Newspaper Page Text
xnnjEU 23.
GEORGIA, I’uiar-ki County.
*1 d vi tv infra tor's So/e.
JjOoGrfTOXjSISBE r, BARNES & MOORE ^ HEEEA* X>1*BSUAKT to an order of the Court of Or
Publishers and Proprietors.
«. v. «or«!i r»'W u.ii(•!-*.
J04.U. >« irtKT. S
Cbc Canfcbrntt ?W° n
-\[;ifrdgcril/c, Go.,
Is pal,linked 11 eel 1 //. Wilki-pson S/s.,
t>rnr ';JeV///rt House.)
IT dinary of Twiggs couuty, will he sold before
the Conit House door in Marion, said county.
htieis oi administration on the estate of John
J I.ce. late of said county, deceased.
These are, therein,e to cite and admonish all „ jthin sale hours, at public" outcry, on the first
persons .uforcated, to hie thnr ohjections.^f any j Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, the following
'*•- rt . a | f. s tate belonging to the estate ot M s. Geor
f omspoude-nce of the Mobile A Ivcrtiser.
I.« lt< r from i!i<* Army of Tennrwee.
•Jacksonvillfr*, Ala., Ort. ir>th, 18 54.
I arrived at this ‘place .yesterday from “the
c °/’y
they have, on or before the lirst Monday in De
cember next, w by letters ot administration should
not be granted to the said Joseph King on JctiD
J. Lee's estate.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this (ith day of Oct l~0l
20 Tit ’ JOHN KALE. D. Only.
. , , • 4 1 _ GEORGIA, Twiggs County.
\f Jstv a Year 111 Advance. Y\H1LRKAS, John Oneal. Guardian of Lucin-
>Vl v J ft da Collins, applies to me for letters of dis-
- I hree Dollars p< r
Tit vSSir.XT.
,,es tor each insertion. . .
Vrihutcs of respect. Resolutions by Societi
eeding six lines., Nomination
K litorial notices for
qr.are of ten
es esc'
. luinicationa
for office,
at- transient advertisti*
.') (HI
Le<;ai, Ai>vJ-iti isisu.
8/ieriff‘s sales, per levy of ten lines, or less,
Mortgage fi fa sales, per square, lb 0(1
Tax Collector’scales, per square, 0,1
Citations for Letters of Administration,
4 4 *• Guardianship, “ 11,1
Letters .f application for disni’n. from Adm’n - «>
4. -• “ “ Guard n 8 <16
8 00
tf ('0
2 00
Appl'n for leaveno sell land and negroes,
3 to Debtors and Creditors,
oi land or negroes, pel square,
perishable propetty. 10 days, per sq
Estray Notices. JO days,
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square.
S.lesof Land and Ni-ghoe
mission from his Guardianship
1 hese are therefore to idle all parties interested,
to be an.! appear at my office on or before the iirst
Monday in Novemhei nex\ to file their objec
tions, if any they have, why said letters disniis-
sory shall not be gianted.
Given under my hand and official signature.
Sept, i t, •! .‘(id.
iOfu J. E Mr DONALD, Only.
GEORGIA, Jasper county.
\1L HE REAS, the estate of John Kinard. late
TT of said county, deceased, is unrepresented.
These ate therefore to cite and admonish ail
persons concerned, to be and appear at mv office ’
tn the fust Monday in December next, and take
tie administration of said estate, or show cause
why the same shall not devolve upon the Cleik of
the Superior or Infeiior Court, as provided by
gia A Evans, late of said county, deceased, to-
wit: The Tavern lot and lots adjoining the same,
together with stable lot, and other lots,(lying and
■ and being in said Town of Marion The house is
commodious and fitly constructed for its purpose,
and if properly supplied for company, would
Avarrq^t a handsome support for a small Family
Terms of sale on the day
By IT A. Rice, Att.'y. in fact.
September 12th, 1 ■'-(14. [l, s] 1? tds
Journal & Messenger please publish
above iu-teims of law, and present account lor
pat m< nt.
Ad minis/rater's Sale.
B Y virtue of an order of the court of ordinary,
of 1’ieice county, w ill be sold cm the first
Monday in December 1864. at the Court House
door, in said county, between the legal hours of
sale, one lot of iand No. (57,) in the 9th, district
of origanally Ware, now Pierce county, sold as
the property of James R. Thomas, late of Pierce
county deceased, for the hem lit of the heirs and
creditors, of said deed. Terms made known on the
day of sale. BANNER THOMAS, Adm’r.
front,'’ having left the army onthe morning of the
Nth inst. * * * I gave you my view’s of it
in a letter written on the 28th of September# be
Mountain. Our operations, then, must, for tin (
present, be limited to frequent raids upon his rail i
iyiau In five days we can reach his railroad; in
iv* days we can destroy it fur JO miles, aud iu
five days return.
Thus, we c m make the raid in fifteen days. We
can do damage enough to employ the Yaukees
thirty days iu rebuilding the road! When nearly
Address of Ccm. (traDrrynrd.
H i> Qi Mii.itaiiv Division of the \Vs*t )
October L'tli, IsJi. ^
la assuming command, at this eritient iunctnre of
the Military Division of the Wikst, 1 appeal to m v ( oim-
trymen of all classes and sections, for their generous
support aud confidence.
; campaign commenced. In one point my completed, we can make another raid, and des- i Presidentot'tbe ‘^id«I«‘ateSmtiri!L ! *x“m^,i t 'io
: »d vice was not followed, and our cause sutiered troy it again repeating the operation as olten as i me the assurance of his earnest support : ti,e Fxecn
by it. I left the auny outlie lltli, hawing thai he rebuilds. He ivunot-keep an army in Atlan- live of your States meet me with similar expressions
i morning received an order detaching me from my r,> or near it, under such conditions. How then is j T 1 thyirdevotion to our cause; the noble army in the
‘ command, and assigning me to Jacksonville. J tie to prevent our destruction of his road.' He j “ eu *’composed of brave men and gallant i divers, an-
ean do it only by attacking and destroying our ar- *° lne - ami I know flint tiiey will do a,I
my. He cannot defend the road between Kings I 'VhIfoi-!*ll?v' a yn C * , ' ev i’' . ,,
ton and Chattanooga, without leaving Atlanta, and ! comrades ' but Wi'fon^w^ 'i' e, ‘ i° • '** l lH " 1 c! 1, ‘"
. . i • ... ^ vuiyitnuv, uur n»rt‘>im«r(»ws tht* ‘ r l»»rious iutlite whic 1
cutting Ins army between Kingston and Rome, lies before them. Inspired with th^e bright promise of
Nos involves the abandonment ot Atlanta. But j success, I make tins appeal foihe nun aim women . f
this is not all. If he puts bis army between Kings j my conntiy, to lend me the aht of tht :i earn si m il
tsept. w th. 1864. Paid.
I(i tds.
Ad>uinisfrator's Sale.
Given nnder my hand officially, this 19th day of ! Tl Y VIRTUE of an order of the Honorable
let . 1 Hi 1. " ' U C
•J llll
liy Administrators, Kx-
requinMl hy law t<> 1m* held
esd'ftvtu the month; between the hours
three in the afternoon, al the
the couuty in which the property is
first T»
HI in the forenoon an.
mrt iu»u
f those sales must be given'.n a public ga-
; vs previous totbc day of sale.
- 1 the of personal property must be
cite HI
■veil ill
22 ot Jt. II lit ren ISON, Ord ’y
GEORGIA I’ierce county.
VI^UEREAS E. I), Hendry ajiplies to me for litters
it oi guardianship oflhe persons a.
Hester A. Stout
toria and Matin
Stone deceased.
All persons will take notice and Jilt* objections il'anv
they have in terms of Law by the first Monday ni
Novenibt r next or said letters will b* granted:
II W. GRADY, Ord’v.
Sep' J.’Stli, ISfit. (Pdjfi.) 22 ot.
Isabel, Reasie, James A,Queen; Yie-
i r Stone all minor heirs oi Daniel J.
•vious to sale day.
manner lb nays pti
itid creditors ot an estate
- x„ tl ees to ttic debtor-
"xlffi'nMhatappS^i"" n,B v *° tl,e C °" r, r f
(irdinar_> for\eaveto sell Land or Negroes,must he
1'Xr letters Of A jininistration (iuardiansliip.
i.' ,'u'stbl published 30 days-for dtsousston from
^ bninUtration, monthly «> ,«a,^s-tor d.snusston
U'" n Guardianship, b m „ st be published
fishing ^ ^
, ,' ,df!,tl of three wowtAs-forcon.pelln.gtith *
tr nr Kxecirtorsor adiiiinistnitors.wi
riven bv tlie.deeeased the lull spa*
' publication* "ill always be continued «
.I, . se ^i K . iegil requirements.u:i.essuuu .«
Book and wovk* of all
Court ot Ordinary of Pulaski county will lie
sold on tiie first Tuesday in December next, at
the Court House door in said comity, between the
legal hours of sale the tract of iand in said coun
ty whereou Cottncellor Mauldin resided at the
time of his death, containing 2<‘2.$ acres, more or
of Couucellor Mauldin.
Oct. Jd, Ifc‘l)4. J J. S. 21) tds.
Executor's Sate.
virtue of tin order from the Honorable
Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county will be
sold on the lirst Tuesday in December next at
the Court House door in said county, between the
legal hours of sale, the tract of laud iu said coun
ty known by the number lt-8, containing 20*2.1
acres: more or less, belonging to the estate ot .8am.
W Holt, deceased.
WM. W IIOLT. Ex'r.
Oct.. 3rd. IHR4. J. j s. 20 tds.
find the change a delightful one, In ni the hard
march aud short rations of an active campaign ti
the quiet and luxurious repose of a hospitable
I .mansion, presided over by a charming and noble
matron, and furnishing such rare delights as a
j bountiful and excellent table, a beautiful chamber
I a bed of the softest down, and the Tleanest and
whitest sheets' .So glorious is it to be detache'
from the army and he master of ont^'s own time
How long this e’.ysinm will continue, I know not.
1 hut I hope it may be long. Iynust, at least, admii
. that I have'been treated with “distinguished con
sideration ’’
Where thea'niy is I e tmot tell you, for ind.T-d
Ido not precisely know I left ir'near a place
called Dirt town. (Pba-hns what a name!) and its
; face was then northward, audits !-gs in motion.
I hope it may safely return, but I fT -tr that the bold
and vigilant Shennan may deal it a heavy blow be
fore the campaign is ended.
J ant estopped from telling yoy what is past, but
! I can give you my- speculations about the future
I do not know what our Generals trill Jo, or at- and must move forward and aggress. When he
tempt to do, but l know very well what they can, i- s driven to the delensive he is beaten. Ottr lines
and what they cannot do. I therefore gir'e you is perpendicular to his, and opposite to the centre
my views of the iuture operations in th.s quar- of his line from Bridgeport to Atlanta. We can
I.-* mu .til. 4 1 lie JJUI9 U1J* muljr L'Cll iA»Ug» j “V G' ‘CIIU me lul* «Ml (.( Ti P.l fll.ll
ton and Cliattanooga wj can then strike it in J oo-operatioir l imhlc to ioiu in ti e h!oo<iv coi ffii ts
vV ill’s Valley, near Briiigeport, and destroy it, | 11 ' * u> “^'• they ean do iihilIi to stivngtlu-n ni-.r cense,
there, lie cannot defend all points at once. Even 1 ''P 0i ^^ u '! ks ,’ «-'"«• >» ’for* coi ti-
on the road from Kington to Chattanooga, he can- j final Vue.^'amTSermiee. ‘ “ ‘' ur
not defend all points. It he divides Ins army be- | TI,canny of .Sl.ennaustill defiantiv holds the , itv „f
t-ween severakpoint8, thus divided, it cannot resist, t Atlanta. I!c can and must he driven from it. it i*
If be masses it at Kingston, we can strike the - only tor the good people of Geontia and Mim»uuciiic-
road near Dalton. If he masses his army at Dal- I .States to speak the word, and the whole is done,
ton, we caif strike the road near Kingston, an so I M e have abundance o! provisions ntd there arc turn
on.—Neither dispersing nor concentrating will j entm HI 1 i. n the country, bab e and .able for rervioe, t..
avail him. And the advantages of this position ; ** ( “‘ ou, l' ,ls h the res.dt Iq all such. I enruestiy appeal
and plan on our part are great and obvious. We j ’et thl've wliol'nlino:^- JJ r 'sjwoTn e coniiiiamls. nnd
, i- , ' , , o .i in loose who cannot go, see to it that none remain nt
makethe Yankee abandon Atlanta, which he has: , 10me w f,o are able to G. ike a critical and decisive
so dearly won and wlncn hepuzes so highly. We , hour.
put liim on the defensive, the weakest, of all poll- To thost- soldiers oft he army, who are r t from
cies, and keep him so. He lias come for conquest, j their commands without lc«*.. i appeal in the name of
Our people are a weak and foolish people. T hey
are too easily and too excessively depressed, or ex.-
strike any part of his line for 170 miles.
There is hut a small difference in the distance
from our base to any part of his line- Our line
their brave comrades, nitli whom they have in the
pnsf. so olten shared th.. ]<rt\atious «>t the ramp and
the dangers of the battlefield, to return at hue.* to their
duty. To all such as shall report to their respective
eonininnds in response to tlii- appeal, w itl.iti tiie n< ,\t
thirty days, an amnesty is hereby grant--,].
My appeal is to every one ot ad c as-es anil con
litiouB, to come forward* freely dieeriullv ami witli'a
ailed in spirits. A disaster drives them to despair ; be ng perpendicular to his only one point of it, the i good h«;art, to the work that lies I
T> Y
L) Cc
•r< lined has been
ft hree months.
i until p * o
* l )
\ I i *S 1 S 4* F » S * E
TI 1>
IT* When r subscriber finds a cross mat k on
ilis paper lie will know that his subscription has
•’xpired, or is about to expire, and most oe r< new-
ed if he wishes the paper continued.
nr We do not send receipts to new snbsrri-
u«i s If they receive the paper they may know
fftqt «r- have reeeiveJ the Jiioi»e\.
rF 1 Subscribers wishing their papers changed
from one post-office to another must state the
name of the post-office Horn which *Jt@y wish it
'!'«* (allfttor# I’.lnr,k Bereipt Book*.
Will be furnished from this office for SU* per
quire, and $2 for Wilding, 'i'here v. ill lie 12 re
ceipts to a sheet or 288 to r quire. Collectors or
dering receipts will send a copy of the kind
GEORGIA, Fierce enmity.
(7TI EKE AS, Jane K. Bunco applies to me for let
ters of guaitlinusliip of the person and property
of Daniel Stone a minor Heir of Daniel J. Stone de
All persons will take notice and file objections if any
they have in terms of Law by the first Monday iu Nu-
vsnnber next or said letters *-.<ii 1 be granted. IT “ ~ \ ~ '
H.W. GRADY. Ord’v. Postponed Administrators Sale.
Sept. C8th, 1861. H’J-Su) 225t -*vyiLL BE SOLD in the town of Camilla Mitchell
* T county on the first Tuesday in November next
within tin usual hours of sale the following property
helot ging to the estate of B.’F. Bostick late of said
county deceased to wit. Rachel a woman about 40
years of age.sold for distribution. Terms cash.
R. 1). FAIRCLOTII. Adin’r
September 21st ISfif. I'd $8. 19 tils.
A dm i v ist rn tor's Sti /e.
P URSUANT to an' order of the Court of Or-
dinaty of Mitchell county, Ga., w ill he sold
o:i the first, Tuesday in DECEMBER next, du
ring the legal hours of sale, before tlie Ceuit
House door in Camilla in said couuty and State,
the real estate of B. M. Cox late of Mitchell
county, deceased, The Homestead Place, imme
diately on Flint river, adjoining lauds of Major
,, f , , , - A n D. W. Orr, James F. Collins and estate of Alien
tnereiore <o cite and admonish all ; , , - - ,
... 4 l Cockran, contuning 2(MMt acres, more or mss,
cr* i ois. o e joOO acres iu a high state of cultivation,
with fine impro* ements. Also a tract in the 9th
Distiict ot Mitchell county, containing 350 acres
more or less, about I2o acres in cultivation, with
some improvements on the place. Sold for a di
vision among the heirs. Tenns of the sale, cash
in the new issue.
W. C. «fc A. H. COX, AdmTs.
Sept. 20th, 1864. Pd $10 20 tds. ,
GEORGIA, Bertien County.
YUIIEKEAS, Clementine Jefcoat applies to me
f I for letters of administration on the estate of
Samuel Jefcoat, late of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons Interested, to bo and appear in my office
within the time prescribed by law, and file ob
jections, if any they have, or said letters will be
Wi'ness mv hand officially, this Oct. 3rd, D64
21 :.t Pdfs') W. E. CONNELL, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, l'niaski County.
Mai iak Rawls applies
administration cri the es-
Jolin J. Rawls, late of said county, de-
TT me for letters of ad
c- ased.
and singular the next of kin an
and appear at mv office on or before the first Mon
day in December next, and show cause, if any
they can, why said letters should not be granted
said applicant in terms oi the statute,
W itness my hand* and seal of office, this Oct-
12; h 1864.
21 fit JOHN FALE, D. Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Baldwin County.
HEREAS, M. E. Willis has made applica
tion for letters of administration with the !
will annexed, on the estate of John Haas, late of j
said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all I
persons adversely concerned, to file their objec- j
dons on or before the first Monday in December ;
Given under my official s gnalure, this 8th of !
October, 1864. i
2J fit JOHN HAMMOND. Ord’y. I
Administrator's Sa/e.
\X7TLL be sold in tie town of Ilohnesviile, Appling
TT county on the first Tuesday in November next
within the usual lours of sale a negro incu named Fed
about fifty years of age sold as the property of Alfred
S. Huff, late of said county deceased, sold tor the hem
tit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Terms cash. JOHN V. HA LL. Adm’r.
September 23rd 1864. 20 tds.
:m 100 In*, of upper
bales of s oz. osnaburgs
J 00 “ COAST “
SIA. Ac., Ac.,for Sale by
1864. Ifi *f
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
Sejit. 15
Miiledgeville Clothing Store.
milE Subscriber, having recently returned from
JL Atlanta to his old stand No. 1 Miiledgeville
Hotel, with an extensive and varied assortment ol Clothing, consisting of Mens. Y ouths,
and Boys Coats, Pants, and Vests, suitable for all
seasons, an 3 a great variety of Over Coats, cm
Prints. Cloth Cloaks. Silk, Lisle and Merino Vests,
ami a great variety of Dress Trimmings, viz Srla
aPfq Cotton Laces, Edgings and Fringes. Rushes,
and a variety of Fancy Huttons, which will he sold
cti reasonable teuns; call and see.
A. C. \ AIL.
Miiledgeville, Aug. 29 1864. 11 tL
\ ND ofter their services to their customers nnd
friends for the purchase and Sale of Real and
Personal Estate, Produce, Stocks. Bunds, Dia
monds and Merchandise of every description.—
We deem it unnecessary to state that any busi
ness entrusted to us will be attended to \\ ltb fidel-
ity and despatch.
16 3m] VVM. H. BARNES.
Tl^HEREAS, Joseph Mercer and Julia F. Mer-
T T cer applies to me for letters of administration
on the estate of Roliu Mercer, late of said couuty,
These are therefore to cite aud admonish all
persons interested, to file their objections, if any
they have, within the time prescribed by law, why !
said letters may not be giauted the applicants in
tel ms of the law.
Given under my hand and official signature, I
this Oct. 6ih, 1864.
20 fit JOHN FALE, D.Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Twiggs county.
YVTIEIiEAS, it has been represented to me that the }
T T estate of .lessee Hearn deceased has no repre-
si'iifafive, ami no person lias applied for the adtmnis- ■
t ration.
Tliesc ar i therefore to cite all persons concerned to '■
Iu- and appear at my office, oil or before the first Mon
day in December next, to show cause why the Clerk of j
the Superior Court or some other suitable person should j
not he appointed to represent said estate.
Given under mv ham! and otlieia! signature Oct. 7th, ;
1864. * ,j
21 fit J, E.fllcPOXALD, Ordy. j
GEORGIA, Appiing County. t
4] OTICE is hereby given to all persons eon- j
eerned, that Maitin Deen. has of late, depart
ed this life intestate, EDd no person has applied
for administration on the c-state of said Martin
Deen, and that in terms of the law, administra
tion will he vested in the Clerk of the Superior
Court, or some othei tit and proper person, thirty
days after the publication of this citation, unless
some valid objection is made to his appoint
Given under my hand and official signature,
this Octbor 3d, 1864.
21 fit J. LIGHTSEY, Oid’y.
O NE SCRIPT for 4 percent. Bonds Confederate
States for $1011, issued hy W. B. Johnston March
28th 1864; at the Depository Macon Ga.
All are warned not to trade for the same, as applica
tion will be made for the Duplicate of the same at
said depository.
October 4th,’1861. Pd $fi. - 19 fit
and a little success exalts them into ecstasies and
the most extravagant expectations. When Allan
■ ta was lost, they were deptessed as if the blow
was irreparable, and now that our army has taken
the aggressive and ri gained Yost territory, they are
wild with hope, and are deluded with the idea ti ar
. onr army w ill go triumphtly forward info the heart
! of Tennessee and Kentucky. I regiet to have to
spoil tins pleasing vision. What then, is the situ
ation? Our recent move was, no doubt, a surptise
to sherman. though lie soon discovered it, and res
ponded to it. Ire was-obliged to move hack to
net it, and under great disadvantages. It is be
lieved rhat his army at Atlanta had been diminish
ed by many thousands. One corps had been dis-
chaiged from service, one corps and two divisions
had been sent after Foirest, two divisions had
been sent to Kentucky to recruit, and one corps
had been sent to Eonie.
Shearman’s teams were poor and weak, and un
fit for traveling. And we must have had the start
of him, by two or three days. This railroad would
have given him some advantage, hut we were
it, and commanded it What
was an embarrassing question
abandon it altogether, aud
ed, aud his accumulated stores there, or to leav
a garrison. To leave a garrison there, was to di
minish liis army in the field, aud perhaps, finally
to sacrifice the garrison. But political com i fora-,
lions, controlled military policy, and he left a gar
tisou of about 7,000 men in Atlants. Having
sacrificed so much to gain Atfonta, its political
value to Lincoln iu the pending election, and in
deed, Hhelman’s own vanity, induced him to take
great hazards, and make great sacrifices to hold it,
even for a f: w weeks With the remainder of fits
arms he returned, as readily as ho could, towards
Kingston and Rome. On the 12th inst., after
leaving our army, 1 passed in ten miles of Rome
My opinion is, that, on that day, Sherman's army
was at Rome. It was impossible for him to have
beet! further North at that time.
The theatre of war in this department is hence
forth to he on new lines. Our move already made,
transfers it Iroin Atlanta to the country between
Blue Mountain and the Atlanta and Chattanooga
railroad. Atlanta will never again be the scene of
conflict. Here, over this mountanous country, or
upoii another line farther west, the war for the pos
session of Tennessee, Georgia aud Alabama will
be fought out.
It is of much interest, then, to know the local
irfos, distances and topography of this region,
which is to become historical by ties struggle
The distance from Atlanta to Rome is about 60
terminus, is exposed, and our army covers that. My countrymen! respond to this cnH as v*u havo
He cannot reach it without encountering otir army. , n . e ’ u duys that hare passed, and wit it the blessing <>t
If be bad Blue Mountain he could not hold it e kind and overruling Urovidi-nce, the enemy shall be
twenty days for want of supplies. It was in view ' a I'm inn f . l m ’'!! i !, e ‘ T’.V < ’ 1 -- v, " u ' "ivis and
r .j • i .♦ .i.ip .» r t | r i QflULIittrbj tlOlll tlil* Hlttl till* ■ 'III 1 C't l| V> 111 —
ot thene cocsideiatioiis, that, before the fall of j tal ,n<> similar* i * * 1 V ?» »
*♦1 »Fn i i*i ni . . c 1 IBJ Ioe i soaii oe estawiaiiofi, miou t<» l*u followed by h
Atlanta, I pi eposed the Line Mountain line of op- permanent and hooorab.V po&<e. The Haiuim cfboire
orations as the tine one. Your columns attest the and country, wife and children uniting with the de-
fact that I did this on the 8th of August, and j mandsof honorand patriotism, summon us to the field :
nearly a month before tin: fall of Atlanta I urged we cannot, dare not, will not tail fo respond,
it again oil the J4th of September, shortly after I till of hope aud confidence, J come to join in your
the fail of Atlanta. On tho 29th September the Giuggle, sharing yourpm-iitions, anil witli vein brave
plan was adopted and executed hy • the powers ' au * rne men, to strike the blow that shall Inin
that be.’’ For the reasons which I have fhu3 min J
utely detailed, Blue Mountain is our best and
saltest line of operations. For these reasons I
believe that it will, of necessity, be the theatre of
war during the ensuing winter. It is important
that the railroad he extended about 26 miles fur
ther. This can easily he done, as the road is al
ready graded, and iron can be brought from the
Georgia roads. Cougresa, or not waiting for the
meeting of Congress, the President, should have
this dene immediate. It is not to be forgotten
cess to our a nils. triumph to our anise, arid peace to
our country.
[Signed.] T. BEAUREGARD.
Official. • Gi'iieia!
Gko. Wm. IIkent, Col. &. A. A. (J.
Military Division or the West,
Jacksonville Ala. Oct. 17,1861. ^
General Orders .Vo, 1.
In (ibedience to the orders of the President of the
Confederate States, I a.-smue command this day of the
fi ujv mu 1.UV/UHV4 nnu v/uiu tuou ao ci >'nou■ i . , . i
Thcfifell of Mobile would open the Alabama, War- ; "■ Lieutenant G-
- -i , . . .1 , , ’ , lor. these otneers wit] re
ior and B.gbeo rivers to the enemy, and lay the j Ppe ctivc, iseu
i it portions of Alabama open tot lie enemy. It proper discharge i f ihei.- d
nc-ral R'ich&rd Tay-
d c l their te-
cessarv for the
.-suing i
proper discharge c.f their duties,
would then be difficult even to hold Selma, the In assuming- columned „i this imporfnnt Military
other terminus of our road. It would require au » Division, ! enjuin upon all office r> and sohifor.s in-mnony
aimyto do it. The fall of Mobile would, very | zeal,implicit and piompt obedience to orders and con-
niul their {‘oumwiidcrn, and stic-
pomt ot the I erown their efforts fo drive the
lighest strategic, value. It must be held at all j cnemy ! ? m OU1 ' S ” H and establish the independence of
aiiiiyiu uu it. i ue ui xuouue wouiti, very } buu jimhi
probably, drive our aftny from this line of opera-j fideneein themselves/
tions. Mobile has thus become a point of the | oi-sswill then surely c
1 arc the officers f*f mv personal ami
uo\vled<re of facts that are r.ot patent to all. t Lieut. Otey, A. A.ii.
man v> ho has a map, and wito understands j Mator Henry Brian. Assistant Inspector General,
cience of war, has all tho means of making ! w!"!'-1.J hTst'ii''T‘r'J C *- t ‘ cera! ’
unions that I have. I am telling no secrets to , Ma j or Edward vViffis, f QunrtcrmaHcr.
I hazards, and to the last exetremity. j The follJwin"
Such, theD, is the situation, ana such the proba-1 general staff, '
i bilities to the future Iain merely giving my; let Lieut. A. R. Chisholm, A. A. G.
speculations. I have no knowledge of the plans; 1st Lieut. A. N.Tontnnt, A. A. G.
of our leaders. I only think ior myself. I have : Uoi. Geo. \V. Brent, A. A. G.
no knowledge of facts that ate not patent to all. f Lieut. Col. .1. M. Otey, A. A. <L
spy man
the science
up opinions thatx C . * K uv, a 4V , Major Edward Willis, Chitf Quartermaster,
the enemy. He knows ail this as welt as 1 do. It Major F. Molloy,Chief Commissary,
anybody flatters me by saying that Sherman will Surgeon R. L. Biodie, M. diea! Inspector,
profit by my suggestion, I have cnlj’ fo say. that ] Surgeon Sam’l Clmppin. Medical Inspector,
if my opinions are so valuable as to be adopted ; The Medical Director. Chief Quartermaster and
by the greatest of Y'ankeo Generals, then my own i Chief Commissary will act only as inspeetois of their
Government had better appreciate them morel respective departments until farther orders,
hio-hlv than it does ' A!! communications to the Headquarters of the Mi'i-
I advise your readers to lay this letter aside for j ,vi]| be aJdre98e<1 to tLis P !ttC ‘ ! Hntil i ’ ,r '
(Signed.) G. T. BEAUREGARD,
Official—Geo. Wm. Brent,
Colonel nnd A. A. G.
ninety days, then re-read it and see how it has
been verrified by events.
There are many rumors from the front of a fight!
at Kesaca, in which some of our Geuerals are re-,
miles; to Dalton, foC; to Chattanooga 149. The ported killed 'They are not reliable. But it is cer- from Blue Mountaid to Rome is or) miles: j tain that Sherman has attacked a part of our force j
part ot i
near Rome and got the better of it.
Southern Confederacy;
<Scn. Cobb’s Order
Josephus Camp.
This consumate villain has turned up in Nash
ville, Tenn., and has given the Union a “long nar
rative,” aud among other things said that he was
lately editor of the Atlanta Confederacy, and tn.*u
he left the country because lie was about to be im-
Noticc tn Debtors and Creditors.
LL persons having demands a\ttris. C-
GEORGIA, Appling County.
Vh/FIEREAS, William Bennett applies to me
yt for letters of administration on tho estate
W*Intelligencer, Confederacy and Sav. Repub- ol John M. Bennett, deceased.
» . i .1 k!U n in ««n <>» A ti * Tlu’jo ora t lioro fnrn tn uitn otitl iw^mnnisn f||J
A LL persons having demands a\tors. C. H.
Midleton, deceased, late of Appling county,
are hereby notified and required to ptesent them
properly attested to the undersigned within the
time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted i
to said deceased, are hereby required to make ipi-
mediate payment to the undersigned
JOHN W. HARRIS, Adjn’r. j
Sept. 22, 1864. Pd $6 19 fit
A d m in is fra tor's Sale.
B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary i
of Bulloch county, will be sold on the first
Tuesday in December next, before the Court j
House door in said county, between the leg 1
hours of sale,one hundred and fifty acres of land,
more less, with a comfortable log cabin on it. with
other improvements. Bounded by Benjamin C.
Lee, General G. W. Lee, and David Beasley —
Also, one negro girl, by the name of Rose, about
ten years of age. 4S0UI as the property of the es
tate of Simon P. Wilkins, late of Bulloeh county,
deceased, for a division among the heirs. Terms
on the day of sale.
Oct. lfttit, 1804. i) It 21 tds j
GEORGIA, Baldwin couuty.
rjtWO MONTHS after date hereof, to wit; onthe
A first Monday in December next, I shall apply to !
the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county fur leave to I
sell the land nnd negroes of Louisa Anderson, late c.f!
said county deceased, for benefit of creditors and dis- ]
tributees. >•
October Jst, 18C4. 19 9t ;
to Kingston,79, to Dalton, 75; to Chattanooga,
104: to Bridgport, 85; to 1; untsville, 95. The to
pography of the country is ruffed ate] mountain-
'ous, with many streams and bad-road. This re
gion contains tour livers the Chattahcoehe, the
Etowah, the Oostanaula. au<l the Tennessee. The
first flows in seven miles of Atlanta, aid thence to
West Point. The two latter unite at Rome, and
form the Coosa, which flows southward to Mont
gomery. The Coosa is navigable for steamboats
from Greensport to Rome. The Tennessee flews
by Chattanooga aud Biidgepott and near Hunts
ville. It is necessary to understand the topogra- .,,, SWP r haek tho hatth erv Gonr-rians rallv ns i "®° i/op cwucia™ >> iwuiii
niiv of tl is rep-ion in'o-der to know wLat can be ! “ U * r D , , 1 c rgla , ’.. raH * as tor of the paper, and can testily that Camp never
Vhy 0f tt lS r ?, ° 1,1 °' d r 0 k,1 ° ' a tau • : ni !. m “ u _ al !i eC ; J . 1 lhe . w;ir ' r.Z 0l L Can J°_ lt :-_ l .\ 0Ur wrote an article for it in his life. Indeed, no one
. ,... , I prisoned for writing an arlicle in favor of a le-
\\e publish in this mornings edition a manly : ^ on8truction of the Union. wo, cdWnr
thrilling appeal from General Howell Cobb to the i uf the Confederacy. Duri .
one third interest—which was about one month-
lie was never editor
uiruiiiig appeal iron, ocuciai iiuwcii owu l “° | of the Confederacy. During the time he owed
people of the State of Georg,a.-Let; it echo from t one thir<J interest i wllich about one montl.-
l.e mountains to the sea shore and from tbe eas-! he U8ed exertion to creafe the impreS sion
tern to the western limits of U.e Empire State ; fh t be wa3 apt . Roberts wa8 at that ti ^ e edi .
done by oyr Generals in iuture operations on 4lns ; homes are invaded—your friends and neighbors
‘ :ne - . j have been insulted*, turned out of their houses aqd
I here are many who think that our army 1S driven as outcasts over the State, in poverty and
who knew him would ever have accused him of
the ability to write an article that would attract
now on its triumphant march to Tennessee or Ken- j d j str p ss ]' Yoti meet them at "every step—living Httentwn eve, ‘ lf reconstruction had been bin
tueky. and that it will not halt or turn back. I ; graphic witnesses of the tiendish brutality of your j , r r.o
, graphic
cannot believe it. tor I believe such a movement - , nein i cs —and of what you may all expect should
impracticable. \\ hence will snr h an aimy draw Sherman, with his myrmidons, overrun your ter-
its supplies? It cannot draw tin in from Blue 1 jf 0r y. Why then should it be necessary to make
Mountain—the head of the Alabama and Tenues- , a p|,,. a ] g to your patriotism? Would you submit
see Railroad Irom Selma—because the. distant e is ' 6nd become more than slaves? Would you stul
too gieaf, and the line of communication is com- tify your proud name by listening to any proposi-
manded by the enemy. It .cannot subsist.on ^L^e tious*, with a ciut-1 aud relentless enemy burning
country, tor the only condition upon which.this at) j living waste your own and yoursister States?
would be possible, would be a cantonment ot the. Book at Virginia, that good old State, torn and
troops, and the absence of an enemy- In the pres- ~ ... ■ -
ene.e of an enemy, the army must remain
and cannot subsist on any territory limitt u ..o oiven up
The other proprietors uf the paper finding him
to be a scoundrel, fit only for the penitentiary,
bought him out, paying an exorbitant price, that
being the only chance to get 1 id of him.
We have recently learned that he left his wife
and children behind, and carried a w oman, whom
he had seduced at his own house, with him. Be
fore leaving, he managed to swindle several par
ties out of amounts., varying ftom five dollars to
ten thousand, which depended entirely upon his
•n 1 massed" f f ve 7 ft >r ?’. 1 i er . C ‘. !iz T iD I chances to i->to them.
Ini-rd bv i's ^ iul ‘d, hei fields laid waste, her in. alley yy e would advise this .loffjthu Scat
.mi r.t by i.b „ iveu up to the flames, by order ot the Lommaii- ; s .,_ w .,: nis „i f nro ,n,d her., <4<*ain. ti
camp never to
„ r. = u „ 1 ■ *■ ... -.j,.,,.. .k- ~r —r -—7-' ' c . , t show himself arouud here again, for if he does
own lines. It wouid, m a few days, exhaust the ^er-tn Thief of the Yankee army.—See her sons , rtai 1 v e an ,, sive aunlication ot*
1 idlest portions of 1 ennrsse. and and be compel: marehing by thousands to defend Richmond and: . , ^
„ by thousand
eu to constant change of position. And it must og j-, ursborg. See her people suffering foe two Ion.,
remembered that the season for military opera-^ bloody years on short rations, and row threatened j
tions is now past. I he 1 igors of winter are. now ; w j,j, famine —Yet they are more resolved and de-
upon onr haif-clad, shiv*ring -army, and it is.on- - fomifoed iliis day tliau ever before to perish or be 1
prepared for the severities ot'a winter campaign. 1 f ree .
T4m streams will soon be swollen and the roads j You will avenge their wrongs—they are fight-:
blocked up by mud. Therefore^ 1 do not believe in{? hattles.* Virginia did not secede until
that such a campaign is praeticaole, or w ill he at- [jitiColu call* d on her glorious Governer for men
tempted. Borne, think that- onraimy will shift its to force y*>u hack 5ntot.beaccursed I'Bion; she was
base to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and be thus 1 giving to prevent the bloody war that she i'oie-
supplied hy that road and the road from Memphis Sim would he the result of secession; but when
boot leather to Ids narratire.
[Southern Cortftdtranj.
Look Out, M(i!irr«4 !
Georgia, Monroe county.—The question is freqneijtlw
asked of the Inferior Court ‘whether iris unlawful t’a
distill sugarcane seed, the skimin'mgs of the sjtu]> kc
ties, &c.’ To these, and etlier queries, we insert, be
low- the fust paragraph of Gov. Brown’s proclamation
of the 20th of April, 1864, and advise ull who wish tc»
iicsneopv two weeks, and send bills to us at Au
To )liiiincrs aiid Mantsiamakers*
HPIIE SUBSCRIBER has now on hand a large lot
-*. ami great variety of DRESS TRIMMINGS,
which will be'sold very low hy (lie large quantity, so
to enable the purchaser to liiaki-a liberal profit on
ffieni. 1 A. U. VAIL.
beVt. Yi. 1864. 16 tf
6iim REWAIttt!
lArvit *^* ip<*fir>lY<3 if nnv t
AV j u 1 „ I*)’ fr °m Macon G4T., on the 1 -If f
ao-ad on 1 ’ stant, a nf .gro bov named Charles,
till f; VS: 10 inches high, dark com-
!> JS ’ lHt «ose, a„,j weighs about lfi>> or • *
id dJl Pay $r " lu I?sward for his apprehension
««(/ del
ne Ct0 nir
These are therefore to cite and admonish
persons interested, to be and appear at my office
with (lie time prescribed by law, to file objections
if any they have,*oi sat*! letters will be grated.
Witness mv hand officially, this Oct. the 3rd,
J864. .
21 5t J. LIGHTSEY, Ord’y. i
GEORGIA. Pulaski County.
W HEREAS, Eliza Lpe ajiplies to ine for let- !
ters of Guardianship of the person of John j
N. Lee, minor of John J. Lee, late of said coun- |
tv, deceased. . !
These are tiierefore to cite and admgnish all j
’ ’ .ilar tiie next off kin. A c , to file their ob
jections, if any they have, within the time prescri
bed by law, why said letters of Guardianship
should not he granted said applicant in terms of j
the law.
Given under my hand and seal of office, this the
Pith day of October, 18fil.
it 5t JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord’y.
Seville Ga., Julv 27tli 1 k ‘I4. 1! tf*
GEORGIA, Baldwin county.
A LL PERSONS, having demands against Louisa 1
Anderson, late of said county deceased, are here- j
by notified tn present them tuthe undersigned, proper
ly attested, within thetiuie prescribed by law. And
all persons indebted fo Sid deceased nre required t.»
make payment to the same.
October 1st, 1864. 19 fit j
fl^WO months after date application will be
l made to tbe honorable Court of Oidinaryofj
Jones county, for leave to sell tlie land and a tie- :
gro woman, belonging to the estate ot James A. j
Blow, deceased, for the-purpose of a division —
Terms on the day of sale.
Sept. 23rd. 1861- 18 9t
GEORGIA Pulmki county.
Ordinvm/'s nritc, Oct. ft tit 1 S(3 L
- j
VX/TIEUEAS, John J. Lee having heretofore taken :
„ ft letters of administration on the estate of John |
j*Lee deceased. And whereas, the said Jolin.T. Lee j
j having departed this life without fully administering
said estate, and the said Eli/a Lee having applied to j
■ - - ... . . . , . . - — ^ . • use stills, to lie careful, and avoid transgressions of tin*
to Decatur or iStevensou. I his ;s not practicable. 1 s j JC v a s calle-1 on to furnish men to force you into j. uv
That line is too near the Yankeelihes to bes«eure ! ., ; oi . ?Pr r; U i,. u with the hateful Yankees, .-he in A. MiddfoVrooks, J. I. C.
diguantiy spurned the call, aud swore to defend : E. Dumas, J. I. C.
von to the last—and a noble defence it has - # qv. K. Hardin,,!. I. (’
M. Clower. •!. I.C.
G< or"ill :
The laws of this state make it an offetiee, punishab’e
or reliable. 'The Y’ankees can advance fron. many
points upon it and destroy it—from Vieksblug,
from Memphis, from Nashville, Mtirfreeshero’,
Talahcnta,aud, indeed, from any point between
St*‘venson and Nashville. This road is cut,by a
perpendicular one from Nashville. Besides, our
possession of Mobile is exceedingly precarious,
and its fall would cut us off front that base _ r J hat
route would not do. It is too near the Yankee
lines, too open to attack, aud too easy ot destruc
tion, It follows, theu, that a recovery of leii-
liessee this winter is not at all probable.
There arc three lines by which we can assail less you do resjiond and striko lor your wives, n t ( .ohuh or other spirituous, or malt liquors, from t ia
the Y’ankees if they remain in Georgia, first is by , your daugliters and your homes. ^ j articles Of com, wheat, rye, barley, outs millet, rica,
the. read terminating at Blue Mountain; the second j Your President calls you. your Governor calls or other grain, or from tbe a nicies «f sugar, molnssus,
is by the Mobile and Ohio railroad, and the tltiid you. your noble Generals calls you, your sjain j syrup,.sugar-cane, honey, sweet potatoes, pumpkme,
tho EastTenneese toad, from Virginia to Cbatta- ser.s.your wounded sous
Bou'C of the best blood ot Georgia lias been
poured out on Ler soil, and uniting with that of y 0 a// (jirll mnl Military n<]L-r.-.< of the State at
the nobie slain from every Btate i* the Confeder
acy’, ti.-es like incense on high, aird calls upon ev
ery son of the South to rise up in their might and j .
hurl tl?edasta;dlv invader from the homes they j by fine and imprisoumeDt-the former not to exec* &
died to defend. Will you let their blood call to ?•>,«*». <>ie latter ui.t to extend beyqpd twehe
... .. V* »ri.« f>tn that months, for n:iv person, whether a contractor under t no
you tiora the ground in vai • , \ Confederate Government, or other person, to make,or
bueu meted out to others wnl su y ) * . cause | 3e made, * within the Btate, any whiskey, or
Bulaski County.
YY HEREAS, Duncan C. Daniel, adtninistra-
for to-, ° r °J ^ “ U . ^°' ies - deceased,' applies to 1110
"•e-ten dismission from said * • -
I administration
GEORGIA, Pulaski County. nmucoioic a ™ ,., r .....
"Il^IiEREAS, Joseph King applies to me for , t|,j 8 Court to have Joseph King joined with her in said j
TT the Guaidianshtp oflhe propeity of John i administration, and the said Joseph King haying eon-
N. Lee, minor of John J. Lee, late of said coun- j se nted to join the said Eliza Lee in the administration
1 . v deceased. j of theestate of said John Lee.
’* are therefore to cite and admonish all per- Tliesejare therefore Iosuiudiou aDd cite ail and smgutai
These be and appear at n,y office the kindred and creditors to my. office on the
- - 1 first Monday in December next and show cause il any
uus is to cite all persons interested, to tile their within the time prescribed by law, or tile tlieir ob
hue pre- jections, if any they have, why letters ot Guar-
J C A n„nnr should not
sons interested
. - — — •• ; — —, <vF 411*3 men'
jections, lf any they can, within tbe time pre
imiK b y law, why letters of dismission should dianshfp of the. tiropertv of said minor should no(
u[k R‘'anted tho applicant in terms of the Mat | le grall \ ed g!ii d Joscpu Kiug, in terms of the stat-
“nlu'I eu UD<3sr “. v ba ? ld sea! °f offico ’ lb58tl * e Given uuder mv hand and seal of office, this
avofOct.’ieCd. the l*2tli dav of Octoher, 1664-
■ mf.m JOHN FALE, D. Ordy. ; 21 * t JOHN J- SPARROW, Ord’y.
they have why the said Joseph King should not take
outf letters of adiniuistratiou in connectioni with tiie
said Eliza Lee on the estate of said John Lee. She
the said Eliza Lee being old and incapable in the judge
ment of this court to manage said estate bv herself.
Given under mv hand and seal ot office tins Oet. 6th,
28 ot JOHN J. SPARROW. Ord y,
nooga. 7 he second will not dc>, for the reasons
nuoauy stattd. The third will not do, because,
besides being insecure, til'd liable to attack, it is
too loDgand indirect a line to supply an army.
Y irginia is exhausted and cannot supply an army.
The other States are.too remote t-o supply an ar
my, by tuis route.*
The only practicable line is that by Iflue Moun
tain. It is tar front the enemy 's fitics, and .s pro
tected from assault by riveis and mountains. It.
is, therefore, secure and reliable, therefore it is,
in mv opinion, the best line uf operations. Still it
has some disadvantages. Its terminus is too for
from tho enemy's Hue to serve as a convenient
ns, your heartbroken moth- pen*. Irish potatoes, or dried tiiiit. in any form, oc
daughters, vour ouliaged sis- condition of said aHiole?. i'itiom a ,1 > i.itx 11 -. ,
11 1. . ft lippnse iroin tiio r * « tiiic* o.atc.
trom tho enemy s Unu to serve ns a convenient; ocn. r.uwuru , Division of Dpi
base for us- 1 he distance from Blue Mountain to j assigned to < ‘ t ’ nillia ' l ^ T .. 1 ..„ s « eo
the Yaukce line of communication in Gcnrg'a, the j I’rencli, in the Army o
strike tl’.e cruel, cowardly foe, until he. shall sue : Countryman.
lor peace, flee from your borders, and acknow I- # *
edge your independence.
, _ A foreign journal goes into figures to prove tfoifc
... „ ao-'A^a Adeline Patti, if she sings for twenty years, will
Major George MeKmghf. well known as A-- , make £ ijpjojKMl sterling.
Ilartz” has been excli^uged, and is n«w 1,1
, A military committee has rejiorfod to Napofo' a
Get.. Edward Johnston, it ^ n ‘ J]je advisability adopting the Prussian rifle tor
Mr: John IL Hardin, of Kentucky, upon nho-
Gbattauooga and Atlanta rail road, is about HM York News estimates the public debt gel charges of designs agaiust L:n*
miles This is favo oays march, and is only prac-1 ^ ^ ^ up to this time at thirty five hundred co u's Government, has been litenco 1 to twee y
ticable in tolerable weather roads. Ottr army
cannot remain nearer the enemy's line than Blue millions.
vekis hard labor.