The Confederate union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1862-1865, December 09, 1862, Image 1
BOiGUTOS, A1SBET & AMES* Publishers and Proprietors. BOHiHTON, i .. J0HI. II. \IMBKT. i Bdl ^r«. (Cjjc Canfebrnite■'(ilttioit It published Weekly, in Millcdgerillc, Ga., Corner of Hancock and Wilkinson Sts., (opposite Court Home.) At $3 a year in Advance. KATE* OF ADTEK'IDIXC. Per square of taelr ... OneinsertionSI Oiqaudiirty centu ■ ■ < Lsubeequert contiuuance. yiioaeaeut without thespecifica thonumberot insertions will be published til' ’ aed charged accordingly. ^ Business or professional Lards, ^ where they do not exceed Six Lises - - flfl OU A liberal contract iciil be made v • who wash to Advertise by the year, occuje. ;n pud space LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Adinii ". ators. Ex- ecutors or Guaruians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the mouth; between (lie lioui> of ■ Din the torenoon and three iu the afternoon, at the Courthouse in the county in which theproperty is sit uated. N'otice of thesesales must be given in a publiega- zetts 4il days previous to the day ofsale. Notices forthe sale of personal property must begiv- enin like manner 10 days previous to sale day. .Voticesto the debtors and creditors of an estate must al-o be published 40 days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Or linary for lea veto sell Land or Negroes, must be nublished for two months. (Pd at ion* forietters of Administration Guardianship. Ac . must be publislied 30 days—for dismission from tdimnistratioe monthly fi.c month*—for dismission ir.nn Guardia iliip, 40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published •nonthty for fanr month*—for establishing lost papers, for lh‘‘ full spare of /'tree months—for compelling title? from Executors or administrators, where bond has been given by the deceaoed, the full spaee of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unle-SBotherwise ordered at the following RATES: Citations, on letters of administration, Ac. $- 75. “ “ dismissory from .4dmr’n. 4 50 “ “ “ Guardianship. 3 00 Leave to sell Land or Negroes 4 60 N'otice to debtors and creditors. 3 00 Sales of personal property, ten days, 1 sqr. Saleofland ornegroes by Executors, Arc. pr sqr. 5 00 Fstrays, two weeks 1 50 For a man advertising his wife (in advance,) 5 00 VOLUME XXXIII.] MILLED SEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1862. [NUMBER 29. COUNTING ROl'SK CALENDAR, 18G2. Written for the Illustrated News. “Poot-Cavairy Chronicle.” - f Tt ? ] i f £ Iff I -i "• r JAs't Feb’y. Mak. BOOK-BINDING THE ShQ— -her is novr pre pared to‘.„TjScoIi-Eind- ing', iu nil its branches Old Docks rebound, A c. MUSIC bonnd in the best style. Blank Books manufactured to order. Prompt attention will be given to all work entiusted to me. S. J. KIDD. Bindery in Southern Federal Union Office. Milledgeville, March 10th, 1861. 43 Special notice? rpilE undersigned having removed from l*il- 1 ledgeville desires and intends to close up bis hneiness matters of that place edily a. possi ble. All persons indebted are notified that the no. es and accounts are in the hands of .T. A. Brekdlove, and P. H. Law1.1 ; who arc authori zed to collect and make scttlen .ts If not ar ranged at an early day, settlemei.- will be enforced hv law. IU. tf. A.. C. TAIL. Agent. Western & Atlantic (State Railroad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Fare $6 CO JOHN S. ROWLAND, Sut’T. . 7 30 P. M. 4 57 A. Ms 4 On A. M. . 5 15 P. M. Train. . 2 40 I>. M. . 6 57 P. M. . 4 30 A. M. . 8 45 A M. th the Rome st, Tennessee I: Nashville oga. 10 tf. Passenger Trai L-ave Atlanta at : Arrive at Chattanooga at Leavp Atlanta at Arrive at Chattanooga at trcnimoilniian PamM; Leave Atlanta Arrive at Kingston Leave Kingston Arrive at Atlanta This Road connects each v : ' Branch Railroad at Kingston, t & Georgia Railroad at Dalton, A Chattanooga Railroad at Ch: . I uly 29, 1862. New Arran uiit. Change of Schedule, on and aft . day 1 \th ir/st THE Subseribersare convey- ing the U. S. Mail from Mil- ledgi ville via Sparta, Culver ‘T'g-.'t .yAfi rhflEh i.-nand Powelton to l)mibie^A7.~ - ~ Wells,and would respectfully invite the attention ol .••ir friends and the travelling public. > their new j :il complete arrangement for travelling facilities bier tliisline. SCHEDULE—Leave Milledgeville after the arriva "f trains from Columbus, Maeon and Savannah; Ar. V i- iu Sparta at 6o'clock P. M. and at Double Wells ►ame evening. L ive Double Wells a'ter the arrival of morning trains from Augusta. Atlanta and Athens; Arrive at S;..:rta 11 o’clock, A. M.; Arrive at Milledgeville same evening. With good TTacks, fine Stock and careful drivers. • •• solid; alibera! patronage. MOORE & FORBS. N11, eftthcen—MilleUgeviUe Hotel Milledgeville-, G a • Edwards' Home. Sparta. Moore's Hotel, Double Wells. t July 11,1859. 8 tf. JOHN T. 3CWDOIN, ■ATTORNEY AT LAW, . 4* EiTOSTOS.Cl. Katonton, Ga., Feb. 14, 18C0. 38 tf. 5(1 Saw Colton Gin for Sale. ONE of WATSON'S best 50 Saw Cotton Gins r offered for sale. This Gin is new, and is equa to any in use. Sold for no fault, the present ow ners having no use for it. Any planter wanting;; -■ >d Gin,can haven chance to get one at a re- •hiction on t tie regular price. Apply at this office. <' ot N. Tift or .1. 11. Watson, at Albany GEORGIA JVZ BLACK, RUSSETTS, All MY BROGANS, WOMAN SHOES, SPUN YARNS, SHIR TINGS OSNAB l R GS, S TRIP El) HOMES V INS, By the large or small quantities. Jacob Gans & Co. January 28, 1“62 36 tf sam i. d. irvis. butler. IRVIN & BUTLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALBANY, G>. or gin. lJlUC'TICE in the Superior ( arts of the Sontl ■ Wentern Circuit,—in Terrell, l\anti<>1 pit, and Ear* ' D*i!i«-s in t!ie Patau!a Circuit.- in Worth r.;• ti Ma* •n Counties, in the Macon Cii f , in the l nitec s u* - Circuit Court at Savanna* and by special ’"tract,in any Connty in Souther: Georgia. January lrt 1 1860. 04 tf. LTH £ R IDG £ &, SON, factors, Commission and Forwarding MERCHAM J7JS, SAVANNAH, GA. W D ETHERIDGE. W. D. ETHERIDGE, Jr. July 15th, 1856. 8 tf ° Messrs, A. B. & L. II. KENAN, Ake Associated is the Practice of Lav; Office Door vpon 2d floor of 35 tf. _ MASONIC HALL. • lR n 23d. 1857. Mat. 15 13 .!’20 26 a. a 3 9 10 16 17 23 21 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 6 7 13 14 2021 27 28 4 5 11 12 Is 19 25 26 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30, COST 12 3 4 Jolt 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 2324 25 28 29 30 31 I A 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 J5 18 19 2021 22 25 26 27 28 1 Sept’r 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 11 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 2“ 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 Octob’r 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 1 ~ 3 Nov km 6 7 8 9 10 15 14 15 16 17 2021 222324 27 2829 30 31 Decem. 3, 4 5 6 7 10 1112 13 14 17 18 192021 21 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 H 20 21 22 23 21 25*26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 ic 17 18 19*0 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 12345c 7 8 9 10 11 12 )3 14 15 1C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-27 2839 301 BY HARD CRACKER. (1.) Man that is born of woman anti enlisteth in “Jackson’s army” is of] few days and short rations. ' (2.) lie cometii forth tit “reveille,” : is present also at “retreat,” and re- tireth apparently at “taps.” (3.) He draweth his rations from the commissary and devoureth the j same ; he striketh his teeth asrainst ; much hard bread', and is satisfied; he I filleth his canteen with “aqua pura,” and clappeth the mouth thereof ; Governments monopolize the products pensation. As amended the- bill pass'-d—ayes 11 9, ..... - c 1 * 1 *.! nays none- Then th* 1 House adjourned to tlirto of the factories for a smg,J month,, an ^ ahalfo clock j the country generally would be em- AFTERNOON SESSION. | barrassed and severely taxed by the : act. [Enquirer. From the Macon Telegraph. Im port rut Notice. The following notice is published in the Richmond Enquirer of last Saturday. It will be seen by it that compensation will be made by the Government for all cloth ing furnished through county authorities to the troops in the field, at the rates pre- Soldiers’ NEW MATTER Oil the call of the counties the following hi• is were read a first time: Mr. Whittle—A bill in relation to toils at mills ; also a bill for the relief of honest debtors ; also to amend the charter of the Macon*and IJrun.swiek railroad, (confers bank ing privileges.) Mr. Rico—A bill to prohibit I lie running of railroad trains on the Sabbath Mr. ■ Norwood—A bill for the relief of Augustus S. Jones, of Chatham ; also, to incorporate the La mar Insurance Company of Savannah. Mr. Blood- ivorth—A bill to ib-fine the liability of railroads for the destruction of stock Mr Irwin—A bill to authorise an exira tax in Washington county. Mr. Lazeiibv—A hill to exempt Warren county from scribed in the advertisement. Relief Societies every where should take ; { * le t , ax act R® ' ast session. Mr. Thomas A i »• it -]- .1 resolution on the Conscript Act. due notice, and ny availing themselves ot tills offer of the Government will be en- 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 2021 26 2* 28 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 2223 28 29 30 12 3 4 8' 9 lo; n 15 16 17 ig 22 23 24 ,29 30 31 5' fr'v'S 12 13 14 ,r. 19 2021.32 345 g 10 n 12 n 17 18 19-jo 24 25 26, 7 31 1' - * upon , IUJBL tlie burig of a whiskey barrel, and their operations and usefulness. The Gov- | after a little while goeth away reioic- | ernor and State Legislature will see, toi^ tOUBT ( ALLENDElt FOR 1802. SITP12E.I03S. COURTS. JANUARY. 2d Monday, Cliutliam. *Klov«i FEBRUARY. 1st Monday, Clark t Lumpkin id Monday, Campbell Dawson- 311 Monday, Forsyth Polk Glascock Merriwetiu Walton hh Monday, Baldwin Jackson Monroe Paulding Taliaferro Walker MARCH. 1st Thursday. Pierce 1st Monday, Appling Chattooga Cherokee JULY. ’ 1 st Monday, Floyd* AUGUST. list Monday Lumpkint 2d M mdav, Campbell Clark Dawson 13d Monday, Forsyth PolK Glascock Mcrriwctlier Walton ! 1th Monday, Baldwin Jackson Monroe . Paulding Taliaferro Walker Thusday after. Pieiee ing at his strategy. (d.) Much soldiering bath made him sharp ; yea, even the sole of his shoe is in danger of being cut through. (-5.) He coVenanteth with the credu lous farmer for many chickens, and much milk and honey, to be paid for promptly at the end of each six davs, when lo! on the oth day the army moveth to another part. • (tf.) His tent is filled with potatoes, pies, corn and other morsels for his delicate appetite, which abound not in said commissary department; and many other borrowed tilings, which returned. Ot a surety, | ot “Jackson’s foot-cav- i they | it the | that under the, Kcaie of prices, established by their resolutions of seizure, they wiil be >pt • After reading up Senate hills adjourned. SENATE. Nov. 27, lS(i2. Senate met according to adjournment. In the Senate to-day, the bill to charter able to make a handsome speculation in the Cotton Planter’s Bank of the Confede— clothing the troops. In the single article ! rate States was reconsidered. The bill of shoes for example,.which they seize at was passed. three dollars, and sell to the Government ! The charter provides for the capital at six, they will realize a net profit of j stock of 810,000,000, which may be sub- •S22J,000, which will be a handsome oper- ! scribed (iu cotton) and tu. be located at tion even in war times. Let attention ev- i Savannah, Ga.,- and to commence oper- will never be it must l>e said fie utn Columbia Crawford Gwinnett Madison Marion Morgan 2d Monday, Jlutts Bartow Coffee Elbert . Fayett Greene Pickens Washington Webster 3d Monday, Cobbt Calhoun Hall • Hart Heard M aeon Newton Talbot Tattnal Wire Thursday after White Friday alter,Bullock itk Monday, Clinch Putnam - Rabun Clialtaliooclie* Lee Twiggs Wilkes • Johnson " Milton (Monday of-V Thai - day ufter Habersham ter the 4th > E 4tiiTbiusday, Montgomery! Monday ) SEPTEMBER, list Monday, Appling Chattooga Cherokee Columbia Coweta Crawford Madison Marion Morgan 2d Monday, Butts Bartow Coffee Elbert Fayette Greene Gwinnett Pickens Washington Webster 3d Monday, Cobbt Calliouu Hall Hart Heard Macon Newton Talbot Ware Bulloch (Thursday after White I tlh Monday, Clinch Rutnain Chattahoochee Lee Twiggs Wilkes Johnson Milton Kabnn (Thursday after Habersham .Monday af-, ihols Monday al ter 4th Mou- / Echols v t Effingham APRIL. 1st & 2d Mon.Cttrroll 1st Monday, Dooly Franklin Emanuel Early Fulton Gordon Pike Taylor Warren Wilkinson Thursd’yafter Banks 2d Monday, Hancock Richmond Harris Laurens Miller Sumter Tuesday after, McIntosh 3d Monday, Glynn Haralson Henry Jones Liberty Murray Oglethorpe Pulaski Stewart Monday Worth * after * *Bryau 4th Monday,Wayne Deeatur DeKalb Houston Jasper , Lincoln Schley Whitfield Wilcox Friday- after. Telfair Camden Thursday after, Irwin Monday “ Berrien Charlton MAY 1st Monday. Clayton Scnven Gilmer Randolph Upson 2J Monday, Catoosa Jefferson Chatham Fannin Mitchell Muscogee 3d Monday. Bibb Burke Quittmau Spalding Tronp Union Baker Thursday after Towns 1th Monday, Dade Terrell Last Monday, Colquitt JUNE. 1st Monday, Lowndes Dougherty >d Monday. Brooks Clay Id Monday, Thomas OCTOBER. 1st &. 2d Mon. Cat roll 1st Monday, Dooly Emanuel Franklin Early Fulton Gilmer Gordon Taylor Warren Wilkinson Pike Thursday after Banks 2d Monday, Fannin Richmond Hancock Harris Laurens Miller Sumter 3d Monday, Glynn Haralson Henry Jones Murray Oglethorpe Pulaski Stewart Union Wei th Thursday after Towns Thursday ) Montgomery ( after * 4th Monday, Wayne Decatur DeKalb Houston Jasper Lincoln Schley Tattnall Whitfield Wilcox Friday after, Telfair Camden Thursday after. Irwin .Monday after (iharlton NOVEMBER. 1st Monday. Berrien Scriven Clayton Effingham Randolph Upson 2d Monday, Catoosa Jefferson Mitchell Mnseogee 3d Monday, Bibb Burke Quittman Spalding Troup Baker 4th Monday, Dade Terrell Thursday after. McIntosh Monday' “ Colquitt «• “ Liberty Mon. after Liberty, Bryan DECEMBER. 1st Monday, Dougherty Lowndes •2d Monday,"Brooks Clay 3d Monday Thomas airy,” “they take not that wliici cannot reach.” (7.) He liretli bis Alinie ri dead hour of night, and tin aroused and formed iu line—when, to I bis mess be coineth bearing a fine J “porker”—which he declareth so re- j sembletb a Yankee that be was coni-j pellet! to pull trigger. (S.) Hogiveth tlie “provost,’ much j trouble; often capturing his guard] and possessing himself of the city. (lb) At such times “it: zels” flow like milk am bis generous hand. He giveth, with out stint, to his own stomach. (10.) The grunt of a pig and the crowing of a cock awakeneth him from camp is | v county Caps Jackets . Rants... ery where be called to this notice : Confederate States of America, ) Quartermaster Gen’s. Office, £ Richmond, Nov. 18th, ’62. ) It is announced, for the information of all concerned, that the Quartermaster’s Department will pay for shoes, blankets and other articles of clothing, which may be contributed by tlie people of tbe coun ties in the soveral States of tbe Confeder acy, to their soldiers iu tbe field, at tbe prices stated in the following table ; pro vided, that such articles are supplied under the direction of tbe Countv Cnni-tc .... ~*i. tribunals: $2 00 12 00 9 00 Flannel Shirts 3 00 Cotton Shirts 1 00 Striped Cotton Shirts 1 00 Drawers 1 00 Shoes Wuolen Socks ations wherever -$300,000 are paid in specie. The Bank Relief bill was taken up, and the commission of one-fourth of one per cent, was stricken out, and one-eiglith in serted. The committee appointed to examine the Quartermaster and Commissary De partments reported that they could not fully perform that duty during the ses sion, and ask that it may be done In vaca tion. Sir. Furlow offered a i^olution m rela- -u mi a infirm negroes stolen by A bill to authorize Win. H. Cove, of Florida, to act as executor of (lie will of Jas. D. Shanks, of Lownds countv, pass ed. ’1 be bill to authorize the Governor to have issued $1,000,000 of change bills in Treasury notes, passed. Mr. Bigliam offered a resolution calling for information upon the manufacture ol cotton cards. Tbe bill for tbe relief of Reuben King, of Cainden county, passed. A motion was made to postpone the bill and amendments indefinitely, upon the yeas and nays being called, the result was as follows: Yeas 71 Nays, 53 The bill to prescribe tlie’places of liold- , ing the Supreme Court was taken up.— The prescribe places are Savannah, Macon and Atlanta. Mr. Briscoe moved to strike out Savan- | nali and insert Milledgeville. Lost. Mr. Briscoe moved to lay tlie bill on | tbe table for the ballanco of tbe scs- ! sion. Carried—yeas, 61; nays, 45. j The House took up the resolution in relation to calling out the militia of Cam den county. Mr. Cabiness moved tbe indefinite post ponement of tbe resolution. Mr. Big! lam moved that the resolution lie on the tabie for tbe present. On this, tbe yeas and nays were called, and were, yeas, GS : nays, 4S. The motion prevail ed. r and pret- j Overcoats (with capes), lonev from I tion _ _ j the abolitionists, and returned to our lines j Adopted : Where is the’ boasted philanthropy of' Yankeedom for the oppressed slave of the I South ? - It seems to be confined to the able-bodied of that injured race. The Judiciary Committee reported a bill to exempt tbe Mayors and Councils of j cities, and Tax Receivers and Collectors 6 00 | front militia duty. 1 00 | Bv Gen. Hansel!, a bill to incorporate _ 00 , the Cobb County Salt Company. Blankets (per pair) 15 00 The Judiciary Committee also reported l’aymeifts will be made upon delivery a bill in reference to Ordinaries, at the nearest Quartermaster’s Post on the j Also a bill to regulate all measures by line of railroad transportation, and tbe ar- I weight, which was lost, tides wiil be sent or issued to the Chief j A substitute iu relation to lapsed lega- , i , . . . Quartermaster of tbe nearest military de-1 cies, was lost. the aouiKlest sleep, and he saunteretli ^ p arImen t, by whom they will be issued, j A bill to confer tbe powers of the Atlan tic far as they may be needed, to the par- j ta Bank upon the Atlanta Insurance and ticnlar troops for whom they are intended. ! Banking Company was passed, in all cases, however, where such troops j A bill for the relief of the people, shall be already supplied, the articles will ; known as tbe “Stay Law,” was pass- bc issued to others who may require | ed. them. forth in search of the quadruped or biped that daretli to “make night hide ous.” (11.) No sooner hath he passed the sentry’s heat than lie striketh a “bee-- line” for the nearest hen-roost, arid seizing a pair of pullets, rcturneth soliloquizing to liimself, “tlie noise of a goose saved Horne, how much more the flesh of the chicken preserveth the soldier.” (12.) He playetlr “eucre” with the parson, whether there shall he preach ing in camp, on the Sabbath, and by dexterously turningjatsk from the bot tom of the pack, postponeth the ser vice. (JJ.) And many other marvelous things doeth lie; and, lo! are they not already recorded in tlie morning re ports ,of“Jackson’s foot-cavalry ?” Camp of the “ Tamed-On r and L sed- 7j«,”Sept. 27, 1S<>2. She legislature and tho Factories. Up to our latest advices from Mil ledgeville the two branches of our Legislature could not agree upon the terms of the bill authorizing the Gov ernor to seize the Factories, etc., and j a committee of conference iiad been appointed to try t-o reconcile their dil- | ference. We fear that the effect uf this metis- L^ a A. G. MYERS, Quartermaster General. Georgia Legislature, SENATE. Nov. 26di, Tlie order was Mr. Mitchell’s bill to the act of 1823 in reference to <joveniins" x\ bill for the relief of the Cherokee Insurance and Banking Company was l passed. A resolution authorizing the Governor j to pay freight on salt tor soldiers’ families, i was adopted. A resolution requesting Congress to in- S()2. \ crease the pay of oliicers and privates was amend ; adopted. , plant?.- i Leave of absence was granted to the’ tions pioviiltug that parties employed as over- i Committee on the Academy for the Blind; seers .'“hull be those Hot subject to the Cou.sciiut i . r, it ii . _ j .i _ • . . j „ , IlTl |, v . \ < it * *\ also lo Gen. Hansel!, to attend tbe session Act. Uni n. llansell, Mr. rurlow, Mr. Harris and „ . 0 , ~ Mr. fctward opposed it. of the C onfederate Court. ure, should the Legislature be ; agree, will be mischievous an ful to the cause which it is 1 opf Mr. V as-.n offered an amendment, making tbe ■ct ol 1 '23 conform to tlie exemption law. and suitained it with an able argument. Mr. Seward otfereU a substitute, repealing tbe actsol 1770 and 1823. On motion tlie bill and amendments were laid on the table for the balance of the ses sion. A bill to provide against conflict with tbe new Code. Passed. J o ailow Inferior Courts to appoint Tax Receiv ers and Collectors in certain cases. Passed. i o authorise Ordinaries to settle with estates not exceeding § I,(Mill in value. Passed To incorporate tbe Home insurance Company, Savannah. Passed To increase ill*- number of Directors of the South western Railroad. Passed. To confer certaiu powers in tlie Mayor and Council of Augusta—refers to calling out citizeus lor guard duty. Passed. I o confirm the right of the Confederate States iu tho Arsenal lands near Augusta. Pass ed. A bill supplementary to the act obstructing tin rivers. Passed. , , I intended !e to To legalize an extra tax in Burke county. Pass- liurt- i e< L ’ A bill to authorise the obstruction of livers— provides that the Governor may. impress laborers to subserve; and we presume we need n necessary, the impressment lo begin where -i 1 . • • . , ! obstructions are being made, just compensation not assuie oui leaders tlldt It IS HO I to be paid, and appropriates <PoU0,UU0 for the pur- partiality for the factories that makes j pose. Passed, us express this appieheusion. ! Conle(1 „ rate l Stlltes . Lost . Suppose the factories seized by State authorities, for the purpose of manu facturing clothing lor the soldiers at Planters’ Bank of the reasonable prices. Who is to superin tend the work, regulate the labor, and determine tlie amounts of the vari ous incidental expenses—all of which are to be taken into the account in reckoning the economy ol the meas ure? The present superintendents, of A House resolution requesting the Superinten dent of the Western and Atlantic Railroad to pro vide cars of a certaiu kind for sick and wounded soldiers. Passed. Gen. llansell introduced a bill to incorporate the Roswell Railroad Company. A series of resolutions declaring the Conscript Act unconstitutional, impolitic, unwise. &c., was take nup, pending which the Senate aejoumed to 3 o'clock P. M. The House bill for the relief of Henry C. Durham, of Clark, was passed. A bill to change the lines betwen Har ris and Talbot was passed. A bill for the relief of Win. and Sophia McBride was passed. The bill to commute tbe sentence of Jas. If. Wilson—special order for Tuesday next. A bill to authorize certain advances was passed. A bill forthe relief of Andrew Smith and others was passed. A bill to appropriate $500,000 in aid of the salt supply was passed. -After reading House bills a first and second time, the Senate adjourned to 3 R. M. In the afternoon session nothing of inter est was done. HOUSE. Ngv. 27. to adjourn- Three o’clock, p The unfinished business, tbe resolutions on the The House met accordin ment. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Brooks. Leave of absence was granted to Messrs. Washington and Felton. Upon motion, Hon. B. II. Bigbam, of Troup, was appointed Chairman of the Fi- 1 nance Committee during Mr, Washington’s absence. The resolution to fix the hours of session at 9 P. M. and 3 P, M., and adjourn ment at 1 1-2 P. M. and 5 I’. M., was i : adopted. i Tlie bill to impose a tax on dogs was W 1 i 1 - 4-r, Conscript law, was made the special order for the , R ex f ' n ol ^ er ’ „ course for no one else is competent to Cl ^ p rox j ni0 Several amendments were offered to ex- this business without some practical terieiice to be acquired alter the proximo The following House resolutions were agreed to; cept certain counties from the operation of A resolution in reference to tbr transport;,!Um and q le Rct an[ | j 0 a ]J 0W eac h family two dogs manufacture of salt, authorizing tho Governor to , ° provide cars, pay ageuts employed, &c ; also, a instead ot one, as piONU.edin the bill, resolution urging the attention of capitalists to a’ Another was to exempt dogs under 12 rr. lire «m-l, nvnpri- supply of iron ; also, a resolution requiring Tax months old from taxation. Another was, gUK}, 110 time to .tequn es j Receivers to return all the blind, deaf and mute ; ( rovIdc that every dog that should he dice cull be ■allowed. It IS Clear, Uldl, persons ill the various counties. , . | j , i ,, , Y l .1 1-1 i ’ The .Senate then read House bills a second killed should be skinned, and the bide llfue - sent toj. H. Lee & Co. of Cartersvillc, to tlie manufacture of cotton exj seizure; and as the seizure is to be a temporary one to provide for an emer- that the State authorities will to rely 01J the Willingness of the present ; The House amendment to-the bank relief bill Le used in superintendents to manufacture cloths was taken up. Mr. Gordon spoke in behind of the cards I ... . . , amendment. Mr. Seward moved to strikeout the j . T at fcUCil *1 COSt as Will demonstrate clause allowing banks one-fourth of one cent, on ^ that they have* been exacting extor- , deposits. Mr. Gordon opposed the motion. It ; amendm j , ° i,-_„ was lost. Tho amendment of tho House was each Iter tionatennd unreasonable prices here- , tben collcurred iu . ; i.r. ... T\ T H 1 a.1. - ... ,.l. .. ... ..L <xx-UiK . *i* CCMHCd. 31011(111 V, I HHuicio — - .i • May holds three weeks, if necessary, at each 'Tlud-c not required to draw Jurors‘fortwo weeks;"and not obiUred to hold two weeks Court I,i eoantiesuf Cobb and Lumeknv Still H"n’,,table >!,.■ ^^^.TnUUK'lids comity, (■«•, f>'i an - i on . r nn d Thomas P. hel.mciug to the i states of E“»arn e Epps, late ofsaid^ouuty. £*fJ$* M p I0 N t A.lnfr. Nov.lth, 1862. ' 25 ~ 1 ' HOUSE. tofore. Will they make such an exhib- ; t-enateadjourn, it'/ Will they, for it few weeks, having | iu their own hands the control of the I „ ; . . ., i ix* • Judge Cahiness, from the Miliitary Uumunltee f i labor aua exponses Ol too iaccoilts, SO reporttd a bill supplementary to tho act to pr«- j regulate ami economize as to produce vent distillation or ^rain. It exempts all parties i for the (State fabrics trt one-third or ! having contiaci.. wiu. the P re ''i- i . . . ous to the passage of the act troui its opvrmiou so I one-hall tlie prices which they have fir as relates to persons within twenty mites of Wll lit i r their j. t. & w. w. TURNER, attorneys at law, Eaionton, tia. Pr *»b«r,lS, ian. 81 ly. O 1XTY daysirom dab’ appliration wufi he made O to the honorable the Court of Twiggs county, Oa.. for an oi er ,c Jjei7roP , a8 Nov. 4th, 1862. (L8) been heretofore demanding,* ami : again desire to demand ;ts only and reasonable compensation fot j labor and expenses? The measure is also liable to the objection that ii would suddenly cut short the supply of cotton cloth man ufactured for consumption by the peo- amendmeuts. One of them was to allow son two dogs instead of one.. Ac- cej) A motion was made to pospone indefi nitely, upon which the yeas and nays were called, and resulted as follows: nays 71, yeas 53. The bill for (lie relief of the banks was returned front the Senate with an amend ment, striking out the commission of one per ct , and inceiting one-eiglitli, which was concurred in. 'Rite hill for the relief of the banks in OIXTY days after date npplieatifn "'Jl h e f !^tlie Court of Ordinary of Jaeper ^ of Raines to sell tlie Negroes belonging to the es ■ M. McDowell, 1 ut6 jqglc^S'oWELL, Adntir. Nor. 3d, 186S. (« ■ ■) railroads and navigable streams, t he bill, utter considerable discussion, passed; ayes 87, i;H}s 30. On motion, it was ordered that 290 copies of . . „ . , rhe bill to provide for tho suppoit ot soldiers’ lam* ; relation to tlie signing ot tneir change ilies bo printed, and that it be male the special bills was taken tip and passed, otderfor I next. ’Flic Senate bill to explain the Act ap- Thebill to appropriate $1,500,000 for clothing • ,■ Georgia troops was amended so as to provide that *Pj°P 1,atln g money loi . js C '' c . whenever pfacticahle the Georgia Relief and Hos- rivers was taken up amt lead the lirst _ pital Association shall be used to eliect tbe objects time. nle out of the army, A and would thus: ot the bill; and io.provide for the appointment The bill to authorize the Ordinary add greatly to the dirticuties of their j visions^tAhTappreciation 0 As^m^ed'the'bili of Scriven county to grant letters of procuring clothing at this inclement I pa^ed. , , t administration in certain cases, pass- r rt i i.L n mm i , The bill for the relief of tbe banks flffainst the ed. Season ot t } 1 • T lie supply tS now j penalties of suspeusion was amended so as to . 11 I peoaiues or suspeusiou D o «s to The bill to allow the purchase of certain SO scant that even one week’s suspen- provide that they shall receive on deposit and i . , States Govern Rion would seriously advance nrfees Payout at par Confederate and state Treasury lots fl? “ ie Confederate Mates Crovem 810l i U 1A n f J va L nce ! notes, the bills of solvent Georgia banks, receiv- ment in the cities of Macon and Savannah and should tne LOlllederate and otate | ing therefor one-fourth of one per cent, as com- —passed- BILLS ON PASSAGE. A Bill to prevent the issuing of retail li censes was taken up and laid on the table for the present. 'The rules were suspended to read for the first time a bill to incorporate the Cobb county salt company. The House adjourned to 9 o’clock A. M. tomorrow. SENATE. Nov. 28, 1862. The Senate met according to adjourn ment. In the Senate to-day Gen. Hansel! moved to reconsider a lost bill to punish fornication and adultery, which was the subject of amusing discussion on yester- terday. Agreed to. The hill was then taken up, and on considering it, it was de termined that existing laws on this subject made ample provision for such offenses. It was laid on the table for the balance of the session. A message was received from the Gov ernor returning the bill to incorporate the Empire State Coal and Iron Company with an objection which was on the ground of its unconstitutionality and the want o! the personal liability clause. A bill to incorporate the Roswell Rail Road Company. Passed. A hill to authorize the Inferior Court when sitting for ordinary purposes, to de clare intestacy in certain cases, passed. The supplameutary bill on distillation was lost. The House bill to provide for clothing soldiers was amended so as to strikeout the clause making the -Si, -500,000 of Treas ury notes authorized by tho bill fundable in bonds. Also, so as to leave the Governor to em ploy in his discretion the agency of the Georgia relief and Hospital Association. The hill as amended was passed. The Senate then listened to reading of House bills first and second time. A motion was made to adjourn over to Tuesday morning next. Upon a division the vote was ays 12, nays 12. The Pres ident stated that inasmuch as the Senate had disposed of all the business before it he would vote aye. The motion prevailed and the Senate adjourned to Tuesday next. HOUSE. November 2S. The House met according to adjourn ment. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hawkins. Leave of absence was granted to Messrs Mitchell of Pulaski, Barnes, Neall, Hines, Underwood, White, Howell, Walton and Gross. Air Bigliam moved to reconsider the ac tion of the House on yesterday, laying upon the table the hill to fix the places of holding the Supreme Court. Carried. The resolution of Air Whittle in rela tion to the salt supply was adopted. The hill to allow Clerks who are justices of the Peace to render judgment in cer tain cases passed. The resolution authorizing the appoint ment of a State Geologist was passed. A resolution requiring all tax payers to return all hogs upon their plantation. Adopted- The call of counties being next in order for New Matter. Air Mullins, a resolution in relation to the transportation of corn, requesting the Rail Roads to transport corn at half rates. Air Glenn, a hill to regulate the taking of testimony by interrogatories. Also a bill to make it penal to trespass upon the lauds of others. Air Hargrove, a resolution in relation to furnishing the counties with amnnition. Air Owens, a hill to refund money to parties who have been engaged in ob structing any streams or rivers in this Slate. Air Alulky, a resolution highly compli mentary to Hon Geo N Lester, member from Cobb, who is detained tram his scat on account of a painful wound received at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky, where lie lost his left arm—referred to a special committee of Alessrs. Mulky, Cabiness, and Cochrane of Glynn. Mr Render to regulate hu^Jecs in the county of Meniwether f Alf. Norwood, a resolution that the Gov ernor purchase a patent hand loom provi ded the the cost does not exceed 818,000. The rules were suspended and the House took up the bill for the relief of the Belgian Consul. Tlie bill was pass ed. The special order which was a bill to provide for the relief of indigent soldiers, and also for the relief of disabled soldiers was taken up. • Air. Burke of Carroll moved to strike 81,500.000 and insert 83,000,000. Mr Whittle advocated the amendment. Air Dumas opposed it. Mr Cabiness of Monroe favored the amendment- The amendment was lost. . Air. AY hittle offered an amendment that the 81,500 000 proposed to he raised, be raised first out of the profits of specula tors who realize more than 20 per cent. Tho tax to be one hall’ of the net profits. Pending the consideration of the hill the committee arose and the House ad journed. AFTERNOON SESSION. 3 o’clock, P. AI. After spending some time in discussing the bill to appropriate 81,500,000 forthe support of soldiers families it was referred to a special committee composed of Alessrs tfigham, Whittle, Cabiness, Dover, and Lee. Leave of absence was granted to Air Lavender of Spalding on account of sick ness. ’The hill to increase the fees of Or dinaries was laid on the table for the present. Leave of absence was granted to Air Jones. Air. Thomas of Whitfield moved to ad journ sine dte. Lost- House then adjourned to 9 o’clock, A. AI., to-morrow. HOUSE. Nov. 29th 1S62. The House met according to adjourn ment. Prayer by Rev. Air Brooks. Leave of absence was granted Alessrs. Stephens. Dubose, Hargrove, Rice, Du mas, Ezell, Lawson, Bacon, Whittle and Trammell. Capt. Burke moved to reconsider the action of the House on yesterday referring the hill to provide for indigent soldiers and their families. The Chair decided the motion cut of or der—the reference being made in commit tee of the Whole. AH. Whittle offered a resolution declar ing that the State authority had full pow er under the former resolution to impress free negroes as well as slaves. Adopted. Bills on their Passage. The hill for the relief of guardians, ad ministrators, and executors, passed. The hill to make Adaline Pappis, a slave for life. Tabled for the present. The bill to exempt soldiers from tax as well as their widows where the estate does not exceed 81,000. Sevi ral amendments were offered and .discussed, and upon the passage of the bill the yeas and nays were as follows— yeas 5S, nays 45. Air Bigliam, the chairman of tlie special committee to which was referred the bill under discussion yesterday to provide for the support of indigent soldiers and their widows and orphans, reported tho same back with amendments. The House went into the committee of the Whole upon tbe consideration thereof —Col Aloore of Thomas in the chair. The amount appropriated is 82,000,000 and provides for the ascertainment in each county of the number of those entitled to the provisions of the bill by the Inferior Uourts, and throws proper guards and re strictions around the disbursement of the fund. The committee rose and reported the bill to the House. The report was agreed to and the bill passed. A message was received from the Gov ernor furnishing information as to the mission of AH. Peter Jones to the Carters- ville Card Factory—recommends the pur chase by the State of a half interest in the same. The following hills were read a third time and passed. A hill to prevent soldiers from being double taxed. Also, to incorporate tbe Elijay Gold and Iron Mining Company. Also, for the relief of Amelia Anderson of Bartow. To legalize an extra tax in Echols county. To provide for the payment of distiller ies seized by the order of the Gover nor. To provide for the election of commis sioners for the town of Aladison. A message was received from the Gov ernor refusing his assent to a resolution in relation to iron—provides that all persons desiring a charter of incorporation for that purpose, make immediate application for the same, so that the Legislature may act on them before adjournment. The House then adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. • 3 o’clock P. M. The House met. A bill to prescribe the mode of granting charters of incorporation by the courts of the several counties. Passed. A bill to provide for the support of tlie Academy for the Blind- Passed. A hill to prevent the counterfeiting of Confederate and Stale Treasury notes, and to punish violation of the same. Pass ed. The bill provides for imprisonment in the penitentiary from 10 to 25 years. 'The House was occupied chiefly this evening in discussing the last bill men tioned, and upon a resolution to postpone the operation of the new Code until Jan uary 1st, 1863, which was Anally ta bled. The House then adjourned. A Bit of Secret History.—It has trans pired that the rebel General Albert Sydny Johnston, killed at the battle of Shiloh, concerted a nice plan to possess the secces- siouists of California at the beginning of the rebellion. He was in command at San Fransisco. At a given time, the se cessionists were to take tlie forts with his connivance, seize the 60,000 stand of arms shipped there by Floyd for that very purpose. San Francisco at their mercy, must have succumbed, and tire rebels would thus have a port iu which to fit out privateers, and would likewise have obtained control/rf the vast treasures of tho State. Tbe fact was either suspected or known, at Washington. Brigadier Gen eral E. V. Sumner was appointed to tbe command in California, and was privately put on board ship at sea, arriving at San Francis'co without previous intimation of bis coming. lie walked, iucognito, to the office of Johnston, informed him that he was his successor, showed him his papers, and demanded immediate possession.— The astouished rebel had no alternative but to comply. In half an hour after, all the guns of the forts were runout on the land side and heavily shotted. The same evening, the 60,000 stand ot arms at Benica were secured. I his brilliant bat qaiet coup d’ etat saved the El Dorado State.—Buffalo Commercial Advertiser,