The Confederate union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1862-1865, February 14, 1865, Image 2

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• jaie ItiftHU^ConlederaliSiaies Kigbts THE CONFEDERATE UNION, (Corncrof Hancock and Wilkinson streets.) OPPOSITE TIIEI'OrKTHOl'SE. ftCK.mOY. XISBET fc iO. ? Stair Printers. Tuesday Morning, February 14. 1805. ■ifgiil AdTcrtifing—our Hnv Rnlra. We invite the attestion ot ail concerned to our sew tarma for legal advertising. They will be f< un*l on our first page. Wc effer no apology for Mci casing the rates. We are comps!led to do so. Willing to Muller, bnt net to be Sacrifirril Except the solJier and his family, <and in many in stances these have not suffered for food or clothing) except these classes, who have suffered ? who snlfeis ? who will sufici by the War ! No man will sav that Formers or merchanft, or traders, or speculators have suffered a day during the War, for food orcoth- ing of thrj best kind, and plenty of it. 1 he) hav e uot suffered because they could always command n.ouey or provisions for what they had to sell, and people were compelled to buy of them or stai ve. Ai d it is notori ous that money is almost as worthless to buy provisions us «o much waste paper, unless a bushel oi money is offered for a bushel of produce. But the salaried men, the mechanics, day laborers, men anil women, and all others who are not supported by the Government—these are crushed between the upperand nether millstones. And the newspaper man: hoy with him? Wewill take the single article of flour. For a sack of flour, weighing one hundred pounds, we have to pay $1 f>0. Before the War, the same sack of Latest News. Siccum is supposed to be in possession of the Sjutii Carolina Railroad, and moving m the d - Yection of Colombia, v.-ith one corps The other under Sherman, is we snppose moving toward- Charleston. ’I here was a sharp engagement be tween onr fprees and the enemy on the f>th inat , in the neigLboih jod of Hatch' r's run, South of Petersburg. Pegrafh's Division was principal y engaged, on our part. Gen. Pegram was killed Gen. Sorrell of Gs., wounded in the hip Evans’ and Mahune’s Divisions were sent to the aid of Pegram, and the enemy was driven rapidly to h s defences. Our loss wss much .smaller rban that i f the enemy. So says Genl*. Lee. This move ment is made by Gr^t to keep Lee from sending troops to Carolina. A gretjt meeting came off’ at Richmond on the 6*h iost, at which President Davis and other d.s tinguisheJ gentlemen made addresses. A resolution flour brought $3 00 in the market. At that time, our i was adopted pledging anew ou-’ lives,our fortun s Shall sve be fifenifn or shall vre be alnvraf Commissioners, appointed hv the Confederate Government, liave had a consultation with Abrn ham Lincoln; and the terms offered to the Confed erate Government, as a basis for peace, are uucon. diticnal submission to the laws and constitution of the United States, on the part of the Government and people of the Confederate States, and the ab olition of slavery. These are plain terms. There is no attempt hero to deceivo the people ol the Confederate States. We thank the euemy for Ins frankness. We feared he would sugar-coat his pill so that it might be acceptable to the puiatc of some of our people. He has done no such thing, lie has told them that they can get peaca by laying down their arms, submitting to the authority of the l nited States, agreeing to give up their negroes, and then rclv upon his mercy for life, and all else that man •holds dear. We are disappointed, in one respect, only, as to the result of the peace commission sent to Wash ington. We did not expect as much good, as did follow the nioveimnt. We had reason to bciieve that our commissioners were invited to Washing ington; and that soil;" plan woald be proposed i>> our enemy that would at least excite debate and difference ot opinion at the South. Wc hav* been mistaken. The late successes cf the rremj lias embolden him to dictate terms, the mo&t dishonorable, that were ever offered to a people in arms. Those terms do not even make surrender honorable. We are required not only to yield all < nr rights es freemen, l ut to confess that wc have for Sit years, or more, been guilty < f fostering an institution which was wrong. Is there a man in Georgia, so debased, so mean, so cowardly, that he would accept these terms, in preference to a manly defense of his rights and hotioi? Wc do not beMeve there is such a man If there bo one such, let him leave Lis soil, and the ashes of his saluted dead, and go to the aims of hid life-long en-rny. As for us, we prefer death to any euch terms. Peace, ou the terms of Lincoln and Seward, is treason to the Govei ument utidt’r which wc live,— treason black as Hei.! Rather than giveup our rights, cur property, our little children, the ashes of out fathers, our sainted dead, the liber ties cf the noblest people that ever drew a sword, and all the glorious associations of the past, we would welcome death w ith out strechod aims, as a 'messenger of love and peace. Oli, men of Georgia: you that have shod your blood on honored fields, end mingled it with the snows and ice of Tennessee and Virginia—will you, can you pause in the solemn hour of your na tion’s trial ! We doubt not. Such acause to fight for.’ nfii such an enemy to confront, would make a hero, if liia blood w«a white as new drawn milk. We accept the issue. We do not fear the result. We know the consequences which will follow in the track of submission. We have before onr eyes examples enough of the misery, humiliation and degradation of the people who have gone un der the yoke of the enemy. We have to choose this day what we will do. On the one hand is certain slavery and dishonor, with all the atten dant horrors of a life-longservitudo-on the p*rt of ourselves and our children for untold yaears On the other is probable independence, and cer tain honor. Death may come to ns; but we w ill appeal to the God of justice who has said, blessed is the peace maker,—w ho kateth wrong and lov- ctb the right—to Him and our strong arms and stoat hearts we will appeal, against the cruel and crushing decision of Abraham Lincoln. And now that we have given expression to sen timents, which we believe to be the sentiments of nine out of ton of the people of the Confederate)’, wo have only' to add a few words as to the duty i (if those who have “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" in their keeping- They must not sacrifice ns to a whim or caprice. They must not call on us to rally to the flag, unless they will abate somewhat of their personal prejudice, and sacrifice their private quarrels for the public good. If (Minerals are put in command of men who are notoriously incompetent—if the private, soldier who carries nothing but his musket and his life into the conflict, is to be ignored, then there is no hope for us. The Tennessee campaign has just shown the country what inefficient officers can do. even with brave men to support them, to break the hope and heart of a people. Officers must he competent—they must have the confidence of the Men they command—if not. then wo could not ask the people to indulge the shadow of a lifipe for our success. All onr troubles to-day can be Newspaper brought f~ 00 in the Maiket for twelve months. One copy’of our paper, for a year and a half, would have bought a sack ol flour. Now, the price of our paper is §12 00 a year, and it takes the subscription price of /rr»/re copies of our paper for one year to hnv one sack of flour'. An , yet, paper, ink and type arc ■career aitides in the maiket than flour, bacon, corn ■ >r lard. We only mention these things to put our selves light ou the record, which, as little as some men think, will one day be subjected to a iigid scrutiny. Now. who are the first men rtfertry out, ‘Hold enough ! ’ ? Are they the laboring; and salaried, men, or men who work for the .State or Confederate Govern ment, or publishers* of newspapers 1 No! Well, who are they? Look around, and see who are the meu that shake in the knees." Who are the nn-H that want | peace on any terms? They are men whuhave lived ■ >ii the fat of tbe land ever since the War began.— They have never suffered one day for torn, flour, bacon, or lard. And, besides these articles of prime necessity, tliev have had cotton ; cloth, both cotton and woolen * shoes, Ienther, peas, potatoes in, abundance, and yet ihev as k the soldier win. has. endured n torment on earllt, and poor men and women, who have labored honestly to help the cause, nnd put bread in the mouths of themselves and children—they ask these truly pat riotic and unselfish classes to stop the War, and go baek into the “Union,’’ that they the self-same men may save the ir cotton, stocks and bonds, negroes, their hdnses ami lands, their flocks, and their implements of industry ! Many of these men have not even known what it was to want sugar, coffee, liquors of the best brand, linuen, and other luxuries,vince the day the first hostile gun was fired in Carolina. They fearthpy may have to “breathe in otherair Less pure, accustomed to immortal fruits,’’ and all at once they get very solemn, very sad and very scared. They have had (heir day. They have uev er known a minute’s suffering for food or clothing, tor four years—tliev may uot know what suffering is, if the War goes on four years longer; but such inen hall not make ua..slaves. Never, no, never, if the Nation's heart is not rotten to the core. Ii they are lost to honor, they must not, shall not, ding us down to their be<l of dishonor and death. — — Ihf report of (he I’rntr C'onuuiniiMirri. We publish to-day the report of our Peace Com missioners. If {hereis a man in the Confederate j ;t:ul hold conference witji Mr. Lincoln, or j States v.ho will not s.*y. “the argument is ex A >ati«ranl Fast day. Proclamation bu the President, App anting a D y of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, teilh Thanks- giring. The Congress of the Confederate States have by a joint resortiMon, inv ited me to appoint a day of public lasting, liuiuiiiuiiuu and prayer, with thanksgiving b- Almighty G"d. * li is our. solemn.dffty, at all times, and more espcei iilty in a «e:is»n of public trial and adveisity, to an- Xii.-wledgeour dependence on His mercy, and to bo.v* in humble submission b.-fure His footst.M.l, oonfessii.p oui manifold sin-, supplicating His g-acuius pardon, imploring His Divine help und devoutly qpidenm. tuiti.ks for the many uud great blessings which He lm vouchsafed to us. Lei iiea, touf our people tnrn contritely and trus. fully unto Gal; let us recognise in His cuasteulo. i,and tue coriectiou of a Fattier, ami submissively pm. nun thetr.a s and siiff-lings wh.eli Have so long b a i icavily upon us, in iv be turned uvv.iy by ins mrn-i.ii love, tuat His susiau.i. g giuo be g.\ei. t». oui peopu and His divine wis on i.up,tried to onr iUK-r.-; inn me Loid of Hosts wi 1 be witn our ur i#s. ami figo lor it against onr eueuues; and tnnt He will gracious Iv lake out cause into His own tiaml and inere-llud} es aouaii for us a lusting just and iionuralile peace ai.n independence. Ami let us not forget to render unto His holy nnnu the t minks and praise which are so justly due tor Ha- gsem goodness, ml for the many mercies which li nns extended to us timid the trmfo and sufferings oi protracted aad bloody war. Noiv, there! ire, I .1-ffersJh D ivij, Presided of the Confederate States of America, do issue this, my proc lamation, appointing Friday, the tentu day of March next, as a day of public fasting, humiliation rmd prayei (with thanksgiving) for “iuvoking the favor uud gui dance ot Almighty God and I do earnestly invite all soldiers and citizens to observe the same iu a spirit < I reverence, penitence and prayer. (iiven under my baud and the sijal of the Con [t.. s ] federate States, at Richmond, this ti5th day oi January, in the year of our Lord.OM) thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. ^ By the Pmud.-i f : J P. Bknjsmin, Secretary of State. Tire H'rnlhfr la again very cold, with high winds.— Friends, be kind to the poor, and especial ly to the suffering soldiers. Many soldiers and our sacred honor, and invoking the aid of At mighty God, in the effort to maintain our liberties and independence. President Davis said, if the people would give a hearty and unanimous re- sponce to the demands of the exigency, the ene my would next ask for a conference.. He also said, under no circumstances would he be tbo agent for the reconstruction of the Union. The N. V- Tribune says Fernando Wood has taken the war path, and that Cox and other peace Democrats will follow. We don’t believe it. Gen. Winder is dead. Died of appeplexy. From the late action of onr Congress, there is no doubt that the negroes will be put in the Arit. y. Both Houses are in tavor of the pioposition to arm 20OJU0, at once. The present Confederate Tax is to be increased I one hundred per cent, to meet the4iscoverv of an ' error in the immediate liabilities of the Govern ! m<*nt, of nearly four hundred million of dollars.' j (Pretty big error thpt. We dju’t see where the • are among us witn meir teei irosi i J. money is to come front We are out, certain and i for the. want of socks—some of them from | YV ^cogin, have i fur9, \ ... . the late Tennessee campaign. For pity It is sail Vice 1 resident Stepoens is coinsncrto j s*ke, muster up a few naii» of socks for Georgia, to address the people in behalf of a vig- lhe 00 , f e |I OW a <jbnfederasy. orous prosecution of tue war to independence. __ ^ I VV 1 Report of Prate Commissioners. Richmond, Feb. 6.—The following was lairl before Congress this forenoon by the President : Executive Off«ci!, ) Richmond, Feo. 6, 1865. .J To the Senate and House of Representatives, a S. A : Having recently received a wiitten no tification, which satisfied me that the President of the United States was dis posed to‘confer informally with unofficial agents that might be sent by me with a view to a restoration ol peace. t'l'F.AKtxn Oct.—A correspondent of the Chat tanooga (ISelmaj Rebel, written from Okofou;;;. the Kith of January, says : . *'If I wore a coufiJental friend and life-!-ng | adherent ol the Presid’-nt, I would tell him, even 1 at the risk of losing office, that the At my ot Ten nessae cannot be resusciated. save through John sion’s ng.-ncy. Hot Mt. Davis’ friends are Mien* and his supposed enemies say that it isusel's- for them to speak. Is it not possible thereToie. that he may remain in biissfu ignorance of facts, known to all the vvorid save himself? LOST! O N Wayne street in this city, on Monday morning. IJih inst.,a piain gold badge of th« Phi Delta society, of Oglethorpe University, bearing certain inscriptions Any one finliug I requested Hon. A. II. Stephens, Hon. ! auJ returning it. will be liberally rewarded. R. 51 T. Hunter, and Hon. Join A. j r.b l*Lf?*£ "““S Lamtibeil, to proceed through our hues, I — NOTICE. •minty to sell a nort on of the slaves belonging •i the estate of Thomas Ii. Muiris late ot saio -ouuty, deceased HARRIETT M MORRIS, Adm’x. Fcbuary. 14 h (J II ) v 3ti 9t GEGUOIA Wilkinson county. Or-iin'iiy s officevf slid, county. \^THKRK.VS. Jo.,n Holder applies n> me for Tetters »f of administration, de-bntiis-non on tne estate ot Pin s. Holder, tale of said county dec'll These areth reloreto cite and admonish nil persons concerned, to he .1111 appear at theOidiitary’a Office, in ..10 tor sai I county wiiln.i the 11 lie pr.-se ibe.l by law, .ltd show cause if any they can, why said letters Vf ad ii lisiratiou de-boiiia-iion should not be granted to the I piicaiit. Given under my hand an I ofiieial signature this 7th, 'Vli I 60. 3G5r. Pd. HI JON T \. RIVERS, OrI’y. GEORGIA* (A 1 k" son c octy Or •i*i«r> , » office for sv! County. HE E VS Wile,.Holla nd spplie- to tne fm |i rmai e-'» tellers of administration on tin •Siam of Vlillv peircejato of said eon ,t\ . der’d Those are therefore to t ile and admi-ni-h al o-rsons concerned to lie and app*ar at the Oidioa ■y’s office in • ml fin said c* litoy. within tli- lino .cescrilied by iaw. and show chum* if vny ibex •an. w hy said permanent letters i f administrali' n -hould not he granted in the applicant. Given under my hand am! official signature thi> 7th Fehruarv. !*•••"> 36 5t (P.i§li») JON\ RIVERS. Ord’y. GEOKi.IA, •» nkt i:«ou Cminty Ordinary’s Office for said Cminty W HEREAS, Juius W. Evans applies to me for letters of administration on the estate ot W. J, Garrett, late of sail county, deceased These ale therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at the Ordinary’s j office in and for said county, within the time pre- ! scribed by law. and show cause, if any they can. j why said permanent letters of administtaliou ' should not be granted to the applicant Given under mv hand aud official signature this 7th .February, lHti-o. 36 ot (Pdj$10) JONA RIVERS, Ord’y. 11EORGIA, Baldwin county. seph 6 cogin and Susut E eogin, nave made anplicaiiou Ly peii ion fitr letters of Adtninisrrarion on the cs'.ate ot John Scogin, late of said county, deceased 1 ties*- are therefore to cite and admonish a ' p:-r sons*advcrse|\ e item eJ, toflie their oiijectioiis on **r l.eforo ihe flrs: Mond-ij in nox . Given under-vy l.en 1 mi-i * to i igi.nturo Ti : s 14th I’tibru if' l~' >... In conformity to" ihe ^ ' s '">Vy \ss inbly. ptsaed at the clu,^ "-' °* 'h - (; lequesliuo the Govern. 1 D last questing the Governor to i ' ‘ t '‘ lHsl uie at Mich time and place *a ' Ve " , ‘ ,,IM Lee,,' ’’ » complete the iiecessary ! n,H > 1 Link mifioistie.j at the time ot B ,i; Hn '‘ ,, which h piosch ... the enemy. I here- f""":" 1 n " « unfinished at the time ot a,i; t ' oioacli .it the enemy. I here:.-!' ^ 1 ' n ° l - —e , r «lid meiiiliTs of III# General A s> ^'| ,r " i* til*- City Hall, in ihe city convej, • ’clock. A Al on Wkdnlsday •• »t | •t Febioary next. ’ ' lt: " •'•ciith Giv- nnnii rmy hand and the r lb? Mat •, this the vbth .lav n( J«»«KI'H t ", ar ' • •«»-*■. late . ' “"N n?“All p ipers in the Slait r^’T-v Jan 'V'l-Mr.l , 0 . :*4 3t j ii IO!IN T Or.r ■ E iefiers *>• pel IV of of John GEORGIA U fHEKE,: s I. I : ScogiH i! it a, .-; i, i -o n.r Guardiau-iiip I..r the id pj-. John and * hitu-s Stu-gin. min -r chiniru 'login, late .if ,-hiiI com: y. d.cras- d 'I'hese are therefore to cite and admonish all per son.-. adversely cniuvrned. to file their objections nti nr before the firs! Monday in April next Giver, tinder mv hand and official signature this 14»Ii February, 1865. Allot j h JOHN HAMMOND Ord’y. FOR ' 0i.» C0K.\ AXD-RYE Wlil^y STRAINFD HCN?Y (ISvrsou.* FINE-SORGHUM SYRUP, EXTRA FINE CIGARS, sure ior matcher FINE LOT ORANGES, , v Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, by HAYGOOD & JUDSON, 3!—2t at Callaway’s Old Stand, CAR WAGE AND WAGOS WORK. R EPAIRING of Buggies, Wugons -Vr. donewiihd.. p rich at Onrdner's -A.m. For whicli any am'i kiudaof 1*1-0vision will l>n Ink--., in payment. Per-eo tiuvmg wotk done ate particularly requested to ■ Provisions Ac. Milletlgeville Juuu&ry “2.0th, lFfio. 3.: ., (V kite T a \ t s Kind 1 ” BaMwin Co. J-ir. g-gh IMG r r r , IIE Tax payers of Tax in Kin i, are liercbv n-tifi-l ■ to make their returns i mn-dialcly, upon tfi<- f 0 j owing articles, vizs C -r.i Fndiler, Buckwheat. Kio* Il'isn Potatoes Sugar, .M-tlaSses, Cottuii. Pens. Be it.s hikI Grou-td-Peas, ami tiiev are also notified to cu;na forward and pay the eame as s-a*n us possible. I’» FAIR, Assessor ^ JAb C. SHE Colleclar. 3! 4K Baldwin enuoty. < JK()RGlA, Appling county. 1A n DAIS utter date npplicution will he ma*!p to the Court of 0:<!inarv of said county for an order *0 sell a portion ol the negro property h.'!.iiigi: W to the estaie of Isaac Og-ion lute of said counlv Uueaseri this -fnnuary loth, 1865. 33lit (J l.) SARAn L. OGDON, A.lmr’x. liHUsted, let us stand by our arm-'," tlicn wc Lav# mistaken the temper o! Si utiiern men. Good men were sent to treat for peace. They proceeded on their mission and were met by Lincoln and Sew ard. and told that th?y coold get peace by* laying down their arms, swearing to support the Lincoln Constitution and laws, and giving up all their property to U.c Lincoln Government. . Vi’il’i any Georgian accept these terms? Furbid it, Almighty God! Now, let us eeaso ail bickerings, und strike fet life end liberty. GK<tKG(A, Baker vomit5. \ STH EKE AS, J. ii and El!z ib-th McCuiiors ? have nude application *0 mo for letters of Administration upon the estate of Wiley E Mc- Cuilors, deceased. Tlieseare r.lierefcretoeite and admonish aii per sons concerned, to b*- and ajipcar ut my office on , 1 - t . 1 .. . 1 Hie first Monday in March next, to show Stull persons as lie depulo to topic- f f LEG RA PII commu ideation will be re-opened | cans**, if any they have, why letters shall not issu" sent him. * trom ibis point Oil Tuesday Feb. 14th, l«65. j to the applicants A.I b isinci-'s will receive prompt attention. C B. >i UN DAY. Operator. Miiiedgevilo, Feb. J4th, K‘565. 35 It pd. I herewith submit for tho infV.rtnatti-ti of Congress t!te report of (ho eminent citi zens above named, showing 1 that the ene my refused to enter into negotiations with the Confederate states, as such, or with any of them separately or give to onr peo pie any other term or guarantee than those j 1AL 3S2 MOVAIi- .STATE OF GEORGIA. Of AftTERMASTLlt Mlfletlgcvil IE OF GEORGIA. ) General's Office. > lie, Fet. 9th, 1865 j Giv. i: ti di-r c-y hand and 1st day of February. 36 5t VV VV. Incial signature this JOliDVN Ord’y. ,- 1 . * J , I Mi Hedge vi lie, Fet. yih, J 865 > pie any other term or guarantee than those ; All letters t.» thisOffico will be h.-reatieraddress- F N TH] which the Federal Congress may grant, or ' ed toMitiodgcville, Ga i -» n««!«-r traced to tbe^ one single source of incompetent leaders. The people will endure—they have en dured: and they will m-.-er giva up the fight, so long as the “authoritie: ’ do their duty. Butdecp- ly does it grieve ns to s; y, tli«t so far as tho army of Tennessee is concerned, the military heads of the Government have abused the public confiu<-nce by displacing a great commander, at the veTy mo ment when such a man was most needed at the Lead of that brave but unfortunate Army. Let the people do their duty; and let'the “powers that be’’ do theirs. All is not lost yet. Kprawla’ Hot«l. Judging from signs iu the Macon newspapers some body will have to board at Sprawls Hotel during the setting of the Legislature. The papers advise the members to bring along their hams, flour, lard, meal Ace. Ace. : nothing is said about whiskey, so wc infer there is a good supply on hand in the city. It is even hinted that the Hotels cannot accommodate the mem bers, and that the citizens, who can do so, should take them to hoard. We always hav'e heard that the Ma con Hotels could accomodate the members of the Leg islature better than those of Milledgeville Are the Hotels in Macot* all closed T Did G 6n . ghermnn de stroy all tho provisions in Macon, aod vicinity,.*, that there are none to be had for a few hundred visitors ?_ If the members are not prepared for heavy charges they have mistaken the signs pf the times. ’ We hope our absent friends may meet with no “out Bide pressure” to disturb their deliberations. [ COMMUNICATED] t l,'je*t itiovi? in (tie right (iireciiotl. Messrs. Kdtlors : I see a statement in the news papers that the Senate had passed a law abolish ing all Post Commissaries and Quartermasters and substituting bended agents in tbeir piaces The Act also repeals all authority to detail per- sons between tjje ages of tigl^ecn anJ forty five fn sard dipot-*. This, I cnsid^r an important step in thewight direction. Let lhe House follow up this step and pass fi.c law immediately, and a large number of strong able bodied young men will he driven out of tln-ie bomb pr of r&t holes into active service, and tbeir places in tha Com missary and teruiaster Departments will be filled by those, who on acecuot age, or other in- firmitits, are not able to bear the fatigues of a campaign. When onr soldiers are passing through tho country and see in every town and village through which they go, a gaang of strong hesitny young men thronging tho streets, well ! dressed in bright Confederate uniforms, and riding or driving fat hcr.-cs, they immediately suspect they heicug to the Commissary or Quartermaster D -partmints, aud nine times out of ten thc^ - are right. This sight is exceedingly vexatious and discouraging to our brave in the field, and to the old folks at home They immediately con c!ude that these well dressed and highly pamper ed young men »;ro the sons or near rt lativ&s of rich men, who. by their wealth and influence, have procured th>?m theso soft places, whilst tln*y and their sons aro left to do the fighting. Anoth er circumstance would seem to prove that there safe positions are given to the rich, is thi fad these young Quartermasters and Commissaries frequeutly spend mom money iu ft thin their pay for a year will amount to, M) that they must get money from lume or from some elht r source. The time has come, Messrs. Editor**, when every man who is able to eudura the fa tigue of a campaign must enter the active service., or we shall ho. crushed. All of the soft places can be filled equally as well by those who are not able to endure active service. It is said ilia! there are a hundred thousand able bolied men in the Confederate Slates Last of toe Mississippi it 1»i*f .iur, rttinij. g;.:e po»: ion*, v nidi could he as well-or better filled by the crippled soldiers or those, who by ago or infirmiti*?**, i,.a unable to eudnre the hardships of a campaign. Ld nil these able bodied young nun be put in the hi my, then let good officers be appointed to command our armies, men in whom the soldiers have confidence, and we shall hear no more complaints about straggling and deseriing. It is the abuses named above which discourage our soldiers and makes them straggle and desert. Coircct the abuses and the evil will be corrected. « SENEa. to permit us to have a vote, on any other basis than our nncoarlhional submission to their rule, cour-led with our acceptance of their recent legislation, including the vri amendment to the Constitution fur the emancipation of all negro slaves, and w ith the cigjit on the part ot the Federal Con- giess to legislate *.n the subject of the re lations between the white and black popu lation. Such is as I understand it, the effect of the amendment to the C’onstitntion which has been pasted by the Congress of the United Sta f es. Jkfferson Davis. Ay order Q M. General GEO. (J. CONNOR. Assistant in Charge. Macon Telegraph. Atlanta Intelligencer; Con fIEAD*QSGA RESERVES & MIL. DIST GA. ) Macno, Ga., December 7tlr, 1861. J General Orders. ) Ao. 3<f i THE following military ergan : za6on3. ral-cd the auihorit. of Governor B.owu, and afterwards receive.) into the Cm.1Vderate service j f ~~ y-. hyUen.J. B H*>i*d. ro-wir: rdie K-»gim^nt c?>:n ' " 1 ^ in ui*. od by Col Findley, the Butahni.s c-mmar. I GEORGIA, Appling comity. W ILL S0, *D on the first Tuesday in April n if » Y at the Court House door in said orui.t*. between’ t.leu gnl loans of sale one negro girl, about eicliteen years ..t age Sold as the pi operiy of ihe estate ot ,l.i!,n J. t oiirson <leces#eii, for dietribulion and benefit of creditors, this l-lth div ol January 1NI5 :,l,i (■> 1 ) NANCY D C >Cfi*NOX. Adm’x. GEORGIA, B I virtue*-f an order of the Court of Otdinsry of snid county, will be be sold on Hie ti? s t l ueSdsy in APRIL next, before the Court h*.ase dour in said county, between the legal hours of sale twenty (At:) acres..f laud, lying on the <«v- vanah G R R . within a half mile ot N >. 7 »n ro;.d, ami I.-ing lhe place of the into and last rcsi*.ei.ce of ;; J| Middle on, deceased, nnd being apo.tion of the lot of land that Is -ae. D (Vter lives on in fourth district of said county; N * not knawu Sold as a p otion estate of C. H. .Vliddietoa tor ti.e b.-nefir c.f ereditors. JOilN W HARRIS. Adm’r. J*m. 13th, IH(,5. J. L. 33 9 iiuiiomriist. Coiumbtts Enquirer and Midledge--'^ e ‘^ hy M-jors L-.-aii, Markins e.. Grahatu. McCal lie Union copv four times. ! lum and Ledtord, and the B itialion iandy com Fet*. Huh, * 36. 4t. j ntauded by Li -u’ Col Glenn, of Fiekerts county OLE. KI's.-l.TT & KIF LEATHER, also t-5 LIGHT tKiN.>, tor sale Apply to at Ga. Penitentiary. T T WINDSOR, B. K. Richmond Feb. 6.— To the Pi eside/it. '•f the Confederate States.—Sir; Under vnnr j letter of appointment as Commissioners, da ted the 2Sth ult. we proceeded to seek an informal conference with Abraham Lin coln. President of the United States, up- j on the subject mentioned in your ietfpr The conference was granted, an*] took * i place on the, 30th of January, on board a steamer anchored in Hampton Ponds. Where we mot President Lincoln and Mr. j Seward, Secretary of State of the United j States. I ’{'lie Conference continued several hours. I j and was full and explicit. We learned | from them that the Message of President | ! Lincoln to the Congress of the United ALSO, A REWARD «f one hundred dollar* will be T\- part ior tlit- return *>f a New Fair Fairt.-u ]*.-*' Sc.;ice. with a I 2 and 3 hundred pound weight, taken-from ih>" Penitentiary during the late inva sion. by a negro upon a cart, op one horse wagon, wh . was s-*cn going ou! towards the Macou or Extontnn toa ). The above reward will be paid for its delivery t' T. T. v\ INDnoK. B K Feb 15. |Mfi5 3ii 6t TvFrisr’ banner ? A JOURNAL devoted -to RELIGION il. LI I EKATURE. is published EVERY PATHWAY, AT AUGUSTA, Price—Ten Do Jars per annum. E ited by Rev. A. C. DAYTON, and Jas r.Lt.s. Euciose $10 nnd address JAS Feb. 14, 1-65. Pd §’20 N h:LL5?, Augusta, Ga. 36 4t Good for the inner man. Messrs. Haygood and Judson kcej) all article* iu the Spirit line. They have good old honey which when mixed with other fluids will put patriotism in a man’s soul if it can be done. Fee their ad vertisement. — mmm m t— — — At Home. We aro pleased to see a “.umber of our voung friends of the Army of Tennessee, at home. They have had truly a bard road to travel,ever since our Army left Daltoft. almost u year ago. We hope they may spend theif time very pleasantly among their friends and relatives, until called to their posts for duty again. An old aefor, Louis Kramer, Las just died at Ge neva in a singular way. Ho was playing Kmg Lear, and iu his cxcitemCut swallowed a portion of his artificial beard, which stuck in the wind pipe and choked him. States in December on plains clearly Lis j sentiments as to the conditions, anrl mode j of proceeding by which peace can beseenr- i ed to the people; and we were not informed i that they would be modified or altered to obtain that end. We understand from him that no terms ! or proposals of any treaty or agieement I looking to an ultimate setflprneut would be , entertained or made, by him. with the au- ! thoritips of the Confederate States because ■ that would bo a recognition of their e.xis- i tence as a separate power, which, under no circumstance#, would be done; and for like reasons, that no such terms would be entertained by him from the States separ ately; that r.o truce or armistice, as at present advised, would he granted with out satisfactory assurance in advnnco, of tho complete restoration of the authority of the Constitution and laws of the Uni ted States, over all places within rHe States of the Confederacy! that whatever consequences might, follow from tc-estab- lishment of the authority must be accep ted, but that individuals subject to pain and penalties tinder the laws of the Uni ted States, night rely upon a liberal use of the power confided to him, to remit those pains and penalties, if Peace be res- j tored during the conference. The proposed amendments to the Con- i Btitntion of the Unite! Slates, adopted the 31st Jan. was brought to our notice. These amendments provide that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except fi.r crime should exist within the United Stales, orin any place within their juris diction; and C* ngress should have power to enforce that amendment by appropriate legislation. Of all the correspondence that preceded the conference herein mentioned, and lead ing to the same, you have heretofore been informed. Very Respectfully, Your oli’t servants, Alexander H. Stevens. R. M.T. Hunter. John A. Campbell, Commiggionerb &c. LOST. jPUK fi.iioiving notes were lost or destroyed by • Yankee army while near Gordon; On® note* M.L Whitehurst made payable to T. C. Whitehura’ ir.r >101 ; ,»ne on .1. A. J. Walters made payable to T ( VI lirtefitn .-h for @ I (ID duo Jan. 1363 ; Due on W (whose commission was r-voked t. -iM.i-e h reported to Gu»’ Brown as a desrrn-r.) im-'er the j person who ina* li'V-j been elects*! to eoinuisnJ it, ■ wilt be maintain,d tor sixty days trnm dme in <1 s- i charge of suchduti. s as itiey may he failed upon j to perform It. After tho ex-iralion of the sixty davn. al men between the eges of I-* and 45. subject t*. i e.onser'oti 'ii will report to the prop- r <-u,•»; 1 in*g ; officer fnr assi iim-i t to the army in t‘e field — liable eitli-r r«> tnili. 11 du y *»r to s-rvice in the Rescues, will r- m.iu iu the present uig.nizi- . ioos IU. Ail per-ons now in these organizations ah S-IU without leave Ir .ill will return proinjoly lo their c.iiun.iiids, ivilii th a-muranee that (heir cases will t.e recommend- d ' to the most tav-irH-|e c> ler-iri.ui of meir r-a- pewive C.'UUliar.ditlg Geller.-iU in » i -w ot tlia s r j vices rend.-r- d by them in those o-esiuiz < r i>.tis, ■ and to carry ont this ot j ct, the t-tfi.ors under j whom they* have been seeing vvi I turnisli taeh ‘ one with a stat^m^nt of his sei vic s Aft-r this J ! oppcittmiity tu'ther indulgence to at sen tecs will ; j u>.t be gr-tnied [ IV. Tne officers ia command of these nrgatii- j I zstions eoj fined to he vigilant in (In* <>♦ | |all deserters and absentees, and will lorw-trd them without deiay to tha Conscript Camp at this ! plans. By command of M-j .r General HOWELL COBB. R J. HALLEri’, A. A. Gen. ' | Executive Department, Macau, Dec. 7. l-ffit. 1. 1’he above orders of Major Geueral Cobb | iiavp been submitted to my inspection, wnd I con- | life order that the persons iu said organize ! .ions who are subject to my command r.s miliria- on and GA N Administrator s Sa/e. { ) V order of tlia C-m t ot t tnJmarv of Mitchell mantr, 9 will be sold on thn ImT Tuesday in March n n he- the Four! door in the Town* of Cemilit* 4u- ni.e Mo- legal hi lies of r lie; Ihf of land No oi-fin*t on t -in«lly |*,a.iy noir A/iteheii ■■ J*-- Al. Administriitor <•» r .c eu.Jo ot .1. J. Hi-n- ii,,it deceased. JOHN M. BEL VXD, Affin’r. Jan. ISth, l?61. (Pd. ’ 3-! tds. Sheriff Sale of an Ertray Horst. \\ ILL be sold hetor the Court House door in ” " !tawkinsville Pulaski county, on 'ha tir-t Til -sday in March next, one sorrel hors;, instiled wi'h w.-iic specks on tho rump, b:-,ze or wliit« streak in lhe face white hind .cot, about iJ or id yeats ct age. 8i>!d as an'estrav. J A- U ,;a RUC1I AN D. Shf.iff. -T it. 17th IriiJi " • :j t r J • •fit - GlA. Jasper coiii.iy these orgtriizalions ah I LY ! V . *!avs.aft< i r.n'o application will he msda t lie Coiitedet h te army,; k ' U> Hie tGiiilnf Ordinary of sr d coiuifi. for ' i.-.ivo t-i s,-|| (pe negroes ■belonging id jiie ondi»i- d.-.l portion «.t the esirttH of H ,rtis Allen dted- this 3.d day of Jai.iiarv M65 JOHN M ALLEN, Adm’r. J* with tho will anii..xed. A of ire to Debtors and Creditors. V LL per.-ons iudt bled to the estate of .V.. Marehman h:U: ufTwices county dec is;:d are requested to • piy.rii-nt ,nn ! any person having de- •■rid estate are required to pre.-ent then teak unuie-li-it. tnunria iig iiuet Si in terms of the law. Jminnry 10th, l-tdj. W. M. VARNT.M, Adm’r. 5t. men remain in the same organization with those subject to bis eonnnati 1 n3 Confederate Reserves, till further orders, and I direct all sueh tions to report to Gen C HI. M’iiiioiniist tbr S ’.'ld 1 hereby warn al! persons (in future as t)»ey have i'jie obeyed ttm against trading for said not«.s aud (lie makers from pay iug them to any one but me. C. E. SMITH. Gordon,Feb. 5th, 1S65. Fd. $15 363t tl $500 REWARD! A LOST TsiL’NK. lost somewhere between fe Mayfield and Milledg*-villa, inaike.l ('oleu.aji, Aq- gust-i, tiil ,11 flat greeuT. nuk Flense uddre-.s Rock 1-li.n 1 Paper Mills,Colninhu.- Gn. . •[C dac.iii C«.nfederat® At Telegraph, Milledgcvi!!.- ;t -■.■Kuni nii.l AUgURTH voiistiTuriormlist, f copy tinea times and send bill io Co'u ubus Times oAice. Keb. Itlth 30 3L dersot G«-n. iiuod, till further orde*s from } headquarters. if Ailpersons in sa>d oigmiz.-itiobs who belong to tho State Line, cr the company of Slate scouts, j wiio are now absent without leave, will report i.n J medie!e(j- to their resp.-jtive c.-. inm.tiids Tho*e j who oh y this or-l,-r h;, r ♦pi-rtiug to tin-.r comm u ' ding offk'.ers, „r if rimy cannot reach them, to j these hcntiqii.titers, w .hi . ti -• n :t* tv;, i.'v days j will receive u free pa • >>i . xr -^1 th. i of their w igcs. f.u t‘ • t. u • t: * Revving Machine for $ale. A OOOl) dEWlSG MACHINE-one of Wheeler I -* ^ v.iil \\ '...son patent-—in good order, for >r.!e. -apply at ibis office. Milledgeville Eel*. 11th, 18i>5. 26it. ltd o ill Wit, 'heir r- • id will be iu<'.,t o ir -i.ih Ali otfi“r are -o at.s-« pec!* V ! Ii JOSl-'Pli E. pin ts Frown D c Jl 1 Ht.4 GEORGIA. Jones County. Ordinary s Office, snid County. February Uth, 1865. II ERE AS. E. C. Giicr, Administrator of i D«t v id L Johnson late of snidcainty dceonsed. ^ ® Giles li. Griswold deceased, applies to me for ietfers dismissory from said estate. This is tueretore to cite all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have to the contrary, by tiling tbeir objections iti this office on or by the first Monday in September next. Giv»n under my hand officially 36 m6m (pd) ROLAND T ROSS Ord’y. B 1 Axlministrator'« Sale. Yvirtneof an order from the Hon Court of Ordinary of Pnlaski county, will be sold be f -io the Court house d >or. in said county, on the fiist Tuesday iu Al > IiIL next acres land, in the KHli district, belonging to the estate of Alex a. der Coalman, deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sal*-. * HORTON HENDLEY, Adm’r. Feb. Ot h, 1865, j J s 36 tds Not.ire to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estare ol Willis Harrell, deceased, are requested to mnkei.n- nn-riiare pay me lit, and tho.-e having demands against said deceased, will present them duly au thenticated. * SOPHIA HARRELL, Adm’rx Feb. 9th, 1665. 4 4 8 36 0t These p-’ therefore to cite nil ii.lcr,-ste<l to appeal al my ot. • i i ' lore th<> first Monday i:i Mnreli, to Glow cause, i. any they have why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this 1st day of Februaty 1865. 35 5t. W. \V. J() KDAN Ord’y. GREEN AND DRY HIDES P URCHASED AT THE GEORGIA PENI TENTiARY, FOR WHICH THE lliGli- EST PRICE WILL BE PAID. MiHedgevitle. V'eh 6. 1665. fg, fit Notice to Debtors and Creditors. \ T jV C ERS i2 XS inoebe,e d 1“ the estate of Irwin » B. Hamilton deceased, are requt-sied t comefor- wanl anikset'le witl.not delay. And t!uu>e Imvingde- nmnda against said estate, will present them dulv uu theuticaied. January 3.1th, 1865 C1XTY DAY< front dste application win be n *ede t*1 tlie honorable the Cimr: of O-dinary of Pnlaeki e. unty for leave to sell, the real esiate ot John M Daniel Jr. decem-ed. Jan m ,RAX B- H. HARRELL, Adm’r. 4an. 30tb, 1865. j. j. $, 35 9t FOR SALE. ^|1X I.nndred acres of pine land, mixed with oak und * ’ l-.ickory. lying about >ix uiiles lr,..n Mil'clgcville. There is one 1 undre-.l.nud Ufry- acres of the hurl ~ and3 years new ground. For particulars apply at lids cilice. Milled?* villo Jan ith, 1865. 31 tf. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. * LL PERSONS h iving <]< rum.Jg against the • ® estate of J.ifinllaa.sdi'eease-l.aretH-rebyDO- utrect all sucti organiz.i 1 titied to pr.-ent them legally authenticated, and ,.bb h *»b.-y his outers ( dehtor.a u. said deceased tr«» requested to make . -- ... payment to MARY E WILLIS. Adm’x. Dec 1661 '2U Jt. with lue will annexed. GEORt-ii A. Pulaski *',>mitv | \\/ H HKEAS, Y\ :n. fleiidly. 6r., applies to w ' ’ » t«.r iettiTs of di.-missicn from the Gnat- j di-rnsliip of the persons and property of Lsac Johnson’s minors T hese are to ei:e all persons ! interested to file tIt, ir obj-o'iona it any they c«n on o' | ■’! '' r !l f °re tho 1st Monday in March next. Othefr bs :.i 1 v - '■aid l*-tn rs will be gianted tl.o applicant ia •j re: ms of the law Given under my hand aud official • :,>u« j si.nature ibis l()th day ot Jatiuarv. 1-455. r , j »4 *>t. JOHN J SPARROW, Ord'y. GKnpGI.X. Pulaski C<>unry. J OSEPH KING has made application to this 1 >iiirt for letters of adniinigtratioo on theta- ta 1 *. of John .V. Lee, minor of John J. L-e. law of this county, deceased. I are tiicretore to cite all persons interested ro he and appear at xnv office on cr before the Monday in March, and* file their objection* (if any they can.) why letters of administr*ti*'0 should not bo granted the r.piJieaut ’n terms ot the law. Givep under my hand and seal of office thu loth day of January. |«65. •■I 5t JOHN J. SPARROW; Ordr Notice y.o Debtors and Creditors. t GEORGIA, Twiggs county. j r jpO Redding j L„ y i ess olie of the p>- s ( r ibider s "t ' * the estate or Mrs Georgia Ann Evan*, h» .« full t’BUuty dpOftftsed. You a.e'hereby notified tha- I sh -l! applv in o. tne law to the Court of Ordinary of said cuntfj* the next July term thereof for a division of the e* 1 ®-* of ,p‘ l . d deceased. a-nung the distributees I his January I8th, 1865. 'H. M. LOYLF.SS, Adw’r- 00 eowTm By his Aify in fact U- LOST OR STOLEN. One Bond for $1200, fundeJ in An?f% e . “ •* •• o uu>t& m *, “ $3iMI “ “ o, l0 d Thp above were given in my name. D" e . -jj. for 4'GMi funded iu Augusta, given in ^ n *' "■r's. name ..i. On, Bond for #|fM» funded in MilledtN* 1 given in Mrs Catherine Wheeling s name W L KEM.ES; Hancock Co. G». Feb, 7th 1665. ^ *’ GEORGIA. Baker county. Ordinary’* affirr cf said county. W HEREAS. F. D liea mak*.-* c|.gH<-ation to me for I. tii-rR f aifmu.istratioi. up.-n the ectate of JOHN J. HAMILTON, Adm r. 35 6t