The Confederate union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1862-1865, September 23, 1863, Image 1

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pOLiiHTOy, MSBET, BARNES L MOGUL rtniisfcers and Proprietors, jsrsKEii^ tljt Canfcbcralc Sltuon U [r published Weekly, in MilledgcvUle, Ga.. Corner of Hancock and Wilkinson S/s., (opposite Court House.) At $5 a year in Advance. OIK aew TEKJIX. On anil after June 1st, 18(53, the Terms of Sub- «c r il>tion to the Confederate Uuion, are Koch Dot iii'. iuvaribly '» advauce. All indebtedness fo; -utiseriuiion to this paper, previous to June 1st, I8G3 'j it tin- rate of Three Dollars per year. ADVERTISING. TmvstE'T—One dollar and fifty cents persquar* „( rr» hues, for the fiist insertion, and one dollu f,,r i-aelt subsequent insertion. Tributes of respect, Resolutions by Societies, (Obit- naries exceeding six lines.) Nominations for office Communications or Editorial notices for indivldtia. teaefit, charged as transient advertising. Lr .*.r.—Citations for letters of administrn- tiou by Administrators, Executors, Guardi ans, ate - Application for Dismission from Administrator- Application for Dismission from Guardianship, Application for leave to sell Land or Negroes, Xntice to debtors and creditors Sales of personal or perishable property, (per square of ten lines - Sales of Land or Negroes, (per square of ten Each Sheriff’s Levy, of ten lines or less mortgage sale, often lines or less h'n^u^^tS.iRX. Foreclosure of Mortgage and other Monthly advertisements, per square of ten lines.... Establishing lost papers, per square olteu lines. For amnnadvertisit g his wifi (in advant e,) $30) r. ot -t 01 5 (It 1 (). CONFEDERAT CITATION 8. VOLUME XXXIV,] M ILL EDGE VIL LE, GEORGIA, —■ : Ti ■■■ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 186*3. [NUMBER 19. hrom the Loudon Telegraph, Aug. 7th. %u Eastern Romance—Dealt. of„„ Indian Princess. ... ... “Died oil the 1st i ,.t „» *i- ,r . come a military camp. Almost every citizen on the widow of It, i ’ T l House, Kenstug- ot hearing identified with a military orgaui/a- rtlo S khs .,n I , ’h • M A'! aru - |: ‘ 1 Ra, ’J e . et . >“« r * ,,,en than the exigencies of the Dluileeo Sm/.fi"' tniu "V the pI |‘? 8nt Maharajah State require supernumeraries will be detailed for em- Ii-ath Ot 1 Prn J ’ , e f 'T and "Olds the I ploy at home. It thus happens ata moment’s notice * rmet ss has been cliromcled whose words j the army proper of Georgia can be made fifteen or Xour ^lthon'm.^hr a w!r^ a 'f e o iir ?, r l ,” aC ?', Cl > UIIli;l twenty thousand strong. Armed, thoroughly drilled •’ . KU ^ <ne_wife of the Maharajah of tin* j and equipped, the enemy will find the execution of the Knoxville Register. . A f.tcricxf in Gen. Gee’s Army. STATE ORGANIZATIONS ] A correspondent of the Petersburg By the jKilioy ofGovernor It,towa, Georgia has be- | E^ell’s'co^^Ge^al L*"™* i , . 1L - , * ™- P. 0 mu oti readiness and j ent day .to an order issued by the “i ather ihc estate ot William McDaniel deceased. ir- | Profane Swearing.—We desire without ; GEORGIA, Irwin County. Express wishing to usurp clerical prerogatives, to \ da^te a pplicatmn will be v of Gen- ,, ® .. .- 1 ... . ! KJ made to the Conrt ol Ordinary, of said county, I call the attention ot t.:e atiny ot the pies- ; f or j eave t„ SP u ,i ic . i nl) j and negroes belonging to :t tti tit), To Advertisers. Persons sending adveitisements to t!iis paper. will observe the following rules : All notices must he accompanied with the cash, except from persons with whom we have contracts. Id cents a line, foi the first insertion, and 7i cents a line foi every subsequent insertion is our charge Count nine written words to a line and every person can tell just what amount of money to send. Obituaries, Editorial Notices. Noaiiuations for office, and all communications for individual benefit, are charged as advertisements. Legal adver tisements are charged according to the rates under the head of this paper, on the first page. Greek Fire. In recent Northern accounts of the siege ol Chari, ston, we find frequent mention made ol tcrowing shells into the city charged with the des strttetive and abominable compound called ‘ Grtt-k fire.” It is doubtless an imitation of this faim us composition, the receipt lor w hich lias Den last to mankind for hundreds ol years. Seim title man of modern times are by no means agreed as to the iugiedients used in the manufac ture of this wild tire, and while some announce one thing and some another, as forming a consti tuent part, all are at a loss to form the grand ag gregate. and ate left to conjecture. 11 ltd fur. or Greek fire as it is called, was tire t unjaub, was not, if report speaks true, very nobtv lorn One version of her birth makes her father a log-keeper m t' e service of Rnnjeet; but at any rate • selected ns one of Lis harem, and earre to be its mistress. t- torn mat time, if she could have written the history flier marvelous life, blood, not ink wmihl have been lie fitting medium to have used. Kurruck Singh ■iicciedot Rurjeet, and he was dispatched wiih cetate of lead and corrosive sublimate mingled in a urry. Nao Mahal Singh followed Kurruck on the krone; but, as he passed upon his elephant under an irch, after his coronation, it was contrived that the nasonry should fall and crush him. The widow of Kurruck still stood in the wav, and her chnmberwomen were bribed to beat her bruins out -vitli a stone as they sUaal behind her, braiding and perfuming her hair. Sliere Singh, a eon of the mur dered princess, vet blockaded the path to the throne tgainst Chanda Krj. V child, and he, too, was dispatch- d by an adroit treachery. An English rifle was showned 1 ’nTlireait, in the course of examining it the trigger vas pressed, and four -lugs were discharged into his leart. Thus; at last tin; crown ot the Funjaub was von. and placed upon the infant head of Dhuleep ingii, his mother, the princess, now dead, employing plan of desolating the South by incursions of mounted infantry much more difficult’than heretofore. The appioach of the enemy will speedily be made knowD, and on very short notice a large force can be collected at any threatened point. The same piun of converting a State into a military cmnp is being perfected in Alabama whose chief Exe cutive is a gentteman of distinguised ability. We have almsdaut reason to congratulate the country on this elmiige iu the aspect of our fortnnes at home, while wo have no reason to doubt that the strength of our regular army confronting that of Roseerans will b« enabled at no distant day to compel the evacuation of Tennessee. Shuck a plan of operations has been nt least partially executed, that those who are advised of it are perfectly as'Ured that Chattanooga will not long remain in possession of the enemy. From the Richmond Examiu-’r.J The bugle soon announced all ini . . , , General Lee was dispatched for, who soon came j ot his Country,” tit regard to the vulgar i riding up, and now the cavalcade, composed «t I and degradin' 1 - vice ot profano swear- General Lee and Staff. General Ewell and Staff, j j c and the division commanders, started oft'at a swift o’ . * , ! gallop to the right of the first division, and soon | Colonel YV ashmgton has obsentu j" 41 ! ; they are seen coming down the front ot the line, | the men of his regiment arc very proiane Sei D J. FENN. / Adm’r. S. A. E. M< DANIEL, j Adm’rx. 1863. 18 Ot police to Debtors and Creditors. A LL PERSONS indebted to die estate of Wil liam McDaniel, deceased, late of Irwin Couu- each brigade coming to a--preseni as ine cava.- ; antl rt .probate. Jle takes tins opportunity | tv , arc requested to come forward and makei.nme- 1 cade passed, and as they swept by us the strains 1 jjjf ornl t], elll 0 f his great displeasure at I dia'e payment, and those having demands against «"> *««. tli’in, It..;-"-"'?— to war hack 13 the right of the second division, and re- j if they do not leave them off they shall j viewed the second and third divisions in the same i severely punished. The officers are j manner as the first, and_oncei more cameiback to , d ; ] j f - t!loy l lear auy ,„an swet»r, or the original starting poiut, the riders and nurses j c .\ both looked much jaded, tLe distance they j make use of an oath or execration, to m- having gone so swiftly over being fully nine der the offender twenty-live lashes imrne- miles: diately, without a courtmartial. For a General Lee immediately dismounted and came | yecond offence he sb{iU hc UJ01C severely to bis carnage, which was only a few steps dts- . , , „ tant, and iu which were two of his daughters, ; punished. and in a few minutes called to his side many of j One would infer from the above that the his Generals, among them Generals Ewell, Long- j ,,ficers in Washington’s command were UOt ftYIW’i’tflJ *•»_ in/1 nlcrv> i’\ street, Hill, Stuart, Wilcox, and o.bers, and gave L 1 '* If'.'LIII,’,/',„ijiV.'! ! <mntro.. f'urt.-imTv no man should be an claims in terms of the law. DM. FENN. } Adm'r. S. A. E. McDANIEL. j Adm’rx. Sep 8, I8(>1!. 18 tit A ( to Debtors and Creditors. A LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Lew is McKey late of Jasper comity, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against, said estate, are re quired to present them in terms of thp law. ARTHUR A. McKEY Administrator. September 17, 1-863. (M. H. II ) 18 tit GEORGIA, Pierce county. \\T HKREAS, John VVn iu-r, Gu.- dihn of Wil- ** liaui S. Sweat having applied ' the Court ot Or .iimry of raid county for a d’aci-argo from his t.uardianship of William 8. 8 >te.t’» person and property. l-hd»,ia therefore to cite all persn to show cause, by filing their obp oft; e, why ihe said John Walker ' ' O'sed fiom tlie guardianship Srt’e t. Given under my official signature, ■erned, n my ; tot bo V illiam us' ISth, •aid oft L. H. GREENLF.f Drd’y. 11 fit o me Ae of afore s of law, y- at 'Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Ililll i.W-0 vrl i clati imes, however, she was obliged to be the s >f muruer, and not its ueeomulicc, when the I it Lahore bayonented her brother, the Prince iliia,ns he reviewed them, sprinkling h. r rob. that of her son with his blood. Put she replaced her brother with n Ini-ci, Singh, and iu conjunction with him declared war upon 1 the British by marching her Sikhs across the Sutlej — i Moodker, Alfwall and Kerozi-sha’h ended the first ; Sikh war, and reduced her to the mere guardianship ! of a protect ed Prince. Then she commenced t lie net j and Lull dividual that no family may be deprived of its necessary subsistence:” Headquarters, Morristown, ) January 8, 178(1. J woi k of intrigue with Moolraj. of Moollau. Coiab , „ .Singh, of Cashmere, and Dost Mahomed, of Affgliau-.! which you are well acquainted, have determined istiiii, winch h-d to tlie murder m Ine English officers i me to call upon the respective counties of the State % e rs namei place, and to the Second Sikh j for a proportion of grain and cattle, according to | the abilities of each. For this purpose I have addressed the magis trates of every county to induce them to under ■ , - , , - flag in passing jr, . u C!lrt ‘tuiiy and proht by its teachings. : review would be lowertd as a saluto the General, \ V -t^hington tells; Ins agents to buy provisions if . iu reg ponse, would take his liat off. And now I they can, bay it they can I nt if they cannot, then j ROt a close view of the men to impress them, but in doing so they must do it j corps Here passed those •with as much tenderness as possible to the in- followed General Jackson ba ltants, caving regard to the stock ot each in- ties, and had won for hini that renown which will S enmnosinVthis iralhnt I P e ™ c ' ous exani P^ e> Officers should bear , GEORGIA, Jasper Couuty. men who had so often ■ in mind that they are not only responsible i,Ue t r d at ®' application wt 7 ,7 . I,. . J „ . I .1 or • • O made to the conrt of ordinary of said co m his numerous bat-. lor what is generally meant by the cffictcn- , ,.. aVB tose)1 fhH belonrrimr to tl war. Her emissaries under pretence of fetching drugs from various cities carried on correspondence for her with all the discontented in India. Confined to for- I tresses, she bribed the guards with costly necklaces ) of pearl and gold; her money and messages circulated ! in every Sikh barrack and village. Sowell was she served,loo, that when one of her messengers was e.\»- ' cuted at Lahore, his wife b -gged his armlet as a relic | of love at the scaffold, and instantly took out of it one : of the Maharanee’s letters, tore it into a hundred pieces I and swallowed them to save detection. She waste- ! novel to Benares too late to avert the war which slio | had fomented. Far away from the Piinjaub, paeiuglier prison in t lie ‘‘holy city” like a chained tigress she heard the echos of the c in non of Googerat, which deposed Ranjeet Singh’s dynasty forex er, and made the Five VVaters a province of the victorious English. Thence forward she posited lrom the eves of men, a pensioner of tile British powers ; her hundred lovers dead or de graded: her intliijuee gone with her beauty and youth ; j tin s >n, for whom slit- had sinned and plotted dethroned i an exile and a renegade f'.oin Ihcgr. lid and conquering cieed of. Khalsa. Before her swinuing eyes, as she I lately sank iu the country whither she had followed I her son, these scenes, and a llion-and a< full of Has- ■ tern splendor and climes, must have passed. Certificate if Invulnerability—Siniiiilnr ftou- |>rr*tilion nnet Rlnsiihemy. Mr. K. XV. Waltsr a gallant German who left this I invention of a Syrian engineer, named Calancius -me. u \v altar a gallant uer-.nan w " fi"* 1 ap P licd it . ln * h ® sea Un . d . er 1| C ° n . is ^ now Chief Bugler of the cavalry of'Cobb's L -tan,me, against the Saracens, in the Hellapout , v „ umled all , ,. U ptured a German in the Yankee ser- Kud with aweli effect that he burnt the whole licet v j ce? u ( (j t< . desperafe cavalrv fi^lit at Braiuiy Station :i which were tliirts thousand men. It is a kind Va., named Lorenz M -ixner. -Mr. Waiter took lr ’ of artificial orliclitious fire, which burns under the person of his captive th - following strange docu water, and that, it is said, with greater violence ment, which he sent to a German friend .in this pis than out of it. Its composition is supposed to be who has furnished us with a literal translation, for the suinhur, naptha, pitch, gum and bitumen, and is benefit of our readers, hew persons would dream that only extinguishable by vinegar, mixed with sand ‘ benighted superstition existed in the nineteenth and urine, or by covering it with rawhides. Its Protection CertUlcate.-U tin- name of motion or tendency is said to be contrary to that, the Father, the is,.,, and Holy Ghost — of Batumi fire, always following the direction in t DV wl.icb it H threwn, whptlier downwards, soiewise )(.<t^ai. writing, will not be hit hv any projectiles or or otherwise. For the annoyance of the enemy | arms of the enemy. , tod will protect him^-mn thieves the Greeks employed it with equal effect by sea | and murder, re-nothing can harm liiin-eTiimoii, gun, take the business. This mode I have prefered as the i lie least inconvenient to the inhabitants; but in case the requisition should not be complied with, wo must then raise the supplies ourselves in the best manner we can. This I have signified to the magistrates. 1 have pitched upon you to superintend the execution of this measure in the county of Bergen ; which is to furnish "dftft brad of cattle aud 80ft ! bushels of grain You will proceed then with nil dispatch, and calling upon the Justice, will deliver the enclos ed address, enforcing it with a more particular j detail ot the sufferings of the troops, the betior | to convince them of the necessity of their exer tions. You will at the samo time let them deli cately know that you are instructed, in case they do not take up the case immediately, to begin to to impress the articles called for throughout the country. You will press for an immediate an swer, and govern yourselves accordingly. If it be a compliance, you will concert with them a proper place for the reception of the articles and the time of the delivery: which, for the whole, is is to be in four days aftei yotir application to them. Tlfe owners will bring tbeir gram and live through ages to come; aud now passes Jack sons’s old division, at present commanded by the gallant General Johnston; and here comes the . “Stonewall Brigade,” which was composed of j veteran looking soldiers. Many of the banners j of the corps bore evidence of having been oft borne | to the breeze amid the whistling of buliets, aud all of them contained some dozen or fifteen names to mark the different battles the respective regi ment had distinguished themselves in. One stand of colors belonging to the -1st Virginia regiment was carried byt'olor Sergeant John Brent, for merly of Richmond city, who is at present perform ing one of the most gallant acts that has yet ex hibited itself in the Confederate army, for not withstanding he lost his right arm at the battle of Chancellorsville last May, be lias returned to his regiment, and, being offered a discharge, refused to receive it, but asked of his Colonel permission to again carry those colors that oft before proudly waved over his head ’ His Colonel consented, and the affair bemg mentioned to General John- ill be _ generally meant tliecfficicn- ! fj r leave to sell the negroes belonging to the es- cy of tlieir command, but they are # also tate of Lewis McKey late of said county deceased, responsible to a very great extent, t'ortbe j this 17th September, 1863. moral condition of tlieir men. ,, AR1HUR A. M. KE7, Administrator. I September 1/.1863. (m ii.ii) 18 ot The Federal Congress.—The Boston Journal (‘Abo lition) takes issue with the New York Herald, as lo the clarification of tht. political complexion of the next house. The latter figured out an auti Administration majority of three : the Journal concludes differently.— So far as chosen the members are tints classed: Ad ministration aud war democrats, SI; opposition, 7b ; Kentucky delegation, 8. Two of the latter,at least, it is thought, will be found acting with the Abolitionists. There remains to lie elected 15 members: 3 in Cali- j foruin, 1 in Delaware, 5 in Maryland, 3 irt Vermont , aud 3 iu Western Virginia. Of these, says the Jour-I nai,there is every probabi'ilv that the Administration I will obtain the majority, or * to 7 opposition. If that j should be the case the whole house would stand ft id j Administration to !*0 opposition, even giving the cn- j tire Kentucky delegation to the latter. \Ve believe) that this is a very moderate and reliable calculation.! under the present circumstances of flic case, lti MONTHS afterdate application will bo JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Bulioeh county for leave to sell a Negro woman and child, or children, belonging to the estate of Bridger J. Wise, late of Bulloch county, deceased. WILLIAM E. McELVEN, Adm’r. July 21,1863. (dbJ 10 !*t. S IX I V days from date application will be maJe to the Cuurt of Ordinary of Twigga county, ior art order tor leave sell all the Negioes belong ing to the estate uf John T. Moore, late of said county, deceased. (I. s) A. H. MOORE, Adm’r. August 4. 1863. . lii'Jt. GEORGIA, MiteheB County. 1\ Months after date I will apply to the Ordi nal County, tor letters of dismissiou S IX nr ana urn anatr ueing menuonea to uenerai Jonn- likely that an administration candidate for suea ^ bury ot raid County tor letters ot oisums.ou ston, he took, the colors and presented them to the ; ker, accounted decidedly radical, like Hon. Tlinddcus : trijmtheExeeutorshipof Maryaweanngtndeceas- young mau in person as a reward for the noble j Stephens, for instance, might fail’of an election. But rd. TIIO’S SWEAKING1N, Ex r. patriotism which prompted him to such au act of! we have no doubt that any good man fairly represent- '■ May 2-’nd, 1863. ‘Jlim. and lanJ. in batteries or in sieges. It was either pouted from the ramparts in Urge boilers, or launched in red hot balls of iron, or darted in ar rows or javelins,*.wisted round with llax and tow which had deeply imbibed the inflammable oil; sometimes it was deposited in fire ships and was most commonly blown through long tubes of copper, w hich were placed on the prow of a galley and fancifully shaped into the mouths of savage and hideous monster that seem to vomit streams of liquid and consuming lire. Subsequently to tuo vtat liiift, about which time it was first used it was on diverse occasions applied with signal advantage; and what is remarkable is, that the Greeks were so happy as to keep toe sc ad of the composition to themselves, though their gailies and aitiiiery where sometimes loaned tithe Romans. Up to the year 06ft, no h , | ler j 1 *' tion knew the secret. Even at the end of the 11th century, the Tasans. to whom every science and every art were familiar, differed the effects with out understanding the recret of the Greek tiro. I f was at length either discovered or stolen by the Mahometans, nDd in the early wars of Syria and ft-gypt th-v retorted au invention contrived ^against theiiv I on the heads of the Christiana Bugler in the‘‘Georgia Troopers,’' and who I cattle to this place, whew the grain is to be meas- ' •’• ■ tired and the cattle estimated bv any two of the ! magistrates in conjunction with the commissary, j Mr. Y'orhes, who will be sent to you for the pnr- | pose, and certificates given by tLe commissary, ■ specifying the quantity of each article, and the terms of payment. These ate to be previously settled with the owners, who are 11 choose whether they will receive the present market (rice which if preferred, to be insetted—or the market price at the the time of payment. Immediately on re- smi'Yffef ‘WfiHYWfHit In case of refusal, you will begin to impress until s j you make up the quantity required. This yon will do i, with as much tenderness as possible to the inhabitants swords arms of'any kind, mnst stand ineffective, if having regard to the stock of each individual, tnat no Used against him, through tiie holy Augel Michael, iu ] family may be deprived of its necessary subsistence, the name of Godtlie Father,au<l (In- Son, and the Holy i Milch cows are not to "be included in tile impress. To Ghost, Amen. God be with rnc! He who may carry I enable yon to execute this business with more effect about his person t his benediction of peace, shall indeed j and less inconvenience, you will call upon Fell and any be protected, and if any mau should doubt it, let Itim i other well-affected active mau in the country, aud en- take a copy, and fasten it on n dog s neck, aud shoot i deavorto engage their advice and assistance. You at him at pleasure, and lie will experience that it l>e j are also authorised to impress wagons for the trans- true. Whosoever may carry this certificate about his portation of the grain. person, can neither be taken prisoner nor be injured Jf the magistrates undertake the business, which I by hostile weapons. Just so surely as Christ has lived j should infinitely prefer on every account you will and died, lie who carries this letter, cannot be hit by a j dcavor to prevail upon them to assign mills for the reception and preparation of such grain as the com missary thinks will not be immediately wanted in the self denial and love of country The review being now over, the crowd of spec tators dispersed, and the troops, with three hearty cheers for Gen. Lee commenced wending tbeir way back to the camps. Among the ladies in at tendance other than the misses Lee, already men tioned, where Gen Ewell’s lady and daughter. Mrs. Ewell is a handsome and agreeable looking lady, and the General’s .daughter is almost a beauty. While General Ewell is on his horse one can hardly notice that he is minus one of his original nether limbs, his cork leg being hardly noticeable. It is surprising to see how eager the men of this army are always to get a good view of Gen Lee, for though a person has seen him a hundred times, yet lie never tiros looking at him, and this was noticeable as the many thousands passed by, to see how eager they would peer to the right to get a glance at him. j ing the Administration in the house—like .Schuyler l Colfax, for instance, or a dozen others that might lie j named—would be and is bound t” go into the speaker : hair. S IXTY days after date application will be made to The . f.JU ‘Rebel Ruins’ V— in Fnglitnil. •antes tins letter, cannot he hit by a shot, nor injured in body, flesh or iuteKiues in this nrld, through God the Father the .Son, and the Holy Ghost. 1 bi-g You, (the Father, the Sou and the Holy Ghost; in the name of the blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ, that no ball may Lit me, whether it be of gold or of silver or of lead—deliver uieof all, oil God, in the ■name of (rod the Father, the Sou and the Holy Ghost. ■ - ‘.‘This certificate was discovered in Holstein, iir camp. I have reposed this trust iu you from a perfeet con fidence in your prudence,. zeaJ aud respect for the rights of citizens. While your measures are adapted to tlie emergency, and you consult what you owe to the service, I am persuaded you will not forget that, as we are compelled by necessity to take property of 17"Jt. It was written in gold letters and waved about citizens for the support of the army, on whom their tiie w til above the baptismal font and went up whem j safety depends, you should be careful to manifest that ever anybody attempted to touch it. Finally-, in 1827 | we have a respect for their rights, and wish not to do somebody thought lie would take n copy aud comma- ^ anything which that necessity, and even their own j nicate the contents lo mankind, and lor that purpose | good, do not absolutely require. j the document lowered down. In addition to the above j I am, sir, with great respect and esteem, your most there was written in it, that he that worketh on 8un- j obedient serVBiit. In the siege of I day shall be damned. Ye shall not wot: JtiimietTa under St. Louis^the fire was thrown out of j go to church, and pray and sing dev. a kind of mortar, mid sometimes shot with an odd spend of your wealtn among Ihe kind of cross bow. In his “Histone de St. Ix/uis, ’ ■I ■ nville says that which was shot from the mortar >111*- flying through the air like a winged long tail dragon, about the thickness of a hogshead, with the r irt of thunder and velocity of lightuing, and the <1 .rkn.-ss of night was dispelled hy its deadly illumtna- i I have created you. Be not false in your testimony, honor father new ! and mother, and t.-ll not false stories about your neigh bors—then shall I be pleased. He who does not believe this letter, nor act accordingly, shall lie damned and forsaken bv me and he shall find neither success nor c that dnv, but >utly. Y«> shall ! Ye shall uot j live like a brutish beast, but 1 command you to work ' six days, and outlie seventh ye shall hear tiie word of God. lie who should uot do so, I shall puuish hy j hard times and war and pestilence. I command you | also, not to work too late on Saturdays. Everybody | young and old, should do penance for his sins, that j j they may be pardoned—scorn human lights and pas- The use of Greek fire continued until the middle of sions. As truly as I have created vou «o I can atmilii- the 1 (tii century, when tlie scientific or casual pound of nitre, sulphur and charcoal effected t revolution in tiie art of war and the history ot mankind, lo the manuscripts of an ancient author, the composit ion of this fire is described as being formed by mixing - ,|,I ,,| ; , , ■ . .. tho charcoal of willow, nitre, brandy, rosm, prosperity. I tell you, that Jesus himsel! lias ‘ - 1 written this certificate, he who would not make it known,shall be held dimmed by the Christian church. You shall communicate these writings one to another and if you have committed so many sins as there's sand on the sea shore, or as there are leaves falling from tiie trees, they shall be forgiven you. Be assured that I honor him who believes in me. aud whosoever may doubt shall perish. Correct yourseives or else you shall be punished indeed. I shall punish you on judgment day, if you cannot account for your sins.— Whosoever carries these writings about his person, cannot be struck hy lightning, and if a woman should see them and keep them in her house, she will deliver n lovely child. “Hold the Commandments I have given you. through tiie Holy A'tgcl Michael. i'J the name of Jesus Christ. GEO: WASHINGTON. Diptheria. A physician of distinguished ability gives tho following facts concerning this much dreaded dis ease; 1st. In its nature, it is not a local affection* as modal of the Emancipation Society relative to the steam rams in the Mersey. Foreign Office, August 13. Gentlemen—I have received your letter calling attention to a subject of very grave and imposing importance, namely; the fitting out or equipping two powerful iron plated steam rams, which I am informed are intended to commit hostilities against the Government and people of the United States. My attention has long been directed to these subjects. Both the Treasury and Home De partments have, at my request, made most anxious inquiries upon the subject of these steam rams. Y'ou are aware that by the foreign enlistment act a ship is liable to be detained, and.-tbe owners are subject to a penalty when the ship is armed or equipped for purposes of war, and the owners intend to use her against some State or communi ty’ in friendship with her Majesty. It is necessary to prove both tiie equipment and the intention. It is necessary for conviction in a public court of justice to have the evidenco of a cri-dibie witness. I was in hopes, when I began to read your me morial, that you would propose to furnish me with evidence that the steam rams in question were in tended to carry on hostilities against the Govern ment and people of the United States; but you have made no proposal of the sort, and only tell me that you are informed that so and so, and it is believed that so and so, is the fact. You ranst be aware, however, that, according to British law, prosecutions cannot be set on foot upon the ground of violation of the foreign enlist- is usua'.lj supposed, but constitutional, pervading ment act without tiie affidavits of creditable wit- iitpher, pitch and camphor. .... , ' If whatever it inav be compose*!, it is one of the nost destructive ngeiits ot wartare known in aneien r modern times, and while we know that the Yankees SV, not possession of the lost secret, they may vet jrm a compound whose effect may be dreaded in a The RappsbnnmH'k Nnvnl Eipcdili#" Lieut. Wood, commanding the expedi tion recently operating at the mouth of the Rappahannock and on the bay, returned to Richmond with bis command. Ilis prizes. * of,sist ing of tivo steamers and thiee schooners, were burned after Leing disman tled, and the machinery and guns taken out. But one gun and that a smooth bore, waslo-t, it having fallen overboard. The guns embrace Parrott’s, Napoleon s, and ■ire quite valuable. The machinery of the steamers was all secured, and, with the guns, is safe. There is a valuable lesson in a remark once made by the elder John Adams. Pointing to the bust of Washington, in Federal Hall, he said : -‘‘He was a great roan ; he knew how to hold his tongue ; I never could.” Had Mr. Adams tried, in eatly life, he might have learned. Let the young remember this. Husband (moralizing)—“Day by day is man degei eratiug War, murder, extortion, and evpry outrage against his fellow, delights him! Oh, man, w bitlier tends thy ambition ! What is tby ulti- ttiate aim! Wife (confidently)—“Easy enough to answer, hugbaod f Hm-band—“Well then, wbat, my dear.” Wife—“ 7'j be over forty fire" ■ Husband mopped his face aud—thought. ..“tVere the life of mw prolongs 1 he would be '■ »ne such a proficient in villainy,that it would become tiee.osary again to drown,or burn the world. Laitli "■> M become a hell; for future rewards, when put off tiie blood of the whole system before it makes appearance ip any part. It is of a nature kindred to erysipelas, aud though epidemical, is not strict ly speaking infections. 2d. Its most manifest symptom is a false mem brane, of a white color which forms upon and around the tonsils, near the palate, and which thickens and extends, unless checked, until the patient dies front suffocation. This false mem brane is, however, uot confined to the tliYoat, but nesses as in other cases of misdemeanor and crimes. Such likewise is the law in use. Yours, Ac. RUSSELL. From the Richmond Examiner. The Rnrsleai Hlnkelv Cun. We have already announced the bursting at Charles ton on lnstSaturday morning of one ol tiie mammoth English guns. At the time of writing, no particulars of .1 Little Ilomance.—About twelve year since, a gen tlcnmnand magistrate of the town ot Worcester was struck with Lite singing of a nail maker's daughter at <J . At liis request she was taken from the nail block, treated as oils ofliis family, and neither pains may sometimes be seen uj>on the hard or arm, or the affair had reached us, but from all we know of any other place where the skin has been remor- such ordnance, wo think it likely, that the catastrophe ed | was brought about by an attempt to make long shot 2d. Among the chutiom* to be observed are the ! -ashot whjch should astonish the Yankees, and throw - ,, a . i 1. j. * , . -the performance of their heaviest pieces into tin* following: Avoid all medicines and modes of ; g^ade treatment which shall exhaust tiie strength, and I These "tin? were never designed for this sort of prac be caretul not to injure tho skin by blisters or j fl ct ., and’they cannot stand it. They are fashioned counter irritants, particularly in the neighborhood ! and'designed for direct shots at short, range, when the of the throat,. j weight of their projectiles will crnsli irresistibly -1 tii To effect its cure, aim to restore as rapid- j through earth, stone, oriron : the turret of a monitor ly and effectively as possible the patient's waning j would be caved in by one plumb shot as completely strength. Fortthis purpose, let the diet be of the I most uutritlbus character,—chicken soup, beef ! tea, Ac. Give freely of egg-nog, made of good whisky, or use the stimulant in any other way, • that will combine nourishment with stimulation. Add to the general strength by the use of mineral llio Court of Ordinary ot Fierce county, tor j leave to sell tiie Lands belonging to the estate ot Henry Turner, lat.-of said county, deceased. JAMES tAVKAT, Adm’r. ■ Raid $5 Oft August 25 th, 1863. Hik date application will be Court of Ordinary of Mitchell all the lands and negroes be longing to the estate of Holm I). Wade^decensed for ^ tin- purpose of distribution. Fort hern Elections.—The State elections in Finn- i tiI ^ j j STEWART. / , , syivnnia take place on the lCth of October-, in Ohio on j J* G SAPF . A din rs. the 13th of October , in Massachusetts on the 3d of ^poti-mber. 8th ISfi'.T. (j..i.nj 17 0t. November ; iu New York aud Wisconsin on the-dli — 1— — of November, and in Delaware, Iowa aud Minnesota, j GEORGIA, Mitchell Caunty .1 Remarkable Importation.—The Richmond Exam iner of Friday 6ays: Tho last ilag of truce boat brought eleven large boxes oi'Bibies and Testaments, sent by a Northern Bible Society to enlighten tl “liethen” of the South tion may be consul movement on the par some hidden motive. The boxes were brought to this city by the Schultz on Wednesday evening. jjinie .'society to euugiiien me — h. The propriety of theirrecep- j QflXTY DAYS after ed questionable, since every such j made to t he Court rt of the Yankees doubtless has , county for l eH ve to sell a] on the loth of November. Administrator's Sale. 13 of Futnaui county, will be sold before the \ Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stew- j art county, on the FrstTuesday in October next, I within the usual hours of sale. Lot of Land No. | 96, in the 2fltli District—1st section of originally | Lee now Stewart county. Sold as the properly Twiggs County for au order tor leave to sell all S IXTY' days aiter date application will be made to the. Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell lots of land No’s 112, 114 and east half ot (2S in the Itlli district ot'said counry, the real e ,u, “ “ r '’•■' •' MAliY MALOYAdm’r.x l’aid S5.00. September 7th 1863. J. b. I79G S IXTY' days after date application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of of Augustus C. llarton, lato of l’utnam county, deceased. Terms cash. A. T. FUTNAM. Adm’r. July 3,1863. 7 tds* Executor's Sale. B Y virtue of au order lrom the Court of Ordina ry of Jasper county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, within the usual hours of Sale, in the town of Monticello, Jasper couuty, the following proprety belonging to the estate of Seaborn J. Shy, late of said county, deceased, to- wit: Two hundred acres of land more or less, iu said couuty, adjoining lands of Henry T Bin ford, Isaac II. Freeman, and others : Also three negroes, to-wit: Harvy, a man, about 38 years of age, Anderson, a man, about 40 years of age, and Nicy, a woman about 39 years of age. Sold for the Benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. SAMUEL C. S1IY. Ex’r. Aug. 5, 1863. (M it li) 12 tds. Adm in istrator's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Conrt House door iu Irwin- ton, Wilkinson county, between tbe'usnal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One Lot of Land, containing 202.1 Acres No 294, also 25 acres of lot 295, and 19 acres of lot 268, all in the 3rd district of Wilkinson county, it being the place whereon G. A. Hearstou died, and sold as the property of said deceased, and sold by the consent of the heirs for a division among the heirs. Terms cash. Paid $5 B. O’BANNON, Adm’r. August 5. 1663. 12 tds. Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Irwinvilte, Irwin county, Ga., on tlio first Tuesday in OCTOBER next between the usual houis of sale, the following property, to-wit; 2 lots of land No. 7 and 8 in the 2nd District of said county, also Lot No 23 in tiie 6th District of said county, and the west half of Lot No. 377 in the 5th District of Berrien couuty, also one negro man, named Peter, 4ft years of age, ono negro woman named Mariah 45 years of age, one negro girl Cbane 19 years of ago, one negro boy name.) a tall silk hat would be’crushed hy a blow’of the David, 17 years of age, one negro girl named A. n first of a strong man. But the barrel of the gnu must 15 years of age, one negro girl tunned Nancy i i be horizontal or the muzzle depressed. Even in a years of age, oue negro girl named Rachel 12 horizontal position the bottand the friction to be over- years of age. Sold by virtue of an order of tiie nor money were spared to fit her future vocation, that j V tonics, of which noue is better than muriate of f a public singer. ’ Soon after she had made a snece ful debut Iter kind Inend and patron yfiis removed liy the stroke of death. Time rolled on, and the fair eantatriee was gladly heard, uot only in our noble Town Hall, but iu London and New Y'ork- But we mnst introduce a new character on the scene. The young lady’s patron had an only son, a magistrate and a barrister, who had not been a listless hearer or obser ver of the good voice, and better still the good looks ami exemplary conduct of our heroine. And with him tiie saying of the wise man. “Mnuy waters cun- uot quench love,” was folly seen. The broad Atlantic offered no barnerto the passion of his heart: he sought wooed and won her, and on May 2fith, within twelve miles of Birmingham, some marriage bells will ring forth merrily; because two loving lieurts willbe united together until “death do them part”—Birmingham Gazette. a great distance, would cease to encourage, and loture . bikeii ?’ d d(d [ ar s of cnrreucy are funded, and to Punishment to alarm. ,hI™nt?WeZency is improved,which is to thead- Ttiris are early taught deceit, and they mwer forget ffelesson. Boys are more out spoken, this Is ne- .‘■niuie hoys instructed that to be trunk and open is to '•• manly and generous, while their sisters are per- Psuially adm mshed* that this is not pretty, or ’that ta ti 't becoming,” until they have learned to control tlieir nun al impulses.’’ and to regulate their conduct h J precepts ana example. The reau.t of all tine ie, J at while men retain much of tlieir natural ditiposit- *women have made up characters. tol. T. Maugham, of the 30th Georgia, was, we to learn, severely wounded in the battle o Wi.ckaiutiuiru Tht Confederate Cotton Bonds.—These bonds are now offered by the Government at $150. They bear interest at tiie rate of six per cent., payable annually in cotton or coin, oil the first day of J une. We are in formed that capitalists are investing more freely in them. It is greatly to their interest to do so. Ineir premium of 50 per cent, is low when it is considered that tiie purchaser obtains a bond of a much higher order than any yet issued by the Government, th - in terest being payable in cotton at ft- cents per pound, or in coin, either of which must command a high price for many years after the war, thus giving a high late n trierert’ in cuiTencv. It is to the interest of every man in the Confederacy Hint these bonds should be Jake., freely, as ffir ea/b $1,001) bo,M sold at *1500. fit teen hundred dollars c that extent the currency vantage of every one. Let all then,who have money to invest” buy cotton bonds, and thus increase the pui- chasiD^ power of our currency. From Cumberland Gap-Bv the Western train v sterday evening, reliable intelligence was received of tiie occupation of Cumberland Gap by the enemy, our forces,\t is said, numbering some htteeu hundred having unconditionally surrendered. YY ewc-re unable to learn uny further particulars. Ihc same lenort, it will be seen from our telegraphic column, reaches us from Northern sources, and we think there can >•- no doubt of its truth.—Lynchburg Republican. ron. which may be administered as largely as ten drops at a dose every two or three hours, for an adult Between the doses of iron give from five to fifteen grains of chlorate (not eloride) of potash, or of soda. The chloride of soda may be used as an antiseptic gargle, but the best gargle is common salt. If the disease gives signs of periodicity, by reg ular remissions aud accessions, then bring to your aid the great anti-periodic—quinine. Advice —Cutout tins article and keep it ready fora time of need. The statement maybe relied upon. * A Clergyman. ‘•The Smiths.”—John Smith*-plain John Smith—is not very high sounding; it does not sug gest aristocracy; it is not the Dame of any hero in die away novels, and yet is good, strong and honest. 'Transferred to other languages it scents to climb tiie ladder of respectatiility. Thus iu Latin it is Johnanns Sinithus; the Italian smoothes it off'into Giovanni Smith; the Spaniards render it Juan Smitlius; the Dutchman adopts it as Hans Schmidt; the French flattens it out into Jean Sineets; and the Russian sneezes and barks Jouloff Smitowski. When John Smith gets in to the lea trade at Canton he becomes Jabun Shimmit; it lie clambers about Mont llecla the Icelanders say lie is Jubne Smithson: if he trades among the Tuscaroras he becomes Ton (Jus Smit- tia. in Roland lie is known as Ivan Schmittiweiski; should he wander among the Welsh mountains they talk of Jihon Sciiuiidd; when lie goes to .VIex- ico he is booked as Joutil F Smitti; if of classic turn, he lingers among Greek ruins, he turns to Ion Smiktnn; and in Turkey he is utterly dis guised as Y’oe Seef. Tliereports that Gen- Wofford and Gen. Wm. H. T. Walker were killed iutbe late battles find no counte nance in the subsequent news. We are glad to be lieve them uufounded. It is a matter of deep regret that Gen. Hood is mor tally wounded. He was one of the most valuable offi cers in the service. ome cause as much strain on the Bides of the gun as any attainable thickness of metal cau withstand. But the muzzle being elevated, eay fifteen degrees which is necessary when u great, range is to be attained, the immense weight of the bolt, from five to seven hun dred pounds, is snperaded to the already great strain upou its sides, and the bursting of the piece is a mat ter of course. This fact is well known in England and to our scientific nava! men. It will be recollected tna t the Y’ankees burst tlieir three bundled pound parrot gun at the tilth shot, with its muzzle up, while tnrowing shell from the centre of Morris Island into Charleston, a distance of about five miles. In the entire ahsem-o of knowleage of the facts, it will be borne ininind. that we merely suggest the elevation of the muzzle as the cause of the burst ing, we assert nothing. It is possible that tho gun or the powder may have been bad. While speaking of this gun, it may he interesting to our reuders lo know something ot the powder used in firing it. The grain* vary iu size from the bigness of a damson seed to that of a peach ston Court of Ordinary of Irwin county, as tho pro perty of Jesse Hobby late of said county, deceas- ! ed. Terms of sale cash. M. D. HOBBY. I Ad , I JAS. PAULK. ) AU “ r July 18, 186!!. J„ M. C. 11 tds. Sheriff Sales. W ILL bo sold before the Court House door in the town of llawkinsvilie, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, within tiie usual like irregular fragments of unburnisbed ebony. There is nothing about their appearance to indicate the quali- t ty of tiie substance. YY e are informed by the scientific j tbut tii is powder is made on the principle of what is | k nowu amongst boys as a “spit devil,” that is, it is so mixed as not to explode all at once like the fine grain powder, the inertia of the bolt being so great that an instantaneous explosion of tiie whole charge would burst the gun ; but the ignition of the charge bein'* gradual at first, the .ball is started without any' great strain on the rifles of the piece, and lit is ron- tended bv the friends of great guns.) is always suc cessfully launched on its mission of destruction Gen. Beauregard cannot hereafter be ranked ninong the advocutesjof monster cannon,at least of this nation as we learu upon the best authority that lie lias tele graphed the authorities that they need not send him any more of them. Lincoln to be Re-dected.—Tiie New York Cauoassiau reminds its readers that “the Constitution requires that tiie successful candidate for President of all the States shall have a majority of all their electoral rotes ; failing iu this the election goes to the House of Representa tives, and tne House elects, voting by States. Now, it is scarcely within the reach of probability that any caudidate will have a majority of all the electoral votes, and Mr. Lincoln had in I860. The election, therefore, will go t > the House of Representatives, where, the votiug being by States, Mr. Lincoln is sure of his elec tion, liours of sale, the following Lots of Laud to-wit : Numbers 223, 253, 257, 178, 179,18ft. 161, I"2 183, 184.185,186, 161,191,194,195, 198,13!* 204, 266, 21ft. 211, 215, 217, all in the 16th Dis trict, Pulaski clunty. Also, Lots 222, 223, 225. 226, in the 13th District county. Said Lois levied on by virtue of a ti Is and look i iu favor of John Wilcox vs Isaac K. Ilorseford the negroes belonging to the estate of Isaac Wood lor tho purpose of a division among the legatees. (L. s.) GREEN B. WOOD, Ex’r. Marion Sept 7th 1863. 17 9t. Admin istrator's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the court of Ordi nary of Mitchell county, will be sold on tiie liist Tuesday iu November next, before the court house door in Camilla, the plantation of Wiley Bullard deceased, consisting of the following lots of land, to wit; lot’s no’s 298, 274, 312, 262, 273, 300, 272, 271, east half if 263and west half ol299, all in the8th district ol Mitchell county, contain ing iu the aggregate 225ft acies, all tine farming land and well improved. Terms on the day of sale. DAVID FITZGARAL. Adm’r. September 7, 1863. [ Pd. $5.ftft]J J li 17 tds A dm in istrr tor's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the court of Ordi nary of Mitchell county, will be sold on tbe first Tuesday in November next, before the court house door in Camiita, the plantation of Elijah Fickren deceased, consisting of lot of land No. 315, and the East half of lot No^375 in the 10th district of Mitchell, well improveu. and containing 375acres. Also, at tho same time and place five negroes, as the property of said deceas* d, to wit. one man about 23 years old, a woman about 23 years old and her three children, all sold for distri butions. Terms cash. EZEKIEL MILLER, Adm’r. September 7, iS63. [ I’d. $5.00.]J J n 17 tds Adm iuistrator's Sale. ,4 an order of tho Court of Ordinary of Jasper connty, will be sold on tiie first Tuesday in November next within the usual hours of sale, in tiie town of Monticello. in said comity, the following property, to-wit : Two hundred and tweury arccs ol land, more or less, belonging to the estate of James Edwards, late of said couuty, deceased, lying in said coun ty, and adjoining lands of J. W. Burney, Jr., Trillion, Niblett and others. Sold for the benefit of tiie heirs and creditors of. said deceased. ISAAC LANGSTON, Adm’r. Sept, t, 1863. (M (l ll) 16 tds. Administrator's Sale. ILL be sold in the town of Monticello, Jas per county, on tiie first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale. One Hun dred Acres of Laud, more or less, tho property of the estate of Johu G- l’owcll of said couuty, de ceased, adjoining lands of David Harris, John C. Fope and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JAMES M. WILLIAMS. Adm’r. July 6,1863. [HH IIj 8 tds. " Adtninisiratoi's Sale. IITILT. be sold the first Tuesday in OCTOBER tl next, before the Court House dour in Irwin- toh in the usual hours sale: Tho west half of Lot of Land, number not known, but known iis tiie place on which T. B. Uudenvood lived at the time of hjs death, adjoin ing lauds of YV. j. Underwood. Wiley Holland and others. Sold by virtue of an order from the Nos. 22ft, 221, 1 Ordinary of Wilkinson county for the benefit ot istrict Pulaski the bcirs and creditors. Terms on the day. KM yUNE UNDERWOOD, Adm’rx. Aug. 17, 1863. [Fd .fO] M tds. w Attention Capital Unards. A .S A LL companies org,aiii/.ciI for home J*- defense are requested hy a late, order Also, a lot in the towu of llawkinsvilie, number not known, but known as the place on which John Russel lived. Said lot levied on by virtue of two fi fas in favor of Charles E. Clark vs John Russel, and one in favor of William J. Fountain j „ , ... . r ,- , - , , . vs John Russel. ! of the Adjutant General to drill twice a JAMES M. BUCHAN, Sheriff, j week, you will iu compliance therewith Aug. 20th, 1863. 14 -tds 1 assemble at the Capitol on Wednesdays and mir vrenn a err\is*a c 7 t ! Saturdays, nt three o’clock J*. M., with ADM IA IS I hATOlt. ». SADL. arms and accoutrements complete, and in ” l ood condition until further orders. Absentees from drill must hand in their B Y' AN ORDER of the Court of Ordinary i ker cc county, will be told before tiie Court- House door, in Newton, Baker county, within tiie legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October excuses,in writing,Oil or before the sltceecd- next, one-fifth of the undivided pait o! lot of land ing* mectin". number 56, in tho 7th District of Baker county j , n r . , , T . ,, T e * •Sold as the property of John Sutton deceased, ior J Members oi the *--.cintosli Light Infantry the benefit of tiie heirs and creditors of said de- and others, late members of tho Capitai ceased. SOLOMAN SUTTON, , Guards who have d rav.’n arms, accoutre- a »„ iac o Administrator. meats and ammunition, from me and after- ugus •>, ■_ ■>■ — terwards become connected with other cox- S IXTY days afterdate application will be made panics are notified and requested to return to the Court of Ordinary of Mitchell county them immediately, and have their receipts For leave to sell all the rea. estate belonging to cantel j ed JOHN JONES, Captain Commanding. Ci ‘iOllGIA Mitchell County. VTHEREAS, Andrew Combie ap \V for letters of Administration on fi G:e n B. Sawyer, deceased : These f e I to c*te aud admonish tho kindred and “■ said deceased, to show cause, iu teirii wli- said letters ahall not be granted. JAS J. BRADFORD, rdi- Scptember 7, 1863. [Pd $3 09 ] _ j GEORGIA, Mitchell County. \\rUEKEAS, Mary C. Colquitt apt ies ome Tf for letters of Administration-on L > estate of Francis M. Colquitt, deceased, late of sa.d county. These are therefore to cite and admonish al. and singular the kindred aud creditors of said deceas ed, to he and appear at my office, in ( amilla, to show cause if any they have, in t*rius if the law, why letters of Administration shall not jo granted in said application. JAS. J BRADFORD, Ordinary. Sept. 7, 1863. [ Pd. $3.00. ] 17 fit GEORGIA, Jasper County. W HEREAS, Thomas J. Comer, a iministra- ... «... .1,0 estate of Aimer S. Zachary, de ceased, makes aprfficatioii to me for letters of dismission from said administration. These aro therefore to cite and admonish all persons inter ested in said estate, to be and appear at my office on tho tirst Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters shall not iasue to the applicant in terms of tbe law. Given under my baud officially this J7th Sept., 1863. 18 in6in. M. H. HUTCHISON. Ord’y. GEORGIA. Irwin County. W HEREAS, Rebacca Rigdon makes applica tion to me for letters of administration on the estate of Thomas S. Rigdon late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admoni’h all persons interested to be and appeal at my office by the first Monday in November next, to abow cause, if any, why said letters should not be grant ed to said applicant. Given under my hand officially this 17th Sep tember, 1863. 18 St. L. M. COLfiERTH, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Appling Couuty. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS. George Carter, Guardian of Jesse, Nancy and Wily Carter, makes application to me for letters cf dismission from said guardian ship. These are therefore to cite and admonish ajl and singular ail persons concerned, to tiie their objections in my office, if any iheybave, why said letters of dismission should not issue, otherwise said letters will issuo in terms of law Given under my hand officially, this Sept. 8tb, 1863. 17 5t. J. LIGIITSEY, Ord y. ” GEORGIA, Appling County. TirilEREAS, George Moody having made ap- YT plication tor letters of administration on the estate of Jasper Fatterson, late of said county, de- ceaseJ ' . , , . , „ These a’o therefore to cite and admoDisn all aud singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased,"to be aud appear at my office on or by the first Monday in November next, then and there to show cause, if any, why said letters may not be granted. _ Given under my hand officially, this Sept. 8tb, 1863. 17 5t J. LIGIITSEY. Ord’y. GEORGIA, Fierce County. W HEREAS, Absolom Thomas hiving in pro per form applied to me for p*..n»uMit let ters of administration on the estate of son. Into of sail county. ti.u s i”'-‘F’.all and singular the re next ot kin of Oavia vaso.P. *u-ue a my office within the time allowed . show cause, if any they can, why j. ministration should not be granted 1 hoi as on David Cason's estate, it,ness mv official signature. Sept L II: GREENLEn ’ Jd $3 > OKG1A, Mitchell County. Ai thill Court of Ordinary, at Chambc 14/A. 1863. I I APPEARING to the Court, the t Prior, of said county, died intes; 'te, t v. bit3 he lived, aud at the time of his n side able estate, and no person bavin, . left ,s of Administration on the estat u. cer ed : These aro tlierelore to cite a’ 1 fa'-tf nish the kindred aud creditors of said deces- ’d,ti how cause iu terms of the law, why the clerk . 3 Su perior court, or some other fit and pro) .’son shall not be appointed Administrator on un; ( state of said deceased. JOS. J. BRADFORD, O.dina-y. September 22, 1863. (Pd. $3,00) 16 5t GEORGIA, Jasper County. W HEREAS. James Stewart make; applica tion to me for letters of administration on th® estate of Francis M. Stewart, late of said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish oil and singular the kindred and creditors of said dev eased to bo and appear at my office on or before the first J/Ouday in November next, (hei^ an I '.hero to show cause if sny, why said ietters may not bo granted. Given under my hand officially, this Sept. 1st, 1863 16 5t. HUTCHISON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Pierce County. To ail whom it may concern. TirflEREAS, Ransomo T. James having in 11 proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on ihe estate of Benjamin D. James, late of said couuty This is to cite all aud singular the creditors ana next of kin of Benjamin D. James, to be and ap pear at my office »ithiu tbe time allowed by law, to show cause, ii any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Ransom® T. James on Benjamin D. James’ estate. • Witness my official signature. Sept. 8,1863. r ii om'vvr vir Dnl'v -vid Ca- !>icrs and car at and •it ad- ,5 olom 36;*. hv’y. 17 5t viember l E. ing, con- d for , 1 de- Paid $3. L. H. GREENLFAF, Ord’y. 17 5t for G. W. and W, P. West, deceased- JOHN WEST, Adm’r. August 14, 1863. [Pd. $5] 14 9t. Millcdgcville Sep. 10, 1SG3, GEORGIA, Pierce County, To oil whom it may concern. W HEREAS, William T. James having in pra- pci form, applied to me tor letters of admin istration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Benjamin James, late of said couuty, This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office within the time allowed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why ietters ot ad ministration should not be granted to William T. James, on Benjamin James’ estate. Witness my official signature this Sept. 8,1863. L. H. GREEN LEAF, Ordy. Paid $3 17 5t Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Georgo W. A YV. P. West, deceased, late of Mitch ell county, are requested to come forward and mako immediate pay ment, and those having de mands against said deceased, are icquired to hand in their claims in terms of the law. JOHN WEST. Adm’r. Paid $4 CO August 14, 1863. 14 6t T WO MONTHS after date application will bo made to the Ordinary of Baker county forau order to sell all the lauds and negroes belonging to tbe estate of Henry Bailey, late of said coanty deceased. WILLIAM E. BAILEY, Adm’r. August 21th, 1863. (T. a.) 15 9t. Notice to Debtors and C editors. A LL persons indebted to the es’ute of Elijah II. L. McMichacl, late of Jasper * minty, de ceased, are hereby requested to ms immediate payment, and all those having der lands against said estate are required to present t ■■ u terms of the law. CLARK W. McMICH Ex’r. August 26tb, 1863. M. II. I 5 6t. Ci.XTY DAYS from date applicr k3 made to the Court of Ordinary ot • for leave to sell all tbe Lands onging to the Estate of John v / •d Couuty deceased. ANDREW WALKL Paid $5.00. August 11th 1863. • ill be rr Coun- Nigroes . ate of Vdin’r. J9t,