The Confederate union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1862-1865, February 21, 1865, Image 2

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the- tresiioui tstTp« ; t uul to tight tor, ar.d thousaude o nun rather than submit to it mid remain in sen ice, leeliug that they wore the Collar of power upon thei n«*< ks, have lull the army without leave. Itenco tie President's complaint, the cause of which h® 8 ,4 |_ tlie necessary result of his own policy. He <■* ‘ taken the genius and spirit of our P e °P f material of which his armies are compo^' 1 • and til' The high toned spirited Southern niau will revolt w.u 11 - 011 Bt tempt to him toanautomal*»«. J 1 * ^ ^ i’nor to the passage of tin- fatal net, I ingenuit v to devise plans, to induce the President to re- reive them hffo service. So soon However as the act was passed, which denied them the right in future to tdrin their organization*. and enter setvice as willing freemen, with their neighbors and friends, and gave the president the power to seize them mid appoint I heir officers, the whole feeling was changed, and men Jim - resorted to every imaginable shift to keep out ol the service. Tne excuse that conscription was necessary to keep the twelve months men in service, or to fill their pluce? can not avail. , The IVesi ent knew months lieforc when the of these men would expire, and made niiettoi " ganize troops to take their places. A ‘i, ,,i dneed iptn t Mo Provisional Congress by «< W • - Georgian, but n short time before it* 1 1 J . February authorizing the President to eallUmh the militia to nev extent necessary, '>v feqotsition t p<m the Stale.-, and to nil for them for three veat8 at bis discretion. This would hare left the appointment of the officer* with the States where the Constitution l-avesi*. TheiiilliK-iiee of th« President wa« actively nse.l to defeat this, hill, on tiic ground thatln» did not nerd the lay, as he Lad more troops tendered than lie could accept and atm Early in Apiil following he called for the conscript n*t on the ground of nect • iry, to till up the atmy, ami he bill was passed girifr. I nn the patronage nud p<w above mentivued. Iteon- seiijitoii had been neces: ary to keep the twelve months men in service till their places could be fillet that ntTbrdcd no reason why the ac.t ghonid have eu.l ra.’ed the whole population ol the Confederacy within mili tary age. A special net applicable only to the t welve months men fora short period, till troops could have been furnished by the Statek to take their places, would have met that necessity. This, however, would not have given the President the appointment of the officers for all the troops to be organized. Hie neglect to call npou the Sta'es for troops to till tlie pla ces of the twelve months men was made the occasion for vesting immense power and patronage in him, and fastening conscription with all its evils npou the . country. The President has been as unforf urate in hi.: goner alship, plnonir.g milit ai y campaigns, as lie liss in hi* policy ot recruiting his armies. All remember his 1 ^J| first apptaraiice on the field a» Commander in t'hief | , at Jhu close of the battle of 1st Mauassas, when (if re 1 ports me reliable) tie prevented our taking advantage of the complete d the f < army, to iiihicIi npon Washington City, when it must have fallen into our hands with little re- sistame. He visited tlie army in Middle Tennessee r , Jl anddivided it, sending part of it to Mirsissippi too late j i],o cn n to ni complieh any President’s statement is reliable tiny have only one third of them there. And 1 fear that the dis cipline of that third is loose compared with that | exhibiltd by the Federal at my in its march | hrough this State. _ . . j The President having failed in 1*’* military j -iduiinig ration..« no brought the country to the verge ; of ruin by his military policy, should be relieved j of that pail of his duties, by an amendment ol the Constitution to provide for the appointment of h , Commander in-chief ct the armts of the confeoer- acv, hv the President, by and with the consent of j two thirds of the Senate, who shall be entirely j tree from the cntrol ol the 1 resident and retnov , able onlv by the same power by which he was i appointed. This would-place the best military j uTleht of the country in command of our armies, 1 not in name only but in fact, and would save us in future from the heavy calamities which have be- j fallen us by the capricious removal of a great: ili-r, amnst critical inwi-ture, ot" an atdy con ducted defensive campaign. •) i In- late ace „t CtJn U i«. n.*, did r.ot and could not. i take from the President his constitutional pow- i er ns Commander in Chief. It provides for the ; appointment of h Central in-Chief. Robert E. | Lee as Cnteral-io-Chief is subject to tbs or- dets of the P(> sident as he was before the act of Congress, and his appointment under it, and tlie ! Prcsidcul may at any moment frustrate bis pians | by orders which he is obliged to obey’. Congress i cannot divest the President of this power overall the gc-i.c-ia':- in ('on If derate setvice, including the Central in-Chief. 1 ltis power i.-, confend by the Constitution And can betaken away by i an amendment of that instmmiTit* These changes may be made without the evils of j revolution with revolution. The Constitution pro- • rides for its own amendments. The remedy is j perfectly peaceful. It-declares that: Upou thei demand of any three States legally assembled in i their several conventions, the Congress shall summons h convention of all the States to take in- i to consideration such amendments to the Con stitution as the said Slates shall concur in sug- I getting, at the time when said demand is made. 1 It i* perfectly legitimate and proper for three ! States to demand such convention, w hether in tlie j opinion of their people the public good or the j common safety requires it. In my opinion the! best interest of the country re quires that, such | convention moot with as little delay as possible, j such niiionduetit.-: to the Constitution, j tiling ,• i •, uted poinrs, j 3iafe Rights & ConfederateStales' Righti *11;r - - --- - , . A- - -5 To liie Reading Public. W THE CONFEDERATE USlON, ( Corner of Hancock and Wilkinson streets.) OPPOSITE TKEfOl KT HOME. BOIGKTO?. SfSOCT &. CO., Staff Printer* Tuesday Mominjr, February 21, 1865 JE will commence thtf publication of two beautiful and very interest Stories in THE ARMY ARGUS AND CRISIS, On Jan. "2S. 18G5—one by’ oar talented yourg -.iitho.vss, Miss Annua P. CREIGHT, and the on - er bv a verv talented and bigh y acc, mplisbtd »oung lady of this city.' Thos4who wish to subscribe had better do so at once, as we will keip but few back numbeis n\ hand. TERMS. Three mouths, 4 fO ? ix “ 8 i» Twelve *’ 15 OU \11 letters to be addressed to W. F WIDELY. Box 7J4, Mobile, A’a. Feb. 16, 1865. 37 2t All weekly and Sunday papers in the C< n • ieihcv will copy r.'ice and ou bills to the pu: .slier. r WO months, after date application will be made to t:ie Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county to sell a portion of the slaves belonging, to the estate of Thomas H. Morris late of said countv, deceased HARRIETT M. MORRIS, Adm’x. Febaary, 14th 1865. (J H ) 36 St. GEORGIA Wilkinson county. Orainart/ $ o ffice of said comity. ITTHEREAS, John Holder applies to ine for letters ff of administration. de-bonis-non on the estate of riics. Holder, late of said county dee’d. * These are tii'-refo; e to cite and admonish ail persons concerned, to be and appear at the Ordinary’s office, in and tor said county within the time prescribed by law, end show cause if any they can, why said letters of ad ministration de-bouis-uou should not be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand ami official signature this 7th, Feb 1 '(lb. Jd5t. Pd. 10 JONA. RIVERS, Ord y. - R - E! ^OVa -r “ - State Quartermaster ah i .. Milledgeville s Gt'i ice. All letters to this Office will Mi ’ I'-«r. ed toMilledgeville, Ga. e ‘**‘ r tau er Ay order Q. M. Geutiral ■ address- GEO. r. CON Mop Macon Telegraph. Atlanta 'ime.r* 1 * Ci ‘ ar S t '- stiiutionalist. Columbus Euqutrer' , 0n n- vilie Union copy tour times. ld ^'“edge- E'ch. Inth, I- - ' 3<>- 4t. OLE, RU • Llufil SKINcs.jor sale FIT KJI* LEATlii-’o 'T' sale **■' ®bo Apply to at Ga. Penitentiary. T T. UJNUEOR, B k GEOKG1 A. Ordin-. Urm-iLA- M p I'll. e w kiiisou C nuty. C.ffice. f ir sa": t' l.rft out. Owing to the space occupied by the Governor’s Message, we nro compelled to leave out much matter prepared for this paper. Among other things excluded for want of room, is a Public Meeting in Echols comity, also a meeting in Jasper C’onnty. GEOR IA. Berrien County, j \VTHEREA8, Mary Dam, Ler applies for lei • 4 \\ ters t*f Ad mi n is rs'iou <>n the esu.te of W i - ] jam Dampier, dee> ast d. These are tlicrefore to cite and admonish a! 1 j persons concerned t» be and appear at u.y uffic ! •»-it Lin tl* time prescribed by law, to show cause. I if a oy {hry have, wry said k-fteis should not b. granted. Given under my hand officially, this 2nd dai of February. I*-65. * 57 7>t " Paid $5—due $5 W. E. CONNELL, Ord’y. P' J , • •' . Iniioa | X'j - I the- :i I;.! . I - .1 s ! ... i he time j piCScrihed by iaw. and s'ow cau.-e ir any rliev can. why said permaie nt let tors-T admimsiration ; should not be granted to the* applicant. Given under my hand and official sig: :>.’nre this } 7th February, i 't.,3 36 5t (Pd $ltt) JONA RIVERS, Ord’v. | A L S O. A REWARD < f one hundred doll* ± \ paid tor the return „f a New PaiVlikithv Scales, with a 1 2 and 3 hundred po/nd taken frbtri tlm Penitentiary during/ie late ir, 1 ’ ri m. bv a negro upon a cart or on/dmrse u H ! " h i was seen going out lovrariT the M«« u or Eatonton road. The above reward will belaid for itg delivers *" T. T. Vi INDnoU. B. R Feb 15.1 Sf»5. 3,; ,; e BAPTIST BANNER as Will reform by emornbzation°ofi »r.,l effect a sp-edy and thorough change of pel icy in coudccttug the and h: r g n;> ^nd su»- m not afraid to trust the 1 tin. refute recommend , , lllu v „,, ... „ convention of the people of this ood result there, and left General j gtato for the purpose of proposing such amend- tftinitigour arnu s. 1 people in convention. Bragg so weak that he was forced to evacuate T niasee which together with Vicksburg fell into the bands of the cnemv. lie again appeared upon the • , . , ? „.ru c,. ,i.„ field at Missionary Ridge and divided the army when a "«“***■ nud " ,! l proa_ ide fo. tlmappoi superi irfotc^f was being massed in its trout. General ! a Cctninaud. r-ui ( hieftn time of war, liOtigstreet’s corps was wait into En.-t Tennessee.— General Grant waited till he was out of reach, when he fell upon the remnant ot Bragg s army and drove it back inti* Georgia, opening the way for the advance into this ~ street out of of that invnlunble stronghold of the _ Tlie President's Inst appearance upon the fWd wna , n „r „ . e - n , i, r t wilh General Hood’s nrmv in this Mate, which was ! piessthe tall ol .. (. t . . on of .dl the StateSj.for : n*.i iieorgin, ojieunig me wav t.u luenuwiuce \ j also rtcommenu inn is State, and then sent troops and drove Long- j fi p, )0 i u t commissioners to imtof East Tenm-sse. n<*d made himself master j t | Confederacy, renne invnluable stronghold oftlm Confederacy. ‘ .. ' ’ _i* , meats to the constitution as will relieve iho Presi ’eat cf lii-* responsibility as Commandtr-in Chiefcf ippoiutmant and to i propose such other nmeudmeuts r.nd do such other acts, as will correct the abuses and afford remedies for the grievances hereinbefore stated. I also recommend that this Genera] Assembly to each of the other States of sti.ig them to assemble in Convention at an early day, to demand cf con- IteroUAtrurtioii. On a vote in the House of Representative*, or | Mr. Dumas’ Resolutions iu favor of reconstruction, • the result, was, for, 2, against,. 90. Tfit I.i'ginlxtiiir. I For 'no days after the !ime fixed for the meeting of ; the Gencrnl Assembly, there was no quorum. One | House it seems organized ou Thursday, and went to ' work, the Senate not having a qnorum. How wn* \ this? Mr. Adams introduced a Resolution to adjourn | to Mi’ledgcville. We hop;? the Legislature will go I on with the work at M^on. It is too late to adjourn j over, unless the day for reassembling be fixed in June, \ or July. Kind Words. In the past few days we have received a number I of letters, covering remittances, and expressions of I satisfaction with our Journal, which have greatly en- ! couraged us. If all who owe at- would do likewise, we should be i able to make our paper much more acceptable to our • -readers. Will they not do so ? NOTICE! rraflE following Notes were trken or destroyed by I the Yankees as they passed through this county. One note ou E. J. Humphries tor betwe n $'11 and $S2 gfven about Muy 0th, 1864; payable to Thoiua“ IfiitTiphrii-s, or hi nrer. One note on Thoums Brown for about ? 13, given about ISfiO. 1 One ui'te on Win. Goodson for $3T7 Si due about 1 X G-. One note on John R. for $17-3, one d y after datu ; given about in t April or May. One note on John M done, given to 7.1 irtha Ward, or bearer, for about $fi > or given ahi-ut 18d2. On on l*. T. Miller, for about $ 14, payable to Thomas Humphries or bearer, given about the lust of June 1864. ‘One bill on Jus. G jo Ison. $23, due about 1864. I warn all persons agah st trading for said notes, and the makers .roin paying them to .any one bur nie THOS. HUMPHRIES. Milledgeville, Feb. 21st, lSfi.3. 37 2t GEORctlA, vi i kiiisou County. # Ordinary’s Office for said County. VVrHEliE.VS, Julius W. Evans applies to me T 1 for letters of administration on the estate of '■V. J, Garrett, late of sai 1 county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil per sons concerned to be and appear at'^ie Ordinary’s i office in and for said county, within the iim*‘ pre- j scribed by law. and show cause; if any they can, ! why said permanent letters of administration j should not be granted to the applicant. Given under ray hand and official signature this 1 X. A J* i L 5 J0UR?:AL devoted to RELIGION e:.\ -11 FEATURE, is published | EVERY SATURDAY. AT AUGISTA, CA Price—Ten Dollars per annum. ! E ited by Rev. A. C. Dayton, and Jas. N. 1 Eij.s. Enclose §>‘10 and address • JAS N. ELLS, ^Augusta, Gn. Feb. 14. 1865. Pd $20 36 4t 7th February, 1867». 36 Ot (Pd *10) JONA RIVERS, Ord followed by tho movement of that army into Ttti iiessee. The country knows the result Hood ii-as been driven oat of Tei.tie.-see with great calamity; «nii Georgia which was left completely uncuvcsed has boen destroyed by Shemiau at his leisure. luelead of rapid cotu-antraHoa of our armies at vital j j-’j jioists to strike the enemy stunning blows, nuf jmliey i lias been io divide and scatter our forces in the face of superior numbers; mul receive blows which have weh nigh cost ns our exist* nee as a t'oiifoderacy. <)urpeople have enduredIhis mi-rule with remnr- ki’.blef/rbenraiifemid patriotism. But tho time 1ms conic when wo arc •»ti;i„. d to deal w ith st.-rn vcnlitic?, and to look fact* full in tin-fare. Wc can no h rg< r profit by hugging delusions to our boc ms. * >ur G.>v t-rnmeut i.- i-ow n military dt.-jiotisixi when e\ r the pri vilegool th<- writ of hobrets carpus i< suspend, d, an object to which the President's earnest efforts are ron- KtHutly directed. The tendency to anarchy is rapid j flnd fearful. Tim Lincolp dynnJty informs ti* ^” 8nrtly that re- i construction or subjugation are tl. u!t< ruatives to j be presented to u?. The present policy if persist ed in must terminate in I r-c.i.ctiueUcu cither with or without snbjaga-| li ,ii. I see'sc no supporter of ti e measure* of the ■ adminisirtd h.nofauy such design. But entertaining the j opinions which I do ot' its results,'if I favored recon ! siraction, or ssffiiugatiuu, to both of which I am utterly | opposed, I would give an earnest support to the j President’s policy, as the turest mod« of -’diminishing our armies, exhausting our resources, breaking the i spirit ut <*nr people, and driving them in desp'iir to ei ek refuge from n worse tyranny,by plseing themselve under the protection of n government, which they 1-mi.i awl deli.-st, becsa*o it hup wronged and tyrannized over them, destroy ed I tieir property, nud slaughtered tluMi* hOUS* There ere sad truths which it is excerdiegly nnplens- ! nut to auiiotmoe. But trne statesmunebip r< quin .< that : t.i 'ruler do the best that can h» di.-ne for his people iio-Iit ail cireti’iwtaav-s l>v wlii.-h they aie ;:t the tiuie snrroiiiid.?,J. -Vud t-’-e • ta e- nan who sec * nothing but t rmu in l In* pur-iiit ol a line of p.i;i *y aud does imt warn 1 Ids countrynieo again-1 it, i, iinworttiy tlie high t.a.-t i -confided to his care. L> it you may ask, do I despair of the justice of our j cause or ot our ability to succeed. I answer cmj hati- ; •■ally, No. Bad r.s our policy has been and io .eh ns j vt have wnsted of men aad iticaL-, wc still have i t!.e purpose ahov The ppeedy ecified. pliou of this policy is io my ! j judgment indispensable to the achievement of our j independence, and the mnintaffiance of the great, principle of State Sovereignty and constitutional GEORGIA. Baker county. Ordinary's Ojjice of said County. VSTTIEREAS, Curtis Screws has made appllca- Ti tion to m° for lett rs of Administration upon the estate of Joint C. Butler, late of said county, deceased These are therefore to cite all interested, to ap pear at mv office on or before the first Monday in On an average iliere arc no braver oc more, pa- j April to show cause.-if they can, why said letters triotic men in the Confederacy, or in the world, i should not be granted the applicant.. | Given under my hand and official signature, this ltifh day of Feb . 1865 37 5t W. W JORDVN, Ord'y. The -Army of Tc«tics«rr. GEORGIA, Baldwin c -uuty. ^\7TIEHEA8, Joseph 8 > s cogir. *nd Susan E 1 f heogin. have made application by peti nm fivr letters of Administration ou tlie estate of John -H’OJin, late of said county, deceased t lose are thtiefore to cite and admonish all per sons adversely concerned, to file their objections on or before the first Monday in Aori! next. Given under my hand and official signature this- !4th February. Id65. 36 5t j'ti JOHN HAMMOND. Ord’y. y . jSewing Machine- lor Sale. t GOOD SE’YING MACHINE—one of Wheeler - » and Will- ui’s patent—in gum! order, for hale. /Ittply at this nfiiee. Jlnltdgevdie F< b 11th. 18.15. 36 2t. CARRIAGE AiNO WAGON iH'ijdcs luive hveti disrepaided, and the sov- ■Lgniyef tin' 8’ : s, nud lights ni'th* pcrtpl*. t sight ol*in i!i<* *'t* gyle foriiidrpenih nco. The aeliicvt nit-lit i t'our independence stems to berty which underlie U,e foundations ofonr fed j , than tho Fo!dIers of our Arni y of Tennessee.- erntive system of government —pave being to cur ! They have fought more, marched further, and suf present confederation ot States—and areabsolutely ! fered more than the men of any other armies. Thei necessary to the fiuure prosperity and happiness of | havo frequently been unfortunate ou nccdtint of our ntoiric. But the construction placed npon tue f . . CWtitutior. as it. now stands, by those win, sJ . ; Hie blunders and mismanagement of soma of minis’! r the (Jonh-h ; -ite Government, these great j their Generals. The soldiers have suffered so | much from the iucompetency of their officers, i that they are getting discouraged and desperate. ■ ijontvthing must be done to ro-assuic ami en- I courage men. They, ono and all. demand tlie restoration of Gen. Johnston. Fhall they be grutili-d ? Will not the President sacrifice a, | portion of his prejudice for tiro good of hi* conn-1 I try? A veteran general officer of the Tennnesseej i Army, lold a citizen of this piano but a few days be the great end ami only good aimed at by those who wield the power at Kichtnurid. Wc have | been fp’d from the f alls of Congress that courts i must he closed, and State lints obliterated, if me- j essary to accomplish this ob-eet. Indeed, some I persons iu authority soem to have forgotten thn 1 j we are fighting for any thing but independent.o. If so the whole struggle is in vain, for we had that, in the old government, v. liich was fusr govern ment., consecrated by the blood o! our ancestors and trandfnittc-d from sire to son. Vv’e were in- dependi-tri. of a.’l otlier powers. But the people of tlie Northern .States got control of that, govern ment, sod : o administered it as to imperil not our independence but our rights. We then st-pa- rated J'rotn them, and are fighting for our rights and our liberties, and as a. means uf maintaining 'and securing {hose”" rights and liberties we declared our independence Independence with these is worth all the sacrifices FOIi MIE. A PM \T.Ti FARM, containing about 106 acres of land, principal part, i i .cultivation, w'tli snfile;.*nt. fire-wood. Ii inljoins the land j.f Mrs El.'as (’art. r, and was lately ow ned by Major Win. T \Y. Napic% If is about a mile from Scotfsboro, on the roi i leading to MiJedgcvitle. For further particulars, call on Col. L. H Briscoe, Miiledgevilie. I Vb lfith 1865. Paid $10 37 2i GEORGIA, Baldwin County. \ IT HERE AS Joseph S .-cogin and Susan E. T? Scogin, have made anplicadon fur letters of Guandiati“hip for the persons and properly of John and (diaries Scogin. minor children of John Scogin, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons adversely concerned, to file their objections on or b<#)re the first Monday in April next Given under my hand and official signature this 14th February, 1865. 36 5t J ii JOHN HAMMOND. Ord’v. I REPAIRING of Buggies. Wagons <fco. done with dis- \ la patch at Gardnee's simp. For which any and all , kind.-of Brovirimi will tie taken in payment. Perrons j having woik done lire particularly requested to pay in ' Provisions OFc. Milledgeville January 25th, I'-Co. 34 \fest of; . NOTICE igo, that iho restoration of Gen. Joseph E. John-1 QTRAYF.fl from my plseo tliree mi!r* \ . , ,, , ,, O Hi-urv St eplu-ns’ two colls; one ,n B iy Ilorr jton to command, would be worth ten thousand j w ; th k fon-bcwl. andoneariiite foot men to the Tenness^a Army. We have not got i The other a sorro! mare colt, one year old this spring, . „ .j 1 .. „ , _ , - . i with a scar 1x1 the forehead. Anr ittiormation as to ten thousand men to sncnfico to s wish-1 tbc oolts viH t!iat!kfllli y received; and 1 will pay a cs ut this timo But this is not ai!; tbc restoration j reasonable reward for the recovery of both, or <-it!ier of Gou. Johnston to command, wu*ild give to limits •uds of men confidence iu the IVeaid. ut. — The Kaaiirt’. This is a Koiigious and Literary Journal pub- They left on the 14th. of this nioiilh. JOSEPH STILES. Miilcdgcville Feh.21*t ISfij. PI.Si t 37 2t. iieh we have made or can make. Onr rights and | fished iu Augusta , G°-. To say that it is the nea < 1 tough of both, if properly nse.l, (» continue the Rfrug- glv till wo achieve our indepeiuknce an<l re-cstablith 01 these States constitution'll liberty which has been t. r l!;c- time so completely erushed. Te enable us t« do this the conscription act mint bo repealed, and the policy abandoned, ntul w* imrei re turn to tue conslituti.inal mod* of raising I reap* hv the Slates. Thu State* cannot ds> this suree.-stnlly while conscription is prai-tieed, and they thwarted in liberties, are not secondary to our indepcndoncu, j 1 but cm is only necessary to protect, j our rigid.- and our liucttins. Riresia i.> independent j • of all tiid woi;d. *a is Turkey, while the govern- ! j uicnt of each is ;i despotism; and the people have ! • only the rigiilr and liberties which the sovereign ! i chooses to permit them to exercise, if this is j i tho sort of independence for which ive are lighting j j our great sacrifices have been made to but lift u j ! purpose. The lycognition by toreigu powers of j ; tho independence, cf our rulers sud oi their right to ! j govern us, without the recognition ol’ our lights i and liberties by onr rtiiers, is not worth the blood ot : tlie humblest citizen. vV t must gain more than j this in tlie struggle or we ha\ made a most unfor tunate exchange. The lurtlicr pursuit of our present their efforts by contliet and collision with fonf. ilerate ; policy not only endangers ourrights andoui liber- ffiv rs. In a wont the two system.* cannot woik to-j ties, but our independence also, hy destroying the ! institutions and breaking ti:e spirits of our peo- j pie. Let us beware bow ivc trifle with the rights, the liberties, anti the happiness or millions. I am **.viirc that the freedom and plaipuess, which a sense of duty to my country has compelled me to cxercUe, in 1 isciif>'iig the measures of the admin* isir.-rtion, and the policy of the govuunmeut, may subject my .motive* to iniseonstiuctien. 1 feel thepreud consciausnofs however, that I havo been actuate^ only by a dcrim to promote the causa so dear to evciy patriot's heart a:.J thereby secure getlier. Our ureiiie*, cJmp)- ing peojils of tire Btsl officer* appointud by i Htituti.m direct*. Tki 1 .-organization to put retry officer*, iwluiiii . crate enrolling oflii ■1 of the militia or nrm«-l innst be re-organized under • •• respective States as the C<>n- •■onla enable the St.-*tee u* iUe. 1 to the ranks all Ruprrmnne- '*» largo number of t'oiiicd- w. 10 without command * are di*- now »upportert and paid by the goverument. am plane such now in command of troops as are tyrnoiii* and irieffie eat, aad till their pi*ers with thiAe who have thin theoiselve* i-iiimetent. nud who have the ••mifidoiicc^if the ^P>op* to be coui.iiaoded bir tlmui. The Slates in the raorganizalion of tliose troop* could also put in!.1 service tBe large number of able-bodied young men within their limits, who now at home, hold appointments under the Confederacy which s-ive the lMirp'/sea of pv**t 1 cti*1w, witnout reciprocal; to I 1 be common cause. In the saana 1 great uum b**rs of absentee*, deficient i’t n*ffi her pu'.iiotism nor ! g tiUntry. who havo been <liiv*n out of i!,s ai.i.ies by j the pet v tyranny of subaltern officers appointed at • Iviehmoi d to l them, could bo brought buck ] l»y the States under officer*of their own choice, who ; would mike excellent troops. Remove the ska k!<’* 1 of bondage trom the limbs of onr troops, and let them j fee! that they are again freemen Jigljti.ig in freedom’s ' C.VU80, and that the Goveniuifut atnuds bv ami main- j tain s the great principles 0t constitutional liberty, and State Sovereignty, for which tli *r took up arms, and i they will re-enter the field with renewed hopes, deter- | mined to conquer an honorable peace or fill a soldier’s : grave. j We must return to the observance o! good faith with i onrtreop*—pay thhin when their wages are due, aud discharge them when their terms expire. Wo must pass no inure a. t* of repudiation of our government ir-u. * of currency. We must r< ceivc in (> ivineut of Conte. 1< rate tnx.-s all nort-w, bonds r.r cer titicites whieii pervons are co;n;r''ri. i iiy tin* govern nieut to take, in payment for property talien from them, by i!s impic.-wmcnt ollie'er. . Wc must abandon the policy ol supporting the armies by impressment* or forcible seizures of property, fttul must adopt the policy of puv- oliasing what we need, except in extreme cases c*st aud best printed paper in tho State, would* be j simple reticu to its* managers. It is also con- ducted with ability and good tasto. If. is too 1 cheap f.-i the times, aud that is all the fault wc have to find wftii it. How Bro. EUs can publish a only live times the price of weekly pc. pors before the War, when h** Las to pay from twenty-five to fifty times ns much for everything he uses in his offie-e, is a mysrery to ns. See ndvertiseuicnt in another column. , Bar up. If those who are indebted to 11s f >r subscription do not pay us promptly, wo slmll discontinue their paper*, post their indebtedness, and wait on interest and time to make us even. Wa hav« czaiu and ugnir j appealed to sonic of onr delinquent subscribers to i pay us what they owe us. They will find that their ! accounts grow no less by postponing a settlement, and that the •‘.sp.»ndulix’’jwill have to eoute soma day. —- - qy M ■. - I, mm % ('unmilianol Ivtlisor*. If ever there wastMiine when tho Weekly Press GEORGIA. Irwin County. . VVHEREA!*, Lott WTiiddon applies to me for let- | 7 7 ters of Adi'ninistvation on tlie estate of Elias j D Wbiddon. lateof said county, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singnlnr tlie kindred and eredilorsof said deceased to beTktid appear at tnvotnee within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said b ‘ ters should nor be granted. Given under mv hau l offieiail v.lhis -Tan ,r> -, lSfi). 37 ot ‘ U.-CQLRKKTir,-Ord’y. —— ' si*ni without le OE ’RGIA. Irwin county. HEREAS, I). J F* nn and 8.ira!i E If. Mc Daniel, administraiors on the estate of Wih !, *m McDaniel, deceased, has made applioari to P|‘ i ’ ::ve °“| nK; "'‘o* 1 me for letters of dismissi >u from sail estf»r.*. vi ••-. ren<* ■ -i »• This is therefore to V.ife all persons concerned, to : ' 1 to be and appear at niy office within the time pre ! ‘ scribed by law. and show cause, if any, why svd letters should uot h-* granted rhe applicants. Given under my bind ofitpiaily. this d- : y of Jan. 1865. ' » 37 m6m L. M. COLBERTH, <>rd’y W GEORGIA, Baker County. \lTtlEREAS, J.G. ami ElizabBtii McCulJors j f 7 have made application *0 me lor letters of | Administration upon the .estate of Wiley E Mc- Cullor*, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per- . sons concerned, to be. and appear at my oiiiee on the first Monday in March next, to show ! cause, if any they have, why letters shall not. issue ! I to the applicants. ! Given u -del* rr y liand and official signature this ! 1st day 1 f February. 1 '55. I 36 5t ’ VV. W. JORDAN Only HEADQ8GA. RESERVES&. MIL. D’^T GA. j Mocnn, Ga., December 7th, 186i. j General Orders, ? Ao. 30- J I N THE foilow’ng military orgai, under the an: iraritv of Gov< . afterwards received into the GonteOerate semce "■ li ]'• ']' ' * * V ^ Hood, to-wit: the Regiment com- 1UI ' maimed hy Col Findley, the B.uttaliuus com nsn deJ by Majors Beall, Murkins*>n. Graham. JVIeCul- luin aud LedhirJ, and the Ila!iaii,.n lately coin nianded by Lieut Col G;r*nn. of Pickens county, (whose commission was revoked because he was rep rted to Gov Brown as a deserter,) under the person who may have been elected to command if, will b*v maintained for sixty days from dare iu J*s- charge of such duties as they may he called upon to perform. Ii. After I he expiration of the sixty d iy«. r. I! snan between tho ages 11 18 an 1 45. subject to 1 conscrolion will report to the prop r enrolling officer for as si ument to th* army in the tie'd— ! those liable either to militia du:y or to service in tin* uij*;rvea, wj!l remain in the present organ:z 1- tion".. . Ilf. All persons now in these organiz itions.ab- r.iin l-he Cimted ra te army, I will return promptly to their commands, with the 1 assurance that tf sir c to the n;nst lav i* ** l i’.-* 0 >ii'tc Tax in 11 rno ) m Baldwin C<>. Jan. gsth i tfij. ( rj^riE Tax payers of Tux in Kind, are hereby lmtitied 1 to make their returns i nmediately, up in the lol- owing articles, viz: Corn Fodder, Buckwheat. Rice Irish Potatoes. Sug ir, M .lasses, Cotton, Peas, Beans afid (Jrnuntl-Pea *. and They are also notilie.i to come- forward and pay tlie same as soon as possible. P. FAIR. Assessor JAS. C. SHEA, Collector. 34 4t- Baldwin county. GEORGI A, Appling county. 1XTV DA f S after .life application v i’! be made to the Court ol Oiilinary of said connt v for an order to sell a portion ot tiiemgro property bt longing to the estate <>! Isaac Og ion late of said eoutity deceased, liiis Juuuury 13t!i,I8t>j. 33 Jt (j l.) SARAH L. GGDON, Admr’x. S' GEORGIA, Appling county. "> *- ; ’’l fJ.Iil*. SOLD on the first Tuesday iu .April n it, , . :ti . t '-Court Houpc door in said comity, between ;irl. aliout eighteen the legal hours <>f sale, one negro ! voarsol age S,,;t as riie pioperiy of tin* estate of John • I. ( * on s* -a di i*.-u j.-il, for iLstribution ai.d beiietit of j creditors, this I oh diy of January IMA 33 -'t (j. r.d XANCY D Crtl’RSON, Adm’x. . GEORGIA, Appling County. j not iic gr 1 life J iV. Tne ofiu 1 zations «tvc enj GEORGIA, Irwin County. m "lirHEREAS, Joiiti W. Fletcher applies torn* 1 TT for letters m Guardianship for the minor heirs of Hiram I’-tulk. deceased. Tiiis is therefore to cite and admonish, all p' r * sons consented, to he and appear at my office with in lb** time prescaibed by law, to show cause, if organi- .rr-ist ot an deserters and absentees, and wii. to:w ad them without delay to tho Conscript; Camp at this place. By command of . M»j >v General HOWELL COBB. R. J. HALLE IT, A. A. Gen. Executive Department, Macon, Dec. 7. j I. The above orders of Major General the iudcpeudeiice of the Coirii d^.cy, tviffi the j »»««« •‘"“"•blc in Convention to take care of ^Cgranted. civil and religious liberties and cmristiuiuonai . their interests that time is now. Ihereis not an I Given under my rights of tho people, without which, independence i office in Georgia that car. buy paper short of $!!t‘0 I |>*65. is an empty name, and the glory and giandcur of onr republican system is departed forever. No <i'i.* ni ho mura vitally interested ..iiuri myself in tho »access of our cause. I staked life, liberty, and property, r.ud the liberties of my posterity, ujam the result. Tho en emy havo burned mv dwelling and collar other houses, dostrm ed my property, aud shed in rich profusion the ph.od of neaicr.t relaf’vts. My dulinj* is iinke*3 with my country. If we suc ceed 1 am a free m»n But it by the obstinacy, , Why should it he so' Will the peep weakne™ or misguided judgment of our rulers wc , 01lt llt * w ™ Wf SO oncr than they will without fad. the same common nun awaits me which awaits 1 ‘ , my countrymen, ltis no rime to conceal ideas in whiskey, or any oilier non essentia..’ But they courtly phrase. The nip lit is dark, ihe tempest j cannbt do without newspapers. Lcgr.l advertise- liowis, the ship is lashed with turhnleDt waws, i nieuts most be published according to law, and tiro helmsman is .Mooring to the v.Triiipooi, our ! per ream. The same paper cost before tho War, I .'J'J .51. Two dollars and fifty cents a ream—nearly I fifty times :;s much! Vat our advertising is only f five times as much a* it was befoie the war, and j ojnr subscription only six times ns much. Daily Papers take care of themselves. They j nre still far below all othorg in charge pared wirii any other business !{’, t. Gobi/ any they havo, why letters ot Guardianship should • Lave been submitted to my inspection, spnd I con- j car-in the order that the persons in said.oiguniza hand cfficially, this Jan. 28th., 1 tions wi;o are subject to my command as niifitia- men remain in the same organization wilh thtTse I subject to bis command as Con — til! further orders, and I direct ail such organ'zu- j tions to report to G-u Cobb and 0*0 y bis orders :n future as thev !;:ive beretof >re obeyed the or- It risot Li ii- Hood, (ill further otJei.i lrom these organizations, raised 1 virtue of an order ot the Court of Ordinary vo.nor Brown, and j said county, will be be sold on the first Confederate service } Tu-adny *n APRIL next, before tho Court hno» door in *uul county, between the legal hmiracf sale fweiitv (811) acres of laud, lying on the c av- I V! *i.ali 'c G K ii.. within a half mile ot No. 1 ou •nr.d road, and bring the place of til*? into an ! \vA residence of C II. ** : - | -n- ~ r 1 -» --■»»— a portion of the lor of Ian Irtitat is-ac D Carter lives Oil in fourth district, of said county*. No not known. Sold as a portion of the estate of 0. H. Middieton for the benefit of creditors. JOHN VV. HARRIS, Adm’r. Jan. 13th. 18L5. _J. L. 33 9 A dminiftmtor’a Si/fr. | > Y order of»the Cu'.irt o* < trdinary of Mitcheil county, I - u i;i he sold <i:r the 1 ?t Tu ••' lay **i Jl i’eli next be- fnre the Court House d‘>or in t!ie ’i'owi; of Camilla du ring tho "legal* liou"s of sale; lot ofland No (75)l'th , ilisiiiot originally Eailv nor, .’.litolieli < ‘ ,uuty: by John M. Behind. Aduiii-i 'trator on the estate of*J. J. Hen don deceased. JOHN M. BEL AND, Ailm’r. ; Jan. 18th, TS6?. (Pd.Stti) 33tds. i Sheriffs Safe of an Jlslnnj Hunt. i A, > . ILL be s'.Id befor- the Court House doorin Hawkinsviile Pulaski conntv, on tlie first i uesday in March next, one. sorre 1 horse marked with white specks on the rump, blaze or white s'real; in tire face y\bite hind iset, about 12 or 13 | years of age. Sold as an es‘ray. JAS. M. BUCHAN D. Sheriff. ! .Tan 17th 1865. 33 td | GEOKGlA, Jasper comity S '"’ IX i Y, days after date application will bp msde to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the negroes belonging to tlie undivi ded portion of the e~.;aio of Harris Allen deed, this 3rd day of January 1865. . JOHN M ALLEN. Adm’r. 32 9‘. witii lire will annexed. will he •.ration ■ tiled ecommt ct taeir ros- r <.f the Sir rimn.-. will m nu0,1 or h 10 vigil.-urt iu ti }\o(tcc to Debtors and Creditors. f. M. COLBERTH. Orcl’i *, I.Tj |m rmu.- indebted to t! • e.-itn! .* cf A. Alarclun*® lute of Twiggs .count j d.* i„etl requested to ., | make immediate payment, mi l any p. r-on having'it erate Ki s re es, 1 ,1;.is against .- it i estate rue require*1 io p*.c.-ent tbro in terms ■ !' the!;; January 10th, Pfii W. JL VARN’UM, Adm’r. 32 at. T \ l MIL fo'iowing note* were lost or destroyed by the headquarters Yankee army whiU Wiiitehiirst made •ar Gordon ; One non ■ayabie to T. C. AVliittliurs* c large*, as com j rn- ?lfi.) ; <)ne on .T. A J. alters made payable to j w i 10 ale uow absent h illicut leave, will report im . Why is it so- j T- f. A lutchuret i°r»d)!) due Jan. 1803 ; One on \A , nf , d; ,, t , !y t0 tlreir respective commands Thps, 3 I’eep.c do wmi-. lwt Trad - In!rfi>r .,’„i n(ltbS and (lie makers from pay- • \ vho tl " 8 orJ " b > reporting to thcr comm u II All persons iu said organizations who belong !,o the State i.iue, cr the company of State scouts, rt im- l'hgse li a SALE. unheeded, and wo must ct.iit r<u'«t sick together reiKOiistrauccs are restrain him, or tho submei gn<T in irietrit vab’e ruiu. JOSEPH E BROWN. { UOMMI’MI ATItn. ] Misers, editors: (_>n Thursday creun.g, lire patrons and liieuds assembled at Miss Caruu; Fairs’ nchuol room to witness nn exhibition of governrncn»8and people can no aioro do without newspapers than t :ey can do without air. Let ; the “starving fraternity" coax; up and counsel to gether. aud provide for thejr future security. Bro., Turner will soon have Iqiis tor us all, snd rre shall be headed, if not booted and spurred. ■ them to any one but me. Gordon,Fi*b. oth, l*?Go. kors from pay C. E. SMITH. I. $15 36 3t $500 REWARD! Her. Tlios. lliiitihaul, I,, fU. the property taken. 'J’his equalizes the burdens by dividing tho whole among the entire number of tax payers, in proportion to the amount of jjrop erty owned by each. Representation without constituency must no longer be allowed; nor must laws be dictated to us by the votes of representatives without acconn- taffility to those who share in the burdens im posed by the legislation enacted by them. Secret sessions of Congress except in cases where legislation affecting tlie movements of our armies is ponding, must be abandoned and the people must know as they hare u right to know, how their representatives act and vote up on all measures affecting their vital interest, thoir lights and their honor. Discipline must be restored and enforced in our armies. One of the reasons given by its advocates for the enac.rnent of the conscript law was that hotter discipline would bo n.axitained by giving the appointment of the officers to the President •Res 1 Its have shown the reverse to be true. Prior to the adoption of tftat plan, the officers selected by the troops themselves ahd appointed bv tin States, kept thenic.u i:i the field, ar ,d we triumph p.l gloriously in almost every engagenn sit wit I the enemy. Biuca that time the officers appoint ed by the President have neither mantained dis cioline nor kept tho men in the *field. If the which justify impressment, and then tve must pay *' ,u luhcrs <>f bft “Juvenile Society. This as- t jtiii. InsKjjite, b as the constitution requires just compensation, for seral>lng*\ composed oi tlie tide of our city and I f onr thousand v the brightest little jewels iu her diadem,* was ali j 1 lie lovers <>f social pleasure, even the most fas tidious could havo desired. Dr. Massey, the soul of these associations, was present, and received 13 pairs of nice socks knit by these little girls, from 6 to 10 years of age, for his “hospital sol diers.” The Dr. reciprocal ed the compliment with a quantity of nice iudia syrup, from which candy was maderto sweeten the pall at es and en courage the patriotic spirits of these precious lit tle ones. As an example of their high regard for the Dr and devotion to the cause, I give flic address of that most lovely liltio girl, “Miss Nina Nisliet.” bad in the Capitol q library of near’v oIuiuph of valuable books—thcologicu', !-classical Ac . ot which several were Arabic, SyriaD, and Hebrew, very diflieuil to be duplicated. Tie re quests us to ask our citizens, if any such bookr fell into their hands, with bis name on the label, to re quest that they may be left for him at this office or witii Rev. Mr. Brooks of this city. T^OR A LOST TRUNK, lost somewhere between JL Mayfield and llille Jgevdle, maiked Coleman, An- gnsta, (Ja.,4 Hat green Trunk, flense addre-s Rock IslHnil Paper Mill*,Columbus Ga. * l’^*.y|w;«n Contcderatc A. Tel.-graph, 7.E!k*dge\*i!!c- Contederale Union, and. Augusta Gonstimtioi.ti;irt, thn;.'; times am! stud lull to Coin obus Tim, j ding officers, or if they cannot reach them, to j these headquarters, within the next twenty u.tys. i will receive a free pardon except the deduction ot _ j of their wages, for the ti tire have been absent ; and one mouth's additional deduction. IH. All other persons not in said organizations, who are so absent without leave, will also report to their respective commands wiriiin twenty d;ys. and will bo excused from any degrading punish ment. Joseph E. Brown. J)* e.-21 ]>C4 3*5 3t. Q 1S hundred acres of pi ire inn !, mixed with oak 1 ^ hickory, lying abmit six miles from MiPeduevib- There is *>;i<* hundred aud fifty acres of the land 2 iiikIJ years new ground. For particulars apply at Ibis oftiee. JVFilledgevilfe Jan. 7ih. 1865. \ c‘>py office 35. \V Army >ew.i Drpo!. Wc were pleased to meet, a few days sitice, Col. T. M. Acton, the well known Agent of the Army News Depot, who was on his way to Augusta, where the Nearly a year ago we organized a Juvenile J Army News Depot of the Army of Tennessee is now Kelwf Soci.-ty ; since that time we have done ull we could lor our poor sick soldiers, collecting comforts for them, and working willingly with our hands, looking for no reward but their smiles, tho approval of our parents, and a good con science. This is an unexpected pleasure, “a sur prise party" indeed, for which we nre indebted to 1 friend. iu return, a wreath of flowers and hanks, ever so many thanks from hearts brimfull of happiness, is all we have to offer. But ono, to whom all things belong, lias said “tho liberal soul ■diall be made fat,” and if any man rcceiyes a rc vard for Lis liberality and love to the liltio ones, ■ve believe that man will bo Dr. Massey VISITOR. located, and where all the latest Southern papers, and M heeler’s nnd Hardee’s Tactics, and other army books, can be had. From tin, Front. We havo no reliable news from Shermail’s Ar my movements in South Carolina. Reports are numerous. One is that Charleston has been eval uated by our troops. Prsrordisgs of the fregsilutrirr. In our next issue we will give the important porU'oQ of the proceedings of the Legislature, FcK llltli 66 :>t. GEORGIA. Baker county. | j Ordinary's off. c of said county. ■\A7"HUREAS, V. D. Rea makes application to me for ’(-tiers f administration upou the estate of i David L. Johnson late of said county deceased. .... ,, , , , . j These are there lore to cite ull interested to appear Gilesjjl. Gn.wold deceased, applies to me 1 a ( ni y cilice on or b (ore the first Monday in March, to show c: " i 1 ’ any they have why said letters should qq,Leant. Given under my hand and official signature this 1st GEORGIA. Jones County Ordinary s Ojffice, said County, February 1865. V\ HEREA8. E. C. Giier, Administrator of for letters dfsmissory from said estate This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, not he gu... to show cause, if any they haveto the contrary. j Given und< by tiling their objections in this office on or by ihe j day of Fejarutuy i8’f>5. firs: Monday in September next. Given wilder my band officially 36 nifiiu (pd) ROLAND T ROSS Ord’y 35 5t. W. TV. JORDAN Ord’y. B Administrator's Safe. Y virtue of an order lrom the Hon Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, will be sold hra , EST PRICE TT H.L BE PAID, f ire tbe-CmHrt house door, in said county, on tne Milledgeville. Feb. 6. 1865. first Tuesday in APRIL next 202$ acres land, in the Kith district, belonging to the estate of Alex aoder Coalman, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sab*. HORTON HENDLEY, Adpi’r. Feb. 9th, 1865, J J s 36 tds Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Willis Harrell, deceased, are requester to make im mediate pajineiit, and those having demands against said deceased, will present them du y uu thenticaled. SOPHIA HARRELL, Adm’rx. Feb. 9tb, J865. D? 36 6t ‘ GREEN AND DRY HIDES pURC . J URCHASED -AT THE GEORGIA PENI- NTiARY. FOR WHICH HIE HIGH- 6t Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A T.L PERSONS inoebeted to the estate of Irwin I>. Hamilton deceased, are requested t come for ward aud settle without delay. And those having de mand* against said estate, will present them duly an thenticaled. JOHN .1 HAMILTON, Adrrj'r. January 30th, 1SG5. J. J s- 33 Ct S IXTY DAYS fiom date application will be made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Pu!a.-k! county for leave to sell, the real estate of John M. Daniel Jr. deceased. B. H. HARRELL. Adm’r. Jan. 39tb, I860. j. j. s. 35 cq Notice to Debtors and Creditors. LL PERSONS -having demands against tl# - estate of John Haas deceased, are hereby of- tified to present them legally authenticated, w® debtors to said deceased are requested to nnd* payment to MARYE WILLTS. Adra'r* D *c 27th 1834 2ff 9t. wMi th wiff arweaA GKORGIA. l’ulaski Couufy. \ 4, J1EKEAS, Win. HriidG*. Br..applies 5 * for letters of disuiisslou from the Gii't’ dransLip of the persons and property of I** Johnson's minors 'i be«e pre t > c*'e all per"' 11 interested to file tlreir objections : t any they <*• on or ii lore the 1st Monday in Mhrch nrxt.olli^' wise said letters* will be granted the appIk'E'.’J terms of tire law Given under my hand an-iuff* 1 *’ sixiiaturn this Iflth dav of January. 31 6: JOHN J SPARROW, 0*b cf Notice to Debtors and Credit^ 1 ' GEORGIA, Twiggs county. ul r Jrt(> Redding J. I.oyless, ono of the D !9,r ’* ,n yt of A the estate or Mrs Georgia Ann E'’® 1 *' said county deceased. . . er ml 55>u a,c hereby notified that I shall app >’ ,0 d it of the law. to the Court of Ordinary of said the next .July term thereof for a division ‘ 3f ot said deceased, a nong’tlie distributees* This January 18th, W65. ... re* H. M. LOVLESS,^ o3 cow Im By his Ati’y in fart 1 • A ‘ re- LOST OR One Bond for §1200, funded in “ “ 85ffo, “ “ * VI 5 . “ *, “ “ " o^ B °\ The abovQ were .given in my_n* :rI -* ,ym. A ,c11 ' for 8700 funded iu Augusta, gi wa . er’s name . \t:ileog eT1 ‘ 6| One Bond for ♦100 funded ,n ‘ me . . given iu ^. Catherine Wheeling * rEE^; Ha ?ocSc Co, Ga. Feb. 7th 1865.