The Confederate union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1862-1865, September 20, 1864, Image 1

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ViLUME im,]
Berrien County.
BOUuII rdN,NlSBET, B ARNES & MOORE] III.REAS, Martha A. Nelson applies to me
Publishers and Proprietors.
Boris EdiIor
IOll.ll- NI^IKT. \
t J , in Millcds'erille, Ga
G published 11***'*'
Confcbcra^ ^ n * orl
*'"*■ Hancock and Wilkinson Sts., i
CJomer v .. _ rr I
Coppo** Court JIou * e -J
tor letters of guardianship of -the persons 1
i and property of the minor heirs of Green Nelson,
I; t * of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons interested, to file their objections, if any i
they have, in my office within the time prescribed '
by law, or said letters will be granted. ■
Witness my baud officially. September 5, 18f>4
16 ftt Pd $:> W. E. CONNELL. Ord'y.
_ vv HEREAS, Sellers Lee and James M.
GEORGIA, Mitchell County.
appiy to me for letters of dismission fton
, i v . ...i . , . , j their administration of the estate of James Lee.
£L\ months afterdate application will be made | deceased.
At $10 a year in Advance.
On ind after March 2*1,1864, the Terms of Sub
)ti in to the Confederate Union, are Ten Doi,-
',uraribly in advance. All indebtedness for
| ■ iption to this paper, previous to June 1st, 1863,
m stlVe rate of Three Dollars per year.
Transient.—’Two Dollars per square of ten
lines for each insertion.
1 GEORGIA, Berrien county.
j VK7IIERKAS, James Carroll applies tome for let-
! Vf ters of administration on the estate of-John W.
! McClelland d eceased.
I 1 These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons
interested, to tile objections if. any they have in my
ofiiee on or before the first Monday in October next, or
said letters will be granted.
Witness rnv hand officially Sept. 5th, 1864.
I’d $5 C() Hint. ‘W.K CONNELL, Ord’y
GEORGIA. Berrien county,
! \\rHEKEAS, Datiiel M. Luke applies to me for let- j
j If ters of ndniiiiistration on the estate of John B.
I Luke deceased.
I These a e tlierefore to cite and admonish all persons
j interested to be and appear in my office within the
time prescribed by law, to file objections if any tney ....... , _ . M , n . ■ , time prescribed bylaw, to tile obi.-ctlons l! any tney
Tributes of respect,Resolutions by Societies, Obit ^ R . wii |’ be grantei.
uanes exceeding six lines.) Noimnatious |» r Witness my hand officially, Sept. 5th. 1864. •
Com nunicatious or Editorial notices for .individual pd $5 00 16 5t VV. E CONNELL Ord'y
benefit,charged aa transient advertising. I j ’
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
W HEREAS. John McNabb and Susannah Me-
Nabh a}.plies to me for letters of adminis
tration on the estate of Juni-s McNabb, deceased.
These are therefere to cite and admonish all per
sons interested, to be and appear in mv office ,
within the time prescribed by law, and the oh-
, nn ' lections, if any they have, or said letters will be :
Letters of application for dism’n. from Adm n * 06 I „ rar ,t e d.
.. “ Guard’n 8 00 j s Witness
8 00
Lecaj, advertising.
SherifT* sales, per levy of ten lines, or less, $5 00
“ Mortgage fi fa sales, per square, 10 00
Tax Collector's Sales, per square, * 5 00
Citations for Letters of Administration, 5 00
• j •< “ Guardianship,
b JO |
8 00 |
2 00 i
5 00 j
2 00
Appl'u for leave to sell land and negroes,
Notics to Debtors and Creditors,
bales oi land or negroes, per square,
*• perishable property, 10 days, per sq.
Estray Notices, 30 days.
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square.
Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Ex-
e -lit 'M or Guardians, are required by law tube held
,u i |,e first Tuesday in the month ; between the hours
ef 10 in -ho forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the
C mn house in the county in which the property is
N uic-of these sales must be given ;n a public ga-
xettu 10 days previous to the day of sale.
Notices for the sale of personal property must be
given in like manner 10 days previous to sale day.
• Notices to the debtors and creditors of au estate
must also be punished 40 days.
Noticethat application will be madeto the
Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes,
uablishe'd for two months. . .. ..
(’i/ation, for letters of Administration Guardianship,
fee must be published 30 days—for dismissionTrim
Administration, monthly six month,-1or dismission
' rom Guardianship. 40 days ... . ,
Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published
monthly for four month,—far establishing lost papers,
(or t hr' f.,11 * parr of >h rec month,—foi coiiipellu.gtit!* s
from Executor- or admii.istratoia.Vbere bon., has been
.riven bv the deceased the full apace ofthree months.
* Publications will always be continued according to
those,the legal requirements,unlcssotherwisc ordered
Book and Job work, of all kind?,
tness rr.y hand officially, September ft, 1864
16 5t I’d $5 VV. E. CONNELL, Ord y.
GEORGIA. Berrien County.
7HEREAS, Dora Atm Kigden at plies to me
for letteis of guardianship of the persons
! and property of the minor heirs of Gordon Rigden,
late of said county, deceased.
These are tlierefore to cite and admonish all per-
| sons interested, to be and appear at my office
j within the time prescribed by iaw, to file their ob-
! jections, if any they have, why said Tetters should
not be granted.
Witness my hand officially, Septembers. 1864.
16 5t Pdf'S VV. E. CONNELL, Ord ’y.
to the Court of Oidinary ot said county for
letters of dismissal from the administratorship of
the estate of Wiley Bullard, deceased
June 1st. 1864. f H c Dj 4 in6ra
GEORGIA, Jasper County.
AI7HEKE VS, Samuel C. Shy, Administrator
) It on the. estate of Joseph Jones, deceased,
j makes application to me for letters of dismission
: from said administration.
These are therefere to cite and admonish allper-
; sons concerned, to be and appear at my office on
j the first Monday in Noventber next, to show
| cause, if any they have, why letters shall not issue
! to the applicant.
; Yliven under my hand officially, this 29th day
; of April 1664.
r.Omtim M. H HUTCHISON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Pierce Connty.
W HEREAS, James Sweat, administrator ot
Henry Turner represents to this Court in
his petition duly filed, that he has fu,ly adminis
tered Henry Turner’s estate,
'This is therefore to cite all persons concerned
to show cause, if any they can. why said admin
istrator should not be discharged from his admin
istration and receive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in November next.
W itness my hand and official signature this
April 26th, 1861.
50 infiiii Paid $3 II. W. GRADY. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Bulloch County.
To a!! whom it may concern.
YY'HEREAS, Benj amin Wilson, Administrator
it on the estite ot O H. 1 Lanier, late of said
county, deceased, for letters ot dismission.
These are theretore to eite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas-]
ed to be and appear at my office on or by the
first Monday in February next, to show cause, if
any they have, otherwise said letters will be grant
ed to said applicant.
.Given under my hand officially this 22d day of
April, 1804.
51 mthn DAVID BEASLEY, Ord y.
This is therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to show cau-e,
if any they have, why said letters should not he
Given under my hard and official signature, this
5th day of July, 1864. -
9 mfim ' J. LIGHTSBY, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Berrien Connty.
H ARMON Gaskin, administrator, applies to
me for letters of dismission from the estate
of Thos. N. Connell, deceased.
All persons will take notice and file objections
by the first Monday in Dec< mber, otherwise let
ters will be granted.
Witness my official signature, June the Gtb,
5m6m—Pd$5 W. E.CONNELL, Otd’y.
GEORGIA, Appling County.
YI7HEREAS, Jol.r Overstreet administrator on
I T the estate of Hugh Unize, deceased lias made
application to me for letters of dismision from the
administration ot said estate.
These are therefore to admonish all persons in
terested, to show cause, if any, within the time
prescribed by law, why said letters should uot be
granted to said applicant.
Given uuder my hand and official signature, i
March the 7th 1861. J. LIGliTSEY Ord.nary.
44 m6m.
Correspondence of the Savannah Republican.’
From the lroiy cf Tennessee.
the fcwo batteries having fired ten rounds of giape -
and canister into the assaul’ing columns.
Biff the enemy continued to bring up ft> 8 l,
troops from his heavy reserves, and fiually, by the
mere weight of numbers, ran over onr breastworks
and canied the position. About half of the Ar
kansas biigade. including Birg. Gen. Gowxn ami
several hundred of the Kentuckians were captur
ed b hind the works and some of them bayonet* d
while still continuing to fight. The men who sav
ed themselves and retreated to the tear were not
r .i . .i , , . , , i - panic strinkeu nor subdued, hut halted within
discovered that the enemy had abandoned during , one hundred ami fifty yards ot the works, and utt-
the night about four miles ot tl.e.r line of works der the pergo|lal 8Up / r - sion 8l)d elample of GeI1 .
,n front of Atlanta, and immediately confronting j t . ra]s Hardee'and Cleburne reformed and contiuu-
the right wing ot our army This gave rise to va- , e J to fight and baffle the enemy until the last -
nous conjectures in regard to the state of affairs.— Troops who c*»uld thus form under a temooiar v
The sanguine ones thought it was the first step reV erse and unitor a heavy fire from thetmmv
towards the grand retreat so long talked about, alt) veteran* of the highest order for it needed
and with great rejoicing they believed that a few j on ] y a tew wea j c bearts t0 create a pa|lic aud ,
•lava would see .Sherman flying in contusion back | a ]j would have been lost.
Near Lovejoy’s Station,
September 4th, 1861. ^
The events of the past week are full of thiill
ing interest., and will form a remarkable chapter
in the history of this eventful war.
On the morning of the 27th of August it was
to liis Northern home. These few days were anx
ious moments to the weary soldiers and patriots
of the army of Tennessee. But it only required a
few days to develop the fact beyond controversy,
that Sherman was not retreating; and moreover
that he was entering upon a gjeat military expe-
dilion around the lelt and rear.of our army. lie
abaudomd his base at the railroad hiidge over the
Cfiattahoochee—established a new line of commu
nication low er down the river at SanJtown thence
Cranberry's brigade, on the. left of the Irrak,
stuck to the woiks with the new line forming
upon its right, and with the rest of the. command
far to the left continued until dark to pour a
.withering fire into the ranks of a baffled ami dis
comfited foe. When night came, and darkness
had set her truce upon the world cf carnage ami
death, it found the brave and resolute corps still
holding its ground, and unbroken in line or in
But it had accomplished all that morta'g could
GEORGIA, Lowndes County.
HEKEAS, Thomas B. Griffin, adminisfra-
i by wagon to Marietta—and with one army corps' , ^
| left on the banks of the Chattahoochee in front of , achieve, and w-ith the enemy flanking rnTwilh
Atlanta, as a corps of. ineuace and observation, he ; f orct . s bot h on the right and h-f , General Hardee
| took the remainder of his army, comprising six i | lac T no other course to pursue but to withdraw Bis
, corps and with twenty days provisions m the wag- : brave b , lJd dllrjup t j lt > and tflUs save j, jn ,.
j oils, commenced his grand strategy for ilie posses- J ee lf ou tJie morrow from bring enveloped and eli
sion ot Atlanta. 1 or some days it was difficult to tirely dcstioyed. The retrograde moven eMt, in
j determine his position aud movements, ns he the presence of such a numeiou* foe. was a diffi-
kept large bodies of cavalry between us. to screen c „l t a nd hazardous undertaking, but was executed
terested to be at tins ottice wittun the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause if any, w hy said
letters should not be granted and issued to said
applicant Witness my hand aud eeal.
45 m6m, JOHN W. HARRELL Ordy.
Court of
must be
GEORGIA, Berrien County.*
[J HEREAS, Daniel M. L ike and E'izaheth 1
J Turner, applies to me for letters of admin- j
istration on the estate of John 8. Turner, deceas-
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons inteiested. to be and appear at my office j
within ibe time prescribed by law, or file their ob- j
jections, if any they have, or said letters will tie
Witness my hand and official signature, Sept.
5th. 1864.
165t Fd $5 VV. E. CONNELL, Ord y.
ry When a subscriber finds a cross mark on
hi* paper he will know that his subscription has
expired, or is about to expire, and must be renew
ed if he wishes the paper continued.
f'Ve do not send receipts to new subscri
bers. If they receive the paper they may know
that we have received the money.
fF* Subscribers wishing their papers changed
from one post-office to another must state the
name of the post-office troin which they wish it
changed. • -
Tax Collrcrora Blank ICrcript Book*,
Will be furnished from this ofiiee for SHI per
quire, and $2 for binding. There will be 12 re
ceipts to a sheet or 288 to a quire. Collectors or
dering receipts will send a copy of the kind they
GEORGIA, Benieri county.
7 HEKEAS, Iskam McKinney, applies to ine 1
for letters of administration on the estate ot j
; Peter McKinney, deceased.
These afe therefore to cite and admonish all per-
! soi s interested, to be and appear at my office j
, within the time presetibed by law, and tile their j
objections, if auy they have, or said letters will ;
be granted. «
I Witness my baud officially, Sept 5, 1864
16 5t Pd $*5 VV. E. CONNELL, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
Y/I7IIEREAS, Sarah Hutchinson applies to me
if for letters of admiuistratiou oil the estate of
R. N. Hutcjiiuson. deceased.
These are tlierefore to cite and admonish all per
sons interested, to file their objections, if any
they have, within the time prescribed by law, or
said letters will be granted.
Witness my hand officially. September 5, 1864
1(5 5t Pd $>5 VV . E CONNELL, Ord’y.
• >\ IIF 100 lt)». of upper
100 “ COAST “
SIA A-c. &.O., for Sale bv
lfi tf
Sept, li, 1864.
Milledgerille Uoihing Store.
T HE Subscriber, fiuviiig recently returned from
Atlanta to Ins old *tand No. 1 Milledgeville
Hotel, with an extensive and varied assoitment ot
ea lv made Clothing, consisting of Mens. Youths,
GEORGIA, Bulloch County.
To all it limn it may concern.
Y17HEKEAS, John Brown, applies to me for
T T letteis of Administration on the estate of
William F. Ciosby late of said county deceased.
These are therefoie to cite and admonish all
persons interested to be and appear at my office
on or before the first Monday in October next, to
show cause if any they have, why said letters
should uot be granted to the applicant.
Given uuder my hand officially this I5th Au
gust 1~64. DAVID BEASLEY, Ord’y
13 5t.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
Ordinary's Office Jar said County.
"1\7.m ALLEN, guardian of.Thomas J Jt linings
Y\ applied to the court of ordinary of said coun
ty for letters of dismission from the guardianship
of said minor, and property.
These are therefore to eite and admonish all
persons interested lo be and appear at rn-. office on
or befoie the first Monday in Octobewn-xt, to show
cause if any they have to the granting of letters
of dismission from said guardianship iti terms of
the law. Given under my hand and < fficial sig
nature this the Itltii day of August 1864.
12 fit. JNO. J .SPARROW, Ord'y.
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
Mary A. F. Jones, applies lo me
f » for letters
GEORGIA, Beruen County.
117 HEREAS, David C. Smith, administrator
T T on the estate of James Ilendley. deceased,
applies to me for letters of dismission from said
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons interested to show cause, if any they have, |
by the first Monday in November next, why said 1
letters should not be granted.
Witness my hand officially, May 2J, I8G4.
ft I ro6m (Pd. $3) W. E." CONNELL, Ord’y.' j
GEORGIA, Irwin County.
Y\7HEREAS, Berry S. Rigdon makes applica- !
Tf tion to me for letters of Dismission from |
the Administration of the estate of Berry G. Rig- ;
don late of said county, deceased
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to be and appear at my office with
in the time prescribed by law, to show’ cause, if
anv they have, why said letters ghould not be
Given under my hand and official signature, this
May 12 h, 1864. v
1 m6m L. M COLBERTH, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
S IX MONTHS altei date application will be
made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of
Berrien county for letters of dismission from the
administration of the estate of Daniel Paulk, de
ceased of said county. All persons interested
will take notice and file objections'it any.
JAiS. J. NOBLES, Adm’r,
of said deceased.
May lltli, 1864. Pd $8 1 m6in
GEORGIA, Irwin County.
~YAT HEREAS, Rebecca Rigdon. Administratrix
TT on the estate of Thomas S Rigdon, dec’d .
applies to me for letters of dismission from said
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature, this
12th day of May, 1864.
1 mfim L M COLBRRTH. Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Baldwin County.
Y\7 HEREAS Benjamin F. Denton, administra-
T v • tor ou the estate of James M. Denton, late
of said county, deceased, has filed his final ac
count and petitions the Court for letters of dis
mission from said trust
These are theretore to cite and admonish all
persons adversely concerned to file their objec
tions on or before the first Monday in February
Given under my official signature this l*2th
July. 1864 9 mfim JOHN HAMMOND. Ord’y
GEORGIA. Baldwin County.
\Aj HJ2REAS, LaFnyette Carrington, executor
W of the 1 st will and testanent of Maria S.
DeLaunav deed, has made application lor letters
of dismission
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons adversely concerned to file (heir objections
on or betore the first Mouday in February next.
Given under my hand and official signature
20tb July 1864.
10 inGm.JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Jasper county.
YV’HKREAS, Abraham II. Smith, Executor to the
T T wile o! John C. Gibson dec’d., makes application
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
A SHLEY Lindsey, applies to roe for letters of
of Dismission, from the estate of James C.
I Lindsey deceased.
| All persons concerned take notice and file ob-
j j»*ciious. by the first dity of January next, to show
cause why said letters should not be granted
Given under my hand and official signature this
July 4th lc64. VV. E. CONNELL. Ord’y.
Pd. .$3 , 11 intiiu.
i Atlanta, before his plans were fully developed.— j Arkansas brigade on the 22d of July. Our loss
j We bad at Jonesboro ou the morning ot the 30th ; j n killed and woundedVas small,
ult, only Lewis’Kentucky brigade and Reynold's ( The loss of-the enemy is far greater than in
Arkansas biigade, which had been sent down a any engagement of the campaign, and ft estima-
j tew days previous to guard the, road against a , ted by all witnesses to be (iillv equal in the number
J raid, and which answeied as a nucleus around j of killed and wounded to ihe’ entire strength of the
; w hich our other forces had to assemble. corps engaged. It is very st iJoin that such iin-
i Tbe enemy crossed Flint river opposite Jones- ; mense loss never inflicted upon an enemy. But
btirb’late in the afternoon of the 39th with four ■■ with all this glory, we had to fall back, and trust
corps, and made a lodgement on the banks of the j to the hope of having our detachments brought
1 river near by, threatening tbe town. Onr com- I safely together, in order, .with our concentrated
j manding General determined at once to strike ; strength, to roll back a further tide of invasion.
! this force, and for this purpose detached Hardee's j As the rear of the ttoops were moving through
: aud Lee’s corps to make the attack, w hile he re- • the gloomy streets of the village at the dead hour
' roained in Atlanta-with Stewart’s corps and the of night, there was secu far behind us a glare in
: militia to guard the place. The troops made a j. northern sky, and soon after, mingling with
i night inarch but did not reach the ground in time 1 the solemn tramp ofsoldieis and horsemen, there
to get in position before the afternoon of the 31 st. ; came a low, rumbling noise, like tbe mutterings
j This enabled the enemy to fortify themselves, of distant thunder, it was the destruction of a
and with four corps in an entrenched position, it vast amount of ordnance stores, and told the sad
u*as uot difficult to foretell the result of an assault ®f° r y ot the evacuation of Atlanta,
with inferior numbers. * bright amid all this gloom and destruction
Cleburne, commanding Hardee-’s corps, occnpi- ! 8tn,,d8 for . th the noble defense made by Hardee’s
kindred and creditors, to sbov/causeUf any theV ed the left and Lee's corps the right of the line of , corps against the combined bests of the enemy -
can,- why said administrators should not be die- 1 the battle. At three o'clock, in obedience to in- , , ti l b o n ? ht ..f“ r . ,0 1 “ u . ,n, »? ,he ^rkress ot
st ructions from Gen. Hood, the command was giv- j th « ho “. r - au ? wilUhme out m history as the.only
en by Gen. Hardee to advance, and in a few mo
ments the peals of artillery and the roar o! imis
ketry, announced that the troops were moving
and the contest began. • Cleburne swept around I
upon the extreme left, driving everything befoie j
him and occupied the enemy's works, capturing .
several pieces of artillery, but the coolest ou the ! position, huds no plainer illustration Jiau that offered
- - • ■ at the moment when either of them retires to bed.
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
Y\^HEREA8, Aden Jones, Administrator, and
TT Mary A. E. Jones, Administratrix of VVm
A. Jones, represents to the Court in this petition,
only filed and entered ou record, that they have
fully administered William A. Jones’ estate.
This is therefoie to cite ail persons concerned,
charged from said adminstration and receive let
ters of diimission ou the first Monday iii February
• W. E. CONNELL, Ord’y.
August 2d, 1364. Pd $3 J2 m6m
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA, Pierce County.
redeeming feature in the, week's eventful cam
paign which culminated in the fall ot Atlanta.
Ifow I hr* Ho ||.
The difference between a man and a woman in dis
of Guardianship of t he persons j to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust.
and a great variety _
and Cotton Laces, Edgings and Fringes. Rushes,
**nd a variety of Fancy Buttons, whicli will be sold
on raMeoable terms; call and see.
Milledgeville, Aug. 29 1864. I I tf.
Al'Gl'HTA) «A.,
A ND offer their services to their customers and J
friends for the purchase and Sale of Real and |
Personal Estate, Produce, Stocks, Bonds, Dia
monds and Merchandise of every desciiption.—
We deem it unnecessary to state that any busi
ness entrusted to us will be attended to with lidel
itv and despatch.
16 3m] VVM. H. BARNES.
ty Intelligencer, Confederacy and Sav. Reptib
lie *n copy two weeks, and send bills to us at Au
and property of Wi.Hatn II &. A. A Jones, mi
n'or children of W. A, deceased.
All persons will take notice and file objections,
if any they have, in terms of law, by tlic first.
Monday in September, or said letteis will be
grunted. W. F. CONNELL, Ord y.
August 2d. 1861. I’d $5 12 ftt
Notice to Debtors, and Creditors. .
\ LI. persons indebted to the estate of James
Ewing, late of Pulaski county, deceased, are
requested to make immediate payment. All per
sons ha'ing demands against said estate, will
render them in duly authenticated within the
time required by law.
August 6,1864. (J J s) 12 fit
rjl HE undersigned has two likely negro women j j une , ]b64
These are tlierefore to cite*aud admonish all persons
concerned, to be and appear at my office on the second
Monday in January next, to show cause if any they
have, why letters of dismission shall not issue to the
Given under my hand officially this 22nd, day of
June 1864.
. 6 m6ni M. H. HUTCHISON, Ord y.
for Sale. Julia, 22 years old, good house ser
vant. washer arid iromr, and can spin and weave
well; Della 30 or 32 years old, good cook, washer
and irQiier, also good house servant, Loth these
women were raised at a hotel.
Milledgeville-J'ttly 6th 1864. 8 tf.
GEORGIA, Bulloch Connty.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, Andrew Kicklighter, Jr, Exec
utor on the estate of Andrew Kicklighter,
Sr., deceased, Applies to me for letters of dimiesion
from ,snid Executorship l * .
These are therefore* eita and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased to be and appear at my office on or before
the second Monday in January next, then and
there to tile their objections, if any they have,
otherwise said letters will be granted. ,
Given under my hand officially this ISth'day
6 irifim DAVID BEASLEY, Ord’y.
A LL per' .ns indebted to the estate ot Daniel J:
Stone, late of Pierce county deceased, are
hereby requested to make immediate payment,
aud all persons having demands against said
estate, will render them in duly authenticated
within the time required by law.
Sept. 9th, 1864 Paid. 16 fit.
Administrator's Sale.
B Y virtue of an order of the court of ordinary,
of Pierce county, will be sold on the first
Mouday in December 1864, at the Court House
doog, in said couuty. between the legal hours of
sale, one lot of laud No. (57,) in the 9th, district
centre and right, occupied conjointly by the for
ces of Lee and Cleburne, was not so successful,
and alter two hours ofliard fighting with our men
reeling and bleeding before the strong breast
works of the enemy, the contestwvas abandoned.
Our successes ou the extreme left could not be
followed up, owiug to the heavy repulse which
had been sustained in the centre and ou the right,
and, in ceasing the conflict we merely held our
ground without molestation from the enemy —
About the'time this battle was raging information
was received that two corps of the enemy had
struck the railroad at Rough and Ready station,
eight miles above Jonesboro and this made it still
more necessary that we should throw ourselves
upon the defensive. Our loss in this engrgement
was about 2,606 in killed and wounded.
The young girt trips gaily up to her chamber, and
with the cautious timidity peculiar to her sex, first
locks th»door and arranges the window curtains,so
that by no possible chance a passer by or belated noc
turnal wanderer from the pavement cun catch a
glimpse of her buddiug beagty when rn ilcshaMlr.—
This task completed, she turns on the gas to its full
and institutes u general search throughout the apart
uient, tbatsbe be sure that it does nut contain a **horn-
ble burglar" or a desperate ruffian'’ in big whiskers ami
crisp black hair. Carefully, with her delicate little tin
ger», she lifts the bed valance, looks into places where
even Tom thnmb couldn't squeeze Ids diminutive cor
poration, and takes a enrsory peep into the half emp
tied trunk ; uot forgetting to glance nervously under
the sofa, the space between which and the floor is not
sufficient to contain the ghost of Calvin Edson, much
less an ordinary robber. Having ascertained that she
of origanally Ware, now Pierce county, sold as waa snout*,-w ... -1 is really alone,'she next proceedsYo di veit her fairVonn
the property of James R. Thomas, late of Pierce ! . IJie condition of the armj of Ten s» of “the silk «nd liueu conventionalitiesuf
county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and . luncture was perilous in the exit erne. Dur Jmcm First, she relieves liei glossy hair from its thraldom
. . ^ . . 1 in* 1 1 trnra /LimloH n vv H tuTOrttv ITll OU U 7*3 VT WBllP. tllft . . C •— Z 1 1_.. I ..J
creditors, of said deed. Terms made known on the
day of sale. BANNER THOMAS, Adm’r.
Sept. 8th, 1864. Paid. * 16 tds.
were divided, and twenty miles apart, while the
enemy Were in a measure concentrated and
ready to. mass themselves either upon the de
tachment at Jonesboro, or to invest Hood iu At
What made the condition still more perilous
was, that during the night Sn order came for Lee’s
Pulaski Postponed Sheriff Sale.
W ILL besold before the court house door in
the town of Ilawkinsviile, on the first Tues- corps to move back to Atlanta, and this left Har-
esday iu October next, the following property to dee’s corps the next day, detached aud alone, con-
wit. faonting an overwhelming force of the enemy.—
One negro woman, about 40 years old, also one, The two corps which appeared at Rough and
negro man Sam, about 24 years old, also a boy,
about 9 years old, also Ashley, a boy about 2 years
old, also one boy. about 2 mouths old, said prop
erty levied upon as the properly of N. N. Harrell,
to satisfy sundry Fifas issued from the Superior
cours ol Pulaski county.
JA* M. BUCHAN, Dept, sheriff.
Aguust 15, 1864. 13 ids.
GEORGIA, Baker Couuty.
Ready station the day before now marched down
the railroad aud by mid day on the 1st of Septem
ber, formed a junction with the other four; mak
ing in all six Fed* ral corps which were by this
time in front of Jonesboro. This information was
deiived from scouts who reported the railroad
track for four miies south of Rough and Ready
station lined with blue coats, travelling towards
As soon as Lee had withdrawn, Hardee was
I^IXTY DAYS after date application will be obliged to stretch out his corps in single rank, in
made to the Court of Ordinary of Baker coun
ty , for leave to sell two negroes, viz. Phillip, a
man about 27 years old, and William, a boy a-
bout 9 years of age, as the property ot Mrs. Eliza
beth Bateman deceased, for distribution.
August 1st, 1864. 13 fit.
of pins and combs ana "does it up more couipact-
Then off comes the little collar and the light vaporv
cloud of lace she calls her under-sleeves, which all the
day have been clasped around her white, pluuiparins
by a couple of India-rubber straps. “Next, the “love
of a spring silk” dress is unfastened in front The sun
dry waist striugs aud button straps are loosed, and lo !
what a collapse, like that of Rowe’s balloon. Sin-
stands, like Saturn, in the centre of rings. There they
lie upon the soft carpet, partly covered bv the linen
uuder fixings and over fixings, with no more’ expression
in them than there is in Uie bare tlo<yr beneath the
carpet. Sits she now upon the edge of the snowy bed,
and hegius the unlacing of gaiters, aud the disrobing
of those fair swelling limbs of the stockings. The
pretty little foot is carefully perched upon the knee—
down drops the gaiter, off comes the elaotic and her
thumb inserted at the top of the stockiug, pushes it
down—down over the heel, and the cotton rests beside
the prunella. So with the other foot, only involving a
slight change of position.
There is a smile tlutt peeps out from behind the
blushes of her sweet face now, as s'amliug before the
glass she places upon her head the night cap, and with
a quick twist of hartingers ties 1 lie Fewitching bow.
Then the uight gown is thrown ov^ the frilled chem
ise, concealing the heaving bosom aud the shoulders in
order to cover the ground occupied the day pre
vious by the two corps This left him without
any reserves mid with liis iuadquate force in a | ^
thin, attenuated line, he had to prepare for the the linen folds. Then the counterpane and sheets are
gathering storm which was soon to burst-upon j thrown b(*e'r, the gas L turned down—very, very 'or
the devottd band with the odds of six to one.— | and the little form presses the yielding conch, ami the.
This gallant co-ps which had braved t^e storm ' angel goes off in the world of dreams.
To Milliners and Mantuamakers. | rj
r pHE SUBSCRIBER has now on hand a large lot '^ u tt j .. _
.*. "'“I treat variety .of DRESS 1 RIMMING.., of.Seaborn Hendrick* late of said county dec d,*tor the
which will be sold very low by the large quantity
««loanable the purch/scr to make a libexa! profit on
12, 1804. A ' * 16^ tf J
RUNAWAY f rom Macon Ga., on the 14th ol
_ ^ ® y tngtant, a negro boy named Charles,
■geu„t» years; 5 fcfet.10 inches high, dark com-
{’ b ^ xinu - Rat nose, and weighs about 1G5 or 176
* pay a suitable reward for his delivery to
neat, Lhispiace, or for his confisment until I can
1 \\ as - JOHN CONN.
_^lilledgevilleOa., July 27th 1864. 11 tf.
CJ1XTY DAYS from date application will b»
*r m ade to '.lie honorable the Court of Ordinary
•j Pulaski county, to» an order for leave to sell
■jl the land belonging to the estate of Sam. W.
. late of said connty, deceased.
tI W. W. HOLT, Trustee.
Hawkinsvjlle, G». f July 11, 1864. )J8 9 9t
GEORGIA Bulloch county.
iWO mouths alter date application will be made to
the Court of Ordinary of said eountv, for leave to
all the Land and Negroes belonging to 1 lie estate
benefit of the heirs nnd creditors, this Julv 5th, 1864.
(d. ad . 8 9t
GEORGIA. Twiggs Connty.
W HEREAS. D. G Hughes, administrator on
the estate of John Pope, deceased, applies
to ma for ielters of dismission.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
parties to be and appear at the. Court of Ordinary
ot said county,.on the second Monday in January
next;, to file their objections; otherwiqp the appli
cant will be dismissed.
Given under my hand and official signatnre-this
July 4th 1864. J. E. MCDONALD. Ordy.
8 mfim.
GEORGIA, Jasper County."
\\JT HEREAS, Andrew J. Freeman, surviving
Tf administrator on the estate of Bailey Free-
Ntgtice to Debtors and Creditors.
A LL persons having demands against the es-
/lL tate of Z. L Davis are requested to hand
them in 'Inly authenticated, and all those indebt
ed te sai<l estate are requested to come forward
and settle at once.
L. L. H4RRELL. Adm’r ,
of Z L Davis, dec'll.
Ilawkinsviile, Ga., Sept. 5th, 1864. J J s 16 fit
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October
next, within the usual hours of sale, iu the
town of ^lonticello. “Jasper county,” onexed aud
white cow, horns sawed off, at poiuts, under bit
and crop in the left ear, and under slope in the
right ear, about ten or twelve years old, and val
ued at one hundred dollars.
B. T. DIGBY, Dept. Sheriff.
August 20th 1864. 14 tds.
and swept its victorious path on many a hard
fought field, was now iu a most critical sitnation,
amf was upon tbe brink of being sacrificed. It
could tiQt retaeat—it must fight and hold its
ground, foi the safety of’ Hood's army in Atlanta
depended upon resistance, aud resistance to the
a* ath. and with these terrible odds it prepared for
lh The'enemy was .discovered by two o’clock in thunwm the table; travels to'the window in
the afternoon opposed to our whole front iu the l,p ' llr
“Now, in the room directly above her is the great
brute of a brother. He conies into it, shuts the door
witii a slam, turns the key with a snap, growls at a
chair which happens to be in Ids way, pulls of his lx>oU
ami throws them ih the corner, jerks liis sucks front
his feet, drops his paytahion* on the floor and lets them
lie there ; gets ofl' Ins c >at and vet-t by a quick, viti-
di.-iti ve sort of tw ist of his arms and body, unpins and
unbuttons Lis eolnr, throws it carelessly with the tie
extremity—to let dow n flic curtain, as it lie
didn't care a cuss whether the entire population of the
threatened attitude of attack and at the same time . Mtrcu j beheld hi- anatom v or uot; then* pots out tb.
stretching far around to outfight tor the purpose j bounces into bed like a great calf jumping
of-turning our positiou. V.e have to meet tbe : n pile of hay—cutis himself up, ni» knees nearly touch-
movement by an extension of our lines and tbe ingjhisnose, lies so a moment or two, turns on hw back,
Uirowing up of suclt temporary breastworks of 1 stre»che» the limbs out, swears at the tucking in of tho
rails and logs as the brief time allotted would per i bed clothes, griAts gets,over on the other side, and is—
init The Yaukee force was commanded by Sher- ! , “ lee P* T beu comesin the snonng and snorting,
man in pereon, and that wily chieftain believing lsn ere "
he would only have two corps to right, thought no
doubt that he would have au easy time in utterly
demolishing this section of Hood's i(rmy, and
then, by turning on the others to crush them in
detail, and thus destroy the last hope of the rebels
in the West
a difference iu style I
(Jaile : and did the young lady not forget to stop up
£he kev hole ? *
Any man who acts well his part in the posi
tion, humble though it be, in whidnhe is place-!
T WO months afterdate application will be dismission from said administration.
made to the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski Those are therefore to cite and admonish all
county, Ga ,aj Ihe first regular term after expire- peisous concerned to be aud appear at my r IBce
tion of two months from this notice, forjeave to ! on the first Monday in February next, to show
cause if any they have, why letters shalll not issue
to the applicaut.
Milledokvu.le, August 22,1861. (
fVhrrea;, under the 734th and 735th Sections of the
Code, it is made the duty of theC’omptroller General to
examine and add together the Digests of Taxable
property ofthe Sta. e,returned by the various Receiv
ers ot Tux Returns of the State to the Comptroller
General's Office ; ut:d by Act assented to December 12,
1863. the Governor and Comptroller General are fur-
man deed, makes application to me for letters of tlier authorized and required “in assessing tha tax for
sell the Land belonging to the estate of Couneel-
lor Mauldin, late of said county, deceased. fr>r the
frenefit of the heirs and creditor* of said deceased
Ang. lst, 1864. H 9G
Admmistrafrix Sale.
B Y virture of an order of the Court of Ordinary of
Baker comity, will he sold, on he first Monday
in October 1864, it the Court House door in said coun
ty, between the legal hours ot sale,
years Old and William a boy 9 years **ld. Sold ns the
property of Elizabe'h Bateman, dec d., for t‘ ie benefit
of the heirs and creditor s*>f said dec'd. Terms cash.
August 16th, 4864, 13
Given under my hand officially this 7th of July
'*■ M. II. HUTCHISON, Ordy.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
A LL persona indebted to the estate ol Daniel
Turner, late of Berrieu connty, deceased, are
notified to come forward and make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all those having
claims against him, will present them in terms of
law, and within tbe time prescribed by law.
Augnst 2d, 1864. Pd ?6 (xv E c) 12 6t
the ensuing year, to assess and liuve collected sue!
.per cent us shall be sufficient to raise an amount of
money, added to the other resources of the Sfntg, to
support the Go* ernment for the political year 1864,
provided that the amount raised alt all but exceed one
percent upon the value of the taxable property <*f tiie
S’-ate. estimated in Confederate Treasury Notes.”
Iu obedience to the requirements of the Code, the
Comptroller General lias tooted up and added together
the Digests; and, further to carry out the require
ments of the Act of the 12th of December, I86J, it is
ORDERED, Tlmt tl»e rate of taxation shall be ONE
the property re turned, and double that amount ou the
default property, that being the per cent, ueceesniy
to raise the amount required ffy the Act of December
12,1863, upon the Digests, us returned.
13 5t Comptroller General.
It was certainly a bright and promising picture ! b > circumstances, deserves the apnrobarion ot
to flatter.he ambition of the Federal hero, aud the '"attkiud I be unselfish patriotism which prompts
chances of success were easily in his favor, espe- ! the pr.vate in the ranks to yield up his life (it l*
. .. . ... . . i a! 1 hr*, hnsi tii (7ivp l mr iiu rnnntrv ft
cisliy as he only had one corps to contend against,
instead of two, as he had conttniplatad. But a
band of true aud faithful heroes stood in his way,
and the tight which Hardee’s corps made on the
afternoon ot that memorable day, will appear in
history as an instance of the most glorious and
determined resistance ever made in warfare upon
any battlefield.
Abqut bait past four o'clock in the afternoon
the assault upou our whole lino begau; and lot
over two hours the deafening and unceasing roar
of tire mighty cataract of living tire which leaped
together in a chasm of blood from opposing sides,
told the tale of death aud resistance w hich was
being enacted. It was a terrihlo moment of sus
pense to all concerned, and alter the fight had
progressed about an hour, still greater was the ex
cit*-uient when it became know n that a small por
all he has to give) for his country’s causq, and
fill an unknown grave, deserves equal, if not
higher, praise with the general whose gallant dar
ing is the theuie of the historian and poet. Histo
ry and song will save from oblivion the deeds, if
not the names, of the heroes who have fallen iu
battle. But who will praise tbe heroism of the
roau who lives on a salary! He is between two
fires—tba.extortioner in front, hungry children tit
the rear, while sharpshooters omeach flank pour
in a deadly fire of “He ought to be in the Army.”
The rear is reinforced by the children of a deceas
ed friend or relative and tbe ciy for “Bre.V.!
Bread !•" is answered front the front “Got none to
spare.” ^Tbus lives the man on a salary, and dy
ing be leaves a family too poor to pay for an obit
uary notice. Yet this man acts well bis part—
true to bis country—true to his family—be bears
i.:_ i.. i • . , i-
. .. , .. ,... ...... a .aiieut uncomplainingly bis lot, and is a hero though his
Jtt TiTJ.'X ! ■— " n «V** appear on Ihe evroll tai
railroad, whicli was occupied by Gowan s Arkan
sas brigade, with Lewis's, Kentucky brigau*. ou
the right of it aud Granbeiry s brigade o«
the left, and the position supported by fcwetts
and Keyes’ batteries- The pos.t.on was a ^weak
one naturally, ana there had been but little tun*
to strengthen it, and upon this brigade of Gowan.
in single rank, there was hurled from Huge diver
gent poiuts a dense and overwhelming tuasaof tbe
enemy- Three seperate assaults were repulsed
with terrible deetructiou to the foe, each gun of
A down east editor said he was in a boat when
the wind blew hard, but La wasn't at all alarmed,
because he had his life insured, and “he never hi-d
any thiug happen to bitn by whicli be ccuid
make any mouey.
A lady iu Burkshire, Mas-\, was delivered of
her twenty first child last ween. Her husband ij
a* weil as can be expected