Newspaper Page Text
of the Sixth Session of the
or THE
IS 62.
No 32
AN ACT to provide for the organization of Army
Corps. , .
The Congress of the Confederate States of der, manslaughter, arson, rape robhery ami larce
America do mact. That the sixth section of the ny, as defined by the common law, when commit-
Cor.federate States. Each member of the court,
‘ Judge Advocate and tlie cterl:, shall have the
power to administer oaths.
Sec. 2. Each court shall have power to adopt
rules for conducting business and for the tiial id
causes, and to entente the rules adopted, and to
punisii for contcir^Wfind rff regulate the taking ,
I of evidence, an 1 to sYcure the attendance ot wit- j
1 nesses, and to enfofee and execute its ordeis,
i sentences, and judgments, as in cases of courts
\ Sec. 4. The jurisdiction of each court shall ex-
I tend to oil officers now cognizable by courts mar- ;
i tial under the rules and articles of war and the j
i customs of war, and also to all offences delined as
] crimes by the jaw, of Hie Confederate States or
of the .'ii*««w»?^taTes!an(^WTWi beyond the terri-
. tory of the Confederate States, to all cases of mur-
2»ist of S.e§iinents, battalions, &o.
I roni Georgia in the Confederate service, Com
piled from the Rtrords rf the Adjutant and In-
Inspector General's Ojfcc, and other sources.
GEORGIA, Appling County.
TIT"HEREAS, Calvin Quin, Administrator of
it Garry Qnin, deceased, represents to th<
Court of Ordinary in his petition, duly Wed and
w entered on record iu this office, that he has fully
1 Col. Chas. II. Olirslead, 1st Volunteer Regi-1 administered Garry Quin’s estate.
ment. . ! These are therefore to cite all persons concerned
Confederate* E c g i - ; kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they
ment. The composi- have, why Faid administrator should not be <■ s-
tion of this Keg. not charged from his. administration, and receive let-
understood, it being 1 ters of dismission on the first Monday in^ M<"t"i,
1 Col. \V. J. Magill,
1 J. B. Yiib'ptgue,
Act to provide for iho public defence approved
March titb, I 862, be so amended «s to authorize
the President to organize Divisions of the Provis
ional Army of the Confederate States into army
Corps, and by and with the advice and consent of
ted by any private or officer in the army of the
Confedeiatc State, against any other private or
officer in tlie army, or against the property or per
son of any citizen or other person within the ar
my : Provided. Said courts shall not liavejuiis-
the Senate, to appoint officers to the command diction of offenders above the grade of Coionei.
thereof. I For offences cognizable by courts martial the court
Approved Oct. 5th, 1-62.
shall, on conviction, indict the penalty- prescribed
by the rules and articles of war, and in the man
;g; j ner and mode therein mentioned; and for offenses
AN ACT for the relief of John Hunter, Collector i n °< punishable by the rules and articles of war,
of customs and agent of tin* Marino hospital at | but punishable by the laws of the Confederate
the Port of Natchez Mississippi. j Slates, said court shall inflict the penalties pre-
The Congress of the/Confederate States of bribed by the laws of the^Toufederate States;
America do enact. That tJo Secretary of the Treat 1 - ! - in( I *‘.r offences against^riiicli penalties
1 Col. J. N. Ramsay,
2 Col. E. M. Butt
3 Col. E. Walker,
4 Coh Geo. P. Doles,
5 Col. W.'t. Black,
do enact, ~ . -
tiry is hereby authorized/to audit the account of j prescribed by the ru
John Hunter, Collector If Customs at the Port of ' e .i— •
Natch, z. Mississippi, fog money expended by bim
subsequent to the 30th at April. 1 ~<>I, on account
of the Marine Hospital at that place, and allow
so much thereof as may be shown to have been ex
pended to meet the usual and proper charges oi
said hospital.
Approved Oct. 8,1862.
No 37
AN ACT to authorize the es'ablishment of camps
of instrUbtioii and the appointment of officers
to command the fame.
The Congress of the Confederate States of
America do enact, That the Presidi i,t he and he
is hereby authorized to establish camps of instruc
tion for pet sons enrolled for military service, at
such places and in such numbers in the several
States as he may deem necessary, and to appoint
by and i:li the advice and consent of the Senate,
officers in the Pi visional Army with the rank
and pay of superintend and command
the same.
Approved Oct. 8, 1-62.
No :W
AN ACT to repeal the law authorizing commuta
tion for soldiers' clothing and to require cloth
ing to be furnished by the Secretary of Warin
The Congress of the Confederate States of
America dnenacf, That so much of the existii g
law as provides commutation tor clothing to the I the previous sections, subject to th
10 Dot
and articles of war, nor by
tbe laws of the ConfdGerate States, but for which
penalties are prescribed by the laws of a State,
said court shall indict the punishment prescribed
by the laws of the StJrern which the offence was
committed: Provide J, That in cases in which, by
the laws of the Confederate States, or of the State,
the punishment is by fine or by imprisonment, or j
by both, the court may, in its discretion, inliict
anv other punishment, less than death; and for the
offences defined as murder, manslaughter, arson,
rape, robbery, and larceny, by the common law, I
when committed beyond the teriitorial limits of !
the Confederate States, the punishment shall be
it; the discretion of the Court. That when an offi
cer under the grade of Brigadier General, or pri
vate shall be put under arrest for any offence cog- : by the court hen in provided for, notice cf I
his arrest and of the offence with which he shall ,
be charged shall be given to the Judge advocate!
by the yfficer ordering said arrest, and he shall be
entitled toss speedy a irialas the business before
said court will allow.
See. 5. SaidjHyjiiSJtlmttTfTTend the army, shall
appropriate quarters within the iints of the army,
shall always open for the transaction of business,
and the final decesions and sentences of said
con:ts in convictions shall bo subject to review,
mitigation and suspension, as now provided by
the mica ond articles .of war in cases of
Sec. 6. That during the recess of ti-. Senate
the President may appoint the members ot the
ourtsand the Judges Advocate provided for in
8 Col. L. M. Lamar,
'J Col. B, nj. Beck,
10 Cel. Allied Climating.
! 1 Col. Geo. T. Anderson.
12 Col, Z. T. Conner,
1-1 Col. Felix Price,
16 Col. Goode Bryan,
17 Col. 11. L. Benning,
In Col. W. T. Wofford,
PJ Col. \V. W. Boyd,
20 Col. J. B. Camming,
21 Col. John T. Mercer,
22 Col. Robt. Ii. Jones,
23 Col. Thos. Hutchison,
24 Col. Robt. McMillian,
25 Col. C. C Wilson,
26 Col. W II Atkinson,
' 23 Coh J G Cain.
; 20 Coh \V J Yoneg,
33 Col. ]) .1 Railv.
•31 Col. C A Eva'iw,
couits | '2 Coh C A L Lamar
33 Col. A Littlefield,
soldiers in the service of the Confederacy, be, and
the same is hereby repealed; and hereafter the
Secretary of War shall provide in kind to the sol
diers respectively, the uniform clothing prescribed
by the regulations of the army ot the Confederate
States, and should any balance of clothing be due
to any Mild:>-r at tlie etui of Jlie year, the money-
value of such balance si al
dier, according to tlie valu
ed and announced by order'
Approved Oct. 8, 1
No 30
e paid to such sol
f such clothing fix-
War depait-
of the Senate at its session next ensuing said ap
Approved Oct. 0, 1862.
No 44
AN ACT to provide shoes for the army.
The Congress of the Confederate Slates of
America ilo enact. jrfci t the PresiJcnUrbe, arid he
is hereby authorized, on ti^feriMSition of the
quartermaster Geneufil to detail from the Army-
persons skilled iu tiffin anu fact u re of shoes not to
j exceed two thousand in numbei; and it shall be
j the duty of the Quartermaster General to place
them, without delay, at suitable points in shops
AN ACT to encourage the manufacture of cloth- ; under prouer regulations prescribed by turn, and
employ them diligently in the manufacture ot
shoes for tlie army.
ing and shoes for the Army.
The Congress of the Confederate States of
America do enact, That the President is hereby
authorized to import duty free, cards or card doth,
or any machinery or materials necessary for in
creasing the manufacture of clothing for tlie ar
my or any articles necessary for supplying tlie de
ficiency of clothing or shoes, or materials tor shoes
for the Army.
Sec. 2 Be it further enacted, That any machi
nery or parts of machinery or materials imported
as aforesaid, may be worked on Government ac
count, or leased or sold tit the discretion of the
Sec- 3. Be it further enacted, That soldiers de
tailed under the provisions of this act shall be en
ded to receive pay for extra duty, and aiso thirty-
live cents per pair for shoes manufactured by
them severally, in addition to regular pay and ra
Approved Oct. 9, T852.
- Satire.
B Y order of th^Ordinary Court of Wilkinson
county, will be sold before the Court House
door in Irwinton on the first Tuesday in January
Sec. 3 Be it further enacted, That the President next, one hundred and sixty nine acres of Land,
may extend the privileges of this art to com pa-• in tho fourth district cf said county, adjoining
Iiies or individuals subject to such regulations as j lands of Isaac Stephens, D. A. Moore, M. J. Cars-
he may prescribe. well and others ; also the Tanyard near Irwinton,
Sec 4 That^IIB I talking 1 Inquired to be furnish- j containing one acre of land, with vats, buildings,
ed to the troops of the Provisional Army under : Ac ; said yard now in successful operation. Sold
any existing law, may be of such kind as to color
and qualiry as it may be practicable to obtain, any
Inur lit pt«Blr«py »»**t witl.fitAiiding-.
Approved Oct 8,1302.
No 40
AN ACT to refund to the State of Louisiana the
excess of the War Tax overpaid by her.
The Congress of the Confederate States of
America do enact, That the sura of seventy thou
sand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropria
ted out oi any money in the Treasury not other
wise appropriated, to he paid to the State of Lou
isiana, the same being the cstimatrd excess of the
war tax over paid by her, the said payment to bp
made to the Governor of the Slate oi Louisiana or
his authorized agent, subject to a final adjustment
whenever the assessments and returns ol the war
tax for said State shall he coaipicted'
Approved Oct 3.
as the property of W. O. Beall late of said county,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
J B BARRAT, ^Executors.
Irwinton, Nov. 21st, 1862. 27 tds
‘ATTILL be sold at the Court House in tlie town of
Y r Jasper, county of.Pickens, on the first Tuesday
in January next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of
land No. '-103,23d Disl.,2d Section of formerly Chero
kee now Pickens county, being part of the real estate
ot E. A. Harton, deceased. Tci ins of sale on the da v.
Bv order of the Comt 'of Ordinary of Putnam coun
ty, Nov. 17. 18G2. C. A. HARTON. Atlm’x,
(wire) 2ti tds by her agent, A.T. PUTNAM,
of North Carolina
id by lier into the
States on account
AN ACT to repay to 1
the excess over her quota
Treasury of the Confederal
of the war tax.
The Congress of the Considerate States of Amer
ica do euaet, That the suii of one hundred and
eleven thousand one hundred and seventy-four |
dollars and sixty-nine cents be paid to the State |
ot North Carolina out of any moneys in the Treas- j
ury not otherwise appropriated: tlie same being
the excess over her quota paid by her into the
Treasury of tho Confederate States on account of
the war tax.
Approved Oct S, 13G2.
No 42
AN ACT to amend ati act entitled “nn act to fur
ther provide for the public defmee. approved
16th Apni. 1-62, and the act to amend the same,
approved 8epC-2Iitu_h-62.
The Congress ofthe??offfrdei3te SUtes of Amer
ica do enact. That all persons subject to enroll
ment for military service maybe enrolled under
instructions from the ar Department and report
ed by the euiulling offie- r wherever found, wheth
er within the State or county ot them residence or
not; and when so enrolled, ei.n.I be subject to the
provisions of law as ludy as it enrolled within the
county and Mate of which they may be residents:
Provided. That this act shJl no: extend to any
member of a military organization under tiny
State law, while he remains in actual service
without the limits of his j^atc: jfv.d provided fur
(her, That the Presidenl/rff aft Prized to suspend
Bulloch Administrator's Bair.
j > Y virtue of an or order of the Court of Ordi-
) nary of Bulloch county, will bo sold before
the Court house door in Statesboro’, in said coun
ty, on the first Tuesday in February next, within
the legal hours of sale, the following pror°*‘z
Twelve hundred and thirty or find more or
less; bounded on the west by Big Lott's Crerk :
South, by William & John Deloatch ; east, by
John M. Martin , north, by A- Kickiighter, with
a good framed building on it with all necessary-
out buildings, ami otherwise well improved, it
being the late residence of Elias E. Martin, de
ceased. Also one negro boy, by the name of Al
len, about fifteen years ot age, belonging to tin-
estate of Elias E. Martin, and sold for a division
among the heirs. Terms on the day of sale.
Dec.2, 1362. [DB] 29 tds.
mixed command of
Georgia and Missis
sippi companies.
Volunteers. Disband
Volunteers. Foi mar
ly S' ernes’ Reg.
Yoiunttcis command
ed at Slmrpsburg by
Copt. Ii B. Nisbet.
Volunteers le-orgnn-
Volunteers formerly
John K. Jackson’s.
Volunteers formerly
A. II. Colquitt's late
ly Col. Newton’s.
Volunteers lately
Col. W. T. Wilson’s.
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army,
Volunteeis, formerly
A. V. Brumby’s.
Volunteers, formerly
Col. Millican's.
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army.
ized formerly C
Volunteers, lately
Levi B Smith’s.
Volunteers, formerly
T J Warthen’s.
Volunteers, formerly
Randolph Spalding’s
Volunteers reduc
to a battalion.
Volunteers reduc
to a Battalion.
i‘, Army.
Provisions! Artny.
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army.
Volunteers, former
K A Smith’s.
Army Vol’s. and Co
Army Vol’s. and Co
Army Vol’s. and Co
Army Voi’s. and Co
59 Col. Jack Brown, Army Vol’s. and Co:
Caralry Volunteers and Conscri]its.
1 J J Morrison,
2 \V J Lawton,
3 M J Crawford,
Caralry—Provisional Army.
1 Lieut. Col. Chas. Spaulding,
2 Maj. M Cumming,
3 JIsj. D L Clinch,
1 Col, TRR Cobb, Provisional Army.
2 Col. Wrn. Phillips, Volunteers.
1 Msj. G W Ross, Volunteers.
2 Lieut. Col. J B Stovall, Volunteers.
3 Lieut. Col. W II Stiles, Provisional Army.
4 Unknown,
5 Unknown,
6 Unknown,
7 Lieut. Col. J H Lamar, Vol’s., formerly C .
L Lamar's.
8, Lieut Col A Littlefield, A’ol’s, formerly 33
9 Unknown, Provisional Army.
10 Maj. J E Kvlander. Volunteers.
11 Not known,
12 Not know ",
r.l Not known,
14 Not known,
15 Not known,
16 Not known,
1 Capt. L P Girardy, Volunteers.
2 Capt. J H Tiller, Volunteers.
3 (’apt. G A Dure, Provisional Army.
4 Capt. II N Ells.
Note.—Many- of the above regiments and Bat
talions have been changed, and th-ir status can
only be ascertained from the Secretary of War.
VY e publish as tar as we k»<ovv, and trust that per
sons who are better informed, will furnish us, or
some other Press, facts which may /’liable us to
correct the list from time to time and thus perfect
it. Editors Confederate Union.
August 4th, 1362.
13 mOm.
GEORGIA, Jasper County.
XVTHEREAS, John Ilail. Administrator d>
YY bonis non, ou the estate of Joel McClendon
deceased, makes application to ms for otters o.
dismission from said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all pel-
sons interested in said estate t • bo and appear at
my office on the first Monday in April next, and
(iEOEGIA, 1 wiggs county.
VV i' I RLAS, William Kitchens makes applica-
f » tion to me for letters of administration on
the estate o; Jacob Jordan, late of said county, da-
'i lu-se are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas
ed to ha and appear at my office on or by- thesec-
(".i r Monday in January next, then and there to
show cause, if any, n hy said letters may not be
Given under my hand i fR-.-ia.lly at Marion, this
Dec. 1st, 1804. ’
r -t j LEWIS SOLOMON. Grd’y.
GEORGIA* Bulloch county.
To all tchoin it mpy concern.
Y"’ I1LRE4S Rebecca Gibson applies to me for
v f letters of Administration on the tstateef
John L. Gibson late of said county, deceased.
'1 hose are therefore to cite and admonish all
show cause, if any they have, why letters of dis persons interested, to be and appear at my office
mission shall not issue to tlie applicant iu terms ot t 1,11 ‘ il before the second Monday in January next,
the law. auu 8 **°’ v cause, if any they have, why letters
Given under my hand and official signature this should not issue to the applicant..
1st day of September, 1862. i Given under my hand and official signature this
16 mOm
GEORGIA, Appling county.
YlfHEREAS, Gideon .1. Holton, administrator
Yt of Nathaniel J. Holton represents to tie-
Court in his petition, duly tiled and entered on re
cord, that ho lias fully administered Nathaniel
J. ilolion’sjestate.
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned,
kindred arid credeitors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be dis
charged from, ids administration, and receive let
ters of dismission cn the first Monday in May
Witness my hand and official signature this
October 7th, 1862,
22 in6m. J. LIGHTSEY, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Twiggs County.
A\J HEREAS, Daniel G Hughes, administra-
Tf tor on the Estate of John l’opc, Into of
said county deceased, lias lully and faithfully ex
ecuted the trust in him reposed. »s appears of re
cord, and makes his application for letters of dls-
mis-uon from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish al!
and singular tlie kindred and others concerned, to
be end appear at my office on or by the first Mon
day in May next, then and tliere to siiow cause,
if any, why said letters may not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
Oct. 15th. It62. "
2d dav of December, 1802.
*29 5t. (dr) WILLIAM LEE, Ord'y.
GEORGIA, Bulloch county.
To all whom it tuny concern.
Y\r IIEREAS, the isiate of William Deal is un-
T 7 represented, and unless some fit and proper
person applies for the administration I shall ap-
point the Clerk of the Superior Court administra
tor on said estate..
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons interested, to be and appear at my office
on or before the second Monday in January next,
and show cause, if any they have, w hy letters
should not issue to the Cierk aforesaid.
Given under my hand and official signature this
2d day of December, 1862.
29 5t. db. WILLIAM LEE, Ordinaty.
34 Col. J A w ,r 0 li]
3.3 Col. E L Thoms
36 Col. J A Glenn.
37 Col. not known,
38 Col. Geo. W. Lee,
39 Col. J J McConnell,
!0 Col. Abda Johnson,
41 Col. C A McDaniel,
42 Col. li Henderson,
43 Col. Skidetnore Harris,
44 Not known,
45 Col. Thos. Hardeman,
46 Cel. P H Colquitt,
47 Col. G W M Williams,
48 Col. Wm Gibson,
49 Col. A J Lane,
50 Col. W Ii Manning.
51 Col. W M 8niugbt. r,
52 Col. V.'ier Boyd,
53 Col. L T Doyal.
54 Col. C II Way,
55 Col. C B Harkie,
57 Col. W Barkaloe,
58 Col. E P Watkins,
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army.
Provisional Army.
Adm in infra tor's Balf.
Y\riLL be said on the first Tuesday in FEB-
YV RUaRY next in the town of Abbeville,
Willcox county, at the usual hours of sale the fol
lowing property, to-wit;
Part of lot No. 22 in the first District of Wilcox
county, containing sixty acres, more or less,
known as the McCartney place. Also parts of lots
Nos. 20 in the first and 270 in the third Dist of
Wilcox county, containing 255 acres, more or less,
better known as the D. E. Hunter and Drury
Reaves places, lying on House Creek. All the
above lands arc improved. Sold as the property , of horse8 , , mll!c , i yoke of oxen and I c.-nt-
ecease . j imlse ] K ,ld and kitchen furniture—plantation
tools and all other articles too tedious to mention.
Administrator's Sale.
ViriLL be sold on the 23rd day of this month,
YY at the late residence of Alexander ITearston
of Wilkinson county, deceased, one and a half
miles from ihe 15th Station, Central Railroad,
north-east course, the following property, to wit:
Twelve hundred bushels of corn and the fodder—
the peas and potatoes—the pork hogs and stock
hogs—cows and. calves and stock cattle—3 head
of John Brown late of Wilcox county,
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. Terms Cash.
Dec. 2. 1862. 30 tds
Adm in ts/ra tor’s Bale.
Sale to continue tili all is sold. Terms cash, as
all the heirs are of age, and desire it.
B. O. BANNt)N, Adm’r.
December 6, 1862. 29td».
the execution ot this act as rerfrds the residents , irn.L be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRU-
ofru.y locality where he may/hi.d it .mpiac-Uca- \\ A ,, y , u . xt lhe town of | rvv invill., Irwin
ble to execute the act entitled*- an act to further
provide the public defence,” approved April
Ifith, 1862, and the act to amend the last mention
ed act. approved S< ptemher 27th, 1704.
Approved Oct 8th, 1842.
No 43
AN ACT to organize mititary courts to attend the
Army of the Conlcdeiate States in the field and
to define the powers of said couits.
The Congress of the Confederate States of
America do enact. That courts shall be organized
to be know n as military courts, one to attend
each army corps in the field,, under the direction
of the President. Each court shall consist of
three members, two of whom shall constitute a
quorum, and each member shall be entitled to the
rank and pay of a colonel of cavalry, and shall be
appointed by tlie President, by and with the ad
vice and consent of the Senate, and shall hold his
office during the war, unless tho court shall be
sooner abolished by Congress. For each court
there shall be one Judge Advocate, to be appoint
ed by the President, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, w ith tho rank and pay of a
captain of cavalry, whose duty shall be as pre
scribed by the rules anu articles^!’ war, except as j
enlarged'or modilieiTby tiia purposes and provis
ions of this act, and who shall aiso hold his office
during the war, unless the court shall be sooner
abolished by Congress; and in case of the absence
or disability of tho Judge Advocate, upon the ap
plication of the court, the commander of the army
corps to which such court is attached may appoint
or detail an officer to perform the duties of Judge
Advo;ate. during such absence or disability, or
Administrotor’s Bale.
] ~y Y virtue of mi order of the Court of Ordina-
y ry of Bulloch county, will be sold before the
Court House door in Statesboro, in said county,
on the tirs! Tuesday in FEBRUARY’ next, with
in the legal hours of sale, the following property,
Two thousand acres of land more or less, bound-
connty, the following lands Fo-wil : Lot of land
number 229 in Ihe fourth district of Irwin county,
containing four hundred and ninety acres, sold as
the property of John Jeruagao, deceased. Also
Lot number 232, in the fourth district of said coun
ty containing four hundred and ninety acres, sold
as the property of Joseph Jernagan. deceased.— ! ed . uig L „ tls Creek on the West, also, by lands
Also lot number 180. in the 5th district of said 1 0 f Absolom Parish, Sen.. William Bland, Thomas
[iters, and Washington
i T.r.u C , 0 , ...... - hundred acres under
eased. Terms on day of sa e. I cultivation, w ith comfortable buildings; belong-
, . _ GEORGE PALLK, Adm r. inR to t j ie esta t e of William Little, late of said
Irwinville. I ecember o 1362 ' . 8 j county, deceased. Sold for a division among the
| heirs. Terms on the dav of sale.
Dec. 2d, 1862. (DR) 29 tds.
Also lot nuinuer icu. nr rue .mu mu o. . 0 f A b so l om Parish, Sen.. W
county, containing four hundred and forty acres. ! A | dennfmi Mitchell Wat-
sold as the property of William L. Wilson, de- j Waters with about two
Admimstrator’s Bu/r.
B Y virture of an order of the Court of Ordin
ary of Irwin county, will be sold before the
Court House door in the town of Irwinville on
the first Tuesday in JANUARY’ next, within the
usual hours of sale the following properly, to-wit: JL)lrwin County, will be sold before the Court
Lot of Land No. two hundred and eleven in the , House door v.-itliin the usual hours ot sale in the
sixth District of Invin county. Soid as tlie pro- town of Isabella Worth county Georgia on the 1st.
perty of Jesse Luke, late of said county, deceased, Tuesday iu Feb- next tlie following propeity to
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms | wit: Une Lot of Land No Two hundred and
Administrator's Bale.
J~) Y virtue of ou order of tlie Court of Ordinary of
made known ou the day of sale.
Dec 1,1862. 30 tds.
Administrator s Sole.
I N pursuance with an order from the Honorable
Ordinary of Irwin county, will be sold at the
Court House in the town of Isabella, Worth
county, within the usual hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, tho follow ing
property to-wit :
fifty one in the Sixth District of Originally Irwin
Now Woith county.
Sold as the property of Jesse Luke for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors Terms made known
on the day of sale.
Dec 1st 1862 30 tds
LAWS OF 1801.
_ _ r ^ WE have a few copies of the EAW S passed at last
„ - One lot of land, containing Two Hundred two j Session, are now bouudin Paper Covers, and ready for
until the vacancy, ii any, shall be lined by the j a jj a |f acres more or less, known as lot mini- j Sale, at £1 a copy, at office, and £1 00 when sent by
President. i b* r seventy-one, in the sixteenth district of ; 2I"' 1 . Send your order at once.
Sec. 2. Each court sha.i have the right to ap- | Worth connty. Also four acres in the North East i March -j t 1862,
point a Provost Marshal, to attend its sittings and j eorner () f j 0 t number fifty-eight, and one acre in i 1 T 7
execute the orders of the crurt. wit. i the rank and ,| (0 g 011t i,. eas t corner of lot number fifty-nine, ml GEORGIA, Jasper county,
pay ol a captain of cavalry; and also a clerk who ^ aid district and county, sold as the property of! YITHEREAS, Morris Noles makes application
shall have a salary ol one hundred and twenty- H. j). Sinclair, late of Irwin county, deceased, for *Y to me for li tters ot administration on the
five dollars per month, who shall keep the recoids t j ie | ieue |j t 0 j J| le j, e j rg an j creditors. estate of Wm. D. Noles, lare of said county de-
of the proceedings of the court, and shall reduce JOHN D. SINCLAIR. Adm’r.
to writing the substance of the evidence in each I December 1st 1862 30 tds
case and file the same in court. The provost —
marshal and the clerk shall hold their offices du- To/>Ak' ) ct P/vr/bol
ring the pleasure uf the court. Each member and I U dtUl) O vOluldJ,
officer ot the court shall take an oath well and
k , r "v.V- I ft fli-Ju the ! This valuable'medicine can be obtained al the Drug
^ truly to discharge the duties of his office to the , tor( . ofnEBT y & (1 ALL, alsoforsale by GRIEVE
B he»< of hi* skill and ability, without fear, favor or & CLARK, MilWgeville. No family ibould be
^ reward, and tu support the Constitution of the without it. S*onodes* *e.
These are thereforefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my office
on the second Monday in January next, and show
cause, if aDy they have, why letters shall not is
sue to the applicant in terms of the law.
Given under my hand officially this 26th Not. (
29 5t] M. n. HUTCHISON, Ord v.
GEORGIA, Appling county,
j X\J HEREAS, Jacob Moody, Administrator on
!| YY the estate of Moses Martin, represents ti
| the Court of Ordinary, in his petition duly filed
1 ! and entered on record iu this office, that he has
j fully administered said estate.
! Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and
j singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas-
j — ] to show cause, if any they have, why said ad-
j ministrator snouia W discharged from his nil
1 ministration and receive letters ot dismission on
j the first Monday in July next
| December 2d, 1862. 23 mtim
j GEORGIA, Wilcox county.
A PPLICATION will be made to the Court of
: -CX Ordinary of said county on the second Mon-
j day in January npxt, for leave to sell the hind be-
i longing to the estate of James D. Gibbs, deceased.
ALLEN GIBBS, Sen., Adm'r. j
I Ncv. 3d, 1662. 26 9t.
rn\YO MONTHS Utter date application will he
i JL made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of ;
i Bulloch county, for leave to sell all the lands be-
rousing to the estate of Daniel A. Crumpton, this
12th November, 1862.
Nov 18, 1862. [d b] 26 2m
OIXTY-dnys afterdate application will be made t"
IT the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county for leave j
to sell the lands and negroes belonging to tJie estate '
of Hartwell W. If. Freeman, late of said county de-j
A. J. FREEMAN, Adm’r. |
Nov.3,1862. (a h h) 25 fit. j
DIXTY days after date application will be made
O to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county for
leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estates
of John and Joseph Jernigan, deceased, for the
benefit of tho heirs and creditors.
GEO. PAULK, Adm’r.
Nov. 3d, 1862. (t. y c) 26 91.
QIXTY days afler date application will be made
IO the Court ol Ordinary of Invin county, for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of
William L. Willson deceased.
GEO. PAULK, Adm’r.
Nov. 3d, 1862. (LMC) 26 9t.
OIXTY days afterdate application will be made j
to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county for
leavo to sell all tbe lands belonging to the estates !
of William Hobby, and Henry S. Townsend, de-j
ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
E. W. CLEMENTS, Adm’r.
Nov. 3d, 1862. (LMC] 26 fit.
rnwo MONTHS after date application will be |
X made to the honorable Court of Ordinaiy of j
Bulloch county for leave to sell the interest in tlie j
Mill or* Mill fJ J , v -iiuU try LTiC fSlillF CT ifftTll f
C. Lee, late of said county deceased.
Nov. 18,1862. ft) li] 26 2m j
C1IXTY days after date application will be made |
IO to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county |
for leave to sell the land and negroes btlrnging to t
the estate of James Edwards, late of said county
Occt. 16th, 1862. (M n it) 239t.
QLXTV days after date application will be made j
Oto the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county for!
leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of
i of Jesse J. Luke, late of Irwin county, de-
i ceased.
Oct. 17th. 1862. 23 9t.
A LL persons indebted to lhe estate of Unit j
well L. Solomon, late of Twiggs county, de- }
ceased, will please make immediate payment, all
persons having demands .against said estate w ill
please hand them in proven in terms of the law-
tor settlement.
Nov. 4, 1862. (I. s) 25 6t.
A LL persons having dr mauds against the es-
j-\. tatc of Henry J. Girtman, late of Pulaski
couzty, deceased, are requested to present them
in terms of the law, and all persons indebted to
said estate are notified to make immediate pay
ment. JOHN W. CARUTHEKS, Adm’r.
Dec. 5th. 1862. 39 6t.*
A LL persons having demands against the es-
11 tate of Elijah Sapp late of Appling county, " t
deceased are requested to present them duly eer-
tiffed, and those indebted to said estate arc re- ,
quested to make immediate payment to me.
W. J. MANN, Adm’r.
Dec. 3d, 1862. 29 Ot. ,
^IXTY days after date application w iy he made
O to the Ordinary of Wilkinson county, for
leave to sell a portion of the real estate belonging
to William Garrett, late of said county dee'd. j
E. CUMMING, Adm’r.
Nov. 20th, 1862. 27 fit. (
rriWO months afrer date application will be
JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin p
county for leave to sell a negro woman belonging H
to the estate of Tens. 11 Morrij, late of said conn- v
ty, deceased.
Dec. 6th, 1862. 29 9t. p
fl^WO months after date application will be
J- made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin
county, for leave to sell a Louse and lot located
in Jlilledgeville. known as the property Solomon
Gay, late of said county, deceased.
WILLIAM iff. STEVENS, Adm’r. 1
Dec. 9, 1862. 29 9t. "
QIXTY days after date application will be made s
IO to the Court of ordinary of Echols county for 1
leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of J
Wiley Carter, lateof said county, deceased. 1
Nov. 29tb, 1862. 29 Ot. 1
Isotirc to Debtors and Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of William
.flu H. Speer, late of Jasper county deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment, and j
all those having demands against said estate are d
requested to present them in terms of the law. n
TIIOS. J. SPEERS, Adm’r. t;
Dec. 1st, 1862 (MHH) 29 6t. o
FTYWO months after date application will be
X made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin
County, for leavo to sell a House and Lot, belong- e
ing to the estate of James M. Denton, late of VJ
said county, deceased. T
B. F. DENTON, Adm’r. ai
Oct. 28, I860. 23 9t. n
GEORGIA, Baker county.
YirHEREAS, Frederick A. Lewis applies for
t Y letters of Guardianship for the person and
property of Mary Louisa Lewis, a minor heir ot
said Frederick A Lewis.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred of said minor to file their
objections, if any they have, in my office, iu terms
ot tbe law .Why said letiers should not be granted,
otherwise letters of guardianship will be granted
to the Applicant in terms of the law.
Goven under my hand and official signature,
ibis, Nov. 26th, 1862.
27 5t] THOS ALLEN. Dep. Ord'y.
GEORGIA. Appling county.
To alt whom il may concern.
\ ^ yilEREAS. Jacob Roberson and Nancy Tly-
y V ers having in proper form applied to me for
permanent letters of administration on the estate
of Abraham flyers late of said county, deceased,
This is to cite all and singular tlie kindred and
creditors of said deceased to bo and appear at my
office within the time allowed by law, and show
cause, if any they can, why permanent admiuis-
tration should not be granted to said applicants.
Witness my hand and official signature, this
Nov. 10th. 1862. (27 fit.) J. LIGHTSEY, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Pierce county.
To all whom it may concern.
YT1IEREAS, Mrs. Isabella Tuton, having in
f H proper form applied to me for permanent let
ters ot administration cn the estate of Abram M.
Tuton, late of said county.
Til's is to cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of Abram M. Tuton, to be and appear
at n y office wiiliin ihe time allowed b law , and
show cause, il any they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be granted to Isabella Tu
ton on Abram M. Tuton’s estate.
Witness rny official signature this December
1st, 1862.
Paid $2 75. 29 5t.
On Slate of the Rcjmblic.—Messrs.
Cochran of Glyun, Black, Washington,
Cabaniss, Love, Hook, Smith of Brooks,
Adm i nisi rotor's Bair
A GREEABLE to an order of the Court of Or
Oiuary or Jones county, will be sold 0I1 r h „
first Tuesday in JANUARY next within th °
hours of sale, ffi-foie the Court House duor
county, about seventy-five negroes, L
I ’ e -Jt w ithin the legal
etorgirg t„
Barbour, Burney, Carswell, Mallaid, Lee, the estate of JolmTowles, D> ceased, coari,Vw
Barnes, Kecsc, Carlton, Tatum, Sheafs,
Adams and Hargrove
On /he Judiciary.—Messrs. Lester,
Cabaniss, Cochran of Glynn, Love, Big-
barn, Ilook, Hester, Whittle, Norwood.
Raiford, Trammell, Tatum, Candler,
Hargrove, Barnes, Culberson, Dubose and
.. 0 ,, , . house servants
cc Sold for the purpose of making n division
among the hens. Trims made known cn th
A sale. M. M. MILLS, Adm'r
Oct. 20th. 1862. ’ m '•
23 tds.
On Agriculture and Internal Improve- first Tuesday in January
merits.—Messrs. Bigham, Royal, Lawson, : ™»ira of sale, before the
r i hrnsber* JlcGaniy, Slients, J onilm- a j, ou ^ ]*> years old, belo
i, Bacon, Render, Lane, Mylcy, Bar- . Dorithy Oliver, deceasi d.
ir, Jones of Lee, Findley, Monk, Slap- ; of a division amorg the i <irs.^ -Terms cnrt-edi
r, Clements,Bryan, Walton ot Stewart, v ‘pi'.e. ^ L. B KEATON, Adm’r.
iiley, Irwin. Ezell, Cantrell, llines and — °' -’ — ~’i, t,j s *
B Y virtue of an order of
of Bu
1 dm in is/rotor's Bale.
order of the Court cf 0:dinary
c. tin tv, will be sold before t },„
town of Statesboro,'on
Court House door in t!
the first Tuesday in January next, within thole
gal hours of sale, the following property to w i
One tract, or lot of land contaiinng nine’hundred
acre;,, more or less, lying in snid county, it
tho. late residence of William Aron, deceased ex
pt the widow's-dower; ;uid bounded by hinds"
" 7 '"‘ Jcp.
Adin inistra tor's Sale.
A CREEABLE to an order of the Court of Or
I\ dinary ot Mitchell county, will be fo hl on ff "
"y n /; xf ' within the | eBs j
the Court House door at
lEloTin-'u? t b0y ' James -
son, Bacon, Render, Lane, Wyley, Bar- Dorithy Oliver, deceasi d. 8old for the^mn.. 0 *
j "T T 1 D!^ ll ... \l /,nle ftlnn. : cii' a minro tl*.» 1 < iro
Sc bley
On Public Education.—Messrs. Mallard
Smith of Brooks, DuBose, Schley, Green,
Atkinson of Troup, Reese of Lumpkin,
Cochran of Wilkinson. Eason, Tomlinson,
Mullins, Peterson, Owens of McIntosh,
Roberts, Dover, Jackson of Clarke, and
Bigham. . _,
On Finance.— Messrs. Washington, j of Daniel Beasley, estate of William H„
Adams, Moore of Thomas, Norwood, iGenera! G. YV. Lee—the Ev^
Williams, Mitchell of Taylor, Schley,
Beall of Randolph, Whitehead and Du
On Banks.—Messrs. Adams, Love,
Washington, Norwood, Barnes Hester,
Pilts, Whittle, Atkinson, Black, Lee,
Thomas, Hook, Walton of Wilkes, Swear
ingen, Moore of NVIiite, Pitman, Grosq
Stephens of Oglethorpe, Brawner, Smith
of Towns, Bloodworth, and Trammell.
On Enroll ment.-— Messrs.
Moore, Kirby, Hawkins, Culberson, Beali
of Randolph, Matthews, Dumas, Powell,
Johnson, Hudson Cameron, Fain, Patter
son, Kelley DuBose, and Smith of Brooks. :
On Penitentiary.-—Messrs. Zacbry, Cars
well, Briscoe, Barker, Guldens, Thrasher,
Gresham, Brown of Coweta, Cantrell,
Harper, Beall of Paulding; Monk, Laven
der, Smith of Oglethorpe, Bloodworth,
‘ran of Glynn, Barnes Lester Blood- j »j^ ^
i, Bigham, Jernigan, I elton, Render, about thirty five years. Mold for» division
the heirs. Terms on the day of sale.
November, 1862.
ision among
This 12th
r» n]
________ 26 tds
-Idministrator’s Sa , e.
O N the first Tuesday in JANUARY next by
order of the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell
county, will br-sold before the Court House door
in Camilla, the laud and negroes belonging to tlie
. state of Alexander Godwin deceased, consisting
Trammell, iois of Jand and twelve negroes. "
MM. R. GODWIN, Adm’r
Nov. ,fith, ; 1862. 27 tds*
Ad m in ist rotor's Sale.
\ GREEABLE to an an order from the Court
Y of Ordinary of Wilcox county will be
ltf next, within the legal hours of sale, be-
lorethe Court House in sard county, 91) acres
more or less ot lot No. 83 in the 1st District of
originally' Irwin, now Wilcox county. Sold for
Slappey, Pitts, Beall of Randolph, Week- I ^“tb a “ d C n di p r f. at ^ Sold
, l V- i ii! e u 1 r , s U,B property ol James D, deceased,
ley, Underwood, Jackson of Heard, Key Terms made known on the day of sale.
and Scott. j ALLEN GIBB8, Seii,, Adm'r.
On Public Printing.—Messrs. Hester, 1 Nov. ..j, 13t)2. 26 tds.
Fleming, Finley, Smith of Hall, Butts, 77 7~~ ~ ; 77~
Hines, ,p -‘ ' r>t„t.„ - Administrator s Sale.
Dill, J.x»„cu, ooiics auu iuniMiis. .r^uuit liouse floor in Alm,ri/.alb 9a ; d CO onty
I H11L> f O 111 11 11 OI I 1 fill, J *111*8, a J ■ ,
j. rii * v T7 * I? i ri ] ^ Administrator v Sale.
lines, latum, l>eatv, Jieasly, Make, T ^ v . , .
»t it i» r /1 t v i \ * i ■ Re l virtue ol an order from lhe Court of OrJina-
fveeklp.y. brown of t ay, Cook, Dickison, „:n i , y .
,■ 11 Tj‘ , •f’ , . . ■*, y ,V - Ja 'P el county, will be sold before the
111], lloweJI, Jones and Hawk ns. Court House door in Monticello
GEORGIA, f’ierce connty.
To all whom it muy concern.
'YITHEREAS, Mrs. Anuio M. Wilson, having in
Y » proper form applied to me for permanent let
ters of administration on the estate of John T.
Wilson, late ot said county.
This is to cite ail and singular the creditors and
next of kin of John T. Wilson, to be and appear
at rny office within the time allowed by law, and
show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be granted to Annie M.
Wilson on John T. Wilson’s estate.
Witness my official signature this December 1st.
Paid $2 75. 29 fit.
On Journals.— Messrs. Tatum, Favor,
Gay, Gibbs. Ellington, Ezell Duke, Stew
art, Mitchell of Pulaski, Mizell McAfee,
Strickland, Surreney and Haygood.
On Lunitic Asylum.—Briscoe, Cochran
of Wilkinson, Reese, Itoberson of Mus
cogee, Smith of Brooks, Martin, Clements,
Stewart, Mnlkey. McAfee, Hargett, Ir
win, Jackson of Clarke, Snell, Lemon
Walton of Wilkes, Scott, Reynolds, Jerni
gan. Lazenby, Sheafs, Jackson of Heard,
Horne, Mallard and Bleckley.
On the Deaf and- Dumb Asylum.—Messrs. ; tho lec-it hour* m
Xf n IL r 1 ' . iuo legal i.onrs or sale tuo negroes—Tom, a man
Moore, Culberson, Johnson ot Echols, j about 2o years of age, and Ellen a woman about
Dever, White, Green* Thrasher, Neal, ! * >o . 0r : *J* yews of age; belonging' to the estate of
j th f tirst Tuesday in January next, within the
.''gal hours of sale, the following property, three
negroes to w it.- Matilda, a woman about forty-
soven (47); Hester-Ann, a girl about eleven (11):
and Augustus, a boy about fourteen (14) years of
age._ fe<dd for division among the heirs ot Thomas
J- | atighti. deceased.
I t'i ms ou ihe day of sale.
26 tds
Horn, Key, Lowe, McCord, Mnlkey,
Nesbit, Rice, Dumas, Speight, Tye,
Smith of Brooks, Hines, and Howell of
On the Asylum for the Blind.—Messrs.
Whittle, Smith of Brooks, Spain, Smith of
Hall, Harper, Gay, Henderson of Worth,
Heard, Lott, "Williams, Powell, Rusliin,
Loit Copeland, late of said countv, deceased
8o,d tor the benefit of the said estate. Terms
made known ou the dav of sale.
iNov. 1st, 1662, [t ii cj 25 tds.
Vanbrackel, Bird, Griffin, Lindsay, Mitch- T AM offering for sale my Plantation, lying in
ell of Taylor, Overstreet, Kirbv, Gresham ; Kaker county, Newton, containing 1250
and SentV * i acres—7o0 acres will be ready for cultivation
next year-all good fresh land,' and in a good
state of cultivation. The place is well improved,
and one of the cheapest and bestjfjptton Planta
tions in South-western Georgia. Any person
wishing to purchase, would do well to call and see
, T , T . for themselves at an early day. I will sell with
Howell, Henderson of I’terce, Key of j the place, com, fodder, stock and negroes, if de-
and Scott.
On Manufactures.—Messrs. Schley,
| Pitts, Jackson of Clarke, Green, Robinson
of Muscogee, Carlton, Mathews, McAfee,
White, Briscoe, Henderson of Worth,
27 ft.
CA U i»S.
GEORGIA. Baker county.
TITHEREAS, Pricilla Jordan applies to me for
property oTthfiffinm^eSof Na'thau Jordan* dt- P, 00 l v - Mo6S ’ Cantrell, Atkins, Dumas of j ^ed. Mr, John Hall on the premises,' wfil give
cc .. sed - | Chattanooga, Hargrove and Aired. ; any information requisite. ,, ,,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all! On Consolidation of Bills.—DuBose, Nov. £6. 1862
and singular the kindred of said minors to file j Beall of Paulding, Candler, Bacon. Kirby, "
their objections, if any they have, iu my office in | Thomas, Briscoe, Owens, Love and Whit-
terms of the Law, why said letters should not be j .
granted, otherwise letters of guardianship will be ! * .
granted said applicant iu terms of the law. j On Petitions.—Messrs. Lawson, Nesbit,
Given under ury hand and official signature, j Neal, Hightower, Underwood, Spain,
Zaobry. Haygood, Felton, Raiford and
On Military „4jfa/Vj.-~Messrs. Cabaniss,
Barnes, Royal, Adttms, Burke, Gibson,
Cochran of Glynn, Matthews, Love, Hook,
Lawson, Black, Owens, Render, YYyley,
Bacon, Jones of Harris, Whitehead, Hes
ter, Washington, I.ester, Culberson, Ifar-
THOS. ALLEN, Dep. Ord’y.
-n at.]
GEORGIA, Twiggs county,
i\7 HEREAS, Hubbard Reynolds, guardian of
I I tbe person and property of Moses and Joan-
fur letters of dismission from bis said trust, he
liavingfully settled with them which their receipts
and vouchers by him filed will show.
heso are therefore to cite and admonish all per-
; in.’i ! sted, to he and appear at my office on
the first Monday in March next, to show cause
•y they have, why letters shall not be granted
ipplkauts in terms of the law.
ven under my hand and official signature at
30 9t
GEORGIA, Pierce county.
To all whom it may concern.
‘I^TTIEREAS, Josiah Peoples, having in proper
Y V form appli'd to me for permanet letters of ad-
i i nisi ration on lhe estate of Lazarus Tuton, late
f said county.
This is therefore to cite and admonish all con-
hy said letters may not bo granted.
Given under my hand officially, this 10th De-
Mnber, pti’i.
30 fit LUTHER H. GREENLEAF, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Irwin County.
To (ill whom it may concern.
VirnEREAS, John Ross and Nancy Smith np-
YY plies to me for letters of administration on
lie estate of Richard II. Smith.
'These aie therefore to cite and admonish all por
ous interested in said estate, to appear at my
iffice ou the first Monday in March next, to
how cause, if any they have why letters shall
ut be granted tlie applicants in terms of the
Given "nndei my hand and official signature
fis December 1st, 1862.
30 fit L. M. COLBERTH, Ord’y.
Practice ip the Superior Courts ot the South-west-
* rn Circuit—in reirell and Early Counties’in th©
w Fataula Circuit—in Wofth and Macon Counties
grove, Hargett, Tatum, Eliugton, Schlev j in tlleilacon Circuit—and* by special contract, in
and Bryant. ' ! ; '^ ( Kfirunt>M.i Southern Georgia. ^
On Privileges and Elections.—Messrs, j — 7——
Raiford, Reynolds, Barron, Hines, Cook, 1'IIOJIAS «B. COX,
Moss, Mnlkey, Peterson, Beasley and | fL Tf T O R JSTH* Y 2' L Jl f f ,
On A civ Counties and Count t/ Lines.—
M essrs. Nfartin, Cochrau of Wilkinson,
Hargett, Hudson, Neal, Burney, Butts,
Serf Snell, Tye, Whitehead, Stephens,
McCamy, Horne, Love, Lott, Underwood,
Findley, Key of Dooly, Powell of Decatur,
Bn ‘ ‘
NEWTON, Baker county, Ga
March 18, 1856. 42 tf
SB.ZSCC2] &.
mmnnMIPV^ ^
Brown of Clay, Jones of Lee, Culber- AYTILK practice in tlie courts of the O-rnnlge
.on, Speight, Felton, Thomas and Rob- j Mill^vnie.Ca., March 1,1858, 40 ly.
On Auditing—Messrs. Hawkins, Jack- j j WAT
son of Heard, Martin. Pitman. Williams j
and Slappey.
On Military Institute.—Smith of Brooks,
Aloore, Black, Schley, Green, Pitts, Reese,
Burke, Barko’-, Martin, Render, Walton,
Candler, Griffin, Henderson*- of Pierce,
Nesbit and Slieats 1
II. HALL, and
Are associnfed in tbe Practice of Medicine.
Dr. VV. U. Hall’s residence—tlie house cf the
late Dr. Martin—on Hancock-alrcet.
GEORGIA, Irwin Connty. .
[VTHEREAS, Zara Paulk and Reason Paulk,
YY administrators on the estate of James Paulk,
eceased, applies to me for letters of dismission
ronr said administration.
These are therefore to cite all persons conccrn-
J, to he and appear at office within the time pre-
rrihed by law, to show cause, if any they can,
•hy said letters should not be granted to the ap!
Given under my hand and official signature, this
lecember 1st, lc62.
36 m(im L. M. COLBERTH, Ord’y
GEORG1A, Jasper county.
lardiansiiip for
Tln-se are therefore to cite and admonish all per-
ons concerned to show cause at tlie next January
mu of the Court of Ordinary for said county,
•hy letters shall not be granted to the applicant
i terms of the law.
Given under my hand officially, this 29th Nov.
J2951J M. II HUTCHISON, Ord'y.
Notice to Debtors and C/editors.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Captain
.a. >\ illiani VV. W iilianis, late of Hulloch countv,
eceased, are requested to make immediate pay-
ieiit, and those having demands against said es-
ite lire requested to present them to me iu terms
t the law.
Dec. 2, 1862. [b B) 29 61.
r f MYBWVU . * J V
tor sale by Giukve & Clark
Standing Commlitres of t£ic Sennit-.
or left at the Store of Messrs Scott it Caraker's
will be promptly filled. Price, $16per 100 lbs—
cash on delivery. Bags to be returned or paid for
at cost. ' GEO. R. JESSUP.
Bellvne Mills, Oct. 7th, lc62. 20 3in.
On Privileges and flections.—Messrs. Brown, TA ground and belied at Bellevue Mills, from
Anthony, Heicher, Griffin, Jamison, Swearengen - fresh Beat Head Rice. Orth rs sent to the Mill,
and King. .. . ... - - ~
On Petitions.—Messrs. Hill, Lane, McIIea, Jas.
Hilliard, Alexander and Stephens.
On Enrollment.—Messrs. Dyer, Fort, Gaston,
Bothwell, Smith and Ware.
On Journals.—Messrs. Anthony, Killen, Shew-
mnke and Thomas Hilliard.
On Confederate Relations —Messrs. Gibson, Fur-
low, Seward, Gordon, llansell, Echols, Vascn and
On Judiciary— Messrs. Seward, Vason, Stafford
Lewis, Hansell, Boyd, Jackson, Killen, Mitchell,
Dyer, Gordon, Pinckaid.
On Finance..—Messrs. Lewis, Hansell, Mosely,
Stafford, Dyer, Shew make and Brown..
On Internal linprorcments—M essrs. Furlow,
Gordon, Beasetey, Vason, Shewm8ke and Steph- » s i House will be onen as usual to re-
ens - , i -1YX ceive MEMBERS of the LEGISLA- jKjjj
On Public Education and Free Schools—Messrs. [ TUBE and Transient Visitors to the City
Echols, Anthony, Fort, Dyer, Lane, King, Gaston for the Winter.
Boyd and Benson. " JL E. EDWARDS.
On Banhs.—Messrs. Gordon, Hansell, Gibson, . Oct. 13, 1>62. 21 tf.
Brown, Hill, Stafford, and Mitchell.
On New Counties and Lines.—Messrs. Smith,
Simmons, Ware, Wright, Griffin, Jamison and j iu.xj a luv/a v/ j j a 1 Ti i 1 j|iv/A XJJ-tj
On Penitentiary—Messrs. Alexander, Boyd, Gtif- AT SPARTA, RA.
fin, Lane, James Hilliard, Kendall, McKea, and fTAHE undersigned having recently purchased
Jackson. J. the premises generally known as “ Mackies
Lunatic Asylum—Messrs. Kendall, Furlow, Fort old stand” has opened a Hotel for the acconunoda-
Anthony. Harris and Bothwell. tion of the people.
On military.—Messrs. Killen. -Gordon. Smith, j Tho proprietor will use every effort for thocoiu-
Seward. Swearengen, Thomas Hilliard, Gaston, ' for! and convenience of all who may favor hint
King and Pinekard. ^ with their patronage.
On Printing—Messrs. Mosely, Harris. Simmons • The table will be furnished with the best that
McRea. Fletcher, Shewmake, Ware, James Hil- a Hancock county market affords.
Hard and Benson. | Drovers will be supplied with provender, good
■On Deaf and Dumb Asylum.— Messrs. Beasley, stables, and open lots for the exhibition of their
Lewis, Simmons, Mitchell, Stafford. Boyd, Alex- . stock.
under and Pinekard. i Conveyances can be had at all times to any
On Institute for the Blind—Messrs Vason, Both- ; point on either of the Rail Roads.
\ KL persons indebted to the nndt-rsigved, ore re-
V\ quested to call uud settle.
August 19,1862. 13 tf.
M Y House will be onen as usual
ceive MEMBERS of the LEG
well, Seward, Gibson, Mosely, Wright, Furlow
and Lane.
On Agriculture.—Messrs. Harris, Hill, Furlow,
Beasley. Echols, Lone and Jamison.
Auditing Committee.—Messrs. Stevens, Swear- I
engen and Griffin.
Sparta.,Ga., Jan. 2,1860.
32 tf.
Ft E l gro, r ng Committee—Messrs Jackson, j R^b^mbJaeromr anted by the f p 8 r ^ cnpt ‘"” S
Fletcher, Fott, MeRea, and Thos. Hilliard. I May ir, 18tt. *