frank Hardeman C A Guyton R E Benson J H Pitner C A Rice W A Walker J E McCollum W N Gantt J P Jones S A Bingham J W Rawlings H F Hamilton. ATLANTA PROPERTY, Mr, James T. Anderson, of Marietta, has bought a lot on Edgewood avenue, Atlanta, 110x155, below Piedmont ave nue, for $2lOOO Mrs. Scoville, the owner, bought the lot 60 days ago for $18,600, thus making $2,400. Mr. An derson bought, not long ago, another building on Edgewood avenue for $25,- 000, which he can now sgell for more money. The Ladies’ Aid Society of First Bap tist church will sell ice cream and cake on the lawn at Mrs. John Awtrey’s du ring the afternoon and evening of Thursday, August 26th. A GENERAL CLEAN UP - .___o]r__;_; ALL OUR CLOTHING '\ AM.our $25 00 Suits at...... sil2 50 “All our 20 00 Suits at _____ ¢OB All our 18 00 Suits at....... 8 ¢8 //: All our 14 00 Suits at....... 698 All our 10 00 Suits at....... 4 08 All our 800 Suits at. ... 3 908 All our 600 Suits at...... 2 ¢8 Cut This ©®ut and Bring It With You THIS COUPON Is good for Fifty Cents on any Suit quoted above $4.98, and Twenty-Five Cents on any Suit quoted at $4.98 or under. Remember, this is in addition to Fifty Per Cent. Discount already referred to, We have 148 Suits left of our nig stock of Clothing, which we are going to dispose of for almost nothing at all. Follow the erowd. Come early, to avoid the rush. And Sentenced to Hang - Friday, September 17th Next. Willard Webb, negro, who was tried in Cobb Superior Court last week for criminal assault upon Mrs. Exa Brown, at \Ciningn. July 20th, was convicted and sentenced by Judge N, A, Morris to be hanged on Friday, September 17th, Webb was carried to the tower in At lanta for safe keeping until the day of exeeution. ‘This was Judge Morris’ first sentence of deatb imposed upon anyone Qinoe his assumption of judicial functions. HXED AT $B5O, The County . Conimissioneérs have fixed the tax rate of Cobb county for 1909 at $B5O on the $l,OOO. The state rate is $5 on the $l,OOO, and the city rate i $8 on the $l,OOO, making $21.50 on the $l,OOO that the property holders of Marietta will have to pay this year, SEVERAL OFFICERS, The “expert auditors,”” who examin ed the county officers’ books, we learn gave Jadge Awtrey, former ordinary; Colonel W. R. Power, former ecounty school commissioner, and Mr. Bernard Awtrey, present county school commis sioner, a clean and correct balance sheet, everything accounted for and nothing against them. Let Us Furnish Youg.k ; School Books A —_—— This is THE SCHOOL BOOK STORE selected by the State to dis tribute the State adopt?d béolft‘ thjB sectiap. {,L_ 1 LA N Ourfoogks are the latess, all new, dou depend on t : 8 be ‘i IGHT at-th¥s gtorer At% find such a pr on of school supplies. . At no other store will you find such a variety to choose from. Come here, and here’s where you will buy. _————————— e L O 460 QUICKEST DELIVERY - 011 o The School Book Store, Drop into the Journal office and pay what you owe on subscription. We need the money to run our business. The paper cannot be sent on a credit. Let us figure with you on your job work. Pants! Pants! e R e . Children’s Suits s ioo e Extra! Exira! Extra! prEey SR B e g T RR e e. T il R S Skirts and Waists AT o O i e L MR 01, et ot What a woman means by having a fine figure is being able to dress it asif it were. The elevetor is & boon for men who are in a harry to reach the top. NO. 33