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From the Illustrated New.'.
The Ideal Woman of Misa Evans
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the smallest of female jupiters might her by the arm towards the scaffold.
despair of finding a Ultra. § j ‘ Stay,’ said she, feeling sympathy for her
I companion even at t^sjuoment; ‘I have
Death of Madame Roland. j a favor to ask, though not for myself.’—
At length, after an imprisonment of i She then explained that the sight of her
excite more ridicule than he who would nearly six months, she was taken, in \ death would redouble the old man s mise-
eome before tTie ‘ world of letters ’ with vember, 1793, to that fatal Concicrgerie | ry, and begged that he might be allowed
the thoughts, the feelings and ideas of from whence in those days no prisoner to die first. She heard the knife fall on
the last century. In nothing has this issued but for the guillotine. Here she I his neck without a shudder; then bowing
caprieious changing of fashion been more was placed in a wretched cell, next to | to the great statute, she cried, ‘ 0 Liber-
marked than in novels. So rapid and so that in which poor Marie-.Antoinette had ty, Liberty ! how many crimes arc corn-
thorough have been the transitions here, j been lodged. She who had rejoiced over j uiittcd in thy name! and mounted the
that what was once thought an almost the fall of that unhappy queen, was now scaffold firmly.
sinful amusement, has become the instru- seen in private moments to weep bitterly. | In a few seconds her. head, fair as it
ment by which is sought the regeneration Yet her courage did not give way. In • was, roiled into the basket prepared to
the cells were lodged many of the Giron- receive it.
dins, who were yet to be executed; and
of the world.
The genius of to-day is Cbampionisrrr,
and swarms of novelists roam over the when they were let out ipto the passage
world like knights of old, and sometimes, for exercise, she talked to them across
the grating of her door, and encouraged
them to look on death as a martyrdom.—
like Don Quixottc, doing battle with the
dragon Prejudice, or the giant Custom,
and dragging from loathsome dungeons,
or rescuing from enchanted castles, the
beautiful priucess, Truth. Each has his
lady-love for whom he is sworn to live a
conqueror, or die a hero, and every day
sees thousands of trophies laid at the
feet of Temperance, Liberty, Peace,
Equality, and the many other beings and
myths which divide the homage of the ! judge, and Fouquicr-Tinvillc, the public ' remains, respect them as those of a vir-
j For the gifted woman, snares are set at wept bitterly ; but Madame Roland, proud j Lights and Shadows of School-Life-
every step, dangers lurk on every side, of her fate, Was unnaturally gay, and
' around her troubles fall ‘ thick as autumn strove to encourage him. M hen the)
j leaves in Yaliambrosa.’ The blasts of arrived at the Place de la Concorde, where
| winter and heat of summer are^brought beneath a huge clay statute of Liberty
j to destroy her. Like Saturn, Miss Ev- j stood the guillotine, reeking still with the
A | ans no sooner calls a being-into existence j blood of her friends, she leaped lightly
still Medusa, with mild, milky brows, all [than she sets about to devour her; and j from the cart. The executioner pulled
making his arrangements provided-4iita-
self with a home free of expense, in thy
following manner: he took the rounds
The first specimen ot a live \ankee I with his scholars, going each night with
ever saw was a school-master. School- a different one, until he had'made th^-cir-
teaching in country villages is an up- j cu it • then he began again, and so kept
bilj business. I never knew but one man < B p his social calls, and secured agreeable
succeed in making money at it, and he • quarters. In this mannerbe-became fa.’ J
was my friend, the Yankee. The uncer- j miliar with both children and parents, and
tainty of such an occupation in affording increased not only his usefulness but his
the means of subsistence renders it un- j reputation. Like Goldsmith’s Village
desirable. As a consequence, many vil
lages arc left without schools for months
together. On this account, parents are
often compelled to send their children
from home to learn even the first rudi
ments of an education.
In my eleventh year, the growing vil
lage of Bellvillc was left minus a teacher,
and it was no part of my good father’s
system of education to allow his children
“His wonlsof learned length and thundering
Amazed the gaping rustics ranged around;
And still they gaze J, and still the wonder grew,
How one small head could carry all he knew.
In arguing, too, the parson owed his skill ;
For, u’cn^thoRgh vanquished, he could argue
-Ah ! those were glorious days ! But,
some how or other I was, more mischiev-
to waste their youth in idleness. I was ous a £ that school than at any other. I
therefore sent to,board in the country at scarcely know whether it was because I
my grand-father », .to have the beuefit ot was a mischievous age, or for the rca-
a great eastern light who had recently
made his appearance in that neighbor
With a restlessness somewhat akin to
the pioneer who pulls up his tent and
Thus, at ninc-and-thirfy, died this
strange woman. There is more of warn
ing than of example in her story.
Some days later, some shepherds trucg-
ing along a Norman highway, with their j " ^ ^ dcpcr int0 thc solitudcs of the
She rose now to the level of an orator, floc \ s bctorc them, spied m a ditch the L rcsfc at the echo of a new a*e, the low-
and in her misery and despair poured out, body of a man. ’ They raised it up, found } of # neMl bor’s cat tle or the bark of a
bitter reproaches against the very men (it to bc that of an old man, tall, thin, \ s ° an „ c dog ' K l ihu H. Ilowe found his
New-England home too full of eompeti-
who, in the hall above, were holding the s { ern even in death. In liis^heart was ;
mock trial of her friends. One l>y one j. yet t he stiletto which belonged to yonder |
she saw them depart, never to return, and ; SWO rd-stiek lying by; anck on his breast
felt that her turn must be at hand. was pi nncd a paper, wifli these words on
It came at last. Before David, the it: ‘ Whoever thou art-that fepdest these
Rock Me to Sleep-
Buck wan), turn back wnrfcjOTinic.jin your flight,
Make me a child again just for to-night 1
Mother, come hack from the echoless shore,
Take me again to your heart as of yore;
Kiss from my forcliea’d (he furrows of care,
Sin >otli the few silver threads out of my hair,
Over my slumbers your loving watch keep ;
Bock me to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep 1
Backward, fiow backward, O tide of years!
1 am so weary of toils and of tears—
Toil without recompense, tear* all i:i vain—
Take them and give me my childhood again !
J have grown weary of dust and decay,
Wearv of flinging my soul-wealth away,
"Weary of sowing for others to reap ;
Bock me to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep!
Tired of.the hollow, the base, the untrue,
Mother,-!) mother, my heart calh for you !
Many a summer the gra s has grown green;
Blossomed and faded, our jaces between,
Yet with strong yearning and passionate pain,
Long I to-night for your presence again ;
Ch.ine from the silence so long and so deep ;
Bock ntc to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep!
Over-my heart, in days that are flown,
No lore like mother-lore ever was shown ;
No other worship abides and endures,
Faithful, unsellish, and patient, like yours.
None like a mother can charm away pain
From thc sick soul and thc world-weary brain;
Clumber's soft calm o'er my haavy lids creep,
Rock me to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep I
•Come, let your brown liajr just light with gold,
Fall on your shoulders again, as of old ;
Let it fall over my forehead to-night,
Shading my faint eyes away from the light.
For with its sunny-edged shadows once more,
Haply will throng thc sweet vision* of .vore:
Lovingly, softly, its bright billow* sweep!
iBook me to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep!
Mother, dear mother! the years have been long
.Since I last hushed to your lullaby song;
Since then, and unto my soul it shall seem,
Womanhood's years have been but a dream.
fTlnspcd to your arms in a loving embrace,
With your light lashes ju»t sweeping my face,
-Never hereafter to wake or to weep,
Rock me to sleep, mother, rock me to steep 1
Don’t Say OneThing and Mean Another.
The little lane—the greenwood lane
Where .Mary dwelt was gay with singing:
{For brook and bird in many a strain,
Down vale and moor their notes were flinging.
But Mary's heart was deaf to song,
No longer she her tears could smother,?
For she hadjearned at least twas wrotig
Jo say one thing and mean another.
4 Tis right, ’tis due, when hearts arc true,
To show that heart without deceiving ;
And not to ipeak in idle freak,
To try if one’s the power of grieving,
tin Mary’s heart, and Mary's mind,
She loved one youth, and loved no other :
But Mary’s tongue was oft inclined
To sav one thing and mean another.
Would all might see, how sweet 'twould be,
If truth alone their words directed,
(ow manv'u day might then be gay,
That passes now in tears dejected !
Yould all might learn, and all discern
Thc idol of Miss Evans is Woman.—
Heart and soul are given to her cause
with a devotion almost painful. To place
her intellectually above thc mean position
which an ungenerous world has given is
the one aim of„ her literary existence.—
‘Beulah’ anl ‘Macaria’ are but thc
first and second days of the same great
prosecutor, she was accused of being the
wife of Roland, and the friend of his ac
complices. She stood before them proud
ly. She was dressed simply, in white,
and her long rich hair flowed in curls
over her shoulders. Her face, while it
had lost all its freshness from long con
finement, was still beautiful in expression
This beauty had once melted a whole
buttle, or rather they are one continued j assem bly before which she was arraigned,
duel with the prejudices of man, in which, bu t it served only to enrage her present
like an unskillful fencer, Miss Evans accuscrs . That very morning, Brissot,
loses her prudence in her ardor, and , b c founder of her party, had been exc-
jights more valiently than wisely.
Her heroine is certainly her ideal of
woman ; but in her atruggle to raise her
intellect she lowers hey heart, giving
thus an unfortunate appearance of truth
to the assertion of man, that the purity
tuous man. After my wife'-s death, I
would not remain another day upon this
earth so stained with crimes.’'
This was Roland, who ha-1 thus de
stroyed himself.— Thc Queens of Beauty.
- Anne Roleyn.
Henry the Eighth was married to Anne.
Boleyn on the 25th of January, 1533, in
a garret, at the western end of the palace
at Whitehall. She”7s des’eribed as a fair
young creature, so exquisitely moulded
in form and feature, that she enslaved
the eyes and understandings of all she
encountered; and such is thc interest
with which her memory is still invested,
tliat numbers visit her chamber at Hdver
castle near’ Ediubridgc, in Kent, and.
cutcd. She could not bope to escape, yet
was resolved to speak out, and defend her
self to the country.
The court was at that time open, and
the trials were attended by the dregs of
the populace, who interfered with them eagerly listen-to the -romantic tradition
and truth, the gentleness and mercy of; a t pleasure, and mingled coarse invectives j which point out the hill where-Henry
woman were given her by the law of; w ; t ], the impatient questions of the pub- - -used to sound his bugle, when he came to
compensation when equality of intellect | j* c p r0S e C ixt 0r . The interrogatory was at j v i s it her, in their happy days of courtship,
was denied. ! first of little importance, consisting of f rom his palace at Elthani, and fhe exact
There once lived in the brain of an I questions about her early life, and first | S p 0 t in the garden, whore, at the turn of
English joct a wizard, which by his art j connC ctio:i with Roland. It then passed
could call into existence a creature that i j. Q questions about his colleagues, and,
in grace and beauty so counterfeited j ] as tly 7 to such gross imputations upon
woman, even thc absence of soul did not j be r character, that she^burst into tears,
betray her until the true woman was ; After three hours of this- public torture,
placed beside her. Beneath her gaze | a i, c wa s dismissed, and returned to her , inspired with the fatal passion which rais-
tion. He had read some where,-that
“Westward tbe course of empire take its way,’
and his adventurous nature sympathised
with the prophecy'
After ‘ trainin’ around a good spell/
with that ready tact and quick perception
which distinguishes the whole Tankce
nation, he stuck his stakes at the romantic
settlement of-Turkey-Hill. This he did
in defiance of thc past experience of
other teachers, who had never succeeded
beyond one quarter. But Elihu was a
far-seeing man, and it required but one
glance of his eye to-discover where had
been t'ue previous difficulty.
The residents of that township were a
peculiar people. Many of them were
men of property and education. Not un
like our Pilgrim Fathers, they had left
their more comfortable and enlightened
homes ill the middle States from conscP
entious scruples. They had manumitted
their slaves,.and sought the far west in
comparative poverty, to enjoy humbler
but moTe*chccrful homes, out-of eight of
the ‘degrading influences of slavery.’
Thc above hint will suffice to show the
tack of our. friend Elihu, who.lost no
time in^oiningtlie church, in proffering
His services to open a 8unday-sehoe|, and
in doipg all and severally those things
a walk, sbe.suddcnly came upon the king,
.who was so struck with her wondrous
beauty, which the confusiou wrought by , ... , , , •
J * ! best calculated to please a law-abiding
so unexpected a meeting greatly atfg- r
. ^ ° and-religious people.- Ehhawasa smalt
mooted, that front that moment he was . ° r , , ,, . . .
man, with very black liatr, large gray
eves, and tremendous heavy eye brows.—
But I begin to feel alarmed lest, in -liis
love of adventure, (not to say any thing
of gain,) hq may have become a spiritual
rapper, and give me a \rhack for my te-
. “ l ' , ’ nferitv; or perchance that liis angry ghoet
with her grave in the chapel, tnc raclan-1 - , , , , • i
, , . . . . : . 1 ’ , ., may appear, dothed in the same queer-
choly interest which, for more than three | - * 1 * . .. T ..
, , . , , , _ |. ’ - . i lookin'' stockmetnantaloons as tight as the
No abashed and half betraying j onc can insist 0 n the betrayal of the j hundred years, has teen associated w,th i ^ch lic wor 'e jaB d which was
No fadings in nature.’ ! her name. It is sail that, during the ; £ ’ ’ ) . /. c , : r
! . .. . V “ „ V..I1 bcr - such an innovation upon the fashions of
, . . , P that region. I shall never forget the fig-
body was secretly removed from its grave i
before the altar of tlie Tower of chapel, j
this’phantom creature grew dim, dissolved cc ]j
to mist, and faded away. Though the
woman of Miss Evans differs front this
child of magic, yet she resembles her.—
She docs not fade away—but you touch
her, and she is stone. You place your
cd its unfortunate object to the throne,
but to transfer her to thc block. The
axe with which thc little neck of the
cruelly sacrificed queen was severed, is
still preserved in the tower, and shares,
Two days later she was again called up,
and thc interrogatory proceeded as before.
When called on to tell what she knew of
Roland’s concealment, she steadlastly re
fused to say a word. ‘ "i here is no law,
hand above her heart, and feel no pul- j sbc exclaimed, ‘ in thc name 01 whicu
glance awakens your sympathy. no dcare5 t fadings in nature.
voice in its hidden strength, yet breaking ! < With such a talker wc shall never J night which followed her execution,
into womanly weakness, smiles upon the j j iaV c done/ cried Fouquier-Tinville, furi-
chords of your heart. By some median- ous ]j ■ ‘close thc interrogatory.’
ical working of the wires of reason and 1 g bc t urncd on him a look of withering and buried in thc church of Sallej in
conscience she pities, and is kind to you ; j pj ( y ‘ How I pity you!’ she said ; ‘ you j Norfolk, where a black marble slab is
but she asks nothing in return, she is can sc fi d me to tlie scaffold, but cannot | shown as the covering of her remains
sufficient to herself, and in the light of tabe f rom me the joy of a good conscience. |
that broken spell you read her—a work and tbc conT i c tion that posterity will ac- j Spanish Philosophy.—The day after
of art, beautiful, but no woman. q U * lt Kdand and me, and devote our pros- . my arrival at Vittorterl went to a shoc-
Even in thc intellect of her woman,-} ccutors to infamy.’ She was told to | maker’s to get some repairs done to my
where Miss Evans evidently aims at the cb oose a pleader. She chose Chanvcnu. i boots. There was nobody in the shop;
highest type, she is like thc singer who and re t' ir cd, crying merrily as she went, i thc master was on the opposite side of
fails just enough below the full note to , j 0ldy w j s h you, iir return for the harm j thc street, smoking liis cigarito. Ilis
make 'you nervous. Her heroine lias ypu w ; sb mej peace of mind equal to shoulders covered with a mantle full of
talent, but never genius. She is a ‘book- j T bat j f ee ^ whatever price you attach to .holes, he looked like a beggar, but a
ish woman/ and clings to the authors j it » g h e ran down the steps eagerly.— j Spanish beggar, appearing rather prou|
who have formed her mind with a help-: ji ct friends were waiting to receive her j than ashamed of bis poverty. He cause
less timidity, like the mariners of old who in tbe passage, and as she passed through over to me, and I explained my business.
hugged the shore and feared the open t b eni , she drew her finger across her del- 'Wait a moment/said he, and immediate- j our oreax lasts eanj | aud in the abse nee of any other means of
sea t" icate throat, to show that she was con- ly called his wife. ‘How much money taking our dinners in^ JooLhx)aso I retaliation, I called her Irene Crawfish I
Whether she has ever an original demned . ! is there in the purser’ ‘ j off leisurely, reac ing ^ studvte- and ' a specie*of articulata which,by the way
thought is hard to determine, for quota-j The tumbril had come ana gone inces-: (tourteen franc, fourteen centimes.)— by eight o cloc '. ^ a ° r<iT J 9 t, e much resembled. This was very ma-
ure he cut, and the many times I was
tempted to ask him how long it touk him
to get in, or whether he had ever been
out of them since he left Yankee-land.
The school-honse was located in the
centre o! a township, and the neighbor
hood in thc circfe of three miles furnish
ed a sufficient number of scholars to
make quite a respectable schorl. Like
most country school-houses in the west,
this was called , the ‘ meetinghouse’ on
Sunda)*s; and I often amused myself by-
contrasting the scenes enacted therein by
the solemn fathers and their progressive
sons. Nothing could have been more de-
son that I was so very happy. My ob
servation incliucs me to the belief that all
cheerful boys are mote fond of what' in
school-boy ’parlance is called innocent
amusement than gloomy, dispirited ones.
It was my opinion, when a boy, that
school days should bc protcc f cd by law
from all disagreeable associations; that
to make a school-boy miserable should be
a capital offence; and I am pleased to
find, now that I have hoys of my own, I
can conscientiously say, I have not chan
ged my opinion. If we wish to bring up
our children an honor and a solace to our
declining years, wc must make their child
hood happy.
This like most country-schools, was at
tended by both sexes; and while the
boys were having their sports, the girls
appeared equally delighted. They often
joined in the games of the boys, besidiT
playing many-of the same kind among
themselves, and many a young lassie
would have put our swiftest laddies to the
slop of their mettle to bad them trr a f<roL
race :
“ Happy ilays'of cldfdfioctd,
Where peaceful school-days flew/’
and young ladies were allowed .to breathe
tjie fresh air, and their merry voices
echoed unchecked through the sylvan
grtfves. They liad swings and play
houses; they had dinner parties, and.
singing and dancing in the open air; and
their ruddy and cheerful countenances
gave thc best evidence of their health
and happiness.
I have had frequent opportunities of
observing the growth and development of
children taught in schools where both
sexes were admitted, and I am not able to
'recall a solitary instance where evils re
sulted therefrom. And I am happy to
find my opiimin'corroborated in a late ar
ticle on cducat’ortf’Trom the pen of an
able an distinguished lady, who says:
'* Thc nnion of the sexes in thc schools
stimulates to exertion, and imposes whole
some moral restraints; and were it but
continued, instead of rudely broken in
upon, it would prevent many unhappy
marriages; for it would tend to moder
ate that inconsiderate passion which is
often awakened by distance aud imposed
But, as a faithful chronicler of events,
I must acknowledge that the harmony of
this beautiful school was sometimes dis
turbed by little rows and riotings, in
which I performed my lull share. On
one occasion; I was the cause of no little
merriment, as I paid the penalty for in
sulting a young lady by giving her a nick
name. This young lady was most dis
tressingly ugly, both in face and temper-
aud had a very tantalizing name to make
fun out of, when associated with her per
sonal appearance. She was christened
Irene Crawford. I forget why I outrag
ed common politeness by giving her a
nick-name, but I presume I must have
whipped than pi
manner. Tlie many
been'played requiring
already put his gen it
elties, and the wondj
nbw thing can he trul
I'saw hislargc, crol]
She horizon,’ as if he
er to tbe god of inver
it tested upon a sf|
of the uoor; wh '4
into a stationery
ladies on horse-!
like a gleam of moon-shir
ly over his imperturbabr
announcing, to one far
manner, the birth of a ne]
Having once formed
was ever lost, but an imt
ment was made in a
nod's voice *-
‘ Ralph Roanoke will stanc
for an hour, on the horsj
of the door, barc-hea
he falls off will's?^
An instantancc
lowed this annot
joined as heartily id
this out-break would il.TVe brC
dign punishment upon the head
fellow who was caught laughing.
Elihu was eccentric withal, ahd wc
have been very much chagrined if
announcement had been received quietly.
He would have felt it to be a failure. It
was a tribute to his invention. Yes, tho
more his boys laughed, the more he in
wardly chuckled, and thc greater was tho
danger of a colapse to his stockinets.—■
Thanks to good and well-developed mus
cles, I hopped upon the block, and went
at it as cheerfully as a martyr. Tho
old adage, that ‘ it is an ill Wind that
blows no body any good/ was again
verified in my case. It was literally im
possible for the boys to study with Ralph
cocked up on one leg, making all .kinds
of grimaces whenElihu’s eye was turned
away, without shutting the door l
the door was shut, >v coT
whether he was in stuH
Thus I bad the penalty
boys Had fun.
At length thc hour exp^
gravely made thc annourn
‘ Ralph Roanoke havim
on his right leg, can now
But Ralph could not res?
tion to show his bottom byi
wings, (arms,) and crowing
ing cock.
Another roar of faughtor : an(T
followed that monotonous voice :
‘ Ralph Roanoke Will stand nnother
hour on his left leg, and the first one who
laughs shall keep him company.’
This second hour on t’other leg com
pletely smoothed downfall Ralphs impu
dence, and the latter cause, took the gria
off the faces of all mem-makera, and put
another Btripc on the (shoulders of the
great Captain Elihu II Howe.
li"htful than this rural school. We got , . -
= „ . . *, • i espoused thc cause of some other girl,
our breakfasts early in the morning, and ; ^P uu
mers in
reaching the school-lrouse
tions serve every turn in life. They are; sant j y on the fatal day. It was in its ‘Then I shan’t work.’ ‘But/ said I,
offered as congratulations to the joyful ] as ^ journey for that day that it took up ‘ twelve yxccM/s will not last forever,
and consolation to the sad; as incentives Madame Roland and an old trembling! ‘Who has seen to-morrow/ said he, turn-
to the listless and reasons tor the impor- man 3ame d Lamarche. The mob, revel-; ing his back on me.
tunate. Behind them, as behind impreg-! bn g j n blood, shouted, ‘A la guillotine! j ~
nable breastworks, she defies the world. ;« p am going there/she answered ; ‘but! The greatest man i3 he who chooses
Having fallen into the common error! those who send me thither will not be j the right with invincible resolution; who
that the = heart, or at least its natural and long ere they follow. I go innocent; but resists the sorest temptations from within
kindly sympathies with the world, must they will come stained with blood, and and without; who bears the hcav-cst
rrcitin^ our lessons* the time flow so rup- j _ _ , *
rccmn 0 our » 1 licious in me, aud, I deserved even a more
idiv that twelve o clock was upon ns be-| liuuual / * . , ,,
^ n W qq thp severe punishment than I received^ Lut
Ft?re we were aware of xfc. Ania was the j i • . ,,
l ‘thr>n : there was some little excuse for me r for
no matter what^disturtence occuriti be
tween tbe girls, Ire»e was sure to be
commencement of play-time, an-
each fellow took out his basket, and seat
ed himself on a green grass-plot, in the
centre of which was a line spiing. Me
mixed up with it- Doubtless the eclat
Hen maids be kind and speak your mind,
Nor sav one thinjj and mean another !j
7h«7™7h IVep, U»g»t Irleod or brotk.r! dccrciisc as tho intellect increases, Mi® ; jott who .pphmd onr execut, on, mil then hardens cheerful ly; rto u .ho calmest
Evans adheres to the no less common applaud theirs.’ Thc mob answered her m storms, and whose enhance on truth,, >0 choosy
error that the tnind, given os bj God as! with the vilest insults and grossest opt- on virtue, on God, ts the most nn<enng. health,, and t o«
the greatest of blessings, thc cultivation I thets. Youth and bcanr, could no more —' i •<* U0 “ d .
” 1 - - 1 Men of genius are often, d iil and inert j hours, and by five &ek>e* we were
be of necessity, a curse—that intellect, man uic sigut u* »uu.u«u S — society; as the blazing meteor, when«» n S| aB d in
=«T»rr>Bl-. connected.— j her side could draw forth pity. Lamurehe j it ucseenus to thc earth, is only a stone. | Llihx wa~ a
t wnicp was a u. obtaill ed from thc whole school of
ate our fru^l bieals, and discussed the ; 1 .
aTe our iru_, * : (r ; r i s f, ;r espousing their cause was the
plans for spending the play-hours. Many j o*» e ' P° °
and various were the
Irish Wit.—On raurningto his fam
ily, after an absence of some weeks, Capt.
Johnson had been d(;iven from Kings
town to Dublin by a c;|rmau,.who, looking;
‘discontentedly at thtffair paid him, said,.
‘ Sure, your hono^ will give a. trifle-
more than this V j
‘ NoFa rap/ said the captain.
‘Bad luck to mi.but you would/ per
sisted Paudge, ‘if you knew all then.’
‘What do you. mean?’ asked Johnson,
‘Faix, datVtelli'n; any ^iy; and’is It
only for my fair L’m to telFtVe’ news?.’
‘Well, well/ said the captain, ‘1
another shilling. Now what has
pened V
‘Sorra thc' harm at all,
jteu.’d begrudge a lij
to know that I
miles /fthout*
Female PophlJ
wishes to bc a general fave
female acquaintances she
mit them to outdress hes^
tent they are on gowg
the more profound
her who totally dis;
any one look amoo‘
and see if she who
of less pretension t
around her.
In all governments,
cessity be both the law
law3 without arms
No man deserves to be praised for his
godness, unless he has strength of char-
ae-r to be wicked.
Youth and beaury could no more ;
of which is required as a holy duty, must excite admiration in their ferocious hearts ;
curse,-—that intellect than thc sight of trcmblin
and misery are inseparably con
i Piay-IIOUife. 1UO.U y o * . . , , v nuuuuu ani»5 WOU
games from which ! ruling m olive I u niy mind .ooverbahmee ^
exercise »Wk the iujusricc 1 wa? doing to OBe. IreocL ^ would produce,*
reportety™ 8 to Elihu.
Among his other rare qualities, Elihu
had an inventive genius, and disdained
repeating diimSclf or copying any body
play-time lasted
again for three
He would rather let a hoy go un-