Newspaper Page Text
M If.LElMJKH!, !,t\ CiEOIKili, TUE SD A Y, A PRIL 25, 1865.
WWBEft K;,
Publishers and Proprietors.
Confederate Taxes.
«. ■*
.1 a*
BOITGIITOX,^ g^iiort.
&jt (Lmifclitrafc Simon
fx published Weekly, in Milledgeville, Ca.,
Corner of Hancock and Wilkinson Sts., j
(opposite Court 1 loose.) ,
At $ 12 a year iii Advance.
r ain requested <n give notice that all who ilo uot pnv
their tax for last year in thirty day?, will be dealt will,
according to law, viz: Taxes on property, income, sals-
r""'" nlr,,r i p.ONFF'vSIONS OF A FI TRT
Those i^bo hare not given in tlieir income, salary and j - 1 -’ *■ UidOl Y/J.I D VyJ. J.X. X XjXXtX ^
10 per cent, lwotits for HM54, will call on the Assessor I ,. . . r , r ,. r a r r<
I ami make their returns and pay up. OVER I HUE l ALE,
J. C. WHITAKER, Collector.
42 4t 59th I)ist.
l\; vxstt'.N r.—Five Djllars per square often
lines for each insertion.
Tributes of respect, Resolutions by Societies,(Obit
uiries exceeding six lines.) Nominations for office.
C»•n nunic.itions or Editorial notices for individual
benefit .charge 1 as transient advertising.
Legal Advertising.
Sheriff's sales, per levy of ten lines, or less, 1 ?' Iff 00
“ Mortgage fi fa sales, per square, 2<> 00
Tax Collector’s Sales, per square, 10 00
Citations for Letters of Administration, 10 00
“ “ “ Guardianship, 10 00
Letters of application tor dism n.froiu Adin niff 00 j
•« “ •• *• “ Guard'i
Appl’n for leave to sell land and negroes,
Notieo to Debtors and Creditors.
Sales ol laud or negroes, per square,
perishable property. 10 days, per sq.
Estray Notices, '.’>0 days,
Foreclosure <>f Mortgage, per square.
S lies of Land and Negroes, by
eeutors or (iuardians, m e requir*
on the lirstTuesday in the month
of 10 intho forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the
Court house in tlieeoiuily in wipcli the property is
Notice of th*
xettc40 ilaysp
f|!\YO months, after date application will be
A* made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin
county to sell a porlioik of the slaves belonging,
to the estate of Thomas 11. Morris late of said
county, deceased.
Febuary, 1-11h 1 865. (J. ir.) .'1(4 9t.
GEORGIA, Twiggs County.
^^T the May term of the Court of Ordinary of
At tlio Confederate Union Office.
Also at Grieve A. Clark’s Drug Store.
PRICE $H> PER COPY—Liberal discount to
Hook Sellers.
iy The edition is small—those who wish copies
should apply at once.
Milledgeville, March 20, 1365.
$300 REWARD.
said county, Mrs. Missouri A. Champion, Ad
rainistratrix of Elias F- Champion dec’d. will ap- i 'T'WO Negroes, Wade nnd Clay, runaway from near
ply for leave to sell one negro man uamed Tom, | *- Gordon on 1st ins*., and 1 think they are going to
belonging to said estate. j »«*»nnah. I will pay the above reward to any person
J- E. MCDONALD Ord'y. ! I, 1 .' 6 " 1 111 t ‘°, u . ,e safe jail so I <-au get them.—
March fill, 1-865. 40 i)t.
d bylaw to b
: between the
JO 00
it; no
12 ,10
Hi 0(1
1 00
10 00
•1 00
. Ex- ,
held ;
lours :
GEORGIA, Twiggs, County.
A T the May term of the Court of Ordinary of j
Twiggs County, A. R.F. McWilliams, will
apply for letters of administration on the estate of
j Jacob W. Collins latQ of said county dec'd
j Wade is \!6 years old, weight 150 lie,, nni
} Clay is 29 years old, weight 100 lbs—is dark
Milledgeville, April7th, IS05. 41 tf.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
OEt>KGIA, Twiggs equity.
jacoo tv . coiiins la e oi saiu county uee a r*n» Redding J. Unless, ohe of the Distributees
Given under my hand ami ofbeial signature at f (llP estate or Mr's. Georgia Ann Evans, late
Marion, this March Oth. I C?4»->. said county deceased
aii rat i V M. nnvti . v..„ „. *it _l.ii .
-ii in a pnblii
sales must lie ^
vioustolhe day *
i- sale of person
mer Iff days pro
.lebtors and c.r
isheil 10 ilays.
tieetliat'.ipplimitioii will be madnto the Court of i
for leave to sell Laud or Negro* s, must be
.V jt ice
i v i.i in like un*
X itice.v to 11.
must also be p
• N
iii ary
ii propi-rty must be
i leus to sale day.
editors <*! an estate
I for tw
in < for letters of Admin ist rat ion Guardianship,
jfc ■ ,*nist be publish*-1 -W days—lor dismission from
A 1 ninistration, Monthly <i r iii nni ha lor dismission
iro.n Guardianship, Id days
Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published
m mlhht far fair months — t'.»r establishing lost papers,
f.,r the full spare of three in mths— forcompelliugtitles
from Executors nr administrators .where bond has been
n by the deceased, the full space of three mouths.
"■ * ' ' .lingto
Hi 5t. J. E. Mr DONALl) Ord’y.
H AS REMOVED to the house recently occn ;
pied by Maj McIntosh.
Office in Confederate Union Building-
Milledgevile March Kith, 1865. 41 tf. f
A J’PLICATION, will be made for the renewal
al of the following described 4 per cent Con
federate certificates issue by .I. U. Horne, Agt. at
Milledgeville, and taken by tlit* public enemy.
No. 332 issued toM.C. Butts March IStb, 13(54,
if Hit),(Ml.
No. 41*1, issued to Benj. 1. Bass, March 26th,
13(H. fur loti,(10.
Milledgeville April Rltlr 1365. 45. 6t.
hereby notified that I shall apply in terms
Poiuta derided by Ihe Mupremr Court ol
Cweorgio. itt .tlaron, AInrch Term. IS65.
Jones vs. BiUiugslea—Jones vs. Cutliff: Habeas
Corpus.—Persons exempted from Confederate service
is managers of their own farms, are nevertheless,
liable to serve in the State militia.
Thornton vs. Towns : Application for Injunctiqjp.—
On a rule to show cause why an injunction should
not be granted, the answer ot the defendant to the
allegations of the Ul. nnd the affidavits supporting the
answer, were helifsiifficient to warrant a refusal of the
injunction. _
Leonard vs. Aeee : Habeas Corpus —A tax assessor
of the Confederate States is exempt from military ser
vice in the militia. • „ ,
Brock vs. MeClnsky—McLane vs. Colhns: Habeas
Corpus.—Soldiers belonging to the Confederate States
Reserves, who are arrested for felony_ by the civil
authorities of the State, nod admitted to bail, are liable
to be ordered back to their command while going at
large, and to be p6t again on duty. Those eases are
controlled in principle by the ease of Alfred vs. Irwin,
decided at Milledgeville, in November last.
White and Rowland vs. Sellars : Habeas Corpus —
A soldier cannot obtain his discharge from the uriny
by habeas corpus because he has been elected and
has qualified as a Constable since he entered the ser
Smith vs. Harris—Morgan vs. Bonham . Habeas
Corpus.—Under the Act of Congress of Feb. 17, 18G4,
men between the ages of 17 and .70 yen th, aim none
others, are liable to military service ; and a eonsci ipt
in the reserve forces, who, since the passage of that
act, has attained to the age of 50 years, may, if still
held for service, be discharged by habeas corpus.
The Governor,for the uee of Rutherford, vs. Raley
and others: Action on Sheriff’s Bond. An attorney
wlio, by negligently suffering the money of his client
to lie in the hands of the Sheriff, makes himself liable
for it, and then without the compulsion of a fait pays
up the debt, has a right of action on the Sheriffs bond
for bis reinburcement. It is the Sheriff’s duty to pay
the law. to the Court of Ordinary of sald'countv, at I <*verthe money without demand ; and if the omission
.. .i .- r .. _ j?- * • rA. . i ot that duty work to injury to the attorney, he, by
the express words of the statute, may support an actum
on the bond. The statute itself creates whatever privity
is necessary to the amiuteda/iceofsiicli action.
Cobb vs. Black : Habeas Corpus—1. In an equity
case, the Judge having, under the code, nppointeu a
Receiver in vacation, and ordered the defendant to
turn over to him the assets in dispute, may also in va
cation enforce obedience to the order by attachment
the next July term thereof for a division of the estate
of said deceased, among the distributees.
This January Gth-, Isti5.
1- -v ' If. M. LOYLESS, Adin’r.
:j:i emvlni By his Att'y in fact U. A. Rice
Baker. County, Sheriff Sale.
be sold before the Court House door in
t T Newton, Baker county, on the first Tuesday
in MAY next, the following property to-wii:
Lot of Land No. 16, in the 12th District of
Baker county, levied on as the property of Rich- „
DMax t0 sa '* s fy a tax fifa for State and coun- I term of imprisonment for contempt generally, are not
a? . »i - , • { applicable.
Also at the same time and place the premises j Hall vs. The State : Simple Larceny.—1. Where
whereon Walter Kelly formerly resided. No. J li?. j the prisoner owned a cow similar to the one which the
Also at the same time and place a sufficient por- i indictment charged him with stealing, anti the question
tion of the premises whereon M. E. Cook now re- ! waf ‘ whether he had not by mistake aud in good faith
sides; all sold to sat sfv tax fifas for State and Coun- take “ auJ disposed of the latter, believing it to have
ty tax. | been the former, evidence is admissible to show that
T M pat Trm’V oi, -a- some time after the transaction, be went to the other
. ■ anentt. , owner and said that if the cow tr.ken was his, he, the
prisoner, hud made a mistake, and then offered to pay
('apiiniatioii of lfe*s Army.
Newberry, Thursday April 20.
From the Carolinian we make a sum
mary of the sad intelligence below. Prior to
tlie eventful Sunday of capitulation and
from the evacuation of Richmond and
Petersburg, our army suffered from retreat
and disasters and was sorely pressed bv
overwhelming odds, but still fought brave
ly until completely surrounded.
Sunday April Sth, a bright clear beau
tiful day, but it opened gloomily. Our
army liad reached Appomattox C. H. on
the road to Lynchburg. Thomas, with
his army had arrived before us. and effect
ed a junction with Grant ; cavalry, infantry
and artillery completely surrounded our
little command. We had from 5 to 800U
prisoners and only SOOO effective men
with muskets all told. The supply of
ammunition was nearly exhausted. In
this emergency Gen. Lee determined to
cut his way through : orders were given
for a grand charge and our troops massed
Gen. Grimes’ Division led the charge,
followed successively by two others. The
engagement commenced shotlly after sun
rise and was continued until our men had
broken through the Federal lines, driving
them nearly a mile and a half and captured
several peices of artillery and several hun
dred prisoners. The old spirit of fight
was unsubdued. Meanwhile a heavy
B«-low is a special o-fiei cn.hracir.g Qei
tor passing the parol* d soldiers , rH,u ’«
'■nit's, and also the foini ol pass given thel
H’n Qu’rs ArmyNa y A .
c . , April I Oth, leCr, \
Special Order, > S
No.— l
The foi/owii.g order is published, for th« ; r r
mation ot all parties, concerned. • or '
IN THEFii.ld, AprillCth, 186.5
Special Orders, ) c '* 0.
No. \
All officers and men of the Confederate Ferv ,
paroled at Appomattox C. II V» , who, to
their horn* s, are compel! d to pass through a
lines of the Union Armies, will be ailowe.f,, ,
so. and to pass free on all Government tir
aud military Railroads.
,rt »p:r&
f0 a CO s!ch 1P nftacbment is not punitive merely, but | ^ rce u, ‘ cavalry threatened our flanks,
remedixal, and therefore the imprisonment of the pern
under it may endure so long as the party continue,
j disobedient. The limitations fixed by the code to tin
B.v command of Lt. Genera! Gr.iv
S, £ ,,cd - . E 8. rAtiKfi
__ Lt. Col. A A. G.
By command of R. E LEE.
C'.L. Venable, A. a.G.
(Form of Pass )
Appomattox C. H. V a.)
April lOih. 1865. (
The bearer -of company regiment
°f a paroled prisoner of the Armv
Northern Virginia, has permission to goto' his
home, and reniaiif there undisturbed.
Lastly is the loroi of the parole of honor signed
by command of officers of divisions &c. on btdiaii
ot the men of their command. This is taken Iron,
a copy of the one signed by Gen. I’itzhugh Lee
“l, the undersigned commanding officer of-
do, for the ivithiu named prisoneis of war be Ion
ging to the Army of Northern Virginia, who havs
been this day surrendered by Gen Robt E Lee
C. 8. A. commanding said Army, to Lieut Gen
L. 8. Grant, commanding Armies of the UmW
States, liereby give my solemn parole of l waor
that the within named shail not hereafter serve in
ihe armies of the Confederate States nr
- — ln *"v Mil-
itai j capacity whatever against the United State*
ot America, or render aid to the enemies 0 f tho
latter, until properly exchanged, in such manner
as shall be mutually approved by ihe respecti*.
authorities. v
*:Done at Appomattox Court House, V a this
9tb, day of Apiil I860,"
Tuesday Morning, April 25TmT
41 tds.
Publications will always be eontimteil ace*
liese.the legal requirements,unlessotlierw is*'
S IX hundred acres of pine land, mixed with oak and
hickory, lying about six miles from Milledgeville.
There is one hundred aud fifty aertsof the land 2 and 3
years new ground.
For particulars apply at this office.
Milledgeville Jan. 7th, 1*65. 31 tf.
111.'isl.'a a *r •, “r,e 1 and did pay the other for it.
Ao.. /ar y E. McPhail aunlies to mn I 2 The verdict in this case was contrary to the evj
Book air! Job work, of all kinds,
A T I II I* <> F I I * Ii •
fF* When a subscriber finds a cross mark on
bis paper he will know that his subscription has
expired, or is about to expire, and must be renew
ed if he wishes the paper continued.
rr w e do not send receipts to new subscri
bers. If they receive the paper they may know
that we have received the money.
1^* Subscribers wishing their papers changed
from one post-office to another must state the
name of the post-office from which they wish it
GEORGIA, Twiggs county.
YXTIIEKEAS, Nnroissa Mass applies for adininis-
f T (ration of the estate of II, Mass dec'd of said
Tin* kindred nnd creditors of said deceased are ad
monished fl at letters will isnu»* at the May term un
less valid objection he made.
Given under in v hand nflieiallv March 31-t 1*6-1.
43.5t * J. i:. MCDONALD.Only, j
GEORGIA. Baker county.
\\ r HEREAS, J- C. Screws has made application
H to me for letters of guardianship of the per
sons and property of John, James and Mary But
ler, minor heirs of J. C. Butler dec d.
These are to cite and admonish ail interested to
appear at my office 011 or before the first Monday
in May next, to show cause if anj T they have why
said letters of guardianship should not be granted
the applicant..
Given under my hand and official signature
this 8th day of March, 1865.
435t \V. W. JORDAN Ord’y.
•(; I \.
r\i ii
•s Fitzga 1**11 make* application
> Y t*.
me for
let tt-
rs of Admiui'tration *>n the estate
1 ..fP.'ITV
are 1 nc
rr fur
e to cite all persons interested, to
1 appear at my
on the 1st Mondav in May next.
j to show 1
HUM*, i
thev can, whv said letters should
j n*it be gi
hand, and official signature, this
1 April ifitii, 1SC5
1 1
L. M. COLBERTH, Ord’y.
ian Branch makes 'spjilication to
j t V HU
for let
f Guardianship of Y\ lley Branch
an*' Jan*
] This is
ire to cite nnd admonish, all person*
interest ci
1, to b
appear «t my office, within the
: time pres
v law, to show cause if any they ti*\ e.
why letters of (*'
unship siiouhi not be granted. 1
land, and official signature, this
! April i-fit 1
4 > ot
L. M. COLBERTH, Ord v.
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
W HEREAS. .Vary E. McPhail applies to mo
for letters of administration on the estate of
A C. McPhail late of said County dec’d. I Smith vs. Green and Posfell; Certiorari.—1. Gam-
lliese are therefore to cite all persons interested i ishmeut founded on a void action or on a void judg-
to be aud appear at my office on or before the first I ment * is > tself v °kl.
Monday in May next, and show cause if any they ; A distress warrant for rent cannot be the fouudo? |
can why letters of administration should not be - t i° n .( or a garuisbpnent
granteil the applicant in terms of the law
For st me reason Gen. Lee issued orders
to the tioops to cease firing and withdraw.
Subsequently an officer, said to be Gen
Custar ( f the Yankee cavalry entered our J
lines wish a Hag of truce. Whether to a j
request from Gen. Lee or that he was the !
hearer of a formal demand for the surren- j
der initiated by uen. Grant, we arc not I
informed. At this time our army was in j
line of battle on or near the Appomatox j
The rat iu, al .Unron.
The nppearance of the en* my at Macmi cn
Tuesday evening last, and the excitement in our
own city growing out of the occupation of that
place, almost entirely suspended business here
m 1.1 1**1 i " , *, duimg the past,w**ek Net knowing tne desiura
Road, the skiimudiers thrown out, while oftb ' K ueMSE ®
hundred and fifty yards in fre
Alderman vs. Chester: In Equity.—The distributees
of an estate clear of all encnmberances, may
„,wi ■ ’ £* • 1 . : I 01 an estaieciear 01 an encnmnerances, may agree
bund and official signature this j among themselves tlmt one ot thein shall have and en-
-" ,h d *y°_ f -'larch I860 joy during her life such pait ot the property as she
4-ot. JOHN J. SPARROW Ord’y. I may select, and that after her death the entire estate
shall belong to the other distributers; nnd though such
GEORGIA. Pulaski County. | agreement be made orally, and never reduced to
'AMES R. Coombs applies to me for letters of writin S* it will be enforced by a Court of Equity,
alter the -life interest contemplated has been fully
enjoyed. The contract is uot void under the statute
of frauds; nor does it contravene tlife rule of law
against creating remainders in personalty by parol.
~ ‘ dy :
administration on tbe estate of A. C. DeLetta
late of said County dec’d.
All persons interested will be and appear at the
regular term of the Court on the 1st Monday in
May next, to show cause if any they can why
said letters shall not be granted the applicant in
terms of the statute.
Given under my hand and official signature this
18th day of Mjirch. 1865.
GEORGIA, Wilcox county.
Ordinarys offirr. for said rouvty.
w HEREAS, Miles Fi'zgarald applies to me
Parker vs. Kaughmann—Clark vs. Brady : Habeas
Corpus.—1. The power of Congress to raise armies by
conscription is not restricted to tneu able for active
service in the field, but extends to such also as, though
unable for that service, are capable of performing the
duties of ’‘provost or hospital guard, or clerks, or
oUrlcu' K *B.rda, agents, employees or laborers in the
commissary, quartermaster or ordinance departments,
“ - j or of clerks or employees of navy agents, of the duties
1 requisite in the execution of the enrollment Acts, or
made application I other similar duties." The titli seetion of the Act of
1 Guardianship 0 f tj. t . persons j Feb. 17. 18(54, entitled “An Act to Organize Forces to
Serve During the War,” is therefore constitutional.
2. In executing that seetion of the Act, it is necessa
ry that the report of the Board of Surgeons should
specify the particular duty for which each man is
capable A repqft in general, terms, that the conscript
42 5t.
GEORGIA, Pierce county
'\\riIEKEAS, John Waters ha
» » to me for let
and property ot Thomas J., Benjamin J.. and Iiachael
E. Mim-hew minor children of Abraham Miuchewlate
of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish, all persons
concerned, to file their objections on or before the first
for letters of Guardianship of the persons | witn ss
and property of tbe minor heirs of i’ery Fitzgar- j j
aid dec’d. j }g^’»
These are therefore to cite and admonish the |
kindred of said dec’d. to file their objection, if any
j they have on the first Monday iu May next why
1 said letters should not be granted.
J. W. MASH BURN Ord’y.
March 25th, 1865. (pd. j 45 5t.
Monday m May next. _ I is fit forlightduty,is not sufficient. In administering the
;u:il. and otfiaial signature, March J military statutes of the country, a strict conformity to
their provisions is requisite.
two hundred and fifty yards in front of
these on an eminence was a large body of
Federal cavalry.
The eonp <Uil is described as magnifi
Soon after the return.of Genl. Custar
to his lines, Genl. Grant, accompanied by
liia staff, rode to the Headquarters of
Genl. Lee, which were under an apple
tree near the road, i he inteiview is de
scribed as exceedingly impressive. After
enemy, everybody bore at oi cebrganto
put theii house in order. Many persons left, and
ail the government stores end State valuables
were at once removed to « place of safety
We tvt re informed cf the existence of the «r-
misfire between Gens Sherman «i:d Johnston,
through G-u I obb, and the excitement w*«
much allnj *-d The enemy, we learn, vv ii! hold
Macon un'ess the date i f the agreement betwern
Getiis Johnston and Sherman .-hall app ar to be
previ os to Wilson’s occupation of the city We
I’d $10.} II. W. GRADY, Ord y.
state I
■ p.l.-s
mu* other
11 tlu- first
GEORGIA, Baker eotintv,
r HERKAS, Jo-sinh W iiieliester lately <li
tate, and it appears that there is tioom
resent his estate, unless some suitable ju
for letter* of administration upon said
appoint the Clerk of the Inferior Court,o
suitable person a*liiiinistntlor of sai*l ostnt
.Mon*bi> 111 May next.
Given under my liand, an*l ofiii-ial sigiiatnv
20tlidav of March 1865.
43.V . W. \V. J< tRDAN.Di
GEORGIA, Beriii'ii County.
'\ATHEKEA8, Josiali Punish, applies t*
Tv letters of administration on the
Jesse Hollingsworth Jr. dee d.
These are to cite all persons interested to be and
appear in my office within the time prescribed by
law to slum eftuse il any they Ithve why
ters should not. bo granted.
Witness my hand officially Mar* Ii 21st I —t > >.
43 5t. (pd.) D P. LUKE D. Ord’y
A Pun. 121b, 11*64. >
A | Y BOOKS are now open to receive the Returns of
aTI Property in the city for the present year, ami al!
peisous liable to pay Tax, are hereby notified t
foiward and make t heir returns promptly.
Bv order oft he Boa'.d.
1-5 6t • Clerk.
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
W HEREAS, A. D Patterson applies to me for
letters of administration on the estate of A. P.
Patterson dcc'd.
These nre therefore to cite all persons interested
tq, be and appear at my office within the time
prescribed by law to file objections, if any they
have why said jetters should not be granted.
Witness my band officially this 6th day of
March. 1865.
42 5t. W. E. CONNELL, Ord'y.
me for
estate ol
d let-
GEORGIA, Appling County.
W HEREAS, Aaron Johnson applies tome for
letters of administration on the estate of
come j John Johnson dec’d.
j These are to cite all persons intciested to be and
j appear at my office on or before the first Monday
| in May next, and file their objectionsif any they
! J|ave otherwise letters of administration will be
| granted said applicant.
I March 6th, 1S65. 42 5t.
! GEORGIA. Appling County.
llfHERKAS, Aaron Johnson applies to me for
It the guardianship oi Mary Johnson minor
heir of John Johnson dec’d.
_ . . , These are to cite all persons interested to be and
and is wild—she left with 1ml-', appear at my office on or before the first Monday
, , | in May nest, and tile their objections if any they
be paid for the apprehension - - - J
1‘o-t L> larlermaster’s office, State of Georgia, )
Milledgeville, April 1.5th, 1865. (
I OST or stolen from the enmp of tbe State Wagon
J Train, on tl
GEORGIA, Jones comity.
Ordinary's oilier of said eoimt i/.
ViniEREAS, Eliza W. Cox applies tome for ml- j
IT ministration on the estate of Thomas J. Cox de- |
ceased. j
These are to cite and admonish all persons conn rued
to fili» their objections, it any they have Jo tin* contrary, j
in this office on or by tbe first- Monday iu May next. 1
Given under mv hand, officially,March 28. 1865. j
43 5t. (Pd.} Ii. T. ROSS, Ord’y.
ie night of the 13th inst, a medium sized j
! mare mule—brown, with black stripe* down her bark
j and shoulders—lbui^or live years old, n‘nd iu good or- j
; der-—has harness mail*
| ter chains on her iieek,
■ a dd i !hv"Iv""" ar,i Wili ,M ‘ ,U, UK ' °lT ,l ' ,, ™ n l have, otherwise inters of guardianship will be
j * ’ v ’ JOHN D POPE • granted said applicant in terms of law.
452t ('apt. and A. O. M. State of Georgia, j J. LIGHTSEY, Ord y.
1 March 6*.li, IB65. 42 fit.
GEORGIA, I’ulaski county.
^lXTY, dats after date application w ill be made
GEORGIA, Pulaski countv.
GEORGIA, Twiggs county,
W HEREAS Martha F. Paul applies to me for let
ters of administration • n the e**tnt-- of Kob’t,
Paul Jr., late ot sni'.l county dec’d
All parties interested are notified that ‘letters will
issue t<* sail applicant, outlie first Monday in May
Given under 111 vTiaml, March 31.-1 |86.».
43 fit. ' J. E. McDonald, Ord’y.
S ’lo’thc honorable Court" of Ordinary of said I WHBRB VS John U. Pierce has applied to me for
iegroes belonging to .T. f 1 '' ,tKrs Guardianship of the minors of Theop-
n I nilou* Kozar late of said county dec d.
These are then-lore to cite all persons interested to
be and appear at my office on or before tbe 1st Mon-
•lay iu May next, ami show cause, if any they cuu, why
letters of Guardianship should not be granted in terms
oftlio statute.
Given umlir my hand, mid official signature, this
April 1st, 1H6,*>.
44 fit JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord’y.
county, for leave to sell the negroes belonging
the minors of Cordial Parkerson dec’d.
April 12th 18(55. pj. J. 8 J % 45 !>t.
GEORGIA. Berrien County.
W HEREAS, Ilicks Ellis applies-to me for loi
ters of guardianship on the persons and pro- i
party of the minor beiis of William 8. Ellis dec’d. i
Aud whereas James Griffin applies to me for
letters of guardianship on tbe persons mul proper-1
ty of the minor heirs of Mitchel M. Grinin dec’d. 1
These are therefore Incite and admoiv-b nil per- j
sous interested to tile their objections i». 1. |
within tbe time prescribed b> law it any IIk^ have i
w hy said letters should r*ot be granted.
Witness my hand oflieiallv this March 6lh 1865.
1*>fit. (pd. $20.) W. E*. CONNELL.Ord’y.
GEORGIA, JoDes County.
Ordinar y's offirr of said county.
W HEREAS Mrs. Lydia Choate applies to me for
administration cum testamento annexo on the
J Estate of Thomas W. Choate late of said county de-
: censed.
These are to cite and adinoni-di ail persons (whatev
: eij e*>nc«i icd t*i tile their objections, if any 11 fey have,
to the contrary, in this office, on or by Un* iirst Monday
in May next, otherwise administration will be granted,
j Given under my hand officially, March 28th. I8ti.5.
i 43 fit (Prt.) ROLANDT. ROSS. Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Joue.i county.
Ordinary's of "re of said county.
V^TTIEKEAS, A-J. Middlcbrook* applies to me for
T T administration on the estate of Thomas J. Childs
These are to notify all persons concerned to file their
MARE, to exchange for provisions.
Milledgeville, April 1^, 1855.
45 tf
Cowart vs. Williams—Ejectment.
A judgment establishing a copy of a lost deed, ren
dered on notice to the heirs at law of the^rantor, but
without notice to aur claiming the laud as devisee uu-
'der liis last will,is not conclusive upon such devisee,
or upon those claiming under him.
Amos vs. the State, ) Indictment for (jamb-
McBryde vs. the State, ( ling.
Though the indictment in charging the offense, lay
it on a day subsnjvevt to the time when the new code
went into effect, the defendant may nevertheless be
convicted on evidence of having played and betted
ou a day prior to that time.
We have authentic information of the battle in front
of Columbus on Saturday afternoon nnd night, and the
capture of the city.
At four o’clock on that morning the Yankee force,
embracing six thousand mounted infantry and cavalry,
with two pieces of light artillery, passed through
Opelika, without scarcely making a halt. Taking the
Columbus road, their advance reached our picket line,
about two miles from the city, about two o'clock ; a
few musket shots drove them back, when they immedi
ately advanced in force, hut came up very cautiously.
Skirmishing with the advanced vidett* and pieke’ts
commenced at four, and continued, nt irregular inte
vals, until night, when the buttle opened furiously
along the whole line.
All accounts agree that the citizen soldiery of Colum- j
bus, as well as the regular troops, fought with a hero
also - !* arn that quiet and good order has been pre-
the salutatory formalities, which doubt- se, ve( l '» Macon ever since it was occupied by
less were brief aud business like* Genl.
Lee tendered his sword to Genl. Grant,
in token of surrender. That officer, how
ever, with a courtesy, for which we must
accord him due respect, declined to re
ceive it — or receivi^, declined to retain
it, and accompanied its return with sub
stantially the following remarks : “Geu.
Lee, keep that sword, you have won it by
your gallantry, you have not been whip
ped, but overpoweied, and I cannot re
ceive it as a token of surrender from so
brave a man.” The reply of Genl. Lee,
we do not know. But Grant and himself
ate said to have been deeply att’ectcd by
the solemnity-of the occasion, and to
havo shed tears. The scene occurred i
between 10 and 11 o’clock, A.
^the enemy A fir occurred on Sunday morning,
destioxing several buildings on the block of the
Lanier House, to the west. Also another desttoy-
ing several buiidiugs'oe the b.’jefc opposite tilth-'
Floyd House, to the North i .ies-3 fire-* are sai(
to- have been caused by negroes Wo learn frem
ptrseii-* who were present, that the Yankees
worked bravely to extinguish the flames We
also ie=-rn that cniz-ms aro allowed to go in ar.J
out of the piac**, an I that telegraph and railroad
comrnuiiicHtiou with our city will be restored, a:
once. Genl. Wilson, ilic Commander of th* Yan
kee force* is represer'ed to be a young man, oniy
thirty years of ag . He is said to lisve from six
to eight thousand tro* ps at Macon. His present
headquarters, wa learn, are at the late residence
of Col Jos. Bond.
When the sad event became known to
Niirremler of CSeu I,ee.
AVe give in another place, a few of the particulars
. ... , of thesurreuder of Geo. Lee. Thev will be read with
the « r my, officers and men. gave way to the det , pp8t sorrow by „ very true U1(U; in thfcC o n fed.
their emotions, and some among the ve- eracy. That great warrior, and good man, has been
terans wept like children. A considera- overpowered by number* aud forced to yield to bn
ble number swore they never would sur- antagonist. We are satisfied that, lie did the very
render, and made their Wav to t tie woods, bestheeould. and therefore bow submissively to the
Gens, tiarey of this State, aud Hosser of will of Him who giveth victory, and bnmbleth the
Virginia, with a few followers, cut their P e<, P ie \
way out and escaped ; but the bulk of the
army, the men, who lor four years have
done battle so nobly for the cause, to
gether with leader* like Longstreet, Qor- j
don, Kershaw and otheis, whose names ;
are forever distinguished, were obliged to
accept the proffered terms.
L bese wetc capitulation with all tho quietly £t home, pursuing their regular avocations —
honors of was, officers to retain their side These are the opinions of men in high official put-
arms and peis'onal property, and the men tions.
their baggage. Each one was there-up
on paroled and allowed to go bis way.
During Sunday and Monday, a large
number of Federal soldieis and officers
We find the account we copy, in nn extra of the
Newberry $5. C. Ilwal*!, w hich we were permitted to
copy by u paroled scalier of Gen. Lee's Army.
It is thought l>y those who have the means 01 know
ttie complexion of our military matters as fury
now stand, that peace will be the result of negotiation
now pending. The people are advised to rem -
AsHMiaaiion of Unrein.
A report is current, said to have been brought
from Atlanta, where it was seen in ChattHnoc? 4
papers, that President Liqpaln was assassinate
ism wort by of (he fariieof veterans, of lliis, iir anv other I v i site, f ««* “>»P» l ' ) “ kcd *.uri.,.,r i !y I j„ .* W.,l| D ,.o„ Oily, on the#
' '- beovy lines of Imitfe I on oar commands, but ibcie was nothing I of , |16 , | th j Mt tb ,t, mau „, n ,e,) Smi.kio*
war. The enemy advanced in
Hcuinrkable Kiongc^ily.
Detroit, it seems, can lay claim to being the birth
place of that wonderful individual, the oldest inhabi
tant. A story readies us from Madison, Wisconsin,
that old Joseph Crele, now residing a short distance out
GEORGIA, Pierce enmity.
Y\TIIKUEAS, Mathew Sweat applies t** me t-r I
II permanent letters nf administration on the estate
ofllofiand 11. Sumner late of said enmity deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish,nil persons |
concerned, to appear at my office. 011 or before the]
first Monday iu may next,to show cause, il any they 1
have, why said letters should not he granted to the ,
applicant. J
Given under my hand, and official signature, March 1
27 th, ISTm. 7 1
Hot (I’d. 10) u. \v. GRADY. Ord'y.* !
GE< >RGIA, Pulaski count V.
W HEREAS James M Buchan ha- m«,l*. n ,.plica- !
turn tor letters of dismission from the Guardian- !
ship of the persou uud property of .Samuel B. <0 IV.
All persons interested, will tiUtheirobjectious, if any i
they can, ou or before the 1st Monday in May next,!
otherwise letters dismissory will be, granted the apjdi- J
cant iu term* of the law.
Given under my hand aud official signature this |
Maich 20th, 1865.
44lit. JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord
on or before the first Monday in May next
Given under iny hand, officially March 28, 1*65.
13 fit (Rd.) K. T. ROSS. Ord’y.
G EORGIA. Joues county.
d jectmns ill thisotliee ifany ther have, to the contrary, i the city it is said establishes the fact. He has been a
resident cf Wisconsin about a century. Whenever
mention is made of the “oldest inhabitant,’' there need
be no question ns to the person. Joseph Crele is uu-
doubetedlv the man. lie was married in New Orleans
Ordinary's office of sard county.
YYTHEKEAS, Mrs. Nancy Kitchen* admr'x. of Win.
tt Kitchens dee’d. la* made, application for leave
to pell all lh<* land und negroes of said estate.
All persons concerned are notified hereby to file their
objections, if auv they have in this office, on or by the
first Monday in June next. •
Witness iny hand and officially Aj>ril.5lh, 18**5.
4Lit (I’d.) R. T. KOSS, Ord’y.
. 1 dmirustrator's Sale.
W ILL BE SOLI) in the
town (*f Slouticcllo, Jasper
■minty, 011 the first Tuesday iu June next, within
the legal hours of sale, the following negroe* belonging
t.» th*' undivided estate of Harris Alien, of said county,
dec’d, to wit : one negro m%n, Toni, about 30 years old.
and oue negro girl Eliza, about 12 year? old. Sold
ui. i-i nu order **( th* Conrt of Ordinary of Jasper
county, for distribution among tbe distributees of said
This 28tb day of March, 1865.
Htds JOHN M. ALLEN, Adm'r,
( M - 6. h.) w ith the Will annexed.
one hundred and nine years ago. Some years after
he settled in Prairie du Cliicn, while Wisconsin was
yet a province of France. Before the Revolutionary
war, he was employed to carry letters between Prairie
tin (Alien nnd Green Bay. It is but a few years ago
thaflie was called as witness in the circuit court, in a
cn*f involving the title to certain real estate at Prairie .
du C’hieu, to give testimony in relation to events that
transpired eighty years before. He now resides with
a daughter by hi? third wife, who is over seventy years
of age.
The residence of the family is only four or five mile*
from Portage City. The old mau is still active, is able
to chop wood, and walks several miles. He speaks
English quite imperfectly, but converse* fluently in the
French language. He stoops a little under burden of
vears. but not more than many at seventy. In persou
be is rather above the medium height, spare iu flesh,
but showiug evidence of having beeu in life’s prime
h roan of sinewy strength. Concerning his habits,
n subject of nim li interest in connexion with an instance
of such extraordinary lopgevity, wo have been able
to learn but little, except that he is an inveterate smo
ker.—Detroit Free Dress.
cavalry, which succeeded iu getting Ah rough the line
The line was immediately repaired.
This squad of cavalry, rode immediately to, and
took possession of the remaining bridge— theothertwo
having been previously burned. Gen. Howell Cobb
was on the field commanding in person and noblv did
his duty. This cavalry rode in ten steps of his ’head-
quart* rs, and had a conversation with him, but the
night being intensely dark, he failed to recognize
When they gained the bridge they quietly took eve
ry oue prisoner who came up. At last the General
became concerned nbout the return of several courier*
whom lie fcad dispatched to the city, and who should
have been back sometime before. He therefore sent
a member of his staff to the bridge, who wns also taken
and disarmed, but made his escape to this side and
gave the foregoing particular*.
Wfiat dispositions were made of our forces after
that are not precisely known, but it is supposed that
they drew off both up mid down the river.
The enemy entered the town at half pait nine o’
No trains belonging to any railroad on this side were
captured. The Opelika road lost five engines and
■severul car*, in conseqAmce of their guage being nar
row. We lost few stores, as nearly everything ot con
sequence had been removed.
We lost very few men killed and wounded, a* they
were we!l protected by breastwork*. The enemy
lost twenty times as many as we did. Every man
iu the city, able to bear arms, was ou the field and
fought wit ii the noblest heroism. Had the fight taken
place in daylight we would certainly have won a vic
tory, «s it was, the hated vandals paid most dearly' ror
what they won. No apprehensiou wa* felt al to the
safety of Gen. Cobb's army.
Col. V011 Ziuken was severely wounded by a horse
running against him.
Gen. Forrest is supposed to be immediately in tbe
rear, and approaching rapidly. Geu. Buford was pres
ent, and fired every barrel of his navies at them. It
is confidently expected that the entire force of the
raiders will be captured. It does not now number
five thousand.
Our whole force in the fight did not exceed twenty-
five hundred.;—Moron Paper.
Quick Witted.—A few days siuce we called on
some ladies who were engaged in making artificial
(lowers, which they handed to us to be admired. Of
course we thought them very pretty, but remarked
that Spring could beat them making flowers.
One of them promptly replied, "1 think she ought to,
she lias been at it longer.’’
y, every sympton of respect
manifested, and the Southern Army was
praised for thfi bravo and noble manner
in which it had defended our cause.
The force of the Yankee Army is estimated at
200,000 men. Our own at the time of surrender,
embraced not more than tight thousand effective
infantry and two thousand cavalry, hut it is sajd
that the total number paroled was about twenty-
three thousand men of ail arms and condrtions.
All the Federal* spoke of Gen. Lee in terms of
unbounded praise. The rcniaik was frequently
made, “he would receive as many.cheers iu going
down our lines as Gen. Grant liimselt.” It is un
derstood that Gens. Lee and Lotigstreet and-other
officers, are now ou parole in the city ot Richmond.
The following is a copy of Gen. Lne’s addiess to
his army, issued after its surrender to Gen. Grant
at Appomattox C. Ii. ou Sunday tLc i)th ot April
II’d. Qr’s. Army Na. Va. (
April loth JftGo. J
General Order )
No. y. 5
After four years of arduous service, marked by
unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army ot
Northern Virginia hns beeu compelled to yield to
overpowering numbers and resources.
1 need not tell the brave survivors of so many
hard fought b 1 ttles, w ho have remained steadfast
to the last, that 1 have consented to this result
from 110 distrust of them. But leeling that valor
and devotion could accomplish nothing that could
compensate for the loss that would have attended
the continuance of .the contest, I determined to
avoid the useless sacrifice of those w hose past, ser
vices have endeared them to their countrymen.
By. the terms offthe agreement, officers and
men can return to their homes, and remain until
exchanged. You will take with you the satisfac
tion that proceeds from the conciousuess of duty
faithfully performed, and I earnestly pray that a
merciful God will exteud to you his blessing and
With an unceasing aduniiatiou of your eonstan.
cy and devotion to your country and grateful re-
meiubrauco of your kind and generous considera
tion for myself, I bid you an affectionate farewell.
R. E. LEE, General.
shot Linear*
arenyed." !'• 13
was severely
wounded the same evening, and his sou kiffe*/.
We give this story as we see and be»r it; ' JU
we caution our readers against putting any
in its correctness. There is a sensational >■>
about the story that does not impress us with -
truth. ,v 8
Subsequent information seems to coniirm •-
death of Lincoln.
*—' t TL,
Southern L!Teraturf. ixNtwYork- 1 ■
New Y’ork News lias the following in itsnohcw
bocks for the Holidays: ,.
The holiday season, now fast appro® 1
promises to be one ot great activity in the ^
trade. In the present and subsequent artic
design to briefly hint at the most meritoriou^F"
Mentions of the leading publishers ., : t
Riihardson. who has distinguished ‘ l,nl ^
his speciality of Southern lirerature, 8lB0 ^j ]l !
Southern Generals. Who they are 8 "' w ^
They Have Done: by a Virginian is
fishes Women of the South—Disbuf^uott
Literature. I vol Svo; illustrated witbtff^ ylo-
sfeel ot Madame L(vert. Mrs Anna Aians*
wait. Miss!" = L .na^- .v
Mrs. kosa _
er« Ttiis Book has been prepared w .j tt . ri ;ad'
care, and is a very valuable addition ,0 _ ^ po!
Richardson's publication iist al?n enl
ni® B J
lard's Thiru Year of the War - — - ■. *
lime to The Second and 1 ir.-t Years *> ,'JW
by the same author.—The Official KG'
ties, published by order of Congress- .j- 1
Va ; and the Lite-Services sud t - s ® i^S 3
Stonewall Jackson, are also included •“
The issues of this publisher are sir 0 .Lbo*' 5
value. They arc especial'y useful t° c otf e! "
to preserve k record of the r res *' Dl *k tI *>r»-
and who have interest in Souths" ^
plies to ®* c : b&r ki
GEORGIA, Brrrien county
VXniEKEAS, Eliza Oneal
Ii of Administration on the t*
Oneal. ,, nf> ~on? intf !Ttfi"W i
These are therefore to cite a J P 1 tim e P’N* ett <K
be and appear iu my office within ^ji s®
by law,to show cause if any tuey n ’
should not be granted. .. <j_i jg*5- )p ),
Witness my hand officially Ap r ' v-uj/jJ
(Pd 10.) 46.5t W» E McC0>-