The Confederate union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1862-1865, May 02, 1865, Image 1

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    rwvca* mpw
ri)v,Nisi]et.barnes&Moouh) Confederate Taxes.
12 .Ml
it; on
4 (Mi
Hi (Ml
4 (id
3? jblisaers aai Proprietors.
« . ■* . it >rr.KTOiv,
j». II . MKBB r. S
£ ( jc Confederate Stnion
/'published Weekly, >» M^lgerrl/e, Get.
Corner of lhineoeh awl Wd hen son, Sts.
Copposite Court House.)
At $12 ;i year in Advance.
T.; W'li'.xi*.—Five Dollars per square often;
:if)S for each insertion. j
i t.itcs of respect, Resolutions by Societies,(Obit j
<• ceee'lin■' *ix tinea.) Nominations lor office, j
, i* udiiicatioinT or Editorial notices for individual j
d ‘aefit .cliarged as transient advertising.
Legal Advertising.
£ ,,. ri >F s sales, per levy of ten lines, or less,$10 00
“ Mortgage fi fa sales, per square, ‘20 00
Tax Collector’s Sales, per square, H> 00
Oiutious for Letters of Administration, 10 00
• • “ Guardianship, 10 00
, tiers of application for dism’n.from Adm’nlO 00
.. “ .... .. Guard’n 10 O'l
Appl'u for leave to sell land and negroes, 10 (M
> tticj to Debtors and Creditors.
Sales ol land or negroes, per square,
perishable property, 10 days, per sq.
I'stray Notices, 150 days.
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square.
S i ,..,,f (.and and Negroes, by Administrators, Ex-
,,.ji„rs or Guardians,are required bylaw to be held
in.- lirst Tues’dav’iu the month; between tlie hours
i ! r no forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the
"• no use in thecouuty in wnieli thepropertj is
..'•luted. ■ . . ...
- ,,,,...,»f t4iese sales must be given .n a public gn-
’ii ,lnvs previous to the day of sale.
\ , e- tor the sale of personal property must be
veil Ml like manner 10 days previous to sale day.
it lee 5 to the debtors and creditors ol an eoiate ,
-h i.: also be punished 10.days. _ j
N -that application will be madeto the Court oi j
Orli, i'V for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be
nai.l'isli • 1 for two months. _ , .
, ■ , t'.ir letters of Administration Guardianship. I
m nt b-; published 3.1 days—tor dismission from |
V 1 oinistration, monthly *ic 'month*—for dismission j
li.inG .ardianship.40 days ,
i* , for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published ]
, ' „■ for four mmi'li*—f »r establishing lost papers, I
, .ill spare of three months— forcoiiq-ellingt ith-s
„n Executors or administrators, where bond has been
.. v .-, l,v the deceased, the full space ofthree input l.s.
j* ibUi-ations will always be continued according to
-i-.t lie legal requirements,uiilcssotheiwis-cordend.
Book and Job work, of all kinds,
a T T 51 S * l> S' V 3 < E .
ry When a subscriber finds a cross markon
his paper he will know that his subscription has
expired, or is about to expire, and must be renew
ed if he wishes the paper continued.
E3P \Ve do not send receipts to new subscri
bers. If they receive the paper they may know
that we have received the money.
Subscribers wishing their papers changed
from one post-office to another must state the
name of the post-office Horn which they wish it j
I am requested to give notice that all who do not par
ill.-,, rax tor last year in thirty days, will be dealt with
according tohnv.’viz: Taxes on property, income, salv
• v. Hi per cent, profits, and 4th qr, on gross sales for
year 1864. • . ,
Those who have n t given in their income, salaty and
!') per cent, profits for 1864, will call on the Assessor
and make their returns and pay up.
It* tB’T. MICKLKJORN. Assessor.
J. C. \VH ITAKER, Collector.
•42 41 5ffth Dist.
fpWO months, after date application will be j
1- made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin j
county to sell a portion of the slaves belonging. .
to the estate of Thomas II. Mortis late of said j
county, deceased.
Feb u afy, 14tb I ebb. (J. it.) IKi !)t. j
GEORGIA, Twiggs County.
A T the May term of the Court of Ordinary of
said comity. Mrs. Missouri A. Champion, Ad
ministratrix of Elias F- Champion dee d, will ap
ply tor leave to sell one negro man named Tom,
belonging to said estate.
J- F.. MrDONALD Ord’v.
March!’th, 4» »t.
GEORGIA, Twiggs, County.
A T the May term of the Court of Ordinary of
Twiggs County. A. 15. F. McWilliams/will
apply for letters of administration on the estate-of
Jacob W. Collins late of said county dec’ll. -
Given under niy band and official signature at
Marion, this March bill. IH»5.
40 Jit. J. E. MCDONALD Ord’v.
H AS REMOVED to the house recently occu
pied by Mf*j McIntosh.
Office in Confederate Union Building.
Milledgevile March ICth, 1865. 41 tf.
t. at
V PPLIOATION, will lie made for the ret
al of the following described 4 per cent
federate certificates issue by.). U. Horne, Ag
Milledgeviile, and taken by the public en«-niy
No. 332 Issued toM.C. Butts March IStb,
$100, (Ml.
No. 431, issiud to Benj. I. Bass, March 26th, !
1864, for 400,00.
* 15. B. deGRAFI ENBIF
Milledgeviile April llitlr ISfii. 4
S IX iiiuitb'ed acres of pine land, mixed with oak ami j
iiickorv, lying about six miles from Milledgeviile. j
There is one l.iuiflred mid fifty nercsof the land 2 uud’.J
years new ground.’
Fur particulars apply at (his office.-
Milledgeviile Jan. 7th, 1865. 01 tf.
\4S7I1EREAS, Miles Fitzgarold makes application;
^ i to me fur letters of Administration ort the estate
of Perry Fitzgarold deceased. I
These are therefore to cite all persons interested, to i
appear at my office mi the 1st Monday in May next,]
to show chum”, if any they can, why said letters should
not bo granted.
Given under my hand, and official signature, this
April 15th, 1865. *
45 5t L. M. COLBERTH. Ord’y.
GE<)RGIA, Twiggs county.
IITHEREAS. Narcissa Bass applies for admiufr-
r f tration of tiic estate of H. Bass ute’d ot »aid
The kindred and creditors of said deceased are ad
nonished t' nt letters will issue at the May term nn-
l-ss v;i!id objection be made.
Given under my hand officially March (list 1865.
43 5t ,J. E. MCDONALD, Ord y.
GEORGIA. Baker county.
% \ri!KIiEAS, J. C. Screws lias made application
i \ to me for letters of guardianship of the per
ms and propi-ity of John, James and Mary Liut-
r. minor heirs of J. C. Butler deed.
These are to cite and admonish all interested to
lyear at my office on or before the first Monday
Mav next, to show cause it any they have why letters of guardianship should uot be granted
i.c applicant. " .- ~ i
Given under nv baud and official signature
Lis Hilt day of March, 1865.
4.{-,t v W. W. JORDAN Orc y. ;
GEORGIA, Baker county.
?■ \rHERKAS, .losiah Winchester lately died mtcs--
>T tale, and if- appears that there is no one to rep
-eut bis estate, unless some Suitable person applies '
letters of adi.iinistration upon said estate I shall
• ' i .in. the Clerk of the Inferior Court,or some other
•'aide person administrator of said estate on tlie fii-sk
Monday in May next. . ..
tu under tny ltand, and ofliciai signatuve, this
GEORGIA, Irwin county.
YVHEKEAS, Willian Branch makes'application to
tV me for letters ol' Guardianship of \Y tley Branch
and James Branch.
This is therefore to cite anjl admonish, all persons
interested, to be and appear at my office. Within the
time prescribed^y law, to show cause if any they have,
why letters of Guardianship should not be granted.
Given under mv hand, and official signature, this
April 15th. 1865.
45 5t I>. JI. COLBEUTH, Onl y.
GEORGIA, Wilcox county.
Ordinarys office for said county.
V {7 HEREAS, Miles Fit/.garald applies to me
v for letters of Guardianship of the persons
and property of the minor heirs of Pery Fitzgar-
aid dcc'd.
Tliese are therefore to cite and admonish the
kindred of said dec’d. t-o file their objection, if any
they have on the first Monday iu May next why.
said letters should not be granted.
J. W. MASH BURN Ord’y.
March 25th, 18C5. (pd j 45 5t.
for ad-
J. f
i .lay of March IStkr.
13 5t
GEGBGIA. Bertien Eounty.
iniEREAS, Josiab I’uirish applies to me for
V letters of administration on the estate ol
ss<j Hollingsworth Jr. dec’d.
'! iicse are to cite all'peraons interested to he and
pear in my office within the time presciibed by
■v tu show cause il any they have why said hit
's should not. Ire granted.
Witness mv band officially March 21st l-Gn
45 5t. (pd.) D. P. LUKE D. Ord’y.
.KOKGlA, Jon on county
OrVinnry'» ttfficr of utid ronnly.
V r It ERE AS. Eliza W. Cox applies ti
’ ministration on the estate of Thotna
Tm-se are incite anJ admonish all persons concerned
tile their objections, if any they have to tliecoiilran
this office on or by the first Monday in j/-* 1 '
Given under my hand, officially,March - , !
;:{ 5t. (Pd.) ]{ - 1 ROSS. Ord y.
IVKU KG I A, Twiggs county, ‘
V HEREAS Martha F. l’aul applies to me fin
\ ters of administratioH on the estate oi R jfi t,
vu Jr., late of said county dec’d.
uurties interested arc notified that letters wM
- it t , , a i,i applicant, on the first Monday in May
umlei my hand, March 51st I860.
4i.4i 3 j. e McDonald.Ord’y.
^IKGRGI AJVnieq County.
L\ r lin«f>S Hicka Ellin applies fo me for Id
S \ ters of "guard 1 an skip on the persons and pro- I
• rtv of iho minor heiis ol W illiaai 8. l.i.:s dec <1.
Aii l wiiereaa James Griffin applies to me lot
Apiul lgtlqlSdl. S
M V BOOKS-arc now open to receive tlie Returns of
Property in the city for the present year, am! nil
pci sons hable'to pay Tax, are hereby notified to come
forward and mak- their returns promptly.
Bv order id the Boil. li.
45 lit Clerk. '
Post Quartermaster'* office, State of Georgia,)
Milledgeviile, April 15tli,l805.
I < >ST or stolen from (lie camp of the State Wagon
J Train, on the night ofthe 13Ui inst, a medium sized
mare umli—bin\vu,wilh lilaek stripe* down her bac-k
and shoulders—-four or five years old, and in good or- J
der - bn* harness maik* and is wild—slip left with Lai- (
ter eiiains oil her fleck-
A liberal reward will he paid for tlie apprehension j
and delivery- ’ * „
45 -X C.ipt. and A Q M. Statcof Georgia.
GEORGIA, Pulaski county.
S IXTY", davs after date appliealion will be made
to tlie honorable Court of Ordinary of said
county, for leave to sell the negroes belonging to
tlie minors of Cordial Park ergon dec’ll.
April 12th LSG5. fJ- J. s ] 45 Dt.
GEORGIA. Jones County. •
Ordinary's office of said courtly.
\\7IICREAS Mrs. Lydia Choate applies lo me for
Tf administration earn testa men.! a annexo on the
»luto of Thomas W. Choate late of said county de
ceased. - ,
These an* to i-iti- and admnnislt alt persons (wluifev-
ei 1 conct-ni'-d to file their olijwtfuii.s, if any they have,
tu tin* contrary, in this utile*-, on or by the first Monday
in May next, otherwise will he granted,
i.ii’.-n under mv handoflieiiillv, March 28lh. 18(15.
gi .'.t (l»,i ) ROLANDT. ROSS. (Ird’y.
" (JEORtG A, county.
5nl wliereaa James U«niu Ordinary* office of said county.
ten of guardianship on the persons and proper- , . rM E , { kaS, A.J. Middlebna.k* applm* to me for
of ti|,. „ l ; )!0r ) ie : r6 Mitchbl M. Griffin dec d. >> admiiit-:tr«tion on tlie estate of 1 iiomits J. Childs
‘ ■ .4 AT O in: R Tit IF. TAL F,”
At the Confederate Union Oltice.
Also at Grieve A Clark's Drug Store.
PRICE $ HI PF.R COPY-Liberal discount to !
Book Seilers.
CT" The edition is small—those who wish copies '
should apply at once.
Milledgeviile, Match 2ff, 1S('5.
Aolire to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA, Twiggs county.
r I^U Jtedding J. Joyless, of the Distributee* id
I the estate or Mrs. Georgia Ann Evans, into o! 1
said county deceased. ^
You are hereby notified that I shallv.pply in terms
of the law, to the Com t of Oi diunry of aid «■< imty. «i
the ne\! Juiy term thereof for a division ofthe .-slate
of said deceased. among the.distributees.
This January 18tli, 18*55.
l. s. " II. M. LOYLESS, Adm’r.
33eow4tn By liisAtt’yin fact U. A. Ri»e
IWher Counttj, Sheriff Sale.
TITILh. be so’d before the Court House door in
f T Newton, Baker county, on the first Tuesday
in MAY’ next, the following property
Lot of Land No. Iff. in tlie Pith District ot
Baker county, levied on as the property of Rich
ard F. Lyon to satisfy a tax fifa f ir State and coun
ty tax.
Also at. the same time and place tlie premises
whereon \V alter Kelly formerly resided. No. 14d.
Also at the same, time and place a sufficient por
tion of’ the premises whereon M. E. Cook now re
sides; al! sold to satisfy tax iifas fortstateand Coun
tv tax.
41 tdsw J. M, CALHOUN Sheriff’.
GEORGIA, Puiaski County.
W HEREAS, Afary E. McPHail applies to nie
for letters of administration on the estate id
A C. MePliail late of said County dec’ll. 0
These are therefore to cite ail persons interested
to be and appear at my office on or before the first
Monday in May next, and show cause if any they
can why letters of administration should not be
granted the applicant in terms of the law.
Given under my hand oud official signature this
2ffih day of March, ldli.Y.
42 5t. JOHN J. SPARROW Ord’v.
GEORGIA, Pulaski Couniy.
J AMES R. Coombs applies to me for letters rf
administration on the estate of A. C. DeLetia
late of said County dte’d.
All persons interested will be and appear at (he
regular term of the Court on the 1st Monday in
May’next, to- show cause if any they can why
said letters shall not be granted the applicant in
terms of the statute.
Given under my hand and official signature this
1 Hlli day of March lcG5.
42ot. JOHN J. SPARROW Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Pierce county.
\\f HE REAS, John Waters Juts made application
T T tu me for letters of G’larili.-itivliip of the persons
and property of Thomas J., Beidnmiti J id iLu ii.-u-l
K. Minchew minor children of Abiltluim Mii eiu-w late
of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite.nnd admonish, all persons
concerned, to file their olycctions oti or before the first
Monday hi May next.
Witness my hand, and offiaial signature, March
fith 1865.
42 5t (Pd. glO.) II. W. GRADY, On! y.
GEORGIA, Berrien County.
W HEREAS, A. D Patterson applies to mg for
letters of administration on the estate ol A. P.
Patterson dec’d.
These nre therefore to cite all persons interested
to be and appehr at tny office witiiiti the time
prescribed by law to file objections, if any they
‘have w hy said letteis should not be grant* <*.
Witness my hand officially this fith day of
March, 1865.
42 5t. W. E. CONNELL, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Appling County.
W HEREAS, Aaron Johnson applies to me for
letters of administration on the estate of
John Johnson dec’d.
These are to cite.all persons interested to be and
appear at my office on or before the first Monday
in May next, and fiie their objections if any they
have otherwise letters of administration will be
granted said applicant. *
March fith, lfifiS. ' 42 5t.
GEORGIA. Appling County.
"lj|7"HEREAS, Aaron Johnson applies to me for
TT the guardianship ol Mary Join.sun minor
heir of John Johnson dec’d.
These are to cite all persons interested to he and
appear at my office on or before the lirst Monday
in May next, and file their objections i! any they
have, otherwise letters of guardianship will he
granted said applicant in teipis oi law.
March 6th. 1865. - 42 5t
GEORGIA, Pulaski county.
W HEREAS, John F. Pierce has Replied to me for
letters of Guardianship of the minors of Tl.eop
hilousRozar late of 86id county d> o’d. •.
These ure therefore to cite nil persons inter* steu to
he and appear at. my office on or before the 1st Mon
day in May next, and show cause, if any they can, wiry
letters of Guardianship should not be gi anted in terms
of tlie statute.
Given under my hand, and ofliciai signature; this
April 1st, 1865.
ft 5t JOHN J. SPARROW, Ord’y.
MAKE, to exchange for prbvisicm.
Milledgeviile, April 18 1855
GEORGIA. Berrien couniy'.’
W HEREAS, Eliza applies t.i me
of Administration on I he E-tate ol
These nre therefore to cite ull persons interested to
be and appear in my office within the time preset:bed
by law,to«hov cause If any they have,why said letteis
'should not be granted.
Witne*s uiv ltand officially April -rd 186.5
(Pd 10.) 46 5t W. E. MrCONNELL, Oidv.
b rom the New York Herald, Saturday. April 15th j street*, and only official persons and particula: j Fwetarn Utanlon to GVactof l>ir
friends of the President are allowed to pass ' .
The popular htart is deeply atiriyd. and the' aVu {
i deepest indignation .gainst Jeading rebels is free- „ . - , '' April A. M. \
HOt ' expressed. Mi-jorCtnenil I)ix,-Ne» York:
j The scene at the house where the President lies *I’rvsider.t still breathes, but is quite insensible
I >n extremis is very affecting. Even Secretary tstiui : M /, lle l,,s f. e i'' ver since lie was shot. He tvidenily
j ton is affected to tears " dul not see the person who shot linn, hut was looking
i ii., , ’ 1 .1 i it, I o" Lie 'time, as lie was appma* lied from behind.
W hen the news spread through the city that the ; Mr lia , lttl]ifc f d aild it ja hoped he n
President had been shot, the people, with pale ; live. • J
, aces and compressed lips, crowded every place Frederick Seward's condition i» verj* critical.
! where there was the slightest chance of obtaining , 3 he nUi-ndant trim was present was shot tin
inhumation in regard to the sff’air.
Seward Daggered in bis Bed but
Mortally Wounded.
Zlscape of the Assassin.
Intense Exfitemeiit in YYashinslon.
the Sea'h
bed of 2fL\\
J. Wilkes Bcotli, the Actor, the Al
iened Assassin of the Pie‘ide«t..
War Department. )
Washington. April 15, 1:30 A. M, S
Msj Gen. Dix, New Y’ork:
This evening at about 9:30 1’ M.. at Ford’s
Theatre, the J’resident, while sitting in his pri
vate box with Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs Harris nod Msj,
Ralhbum. was shot by an assassin; win* suddenly
entered lue box and approached behind tbe Presi
The assassin then leaped upon th-» stage, bran
disking a large dagger or knife, a; d made his es
cape in the rear of the theatre.
The pistol bail*entered the bark of the Presi
dent’s head and penetrated nearly through the
head. The wound is mortal.
, , .J through
I lie lings, and to live. unimdsot Seward are not serious.
Investigation strongly indicates J. Wilkes Boolko
us the aMwssii, of the Pres t. Whether it was the
same ot a different person that attempted to mtirder
Mr. Seward remains in doubt.
t'hicf Justice Carter is el grged in taking the evi-
iletu-e. b
Every exertion lias beogMnade to prevent the eseape
ot the murderer. His horse has been found on tlio
road near Washington.
F'>\\ in M. Staston, Secretary of War.
When The fatal shot was tired.-Mis. Lincoln, who
was alongside ot her husband, exclaimed, "Oh I wfty
didn't they shoot me—why didn’t they shoot me?” ‘
There is evidence that Necietaty Stiititin was mark
ed lor assassination. On receipt ot intelligence at ihe
As soon as intelligence could be got to tbe War j War Department'of the arim k on the President, two
After the President was shot. Lieu. Rathborn •
caught the assassin by tlie atm, who immedia'ely
struck him with a kuile, and jumped from the box,
as before stated
Tlie popular affection for Mi^ Lincoln lias been
shown by this diabolical assassintion. which will
bring eternal infamy, not ouly upon its 'author*,
but upon the hellish cause which they desire to
Vice President Johnson arrived at the White j
House, where the president lies, about 1 o'clock,
and will remain wilh him to the last.
The President's family are in attendance upon
him also.
employees ot tlie department were sent to summon the
Secretary. Just a* they approached bis house, a man
jumped out from behind a tree box in front of flic
6^use mid rail away. It is well known to be the *-u<
lorn ct the Secretary logo from the department lo his
house between nine and twelve P. M., and usually
1 Department, the electric telegraph and signal corps
■ were put in requisition to endeavor to prevent the
; escape of the assassins, and all the troops aronfW
Washington are underarms.
j The latest advices from Secretary Seward reveals ||| | _ „
more desperate work there than at first supposed, j unattended ~R ‘is supposed "that tne assa«sin*iute tided
i Seward’s wounds are not iu themselves fatal: but : to Minot him as he entered the house, but tailed, from
jin connection with his recent injuries, and the the faet that Mr. Stanton remained at home during the
great less of blood be 1 as sustained, bis recovery | evening.
; ia questionable. * j „,T' le circumstantial evidence is very strong that J.
Wilkes Booth is the person who shot the President.—
several parties who are well acquainted with him, and
Saw the asscs'in when he jumped from the box, are
positive that lie is the man. li is al*** reported that
Booth’s horse was saddled al the side door ofthe then
tre. and was rode off by the assassin, h he is tin
man, it is impossible tor him to escape. The horse of
Ihe mini who made the attack on Secretary Seward
It was Clatence A-. Seward, instead of \Vm. II.
Seward, Jr., who was wounded. Fredrick Se-
I he lVsi*ient has 7 been insensible ever since it ! ward was also badly cut, as were 'Isothree nurses,
has be* n inflicted, and is now dying. who weie in attendance upon the Secretary, aliow-
A bout tie same hour an assassin, whether the i ing that a desperate struggle took place there,
same or not, entered Mr. Seward’s apartments, aud j The wounds of the whole party were dressed
pretence of having a prescription, was ■ One O’clock AM — I lie scene at the President s —
bedside is described by one who witnessed it as j ha* been found near ihe Lincoln Hospital, baihed in
most affecting. It was surrounded by his Cabinet ! aiJ, ‘ bioml upon the saddle cloths.
two or tlu,*.e stabs on ihe throat and two cn the ; ministers, all of whom were bathed in tears, not 1 Death of /'resident Lincoln.
j even excepting Mr Stanton, who, when informed^ Hjlton Hkad, April 18.—The last news is as fol-
hy Surgeon Genaral Barnes, that the President” lows;
i could not live until morning, exclaimed, O, no
! General, no—no and with an impulse, natural
as it. was unaffected, immediately sat down 011 a
chair near his bedside and wept like a child.
Senator Sumner was seated on the right of the
! President's couch, near tlie head, holding the right
! hand of the President in his own. He was sob-
1 bing like a woman, with bis head bowed down al
nivt on the pillow ofthe bed on which the Pret-
1 dient was lying.
Additional details of the Assassination.
Washington, April 15, 1:36 a. m.—President*Lincoln
\ ,nid n ife, with ot her friends, this evening \ isited Fo; dV
; Theatre, for the purpose of witnessing the performance
! ofthe American Cousin.
It whs announced in the papers that General Grant
would also be preset!t; but. that gentleman took the
1ns* train of ears for New Jersey.
The theatre was densely* roivded. ntul nil seemed de
lighted with the scene before them. During ihe third
: ami while there was a temporary pause iu one ot
1 i.e actor* to enter, a s’ at p report of a pistol was heard,
which merely attracted attention, but suggested noth
ing serious, until a man rushed to the front oi tlie
I'n-sitlent’s box, waiving-a long dagger in his right
hand, and exclaiming* Sic semper tyranai* / ' and
. immediately leaped from the box, which was in the
■ second tier, to the stage beneath, and ran across the
■ opjKisite side, milking his escape, amid the bewilder-
| miAit ot the audience, from the roar ofthe theatre, and
mountitig a horse, fled.
i The President breathed hi* last at 7 1-2 o'clock A.
M-. on the 15th inst. There was a report at the sailin'
; ofthe Fulton, at 11 o'clock A. M that the assassin had
1 been captured.
The latest.
! ’l'he hiiest dispatch we have with regard to this tei-
! ''We catastrophe is to the (fleet that the President
died at 22 minutes past ? u clock on tLc morning of
j Saturday last, the i5ih.
Preparations were h.-it-g made for the funeral on a
; scale which should, so far as Such sad ceremonies mav
i testify the heitrltelt grief of a weeping nation.
Another Letter from den. fif^nnn—ln a late
Northern paper we lind the annexed letter bom
Gen. Herman written during his campaign in
l*j>per Geoigia, but only just published:
Hi.Ai Q’it* Mil.. I)tv ok T’lt: Misshsnvi 1
In 1 he Fit Id n’tar Marietta, Ga , '
June 30th, Jt(i4. ^
Mrs Anna Gilman Bowen, Baltimore, Mil:
Dear Mabam — Your welcome letter of Jut,e
JStli came to me here amid the sound of battle,
and, as you say, little did I dream, when 1. knew
you play ing as a school girl on Sullivan’s Island
beach, that I should contioi a vast army, pointing
like the swarm ot Alaric, to the plains ofthe
The screams of Mrs - Lincoln first disclosed the fact ! South.. \\ hy, oh why is this? It 1 know iny own
to the audience that tlie President had been shot,
heart, it beats as warmly as ever towards those
when all present rose to their feet, rushing towards ! kind and generous families that, greeted us with
the stage many exclaiming, “Hang him ! hang him!” such warm hospitality iu days lone D&saed. but
Tlie excitement was ot the wildest possible descrip-
shown 11 the Secretary’s sick eliatnbe*\ The as
sassin immediately rushed to the bed and inflicted
t w 01
It,is hoped the wounds may not prove mortal.
Mv apptehension is that they will prove fata!.
The nurse alarmed Mr. Fredrick Seward, who
was in the/ffijoiniug room,aud lie hastened to the
door-of his father’s room, when he met the assassin
who inflicted upon him one or more dangerous
wounds, The recovery of Frederick Reward is
It is not probable that the President w ill live
through the uight.
General Grant and wife were advertised to be
at the theatre this eveiihag, but he started to Bur
lington at (> o’clock this evening.
At a Cabinet meeting, at winch General Grant
was present the subject of the state of the coun
try and the prospect of a ppeedy peace were dis
c ssed. '1 lie pieddent was \ery cheetfu! and 1 ope-
Iul. and spoke very kindly of General Lee end
others of the Confederacy, and of the cs’eblish
in) yit of Government in Y'irginia.
All the members of the Cabinet except Mr Sew
ard, are now in attendance upon the 1 Vi-side;.t.
i have seen Mr. Seward, but he and Frederick
w eie both unconscious.
Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretaiy of War
Details of the Assassination.
Washington, April 14, 1865—Washington was
tlnown into an intense excitement a lew minutes
before 11 o’clock this eveniug by tbe announce
ment that the Pr. sideDt and Secretary Seward had
bet-n assassinated and were dead.
The wildest excitement prevailed in all parts of
the city. Men women and children, old and young,
rushed to and fro, and the rumors were magnified
until we had nearly every member ef the Cabinet
killed. Seme time elapsed before authentic data
could be ascertained in regard to the affair.
About half past 1^1 o'clock thi^ evening a full,
well dressed man made his appearance at Secreta
ry Seward’s residence, and aaclied for admission.
lie was refused admission by the servant, when , theatre and the Surgeon Genera! of the army aud other
the desperado stated that he had a piescnption i surgeons sent lor tu attend to his condition,
from the Surgeon General, and that lie was order- , On an examination ofthe private box blood was dis-
td to deliver it iu person. He was still refused | covered on the back of the cushioned rocking chair . . ,
except upon (he written order of tbe physician, on ivliich the President had been sitting, also on the | must submit to some arbiter. He must not throw
This he pretended to show, and pushed by theser- partition and. on the floor. A common single barrel off bis allegiance to his Government or his God
vsnt and rushed up stairs to Mr. Seward’s room, i pocket pistol was found on the carpet without just reason and cause. The South bad
He was met at the door by Mr. Frederick Seward, i At midnight the Cabinet, with Messrs. Sumner, Col- no.cause—not even a pietext. Indeed, by her Un
ix ho notified him that he was mastered’ ihe house, I fax, and Farnsworth, Judge Oglesby, General Meigs, justifiable course she Las thrown away ber proud
and would take charge of the medicine. After a Colonel Hay, and a few personal friends, with Surgeon history of the past, and laid open tbe fair country
few wo.ds bad passed between them, he dodged j “ nnie<llate a ^ 8tants ’ we,€ to devastation and war. She banter, d and bul-
by Frederick Seward to the SecreUiy’s bed, and ‘ xhe p res ident was in a state of syncope, totally in- j ' led us ^ ,he conflict. Had we declined battle,
struck him in ihe neck with a dagger, and also in ' sensible, and breathing slowly. The blood oozed from I An,erlca wo / . u ‘ d have stink back cowed, meriting the
tlie breast. j the wouud at the back of his head. ! contempt of ah mankind. As a nation, we were for-
It was supposed at first that Mr Seward was The surgeons exhausted every possible effort of : ced to accept battle, and that once begun, it has
killed instantly, bat it was found afterwards that medical skill, but all hope was gone. | gone on till tho war lima assumed proportions at
the w ound was uot mortal. I The parting ofhis family with the dying President is 1 which even we, iu the hurly burly, some limes
Maj. Wm. H. Seward, paymaster, was in the too> sad for description.
; ,,,.1,. 1 *• i- r„,c _ Ihe President and Mrs. Lincoln did not start lor the
room and rushed to the defence of Ins father. «nd . tbentrewntU fifteen lnhiutts Bller eight o’clock. Fpea-
was badly cut in the melee with the assassin, but j k „ r Colfax wa . s at tlie White House at the time, and
the Freslfent g^ited to him that he was ^oin^. Mrs. • 1 10 laDu obey the common law, submit to
Lincoln had not been well, but because tlie papers had ; the same that vie do no worse, no better—our
ari*i was prepared for escape by luviug a horse at announced that General Grant and they were to lie equals and uot our superiors. I know, and you
the door He immediately mounted his horse, and i present, ano ns Gen. Grant had gone ’North, he did ! know, that there were young men in our days,
sung out the motto of the State ol' Virginia. “Sic uot.wish the rudieuoe to be disappointed. _ _ j now no louger young, but who control their lel-
Siinper I'yranrns!" and rode off.
Surgeon General Barnes was immediately sent
for, and i xamined Mr. Seward and pronounced him
sine, liis wounds yvefe not fatal. I h*- jugular
vein was not out, nor the wound iu the breast deep
enough to be fatal.
The President and Mrs. Lincoln were at Ford’s
theatre, listening to the pet forn-.ance of the Amer-’ .^occupying a box in ihe second tier.
At the cljse of the thud act a person entered the
hex occupied by the President, and shot Mr Lin
coln in the head. The shot entered the back oi Ids
head aud came out above the temple.
ticn, of the course there was an abrupt termination of
the theatrical performance.
There was a rush towards tlie President’s box, when
cries were heard, “stand back and give him air,” “has
any one stimulants ?”
On a hasty examination it was found that tlie Presi
dent hod been shot through the head, above and back
of the temporal bone, and that some of the brain was
oozing out. *
lie was removed to a private house opposite to the
hospitality in days lqng passed, but
still present in memory; and to day. were Frank
and Mrs. Portlier, aud Eliza Gilman, and Mary
Lamb, and Margaret Blake, the Barksdales the
Quashes, the Pryors, indeed any and all of our
cherished circle, their children, or even their chil
dren's children, to come as of old, the stern feel
ings of duty and conviction wouliHnelt as snow
before tbe genial son, and I believe I would strip
my own childien tlia’t they might be sheltered; and
yet they call me barbarian, vandal and monster,
and all the epithets that language can invent that
are significant of malignity and hate.
All I pretend to say, on earth as in heaven, man
not fatally.
The desperado managed to escape from tlie house
stand aghast.
I would not subjugate the South in Hie sense so
offensively assumed, but I would make aver? citi-
If. went with apparentrelu., and urged Mr. : lows, who assumed to“the gentlemen of the South
l .'lliix logo with him ; but gentleman had made a superiority of courage and manhood, and boast-
utlu r t'lUfageuiente, ana with Mr. A*hnmu of Massa- • -n. ni‘ 1 • ai * ,, a
When the excitement at tlie theatre was at its wild
est height, reports were circulated that Secretary
Seward had also been assassinated..
On reaching this gentleman's residence a crowd and
a military guard were found at the dour, and on enter
ing it was asceil.'lined that the reports were based *>a
ti nt It.
Everybody there was so excited that tourerly an
intelligible word could be gathered. But the facts are
substantially a* follows.-
About lb oVix-k a man rang the bell, and the call
knows how reluctantly we accepted the .issue; but
once the issue joined, like ia other ages, the North
ern i a* e though slow to anger ^ouce aroused, are
more terrible than tbe inure inflammable of the
Even yet my heart bleeds when I see the carn
age of battle, the desolation of homes, the bitter
anguish of families, but ihe very moment the men
of the rioutli say that instead of appealing to war
they should have appealed to reason, to onr Cou-
The^assassin then jumped from the box upon tlie j having been answered by a colored servant, he >*■<! gress, to our courts, to Teligion, and to the exper-
back entrance to tlie stage, but m bis. passage
dTopped bis pi>toland his hat
He stiff insisted on going up, although repeatedly! lematicai, hut y on may, and may tell your uiutb-
informou that no one could enter the chamber. The ! er ’’ an “ staters that » never forgot one kind look
.... I, ,. J ti,). ft,.,*** n . V n i .1 it)*i !b x. J 1 ■ n . t l 1 11 ! Of IT V* PP t 1 ft (T DT P V* P1* W T AJ I* I £ d [ f A 4.4^0 O A WAmAan
Mr Lincoln tell forward from his seat, nnd Mrs. } niaii pushed tlie servant'aside, aud walked ha.-tily 1. or greeting, or ever wished to efface its reunem-
ineolu fainted, towards the Secretaiy'srooni and waa then met by Mr. I branee, but ih piftting on the armor of war. I did
GEORGIA, Twiggs county.
W HEREAS, John Faulk Executor of tlie last will
and testament of II L. 'Solomon deceased, has
filed liis be dismissed. ••
All parties interested are hereby notified tu file ti off
objections m mv office by or before tin: first Monday in
August uext.
Given under mv hand amt official signature al Ma
rion, January ffiii j<V,.
33 miim J. E. MoDONALD, Ord’y.
W HEREAS, Frederick M. Giddeiis adm’r oulhfl
e-tate of John W .Guldens bile ot said county
deceased, applioa tu *n« for letters of dismission from
said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons
interested, to he and appear in tny office hy the first
Monday in July next to file their objections it' any they
have, why said Letters should not he granted.
Witness mv hand officially, this January bth 1865.
33*n6m l*d$8. \Y. E. CONNELL Or.i’y
GEORGIA, Pierce coui.ty.
W HEREAS, Allen Brown Administrator iyid Piety
Brown Admr’x of William Brown represents to
the Court iu their petition duly filed that they have
FrederickafSeward of whom he demanded to see the [ it that our common country should not perish in
Secretary, making the same representation which he j infamy ahd dishonor.
di i& t i'? 9 2 va,,t ' , . ,. f 1 am married, have a wife and six children liv-
W hat tuither passtd m the wav of colloquy is not ' t . ,
known; but the man struck him'on the head with a 1"* T 0 , h, °' C0 , urse 1 h * 8 b f een “
billet,severely iupuiug Ihe skull and felling him almost i e Yentful one. but I hope when the clouds of anger
I sensek* 8 - ! and passion ate dispersed and truth emerge# bright
xiie asir.ssin then rushed into the chamber and j and clear, you and all who knew me in early yeats
j attacked Jtfsjnr Seward. Paymaster United States will not blush that we were once dear liieiuta.
Army, aud Mr Hanseil, a messenger of the State Dc- ( Tell Eliza for me that I hope she may livd to real-
OEORfHA, Jopfescounfy.
; i:< l UGLY Pierce country Ordinary'* office of send county; , I
YMtKUEAS Mathew Sweat applies t° llle I" r I wwTIIEREAS, Mr*. Nancy Kitchens admr’x of Win. ; {ally iphitirihdcred William Brown s estate.
V perintiueut letters of administration op the estate y\f Kitchens dec’d. lm* made application for lea ref j Thesp are therefore to cite ml persons eons*
llclhiii.l II Sumner late of said couuty deceased. ! . 0 all the land and negroes of said estate. . _ j to showwqse, if uuy they eap, why aimimi.-
rhese are therefore to eite and admonish.all parsons ‘ - J ) i »— *
nceruad I ■ ■' ^ .1-
.ere.ore ,--- , °,u| persons concerned me notified hereby to file their
m—TiMni, to appear at my office, on or before the. 0 (,: L , ( ,t io ii*, If auvthqy have in tins offioe, on or by the
st Monday in may next, to show cause, if any they Moddayin June ne*? ,
ve. Why Vaid letters shoal 1 not be granted totlie "\ vitn e H smy4«ind an 1 officially Apnl5th, 18o.j
lW. „ • 445t * (Pd.) U. f. UOs»S. Ord y
Riven under uiv band, and official signalurc, March I
’h. i*(».. % .... [ Administrators sale.
1,iM ' 10 i- " {AlKm ’ 0,M v _ * _ TTI , , sold in thejown ofMonticello, Jasper
fHKUKAS. M /flivlian lias made apphra- i the !e^a! hours rd |be
▼ a, ,. i«*a— iiwmlkKuin ♦ruii* tlie Guardian- i | 0 undivided ('stale ol Harris * • *;/» vnarRold'
and one negro atil Eli/.a, aooui * z . j
under in. orderof (he *4 1 of said
couuty, *.;r distribuliou unioiig the dDtnbut^t-
TU ' 28tli day of March, 1-865.
lion for letter* of dismission Iron: the Guantian-
‘I 1 of tin* person and property of Sanoiei B. Goff.
'J |ie- -ons interested. Will tile their objec' ton*, 6 a,, y
'A can, on or before Ihe 1st Monday in May next,
letters tiismissoi y will be g-iurfcd the apjoi-
"• in terms of tlio law. . . . •
’oven uinh-1- my tiaud and ofliciai signature tlms
«'<-!i2«ih. l^iff.
II id*
m. ti h )
JOHN M. AEfiKN, Adm’r,
wilh tlie Will hnnexed
should not he discharged from their administmtiou,
and receive fetters of dismis -ion on the first Monday
in October uext. . . ,
YYitneas my Tiansi and official signature March
" !l,, 12mb.n (Pd$lG) II W. GRADY, Ord’y.
The moment the astonished audience could re
alize what bad happened, the President was taken
out and carried to Mr. Peteison’s bouse, iu tenth
street, opposite to the theatre. Medical aid was
immediately sent for, arid the wound was at first
supposed to be fatal, and it was announced-oat be
could not live; but-at half-past twelve he is still
alive, though in a precarious condition.
As tbe assassin rgn across tbo stage. Col. J. B . ., ■ , Iu .. „ , . ,
Stewart, of this city, who was occupying one of pertinent, and two ma,e nurses,m*al.UDg them all , )Z e that tbe doctime of secession is as monstrous
the front seats iu the orchestra:on the same side of 1 OU , r civH A C ° d l 8 f ^dience was In the Di-
ilie hmisp«» (lie hm ooennied bv Mr Lincoln, '? in tne same .oom, ana irun !l " ^ vine law. And should the tortuues of war ever
sprang to the stage and lolfewed him; but ho was ; . ' " .* >‘ ,u ® r y°o r «»*®ra or any of the old clique,
obstructed in his passage across the stage by the The ass assin then rushed .town stairs mounted l,is ; under tbe shelter ot my authority, I do not believe
frioht of the actors, ^reacJ)*iJ the hack tlocff horse nr tin? door, and rode off before an alarm conld tnoy will ija\e cause to regret it. Give nsy love to
about three seconds after the assassin had parsed ' he sounded, and it. the same manner as the assawfn oi your children, and the assurance of respect K>
oiil. Col. Stewart got to the street just in time to the President- . . _ your honored busbanj.
. i t&'Ssg'/rjSIfSJi T ™»'
Secrcterit* Stanton aijd Welle*, ntul other prominent
officet* of tlm Government, called at Secretary Keyr-
anl’s house to Inquire into liis condition, and there
heard ofthe assassination ofthe President.
They then proceeded to the house where lie was
lying, exhibiting of course intense anxiety and solicr-
tude. i i
An immense crowd was gathered in front of the
President’s linuse, ami a strong guard was also station-
a preconcerted pian. T be |
pistol was a man about thirty jeavs Tff age, about
five feet nine, spare built,jlair skin, dark hair, ap
patently bushy, with a large moustache Laura
Kern tho leader of-the orchestra declare that
they tecognized him as J Wilke* Booth, tbe actor ;
and a rabid secessionist. Whoever be was, it is I
plainly evident that he thoroughly understood the
theatre and ail tho approaches and modes of es
Mt taller op at hy—The fashionable remedy for
headache at present in Paris is Metalleropathy,*
which iu France means a copper sauce-pan—the
the original machine employed—applied to the
head. A. noted physician cured Mis. D. c*f the
headache by this means; and wrote all about it to
the fac ulty: and the fiaeulty, Drs. Tiousseau and
Tardieu at the head, white very ' learnedly about
Metalleropathy audits efficacy in certain diseases.
cape t> the stage. A person not familiar with tlie , there. Many person* evidently supposing he would | especially headache. Mrs, D., (aforesaid) who
theatre could not possibly have made |iis e.-cape so i i Je brought to In . borne. I was subject to frightful headaches as soon a* ah«
GEORGIA, Pulaski County.
’ll WHEREAS, John W. Asbell, Adm’r. of
YV George Wade, deceased, lias applied for
letters of dismission from said estate.
• 4-H persons interested will fila their objections
ip jpy office within the tin* e presen bed by law,
(if any ti.ay cap,) why IptUq* oi aisioi.^siftn
should not be granted the applicant in terms of
the statute. Given under my lnfid and sea! this
Dec. 17th. 18R4,
28 mtmi JDHXJ SPARROW, Ord y
well and quickly.
The alarm was sounded in every quarter. Mr.
Stanton tv as notified, and immediately left hi*
All tlie other members ofthe Cabinet-escaped
Cavalrymen were sent out in all directions and
dispatches sent to all the fortifications, arid it ;s
thought they will be captured.
Washington, April 15,1 a m.—Tlio streets in
the vicinity of Ford’s Theatre are densely crowd
ed by an anxious find excited crowd. A guard has
been placed acroal Tenth street and E- and F
« brought to hi* home. : was subject to frightful headaches, as soon as she
The entire city to-uigfit presetite a scene ,.t wffii cx j tolin d the sauce-pan infallihie. bad a band of con-, accompanied by vtolciif > °* ; per made, and puts it on every limb she is threat-
ignntton and the .prof,..undent sorrow many I ^ ^ ^ ^ is j£ variab!y . “d
The mifiton
an I In >rit its have dispatch* Ji mounted
patrols in evety direction, in onlcr.if p.^sible to ar-
rcst file assassin*, 'l’he whole metropolitan pidteeare
likewise vigilant for the satno■ p«i T o*«'.
The attaok.-, l>oth at the Mieatre and at Secretary
Seward's liouse, took place nt about the same hour—
o’clock—thus show lug a pie* oi’ceited plaD lo assas
sinate those gentlemen. Some evidetwe. i f tin* guilt
of the party who attacked ih*' prevalent are iu ti e pos-
seroion of the police:
Vice I*resideiit Jol.nsou i* in the cflv, nn*l hi* head
qiir*itei» uie guarded by troop.-.
appears that this cute with the hard name has been
practiced from time immemorial by tho women of
Auvergne, who wear as tlieir-natioqaf bead dress a
thin copper 1> uid, more or leas decorated, and given
as a reason for not falling in with the new fangled .
modes of decorating themselves, that their me
tallic ornament has the vittiie of preventing them
from pains in the head. Ol course the experience
ol peasants could not be accepted unless under
high sanction, which ths late letters of the fa* u*
tv of medicine accord it.