Newspaper Page Text
•. liime xxxv,]
S’abiiM-srs aiud Proprietors.
. ROVH aTO V, l Editorn.
. B*. NiSiSET. ^
©In t'onfckraJc ttniflir
•4 . .V
J i>«
published Weekly,
Corner of Hancock and
/ v, v / / JIuttse-J •
$12 a.year m Advance.
*» mrJgcvdie
If /Hanson fits.,
AiSJre-K of Gen. Kcn^r.-^mil.
II'd’os Military Division of the V. r js
October 17 th*, 1804.
?t {' 7.1 \T »
C? 45 i, V £
: wsient.—-Throe Dollars per square of ten
•s for each insertion.
-, it >* of respect,Resolutions by Societies,{Obit
; cxoaeling six lines.) Nominations fpr office,
.nniieitions or Editorial notices for individual
,,. it,charged as transient advertising.
Legal Advertising.
; ; f 3 sa l e3) per levy of teniines, or less,
Mortgage fi fa sales, per square,
• Collectors Sales, per square,
.•.ions for Letters of Administration,
.i “ “ Guardianship,
\ ; .r tars sf application for dism’'om Adm’n 8 00
■ i “ *• *• “ Guard’n 8 00
A ppl*n for leave to sell land and negroes, 8 00
Notice to Debtors and Creditors,
.'.cs oi land or negroes, per square,
perishable property, 10 days, per sq.
r .--iy Notices, 30 days,
r . , ,closure of Mortgage, per square,
LEGAL advertisements.
' of Land and Negroes, by Administrators ,Ex-
' , or Guardians,are required by law to oe held
lay in the lnontb; between the hours
"" ! f 7L forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the
r'.'-n ■ house in the county in which the property is
53 00
10 00
5 00
r> oo
5 00
0 -JO
8 00
2 00
5 (10
2 00
jsrS. JSii
' . • . . sales must be given in a public ga-
■' ii) ,i-ivs nreviousto the day of sale.
salaof pcrsoBal property must be
, a m mn sr 10 days previous to- sale day.
t ,, L [ k; debtors and creditors of an estate
‘ \. n i ' nuuisbed 40 days.
ipP li it ion will be made to the Courtoi
Luary ffirleave to sell Land or Negroes,must be
i An Cl for two mouths.
tte s of Administration Guardianship,
inst be ' ■ ied 30 days-for dismission from
•V-iistration, monthly six months-for dismission
• 1 ' U i! ’- “irecl^ure ofMortgage must be published
,, r months—for establishing lost papers,
i •/ ruicc of three months—forcompellrngtitles
.-.I'tors or administrators, where bond lias been
l)V deceased, the full space of three months,
lea ions villalwhjnbecTOtmuedMTOrJrgto
In assuming command, at this critical juncture, oi
the Military Division of the West, I appeal toinyecun-
trynVn of all classes and sections, for their generous
support and confidence. '
In assigning me to this responsible position, the
President of the Confederate States lias^xtendcd to
me the assurance of his earnest support Tthe Exec-ti
five of your states meet n^j with : nilar expressions
of their devotion to our cause; the noble army in the
field, composed of brave men and gallant officers, are
no strangers to me, and I know that they will do all
that patriots can achieve.
The history of the past, written in the blood of theii
comrades, but foreshadows the glorious future which
lies before them. Inspired with these bright promises oi
success, I make this appeal to the ruen and women of
my country, to lend me the aid of their earnest and
co-opcratiou. Unable to join in the bloody coiiliets
of the field, they can do much to strengthen our cause,
till up our ranks, encourage our soldiers, inspire confi
dence, dispel gloom and tl us hasten on the day of our
final success and deliverance.
The army of Sherman still defiantly holds (he city oi
Atlanta. He can and must be driven from it. It h
only tor the good people of Georgia and surrounding
States to speak the word, and the whole is done.
We have abundance of provisions, and there are men
enough in the country, liable and aide for fei vice, ti
accomplish the result. To all such, I earnestly appeal
to report promptly to their respective commands, and
let those who cannot go, see to it that none remain at
home who are able to strike a Critical and decisive
To those soldiers of the army, who are absent from
their commands without leave, I appeal in the name of
their brave comrades, with whom they have in the
past, so oiten shared the privations of the camp and
the dangers of the battlefield, to return at once to their
duty. To ail such as shall report to their respective
commands in response to this appeal, within the next
thirty days, an amnesty is hereby granted.
My appeal is tp every one* of all classes and eon- |
ditiens, to come forward freely cheerfully and with u
good heart, to the work that lies before us.
My countrymen 1 respond to this call as you have
done in days that have passed, and with the blessing of
a kind and overruling Providence, the enemy shall be
driven from your soil, the security of your wives and
daughters, from the insuits and the outrages of a bru
tal toe, shall be established, soon to bo followed by a
permanent and honorable peace. The claims of home
and country, wife and children uniting with the de-
mandsof honor and patriotism, summon ns to the field ;
weeannot, dare not, will not fail to respond.
Full of l ope and confidence, I come 'to join in your j h Pf , n 4J1 P nn ,l
struggle, sharing your privations, and with your brave j j- 11 I ' il< ’ cU1 '“ ’
and true men, to strike the blow that shall bring sue- State,
cess to our arms, triumph to our cause, and peace to I
our country. I
[Smrne.j G. T. BEAT REGARD, j
Official. General.
Geo. Mm. Brent, Col. «fc A. A. G. 23 4t
POB. 1
SUPEillNTOD-Ea T :VMT T!u*SA£l T IrEtt
7 orlmg and maintaining the Road,from September 30,
i 803, to September 30, 1S64.
or THE
4 TT V \TTTP p t Tf T)A ! n
A i LiiiN i iu hi A1 Lid) All-
•J Tb
Excelled Jes&jui
* c*
O CTO B E R 1, 18 6 -i.
Number. Oiy Oct. SO, ISG-4. j
His Excellency Joseph E. Brown : .
Sir: It lias not been in my power to ItanJ yon.a report
of tlie operations of the Western & Atlantic Railroad, du
ring the past Ideal year, at an earlier date, owing to causes
On Ac’t of Transportation :
For Stationery and Printing
“ Loss and Damage
• ! Stock Killed... A .. .....
“* Wages of Ln b'rs, „Train
Hands and WatcL men.. .
For Wages of Agt’s, Cl’ks and
“ Mails
6,187 00 |
16,945 01 j
24.520 00::
99,205 09’;
1 L0,8S.9 SGj
72 50lj
4,304 SI
control, with which you are acquainted and to
which I need not refer.
The Gross ineojne of flic iTnndhai br-en,
Working expenses, r--n tir of buildings and Rig!
Motive Power:
For Water Stations.......
“ Vv r ood.
Oil and Tallow
f- For Materials I
“ Wages of Machinists, En-j
grocers and Firemen
-S 262,154 27
fO,COC,42S S4
1, !91,33S 07
Is 262,184 27|
I !
8,400 25 ;
225,732 751
93,05*2 75!
133,466 40 ;
311,702 541
; iegal requi
tj ] Job work, oi* all njau:
T 53 R fS ti F S’ S 1' II •
GEORGIA, Jasper county.
TyS7HEREAS. the estate of John Kinard, late
\ F of said county, deceased, is unrepresented.
These ara therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, to be and appear at my office
on the first Monday in December next, and take
the administration of said estate, or show cause
why the same shall not devolve upon the Clerk of
the Superior or Inferior Court, as provided by
Given under my hand officially, this 13th day of
Oct , 1864.
22 5t M. H. HUTCHISON, Ord\v.
Showing a nett profitnf
: Of tliis amount, Confederate Government owes, $:'•)'
| Due by Post Oitice Department, 2
The above exhibit of nett earnings would nave been con
siderably increased if proceeds from tiie sale of cotton could
have been realized in time for this report; as soon as that is
done your Excellency shall be furnished with a correct state
ment of all purchases made, from whom and at what price,
to whom sold and for what, cost of transportation and com
missions, and the profits realized. It has given employment
to some of our trains and men that would otherwise have
uit 1 result advantageously to the Road or
If our working expenses should appear inordinately
heavy, I refer you to the fact, that at the beginning of the i For Labor. .
S. 775,354 69:8 77*-.354 69
Aumuiutratoft Safe
virtue of an order of e,,, n . e v
Of Bulloch county wiii h L Cot ] r i t o{
T«r>8f!<?v ; n -r^ o be sold on the in>t
House door ;??^ ,bor next * before the. Coi -
House door i.. said county, between the le^ t
hi r3 of, one hundred and fifty acres of lar '
nicro less, with a comfortable log cabin on it. witii
other^improvements. Bounded by Benjamin C
Lee, General G. W. Lee, and David Beasley.—
Also, one negro girl, by the name of Rose, aloi.,
tVii years of age. Sold as the property of the i~-
tate of Simon P. Williams, late of Bulloch county,
deceased, lor a division anions tho heirs- Term.-
on tho day of sale.
0 ,„ , a BENJAMIN C. LEE. Aim r.
Oct. 1(1(1,^1864. nn3 . 21tds
_^ORGlA, Baker County. -
VV / M'A' Bjbert D. Taylor applies to nn
nn 1 nrni p R e ™ °t Guardianship of the person
of A P shly PifimpS deeTaseffi Plli “ !rS ’ heh '
All persons will take notice and file objection-
if any they have, in terms of law. by the first Mon
day in December uext, or said letters will be
1TI ^ an ^ official signature, Oct
23 5t W. \V. JORDAN, Ord y.
Maintenance of Way:
For Wages of Supervisors and!
Laborers $ 122,621 10
“ Tools 533 85
“ Rep’s of Bri’g’s & Trestl’s 3,645 25
“ Timber 44,344 75
“ New Rails, Spik’s&Frogs 16,795 10
“ Incidentals— 1 1,656 50
$ 189,596 55
Maintenance of Cars:
year we were almost destitute of the materials necessary
for the successful working of the Road. Heavy purchases at
enormous prices had to be made, and the working force
greatly increased. By reference to the tables it will be seen
that the cost of wood, ties, and oils, alone, exceed the entire
working expenses of some.past years.
At the time we had to abandon Atlanta our rolling stock
was in good condition, having been materially improved
after a limited supply of material had been obtained from
abroad and elsewhere ; but since that period it has suffered
Oil and Tallow..
- - $
US,472 95
63,134 16
55,320 63
S 236,927 74
mark on
; great deterioration. By order o r Gen. Hood, three ol our
^YHEREAS l E?D C , 0 He! 1 dryappiicstomeforktters | engines-were destroyed at Atlanta, two have been badly
unrdiaiisiiip of the persons and property oi. | broken up on the M. & W. Railroad, and one considerably
tys= When n subscriber lines a cio; .
hisnanerbe will know that liis subscription has
• pir&'l, or is about to expire, and must be renew-
. i'jf he wishes the paper continued.
r-7" v/e 0o not send receipts to new mioccri-
b ,,j S If they receive the paper they may n-now
tint ivo have received the money.
Subscribers wishing their papers changed
ivJm one post-office to anothe r must state the
.-.atne oT-he post-office Mom which they wish it
Collectors 5S!:t.ik nrcoii>l Kooks,
Will be furnished from this office for £10 P sr
quire, and $2 for binding. There will bo 12 re
ceipts to a 9lieet or 258 to a quire. Collectors or-
W «.f
I Hester A. Slone, Isafiel, Keasi’e, James A, Queen; Vic- i . , - , ^ . . T> ,,
! toria and ,Mathew Stone all minor heirs ot Daniel J. j damaged Oil Tilt* Lcntnil 3. is., in GUI OWD SClVICg, >)V I'llll Off,
Siiine deceased.
A!! person•• will take notice and file objections if any
they have in terms of Law by the fiist Monday
Novi-mbcr next or said letters will be granted.
II W. GRADY, Ord’y.
Sept.28th, 1864. iPd £•”>.) 22 bt.
reducing our motive power to twenty-eight in running and
General Expense:
Fo r Sa I’.s of S u p ’ t, T re’ r, Au d’ r,!
and Law Expenses
11,693 50
■Notice to Jjcbto? s and Creditors.
A b L Persons indebted to the estate of John Speigl.--
of Baldwin county dec'd are requested to pavment and those having demands mra''-':
said dec’d are notified to present them iu legal form
within tile time prescribed by law.
^ . o-u. MINTA SPEIGHTS, Ex'rx.
Oct. ^Jth, 1864. j. ii. 23i,t
S IXTY, days? after date application will be
made to the Ordiuary Court of Wilkinson Coun-
t3. for leave to sell, a portion of the real and person
al estate of W illiiam Lord Sen’r. dec’d late of said
Nov. 4th,
G. W. LORD Ex’r.
pd $8. 24 9t.
3 1S9,59G 55
$ 236,927’74
5 11,693 50
SI,478,761 75
For Depot Daddtt
A cjU., from September 30, 1S63, to Sep
tember, 30, 1S64.
A LL persons having demands against the esfah
of Wm. Lord, Sen’r of Wilkinson Comm
Will present them to me for payment and any pi
son indebted to said estate will please make pay
ment immediately. G. W. LORD Ex’r.’
Nov. 4th, 1804. pd$6. . 24 Gt.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
To the Cleric of Inferior Court of said County :
J ACOB Morris of the 542d district. G. M., tolls
before mo, as an Estray. taken up upon tl>e
irt-gbold of him, the said Jacob Morris, in se’d
county and district, a .Sorrel- Horse, marked wi'b
white.specks on the rump, blaze or white streak .
in the lace, white kiud feet; about 12 or 13 years
of ege. Appraised by P. F. D. Scarborough
and John Fide, freeholders of said county ami
district, to be worth six hundred dollars.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this October 25th, 1864.
J. W. FELTZ, J. P.
The above is a correct extract from the Estray
Book of said county.'
Given under iny hand and official seal, Nov. 1st,
I8G J.
24 ut m A. M. FRASER, Clerk I. C.
in good order. Six more are being repaired, ail'd
soon be
ucoi.OKA, Pierce couuiy.
4»ArilER CAS, Jane E. Bance applies to me for let-I
t v tii - ?!’ guardianship of the pt-rson and property I
of Daniel Stone a minor heir of Daniel J. Stoue de- :
All persons will take notice and file objections if any
they have in terms of Law by the first Monday ia No
vember next or said letters will be granted.
II. W. GRADY, Ord v. :
Sept 28th, 1801. (Pd. $3) 22 at
ready for service. Our cars now number 39 i. of which 5 j
fere passenger, 4 express passenger, 3 baggage, 250 box, 46)
platform, 45 coal. 25 stock, 12 box in salt train,.and 1 cab. j
Griswold v
illc, six new ctii>r have been
cars thoroughly repaired, and
ged is in hand, the carpenters
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
darine receipts will send a copy of the kind they j \* r HEREA8, Clementine Jefcoat appli-
" ~ - I H for U-tters of adininistriition oil the ei
Alice we reached
built and thirty-seven oh
as soon as material now eng
will all be employed in building passenger cars. By Stone-
man’s raid we lost 1 1 passdhger and 33 box cars, and by or
der of Gen. Hood, 19 iu Atlanta. These losses I am aware
are well known to you, but it seems proper for me to iflStice
Ac’t of Depot Build’s
Ag’ts FFt and Division!
Houses. * !s
Right of Way. j
5,276 321
7,300 00!
* T NDR fF?l
V, U AftJ *■
Olju 100 lbs. of upper
! ioz. CALF SRINS.
. bales of s oz. osnablrgr.
< ii) “ COAST “ • .
Tap, tea, spice, pepper, cloves, cas-
:A, &c., Nc.,for Sale by
,f. 12. 1861.
16 tf
?!iilcdgeville floihing Store.
rnilE Subscriber, having recently returned from
a Atlanta to tria old stand No. 1 Milledgeville
Hotel, with au extensive find varied assortment oi
ready made Clothing, consisting of Mens, Youths,
uJ Bovs Coats, Pauls, and Vests, suitable for all
- ■ •.sons, and a ffteat variety of Over Coats, and
= M V. Cloth Cloaks, Silk, Lisle and Merino Vests,
v.;d a great variety of Dress Trimmings, viz Silk
J Cotton Laces, Edgings and Fringes, Bushes,
.ml a variety of Fancy Buttons, which will be sold
:i reasonable terms; call and see.
A. C. v AIL.
Milledgeville,Aug. 29 18C4. Tl tf.
estate "of them for the information of the General Assembly and the
Samuel Jefcoat, late of said county, deceased. public.
sonsIXlSIrbe anVap^^riny offije ! ^ ^ys the construction of a rough, strong building
within the time prescribed by law, and file ob- will be COlHIllCnCcd in which to GO OUT engine WOl'k. UptO
iTnted’ ail Y they have, or said letters will be | j-] le present time our locomotive repairs have been carried
Witness my hand officially, this Oct. 3rd, I8fi4. on in the Engine house of the JI. & ^ • Railroad, for which
I am under many obligations to Mr, Tyler; but fremi the
amount of work to be done and the heavy character of much
of it, I think it best to have a shop of our own if we even
remain here a few months. My present situation is one of
difficulty and embarrassment. No road to work and a nu
merous gang of employees to pay and provide for, which] ^
21 ot Pd w. E. CONNELL, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
\\T IIRKEAS, Mrs. Mariah -Rawls applies
¥ t me for letters of administration on tiie es
tate of John J. Rawls, late of said county, de- j
These are therefore tp cite and admonish all
ar.d singular the next of kin and creditors, to be . _ _
and appear at my office on or before the first Mon- can only be done by employing OUT l’ojlillg stock as chance
ik^n^3b”lJk| , !S^lS35o?U - g2S ?r circumstances may offer to the best advantage, and in do-
said applicant in terms of the statute.' ing that, I shall confidently look to your Lxceliency for
Witness my hand and seal of office, this Oct.| coun8e l aR d su ,,p 0 rt.‘
*‘ 2;h 1 - 64, 1 Respectfully submitted,
' { \ C GEO. D. PHILLIPS, Superintendent.
TheGro-v Earnings from September 30,1SG3, to Sept. 30,1864, are $2,606,423 84
The Working Expenses, (see table)..- $1,478,761 75
The repairs of buildings and Right of Way 12,576 32—1:491 ;338 07
Total i
Recapitulation of Paym’t.s]
made by Treasurer: j;
For Working Expenses, &c..
•“ Depot Ifuild’gs and Right
of Way ;
Balance to other Roads..
“ Change Bills redeemed..
“ Discount on Old Issue.. .
“ Investm’t to procure Corn,
“ Exch’e Invested in Block-j
ade Company ,
“ Exp’s on unclaimed frei’tj
account I
“ Amount paid State of Ga.
“ “ Exp’se Cot
ton and Salt trains for State.'
12,576 32
7 Si
T otal.
A. ,B. CULBERSON, Book-Keeper.
21 5t
JOHN FALE, D. Ord’y.
AUGUSTA, <4 A.,.
\ ND offer their services to their customers and |
, i friends for the purchase and Sale of Real and j
Personal Estate, Produce, Stocks. Bonds, Dia- (
inondd and Merchandise of every description.— j
V/e deem it unnecessary to state that any busi- j
ness entrusted to us will be attended to with fidel- j
itv and despatch. i
jf, 3ml WM. H. BARNES.
{ y Intelligencer,Confederacy and Sav. Repub- }
lie m copy two weeks, and send bills to us at Au
To Milliners and filaqtuansaUers.
riv ; ! !•- SUBSCRIBER lias now on hand a large lot /
1 mid o-reat variety of DRESS TRIMMINGS,
wliicL will be sold very low by the large quantity, so
to enable the purchaser to make a liberal profit on
them. A. C. VAIL.
ILpt. 12, 1864. . Ti tf
Administrator's Sale.
P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Or 5
dinaiy of Mitchell county, Ga., will be sold
V n -r> v • RFP nnvt /In.
' GEORGIA, Twiggs county.
\I7HIEKEAS, it bus been represented to me that the
V estate of Jessee Hearn deceased has no repre
sentative, and no person has applied for the adminis
These ars therefore to cite a ’persons concerned to
be and appear at my office, on or before the first Mon
day in December next, to show cause why the Clerk of
the Superior Court or some other suitable personshould
not be appointed to represent said estate.
Given under my hand and official signature Oct. 7th,
21 fit, J. E. McDCNALP, Or ly.
UEOlCcuiA, Appling County.
TVj OTICE is hereby given to al! persons eon-
J. v coined, that Martin Been, lias of late, depart
ed this life intestate, and no person has applied
for administration on the estate of said Martin
Deen, and that in terms of the 'law, administra
tion will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior
Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty
Nett profits from the business of the present year fi,115,090 77
^ ^ y " “ E A R N I N G S
Of tic Western 6f
Atlantic Railroad, for
September 30, 1SG4-.
ar eti
some valid objection is made to his appoint
Given under my hand and official signature,
this Octbor 3d, 1864;
21 5t J^ LIGHTSEY, Oid’y.
GEORGIA, Appling County.
I1EREAS, William Bennett applies to me
) From Pas-
From freight jseng’s, trans.
i troops, &.C.
From Mails.
From Miscel-S
laneous. !
October, 1863..
97,020 65
156,546 05
3,209 col
258,500 70
NoY’ber 4.863..
. 68,491 67
121,116 38
511 00
191,844 05
Dec bt-r 1883 .
12a,236 06
435,270 79
2,010 00
261,211 85
January, 186!
120,554 75
158,309 67
694 8.5
28ij - a
Febi uary, 186:
124,147 Os
235,650 69
l .7'J5
410 00
411,932 66
March, 186-1.-'.
138,159 A
177,893 9fc
8.956 0*|
326,739 80
April, 1'864
127,236 25
i49,433 47
1,057 50
279,452 22
May, 1864
220,177 50
168,032 6'
1,657 18
391,532 36
June, 1864...
49,415 36
46,926 2i
6,294 50
104,361 06
July, 1864 —,.
5,444 58
2,590 85
v 8,643 50
16,678 93
August, 1864..
54,203 70
54,203 70
Sept’Ler, l S<>4 -
28,097 241
2S,C97 24
Yonah........ April, 1849.
Toccoa August, 1849.
Walden May, 1850.
Chattahoochee. {December, 1851.
March, 1852.
February, 1S52.
of John M. Bennett, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all j
persons interested, to be and appear at my office |
with the time prescribed by law, to file objections j
if any they have* ot said letters will be grated. j
Witness my hand officially, this Oct. the 3rd, \
21 5t J- LIGHTSEY, Ord’y.
on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, du- ipeeised
£“* J hours of sale, before tb. Court J Vj£g“ e r d .
rid county and State.
M. Cox late of Mitchell
GEORGIA. Pulaski County.
"VST HERE AS, Eliza Lee applies to me for let-
V ? ters of Guardianship of the person of John
N. Lee, minor of John J. Lee, late of saidconn-
Camilla in said county^and State, | aD< j s | n gular the next of kin, &c., to file their ob
legal hours
' ■ < ! 15.
county, deceaseq The Homestead Place, imme
13 W y b° n river, adjoining lands of Major
Cor’d ° tr ’ F. Collins and estate of Allen
h r"’.f^tiining 2000 acres, more or less,
j], lu0 : J acres in a high state of cultivation,
L;.‘ : ;i ! V?Pr ov cments. Also a tiact in the Jth
c , , c ‘ Mitchell county, containing 350 acres
j! .I! iess ’ about 125 acres in cultivation, with
,• 'ciprovements on the place. Sold for a di-
among the heirs. Terms of the sale, cash
11 the new i S3Ue .
a . „ W. C. & A. IL COX. Adm’rs.
‘ >e Pt- 26th, 1864. Pd $10 20 tds.
These are Cherefore to cite and admonish- all
jections, if any they have, within the time prescri
bed by law, why said letters of Guardianship
should net he granted said applicant in terms of
the law.
Given under my hand and-seal of office, this the
]2th day of October, J8G4.
21 5t JOHN J. SPARROW. Ord’y.
• GEORGIA, I’ulaski County. ,
VS THERE AS. Joseph King applies to me for
Vt the Guardianship of the property of John
N. Lee, minor of John J. Lee, late of said coun
ty, deceased. _
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons interested, to be and appear at mv office
within the time prescribed by law, or file their ob-
D'TOltCJTA, Baldwin county. __
I t;i-V\f 0X i TH ^ a « er da . te hereof, to wit,- on the ] iections Tf any ‘they have, why letters of Guar-
^ hie land and negroes of Louisa Anderson, late of' b« ^ranted said Joseph King, m terms Oi tn stat
' •!* ®°ntity deceased, for benefit of creditors and die.
* 10 &tee8.
- ctoher 1st, 1864.
13 Ut
be granted said Joseph King
Given under my hand aifd seal of office, tiiis
the 12th day of October, 18(34- _ ,,
21. 6t JOHN J'SPARROW Ord’y,
> Gross Earnings
.2,titi6,42d 84
Statios No. 3 1-2 Cestrai. Railroad, s
October 20th, 1864^ >
His Excellenct Jo -11. Brown,
M.IMscvitk; Georgia :
Sir Herewith I hand you a statement of annual receipts -and disbursements of
Western & Ailantic Railroad for the fiscal year, ending 30:ii September. 1864:
Cash balance on hand 30th September, IfiGJ.
Received from Passengers..
“ “ Freight
“ “ Confederate’States-uid Miscellaneous.
3 158,245 62
478.038 35
151,808 26
1,512,524 36
Paid Working Expenses
“ Depot Buildings and Right of Way
12,576 32
* -tc 4<)
23,991 15
6,735 67
20,396 78
180,000 00
278,090 00
16,172 16
211,240 53
“ amount invested in Blockade Company
Copt. Jr.o. Jones, State Treasurer
Amount paid expenses Salt Teams for the Slate.
Cash on hand 30th September, lfcfi-l
Respectfully submitted,
BEN. MAY, Treasurer.
March, 1852.
<C i%
June, 1S52.
December, 1S52.
January, 13-33.
Look Out
Coosawattee —
North Carolina..
Jack Morgan..
South Carolina.
Indiana— .....
'New Hampshire
New York
Joel Crawford.
Joe Brown....
J. W. Lewis | “
Nickajack | “
Enterprize May, 1S56.
Commerce. “
Express August, 1856.
Kentucky 'October, 1856.
Texas |
Dispatch, “
Choctaw jN ovember, 1856.
Chickasaw J “
Excel January, 1857.
Catoosa * “
Swiftsure ‘February, 1857.
Conoseen March, 1857.
Missouri “
Stonewall ;September, 1S60.
In Good Order.
In Running Order.
Captured in Atlani
Needing Repairs
In Good Order
In Running
Needing E°
GEORGIA, Baker county.
“SATHEREAS, Mary A. Wilks applies to mo for !< -
T r ters of administration on the estate of Isaac-D.
Wilks deceased. •
These are to cite and admonish all interested to ar
pear-at my office on or before tho first raonday in D-
cembcr next to show cause if any they have why said
letters should not be granted
Givc-n under my hand officially, this 28th day of Or.
21 fit H. H. JORDAN, Ord’y.
L ETT THE premises of the subscriber on Sat-
ui Jay, 45th October last, MAHALA, a negro
woman about 27 or_ 23 years old, medium size,
light somplexion, quick spoken and action, and
pleasing countenance and manners. I fear she
lias been enticed away by some white man, as she
left my house with?-;* Ur slightest known cause.
Sunday and Mod y • r she left, she was seen
at the shanties on i i ? si i > of Little River, on tlr>
Milledgeville and ri„...n Railroad. She w
raised, as I learn, in Newton county. •
A suitable reward will be paid for her appre
hension, so as I can gel her; or any informatic i
of her will be thankfully received.
Milledgeville, Nov. 8, 1864. 24 4t.
GEORGIA, Wilcox County.
WHEREAS. Penelope Shanan applies to me
for letters of admin®! ration on the estate of
William filiation, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all ar d
singular the next of kin and creditors, to be ar i ‘
appear at my office within the time prescribed In
law, and show cause, if any they can, why saM
letters should not be granted said applicant in
terms of the statute.
Witness my Land and seal of office, this October
15 th 1864.
24 5t J. W.MASHBURN, Ord’-
bonis noti.
juo o.’ said
November, 1855.
December, 1855.
January, 1856.
February, 1856.
April, 1S56.
Iu Good Order.
Captured in Atlanta.
Under Repairs.
In Good Order. Repair*,
In Good Order.
On Virginia Salt Train*
Under Repairs.
In Good Order.
iNotding Repairs,
jin Running Order.
'Needing Repairs.
Ln Good Order.
■Captured in Atlanta,,
jin Good Order,
e to cite and admonish all per-
s°' ’o be and appear at my office on
mo ml ay in January next, to shov
.. any they have, why letters shall not issue
..o the applicant in terms of the law.
Given under my hand and official signature tl-G
1st day cf November 1864.
24 5t M. II. HUTCHISON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Pulaski county.
VirilEREAS, Henry Anderson applies to .me f< ■
vv permanent leters of administration on the es
tate oi V, m. W . lo*,. !,f S ;iid county deceased.
This is to cite all persons conccrnea, tk„ of k'-
and creditors to be and appear at my office, on or beto: a
the first Monday in January next, and show cause it
any they can, why said letters should not be granted
the applicant in terms of the law.
Given under my hand and seal cfofficc, in Ilawkir.-
vijle this Nov. 8th, 1864.
24 5t JOHN FALE, D. Old’y.
Georgia, Wilcox County.
■\STHEREAS, Charles Spradley applies for let
f T ters of Guardianship of the person and prop
erty of Oonelia E. Walden, orphan child of Wil
Ham G. Walden deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the next of kin, &c., to file their oi
jections, if any they have, within-the time preset
bed by law, why said letters of Guardianship
should not be granted said applicant in terms
the law.
Giver, under my hand and seal of office, this th-.-
15th day of October, IS64.
21 5t J. W. MASHBURN, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Jasper county.
'VY7TIEREAS, Susan II. Daniel makes application ‘
* » me for letters of administration, uifh the wdl ai
nexed, on the estate of Isaac Daniel late of said conutj.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all peraor-.r
concerned, to show cause if any the} 7 have, on or hr
fore tho second Monday in January next,"why lettfci.
shall nut issue to tho applicant, in terms of thestsi
' Given under my hand officially, this ^h Jay Nov
25 51 M. H. HUTCHISON, Ord j.
GEORGIA Pulaski county.
VVTHERUAS. Wm. M. Anderson appUes to rne fi
* * ponr.anent ietiors of adminisuario;: on the cm-t
of Mary A. Mayo lute of said county deceased.
These are to cite all persons oonc-erped to file tht-
objeotions, if any they can, within the time prescribed
by law, why said leuers should not bo granted lire an
plioantin toiuisofthe suuuto.
Given under my hand auu seal of office, in K,.w ku -
vide this Nov. Stir. J.b'64.
26 it JOHN FALE, D. Old y.