The Confederate union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1862-1865, October 25, 1864, Image 1

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    - ■ j
MILLEDGEVILLE, ii E 0 R <* i * j T ! ESDI V, ‘OCTOBER 2.3. 1864.
i* .Polishers 2nd Proprietors.
X. K9H:!IT«\. <Edilut .,
1 o*. \I*«E r * s
(Hjjc CL anfcbcr;rtr uhiion
7 ■ • 7 ; irW/'/> '* ^d/edgerUle, Ga -'
1 published nn ,t Wilkinson Sts.,]
( 0 )>r<>si" Court 1Iouse -J I
GEORGIA, Pulaski Cunnty.
-firHEi EAS. Joseph Kirg applies to me for
VY letters ot administration on 'hg estate of John
J Lee, late o! said count J, decea ;ed.
; These are therefoie to cite and admonish a!!
j persons interested, to file their objections, if any
1 they have, oil or before the first Monday in De
cember next, why letters ot administration should
not be granted to the said Joseph King on John
J. Lee's estate.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this 6th dav of Oct. 1864.
20 5t ' JOHN FALE, D. Ord’y.
. 1 dministi a tor's Sale.
. . • t 1 ULUHUIA, t vviggs County.
\ t Si 2 a year m Advance, w HEREAS, John Oueal. Guardian of Lucin-
I* 1 J J I T » da Collins, applies to me for letters of dis-
■w,- —; mission from his Guardianship.
ADVERTISING. | These are therefore to cite all part'e? interested,
.... .. ,, _ r , I to be an j appear at my office oti ui be'ore the first
,lt:NT. 1 hree Dollars per squat j Monday in November in x*. to file their ohjec-
rofrespl" 1 Resolutions by Societies,(Obit | tions if any they have why said letters dismis-
" 1,1 1 " .. , r sory snail not be gianted.
Given under my baud and official signature.
Sept. 14, 1364.
1 <» r.t j. e McDonald, Only.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
HEREAS, Lotta Cadwell, Administratrix
3din, r six lines.) Nominations for office,
ii-ations” or Editorial notices tor individual
narged as transirnl advertising.
Legal Advertising.
sales, per levy of ten lines, or less, fo 60
10 00
Mortgage fi fa sales, per square
Tax Collector s Sales, per square,
Citations for Letters of Administration,
.* •» “ Guardianship, 5 00
1 :tter? of application for dism’n.from Adm n 8 00
.. <» •• *• “ Guard'll 8 00
Annl'n for leave to sell land and negroes, 8 00
\\,tio? to Debtors and Creditors.
Sal.-s ot land or negroes, per square,
perishable property, 10 days, per sq
pstray Notices. :’.0 days,
foreclosure of Mortgage, per square,
... ,it Land and Negroes, by Administrators,*Ex-
n (juardiaus,are required by law to be held
f ' h'-.t Tuesday in the month ; between the hours
Oll'lD'D ' 1 * J ... •_ J.L.. - tX n« ♦ L .»
10 ill the lore
C ,urt house ii
' v 'nreuf these sales must be given in a public ga- !
til i iv-snrevioustothe dayofsale. I
", ... tor the sale of personal property must be ,
; manner 10 days previous to sale day. |
i v "j,-to the debtors and creditors ot an estate j
;i si. Ke punished 40 days
that application wil
of Martin Cadwell, deceased, applies to
me for letters of dismission from said ndininistra-
r> on:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons interested to file their objections,if any
they have, within the time prescribed by law.vili-
letters of dismission should not be granted the
said Lotta Cadwell, otherwise they will issue in
term* of the statute.
Given tinder my hand and official signature
this the 5th day of September, JHj4.
16 mfim JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord’y.
P URSUANT to anordirof the Court of Or
dinary of Twiggs county, will be sold before
the Court House do< r in Maiioii, said county,
within salp hours, at public outcry, on the first
Tuesday in NOVEMBER m.xt, the following
real estate belonging to the estate or M a. Geor
gia A Evnns.Jate of said county, deceased, to-
j wit: The Tavern 'ot aud lots adjoining the same,
j together with stable-lot. and other lots,'lying and
and beingin said Town ot Marion. The house:s :
commodious and fitly constructed for its purpose, >
' and if properly supplied for company, would
warrant a handsome support for a small family, j
Terms of srieon the day
II. M. LOYLESS, Adtnr,
. I’,y U A. Rice, Att'y. ill fact.
September 12tli f 1864. [L s] 17 tfs
ISP Journal «fc Messenger please publish !
above in tetms of law, and present account for |
pa;, nn nt.
Ad77tinistrator’s Sole.
B Y virtue of an order of the court of ordinary.
of Pierce county, will be sold on the first
Monday in December I8ti4, at the Court House i
door, in said county, between tlie legal hours of
sale, one lot ot land No. (57,) in the 9th, district *
oforiganally VVate, now Pierce county, sold as
the prop* rty of James R. Thomas, late of I’ieroe
county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditots, of said deed. Terms made known on t lie j
day of sale. BANNER THOMAS, Adm’r.
Sept. Sth. 1864. Paid. 16 tds.
W*-steru A Atlantic
.Milledgeviilo, Oct. 17, 1861. (j
To His Excellency. Joseph E.Iirmcn, Governor:
In compliance with the requirements of law, I have
the honor to lay before your Excel ency a statement
of tiie receipts and disbursements of the Treasury i
during the fi.-cal year ]861, commencing on the lfith 1
October, 1803, and ending the Pith October, 1804
showing at the eud.ot the year, a
Cash balance in the Treasury of, $2,1 10,087 02 i
Good Assets belonging to the State.
Herewith is furnished a statement ol tLe '‘Asset - be- j
longing to tiie State," as shown by tin: bocks of th< i
Treasury and Comptroller G euenjV office. viz:
1,833 shares of stock in Bank of 8r?rtc of Geor
gia, * $183,300 I
190 shares of stock in Bank of Augusta 83,0(1(1 !
180 shares of s'oek in the Georgia Railroad
and Banking Company, 18,00’’- .
7,000 shares of stock in the Atlantic and Gulf
Railroad Company, 700,000 j
General Bank Assets, estimated by General
Bethune, Agent, at, 1,500 |
Net c iruinp
Dividend on Atlanlh-.V GtiTR,til-
road Stock,
Dividend on Bark Slock.
“ Insurance 8tot k.,
C*>l!t efionsonCcliiral Bank Assets,
Money refunded on Chattahoochee
River A ppropi iai ion,
Money I'cmuded on Flint River
Money refunded oit $5,000,000, Mil
itary Appropriation 1802,
Money refunded on Fund authoris
ing making of Salt,
1 -sue of Georgia Treasure Nofes,
‘‘ “ “ Change 1 Sills,
1,000 00 j
5 !8
18,001 00
1 1,713 35
75,000 00
10,032 90
8.895,000 00
937,782 00
he.provided for in the wav of taxation on loin, or
further issue of Treasiny Notes or s«’.e of State
The Eiddic Drld—'in Bonds mol Treasury Notrs.
Through tU: courtesy of John Jones, Esq .
State Treasurer, I aoi enabled to furnish tlm fol
lowing statement of the present indibteduess «f
tiie State, in Bonds, vix:
Due I
Add to this lhr cash in
Oct. 15, iStil.
Also,'the Western and Atlantic Rrilroad (value
not to be put. upon the sain" b y the Oomp-
frottcror Treasurer). This Road, how
ever, paid into the State Treaturv as'net .
earnings in 1859. $420,000 ; I860, >,.>(),000
"in 1861 $438,000; 1862, $ 110,000, and in
12, OKI
I. Jil
£ (ill
2 00
5 (t0 i
2 00 i'
B y yi
GEORGIA, Jasper County.
W HEREAS, Elizabeth Word makes appUca-
lion to me for letters of Administration on
the estate ot James D. S Word, late of said coun
ty. deceased.
These sre tlieiefore to cite and admonish all
. and singular tiie kindred and creditors of said de-
uniin and three in the afternoon, at the ; ceased, to he and appear at my office on tlie first
thecounty in which thepropeity is j Monday in November-next, to show cause, if any
they have, why letters shall not issue to the
applicant in terms of the statute.
Given under mv hand officially, this 20th Sept.,
18 5t M. II. HUTCHISON. Ord'y.
Adm inistrotor's Sale.
IRT UE of an order of the Honorable
■curt of Oidinary of l’ulaski county will be
sold on tiie first Tuesday in December next, at
the. Court House door in sa*d county, betwcyi the
legal hours of sale, the tract of iaud in said coun
ty whereon Cuuneellor Mauldin resided at the
time of his death, containing 252) acres, more or
less. T UCK ER .MAULDIN, Adm'r .
of Couueellor Mauldin.
Oct. 3d, 1864. J J. 8. 20 tds.
1863, $i,650,0(>0
S/ofirt/es of Taxobtes ,\-r.. in Georgia in 1861.
As also required, accompanying this rcpoit, will be
1 found tables A, B, C. and 1>, containingIhe taxable
| piopeity, anti other items on the Tax Digests for the
. } cai' 1864 for 10-8 counties—together with table E,
i containing the polls in each county lor the year im
mediately preceding this report, the number of voters
; in each county, at the general election in lSt-3; the ,
i number of children in each county returned for par- ;
ticipatiou in the Educational Fund; the amount drawn ! “ Account Nnuil! I’ox,
$13,331,920 12
2,099.603 -II
And we have a lotal l'tiud «,f, $15,131,02? 56
Of (lie Disbursements curing the same time, there
has been pan) .-
< In Civil Establishment 1862, 1,250 00
“ “ “ 1863, .26,708 32
“ “ “ 1861, 19,283, 93
“ Coniiogent Fund 1863, 10.40899
“ “ “ 136-1, 19,768 fi2
Educational Fund 1862, 1,502 00
“ “ ‘S 186.3, 135,844 00
“ $A50,000 Fund for- Manufacture of
Arms, 52,975 26
" $ 1,000,000 Milifarv Appropriation for
18(71, ' fitig.O?! 95
*' $3,000,000 Military appropriation for
1861, 1,673,237 51 j
“ Soldiers Clothing fund for 1863, 100.000 00 !
“ “ . “ ' “ “ 186-1, 2,499.010 60 j
“ Family fund fob 1863, 795,313 85
“ 18.51, 3,685£*9l 39 j
“ Account of Legislative 1‘av Roll,
1863 &. 1864,
for \V A A. R. R.
' m 1862. 7 iter ct: Central Bk. Botids,
I'63, 7
lt-fil, 7 i* o «• o
1862, 7
1862, 6
1863, 6
1865, ti
1868, 6 *
]86J. ti
1869, 5
1870, 6
1871, 6
1872 ti
$22 r>t o
18.0( 0
134 5f.ll
. 622,500
Duo in 1872. 7 percent, now redeemable JOO.Mii
1873, 6
1874, 6
1879, 6
1880, 6
1881, 6
1881, ti
War Tax
And due in 1859, probably paid
“ “ I$6I. *•
169 50i»
75,0( 0
25,1 00
842 5000
6 l 00
Executor's Sale.
virtue of an order from the Honorable j
Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county will be J
scld oti the first Tuesday it* December next at
the Court House door in said county, between the j
legal hours of sale, the tract of land in said conn- j
ty known by the number 188, containing 2024 ta! value, and nveinge value, iu each
by each county for pay of members of the Legislature :
the total amount drawn out of the State Treasury by i
each county exclusive of the Indigent Soldiers Family i
Fund ; the total amount of tux paid into the State j
Treasury by each county, on the General Tax, tor the j
year 1863; aud the total amount of General Tax levied I
iu each county for the year 1861.
Table ‘ A ” contains the uimiber of Acres of land, its I
total value, aud its average value per acre in each ot I
the counties named of the N't ate for 1863 aud 1861. It j
will be seen that the average value of land per acre j
in 1861, throughout these 108 couutii.sis $1095 against ;
$5 84 in I8ti3.
Table “IT' contains the number of slaves, their to- j
f the countie
acres, more or less, belonging to the estate of Sam. ) named tor 1863.and ISol. It will be seen that the I
11 r.t
fr mi IN-
11 be madeto the Court of
flir'leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be
i for two months. .. , .
for letters of Administration Guardianship,
, m. published 30 days-for dismission from
t ration, monthly six monlhs-iox dismission
f' ■'•'.'I'-ecii'.sur e of Mortgage must be published
‘ ' four months—(or establishing lost papers,
,7 yparr of th ree months—for eotli polling titles
ir- 1 or administrators, where bond lias been
d the full space of three months.
GEORGIA, Bulloch County.
To alt whom it may concern.
"IVTHEREAS. Janies W. Moore and Elizabeth
T f Grooms applies to me for letters of adminis
tration on the estate of George Gro<?m«, late of
said county, deceased.
These aro therefore to cite and admonish all
aud singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to file their objections, it any they have,
in my office on or before the first Monday in No
vember next, otherwise said letters will be granted
— • '\V Holt, deceased.
Oct 3rd. 1864.
J. J K
HOLT. Ex'r.
211 tds.
mis will always be continued ‘ ^J? said applicants.
gal.requirements,unlesso erwisc -[ Given under my hand in officially, this 20th
Postponed Administrator s Sale.
VITTEL BE SOLI) in the town of Camilla Mitchell
v t county on the first Tuesday in November next
within the usual hours cf sale the following prbperty
belonging to the estate of B. P. Bostick late of said
county deceased to wit. Rachel a woman about
years of age, sirld for distributirf Terms cash.
September 1864. Pd $8. 19 tds.
, .1
of ail kind?} is5t
iiooh a:m .lob
day of 8ept., 1864.
Adm in isirator's Sale,
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
\\f HEREAS, John J. Hamilton applies to me
Tv for letters of administration-on the estate of
- , j Irwin B Hamilton, late of said county, deceased
When a subscriber finds a cross { These are therefore to cite and admonish all
iii- paper he will know that his su scr<p l j an£ J singular the next of kin and creditors to be
•irpired. or is about to expire, an mus e i» j hlJ j 8 ppe ar a t my office on or before tbe first Moil
ed if he wishes the paper continued. day in November next, and show cause, if auy
.-e- v- e do not send receipts to new snbscri- they can, why letters of administration should
A t j le y rr ceive the paper they may knew i no ( be granted tljc applicant in terms ol the stat-
we have received the money.
L dinaiy of Mitchell county, Ga.,'’will be sold
j on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, du
ring the legal hours of sale, before the Court i
j House door in Camilla in said county and State,
| the real estate of B. M. Cox late of Mitchell j
j county, deceased, The Homestead Place, imme-
i diately on Flint river, adjoining lands of Major
! D. W. Orr, James F. Ci-llins and estate of Allen
: Cockran, containing 2000 acres, more or less,
j about 114(H) acres in a high state of cultivation,
with fine impro'ements. Also a (tact in the 9th
Disqictof Mitchell county, containing 350 acres
, . i „ o/t 1 Given under my Hand amt seal
Subscriber* wisuii’g their papers changed j tI o , 9th d; of - September, 1864.
frcini one post-office to another must state the j isgt JOHN J. SPARR
nxine of the post-office Horn which they wish it
Tax Cotlovlov* EltauU Kfcript Book*,
Will be furnished from this office for $10 per j
quire, and $2 for binding. There w ill be 12 re- 1
• iipts to ft sheet or 288 to a quire. Collectors or
dering receipts will send a copy of the kind they
Given under my hand and seal of office this
■ARROW. Ord’y.
j average Value of slaves throughout these 108 counties
j iu IIS61 is $1761 42 against $.108 13 in 1863.
Table “C contains the number ot polls, professions, j
j free persons of color, children between 6 and 18 by j
■ parents and ‘guardians; number of hands employed
I between 12 and 1.5,15 and 55 and t>5 ; va'ue of City
: and Town property : amount of money and solvem
’ debts ; and value of merchandize returned on the Tax !
Books for4863.
Table ‘'D'' coutains the amount of shipping and j
40 tonnage, ^stocks, uiamifactnres ; Ac., Iiousenold and
j kitchen furniture Rvalue of property not enumerated ; 1
total property in L863 and 1864, and increase of ret urns (
of 1861 over 1863.
That the Legislature may also see how horses, mules, j
oxen, stock cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, Ac., are return- j
. ed in the different counties in the State; table “F" |
wil! show the average value at which these items have !
been returned, forwarded according to the best of 'heir |
recollection by the various Receivers of Tax Returns j
And that the Legislature may approximate to the |
number of taxpayers, who held property under the j
value ot, $2,000in biff? and for other uses ofthe Legis
luture, table "G” is furnished. Table '*11'’ shows the
number of beneficial 1 dee in each county, participating
in the fund for the support of the Indigent Soldier's
In consequence of the enemy having overrun, and
being contiguous to macyeonntirs in upper Georgia,
the counties of 15 irtow, Campbell,'Gatoosu. Chattooga,
Cherokee, Cold* Dade, Fannin, Floyd, Forsyth, Gil
mer, Gordon, Milton, Mart ay, Paulding, Pickens, Folk,
I Ivor payments 1861,
“ Printing Fund, 1863,
• “ Reduction of Public Debt,
“ Iuterest on Public Debt,
“ Printing Fund 1804,
“ Academy for the Blind,
“ Lunatic Assylnm—tor support
“ “ —Salary of
“ —Payofofli-
“ Georgia Military Institute—
■ Support of Cadets,
“ Georgia Military Institute—
“ Salaiy ofSupcrniteudant,
“ Georgia Relief aud Hospital
“ Clerk liotisc of Representatives,
On account Secretary of Senate,
For Bank Note Paper, Engraving and
Pn'ntiug and Clerk hire Ac., iu is
suing Georgia Treasury Notes
ami Change Bills.
On Account ofStiam hliip Fund,
“ bait Fund,"
" Cotton Cards for purchase of,
“ Cotton aud Wool Cards—Pur
chase of material to make,
" Corn Appropriation—Act of
Nov. 26 1863,
“ Corn Appropriation—Act of
Match 21, 186U
" lleuuiugseii lTospitul,
< tn Account of other nviscellarcoii.- ap-
propriations, which will be seen
hi an Abstract accompanying
this Report.
106,136 3(1
61,830 50
10,235 66
755 25
18,000 00
2,000, 00
3,o$3 33 i
500,000 0(1 j
5.1 10 00 1
3,500 00 j
more or less, about 125 acres in cultivation, with Walker and Whitfield have made no returns
10:4 Ins. of upper
! doz. CALF SKINS.
1 jo “ COAST “ „
SIA, A#., Ac., for Sale by
Sept. 12, 1864. *' lt ’
GEORGIA, Baldwin County.
\V II ERE AS, M. E. Willis lias made appliea-
f T tion for letters of administration with the
will annexed, on the estate of John Haas, late of
said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons adversely concerned, to file their objec
tions on or before the fiist Mouday in December
Given under my official s gnature, this 8tli of
October, 1864.
20 5t - , JOHN HAMMOND. Ord’y.
some improvements on tie place. Sold fora di
vision among the heirs. Terms of the sale, cash
in the new issue.
W. C. & A. If COX, Adm’rs.
Sept. 26th, 1804. I’d $19 20 tds.
Administrator's Sole.
VVTILL be sold in t! e town of Holniesville, Appling
T f coiuitv on the first Tuesday in November next
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
'yy/'HEREAS, Joseph Mercer and Julia F. Mer
cer applies to me for letters'of administration
on the estate of Roliu Mercer, late of said county,
These are therefore to rite and admonish all
persons interested, to file their objections, if any
they have, within the time prescribed by law, why !
said letters may not be granted the applicants in ’ Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
terms of the law. I _ _ , , , . .
Given under my band and official signature, A LL persons having demands against C.
;« n..( 6th 1864 I Li- Midleton, deceased, late of Appling con
can be expected until the enemy leave teat section
ofthe Stine The counties of Monroe and Stewart
sent up returps, but they were so deficient, your E v
cellericy rejected the same and ordered the returns to
be taken over again. The returns from the counties
of Burke, Chailtou and Pierce have been delayed in
consequence of vacancies in the office ot Reoeivcr of
Tax Returns iu these counties, aud the new Revivers
not having had Millieienc time to make their returns,
in time for these tables. In these tables, then, lor the
within the usual hours of sale a negro man named Fed i year 1861, only 108 counties are included. ■*
about fifty years of age sold as the property of Alfred \ By the following condensed- statement of these 108
counties, it will be seen that the total value of property
returned in 1864 is $1,612,592,806 against $840,041,127,
in the same counties in 1863, showing uti increase
of $772,551, 679 or an increase of 91 per cent.
Statement showing the Total Value of various items
of Taxation in 1Q8 counties of the State in the years
1863 and 1861, and also the increase and decrease in
the different items of taxation since 1863.
S. flail, late of said comity deceased, sold for the bene
fit ofthe heirs and creditors cf said deceased.
Terms cash. JOHN F. HALL, Adm’r.
September 23rd 1864. 20 tds.
~L0ST ”
O NE SCRIPT for 4 per cent. Bonds Confederate
States for $100, issued by YV. B. Johnston March
28th 1864; at the Depository Macon Ga.
All are warned not to trade for the same, as applica
tion will be made for the Duplicate of the same at
said depository.
October 4th, 1861. Pd $5. 19 5t
this Oct
2<J 5t
JOHN FALE, D. Ord’y.
Milledgeville Clothing Store# GEORGIA, Twiggs counly.
nviF Subscriber bavin* recently returned frem j TOHEIiEAS, it has been represented topie that the uosenoer, n» g w ! It estate of Jeasee Hearn deceased has no repre-
1- At,ant.t to his olo stand. .0. ft ■ seufativc, and lio person has applied for the adminis-
Hotel, with r.n extensive and varied assoitmentot trBtion
rea >■ made Clothing, consisting of Mens, i ouths, These ar • therefore to cite all persons concerned to
an? Buys Coats, Pants, and Vests, suitable for all jj C . nn ,j appear at my office, ou or before the first Mon-
and a variety of Fancy Buttons, which will be sold
a reasonable terms; ealland see.
Midedgeville, Aug. 29 1864. D U-
J. E. McDONALD t Only.
j GEORGIA, Appling County.
- TVT OTICE is hereby given to ail persons con-
- 1 > cerned, that Muitin Deen. has of late, depart
ed tiiis life intestate, and no person has applied
for administration ou the estate of said Martin
Def n, and that in terms of the law, administra-
j tion will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior
j Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty
j days after the publication of this citation, unless
some valid objection is made to his appoint-
Rave located at 272 broad street,
Al’GVMTA, ga.,
4 -VD offer their services to their customers and
-A friends for the purchase and Sale of Real and ( ment.
15ritonal Estate, Produce, Stocks, Bonds, Dia- J Given under my baud &ud official signature,
1 aids and Merchandise of every description.— this Ocibor 3d, 1864.
21 5t J. LIGIITSEY, Ord'y.
\Ye deem it unnecessary to state that any busi-
11-88 entrusted to us will be attended to with fidel
ity aiid despatch.
V: i i imM'L’V
GEORGIA, Appling County.
\\/ HEREAS, William Bennett applies to me !
v v for letters of adu.inistration on the estate
16 3m] WM. H. BARNES.
TV Intelligencer, Confederacy and Sav. Repub- J 0 f John M. Bennett, deceased.
•in copv two weeks, and send bills to us at Au- . These are therefore to cite and admonish all
gusta. ’ i persons inrerested, to be and appear at my office
are hereby notified and required to piesent them
properly attested to the undersigned within the
time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted
to said deceased, are hereby riquired to makt im
mediate payment to the undersigned
Sept. 22, 1864. Pd $6 19 6t
Adm in istra tor's Sale.
Court of Ordinary
be sold on tbe first
before the Court
county, between the leg I
hours of sale, one hundred and fifty acres of land,
more less, with a comfortable log cabin on it. with
other improvements. Bounded by Benjamin C.
Lee, General G« W. Lee, and David Beasley.—
Also, one negro girl, by tbe name »f Rose, about
ten years of age. Sold as the property of the es
tate of Simon P. Wilkins late of Bulloch county,
deceased, for a division among tbe heirs. Terms
on the day of sale.
Oct. 10th, 1S64. Dis 21 tds j
GEORGIA, Baldwin county,
riV.VO MONTHS after elute hereof, to wit; on the
L first Monday in December next, I shall apply to
the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county lor leave to
sell the laud and negroes, of Louisa Anderson, late of
said county deceased, for benefit of creelitors and dis
October 1st, 1£04. I? 3t
GEORGIA, Baldwin county.
V LL PERSONS, having demands against Louisa
AnderSon. late of said county deceased, are iiere-
5 £|^' I !;•!
2 — 3 fls ^ a x
•C Hi?' i
*< ~ =
? 5
- - r. JQ
Total. $ 13,288,435 91 |
Leaving a tuiliaure in Treasury of $2,146,087 62. j
Having thus exhibited (lie operations ofthe Treas- I
ury for the past twelve months, I have deemed it j
not inappropriate to allude to and make an approxi-i
niiitioii to the ordinary receipts and expenditures of j
the ensuing fiscal year. The anticipated receipts into j
the Treasury for the fiscal year 186,5, may be stated as 1
From G«n#ralState and Income Taxes
of 1861, $16,000,000 00
Tax on Banks,
Tax on Railroads,
Tax on Foreign Insurance Com
Dividend on A, & G. R. U., Stoch,
Dividend on Bank Stock,
To be refunded on Corn Appro
priation. made by Act of 21st
March 186-1,
Add to this the. balance iu the Treasury
Oct. 15, 186-1,
And we have a total of,
c.—.x. eg - ?C 1 :
— — — r-- iC {
cv x. -x ~i d x - ; 5
,m tiie s,! .mu ui-o Aiqiropnanon mnue topni- if sald ata|)y time . l(ter t(le re8UlnpfioiJ of spe-
.ottou to S lip to Europe to buy Cards because de pajlnenta wouId , i;iy more than two-thirds of
eriiif nee. of! lit* BiCH'kau^the diinruItiCH iu . . * : . , , .
e Cotton and importing the Cards are such, thJit this debt v after the $-8,t 9o,99(4 is taken up by the
N-iJ ii7.CJL’X r vX, vX
^ M ^ ‘Jj X Si CT. -I cc c. c
- • r. cw - * 05 w x t- x — ^ c-
^ c (i r 7- ? r.
jd -'t —p -* J- ' jr~ S J ~ 1
52 X x ^ 5 7; ij -3 t
>1* 1 ~ ■G X (
oc b “A ~ O'ji jw z
icbi'V: r.b c.
T ~ * , J.
JC X — ^
X V. — C- X w*t vX *.
To Milliners and Mar*<u.Tmakcrs. f
_ . . , . . i W itncss iny
r PHE SUBSCHIliKK lias now on hand a Iarjro lot j
* meat variety of DRESS TRIMMINGS,
with the time prescribed by law, totii® objections *j, notified to i,rese:it them totho undersigned, proper-
it any they have, ot said letters will be grat-il.^ j jy attested, wiihin the time prescribed by law. And
Witness my hand officially, this (Jet. the 3rd, i jj persons indebted to said deceased are required to
L’reat variety
wIupV. will be sold very low by the large quantity, so
lo ’"ablethe nnrcliaser to make a liberal profit on ,
‘hem. v A. C. VAIL. 1
Sept. 12, 1P/4 16 tf I
21 5b
I all persons indebted to said deceased are require
make payment to the same.
19 fit
October 1st, 1864.
$500 REWARD !
GEORGIA, l’ulaskt County.
W HEREAS, Eliza Lee applies to mo for let- i
ters of Guardianship of the person of John I
N. Lee, minor of John J. Lee, late of said coun- j Jones county, for leave to sell the land ana a ne
j'WO months after date application will be
■ made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of
SIOV YUV D Tl \ A W A Y ! i y These 1 are therefore to cite and admonish all
_ *■ *1 Cj HiU !•’ Ax * * • an( 3 singular the next of kin. Arc., to file their oh-
T> ' N Aff4} f rom „ Q a on t be 14th ol j jections, if any they have, within the time prescri-
AZii: h - rin »^. ,j wrn i, ov named Charles, bed by law, why said letters ot Guardianship
S' 1 .''ears; 5feet If) inches high, dark com- J should not he granted satd applicant in terms ot
a ‘latuose, aud wniirhs aboutlfi-) or 170 ■’ the law. .
e % i Given under iny hand and seal of office, tins the
-I W'OTjaiffi. SPARROW. Ord’y.
e ‘“ery to me.
u:,, . JOHN CONN.
_• ■ledgenlloGa., Ju)y27tb 18G4-. 11 tL_
l if r HL-fj/. T "''KK« county.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
T - HEREAS. Joseph King applies to me for
YV the Guardianship of the property of John
N Leo, minor of John J. Lee, late of said coun-
11 r v * 1 *
yi .AS, Holley Ann Cranford applies to
,n ' J f| w letters of administration with tbe
, c annexed° n the estate of Benjamin Cranford
1 1 a*ed (sail Cranford having nominated no i iuw , . «•
£X * c,ltl 'r in Ids will ) . 1 sons interested, to be and appear a my office
.‘‘icseare therefore to cite and admonish the' within the time prescribed ay *® w * *’
ty Tbese 8 are thereforeto cite end admonish all per-
' 141 ^ Riurc LW Uto c»«JV4 V||P
mured and creditors of said deceased to be aud
A’Uar at my office on or before the first Monday
■j 1 November next then arid there to show cause
i v . 8i<i d letters should not be granted.
Jivcu under my hand arid official signature at
Mario,,, September 14th, lbti4.
J. E. McDONADP, Ord’y.
j^Kjf «J lh.7 have, why letters of Guar-
dianship of the property of said minor should not
be granted said Josepn King, iu terms of
ute. . .
Given under my hand and seal of office,
the 12th day of October, 1864.
21 5t JOHN J- SPARROW, Ord y.
gro woman, belonging to the estate of James A.
Blow, deceased, for the purpose of a division —
Terms on the day of sale.
‘Sept. 23rd. 1861- 18 9t •
GEORGIA Pulaeki counly.
Ordinary's office, Oct. Gth 1SG4.
VY79IEKEAS, John J. Lee having heretofore taken
TY letters of administration on the estate ot John
Lee deceased. And whereas, the said John J. Lee
having departed this life without fully administering
said estate, and the said Eliza Lee having applied to
this Court to have Joseph King joined with her in said
administration, and the said Joseph King having con
sented to join the said Eliza Lee in the administration
of tlieestate of said John Lee.
Tlie8^are therefore to summon and cite all and
the kindred and creditors to appear at my office on the
first Monday in December next and show cause if-any
they have why the said Joseph King should not take
out! letters of administration iu connection with the
said Eliza Lee on the estate of said John Le e -_ 8hc
the said Eliza Lee being old and incapable in the judge
ment of lliis court to manage said estate uy herselt.
„ Given under my liaud and seal of office tins Oct. 6th,
20 5t JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord’y.
No. of Sheep, 15,965
“ “ “ killed by Dogs, ■* 31,0h>
of Dogs, - 81,423
By the above will be seen that the slaves
have been returned at an increased value of about 190
percent, land81 per cent, City and Town property 82
per cent, money and solvent debts 2J per cent, inc-r ,
chandiee 90 per cent..(in merchandise is included cot
ton not belonging to the orig nal producer,) shipping y
and tonnage 333 percent. Stocks, manufactures, .(■<• , (
43 per cent. Household and Kitchen h limit nr- 229 j
percent, and other property not enumerated 193 per
cent- In this item, too, cotton not belonging to the :
original producer may bo included. I he decrease I
in the iiomber of polls, professions, tree persons ol color, i
&<■., is m, doubt caused by persons going into the ar j
mv, all of whom owning less than $1,000 not beingtax- j p of Q 6orR j a Military! ustitute—Sala-
$18,991,087 65
As the enemy is now at. Atlanta, the Eastern ter
minus of the Western <fc Atlantic Railroad, and as Gen.
Hood is ill their rear.on that Rond, destmyingit sons
to prevent its use for some time to come, I have deem
ed it safest not to calculate upon any income from it,
in this estimate. I have, however, included in the i
above estimate,, the-return of the $515,090 drawn on j
tiie Corn Appropriation made by the Act of the 21st. i
March, 1861, because the Act making said Appropria- j
tion provides, that, the Corn purchased with this money j
shall be paid lor on delivery by the Justices of the j
Inferior Courts of the several counties to which the j
same may be furnished— the Courts paying‘‘thfe cost ;
of said corn and flight thereon”—and -*t lint the money j
received from the several counties for said Corn shall j
he paid into the Treasury by the said Quartet master i
j General.” I have not included in this estimate any re- |
; turn from Hie $1,0110,Ontl Appropriation made to ptir-
| chase Cette
1 in conseq
1 ping the (
j no reliable eslimale ns to the lesult of the same can be
I made—and any proceeds from the same cannot and
I ought not to lie relied upon for the support ol’tluGovern-
1 ment for the ensuing Fiscal Year. Neither have I
included in the above any return from the Salt Fund,
because it is presumed the ensuing Legislature will
continue the Appropriations during the war, to enable
vour Excellency to aid the people of the Stale in ob
J; j tabling the necessary supply ol Salt.
— U 'jpbt demauds upon the Treasury for tbe same
_ i year, on account of Appropriations undrawn, the }
% \ redemption of Treasury Notes due 25th December
) [ next, and the usual ordinary appropriations of the
| year, may be stated as follows:
! To pay Appropriations undrawn 5,438,166 53
•• Keenem Tr y. Notes due 25th Dec. 8,195,000 00
“ Redeem mutilated {State ChaDge Bills. 100.000 00
- Bay Members and Officers of tho
Legislature 70,000 (it)
*• Civ il Establishment > 80,000 (ill
'• Contingent Fund * 50,000 00
“ Printing I’und 40,000 00
For Reduction of Public Debt pa3t due 216,GOO 00
*• •• • •• *• coming due 18,000 tM)
“ Interest ou Public Debt, past due 668,l?6 00
« ’ “ “ *• “ Coming due 387,390 00
Support of Pauper Patients of Lu
ll -tic Asylum
“ .Salary of Superiutcudaut of Lu
natic Asylum
Pay of Officers aud Servants of
Lunatic Asylum
“ Support cf the Academy for tho
“ Georgia Military Institute—For
support of Cadets
. $6 086,250
It will bo seen that $»>,b(KlkCcntraI Bank Bonds
duo in 1859, and $10,090 of similar Bvmds, due in
•Istil. have not been presented for payment—at all
i !!V?- 1 ** (l .^ \ events. th£y are not marked paid in the Bond Book.
.,’”5..’- -![ | But, as the State lias, for several years past, at dif-
15 000 00 i Gtnes, redeemed Bunds not due, it is possi-
j hie these Bonds may hare been paid, and the fact
91,510 33 j payment omitted to bo entered on the Bond
i Book. But. it paid, they ale sealed up in pack-
2,450 00 ! ages, m the Treasury office, which neither the
Treasurer or Comptroller General can open with
out authority from the Legislature.
It will thus lio seen that tho State is now fu-
dtbfed iu Bonds to the amount ot $6,086,259—
$216,009 of .which being past due, are not paying
auy iuterest. The n training Bonds now out are
paying an animal inteiest ol $3«7,399, viz:
$•> i>29,.>00 7- per cent. Bonds, $247,065 1(1;
#2,278,750 6 per cent. B.mds, $136,725 00 and
j $72,009 5 percent. Bonds, $3.lion ()0; which
j amount ot interest will be reduced each year as
' 59 399 96 i become due or are redeemed.
‘'118.55 -16- The amount now due and coming due, during
160,1)00 00 ffi'oal y^ar I8l>-!, is #234,000, but. whether all
1.0001000 00 " iU be pieseuted within (hat time is questionable,
as souiti of them ate no doubt in tho Noithem
59,228 3.5 States, and may not be presented until after tho
j close of Uie war.
5(5,(100 (ill i In addition to this debt of the State in Bonds.
she also owes $6 993,009 in Treasury Notes and
$1,395,009 iu Trcamiy Certificates of Deposit,
lately issued for 8 and 6 per ecu Treasury notes,
tba! bear no inteiest. Neitherare they fundable or
redeemable until six'months aft; ra treaty of peace.
.54,077 02 j It is true a portion of them are redeemable ‘‘six
months after a treaty ot peace, or when the Banks
ot Savannah and Augusta resume specie pay
ments, if before that time,”yet, as it is not at all
probable that the Banks of Savannah and Augusta
will resume specie pay mi nts before that time, it
may he saiu that none of the. Georgia Treasury
Notes, orjl’roasury Certificates of Deposit issued
for the same, are fundable or redeemable until six
months after a treaty of peace. The State also
owes, in Confederate Treasury Notes, lor $1,411 ,-
442 00 State Change Bills, lately issued and also
for $8,(9.3,9( 0 Treasuiy Notes issued a few
months back, to meet the appropriations of the last
: Legislature, but which are to be redeemed out of •
Iho taxes of 1864, now lit leg collected The Pub
lic Debt of Georgia therefore, at tLis time, is as
Bonds, bearing interest. $5,870,250 00
Bonds, not bearing interest 216,000 00
Slato Treasury Notes not bearing in
terest. 6,933,000 00
State Treasury Certificates of Depos
it, not bearing interest 1,395,000 00
Slate Change Bills, not bearing in
terest 1,411,442 00
>.0116 66
266,006 (1(4
15.000 00
9,000 00
.56.000 00
30.000 00
515.000 00
20,000 00
$16,81.5,000 00
2,146,087 62
$15,885,692 00
To which may be added the $8,095,-
000 of Treasury Notes payable in
new issue of Confederate Treasury
Notes—which, if net presented be
fore the 25th of March next, are
‘‘not redeemable except in pay
ment of public dues,” 8,095,000 00
Making total $23,980,692 00
To pay this interest and meet, the Debt as it be
comes due (tho #8,(.35,000 of Treasury Notes cine
on the 2.3til December being already provided for,)
Georgia has not only her taxable wealth, worth iu
specie currency $700,000,000 or $800,000,000, but
she lias also (lie following public property, which.
able. . . • ,
An abstract from the 1 uiOks of this office, as required
by law, setting forth the amounts of the several ap
propriations, both common and special, under then
respective heads, the dates and amounts of wan ants,
iu wtrose favor drawn, and the ballance uudiawn of
sack appropriations. Also, as required, a table will
be found, showing t he amount of taxes that the inhabi
tants of each county in the State stand charged in the
Digests returned t5 this office by the several Receiv
ers of Tax Returns for the year 1864; from which it
appears that the General State Tax assessed in accor
dance with ibe Act ofthe 1-th December 1861 amounts
iu JOS counties t>> $15,324,255,76. which will be increas
ed to over $16,000,000, by returns from Mourue, Slew-
art, Burke, Charlton and Pierce.
Receipts ami Disbursements at the Treasury far the
Fisrat year 1861.
Of the receipts into the Treasury for the fiscal year
1864, there was received :
From General Tax, 1863,
“ Income Tax, 1863,
” Genera! Statu &. Income rases
“ General Tax 1860
« <•. « 1862,
“ Tax on Banks,
“ “ on Railroads,
“ “ “ Foreign Insurance Compa
i. *• “ “ Bank Agencies.
ry of Superintendent
1 Salary of Military Storekeeper at
‘ Educational Fund
‘Subscription to Atlantic &• Gulf
Rail mad
‘ Miscellaneous Appropriations.
J20.000 00
2,500 00
20.000 MO
12.000 00
2,000 00
3,000 00
900 00
160,520 00
50,000 00
50,000 CO
taxes of this year), leaving but a very small debt
to be hereafter paid by taxation. Her
Public Property is as folk ws: 7 000
Shares of Stock in tho Atlantic and
Gulf Railroad. 700,000 00
20,9( 9 Shares of Stock in several
♦Banks. 290,900 00
Also, her Western A Atlantic Rail
road, which has been paying into ■*
the State Treasury since 1859 be
tween 6 and 7 per cent, upon $7.-
000,000, and paid into the T reasury
in 1863, before the enemy got pos
session of it, $1,650,000, and
which, before tbe rise of all kinds of.
property, was valued by a commit
tee of tiie Legislature at 7,849,224 68
$8,840,124 68
As about $9,000,000 ot this debt has been crea
ted by the State during the war, for her military
defense,and for assisting in clothing the soldiers
of the Confederacy from Georgia, the amount thus
necessarily spent will no doubt, at some tuturo
day, be assumed refunded by tbe Confed
erate {States Government. But whether this be
done or not, if tbe State is not fotced to increase
her Debt further for wufi purposes, even with one-
fourth of oisr present tax (or 2.3 ceti's on the $100),
and with the net annual income's from our Rad-
roads, we can go on and defray the ordinary ex
penses of our State Government, and be' liberal
towards Education, our Lunatic, Blind and other
benevolent institutions,and pay i ur debt promptly;
and could thus pay tbe w hole of it in about hulf
the time some of it is due, w ithout the State’s sel
ling one dollar of her Public Property.
$ 1,505,7 07 05
155,593 08
767,833 43
15 00
152 13
302.004 51
11,318 89
8,635 11
oOt) 8o
• $!5,58l.6f>2 53
Leaving a bal in the Treasury of $3,409,425 09
Iu the above it will bo seen that. I have only in
cluded the undrawn i ppropiiations, and the or
dinary appropriation*, without reference to the
appropriations necessary on account of the /exis
ting war. If tbe ensuing Legislature makes tbe
same appropriations this year, that it did last year,
for the support of Indigent Soldier’s Families,
Clothing Soldiers, for the Georgia Relief and Hos
pital Association, and for Military purposes, Qie
following may also be added, viz: _ __ n - n .. nn
For I ndigent Soldier’s Families ™
“ SolK Clothing Fund . 2,606,006 00
“ & * SS °' 500,000 00
' $12,000,000 00
Which sunT(less $3,409,425, 09) will have to
Parody on ‘‘Iloht-nlindt-ii.'’
At Bull’s Run when the sun was low,
Each Southern lure was pale as snow ;
And loud as jackdaws rose tlieerow
Of Yankees boasting rapidly.
But Bull's Run.saw another sight,
When in deep-uing shades of night,
Towil'ds Fairfax Cow; House rose the flight
Of Yankees running rapidly.
Tli-if broke each corps with terror riv‘n,
Then rush'd the steed from battledriv'n,
The men of battery Number Seven
Forsook tlveir red artillery.
Still on McDowell's furthest loft
The roar of canuou strikes one deaf,
Wheie furious Abe and fiery Jeff.
Contend for death or victory.
The panic thickens. Ofi, ye brave !
Throw down your arms! your bacon save!
W nivc, Washington, allscruples waive,
And lly with all voor chivalry !
— Loudon 1‘uVich,